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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An examination of the effectiveness of a digital tool as an intervention measure to improve the reading comprehension skills of high school learners

Brand, Irene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The current level of literacy in South Africa is cause for concern. The Annual National Assessment of Literacy and Numeracy, conducted nationally by the National Department of Education of South Africa, shows that only 28% of Grade 3 learners and 35% of Grade 6 learners passed these tests in 2011 (Department of Basic Education (a), 2011). According to the policy on progression and promotion issued by the National Department of Education, learners may only be retained once in a phase, which means that these learners may lack essential academic literacy skills when they reach high school. The main concern addressed in this thesis is whether high school teachers can help improve academic literacy by using reading comprehension software, like Reading Rocket, as an intervention tool to help learners who struggle with reading comprehension, and whether Reading Rocket is in fact an effective program to use for such purposes. This study was conducted by using data from one school within the Western Cape which has been using Reading Rocket for the past three years. Use of the program forms part of their timetable, and Grade 8 and 9 learners spend twice per cycle working with the program. Learners are first tested on entering Grade 8 and group reports are retrieved from the program each term to monitor their progress. These reports give a summary of the reading level, the percentage gained in the reading exercises, reading speed in w.p.m and a spelling score in percentage. This data was used to compile a summary of the results obtained over six terms Term 1 2010 until Term 3 2011. These results were compared with quarterly classroom (paper‐based) comprehension and language tests in order to determine is a correlation between the program data and the paper‐based test data. There is no control group for this study as all the Grade 8 and 9 learners use the program. There is no conclusive evidence that the program is an effective intervention tool, but findings show a positive correlation between program data and paper‐based test data which indicates that the program may be used as a tool to determine on what grade level learners read. Given the numerous responsibilities and duties of teachers, it is essential that they are given an effective measuring tool for literacy and because computer software is essentially objective and time‐effective in provide results, using computer technology for such purposes may be part of a solution to improve literacy in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige toestand van geletterdheid in Suid‐Afrika is kommerwekkend. Resultate in 2011 van die jaarlikse nasionale assesseringstoetse vir geletterdheid en gesyferdheid wat nasionaal deur die Nasionale Onderwysdepartement gedoen word, wys dat net 28% van Graad 3‐leerders en 35% van Graad 6‐leerders hierdie toetse slaag (Department of Basic Education (a), 2011). Volgens die beleid van progressie en promosie van die Nasionale Onderwysdepartement mag leerders net eenkeer in ‚n schoolfase agtergehou word wat beteken dat bogenoemde leerders dalk nie die geleentheid het om voldoende te verbeter voordat hulle die hoërskoolfases betree nie. Die hoofkwessie wat in hierdie tesis aangespreek word is of hoërskoolonderwysers rekenaar sagteware soos Reading Rocket as ʼn intervensie metode kan gebruik om leerders se akademiese leesbegrip te verbeter, en of Reading Rocket wel ʼn effektiewe intervensiemiddel is. ʼn Studie is gedoen deur die data van een skool in die Wes‐Kaap te gebruik wat Reading Rocket al vir die afgelope drie jaar gebruik. Dit vorm deel van hulle skoolrooster en graad 8 en 9‐leerders spandeer twee keer per siklus aan die program. Groepverslae wat deur die program opgedateer word elke kwartaal getrek om progressie te monitor. Die verslae bevat ʼn opsomming van die leerders se leesvlak, leesbegrip in persentasie, leesspoed in w.p.m en ʼn persentasie vir spelling. Hierdie data is gebruik om ‘n opsomming saam te stel van die resultate oor ses kwartale (kwartaal 1 2010 tot kwartaal 3 2011). Die programresultate is vergelyk met resultate van klaskamer (papiergebaseerde) begripstoetse en eksamens wat hulle vir dieselfde kwartale geskryf het. Omdat al die graad 8 en 9‐leerders aan die program blootgestel word, is daar nie ʼn kontrolegroep vir die studie nie. Daar is nie konkrete bewys dat die program ʼn effektiewe intervensiemiddel is nie, maar statistieke wys wel dat daar ʼn positiewe korrelasie tussen die programdata en die papiergebasseerde data is en daarom word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die program wel as ʼn instrument kan gebruik word om die leerders se leesbegrip op enige stadium van die jaar te toets. Weens vele verantwoordelikhede is dit essensieel dat onderwysers ʼn effektiewe metingsinstrument vir leesbegrip tot hulle beskikking het. Omdat rekenaarsagteware soos Reading Rocket tydbesparend en objektief in die voorsiening van resultate is, mag die gebruik van sulke tegnologie deel van ʼn plan vorm om geletterdheidsvlakke in Suid‐Afrika te verbeter.

