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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inhalation and dietary exposure to PCBS in urban and rural cohorts via congener-specific airborne PCB measurements

Ampleman, Matthew D. 01 December 2014 (has links)
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of 209 persistent organic pollutants, whose documented carcinogenic, neurological and respiratory toxicities are expansive and growing. Existing inhalation estimates demonstrate ubiquitous exposure to World Health Organization (WHO) indicator PCBs and limited other PCB congeners in North America and Europe. However, inhalation exposure estimates of most lower-chlorinated congeners are lacking, and continuing release of PCBs from urban areas demands location-specific assessments of PCB exposure in ambient air and contaminated environments. Using paired indoor and outdoor airborne PCB measurements and activity questionnaires from the AESOP Study, we assess congener-specific exposure rates for adolescent children and their mothers in East Chicago, Indiana and Columbus Junction, Iowa. Our cohorts of 129 (EC) and 135 (CJ) and our detection of 202 individual congeners and coelutions allows unprecedented quantification of congener-specific inhalation exposure, which we compare to dietary exposure using Total Diet Survey PCB concentrations. ∑PCB inhalation is greater for children than for their mothers in both locations, and is greater for East Chicago mothers and children than for Columbus Junction mothers and children, respectively. Schools attended by AESOP Study children have higher indoor PCB concentrations than do homes, and contribute to more than half of children's inhalation PCB exposure. Inhalation of the potentially neurotoxic congeners PCB 11, 40/41/71, and 51 was apparent among individuals at each location. Additional, congener-specific and biological inferences are possible via comparison with sera-based PCB concentrations for these cohorts.

Growth and Nutrition of Plants as Affected by Different Osmotic Concentrations of Calcium Chloride and Sodium Chloride in the Substrate

Khan, Mumtaz Ali 01 May 1956 (has links)
Considerable experimental evidence supports the concept that the growth of plants generally decreases progressively as the salt concentration of the substrate increases, but certain relationships between plant and substrate are still not fully understood. The chemistry of salt toxicity to plants involves many interactions both as to the quantity and kind of ions presented to the roots and those accumulated in the plants. Many plant species have shown sensitivity to excess accumulation of specific salts frequently encountered in saline soils. Thus Eaton (1942), Wadleigh, Hayward, and Ayers (1951 ) have shown most of the fruit trees to be susceptible to injury as a result of the accumulation of chloride ion. Wadleigh, et al. (1951) have reported orchard grass to be sensitive to calcium salts. Recently, Brown, Wadleigh, and Hayward (1953) have found calcium chloride more toxic to some fruit trees than isosmotic levels of sodium chloride. These and other studies have indicated a greater influence of specific ions than of the osnotic pressure of the solution.

Estimating the Effectiveness of a Seasonal Gas Tax for Controlling Episodic PM2.5 Concentrations in Cache County, Utah

Moscardini, Leo A. 01 May 2014 (has links)
For several years, residents of Cache County, Utah have suffered from the recurrence of what has come to be known as the winter-inversion, or “red-air-day” season. Each year during this season – which occurs primarily in the months of December, January, and February – particulate matter concentrations measuring two and half micrometers or less (commonly known as PM2.5) rise and languish (for periods of days or even weeks) above federally mandated standards, causing extensive harm to community health and confounding what have thus far been the relatively tepid control efforts undertaken by local and state policymakers. Through time-series regression modeling, we establish a statistical relationship between PM2.5 concentrations and vehicle use in Cache County, and further calculate a gas-price elasticity for the region. Next, we analyze the benefits and costs associated with a potential seasonal gas tax which, if set appropriately and enforced effectively, could decrease vehicle use and thereby lower health costs through concomitant decreases in PM2.5 concentrations. Specifically, we find a relatively strong positive relationship between percentage of vehicle trips reduced and associated reductions in PM2.5concentrations, and a gas price elasticity of approximately -0.31 in what we call a “high price variability environment.” Based upon these results, benefit-cost analysis suggests a potentially positive social net benefit for Cache County associated with imposing a seasonal gas tax to reduce PM2.5 concentrations during the winter-inversion season. Our benefit-cost analysis, which uses quantitative estimation techniques on both sides of the ledger, yields a first-of-its-kind social net benefit estimate for controlling elevated PM2.5 concentrations in Cache County through the imposition of a seasonal gas tax.

