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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelagem paramétrica para análise termoenergética de edificações nas fases iniciais de projeto. / Parametric modeling for thermoenergetic analysis in early design stages of buildings.

Tamanini Junior, Tiago 18 June 2019 (has links)
O trabalho na arquitetura sempre se baseou em processos e raciocínios lógicos, seguindo um fluxo de informações para solucionar questões referentes ao habitat humano. A partir da década de 1960 iniciou-se o desenvolvimento de métodos de incorporação da computação no trabalho do arquiteto, buscando tornar o processo de projeto mais eficiente. Entretanto, a influência do uso de ferramentas computacionais nas fases iniciais de projeto ainda é pouco explorada. A grande maioria dos arquitetos continua utilizando métodos tradicionais para a geração da forma, utilizando o computador simplesmente como suporte, sem aproveitar seu grande potencial para a realização de tarefas repetitivas na geração de alternativas. Os novos sistemas de modelagem paramétrica têm revolucionado essa fase do trabalho, mas ainda obrigam o arquiteto a se adaptar aos métodos e metáforas escolhidos por seus programadores, reduzindo sua liberdade de criação. Somado a esse fator, o surgimento de certificações ambientais e etiquetas de eficiência energética tem envolvido esforços para o desenvolvimento de métodos quantitativos para análise de projetos de edificações. Desse modo, projetar um edifício sustentável é sinônimo de quantificar seu impacto. A simulação computacional permite avaliar a quantidade desses impactos nas edificações, tornando possível analisar esses danos ainda em fase de projeto. Em atenção à necessidade do uso de simuladores nas etapas iniciais de projeto e à integração destes aos programas de modelagem paramétrica, desenvolvedores vêm realizando esforços para suprir essa lacuna. O progresso nesse campo de estudo tem sido realizado em integrar os motores de simulação termoenergética computacional existentes aos programas BIM (Building Information Modeling). Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um fluxo de trabalho para geração de um modelo paramétrico a partir de design algorítmico em estudos de viabilidade de edificações para análise termoenergética. O trabalho utiliza o Dynamo do Revit como ferramenta de design algorítmico para gerar a volumetria 3D automatizada para edifícios de escritórios e compara esse modelo à interoperabilidade BIM-CAD-BEM e BIM-BEM. O primeiro processo testa arquivos STL e DWG do sistema CAD exportados ao SketchUp e convertidos no Euclid para simulação computacional, sendo verificados posteriormente no EnergyPlus. O segundo processo exporta o modelo BIM gerado por massa conceitual e por elementos construtivos gerados no Dynamo e Revit diretamente para o Insight 360 e depois os exporta para o EnergyPlus. É realizada então uma análise comparativa aos modelos gerados em CAD e BIM. Os resultados validam para uma interoperabildiade mais confiável na proposta entre os modelos BIM e BEM, pois os arquivos CAD não suportam configurações de energia. A proposta de automatização de design algorítmico para geração de volumes 3D para o BIM e simulação se mostra viável, mas ainda é limitada pela integração entre os softwares. / The work in architecture has always been based on processes and logical thinking, following a flow of information to solve questions concerning human habitat. From the 1960s onwards, the development of methods of incorporating computing into the architect\'s work began, making the design process more efficient. However, the influence of the use of computational tools in the early design stages is still little explored. The vast majority of architects continue to use traditional methods for form generation, using the computer only as support, without taking advantage of their great potential for performing repetitive tasks in the generation of alternatives. The new parametric modeling systems have revolutionized this stage of the work, but still compel the architect to adapt to the methods and metaphors chosen by their programmers, reducing their freedom of design. Added to this factor, the emergence of environmental certifications and energy efficiency labels has involved efforts to develop quantitative methods for analysis of building projects. In this way, designing a sustainable building is synonymous of quantifying its impact. The computational simulation allows to evaluate the amount of these impacts in the buildings, making it possible to analyze these damages still in the design stage. Due to the need to use simulators in the early design stages and to the integration of these to parametric modeling programs, developers have been making efforts to fill this gap. The progress in this field of study has been realized in integrating the existent computational thermos-energetic simulation engines to the BIM (Building Information Modeling) programs. Therefore, the objective of this work is to develop a workflow for generating a parametric model from algorithmic design in feasibility studies for thermoenergetic analysis of buildings. The work uses Revit Dynamo as an algorithmic design tool to generate automated 3D volumetry for office buildings and compares this model between BIM-CAD-BEM and BIM-BEM interoperability. The first process tests CAD system with STL and DWG files exported to SketchUp and converted to Euclid for energy computer simulation and later verified in EnergyPlus. The second process exports the BIM model generated by conceptual mass and building elements generated in Dynamo and Revit directly to Insight 360 and then exports them to EnergyPlus. A comparative analysis is then made to the models generated in CAD and BIM. The results validate for a more accurate interoperability in the proposal between the BIM and BEM models, because CAD files do not support energy settings. The proposed algorithm design automation for 3D volume generation for BIM and simulation is feasible, but it is still limited by the integration between the programs.

