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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude comparative des thérapies anti-VIH : rôle des transporteurs d'efflux sur le passage transmembranaire des antirétroviraux au niveau des cellules CD4+ et de la barrière hémato-encéphalique.

Bousquet, Laurence 05 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Les inhibiteurs de la protéase (PI) du virus de l'immunodéficience humain (VIH) doivent, pour être actifs, pénétrer à l'intérieur des cellules cibles du VIH, comme les lymphocytes et être présents à des concentrations suffisantes au niveau de la protéase virale.<br /> <br />Certaines protéines d'efflux pourraient diminuer les concentrations intracellulaires d'IP. Ce travail étudie la pharmacocinétique intracellulaire des IP et leurs mécanismes de transfert à travers la membrane cellulaire à l'aide de modèles cellulaires.<br /> <br />Les IP pénètrent dans la cellule par diffusion passive et s'accumulent par fixation aux protéines cytosoliques.<br />Nous avons également étudié l'expression de la P-glycoprotéine à l'aide de cellules mononucléées du sang périphérique de patients infectés par le VIH et traités par des multithérapies antivirales à base d'IP.

Impact des variations eustatiques sur les assemblages benthiques à Brachiopodes : l'Ordovicien Sarde et le Devonien Ibero-Armoricain

BOTQUELEN, Arnaud 17 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse avait un double objectif: préciser les relations entre les organismes marins paléozoïques et les changements paléoenvironnementaux et si possible établir un modèle applicable dans différents domaines paléogéographiques et à différentes époques du Paléozoïque. Dans ce but, des analyses sédimentologiques, paléoécologiques et taphonomiques ont été réalisées afin de déterminer la réponse de la faune benthique aux variations du niveau marin, dans un contexte environnemental de plate-forme, à 2 époques différentes, l'Ordovicien supérieur et le Dévonien inférieur.<br /><br />Une coupe du Caradoc-Ashgill de Sardaigne, cinq coupes de l'Emsien inférieur du Massif armoricain et une coupe de l'Emsien inférieur d'Espagne (León) ont été choisies. La démarche de l'étude consiste en une analyse séquentielle à haute résolution et en un échantillonnage détaillé, destiné à l'étude paléontologique (taphonomie, définition d'associations d'organismes récurrents, systématique). Dans ce travail, seuls les brachiopodes ont été étudiés du point de vue systématique. Les brachiopodes décrits et figurés comportent 20 espèces pour l'Ordovicien supérieur sarde et 33 espèces pour le Dévonien inférieur Ibéro-armoricain.<br /><br />L'étude stratonomique a permis de reconnaître plusieurs types de faciès sédimentaires et les conditions de dépôt, en relation avec la distance à la ligne de rivage. L'empilement des faciès sédimentaires s'organise en séquences génétiques engendrées par les fluctuations du niveau relatif de la mer. Le signal de variation du niveau marin est cyclique et semble lié aux changements des paramètres orbitaux de Milankovitch. Des associations d'organismes, définies à l'aide d'analyses multivariées (analyses en composantes principales, classification hiérarchique), se répartissent de façon récurrente et en accord avec les faciès sédimentaires, caractérisant ainsi des milieux de dépôt différents. 16 associations sont ainsi définies: l'association à 'Longvillia', 'Nicolella', 'Paucicrura' et 'Ibéromena' de l'Ordovicien supérieur de Sardaigne; l'association à 'Adolfia', 'Stenorhynchia', 'Chonétides', 'Crinoïdes-Brachiopodes', 'Crinoïdes-Ostracodes', 'Ostracodes', 'Ostracodes-Tentaculitides', 'Bryozoaires' et 'Dacryoconarides' du Dévonien inférieur du Massif armoricain; l'association à 'Rhynchonellides', 'Spiriférides' et 'Tétracoralliaires-Crinoïdes-Dacryoconarides' du Dévonien inférieur ibérique. Une grande partie des archives paléontologiques est conservée au sein de concentrations coquillières d'épaisseur variable. L'étude des concentrations coquillières, en considérant les différents critères taphonomiques et leur répartition au sein des séquences génétiques, a permis la distinction de 2 types de concentration et l'élaboration d'un modèle expliquant leur mise en place. La formation des concentrations coquillières est liée à la dynamique des tempêtes (facteurs autocycliques) et aux variations du niveau marin (facteurs allocycliques). Les concentrations fines de tempêtes (type A) se forment préférentiellement lors des phases de chute du niveau marin à très haute fréquence, tandis que les concentrations composites de tempêtes (type B) s'individualisent lors des périodes d'élévation du niveau de la mer à très haute fréquence. Ces périodes se caractérisent par des apports sédimentaires faibles: il s'agit d'intervalles de stabilité à l'interface eau-sédiment, favorisant la rétroaction taphonomique ou encore l'activité des organismes perforants (bioérosion). Les accumulations coquillières qui en résultent sont des niveaux condensés, caractérisées par l'amalgame de nombreuses générations d'organismes.<br /><br />La complémentarité des approches séquentielles et paléontologiques se révèle fructueuse dans la compréhension de la dynamique des associations: le résultat des analyses multivariées des niveaux à partir de leur contenu faunique est en accord avec les regroupements établis par la stratigraphie séquentielle. Les associations reflètent clairement les fluctuations du niveau marin. Lors des variations progressives et modérées du niveau marin, les remplacements d'associations se caractérisent par une réorganisation de la composition taxonomique, de la diversité et des réseaux trophiques (remplacements d'associations par réorganisation). Lors de variations rapides et importantes du niveau marin, les remplacements d'association se définissent par des renouvellements dans la structure écologique (remplacements d'associations par renouvellement). Des changements paléoécologiques sont ainsi définis en relation avec les variations eustatiques.

