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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le comportement des thons tropicaux autour des objets flottants : de l’étude des comportements individuels et collectifs à l’étude du piège écologique / The behaviour of tropical tuna around floating objects : from individual and collective behaviour to the ecological trap hypothesis

Robert, Marianne 29 June 2012 (has links)
Le comportement des thons tropicaux autour des objets flottants : De l'étude des comportements individuels et collectifs à l'étude du piège écologiqueLes recherches en halieutique ont pour objectif d'améliorer les connaissances sur le fonctionnement des populations de poissons afin de transférer celle-ci vers des outils de gestion. Ce travail de thèse repose sur un ensemble d'expériences et de modélisations destinées à approfondir notre compréhension générale du comportement associatif de poissons grands pélagiques avec des objets flottantes à la surface de l'océan. Notre objectif est de tester si les milliers d'objets flottants artificiels déployés par les pêcheurs (DCP - Dispositifs de Concentration de Poissons) constituent des pièges écologiques pour les thons tropicaux. Pour mener à bien ce travail, nous avons dans le premier chapitre caractérisé le comportement individuel de thons dans un réseau de DCP ancrés. L'analyse de données de marquage acoustique de 96 thons albacores (Thunnus albacares) (30-96 cm) à Hawaii montre que les thons présentent une plasticité comportementale forte face aux DCP qu'ils rencontrent mais également que le temps de résidence sous les DCP diminue avec la taille des individus. Afin de quantifier l'impact de l'augmentation de la densité de DCP il est essentiel de comprendre les mécanismes et les facteurs qui influencent les temps de résidences sous les DCP. Dans le second chapitre, des expériences de choix binaires suggèrent un rôle de la biomasse agrégée dans la formation, la maintenance et la dispersion des agrégations que forment les thons sous les objets flottants. La quantification de la dynamique des arrivées et des départs des poissons aux DCP permettra de valider les hypothèses que nous proposons concernant les mécanismes sociaux sous-jacents d'une part et d'autre part de tester l'influence de la qualité de l'environnement et de la densité de DCP sur les temps de résidences individuels et la distribution spatiale des populations. Dans le troisième chapitre, la comparaison de facteurs de condition de listaos (Katsuwonus pelamis) matures capturés en bancs libres et sous objets flottants dans une zone naturellement riche en objets flottants, et relativement peu impactée par le déploiement de DCP (Le Canal du Mozambique), nous a permis d'établir un point de référence essentiel pour estimer les effets des perturbations actuelles. Plus généralement, les résultats obtenus dans les différents chapitres tendent à conforter l'hypothèse d'un rôle social et non trophique des objets flottants dans l'écologie de thonidés. Les résultats obtenus durant cette thèse amènent à poser un regard nouveau sur l'hypothèse du piège écologique. Notre travail s'est principalement intéressé à un modèle biologique de choix, les thons tropicaux. Cependant le cadre théorique des questions abordées, les outils d'observations et les méthodes d'analyses développées sont assez génériques pour être appliqués aux autres espèces rencontrées sous les objets flottants. Cette recherche s'intègre plus généralement dans les problématiques visant à mieux comprendre les stratégies comportementales et la distribution des populations dans des environnements multi-sites. / Research in fisheries science aims at investigating the functioning of fish population with the objective of using this knowledge to propose sustainable management measures. This PhD thesis relies on a collection of experiments and modelling designed to further our knowledge on the aggregative behaviour of large pelagic fish with floating structures at the surface of the ocean. The overall objective is to test whether the thousands of man-made floating structures deployed by fishermen (also referred as Fish Aggregating Device –FAD) act as ecological traps for tropical tunas. To archive this main objective, it was first necessary to characterize the individual behaviour of tuna in a network of FAD. In the first chapter, the analysis of 96 acoustically tagged yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) between 30-96 cm FL in the array of anchored FADs around Oahu (Hawaii, US) shows that individuals tuna exhibited behavioural plasticity while in the array and that behaviour around FAD is size dependent. In order to assess the impact of the increasing density of FAD, the major habitat modification, it is essential to understand the factors that influence the residence time at FADs. In the second chapter, binary choice experiments suggest that the aggregated biomass under the FAD play a role in the aggregative process. Nonetheless, quantification of arrival and departure dynamics of fish to FAD are required to validate the assumptions we proposed on the underlying social mechanism. Such model would, then, allow testing the effect of FAD density and environmental conditions on individual residence time and spatial distribution of population. In the third chapter, the comparison of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) condition between individual associated with logs and in free swimming schools in the Mozambique Channel, an area known to be naturally enriched with logs with few FADs, highlights the need for estimating reference points prior to assessing the impacts of anthropogenic modifications to habitats on animals.Combining the different chapters, our results tend to favour a social rather than a trophic role of floating objects in the ecology of tunas. More generally, we discuss what novel insight our results bring up on the ecological trap hypothesis. Tropical tunas represent an interesting model species on which we focused. However, the theoretical framework of the questions we addressed, the observation and analytical tools we developed are generic enough to be applied to the others species that are encountered around floating structures. In a broader extent, this work meets the general topic of studying behavioural strategies and distribution of population in multi-patch environment.