Rethinking The Architectural Design Process Through Its Computable Body Of Knowledge

Ergun, Eser 01 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis assumes the architectural design process as a systematic study, in which knowledge is stored, organized and operated on by computational methods. From this perspective, the study explores the efforts for systemizing the architectural design process. Firstly, the focus is on the early approaches of systemizing design in the Design Methods Movement. The thesis identifies and evaluates the use of a number of critical concepts in this movement and in recent architecture practice, in order to see the development and transformation of design methods in terms of computing knowledge in a systematic way. The thesis evaluates the features that make design systematic within the Design Methods Movement and inquires whether such features like complexity, hierarchy, feedback loops and selection are influential in recent computational design methods of architecture. The thesis looks into two generative design methods, namely evolutionary design and shape grammars, which have been studied by designers since the 1960s, the start of the Design Methods Movement. These two methods exemplify current systematic approaches to design and according to the thesis these are the instances of how recent architecture employs the features discussed as characteristic in the Design Methods Movement.

A Computational Architecture Methodology For Design In Traditional Tissue: The Case Of Kalkan

Kutay, Karabag 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study targets to address the problem of &#039 / new building in a traditional setting&#039 / , utilizing computational design tools. The intention is to provide a methodology for analysis of architectural features of a traditional tissue and moreover propose computational design strategies utilizing algorithms for processing analytical data serving new building design. In the introduction part, this goal is exposed as well as a critic discussion based on a conservationist perspective for contemporary examples of computational design. Contemporary digital tools and methods employed in the field of architecture are discussed with a focus on algorithmic approaches, followed by a brief history for utilization of computational tools and digital design philosophy in the following chapter. Moreover organic architecture is discussed as a complex entity composed of integral elements and their relations, as well as the designer

Adaptability Of Generative Algorithms: A Means To Sustaining The Dynamic Design Processes

Damdere, Ekin 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is an investigation focusing on the adaptability of generative systems in a dynamic design problem, where the problem definition changes according to the changing conditions of the environment and transforming needs of the architectural space. This thesis, instead of discussing the dynamicity of the design processes, investigates the use of an adaptable generative system in a case-specific dynamic design problem to sustain its changing problem definitions. The research mainly looks into the potentials of generative systems in terms of adaptability and develops a generative system that is able to transform its structure in accordance with the dynamic constraints of a complex design process.

Performative Architecture As A Guideline For Transformation Of The Defence Line Of Amsterdam

Albayrak, Canan 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The main topic that is researched in this study is: what performative architecture is and its role in the design process and product. In the scope of performative architecture the aim is to focus what a building does rather than what it is and the fact that architecture should have the capability of being adaptable to changing time, conditions and environment. A design problem is taken under consideration and designed from the scope of performative architecture. The design problem is the transformation of the Defence Line around Amsterdam, designing new buildings with the recent technologies as additions to the forts remaining from 1900&rsquo / s. A &ldquo / performative model&rdquo / , which supports design from the conceptual stage until production of scale prototypes is structured by the author for this specific design problem. This performative model is used as a case study for the research of the role of the computational design tools in the design process and product of performative architecture. In addition to the design process, the role of using computer

Constructing Computational Models Of Nature For Architecture: A Case On Transcoding The Intelligence Of Cactus

