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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Child sexual abuse by teachers in secondary schools in the Masvingo District, Zimbabwe : perceptions of selected stakeholders

Simuforosa, Magwa 09 1900 (has links)
Child sexual abuse is a widespread problem in schools globally. Learners are at risk of sexual abuse by teachers. This study set out to explore the perceptions of learners, teachers and educational psychologists on child sexual abuse by teachers in schools. Literature relating to child sexual abuse was reviewed with the aim of obtaining a solid theoretical foundation for the study. The study is informed by the systems theory. In an attempt to provide acceptable answers to the research problem the qualitative phenomenological design was employed and semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data. Purposive sampling was used to select schools and participants in the Masvingo district in Zimbabwe. The schools selected are one rural day, one rural boarding, one urban day and one urban boarding. A total of 8 learners, 2 from each school, 8 teachers, 2 from each school and 3 educational psychologists from the district offices were selected bringing to a total of 19 participants. Accepted ethical measures were adhered to during the study. Tesch’s open coding method of data analysis was used to identify themes and categories. The study indicated that child sexual abuse in schools is rampant and that teachers are among the perpetrators of this abuse. Child sexual abuse in schools is defined by the study as the unwelcome contact or non-contact sexual behaviour by a teacher on a learner. Findings from the study reveal that girls are more vulnerable to sexual abuse than boys and male teachers sexually abuse learners more than female teachers do. There are physical, behavioural, emotional and educational indicators of child sexual abuse. According to the results of the study multiple factors cause teachers to sexually abuse learners. Some of these factors include abuse of power by teachers, poverty of learners, lust on the part of the teacher, and disregard of law by teachers. Students were said to sometimes be contributors to their own sexual abuse through their seductive behaviours and dressing. It emerged from the study that child sexual abuse by teachers has a host of negative physical, emotional, psychological and educational repercussions on the sexually abused learner. It results in serious health effects such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), unwanted pregnancy and psychological trauma. Poor academic performance and failure to complete education are consequences of sexual abuse. Findings from the study revealed that child sexual abuse by teachers in schools should not be tolerated and thus it should be prevented. In light of these findings recommendations are made with regards to how various stakeholders in the school namely the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Zimbabwe, policy makers, school heads, teachers, parents and learners can help fight this scourge. Areas for further research are proposed. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Client perception of service delivery in the South African Police Service commmunity service centres in the greater Durban area

Ngobese, Ndabezinhle 16 October 2012 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in compliance with the requirements for Master's Degree of Technology: Marketing, Retail and Public Relations, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of members of the public towards South African Police Service (SAPS), service delivery in the Community Service Centre (CSC) in the greater Durban area. The focus of the study was based on measurement of service quality dimension and service delivery in order to generate quality models for SAPS CSC. This study focuses on the determination of client perception of quality at the SAPS CSC. The main objective was to develop an understanding of the clients‟ perception of the service delivery by the SAPS CSC. The Servqual Model was used to establish the client‟s perceptions against their expectations of service quality at the SAPS CSC. The person-administered survey was used as the most appropriate technique. Four hundred respondents were surveyed. The data was analysed using Descriptive and Inferential statistics. The five service quality dimensions of the Servqual Model were used to measure client‟s expectations and perceptions. The results indicated that in all five service quality dimensions; (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) there was a negative quality gap. The significant differences between perception and expectation of clients in all five service quality dimensions were noted. Improvement is needed across all five service quality dimensions to improve service delivery. Furthermore, the result has revealed that client‟s perception of service quality at the SAPS CSC falls below their expectations, presenting a great challenge to the organisation. In order to improve service quality, it is recommended that SAPS need to regularly assess and monitor employees, as well as clients experiences and provide feedback.