Etude des concentrations de gaz atmosphériques et estimation des flux de dépôt sec à l'échelle des principaux écosystèmes africains

Adon, Marcellin 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de recherche, réalisé dans le cadre du programme IDAF, est une contribution à l'étude des dépôts des constituants majeurs atmosphériques à la surface de la terre, en Afrique tropicale. Il concerne l'étude des concentrations atmosphériques des gaz azotés (ammoniac, dioxyde d'azote, acide nitrique), du dioxyde de soufre (SO2) et de l'ozone (O3) et leur dépôt sec en Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale. Les gaz ont été mesurés sur une base mensuelle par la technique des capteurs passifs sur une période de dix ans (1998-2007) dans sept sites IDAF représentatifs d'un transect d'écosystèmes : savanes sèches - savanes humides - forêts. La validation et l'analyse de la base de données décennales des " gaz IDAF " a permis d'établir les niveaux de concentrations caractéristiques de chaque écosystème et d'étudier leurs évolutions moyennes mensuelles, saisonnières, annuelles et interannuelles sur le transect d'écosystèmes. Les flux de dépôt sec ont été estimés par la méthode inférentielle à partir des vitesses de dépôt sec calculées en utilisant le modèle " big-leaf " de Zhang et al. (2003b). Dans le modèle de dépôt, les conditions de surface et météorologiques spécifiques aux sites IDAF ont été adaptées puis validées pour être représentatives de ces sites et ont ainsi permis de simuler les vitesses de dépôt sec représentatives des grands écosystèmes. Les variations moyennes mensuelles, saisonnières et annuelles des flux de dépôt sec des gaz (NO2, HNO3, NH3, O3, et SO2) sont analysées dans l'objectif de réaliser un bilan de dépôt atmosphérique total (sec + humide) d'azote à l'échelle des écosystèmes africains. Le dépôt total d'azote est estimé respectivement à 6-9 kgN.ha-1.an-1, 7-10 kgN.ha-1.an-1 et 13 kgN.ha-1.an-1 en savanes sèches, en savane humides et en forêts, avec une contribution relative du dépôt sec sous forme gazeuse au dépôt total d'azote comprise entre 46 et 71% sur l'ensemble des écosystèmes. Un bilan émission-dépôt des composés azotés oxydés et réduits à l'échelle de chaque écosystème a été réalisé et a montré un flux d'émission totale de même ordre de grandeur que le dépôt moyen annuel d'azote pour les écosystèmes de savanes mais plus faible dans l'écosystème forestier. Enfin une analyse comparative entre les mesures IDAF de dépôt d'azote et, d'une part, le dépôt d'azote simulé par une analyse multi-modèle à l'échelle globale et d'autre part, avec les charges critiques d'eutrophisation existantes dans la littérature a permis une première évaluation de l'impact potentiel du dépôt total d'azote sur les écosystèmes tropicaux africains.