Erdogan, Elif 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The environment of knowledge exchange between computation and biology elicits a contemporary approach towards architecture. Computation, as an overarching mode of thinking, instructs the analysis, understanding and reinterpretation of the un-formal structure of natural organizations (such as systematic construct, information flow, and process through time) for architectural form generation. Consequently, the computing theory originates a mind-shift where processes, relations, and dependencies are a major concern for reconsidering and re-comprehending the environment. Besides, computation presents universal modes of thinking and tools for modeling, within which transdisciplinary studies and knowledge interchange between distinct disciplines are flourished. This thesis will discuss architectural form generation through interpreting computation as &ldquo / transcoding&rdquo / and an interface, while nature will be regarded as a &ldquo / model&rdquo / and a source for learning. A case study will be conducted by analyzing cactus plants and their common generative logic in the framework of computation. Consequently, the produced computational model of cactus plants will be scrutinized for probable outcomes, questioning what such a re-interpretation of natural systems may imply for architecture.

En studie av parameterstyrda modeller under projektering / A study of parametric models during the construction planning process

Noorzaei, Mehran January 2021 (has links)
Framgången i ett komplicerat byggprojekt bygger på välplanerad projektering som i sin tur är beroende av erfarna aktörer för att kunna vara konkurrenskraftig. Genom att utnyttja parameterstyrda modeller i bland annat repetitiva projekteringsprocesser kan även samarbetet mellan arkitekter, konstruktörer och projektörer effektiviseras. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka vikten av parameterstyrda modeller för byggbranschen tidigt i projekteringsfasen och bland annat identifiera fördelar och nackdelar genom en enkätundersökning och skapandet av en parameterstyrd bågbro i Grasshopper. Bland annat ges en introduktion i hur parameterstyrning av ett projekt skulle kunna genomföras och de möjligheter och utmaningar som följer. De frågeställningar som studien behandlar är: • I vilken utsträckning används parameterstyrning i branschen? • Vilka för- och nackdelar finns det med parameterstyrningsprocessen inom byggbranschen? • Vilka möjligheter och utmaningar medföljer parameterstyrd modellering? I dagsläget används inte parameterstyrning i stor utsträckning i Sverige. Ett fåtal aktörer nyttjar potentialen men alla ser värdet och möjligheterna. De närmsta åren kommer mer parameterstyrda modeller utvecklas av aktörer inom byggbranschen i Sverige och precis som 3D- modeller inte var standard för ett decennium sedan kommer förmodligen även parameterstyrda modeller bli allt vanligare. Nackdelarna med parameterstyrning är den initiala investeringen som krävs av företagen samt kompetensbristen och den utdragna inlärningsprocessen som medföljer. Fördelarna är många men de som primärt har identifierats är effektivisering av repetitiva arbetsuppgifter och modeller. Effektivisering av projekteringen i form av kostnadseffektivisering och anbud samt smidiga revideringar. Återanvändning av likartade projekt vilket hela tiden leder till förbättringar genom återkoppling av referensprojekt. De utmaningar som medföljer parameterstyrd modellering ställer stora krav på företag och framförallt utbildningsinstituten. Mer kompetens i form av programmering och datavetenskap bör integreras i utbildningarna för att minimera inlärningskurvan. Modelleringsverktyg som Revit, Rhinoceros och AutoCad underlättar övergången mellan traditionell modellering och parameterstyd modellering men utan grundläggande kunskaper i datavetenskap kommer de parameterstyrda modellerna vara begränsade. / A key to success in a complicated building project is the project planning itself and the people involved. To be competitive, repetitive tasks among others have to be automated with the use of parametric design. Computational design can greatly improve the collaboration between architects, designers and structural engineers. The aim of this study is to identify the use and importance of parametrized models in the Swedish construction industry by the use of survey research. This study will also develop an arch bridge with Grasshopper in Rhinoceros 6. After doing so the advantages and drawbacks of this type of modeling will be analyzed. The study revealed that the use of parametric design isn´t well established in the Swedish construction industry. Most companies that participated in this survey recognizes the possibilities and want to see a development in the area. The downside of computational design is the initial cost and lack of competence in the field. The knowledge required by the user is also a restriction for many companies, because well established scripts and stable models require an experienced and educated user. The advantages that´s primarily been identified in this study through the survey are the optimization of repetitive tasks and models as well as cost optimization in the initial planning phase. By reusing and improving scripts with each reference project each company can increase its competitiveness in their own area of expertise. This requires involvement from the educational institutes in the form of increased programming and computer sciences skills incorporated in the education of engineers. Whilst engineers with their modelling knowledge in traditional software can adapt to software´s like Grasshopper their lack of basic knowledge in computer science will restrict the complexity of the models themselves.