Reclamações trabalhistas e eficiência econômica / Labor complaints and economic efficiency

Castelani, Sergio André 26 September 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação investiga a relação entre eficiência econômica e reclamações trabalhistas. Especificamente, neste trabalho desenvolvemos um modelo teórico baseado na Teoria dos Jogos que explica o funcionamento econômico dos casos de reclamações trabalhistas, com ênfase na escolha entre soluções negociadas ou litigiosas para as mesmas. O texto dá atenção especial ao sistema existente no Brasil das Câmaras de Conciliação Prévia. Também testamos empiricamente as conclusões teóricas do modelo, para obter apoio empírico às suas previsões. Com base nas evidências obtidas, sugerimos alguns aperfeiçoamentos para melhorar o funcionamento das regras de solução das reclamações trabalhistas para extrair maior eficiência econômica destes procedimentos. / This dissertation investigates the relationship between economic efficiency and labor complaints. Specifically, this work developed a theoretical model based on Games Theory which explains the economic functioning of labor complaints cases, with emphasis on the choice between negotiated or litigant solutions to them. The text gives special attention to the existing system in Brazil called Câmaras de Conciliação Prévia (Prior Conciliation Boards). Moreover, we also have tested empirically the conclusions of the theoretical model, aiming to find empirical support to its forecasts. Based on the evidence obtained, we suggest some improvements to the functioning of the labor complaints solution rules, in order to extract greater economic efficiency from these procedures.

Притужбе грађана као облик контроле рада полиције / Pritužbe građana kao oblik kontrole rada policije / Citizens’ Complaints as Form of the Control of Police Work

Bikarević Darko 29 November 2017 (has links)
<p>Предмет истраживања ове дисертације су притужбе грађана против полицијског<br />службеника ако сматра да су му незаконитом или неправилном радњом полицијског<br />службеника повређена права или слободе, односно притужбени поступак који се<br />спроводи у Министарству унутрашњих послова, у циљу утврђивања тачног чињеничног стања и предузимања мера одговорности према полицијском<br />службенику, за кога се утврди да је повредио права и слободе грађана.</p><p>Основни циљ истраживања предметне проблематике је у функцији утврђивања<br />целисходности вођења притужбеног поступка са позиције грађана, који се<br />притужује да су му повређена права или слободе. Други циљ је приказивање значаја<br />улоге коју има контрола рада полиције путем решавања притужби на заштити и<br />остварењу људских права и слобода, као и да се са проблемски орјентисаног аспекта сагледа начин вођења притужбеног поступка и презентују одређене тешкоће и специфичности које отежавају његово спровођење, уз предлагање мера за њихово<br />превазилажење.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije su pritužbe građana protiv policijskog<br />službenika ako smatra da su mu nezakonitom ili nepravilnom radnjom policijskog<br />službenika povređena prava ili slobode, odnosno pritužbeni postupak koji se<br />sprovodi u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova, u cilju utvrđivanja tačnog činjeničnog stanja i preduzimanja mera odgovornosti prema policijskom<br />službeniku, za koga se utvrdi da je povredio prava i slobode građana.</p><p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja predmetne problematike je u funkciji utvrđivanja<br />celishodnosti vođenja pritužbenog postupka sa pozicije građana, koji se<br />pritužuje da su mu povređena prava ili slobode. Drugi cilj je prikazivanje značaja<br />uloge koju ima kontrola rada policije putem rešavanja pritužbi na zaštiti i<br />ostvarenju ljudskih prava i sloboda, kao i da se sa problemski orjentisanog aspekta sagleda način vođenja pritužbenog postupka i prezentuju određene teškoće i specifičnosti koje otežavaju njegovo sprovođenje, uz predlaganje mera za njihovo<br />prevazilaženje.</p> / <p>The subject of the research of this thesis are citizens&rsquo; complaints against police officers if they deem that their rights or freedoms have been violated as a result of illegal or irregular work of a police officer, i.e. complaint procedure that is conducted in the Ministry of Interior in order to determine the facts and take measures against the police officer who has violated rights and freedoms of a citizen.</p><p>The main goal of the research of the subject issue is to determine the purpose of conducting the complaint procedure from the position of a citizen, who complaints that his or her rights or freedoms have been violated. The second goal is to show the role that the control of the police work by resolving complaints has in protecting and achieving human rights and freedoms, as well as reviewing, from a problem-solving aspect, the manner of conducting the complaint procedure, and to showcase certain difficulties and characteristics that hinder its implementation,</p>