Lichen thermal sensitivities, moisture interception and elemental accumulation in an arid South African ecosystem

Maphangwa, Khumbudzo Walter January 2010 (has links)
<p>Elevated temperatures accompanying climate warming are expected to have adverse effects on sensitive lichen species. This premise was examined by measuring the sensitivity of different lichen species to elevated temperatures in the laboratory and in the field. Laboratory studies involved the exposure of nine hydrated lichen species (Xanthoparmelia austro-africana, X. hyporhytida, Xanthoparmelia sp., Xanthomaculina hottentotta, Teloschistes capensis, Ramalina sp., Flavopuntelia caperata, Lasallia papulosa, Parmotrema austrosinensis) collected from sites of different aridity and mean annual temperature for 2 hourly intervals to temperatures ranging from 24&ordm / C to 48&ordm / C in a forced daft oven and measuring their respiration rates and maximum quantum yield of PSII. Field studies involved simultaneous hourly measurements of ground surface air temperatures and Lichen effective quantum yield of PSII of hydrated lichen species populations under ambient and artificially modified environmental conditions.</p>

Lichen thermal sensitivities, moisture interception and elemental accumulation in an arid South African ecosystem

Maphangwa, Khumbudzo Walter January 2010 (has links)
<p>Elevated temperatures accompanying climate warming are expected to have adverse effects on sensitive lichen species. This premise was examined by measuring the sensitivity of different lichen species to elevated temperatures in the laboratory and in the field. Laboratory studies involved the exposure of nine hydrated lichen species (Xanthoparmelia austro-africana, X. hyporhytida, Xanthoparmelia sp., Xanthomaculina hottentotta, Teloschistes capensis, Ramalina sp., Flavopuntelia caperata, Lasallia papulosa, Parmotrema austrosinensis) collected from sites of different aridity and mean annual temperature for 2 hourly intervals to temperatures ranging from 24&ordm / C to 48&ordm / C in a forced daft oven and measuring their respiration rates and maximum quantum yield of PSII. Field studies involved simultaneous hourly measurements of ground surface air temperatures and Lichen effective quantum yield of PSII of hydrated lichen species populations under ambient and artificially modified environmental conditions.</p>

The Effects of Estrogen on the Growth and Tuberization of Potato Plants (Solanum tuberosum cv. 'Iwa') Grown in Liquid Tissue Culture Media

Brown, Greta Suzanne January 2006 (has links)
Mammalian estrogens and estrogen-like compounds known as xeno-estrogens are being found in and excreted into the environment in ever increasing amounts. The xeno-estrogen DDE has been found at high concentrations of 1-5 mg/kg of soil (Aislabie et. al, 1997). These estrogens and xeno-estrogens are having a devastating effect on animal-life, yet little is known or understood on the effects of estrogens on plant-life. Thus it is important to determine what effects (if any) estrogens may have on plants. Other research has shown that estrogen has an effect on plants grown in vitro (Janeczko and Skoczowski, 2005). This research aims to help increase the amount of information on what effects estrogens may have on plants. In this study, the effects of mammalian estrogens (17-β-estradiol, estrone and estriol) on the growth and tuberization of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv 'Iwa') grown in liquid tissue culture medium are presented. It was found that at even 0.1 mg/L of estrogen, root growth of the plants was diminished and at 10 mg/L of estrogen, plant deformity was apparent and callus growth induced. Acid phosphatase activity of the plants was increased with the addition of 0.1 mg/L and 1 mg/L of estrogen but then decreased with the addition of 10 mg/L of estrogen. Tuber production was slightly reduced in plants treated with estrogen compared to the control.