Beyond buzzwords : towards an evaluation framework for computer assisted language Learning in the South African FET sector

Coetzee, Renee Wilma 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Modern Foreign Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The evaluation and selection of software is a complex undertaking best performed by those with applicable specialised skills and knowledge. When it comes to a field like CALL, which draws on the theory and best practice of a variety related disciplines, language teachers in the South African FET sector are unlikely to possess those specialised skills and knowledge beyond language learning content. In an effort to make the evaluation and selection of CALL software a more productive process, the literature pertaining to the components that constitute CALL and the South African FET context was reviewed. Based on this an evaluation framework was developed incorporating all the crucial contextual elements. The choice of a framework as opposed to a checklist was motivated by a need to reflect context at a variety of levels, combined with the flexibility allowing customisation for use in a variety of language learning settings.

遊戲設計背後之電腦輔助語言教學教師思維:一位高中英文老師的個案研究 / CALL Teacher Cognition Behind Game-based Language Instruction: A Case Study on a High School English Teacher

林世恩, Lin, Shih En Unknown Date (has links)
教師思維一向被認為與教師的實際教學有重要的關聯。本個案研究探討一位現職語言教師設計的行動學習活動背後之教師思維,以期更深入了解此行動學習活動之設計,並為電腦輔助語言教學師資培育之設計提供新的思維與洞察。 本個案研究為質性研究。研究工具包括受訪教師對於此活動的公開分享、半結構式訪談、文件收集及與學生的非正式談話。在訪談中,個案詳述了她的課室教學及其他經驗,包括過往的學習、專業教師訓練及其在不同場域的經歷。這些資料則進一步透過Borg (2006)和Mishra & Koehler (2006) 提供的架構(分別為教師思維框架及TPACK架構圖)進行討論。此研究首先詳細說明此行動學習活動中的九個關卡及其中教師表現出的各項知識。接著從過往學習經驗、專業教師訓練及不同場域等角度去追溯教師思維的形成。此研究並藉此進一步討論將上述兩個架構融合、調整的可能性以及電腦融入語言教學師資培育課程設計的新思維。 研究結果顯示,以上兩個架構皆未含括與教師本身或教師自主有關之元素,而這些元素在此個案研究中皆扮演教師思維和相應教學活動成形之關鍵角色。此外,研究結果也顯示,Mishra & Koehler (2006)的TPACK中涵蓋的各種元素可能有不同的權重,進而彰顯此框架在應用上有更複雜的潛力。此個案研究期能提供更多思維及啟發給對於科技融入教學,或電腦融入語言教學師資培育課程設計有興趣者。 / Teacher cognition has been regarded to have strong connections with teachers' teaching practices. The case study intends to investigate a practicing language teacher's cognition behind her mobile-learning activity, an outdoor scavenger hunt activity with multiple missions. The main purpose of this study is to explore how the activity was designed and to further provide insights into CALL teacher education. This is a qualitative study and data were collected through the participant's presentation about the activity, two semi-structured interviews, documentation and informal talks with students. In the semi-structured interviews, the participant detailed her classroom practices and other related experiences, including past learning experiences, professional development and her experiences in other contexts. The participant's experiences were then reconstructed and analyzed with Borg (2006) and Mishra & Koehler (2006) as the frameworks. The study first detailed the nine missions included in the participant’s scavenger hunt activity and analyzed the teacher's knowledge shown in the activity. Then, the formation of the teacher's cognitions was traced mainly in three aspects: past schooling, professional coursework and classroom practices under various contexts. Finally, the revised, integrated framework and some insights into CALL teacher education were discussed. The result showed that the frameworks are lacking elements related to teachers themselves and teacher autonomy, both of which serve as a premise in the complex interaction of the elements in teacher cognitions and the resulting classroom practices. Other than that, it was found that the elements in the framework provided by Mishra & Koehler (2006) might carry different weights, which indicated more complexity in the framework. It is expected that those who are interested in technology integration into language teaching or CALL teacher education will find this study insightful and inspiring.