Teoria della mente ed emozione: studi su bambini in età scolare / Theory of Mind and Emotion: Studies on School Age Children

CAVALLI, GIULIA 21 February 2008 (has links)
La teoria della mente (toM) è la capacità di attribuire stati mentali a se' e agli altri e di prevedere il comportamento sulla base di essi. recentemente gli studiosi della tom hanno adottato un'ottica life-span (che ha portato alla costruzione di nuovi strumenti per valutare la tom) e iniziato a studiare le differenze individuali in questa capacità (includendo la comprensione delle emozioni e i legami tra tom e funzionamento socio-emotivo). Il presente lavoro ha lo scopo di approfondire lo studio dello sviluppo della comprensione di stati mentali (epistemici ed emotivi) e i suoi legami con le difficoltà emotive nei bambini. Affronta così alcune nuove tematiche nell'ambito degli studi sulla tom, relative alla valutazione della tom in bambini con sviluppo tipico frequentanti la scuola primaria e la relazione tra tom e problemi internalizzanti. Viene presentato un nuovo compito avanzato di ToM e la sua validazione e standardizzazione su un campione italiano di bambini di 6.5-11.4 anni: il voice test. esso valuta l'abilità di comprendere stati mentali complessi da indici vocali. Infine, viene studiata la relazione tra tom e rischio psicologico e, in particolare, analizzato il legame tra la scarsa tom e le frequenti lamentele somatiche nei bambini in eta' scolare. / Theory of Mind (ToM) is the ability to impute mental states to the self e to the others as a way of making sense and predicting behaviour. Recently ToM researchers has been adopted a life span perspective, that leads to the construction of new instruments to assess ToM, and studied individual differences in ToM, including emotion understanding and the relationship between ToM and socio-emotional functioning. The present work is aimed to analyze deeper the development of mental states (both epistemic and emotional) understanding and its link with emotional difficulties, dealing with some novel topics within ToM studies, regarding ToM assessment in school age children and the relationship between ToM and internalizing problems. After reviewing ToM studies, it presents the Voice Test, a new advanced ToM instrument, and its validation and standardization on an Italian school age children sample aged 6,5-11,4 years; the test assesses the ability to understand a wide range of complex mental states from vocal cues. finally, it is studied the relationship between ToM and psychological risk and, in particular, it points out the link between poor ToM and frequent somatic complaints in a normal school age children population.

Adolescent self-reported health in the Umeå region : Associations with behavioral, parental and school factors / Självrapporterad hälsa hos ungdomar i Umeåregionen, och dess samband med normrelaterat beteende samt med föräldra- och skolfaktorer