Výskyt purinergních receptorů P2 a jejich úloha v intracelulární vápníkové signalizaci neonatálních hypofyzárních buněk / Expression of purinergic P2 receptors and their role in intracellular calcium signaling of neonatal pituitary cells

Šprláková, Katarína January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on study of the expression of purinergic receptors P2X and P2Y in the cells of neonatal adenohypofysis. Purinergic receptors are activated by binding of extracellular ATP and their activation leads to an increase in intracellular concentrations of calcium ions. The aim of this thesis was to determine by microfluorimetry method whether neonatal pituitary cells contain purinergic receptors. In addition, the influence of various agonists and antagonists of purinergic receptors on intracellular concentrations of ions Ca2+ in neonatal pituitary cells was monitored. The influence of extracellular ATP on secretion of a luteinizing hormone was observed by radioimmunoassay and it was compared with the effect of a hormone GnRH. It was found that neonatal pituitary cells are less sensitive to extracellular ATP than adult pituitary cells, but the relative sensitivity to other agonists of purinergic receptors is similar to the one of adult pituitary cells. In the mixed population of neonatal pituitary cells there were identified ATP- and 2 MeSATP- sensitive purinergic receptors P2X, as well as ADP-sensitive receptors P2Y. Further, the BzATP-sensitive receptors P2X7, PPADS-sensitive receptors P2X2 and BDBD-sensitive receptors P2X4 were identified. Finally, it was proved that...

Dvojkolejnost právní úpravy dominantního postavení v soutěžním právu EU / Duality of the legal regulation of a dominant position in EU competition law

Pavel, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Résumé The presented work addresses the issue of the double-tracking nature of a dominant position in European competition law. The aim of the integration efforts during the establishment of the EU was the creation of an internal market, especially the customs union. In order to achieve this state, it was necessary to take a number of integration measures and create a legal framework, i.e. conditions, under which economic competition in the internal market could operate effectively. In this context a variety of legislation valid for the whole EU territory has been accepted. However, in the context of the economic competition this work analyzes the legislation on market dominance carried out first in Article 102 of TFEU (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) prohibiting restrictive business practices in the form of abuse of a dominant position and also in Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 and later in Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 regulating the control of concentrations between undertakings. In case of both the legislations the crucial question is the "dominant position" of an enterprise in the market, while Article 102 of TFEU represents the ex post control, i.e. applies only to the possible abuse of the dominant position, and in this sense the dominant position itself is not the...

Blood lead levels in First Grade South African children : A geographic & temporal analysis

Mathee, Angela 04 November 2008 (has links)
Lead is a toxic heavy metal that has been extensively used in modern society, causing widespread environmental contamination, even in isolated parts of the world. There is now overwhelming evidence associating lead exposure with wideranging health effects, including reductions in intelligence scores, hyperactivity, shortened concentration spans, poor school performance, violent/aggressive behaviour, hearing loss, delayed onset of puberty, anaemia, and in severe cases, coma and death. In recent years consensus has been reached in respect of the absence of a threshold of safety for key health effects associated with lead exposure, and the permanent and irreversible nature of many of the health and social consequences of exposure to lead. The public health problem of environmental lead exposure has been widely investigated in developed countries such as the United States of America where, since the 1970s, policies and interventions have been followed by significant reductions in blood lead levels amongst children. In developing countries, and in African countries in particular, there is a relative dearth of information on the sources, mechanisms of exposure and blood lead distributions in children, and little action has been taken to protect children against lead poisoning. This study was undertaken to determine the current distribution of blood lead concentrations, and associated risk factors, amongst selected groups of first grade school children in the South African urban settings of Cape Town, Johannesburg 7 and Kimberley, a lead mining town (Aggeneys) and two rural towns in the Northern Cape province. A further objective of the study was to compare blood lead distributions determined in the current study with the findings of similar studies undertaken prior to the introduction in 1996 of unleaded petrol in South Africa. The results show that over the past decade, blood lead concentrations amongst first grade school children have declined considerably, but that large proportions of children, especially those living or attending school in impoverished areas, continue to have intolerably high blood lead concentrations, within a range that puts them at risk of detrimental health and social outcomes. The major sources of exposure to lead in the samples studied were leaded petrol, lead-based paint used to decorate homes and schools, lead solder used in “cottage industries” and other home-based lead-related activities, as well as the transfer of lead particles from lead-related work settings into homes. Recommendations for policy and relevant interventions for the South African context are discussed.