Protein Engineering Hydrophobic Core Residues of Computationally Designed Protein G and Single-Chain Rop: Investigating the Relationship between Protein Primary structure and Protein Stability through High-Throughput Approaches

Li, Weiyi 29 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Virtual humano, humano virtual: uma abordagem teórica da personagem em mundos virtuais / Virtual human, human virtual: a theoretical approach of characters in virtual worlds

Louro, Luciana Espíndola Corrêa 03 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:22:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Espindola Correa Louro.pdf: 3066986 bytes, checksum: 9797629b5a4b96ce2139340b2cd3234a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-03 / The main approach of this dissertation, entitled Virtual Human, Human Virtual, discuss the applicability of a virtual character's definition, classification and creative process in a conceptual and theoretical perspective. In fact, this perspective proposes to include cyberspace, philosophy, literary criticism and computer design's theories. In order to investigate this possibility, the chapters one and two, of this work, discuss the theoretical basis to propose a virtual characther's definition, classification, creative process's concept. Next, chapters three, four and five develops three cases studies to validate the propositions outlined in previous chapters, addressing different kinds of characters, namely: Ragnarök's Iara, a MMORPG Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Game (RAGNARÖK-BRAZIL, 2010); the night elf's race, of the druid's class, in World of War Craft (WoW), a MMORPG (WOWIIK, 2009); and finally a resident of Second Life virtual environment that intends to imitate all aspects of human life (DAMIANI, 2007) , Liberato Lindman / A discussão central desta dissertação, intitulada Humano Virtual, Virtual Humano, gira em torno da aplicabilidade de uma definição, tipologia e processo criativo da personagem virtual sob uma visão teórico-conceitual. Tal perspectiva engloba teorias do ciberespaço, da filosofia, da crítica literária e do design computacional. Com intuito de investigar essa possibilidade, os Capítulos 2 e 3 desta dissertação discutem as bases teóricas para elaborar uma proposta de definição, classificação e conceito do processo criativo da personagem virtual. Em seguida, os Capítulos 3, 4 e 5 da presente pesquisa desenvolvem três estudos de caso para validar as proposições expostas nos capítulos anteriores, cada um abordando um tipo de personagem diferente, a saber: A Iara do Ragnarök, um MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer On Line Role Playing Game) um jogo de interpretação de papéis multiusuário distribuído on-line (BRASIL RAGNARÖK, 2010); a raça dos elfos noturnos, da classe dos druidas, nível iniciante, do World of War Craft (WoW), um MMORPG (WOWIIK, 2009); e por fim o residente do Second Life, ambiente virtual que pretende imitar todos os aspectos da vida humana (DAMIANI, 2007), Liberato Lindman

Programação para Arquitetura: linguagens visuais e textuais em Projeto Orientado ao Desempenho / Programming for Architecture: visual and textual languages in Performance-Driven Architectural Design