Influence of high CO2 on growth and development of rice

Seneweera, Saman P., University of Western Sydney, College of Science, Technology and Environment, School of Horticulture January 1995 (has links)
The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is rising dramatically each year. Increases are certain to influence growth of C3 plants. This thesis focuses on the growth and development of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Jarrah).The major questions addressed in this thesis were whether elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations would : 1/ increase grain yield where the soil was flooded or unflooded under conditions of varying phosphorus supply; 2/ change the timing of development; 3/ alter the partitioning of dry weight and nutrients between the roots and shoots; and, 4/ influence grain quality. The mechanisms underlying growth and developmental changes at elevated CO2 were also investigated. After experimentation, it is concluded that the grain yield of rice will increase as the atmospheric CO2 concentration rises even when phosphorus supplies are low. The largest response to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations will occur under dryland conditions but increases of up to 60 per cent are likely in flooded rice. Importantly, there is likely to be a reduction in the life cycle of rice crops as the CO2 concentration rises. This would have the advantage that more crops could be sown in one season. The quality of the rice grain produced at high CO2 concentrations will also change, with milling quality appearance likely to improve. The cooked rice will be firmer. Experiments also showed that rice grown in flooded soil at different CO2 concentrations is an excellent system for investigating the control of plant growth and development, particularly the influence of hormones. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Influence of Nutrients on Aquatic Primary Production and Food Webs in Subtropical Streams of South East Queensland, Australia

Schmitt, Andrea V, n/a January 2005 (has links)
The increasing world population and with it the increased pressure on food production are likely to challenge the availability of quality fresh water resources in the near future. To compound the looming water crisis, caused by an increased demand for water available for agricultural production, the quality of our fresh water resources is also likely to suffer from the consequences of increased population pressure, i.e. urbanization of land and growth of industries, and food production, i.e. agricultural use of land. Moreton Bay, South East Queensland, Australia, is listed under the United Nations Convention on Wetlands and is also a declared Marine Park. The Moreton Bay area, however, is already one of the five fastest growing urban areas in the developed world. Prognoses about future population growth and urban and industrial development in the area, have hence given rise to growing concerns about the future water quality in this international environmentally important area. Therefore the aim of the current study was to investigate the fate of nutrients in freshwater streams in the Moreton Bay area in order to gain a better understanding of nutrient pathways in aquatic systems and assist in refining the National Water Quality Management Strategy to provide better management of our waterways. To achieve this, the effects of land use on water quality were determined at 22 study sites in the Brisbane River Catchment. Within the catchment five main types of land use were identified, including urban, rural residential, cropping, grazing and mixed types of land use. Water quality was sampled during three seasons: the pre-wet (October - November), wet (December - March) and dry (April - August) season. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in ambient stream water varied significantly spatially, i.e. types of land use, and temporally, i.e. seasons. At some sites, during certain times of the year, nutrient concentrations were found to exceed the range recommended by the Australian Water Quality guidelines. Nutrient concentrations were particular high in urban areas, especially during the dry season. It was also found that the 15N signatures in aquatic plants, i.e epipelic algae, correlated strongly with in-stream nitrogen concentrations. The large variability of in-stream nutrient concentrations, and the related changes in nitrogen isotopic signatures in aquatic plants, made it obvious to suggest that changes in land use may significantly impact on water quality in the catchment. Other changes in land use, for example riparian vegetation clearing, are also commonly observed in areas under urban, industry and/or agricultural growth pressure. This is of particular concern, given riparian vegetation is important not only in controlling nutrient and other organic matter input into streams, but also in regulating light levels for in-stream primary production. Previously riparian zones have been shown to be a prime source of carbon and energy for aquatic food webs in some studies, whereas other studies suggested the main driver of food webs is in-stream primary production. The current study used stable isotope analysis track carbon and nitrogen pathways through aquatic systems and determine the primary source of carbon and energy in aquatic food webs. Despite large spatial and temporal variability of 13C, aquatic consumers were closely tracking the carbon isotope signatures of plants and it was suggested that epilithic and epipelic algae are the main contributors to the carbon and energy budget of aquatic consumers.In realizing this importance of algae in aquatic systems, the next step in this study was to examine the relative importance of light and nutrient availability to periphyton and the effects of changes of these variables on plant biomass and primary production. In an in-situ experiment the levels of light and nutrients available to periphyton, were altered. Although nutrients and light may have colimited standing crop of periphyton, other variables were clearly limited by light. Parallel to this experiment on periphyton, the nutrient availability to Vallisneria spp. was experimentally altered to investigate the effects of changes in nutrient availability and nutrient limitation on other aquatic plants. The biomass of this submerged macrophyte increased three-fold in nitrogen and phosphorus sufficient areas over nutrient limited treatments. The physiological response, i.e. changes in concentrations of amino acids, of periphyton to changes in environmental conditions was also investigated on a large scale, i.e. spatial and temporal variability of amino acids, and a local scale, i.e. amino acid changes in artificially altered light and nutrient availability. This response was of particular interest in this study, as it was previously shown that physiological changes in plants impact on the quality of plants as food for consumers. The physiological changes in aquatic plants could thus provide an important link between nutrient input into streams (e.g. from terrestrial sources), impacts on aquatic plants (e.g.. nutrient uptake and physiological responses in plants) and effects on aquatic consumers (e.g. changes in food quality of plants and therefore impacts on biomass, growth and overall health of aquatic consumers).