Nygren, Karina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis consists of a quantitative and a qualitative study. The quantitative study (articles I-III) aimed to examine how self-reported health in adolescence is associated with behavioral, parental, and school factors. Through a survey directed at all adolescents in grades 7-9, data were collected in 2005 in a region in northern Sweden (n=5060). Statistical methods were used to analyze the survey data: chi2tests, multivariate logistic regressions and multilevel logistic regressions. Results showed that even though most adolescents reported good health, there were also rather large proportions of adolescents who reported headaches, stomach aches and feelings of stress. Girls reported poor health to a higher extent than boys, a difference that was larger in grade 9 than in grade 7. The results also showed that being norm compliant was associated with good self-reported health. Furthermore, perceiving relations and communication with parents as poor was associated with poor self-reported health; however, this relationship could not explain gender differences in self-reported health. Continuing on, analyses showed that there exist greater variations in self-reported health between students (within a school) than between different schools. On an individual level, poor relations to teachers, bullying and truancy were associated with poor general health. The qualitative study  (article IV) sought to examine barriers to and facilitators of utilization of local school survey results within a school setting. In 2011, 21 school district managers and principals within a Swedish municipality were interviewed. Analyses were performed using a qualitative content analysis. The results from the qualitative study showed that the dissemination and utilization of school survey results appeared as two interrelated phases in one process. Barriers and facilitators differed qualitatively depending on the phase, dissemination or utilization. In conclusion, professionals as well as researchers need to consider the complexity of adolescent health and its social determinants. Adolescent health is a concern for multiple sectors in society, which highlights the need for further development of collaborations between professionals in relevant fields, such as health care, school and social services. / Den här avhandlingen består av en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ studie. Syftet med den kvantitativa studien (artikel I-III) var att undersöka sambandet mellan ungdomars självrapporterade hälsa och deras normrelaterade beteende samt föräldra- och skolfaktorer. Data samlades in under 2005, genom en enkät som riktade sig till alla ungdomar i årskurs 7-9 i en region i norra Sverige (n=5060). De statistiska metoder som användes i den kvantitativa studien var bland annat chi2- test, logistisk regression samt flernivåanalys. Resultaten visade att även om de flesta ungdomar rapporterade en god allmän hälsa, så var det också en relativt stor andel som rapporterade huvudvärk, magont samt upplevelser av stress. Flickor rapporterade sämre hälsa än pojkar, en skillnad som var större i åk 9 jämfört med åk 7. Resultaten visade också att normföljsamhet hade ett signifikant samband med god självrapporterad hälsa. De ungdomar som upplevde relationen och kommunikationen med sina föräldrar som dålig, rapporterade också dålig hälsa i högre utsträckning än övriga. Sambandet mellan självrapporterad hälsa och föräldrarelationer kunde inte förklara skillnaderna i ohälsa mellan pojkar och flickor. Vidare, analyser visade att det fanns större variationer i självrapporterad hälsa mellan ungdomar (inom en skola) än mellan olika skolor. Dåliga relationer med lärare, skolk, samt att bli utsatt för mobbning hade ett signifikant samband med dålig självrapporterad hälsa, på en individuell nivå. Syftet med den kvalitativa studien (artikel IV) var att undersöka vilka faktorer inom skolan som möjliggör och som utgör barriärer för användningen av enkätresultaten från en lokal skolenkät. 2011 genomfördes 21 intervjuer med skolområdeschefer och rektorer inom en kommun i Sverige. Analyser av intervjumaterialet genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultaten från denna studie visade att spridningen och användningen av resultaten från skolenkäten kan beskrivas som två relaterade faser i en process. De faktorer som underlättade samt utgjorde barriärer för spridningen och användningen av enkätresultaten var kvalitativt olika varandra beroende på vilken fas i processen respondenterna hänvisade till. Dessa resultat illustrerar den mångfacetterade komplexitet som inryms i ungdomars hälsa och dess sociala determinanter, en komplexitet som både forskare och professionella behöver ta hänsyn till. Ungdomars hälsa angår ett flertal samhällssektorer, vilket visar på betydelsen av en fortsatt utveckling av samverkan mellan professionella inom exempelvis hälso- och sjukvården, skolan och socialtjänsten.

Towards press freedom through self-regulation : trends in South African press ombudsman cases (August 2007 – August 2011) / Gloria Dorothea Elizabeth Edwards