Steady state and picosecond pulse radiolysis study of highly concentrated aqueous solutions / Etudes de radiolyse pulsée picoseconde et stationnaire des solutions aqueuses concentrées

Balcerzyk, Anna 09 December 2011 (has links)
Le mécanisme de radiolyse de l’eau est bien établi. Sous l’effet des rayonnements ionisants, les produits de la radiolyse de l’eau pure sont les radicaux et les produits moléculaires tels que les électrons solvatés, les atomes hydrogènes, les radicaux hydroxyles, le peroxyde d’hydrogène et les ions hydroniums. Lorsque les solutions concentrées sont irradiées, le résultat de la radiolyse change à cause de la fraction d’énergie absorbée par le soluté, cette fraction est négligeable dans le cas des solutions diluées. Les produits de la radiolyse du solvant peuvent réagir avec les molécules du solvant engendrant des changements dans leurs rendements radiolytiques ainsi qu’un changement dans le mécanisme de radiolyse du solvant. L’effet du rayonnement ionisant sur les solutions concentrées est appelé l’effet direct du rayonnement ionisant. La compréhension de cet effet est fondamentale dans plusieurs domaines tels que l’énergie nucléaire, la radiothérapie et la radiobiologie.L’objectif de ce travail est de comprendre le mécanisme de radiolyse des solutions concentrées ainsi que de quantifier l’effet direct du rayonnement ionisant en étudiant des solutions concentrées d’halogénures tels que les bromures de sodium et les chlorures de sodium, de même qu’une étude préliminaire sur les solutions concentrées d’acide nitrique.Tout d’abord, en effectuant la radiolyse stationnaire des solutions concentrées de bromures de sodium, nous avons quantifié le rendement radiolytique de formation de Br3- qui est l’unique produit stable de ces solutions sous rayonnements sous différentes conditions expérimentales.Ensuite, en effectuant la radiolyse pulsée picoseconde sur l’installation ELYSE des solutions aqueuses de NaCl, NaBr et HNO3, nous avons montré l’ionisation direct du soluté après le passage du faisceau d’electron. Selon les cinétiques obtenues, nous avons montré que la formation Br2•-, Cl2•-, NO3• prend place durant l’impulsion picoseconde d’électron d’électron. La radiolyse pulsée picoseconde nous a permis donc de conclure qu’il existe deux voies pour la formation de Br2•- et Cl2•-. La première voie résulte de l’ionisation directe du soluté. La deuxième résulte du changement dans le mécanisme de radiolyse de l’eau dû à la forte concentration des ions halogénures autour des molécules d’eau ionisées. Nos résultats montrent que la formation du radical hydroxyle HO• dans les solutions concentrées est marginale puisque la molécules d’eau ionisée, le trou H2O+ , réagit très rapidement avec les ions halogénures. / The mechanism of water radiolysis is well established. As a result of the action of ionizing radiation on pure water, radicals and molecular products such as solvated electrons, hydrogen atoms, hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen peroxide and hydronium ions are formed. When highly concentrated solutions are irradiated, the outcome of irradiation is changed due to the important fraction of energy being absorbed by the solute which in the case of diluted solutions is skipped. Products of solvent radiolysis may react with the molecules of the solute leading to the change in their yields and moreover, may cause changes in the mechanism of solvent radiolysis. The action of ionizing radiation on highly concentrated solutions is named direct action of radiation. The understanding of direct effect of ionizing radiation is very important in several aspects, for example in nuclear energy, or radiotherapy or radiobiology. The aim of this work was to understand the mechanism and quantify the direct action of ionizing radiation in model systems such as highly concentrated sodium bromide and sodium chloride solutions. Firstly, by performing gamma radiolysis of highly concentrated solution of sodium bromide we quantify the yield of direct ionization of bromide ions for different experimental conditions.Secondly, by carrying out picosecond pulse radiolysis of aqueous solutions of NaCl, NaBr, and HNO3, we showed the direct ionization of the solute after the passage of electron beam. On the base of recorded kinetics, we showed that the formation of Br2•-, Cl2•-, NO3• takes place during the electron pulse. Picosecond pulse radiolysis allowed us to conclude that two ways of formation of Br2•- and Cl2•- exist. The first results from the direct ionization of the solute. The second results from the change in the mechanism of water radiolysis due to the high concentration of halide ions around the molecules of ionized water. Our results show that the formation of HO• radical in highly concentrated solutions is marginal and only stem from the dissociation of excited water, since the molecules of ionized water react with halide ions instead of hydronium ions leading to the formation of HO• hydroxyl radical.