Ethionamide pharmacokinetics in multidrugresistant tuberculosis patients with and without HIVinfection

Ezeukwu, Ifeoma Patricia January 2017 (has links)
Magister Pharmaceuticae - Mpharm / Many studies have investigated the pharmacokinetics (PK) of anti-tuberculosis drugs in tuberculosis patients. However, currently in South Africa, no studies have been done on ethionamide (ETH) PK in adult MDR-TB patients that are infected with HIV and those without HIV infection. Therefore, the objective of this current study was firstly, to find out ethionamide plasma concentration using the LC-MS method; secondly, to evaluate and compare the pharmacokinetics of ethionamide in MDR-TB patients infected with and without HIV infection; thirdly, to examine the effects of ARVs and kidney impairment on the PK of ethionamide and fourthly, to find out the consequence of sex and age on ETH PK parameters.

Termofosfatos: eficiência agronômica e alterações químicas em solos com diferentes concentrações iniciais de fósforo / Thermophosphates: agronomic efficiency and chemical alterations in soils with different initial phosphorus concentrations

Moretto, Juliana de Lima [UNESP] 24 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Juliana de Lima Moretto null (juliana_moretto@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-11T20:22:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação FINAL com ficha.pdf: 1946952 bytes, checksum: 80e6a9399d83630bc95357d6c0b734df (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Monique Sasaki (sayumi_sasaki@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-12T17:19:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 moretto_jl_me_bot.pdf: 1946952 bytes, checksum: 80e6a9399d83630bc95357d6c0b734df (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-12T17:19:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 moretto_jl_me_bot.pdf: 1946952 bytes, checksum: 80e6a9399d83630bc95357d6c0b734df (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A fertilização fosfatada nos solos tropicais possui eficiência muito variável, dependendo, dentre outros fatores, da fonte de P utilizada, das propriedades do solo e da espécie e variedade vegetal cultivada. Dentro desse contexto, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência agronômica de termofosfatos, em solos com concentrações iniciais de P distintas, utilizando-se o milheto (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) como planta indicadora. Foi utilizado um Nitossolo da Fazenda Experimental Lageado, coletado em área de produção agrícola, com médio teor de P. Adjacente à área de produção, em mata natural, coletou-se o mesmo solo, com baixo teor de P. Em casa de vegetação elaborou-se um experimento com delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 4x3+1, dose zero como tratamento controle, com quatro repetições. Os fatores foram quatro fertilizantes fosfatados (termofosfato magnesiano, termofosfato potássico, termofosfato grosso, e superfosfato triplo como referência), e três doses (40, 80 e 120 mg dm-3 de P). O solo foi avaliado ao final do experimento quanto a sua composição química (teor de P, K, Ca, Mg e Si). As plantas foram avaliadas morfologicamente (altura, diâmetro de caule, massa de matéria seca) e quimicamente (teor dos mesmos elementos). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (Teste F) e as médias dos tratamentos foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (α=5%). O termofosfato com granulometria grosseira tem sua eficiência altamente prejudicada em razão de sua menor solubilidade. A adubação potássica TK+KCl, num solo com baixo teor inicial de K, tem menor eficiência que a adubação integral com KCl. Os termofosfatos possuem eficiências agronômicas distintas em função da concentração inicial de P no solo, eles são mais eficientes quando esse nível é previamente adequado. O índice de eficiência agronômica dos termofosfatos TM e TK é inferior ao padrão num solo com baixo teor inicial de P, e superior ao padrão num solo com adequado teor inicial de P. / Phosphate fertilization on tropical soils has very variable efficiency, depending, among others factors, from the P source used, the soil properties and the vegetal specie and variety cultivated. Inside this context, the objective of this experiment was to evaluate the thermophosphates agronomic efficiency, in soils with different phosphorus initial concentration, using millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) as indicator plant. It was used a Nitosol from the Experimental Farm Lageado, collected in an agricultural production area, with medium concentration of P. Adjacent to the production area, in an natural forest, the same soil was collected, with low P concentration. The experiment was elaborated in a greenhouse, with a randomized block design in a 4x3+1 factorial design, zero dose as control treatment, with four replications. The factors were four phosphate fertilizers (magnesium thermophosphate (TM), potassium thermophosphate (TK), coarse thermophosphate, and triple superphosphate (ST) as reference), and three doses (40, 80 and 120 mg dm-3 of P). At the end of the experiment the soil chemical composition (P, K, Ca, Mg and Si content) was evaluated. The plants were morphologically evaluated (height, stem diameter and dry matter weight) and chemically evaluated (content of the same elements). Data were submitted to analysis of variance (Test F) and the means of the treatments were compared by the Tukey test (α = 5%). The thermophosphate with coarse granulometry has its efficiency highly impaired due its lower solubility. The potassium fertilization TK + KCl, in a soil with low initial K content, has lower efficiency than total fertilization with KCl. The thermophosphates have different agronomic efficiencies, depending of the initial concentration of P in the soil, they are more efficient when this level is previously adequate. The agronomic efficiency index of TM and TK thermophosphates is lower than the standard fertilizer in a soil with a low initial P content, and higher than the standard in soil with an adequate initial P content. / CAPES: 1546204