Edwards, Gloria Dorothea Elizabeth January 2012 (has links)
Recent attacks on media freedom in South Africa, that includes the ruling ANC party’s proposal for statutory regulation of the press, have seen press self-regulation fiercely contested and the ombudsman of the Press Council of South Africa (PCSA) defending the press’ constitutional right to freedom of expression. Extensive arguments have been made by government, the public and the press for other forms of press regulation, such as statutory and independent co-regulation. In addition no accurate, detailed trends arising from complaints the ombudsman has dealt with in recent years, have been freely available on which arguments in such a debate could be based. This research analyses the complaints dealt with by the press ombudsman in recent years in order to evaluate the present self-regulatory system, which is based primarily on the theories of freedom of expression and social responsibility of the press. The analyses involves determining what trends exist in complaints cases that the ombudsman, Joe Thloloe, has dealt with since he took office in August 2007, until August 2011 when a Review of his office was published by the PCSA. The study takes a qualitative approach, with some degree of quantification, and utilises document analysis and qualitative content analysis as data collection methods to analyse 593 cases, with specific focus on government complaints which form 15% of all cases analysed. The findings reflect that the ombudsman’s approach in dealing with complaints was fair, that he displayed intolerance for transgressions and that his rulings were free of any obvious bias. This is evident in, amongst other findings, the very few appeals lodged against his rulings and even less successful appeals. In addition the press often voluntarily corrected their mistakes before prompted by the ombudsman. The findings also dispel some of the ANC’s criticisms that have led to its calls for statutory press regulation, such as the public and government’s acceptance of the self-regulation system, complaints from government largely having involved accuracy and not privacy as the ANC claimed, and that government’s failure to sign the legal waiver often resulted in cases being dismissed. The findings also point to a significant increase in complaints, specifically from government, in the year 2010, which is the year in which the ANC renewed its calls for statutory regulation. This does not necessarily reflect a sudden decline in the quality of journalism but rather indicates that the ruling party differed fundamentally in its philosophical thinking regarding the press, which was perhaps informed by a developmental model of the press rather than the social responsibility model on which the present system is based. In this sense the government sees it fit to interfere or censor the press if it feels the system is not performing. The findings show the ombudsman’s office lacked proper record-keeping from which accurate statistics could be derived, leaving a gap for criticism against the ombudsman. In addition, most often complaints against newspapers involved accuracy and fairness (such as not asking for comment). As is evident in several complaints falling outside the ombudsman’s mandate and the high number of dismissed cases, the findings also point to a lack of awareness or information of the system and of the ombudsman’s roles. In light of the theoretical frameworks that set out how the self-regulation system, which is entrenched in the notion of press freedom, can enhance the cause of press freedom by its ombudsman enforcing a socially responsible Press Code, the findings ultimately lead to the conclusion that the ombudsman’s work has advanced the cause of press freedom in South Africa during the research period. / Thesis (MA (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Towards press freedom through self-regulation : trends in South African press ombudsman cases (August 2007 – August 2011) / Gloria Dorothea Elizabeth Edwards

Edwards, Gloria Dorothea Elizabeth January 2012 (has links)
Recent attacks on media freedom in South Africa, that includes the ruling ANC party’s proposal for statutory regulation of the press, have seen press self-regulation fiercely contested and the ombudsman of the Press Council of South Africa (PCSA) defending the press’ constitutional right to freedom of expression. Extensive arguments have been made by government, the public and the press for other forms of press regulation, such as statutory and independent co-regulation. In addition no accurate, detailed trends arising from complaints the ombudsman has dealt with in recent years, have been freely available on which arguments in such a debate could be based. This research analyses the complaints dealt with by the press ombudsman in recent years in order to evaluate the present self-regulatory system, which is based primarily on the theories of freedom of expression and social responsibility of the press. The analyses involves determining what trends exist in complaints cases that the ombudsman, Joe Thloloe, has dealt with since he took office in August 2007, until August 2011 when a Review of his office was published by the PCSA. The study takes a qualitative approach, with some degree of quantification, and utilises document analysis and qualitative content analysis as data collection methods to analyse 593 cases, with specific focus on government complaints which form 15% of all cases analysed. The findings reflect that the ombudsman’s approach in dealing with complaints was fair, that he displayed intolerance for transgressions and that his rulings were free of any obvious bias. This is evident in, amongst other findings, the very few appeals lodged against his rulings and even less successful appeals. In addition the press often voluntarily corrected their mistakes before prompted by the ombudsman. The findings also dispel some of the ANC’s criticisms that have led to its calls for statutory press regulation, such as the public and government’s acceptance of the self-regulation system, complaints from government largely having involved accuracy and not privacy as the ANC claimed, and that government’s failure to sign the legal waiver often resulted in cases being dismissed. The findings also point to a significant increase in complaints, specifically from government, in the year 2010, which is the year in which the ANC renewed its calls for statutory regulation. This does not necessarily reflect a sudden decline in the quality of journalism but rather indicates that the ruling party differed fundamentally in its philosophical thinking regarding the press, which was perhaps informed by a developmental model of the press rather than the social responsibility model on which the present system is based. In this sense the government sees it fit to interfere or censor the press if it feels the system is not performing. The findings show the ombudsman’s office lacked proper record-keeping from which accurate statistics could be derived, leaving a gap for criticism against the ombudsman. In addition, most often complaints against newspapers involved accuracy and fairness (such as not asking for comment). As is evident in several complaints falling outside the ombudsman’s mandate and the high number of dismissed cases, the findings also point to a lack of awareness or information of the system and of the ombudsman’s roles. In light of the theoretical frameworks that set out how the self-regulation system, which is entrenched in the notion of press freedom, can enhance the cause of press freedom by its ombudsman enforcing a socially responsible Press Code, the findings ultimately lead to the conclusion that the ombudsman’s work has advanced the cause of press freedom in South Africa during the research period. / Thesis (MA (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Exploring patterns of empirical networks / Utforska mönster av empiriska nätverk