Padronização do perfil hematológico, bioquímico, proteinograma sérico e imunofenotipagem de linfócitos de cães da raça Golden Retriever sadios e afetados pela distrofia muscular / Standardization of hematological, biochemical, serum protein concentrations and lymphocyte immunophenotyping of Golden Retriever dogs healthy and affected by muscular dystrophy

Abreu, Dilayla Kelly de 16 December 2010 (has links)
Idealizou-se o presente ensaio com o objetivo de padronizar o perfil hematológico, bioquímico, eletroforético (proteinograma sérico) e quantificação das células linfocitárias CD4, CD5, CD8 por citometria de fluxo de cães da raça Golden Retrivier normais (grupos GR) e de cães distróficos (grupos GRMD). Para tanto, considerou-se a divisão dos grupos de acordo com a idade dos animais, desde o nascimento até a idade adulta, compondo assim seis grupos, sendo eles GR I, II, III e GRMD I, II, III. No presente projeto realizamos os estudos eletroforéticos de cães pertencentes a todos os grupos, estudos hematológicos e bioquímicos dos cães pertencentes aos grupos GR II, III, GRMD II e III, imunofenotipagem linfocitária dos grupos GR III e GRMD III. Os resultados eritroleucométricos e trombométricos obtidos para os cães pertencentes aos grupos GR II e GR III apresentaram valores médios dentro normalidade. Com relação aos cães pertencentes aos grupos GRMD III, observamos que o eritrograma se encontra dentro dos valores de referência. Contudo, considerando o leucograma, os valores médios (3,79/ mm3) referentes à mensuração de basófilos apresentaram-se acima dos valores de normalidade, variando de 0 a 159/mm3. Ademais, considerando os valores máximos, alguns animais pertencentes ao grupo em questão, apresentaram leucocitose com neutrofilia sem desvio à esquerda, além de trombocitose, monocitose e linfopenia, no momento das coletas. As dosagens bioquímicas séricas de todos os cães afetados apresentaram valores médios acima dos valores de normalidade para a dosagem de AST, ALT e CK. Para o estudo das proteínas séricas, a técnica SDS-PAGE permitiu o fracionamento de vinte e três proteínas, cujos pesos moleculares variaram de 16.000 a 260.000 daltons em todos os grupos estudados. Destas, foi possível identificar nominalmente doze frações protéicas: IgA (PM 142.000 Da), proteína C-reativa (PM122.000 Da), ceruloplasmina (PM 110.000 Da), fosforilase (PM 95.000 Da), transferrina (PM 82.000 Da), hemopexina (PM 78.000 Da), albumina (PM 66.000 Da), alfa1 antitripsina (PM 62.000 Da), IgG de cadeia pesada (PM 55.000 Da), haptoglobina (PM 45.000 Da), glicoproteína ácida (PM 40.000 Da) e IgG de cadeia leve (PM 23.000 Da). As demais proteínas foram identificadas pelos respectivos pesos moleculares. Não foi possível identificar nominalmente as frações protéicas de pesos moleculares 260.000 Da, 230.000 Da, 180.000 Da, 165.000 Da, 158.000 Da, 91.000 Da, 35.000 Da, 30.000 Da, 28.000 Da e 16.000 Da. Dentre essas proteínas foi possível observar que a proteína de peso molecular 91.000 Da foi encontrada apenas nos grupos GR I e GRMD I não sendo identificada nos outros grupos estudados. Considerando as alterações encontradas com relação às proteínas de fase aguda, evidenciamos as respostas de fase aguda frente às lesões musculares que ocorrem progressivamente em cães distróficos, principalmente em animais distróficos jovens, podendo inferir que os mesmos apresentaram alterações protéicas perante a injúria tecidual como é relatado em vários processos inflamatórios relacionados com outras patologias. Da mesma forma, os animais afetados pela distrofia, possuem alterações imunoglobulínicas quando comparados a animais normais. Com relação a imunofenotipagem linfocitária foi confeccionado um histograma das populações de linfócitos CD4+, CD5+ e CD8+ a partir da região do gate de linfócitos. Todos os animais afetados pela distrofia apresentaram porcentagem significativamente maior com relação à população linfocitária CD4+ e CD5+ quando comparados aos cães normais. Desta forma, podemos inferir que o processo progressivo da distrofia, esta relacionado com alterações nas populações celulares que compõe o sistema imune dos pacientes, pois devido a ausência de distrofina o músculo fica mais susceptível á lesões, sendo que na sua ocorrência, há liberação de citocinas que estimulam as células hepáticas a secretarem as proteínas de fase aguda e a promoverem uma co-estimulação de linfócitos T. Assim, podemos sugerir que os resultados encontrados em nosso trabalho são conseqüências da resposta inflamatória gerada pela lesão muscular. Esperamos com esse