Hematologia, bioquímica e eletroforese de proteínas séricas de tamanduás-bandeiras (Myrmecophaga tridactyla, Linnaeus, 1758) em Cativeiro / Hematology, biochemistry and serum protein electrophoresis of captive giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla, Linnaeus, 1758)

Oliveira, Evelyn de 30 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-12-14T16:15:48Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Evelyn de Oliveira - 2016.pdf: 6056199 bytes, checksum: af631b615e5b34b3435e2b9dbad44431 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-12-14T16:33:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Evelyn de Oliveira - 2016.pdf: 6056199 bytes, checksum: af631b615e5b34b3435e2b9dbad44431 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-14T16:33:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Evelyn de Oliveira - 2016.pdf: 6056199 bytes, checksum: af631b615e5b34b3435e2b9dbad44431 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-30 / The giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), wild mammal belonging to the superorder of Xenarthras, who originally inhabited Central and South America. It is currently classified as a vulnerable species, primarily due to deforestation, fires and running over accidents. The absence of reference values for laboratory tests increases the difficulty to assess these animals, especially due to the raising number of attendances in veterinary care institutions. Given the importance of such data, the aim of this study was to establish hematological, biochemical and electrophoretic parameters for captive giant anteaters as well to know which are the effects of storage conditions in hematologic samples with two different concentrations of anticoagulants. Therefore, we used 12 clinically healthy captive animals. The samples were collected from the jugular vein into appropriate blood tubes. The blood analysis was carried out immediately after colletion and in others two different times to check the storage effects (M0 - immediate analysis, M2 - 24 hours after collection, M3 - 48 hours post-collection). Biochemical analysis was performed a week after the harvest. Electrophoresis was carried out in agarose gel support. The mean and standard deviation of haematological variables of samples processed soon after harvest were: RBC (2.07 x 106/uL ± 0.40); packed cell volume (38.08 % ± 5.93); hemoglobin (11.33 g/dL ± 2.15); VCM (186.52 fL ± 21.72); MCHC (29.68 g/dL ± 2.56); MCH (55.08 pcg ± 5.94); total leukocytes (8142/uL ± 2,441); neutrophils (5913/uL ± 2168); lymphocytes (1460/uL ± 740); eosinophils (522/uL ± 385); monocytes (247/uL ± 176); platelets (123.458/uL ± 31.362) and total plasma proteins (6.23 g/dL ± 0.49). The mean and standard deviation corresponding to biochemical analysis was: albumin (3.29 g/dL ± 0.33); ALT (15.49 IU/L ± 7.98); amylase (1037.92 IU/L ± 149.04); AST (21.12 IU/L ± 7.50); total cholesterol (62.79 mg/dL ± 20.08); HDL cholesterol (14.73 mg/dL ± 4.98); LDL cholesterol (26.60 mg/dL ± 11.05); VLDL cholesterol (2.14 mg/dL ± 1.06); CK (111.61 IU/L ± 70.16); creatinine (1.05 mg/dL ± 0.37); iron (194.64 µg/dL ± 81.17); GGT (65.18 IU/L ± 54.57); glucose (103.71 mg/dL ± 29.63); globulins (2.76 g/dl ± 0.36); lipase (28.80 IU/L ± 5.11); PST (6.05 g/dL ± 0.56); triglycerides (10.71 mg/dL ± 5.29); urea (53.46 mg/dL ± 18.28). The results of the electrophoresis led to six protein bands which are classified as albumin (2.60 g/dL ± 0.33), alpha-1 (0.33 g/dL ± 0.07), alpha-2 (0, 50 g/dL ± 0.17), beta 1 (0.62 g/dL ± 0.17), beta 2 (1.50 g/dL ± 0.25) and gamma (1.88 g/dL ± 0.30). Therefore, we conclude that there are physiological changes in hematological and biochemical parameters of giant anteaters from different biomes. In these animals