The accumulation and storage of selenium in Anadara Trapezia

Jolley, Dianne F., n/a January 1999 (has links)
This study examines the occurrence, distribution and storage of selenium in seagrass communities of Lake Macquarie, which is a heavily industrialised area of NSW, where notably high trace metal concentrations have been reported previously. Initially a suite of organisms was collected from a seagrass bed (Zostera capricornia) in the southeastern section of the lake to investigate the bioaccumulation and biomagnification of selenium. All organisms contained selenium, with sediment-dwelling organisms containing the highest Se concentrations. No consistent pattern of significant Se-metal correlations with Cu, Zn and Cd was found. Biomagnification of Se was evident, as concentrations increased from sediments and water to flora (algae and seagrass) to bivalves to Crustacea. However, this trend was not continued to the higher trophic groups of invertebrate predators and teleost fish. The bivalve Anadara trapezia was further studied. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting the accumulation of Se were examined. Gender and mass were assessed in a single day study, followed by a temporal investigation of the effect of gender, reproductive cycle, temperature and salinity on Se accumulation. Gender had no effect on the accumulation of Se in A. trapezia. Se was present in all tissues (adductor, blood, foot, gills, intestine and mantle) and not immobilised or stored in a specific tissue, indicating that it plays a structural role in the tissues of A. trapezia. Se burden increased relative to size (shell length and dry mass) suggesting that Se is metabolically controlled within the organism. Se concentrations were found to fluctuate temporally because of: food availability in response to water temperatures; the reproductive cycle; and associated metabolic activities responding to temperature changes and food availability. Subcellular selenium associations in A. trapezia were examined to assist in the understanding of the fate of Se in marine tissues. Most of the Se was associated with proteins, suggesting that Se has a metabolic role in this marine organism. Proteins are intrinsically associated with the lipid bilayer of the cell membranes. A number of proteins (94, 85, 43, 36.5, 30, 23.4, 17.4 and 15 kDa) were separated by SDS PAGE from ethanol fractions. Determination of the Se concentration within individual proteins was not possible because the ratio of Se to protein was too low for further analysis. These findings indicated that Se plays a metabolic role in the tissues of the marine organism A. trapezia. The biochemical regulatory mechanism responsible for maintaining Se concentrations within the tissues is currently unknown.

Modélisation micro-météorologique en milieu urbain : dispertion des polluants et prise en compte des effets radiatifs

Milliez, Maya 14 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'hétérogénéité des espaces urbains et l'interaction avec les bâtiments sont à l'origine de processus complexes à prendre en compte dans les études de pollution atmosphérique et de climat urbain à petite échelle. Afin d'estimer l'impact des bâtiments sur l'écoulement et la dispersion de polluants, une étude détaillée dans un milieu urbain idéalisé a été effectuée avec le modèle numérique tridimensionnel Mercure_Saturne, en modélisant à la fois les concentrations moyennes et leurs fluctuations. Pour prendre en compte le rayonnement atmosphérique en milieu bâti et les effets thermiques des bâtiments, nous avons implémenté un modèle radiatif tridimensionnel adapté à la géométrie complexe. Ce modèle, adapté d'un schéma utilisé pour le rayonnement thermique, résout l'équation des transferts radiatifs en milieu semi-transparent, en utilisant la méthode des ordonnées discrètes. Le nouveau schéma a été validé en milieu transparent sur des cas idéalisés et comparé à un cas complet.