estudo, fornecer mais informações sobre a fisiopatogenia da doença, bem como promover um maior entendimento sobre a avaliação imunológica e resposta inflamatória neste modelo de estudo. Ademais, que os valores de base encontrados possam auxiliar na avaliação de possíveis reações nos testes pré-clínicos, facilitando assim, o entendimento das reações benéficas ou adversas para validar e explicar o mecanismo de ação de uma terapia celular, gênica ou mesmo medicamentosa / Devised to test this in order to standardize the hematological, biochemical, electrophoretic (Serum protein) and quantification of CD4 lymphocyte cells, CD5, CD8 by flow cytometry of Golden Retriever dogs normal (group GR) and dogs dystrophic (GRMD groups). To this end, we considered the division of groups according to age of animals, from birth to adulthood, thus composing six groups, as Gr I, II, III and GRMD I, II, III. In this project we performed electrophoretic studies of dogs belonging to all groups, haematological and biochemical studies of dogs belonging to the groups GR II, III, II and III GRMD, lymphocyte immunophenotyping in groups III and GR GRMD III. The results obtained for trombometric, erythometric and dogs belonging to the groups and GR II GR III showed mean values within normal limits. With respect to dogs belonging to groups III GRMD, we observed that the erythrocyte is within the reference values. However, considering the WBC, the mean (3.79 / mm3) relating to the measurement of basophils were above normal values, ranging from 0 to 159/mm3. Moreover, considering the maximum, some animals belonging to the group in question had leukocytosis with neutrophilia without left shift, and thrombocytosis, monocytosis and lymphopenia at the time of collection. The biochemical serum of all affected dogs had mean values above the normal range for the determination of AST, ALT and CK. For the study of proteins, SDS-PAGE technique allowed the fractionation of twenty-three proteins whose molecular weights ranged from 16,000 to 260,000 daltons in all groups. These could be identified by name twelve fractions: IgA (PM 142,000 Da), C-reactive protein (PM122.000 Da), ceruloplasmin (PM 110,000 Da), phosphorylase (95,000 Da PM), transferrin (82,000 Da PM), hemopexin (PM 78 000 Da), albumin (66,000 Da PM), alpha1 antitrypsin (PM 62,000 Da), IgG heavy chain (55,000 Da PM), haptoglobin (PM 45,000 Da), glycoprotein (PM 40,000 Da) and IgG light chain (PM 23 000 Da). The other proteins were identified by their molecular weights. We could not identify by name the protein fractions of molecular weight 260,000 Da, 230,000 Da, 180,000 Da, 165,000 Da, 158,000 Da, 91,000 Da, 35,000 Da, 30,000 Da, 28,000 Da and 16,000 Da. Among these proteins was observed that the protein molecular weight of 91,000 Da was found only in groups GR I and GRMD I was not identified in other groups. Considering the changes found with relation to acute phase proteins, we noted the acute phase response in the face of muscle injuries that occur gradually in dystrophic dogs, especially in young dystrophic animals, which may infer that they had abnormal protein before tissue injury as reported in many inflammatory-related pathologies. Likewise, animals affected by muscular dystrophy, alterations immunoglobulin when compared to normal animals. With respect to lymphocyte immunophenotyping was made a histogram of the populations of CD4, CD5 and CD8 from the region of the gate of lymphocytes. All animals affected by muscular dystrophy showed significantly higher percentage with respect to CD4 and CD5 lymphocyte population compared to normal dogs. Thus, we can infer that the process of progressive muscular dystrophy, is associated with changes in cell populations that make up the immune system of patients, because due to the absence of dystrophin, the muscle is more susceptible to damage, and its occurrence , a release of cytokines that stimulate liver cells to secrete acute phase proteins and promote a co-stimulation of T lymphocytes Thus, we suggest that the findings in our study are consequences of the inflammatory response generated by muscle injury.We hope that this study, provide more information about the pathophysiolgy of the disease, and promote a greater understanding of the immune and inflammatory responde assessment in this study model. Moreover, the base values found could help in assessing possible responses in preclinical testing, aiding the understanding of the beneficial or adverse reactions to validate and explain the mechanism of action of a cell therapy, gene or drug treatments