Rocha, Luis E C January 2011 (has links)
We are constantly struggling to understand how nature works, trying to identify recurrent events and looking for analogies and relations between objects or individuals. Knowing patterns of behavior is powerful and fundamental for survival of any species. In this thesis, datasets of diverse systems related to transportation, economics, sexual and social contacts, are characterized by using the formalisms of time series and network theory. Part of the results consists on the collection and analyzes of original network data, the rest focuses on the simulation of dynamical processes on these networks and to study how they are affected by the particular structures. The majority of the thesis is about temporal networks, i.e. networks whose structure changes in time. The new temporal dimension reveals structural dynamical properties that help to understand the feedback mechanisms responsible to make the network structure to adapt and to understand the emergence and inhibition of diverse phenomena in dynamic systems, as epidemics in sexual and contact networks. / Vi är ständigt kämpar för att förstå hur naturen fungerar, försöker identifier återkommande evenemang och söker analogier och relationer mellan objekt eller individer. Veta beteendemönster är kraftfull och grundläggande för överlevnad av arter. I denna avhandling, dataset av olika system i samband med transporter är ekonomi, sexuella och sociala kontakter, som kännetecknas av att använda formalismer av tidsserier och nätverk teori. En del av resultatet utgörs av insamling och analys av ursprungliga nätdata, fokuserar resten på simulering av dynamiska processer i dessa nätverk och att studera hur de påverkas av de särskilda strukturer. Huvuddelen av avhandlingen handlar om tidsmässiga nät, i.e. nät vars struktur förändringar i tid. Den nya tidsdimensionen avslöjar strukturella dynamiska egenskaper som hjälper till att förstå den feedback mekanismer som ansvarar för att göra nätverksstruktur att anpassa sig och förstå uppkomsten och hämning av olika företeelser i dynamiska system, epidemier i sexuella och kontaktnät. / Constantemente nos esforçamos para entender como a natureza funciona, tentando identificar eventos recorrentes e procurando por analogias e relações entre objetos ou indivíduos. Conhecer padrões de comportamento é algo poderoso e fundamental para a sobrevivência de qualquer espécie. Nesta tese, dados de sistemas diversos, relacionados a transporte, economia, contatos sexuais e sociais, são caracterizados usando o formalismo de séries temporais e teoria de redes. Uma parte dos resultados consiste na coleta e análise de dados de redes originais, a outra parte concentra-se na simulação de processos dinâmicos nessas redes e no estudo de como esses processos são afetados por determinadas estruturas. A maior parte da tese é sobre redes temporais, ou seja, redes cuja estrutura varia no tempo. A nova dimensão temporal revela propriedades estruturais dinâmicas que contribuem para o entendimento dos mecanismos de resposta responsáveis pela adaptação da rede, e para o entendimento da emergência e inibição de fenômenos diversos em sistemas dinâmicos, como epidemias em redes sexuais e de contato pessoal.