The impact of computer interface design on Saudi students' performance on a L2 reading test

Korevaar, Serge January 2015 (has links)
This study investigates the effect of testing mode on lower-level Saudi Arabian test-takers’ performance and cognitive processes when taking an L2 reading test on computer compared to its paper-based counterpart from an interface design perspective. An interface was developed and implemented into the computer-based version of the L2 reading test in this study, which was administered to 102 Saudi Arabian University students for quantitative analyses and to an additional eighteen for qualitative analyses. All participants were assessed on the same L2 reading test in two modes on two separate occasions in a within-subject design. Statistical tests such as correlations, group comparisons, and item analyses were employed to investigate test-mode effect on test-takers’ performance whereas test-takers’ concurrent verbalizations were recorded when taking the reading test to investigate their cognitive processes. Strategies found in both modes were compared through their frequency of occurrence. In addition, a qualitative illustration of test-takers cognitive behavior was given to describe the processes when taking a lower-level L2 reading test. A mixed-method approach was adhered to when collecting data consisting of questionnaires think-aloud protocols, and post-experimental interviews as main data collection instruments. Results on test-takers’ performance showed that there was no significant difference between the two modes of testing on overall reading performance, however, item level analyses discovered significant differences on two of the test’s items. Further qualitative investigation into possible interface design related causes for these differences showed no identifiable relationship between test-takers’ performance and the computer-based testing mode. Results of the cognitive processes analyses showed significant differences in three out of the total number of cognitive processes employed by test-takers indicating that test-takers had more difficulties in processing text in the paper-based test than in the computer-based test. Both product and process analyses carried out further provided convincing supporting evidence for the cognitive validity, content validity, and context validity contributing to the construct validity of the computer-based test used in this study.

Interações orais em língua inglesa no laboratório de multimídia com acesso à Internet /