Condições atmosféricas associadas à dispersão de poluentes nas cidades de São Paulo e Santiago / Meteorological conditions associated to pollutant dispersion in São Paulo and Santiago

Guerrero, Viviana Vanesa Urbina 18 February 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as condições meteorológicas favoráveis e desfavoráveis à dispersão de poluentes, com ênfase no ozônio, nas áreas urbanas associadas à Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) e a Grande Santiago (GS). Medidas de concentração de estações localizadas em ambas as áreas de estudo foram utilizadas para determinar o comportamento médio, o número de ocorrências de ultrapassagens de padrão de qualidade do ar e o aumento noturno das concentrações de ozônio num período de dez anos. Foi encontrado que o máximo horário acontece próximo das 14 horas (horário local) nas duas regiões, e que existe uma tendência à diminuição no número de ultrapassagens do padrão de qualidade do ar associado a este poluente. Na RMSP é possível observar um máximo secundário durante a madrugada, enquanto que este fenômeno não é claramente observado nos valores médios de concentração na GS. Com dados da Reanálise do NCEP/NCAR foi visto que a ocorrência deste fenômeno está associada a configurações sinóticas específicas na GS, enquanto que na RMSP não existe padrão sinótico específico que diferencie casos com e sem aumento de ozônio noturno. Um novo módulo fotoquímico (NPM), contendo 95 reações foi inserido no modelo BRAMS na tentativa de melhorar o prognóstico das concentrações de poluentes, principalmente em relação ao ozônio. O NPM mostrou melhor desempenho que o módulo fotoquímico original do modelo (SPM; Simple Photochemical Module) para todos os poluentes considerados, salvo o ozônio, para o qual o SPM apresentou melhores índices estatísticos em 5 das 7 estações avaliadas. As características locais associadas à ocorrência simultânea ou não de aumento na concentração de ozônio foram estudadas utilizando o modelo BRAMS com o módulo SPM ativado, sendo verificado que o aumento de ozônio na RMSP está associado, principalmente, ao transporte vertical deste poluente a partir de níveis mais elevados da atmosfera, enquanto que o transporte horizontal é a maior contribuição para o aumento das concentrações de ozônio durante o período noturno na GS. / This work aimed to analyze the favorable and unfavorable meteorological conditions for pollutant dispersion, especially ozone, at the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP) and the Greater Santiago (GS). Ozone concentration measurements from stations located in both urban areas were used to determinate the mean behavior, the number of standard air quality exceedances and the increase on nocturnal ozone concentration over a 10 years period. It was found that the diurnal maximum occurs around 14 local time in both urban areas, and that there is a diminishment tendency of the total cases of standard air quality exceedances during all period. A secondary maximum of ozone concentration was observed in MASP at night, which was not clearly seen on mean values over GS. By using the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data it was seen that the occurrence of this phenomenon is associated to specific synoptic patterns for GS, while there is no specific synoptic pattern for the MASP cases, with or without nocturnal increase in ozone concentrations. A New Photochemical Module (NPM), containing 95 reactions was coupled to BRAMS model in an attempt to improve the prediction of air pollutants, especially ozone. The NPM showed a better performance than the original module, the SPM (Simple Photochemical Module), for all considered pollutants but ozone. For this pollutant, the SPM presents better statistical indexes for 5 of the 7 stations analyzed. The local characteristics related to simultaneous occurrence of nocturnal ozone increase was studied using the SPM-BRAMS model, which showed that the secondary nocturnal maximum of ozone concentrations in MASP are related to vertical transport of this pollutant from higher levels of the atmosphere to the surface, while the horizontal transport is a major contributor to the increase of ozone concentrations in the GS during the night.

O leite materno e as relações existentes entre as concentrações de metais pesados de diferentes matrizes ambientais / Breast milk and the relationship between the concentrations of heavy metals in different environmental matrices.