the electrophoretic pattern of the technique in agarose gel are six protein bands and the percentage of albumin is greater than the other fractions. This suggests that extrinsic factors such as climate, nutrition and management can affect these variables. Therefore, the results presented in this work can be used as laboratory parameters of healthiness in cerrado captive giant anteaters. / O tamanduá-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), mamífero silvestre pertencente à superordem dos Xenarthras, é originário das Américas Central e do Sul. Atualmente, está classificado como espécie vulnerável, devido principalmente ao desmatamento, queimadas e atropelamento. A ausência de valores de referência para exames laboratoriais dificulta a avaliação desses animais, especialmente devido ao aumento na casuística de atendimento dessa espécie em instituições veterinárias. Dada à importância de tais dados, objetivou-se com este estudo estabelecer parâmetros hematológicos, bioquímicos e eletroforéticos para tamanduás-bandeiras de cativeiro do cerrado, bem como, saber quais os efeitos de estocagem nas amostras hematológicas nessa espécie em duas concentrações distintas de anticoagulante. Para isso, foram utilizados 12 animais de cativeiro clinicamente saudáveis. O sangue foi colhido da jugular e armazenado em tubos apropriados para cada tipo de exame. Os hemogramas foram realizados logo após as colheitas e em outros dois diferentes momentos para verificação dos efeitos de estocagem (M0 – análise imediata, M2 – 24 horas pós-colheita, M3 – 48 horas pós-colheita). As análises bioquímicas foram executadas uma semana após as colheitas. A eletroforese foi feita no suporte de gel de agarose. A média e o desvio padrão das variáveis hematológicas das amostras processadas logo após a colheita foram: hemácias (2,07 x106/µL ± 0,40); volume globular (38,08 % ± 5,93); hemoglobina (11,33 g/dL ± 2,15); VCM (186,52 fL ± 21,72); CHCM (29,68 g/dL ± 2,56); HCM (55,08 pcg ± 5,94); leucócitos totais (8.142/µL ± 2.441); neutrófilos (5.913/µL ± 2.168); linfócitos (1.460/µL ± 740); eosinófilos (522/µL ± 385); monócitos (247/µL ± 176); plaquetas (123.458/µL ± 31.362) e proteínas plasmáticas totais (6,23 g/dL ± 0,49). As médias e o desvio padrão correspondentes às análises bioquímicas foram: albumina (3,29 g/dL ± 0,33); ALT (15,49 UI/L ± 7,98); amilase (1037,92 UI/L ± 149,04); AST (21,12 UI/L ± 7,50); colesterol total (62,79 mg/dL ± 20,08); colesterol HDL (14,73 mg/dL ± 4,98); colesterol LDL (26,60 mg/dL ± 11,05); colesterol VLDL (2,14 mg/dL ± 1,06); CK (111,61 UI/L ± 70,16); creatinina (1,05 mg/dL ± 0,37); ferro (194,64 µg/dL ± 81,17); GGT (65,18 UI/L ± 54,57); glicose (103,71 mg/dL ± 29,63); globulinas (2,76 g/dL ± 0,36); lipase (28,80 UI/L ± 5,11); PST (6,05 g/dL ± 0,56); triglicerídeos (10,71 mg/dL ± 5,29); ureia (53,46 mg/dL ± 18,28). Os resultados da eletroforese permitiram o fracionamento de seis bandas proteicas, classificadas como albumina (2,60 g/dL ± 0,33), alfa-1 (0,33 g/dL ± 0,07), alfa-2 (0,50 g/dL ± 0,17), beta-1 (0,62 g/dL ± 0,17), beta-2 (1,50 g/dL ± 0,25) e gama (1,88 g/dL ± 0,30). Portanto, é possível concluir que existem variações fisiológicas dos parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos tamanduás-bandeiras de biomas diferentes. Nestes animais, o padrão eletroforético em gel de agarose são seis bandas proteicas e a porcentagem de albumina é a maior delas. Este fato sugere que fatores extrínsecos como o clima, a nutrição e o manejo possam interferir nessas variáveis. Por isso, propor valores de referências obtidos de espécies análogas é necessário. Os resultados apresentados pelo presente trabalho podem ser utilizados como parâmetros laboratoriais de higidez em tamanduás-bandeiras de cativeiro do cerrado