Landim, Gabriele do Rosario 13 May 2019 (has links)
A pesquisa está inserida no contexto do Design Computacional, área que explora a computação como uma ferramenta de projeto de arquitetura. Para declarar e desenvolver projetos, é comum a utilização de linguagens de programação visual. No entanto, limitações no uso de linguagens visuais são reconhecidas, como as restrições encontradas na flexibilidade e escalabilidade dos códigos. Para estender o acesso à métodos de resolução de problemas nesses sistemas, usuários frequentemente recorrem ao uso de linguagens de programação textual, que permitem a utilização de mais estruturas de controle. Ainda assim, é comum que arquitetos sejam induzidos a realizar mudanças nos processos para acomodar a falta de controle e resultados inesperados de projeto. Isso acontece em parte pela falta de clareza em como utilizar a programação e todo o potencial dos métodos computacionais. Além disso, há uma falta de evidências empíricas usando projetos reais de arquitetura que apoiem discussões sobre o futuro das ferramentas de programação para arquitetos. Esta pesquisa investiga a comparação entre o uso de linguagens de programação visual e textual e visa sugerir diretrizes para melhorar as interfaces de programação utilizadas atualmente na área. Para isso, realizamos análises baseadas em métricas de avaliação de linguagens de programação e nas Dimensões Cognitivas (GREEN; PETRE, 1996). Adicionalmente, exploramos como estudo de aplicação um Projeto Orientado ao Desempenho, o Vancouver Academic Building do escritório americano Perkins+Will. O escritório implementou inicialmente o projeto usando a linguagem visual Grasshopper, com o objetivo de otimizar o design de uma fachada explorando o equilíbrio entre aspectos de iluminância e eficiência energética. Reimplementamos o estudo de aplicação utilizando uma linguagem textual e o ambiente de programação Rosetta (LOPES; LEITÃO, 2011). À medida que procuramos solucionar a lacuna existente na comparação dos fluxos de trabalho entre linguagens visuais e textuais recorrendo a um projeto real, selecionamos este estudo de aplicação porque ele abrange um processo orientado ao desempenho em vez de um projeto apenas paramétrico. Existem diferenças fundamentais encontradas entre estes dois fluxos de trabalho em relação a estratégias de escalabilidade e fluxo de dados, pois o orientado ao desempenho requer mais estruturas de controle como iteração e recursão. Identificamos diferenças relevantes entre ambas as linguagens e o potencial no uso das textuais no aumento significativo da escalabilidade do código e do modelo; aumento da confiabilidade dos resultados de desempenho do projeto e maior controle e clareza do processo utilizado. Apontamos também para as qualidades de interação e expressividade inerente das linguagens visuais. A partir do cruzamento teórico-prático, indicamos diretrizes que compõem em que medida o uso preferencial de linguagens textuais e linguagens híbridas (que integram ambas) podem melhorar a confiabilidade do Projeto Orientado ao Desempenho, assim como a possibilidade de aplicar métodos mais claros e eficazes no desenvolvimento do Projeto Algorítmico. / This research is contextualized in the Computational Design field, an area that explores computation as an architectural design tool. To declare and develop projects, it is common to use visual programming languages. However, limitations in the use of visual languages are well known, such as the constraints found in the flexibility and scalability of codes. To extend access to problem-solving methods in these systems, users often resort to the use of textual programming languages, which allow the use of more control structures. However, it is common for architects to be induced to make changes to processes to accommodate the lack of control and unexpected design results. This happens partly due to the lack of clarity in how to use programming and the full potential of computational methods. In addition, there is a lack of empirical evidence using real architectural designs that support discussions about the future of programming tools for architects. This research investigates the comparison between the use of visual and textual programming languages and aims to suggest guidelines to improve the programming interfaces currently used in the area. To achieve this, we perform analyzes based on evaluation metrics of programming languages and Cognitive Dimensions (GREEN; PETRE, 1996). In addition, we explored a Performance-driven Architectural Design as a study case, the Vancouver Academic Building, from Perkins+Will. The office initially implemented the design using Grasshopper visual language to optimize the design of a façade by exploring the balance between aspects of illuminance and energy efficiency. We reimplement the case study using a textual language and the Rosetta programming environment (LOPES; LEITÃO, 2011). As we attempt to solve the existing gap in the comparison of workflows between visual and textual languages using a real project, we select this case study because it covers a performance-oriented process rather than a parametric design only. There are fundamental differences found between these two workflows in relation to scalability and data flow strategies since the performance-driven one requires more control structures such as iteration and recursion. We identified relevant differences between both languages and the potential in the use of textual ones in the significant increase of code and model scalability; increased reliability of project performance results and better control and clarity of the process. We also point to the inherent qualities of interaction and expressiveness of visual languages. From the theoretical-practical cross, we indicate the guidelines that make up the extent to which the preferential use of textual languages and hybrid languages (which integrate both) can improve the reliability of the Performance-driven Design, as well as the possibility of applying clearer and more effective methods in the development of the Algorithmic Design.

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