Cintra, Renata Azevedo. January 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Douglas Altamiro Consolo / Banca: Marilei Amadeu-Sabino / Banca: Nelson Mitrano Neto / Resumo: Nesta investigação, analisam-se as interações orais (aluno-aluno e aluno-professora), construídas em aulas de língua inglesa, em um laboratório de multimídia, utilizando-se o jogo simulador The Sims e sites da internet, para propiciar o desenvolvimento de tarefas comunicativas orais (Nunan, 1989). Ademais, são analisados alguns fatores que contribuíram para que as interações fossem construídas da maneira descrita. A pesquisa é classificada como de cunho etnográfico (Watson-Gegeo, 1988), havendo uma preocupação com a interação na sala de aula como espaço de aprendizagem (Moita Lopes, 1996). A pesquisadora desempenhou também o papel de professora de um grupo de doze alunos de Licenciatura em Letras, em uma faculdade do noroeste paulista. Destaca-se que esta investigação corresponde à primeira experiência da professora-pesquisadora com a utilização de computadores para o ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa, bem como da maioria dos alunos, que era semi-letrada eletronicamente (Buzato, 2001). Os dados, coletados por meio de gravações em áudio e vídeo, se constituíram por momentos de interações orais aluno-aluno e aluno-professora. Tais dados foram triangulados para que pudessem validar as conclusões dessa investigação. Os alunos desenvolveram o letramento eletrônico por meio da construção de andaimes realizada por parceiros mais experientes durante as interações. Alguns fatores interferentes nas interações aluno-aluno foram as atividades desenvolvidas, os temas propostos, as especificidades de cada "material" (jogo e sites), o papel desempenhado pela professora-pesquisadora no laboratório de multimídia e o semi-letramento eletrônico da maioria dos alunos. / Abstract: This research study is of an ethnographic nature (Watson-Gegeo, 1988), concerned with classroom interaction as a learning space (Moita Lopes, 1996). The researcher was also the teacher of twelve learners, undergraduate students and future teachers of English as a foreign language, in a college in the northwest of São Paulo state. The verbal interactions (learner-learner and learner-teacher) analyzed were constructed in a multimedia laboratory, using a simulator game (The Sims) and sites of the Internet in order to propitiate the development of verbal tasks (Nunan, 1989). Some factors that have contributed to construct interactions were analyzed. This study corresponds to the first experience of the teacher-researcher in computer-assisted language learning. The approach used to analyze data was mainly qualitative, with some quantitative analyses. Data were collected by means of audio and video recordings, research diaries, questionnaires, interviews and a research report written by a lesson observer. The preparation and analysis of the questionnaires and interviews were based on Gillham (2000a; 2000b). Data were triangulated in order to validate the results of the study. Learners developed experience in computer-assisted language learning with more experienced peers who provided them with scaffolding during the activities. Some factors which interfered on interactions were the types of activities developed, the topics proposed, the specificity of the materials (game and sites), the role of the researcher-teacher in the laboratory and the learners' lack of experience in computer-assisted language learning. / Mestre

O uso de uma rede social gamificada para o ensino de língua estrangeira

Carvalho, Paula Marcia Bonsegno 24 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:23:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paula Marcia Bonsegno Carvalho.pdf: 9004490 bytes, checksum: 4454de1bc9f65c15216f8d7f4fe48ccc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-24 / This research presents the use of gamification for learning and teaching a foreign language in a social networking environment. The research problem of the dissertation is to investigate how a gamified social networking can be constituted as an environment for learning a foreign language. The objective of this research was to identify the game´s elements present in the social networking Busuu and verify if gamification can be an engaging experience in the learning and teaching process of a foreign language. The authors based the research are: Anderson (2007, 2008), Boyd e Ellison (2007), Carolei (2012, 2015), Henri e Pudelko (2003), Hessel (2012), Huizinga (1971), Kapp (2012), Karpati (2009), Levy (1999), Mattar (2013, 2014), McGonigal (2011),McLoughlin & Lee (2007), O´Reilly (2005, 2009), Recuero (2004, 2009), Salen e Zimmerman (2012), Vianna (2013), Warschauer (1996,1998) Wenger (1998), Werbach & Hunter (2012), Zichermann e Cunningham (2011), Zourou (2012, 2013). The methodology used is part of the typology of Social Research with a qualitative approach and contemplated the creation of a database with the data collected of a questionnaire. As the survey results, it is noted that the game´s elements present in the context of Social Networking Site for Language Learning, when carefully used, enable an environment for teaching and learning a foreign language, favoring a possibility of communication in authentic contexts, engaging users in collaborative activities and generating interest in their learning. Therefore, this dissertation brings to reflection the educational potential in the environment present of a gamified social network and how such technologies can enable new and different ways of constructing knowledge in foreign language / Este estudo apresenta o uso da gamificação no ensino e aprendizagem de língua estrangeira em um ambiente de rede social. O problema da pesquisa investiga como uma rede social gamificada pode se constituir enquanto ambiente para o ensino e a aprendizagem de língua estrangeira. O objetivo principal busca identificar os elementos de jogos que estão presentes na rede social Busuu e procura verificar se a gamificação pode ser uma experiência engajante no processo ensinoaprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. Os autores que embasaram esta pesquisa são: Anderson (2007, 2008), Boyd e Ellison (2007), Carolei (2012, 2015), Henri e Pudelko (2003), Hessel (2012), Huizinga (1971), Kapp (2012), Karpati (2009), Levy (1999), Mattar (2013, 2014), McGonigal (2011),McLoughlin & Lee (2007), O´Reilly (2005, 2009), Recuero (2004, 2009), Salen e Zimmerman (2012), Vianna (2013), Warschauer (1996,1998) Wenger (1998), Werbach & Hunter (2012), Zichermann e Cunningham (2011), Zourou (2012, 2013). A metodologia utilizada insere-se na tipologia da pesquisa de campo com abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário enviado aos usuários do Busuu. Como resultados da pesquisa, salienta-se que os elementos de jogos presentes no contexto de uma rede social para aprendizagem de línguas, quando cuidadosamente aplicados, possibilitam um ambiente para ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, favorecem a possibilidade de comunicação em contextos autênticos, engajam os usuários em atividades colaborativas e geram interesse pela sua aprendizagem. Por final, o texto apresenta uma reflexão sobre o potencial educacional presente em um ambiente de uma rede social gamificada e conclui que tais tecnologias podem permitir novas e diferentes formas de construção do conhecimento de uma língua estrangeira