Cardoso, Osmar de Oliveira 04 February 2011 (has links)
O aleitamento materno é um instrumento afetuoso que transfere nutrientes, vitaminas e imunidade da mãe para o filho. No entanto, também pode transferir diversos contaminantes ambientais, destacando os metais pesados. Como parte da dieta, as mães ingerem água e alimentos produzidos em suas localidades, podendo através dessas fontes ficarem expostas a metais pesados. Alguns metais pesados são essenciais para o organismo, mas outros de origem antropogênica são deletérios. Os objetivos do trabalho em Conceição das Alagoas, MG, Brasil, foram: avaliar as concentrações dos metais pesados no colostro, leite de transição e leite maduro das lactantes; avaliar as concentrações dos metais pesados na água de abastecimento para essa população; medir e avaliar as concentrações de metais presentes no solo agrícola e hortas do município; verificar se existe uma relação entre as concentrações de metais pesados (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn) encontrados no leite materno, na água para consumo, bem como no solo local. Foram coletadas 29 amostras de leite de doadoras. A coleta do colostro ocorreu até 7 dias depois do parto, a coleta do leite de transição ocorreu até o 14º dia e a coleta do leite maduro ocorreu por volta do 28º dia. Foram coletadas 44 amostras de água de residências das lactantes e em pontos diferentes e aleatórios da cidade. As amostras do solo foram coletadas em 23 pontos, entre áreas agrícolas, hortas e a margem do rio Uberaba. Os metais pesados no leite e água foram analisados por ICP-MS e no solo por FRX. As concentrações de metais no leite e na água foram calculadas em ?g/L e expressos pelas medianas. Para o solo, as concentrações foram calculadas em mg/Kg, e também foram expressos pelas medianas. Os perfis de concentração foram analisados através do teste de hipótese de uma população multinomial, utilizando uma distribuição qui-quadrado (x2) (p a=0,05). Os valores de todos os metais pesados no leite se mantêm constantes entre as 3 coletas, exceto o Zn e o Cu que apresentam suas concentrações menores no leite maduro. As concentrações de metais pesados na água se mostraram menores que os recomendados pela OMS e pelo Ministério da Saúde/Brasil, exceto para o cádmio, que se mostrou acima desses níveis, fato que pode ser explicado pela presença geogênica ou pelo uso de alguns defensivos agrícolas na região. Há um perfil semelhante quando são comparadas as concentrações em porcentagem de metais pesados encontrados no leite humano e na água consumida pelas mães (?2=14,36). As concentrações em porcentagem de metais no leite humano e no solo mostraram diferentes perfis (?2=635,05). As concentrações em porcentagem de metais no solo e na água também apresentaram perfis diferentes (?2=721,78). Baseado nestes dados, a análise estatística evidencia uma semelhança entre o perfil da distribuição de metais pesados no leite materno e na água de abastecimento, assinalando que alterações nas concentrações de metais pesados na água podem interferir nas concentrações no leite humano. Esta relação não foi estabelecida entre a distribuição dos metais do solo e do leite humano. As relações encontradas nas matrizes estudadas apresentam relevância, considerando que podem apresentar parâmetros das interações humanas e ambientais. Estudos mais abrangentes devem ser realizados para confirmação da associação entre o perfil das concentrações de metais em água potável e leite materno, visando a confirmação de um indicador ambiental de contaminação por metais que pode ser utilizado em bancos de leite humano. / Breastfeeding is an affective instrument that transfers nutrients, vitamins and immunity from mother to child. However, it also represents a way to transfer environmental contaminants, especially heavy metals. As part of the diet of mothers, they drink water and eat food grown in local gardens, and may be exposed through these sources to heavy metals. Some heavy metals are essential for the organism, but others, from anthropogenic source, are deleterious. The objectives of this research in Conceição das Alagoas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, were: to assess the concentrations of heavy metals in colostrum, transitional milk and mature milk in lactating women, to evaluate the concentrations of heavy metals in the water supply for this population; measure and evaluate the concentrations of metals present in agricultural land and gardens in the city; verify if there is a relationship between the concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn) found in breast milk, in the water supply and in local soil. There were collected 29 samples from donors. The collection of colostrum occurred until 7 days after delivery, the collection of the transition milk occurred up to 14 days and mature milk collection occurred around day 28. It was collected 44 water samples from homes of the mothers and from different random points in the city. Soil samples were collected at 23 points, including farmland, gardens and the margin of Uberaba river. Heavy metals in milk and water were analyzed by ICP-MS in soil by XRF. The concentrations of metals in milk and water were calculated in ?g/L and expressed by medians. For soil, the concentrations were calculated in mg/kg, and were also expressed by medians. The concentration profiles were analyzed by testing the hypothesis of a multinomial population, using a Chi-square (?2) (p a = 0.05). The amounts of all heavy metals in milk remains constant among the three samples, except Zn and Cu which have their lower concentrations in mature milk. The concentrations of heavy metals in water were lower than those recommended by WHO and the Ministry of Health/Brazil, except for Cd, which was above those levels, which may be explained by the geogenic presence or the use of some pesticides in the region. There is a similar profile when comparing the concentrations in percentage of heavy metals found in human milk and water consumed by mothers (?2=14.36). The concentrations in percentage of metals in human milk and in soil showed different profiles (?2=635.05). The concentrations in percentage of metals in soil and water profiles were also different (?2=721.78). Based on these data, the statistical analyses showed a clear similarity between the profile of heavy metal distribution in breast milk and the water supplied, showing that changes in the concentrations of heavy metals in water can affect the concentrations in human milk. This relationship was not established between the profile of heavy metals from soil and human milk. The relations found in the matrices studied are relevant, considering parameters that may present environmental and human interactions. More studies should be performed to confirm the association between the profile of metal concentrations in drinking water and breast milk, seeking confirmation of an environmental indicator of metal contamination that can be used in human milk banks.