Halter av bekämpningsmedel i rå- och dricksvatten i Sverige / Concentrations of pesticides in raw and drinking water in Sweden

Ogla, Ali January 2017 (has links)
Oönskade effekter av bekämpningsmedel (BM) har noterats i svenska vatten. Råvatten är råvara till dricksvatten, och i Sverige kommer råvatten ursprungligen från både yt- och grundvatten. Resultaten av vattenundersökningar i Sverige har visat innehåll av bekämpningsmedel i både rå- och dricksvatten. I denna studie presenteras halter av BM i rå- och dricksvatten i Sverige. Resultaten har visat att det finns signifikanta skillnader i både antalet och andelen prover med BM mellan rå- och dricksvatten. Resultaten har även visat att i Blekinge län har registrerats den högsta andelen av BM i dricksvattenprover (30,43 %). I råvatten har man registrerat den högsta andelen av BM i råvattenprover i Gävleborg län (42,30 %). I yt- och grundvatten, och i enskilda brunnar har resultaten visat att minst ett bekämpningsmedel (aktiv substans) påträffats i samtliga prover i Sverige 2015. Vissa förbjudna substanser hittades i grundvatten även om de förbjöds för mer än 20 år sedan. Förbjudna substanser detekterades även i vattenreningsverk. Störst mängd BM används av industrin, medan det inom jordbruket främst är ogräsbekämpningsmedel som används, medan hushållen främst använder mossmedel. Studien visar att det finns höga halter av bekämpningsmedel i råvatten i Sverige. Några förbjudna substanser detekterades i i yt- och grundvatten samt vattenverk. / Undesirable effects from pesticides have been noted not only in Sweden but also all over the world where chemical agents are used without any restriction. Raw water is a raw material for drinking water. In Sweden raw water originates from both surface and groundwater; results of water surveys in Sweden have shown that different pesticides are present both in raw and drinking water. This study presents the concentrations of pesticides in raw and drinking water in Sweden and the study has shown that there are significant differences in the proportions of samples with pesticides between raw and drinking water. The results also show that the highest proportion of samples with pesticide residues in drinking water (30.43%) was registered in the County of Blekinge. The highest proportion of samples with pesticide residues in raw water (42.30%) was registered in the County of Gävleborg. For surface and groundwater, the results show that at least one pesticide (active substance) has been found in all samples in surface and groundwater in Sweden in 2015.  Some prohibited substances were found in groundwater even though they were banned more than 20 years ago. Prohibited substances were also detected in water operations.           Most of pesticides in Sweden are used by industry; herbicides are mainly used in agriculture while households use mostly moss pesticides. The study shows that there are high concentrations of pesticides in raw water in Sweden.  Some prohibited substances were detected in surface water, groundwater and water operations.

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