Culture Learning in Spanish Companion Book Websites: An Analysis of Tasks

Cresswell, Angela 06 November 2008 (has links)
The Internet with its World Wide Web feature opened up a whole new frontier for language-culture learning that foreign language textbook authors have integrated into their programs. Designing tasks that progress beyond promoting learners' passive consumerism and reiteration of facts remains a goal and a challenge. Thus, three research questions characterized this study that sought to examine the on-line tasks associated with six current Spanish textbook programs. The design focused on an analysis of these tasks in light of prevailing culture learning concepts and other pedagogical paradigms posited by reputable foreign language educators to determine if they filled the gap left by textbooks in facilitating second culture acquisition. The first question asked for evidence that learners were encouraged to recognize their own cultural conditioning. Evidence was present only to a miniscule degree. The second question sought to determine the extent of opportunities provided to learn about the target culture - Hispanic - as they mirrored the objectives of the perspectives on culture learning. Low-level thinking skills and a predominance of tasks concerning products, in contrast to those concerning behavioral practices or perspectives, characterized the extent of target-culture learning. The third question sought to discover if learners were engaged in process-based tasks, whether they were prompted to identify authentic problems, suggest solutions, and apply new vii knowledge. Evidence for these situations was minimal. Additional findings revealed factual information questions to be a majority with a few tasks inviting learners to respond to hypothetical and creative situations. Results indicate that in this early stage, the World Wide Web remains an authentic venue for culture learning; however, future directions ought to include expanding the scope of adjunct tasks as they complement the multiple presentations of culture in the companion textbook chapters.

Digital literacy: ICT integration in Grade 10 English first additional language teaching

Shandu, Nonhlanhla January 2011 (has links)
<p><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt / line-height:150% / font-family:&quot / Times New Roman&quot / ,&quot / serif&quot / ">The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) both in the General Education and Training (GET) and Further Education and Training (FET) bands is viewed as an innovative tool in enhancing a learner-centered approach to teaching and learning.&nbsp / As a result, a number of schools in rural and urban environments in South Africa have been provided with computers and other digital resources to facilitate teaching and learning. This study investigated the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of English First Additional Language (FAL) at Grade 10 level. It set out to discover digital resources and literacies to which teachers and learners were exposed in the English (FAL) classroom, and how these resources were used to enhance learners&rsquo / reading and writing skills. Following a qualitative research design, this study made use of classroom observations and interviews to collect data from teachers and Grade 10 learners. The collected evidence was from a single school which uses Khanya Project ICT materials.&nbsp / The school is located in one of the disadvantaged black townships in Cape Town. The study made use of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory and the constructivist theoretical framework to make sense of classroom interaction and the extent to which ICT and other teaching strategies were used to facilitate acquisition of English language skills, particularly reading and writing. The findings of the study show that there are a number of factors influencing ICT integration in Grade 10 English (FAL).&nbsp / These factors include teachers&rsquo / and learners&rsquo / limited access to ICT and digital literacy.&nbsp / Other factors relate to pedagogy and support in the use of ICT in teaching and learning.&nbsp / All the identified factors indicate that there are a number of barriers to ICT integration in English teaching and learning.&nbsp / The study concludes that ICT use has great potential in providing creativity and innovativeness to facilitate language teaching and learning. Given the lack of adequate ICT resources and under-utilization of ICT resources in disadvantaged schools, there is a need to improve teacher and learner access to ICT, especially in disadvantaged schools.&nbsp / This could be done through monitored support and adequate teacher training and active involvement of higher education institutions through teacher training programmes which should prioritize ICT integration in their curricula.&nbsp / <br type="_moz" /> </span></p>