Das funções de estado, de governo e de administração pública sob uma perspectiva da racionalidade da ordem política

Mota, Marcelo de Azevedo Telesca January 2017 (has links)
O Brasil vem atravessando um dos momentos mais conturbados de sua história. Um país fragilizado, dividido e sem um consenso acerca da necessidade urgente de reformas estruturais de base, em especial, acerca do modo como vêm dispostos internamente os seus órgãos políticos de Estado. As instituições estão dispostas irracionalmente e sem coerência, permitindo a indevida cumulação (fusão) das funções de chefia de Estado, de chefia de governo e de gestão da Administração Pública em mãos de uma Presidência da República. Tratam-se de funções com finalidades, princípios e protocolos de trabalho complemente diversos, não podendo jamais serem cumuladas da forma como se encontram. A separação Estado, governo e Administração Pública é, portanto, medida que se impõe e a única saída possível para dotar o país da estabilidade e do consensus necessários para vencer as suas violentas crises. / Brazil has been going through one of the most troubled times in its history. A fragile and divided country without a consensus for basic structural reforms that are greatly needed, or rather, the way in which its political organs of state are internally disposed. Institutions are disposed irrationally and without coherence, allowing Presidency of the Republic office cumulates the functions of head of state, head of government and management of public administration. These are functions with completely different purposes, principles and protocols of work, which cannot be cumulated under one office. The separation of State, Government and Public Administration is therefore a necessary measure and the only possible way out to give the country the stability and consensus needed to overcome its violent crises.


Pacheco, Janeth Teresinha Coelho 30 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:31:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JANETH TERESINHA COELHO PACHECO.pdf: 1703369 bytes, checksum: fd4af18f947da434675e2f30a0d96019 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-30 / This study evaluated the sedative action of six eugenol concentrations (0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12 mg/L water) and five water temperatures (22, 24, 26, 28 and 30°C) on the time for the beginning of death in plati (Xiphophorus maculatus) juveniles, to allow high densities, optimizing the costs with transport costs by reducing the total weight of the loads. Six hundred fish, measuring 0.61±0.3g and 3.2±0.53 cm, in four repetitions of 5 fish per experimental unit (plastic bag) per temperature and concentration, in a total of 30 treatments were used. The results indicated that the time delay until death of the first fish in each experimental unit and the dissolved oxygen concentration were significantly affected by temperature (T), eugenol concentration (E) and the interaction of these factors (TxE). This study suggests that the time delay until death of the first fish and the dissolved oxygen concentration were interactively affected by water temperature and eugenol concentration. Eugenol, when diluted in water concentrations around 8 mg L-1 at 22ºC and 9 mg L-1 at 24ºC, allows greater survival time for the fish, but has no effect at higher temperatures. / Este trabalho avaliou a ação sedativa de seis diferentes concentrações de eugenol (0, 3, 5, 7, 9 e 12 mg/L de água) e cinco temperaturas de água ( 22, 24, 26, 28 e 30°C) no tempo para o início da mortalidade em juvenis de plati ( Xiphophorus maculatus), visando permitir altas densidades, otimizando os custos com os serviços de transporte pela redução no peso total das cargas. Foram utilizados 600 peixes com 0,61± 0,3g e 3,2 ±0,53 cm, em 04 repetições de 5 peixes por parcela (saco plástico) por temperatura e concentração, totalizando 30 tratamentos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o tempo decorrido até a morte do primeiro peixe de cada parcela e a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido na água tiveram influência altamente significativa da temperatura(T), da concentração do eugenol (E) e da interação entre esses (TxE). Este trabalho sugere que o tempo decorrido até a morte do primeiro peixe e a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido na água sejam influenciados de modo interativo, pela temperatura da água e a concentração de eugenol. O eugenol propicia maior tempo de sobrevivência dos peixes quando diluído na água nas concentrações em torno de 8 mg.L-1 a 22ºC e 9 mg.L-1 a 24ºC, mas não tem efeito em temperaturas maiores.

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