An evaluation of service delivery at Germiston police station

Maboa, Cathrine Kgomotso 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study is to establish how clients of the Germiston police station experience service delivery from personnel at their local police station and how police officials perceive their service delivery. This research wants to determine the extent of knowledge skills and attitude within the SAPS. The main objective was to evaluate services delivered by SAPS personnel. A qualitative research approach was chosen because it is flexible. The results of the study identified gaps. A significant shortage of personnel in the client service centre was noted. Furthermore, the results revealed that there is poor management and evaluation of the service delivery process. To have an effective and efficient service delivery process, it is recommended that the management of Germiston police station re-enforce legislation on service delivery and human resource capacity with the introduction of a customer service agent in the client service center and implement a monitoring and evaluation strategy. / Inhloso yocwaningo ngukubheka ukuthi abahlinzekwa usizo esiteshini samaphoyisa saseGermiston baluthola kanjani usizo esiteshini samaphoyisa sendawo nokuthi amaphoyisa akubona kanjani ukuhlinzeka kwawo usizo. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuveza izinga lamakhono olwazi kanye nokuziphatha ophikweni lamaphoyisa iSAPS. Injongo enkulu kwakuwukuhlaziywa usizo oluhlinzekwa abasebenzi bakwaSAPS. Kwakhethwa indlela yocwaningo ebheka amaqiniso ngoba iyaququleka. Imiphumela yocwaningo yaveza izindawo okungenzeki kahle kuzona. Kwabonakala ukuntuleka okukhulu kwabasebenzi esikhungweni sosizo okuhlinzekwa kubantu. Phezu kwalokho, imiphumela yaveza ukuthi kunokungaphathwa ngendlela nokungahlaziywa kahle kohlelo lokuhlinzekwa kosizo. Ukuze kube khona uhlelo lokuhlinzekwa kosizo olusebenza ngempumelelo nangokonga, kunconywa ukuba abaphathi besiteshi samaphoyisa saseGermiston baphoqe iqoqomthetho maqondana nokuhlinzekwa kosizo, mayelana nabasebenzi abanele kanye nokulethwa komuntu ozobhekana nezindaba zokugculiseka kwamakhasimende esikhungweni sosizo oluhlinzekwa kubantu futhi kuqale kulandelwe isu lokuqapha nokuhlaziya. / Maikemišetšo a thutelo ye ke go hlagiša ka moo badirelwa ba seteišene sa maphodisa sa Germiston ba itemogelago kabo ya ditirela go tšwa go bašomedi ba seteišeneng sa maphodisa sa tikologong ya bona le ka moo bahlankedi ba maphodiša ba bonago kabo ya ditirelo tša bona ka gona. Nyakišišo ye e nyaka go laetša bogolo bja go ba le tsebo le boitshwaro ka go SAPS. Maikemišetšo a magolo e be e le go lekola ditirelo tšeo di abilwego ke bašomedi ba SAPS. Mokgwatebelelo wa dinyakišišo ka go rerišana le banyakišišwa ore o be le kwešišo ya seo o se nyakišišago o kgethilwe ka gobane o ka fetolwa gabonolo. Dipoelo tša thutelo tlhokego ya tshedimošo ye e lekanego. Tlhaelo ye e bonagalago ya bašomedi senthareng ya go direla badirelwa e lemogilwe. Godimo ga moo, dipoela di utollotše gore go na le tshepedišo ye e fokolago ya taolo le tshekatsheko ya kabo ya ditirelo. Gore go be le tshepedišo ye e kgontšhago ya kabo ya ditirelo, go eletšwa gore bolaodi bja seteišene sa maphodisa sa Germiston bo tlaleletše maatla a melao ya kabo ya ditirelo le bokgoni bja dithuši tša batho ka godira gore go be le Modiri wa kabo ya ditirelo senthareng ya dirirelo tša badirelwa le go phethagatša maanotshepetšo a go lebeledišiša le tekolo. / Criminology and Security Science / M. A. (Criminal Justice)

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