Learner Autonomy in Computer-Assisted Language Learning. A comparative case-study of learners' behaviours in the English as a Foreign Language Context

Ruiz Madrid, Maria Noelia 17 June 2005 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the relationship between Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and language-learning approaches. In this sense, Language Learning Autonomy (LLA) seems to be the most preferred candidate by researchers in order to become the suitable approach in order to make the most out of technology (Blin, 1999; Little, 2001; Littlemore, 2003; The European Directorate General of Education and Culture, 2003; sanz, 2003; Villanueva, 2003). The increasing research on this specific field and the theoretical reflections derived from it over the last decade constitutes the framework of our study. Following previous studies (Beatty, 2003; Chapelle, 2003; Alessi, 2001; Marqués, 1995, 2001; Rushby, 1997; Shin and Wastell, 1998; Blin, 1999; Holliday, 1999; Hoven, 1997, 1999; Murray, 1998; Sanz, 2003), the aim of the present study is to examine to what extent an approach to language learning autonomy from a socioconstructivist perspective can effectively inform the design of a specific language learning package taht promotes both autonomising behaviours and positive attitudes in learners. With these reflections in mind, three aspects underline the present study, namely 1) the need to carry out qualitative studies in order to inform a theoretical framework for CALL development, 2) the need to focus on the relationship between CALL and LLA and 3) the need to examine the "teachibility"of learner autonomy by means of a language learning package designed for this specific purpose. This context motivated the following actions: 1) to design a pilot application based upon autonomising criteria (TADLA: Technology Applied to the Development of Learner Autonomy); 2) to test this design with learners with a specific learner style regarding their learner autonomy degree. And finally 3) to compare the results obtained in the tests of other language learning package (Communicate and Connect, 2003).The results obtained in the case-study confirm that the criteria upon which the design of TADLA is based could be considered the requirements that enable the integration of autonomising strategies within the learning activities. In this sense, attention to learning styles, implementation of authentic materials, the possibility of transfer and a discursive approach among others are suitable criteria for the development of attitudes that could lead to a later development of learner autonomy.

The Impact Of Call Instruction On English Language Teachers

Kilickaya, Ferit 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigates the impact of CALL training on in-service language teachers&rsquo / use of CALL-based activities in their classrooms and what factors influence their use of these activities in their classroom. The participants included 35 pre-service English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers who took an undergraduate-level elective CALL course (FLE318) offered during the 2008-2009 academic year in the Department of Foreign Language Education at Middle East Technical University and 25 of these participants who started teaching English during the Fall semester in the academic year 2009-2010 at several private and state institutions. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were applied. The journals kept by the participants during and after the training, the lesson plans of micro and macro teaching, the questionnaires given to the participants to determine their perceived computer knowledge, the interview sessions held with the participants&rsquo / on their practices showed that the training provided to the participants helped them infuse a variety of CALL-based materials and tools into their classroom practices. The analyses also indicated that the most paramount factors or issues that affect the infusion of CALL-based materials in language teaching and learning are the school environment, curriculum, and the national exams.

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