Occupational exposure to brominated flame retardants : With emphasis on polybrominated diphenyl ethers

Thuresson, Kaj January 2004 (has links)
<p>Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are a diverse group of chemicals, which are used to slow down or inhibit the development of fires. BFRs are incorporated into a wide range of consumer products that are considered as potential fire hazards, such as TV-sets, household appliances, computers, and textiles. The production and use of BFRs is extensive and consists of mainly tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecan (HBCD). BFRs in general, but in particular the PBDEs, have led to both scientific and public concern since they have been found to bioaccumulate in humans and wildlife. The general population is targeted by the PBDEs due to their applications and via the food web. Occupational exposure occurs not only during direct handling of BFRs, but also during handling, repair and dismantling of flame retarded goods.</p><p>This thesis is aimed to assess occupational exposure to BFRs. It is mainly focused PBDEs and especially the PBDEs with high bromine content, such as decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209). The work has been accomplished by analysis of BFRs in indoor air at industries handling BFRs or flame retarded goods, and by analysis of blood drawn from workers with potential exposure to BFRs. A referent group, abattoir workers with no occupational exposure to PBDEs, was also investigated. Data from these cross-sectional investigations and from serum sampling during vacation in PBDE-exposed workers have been used for calculation of apparent halflives of hepta- to decaBDE in serum.</p><p>The results clearly show that the workers were exposed to PBDEs when handling PBDE containing products or goods. The serum PBDE levels in computer technicians were found to correlate to the estimated cumulative work hours with computers. Exceptionally high concentrations of BDE-209, almost up to 300 pmol/g lipid weight (l.w.) were observed in serum from rubber workers manufacturing or handling rubber compound that was flame retarded with a technical mixture of decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE). Elevated concentrations of PBDEs with eight or nine bromine substituents were also observed. In an electronics dismantling plant, where elevated levels of PBDEs previously had been observed, reduced serum levels of some, but not all PBDE congeners were observed after industrial hygiene improvements. Notably, it was observed that the BDE-209 concentrations in referents with no occupational exposure were similar to the concentrations of 2,2’,4,4’- tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47), often referred to as the most abundant PBDE congener in humans and wildlife. Additionally, PBDEs with high bromine content were found to have a fast rate of elimination or transformation in humans, based on serum analysis. BDE-209 had an apparent half-life in serum of only 15 days.</p><p>The possibility of quantifying BFRs, such as PBDEs, in human serum at low levels of detection has been achieved by reducing the contamination of the samples and procedural blanks. Major efforts have been done to develop routines and clean up methodology to enable an almost contamination-free environment at the laboratory. The use of a clean room has decreased PBDE levels in the blanks to acceptable limits. The modifications of the original analytical method have made it possible to quantify almost all PBDE congeners of interest in one GC/MS run.</p><p>Occupational and general background exposure of BFRs to humans will continue as long as these chemicals are a part of our daily life and present as environmental contaminants. The present scientific knowledge of the potential health risks of these BFRs still needs to be further developed. It should be stressed that health effects to PBDEs have not been assessed in this work. It is the author's wish that this thesis should add another piece of knowledge to the puzzle of BFRs and BFR exposure to humans and that these data will be used in future risk assessments of PBDEs in particular.</p>

Occupational exposure to brominated flame retardants : With emphasis on polybrominated diphenyl ethers

Thuresson, Kaj January 2004 (has links)
Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are a diverse group of chemicals, which are used to slow down or inhibit the development of fires. BFRs are incorporated into a wide range of consumer products that are considered as potential fire hazards, such as TV-sets, household appliances, computers, and textiles. The production and use of BFRs is extensive and consists of mainly tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecan (HBCD). BFRs in general, but in particular the PBDEs, have led to both scientific and public concern since they have been found to bioaccumulate in humans and wildlife. The general population is targeted by the PBDEs due to their applications and via the food web. Occupational exposure occurs not only during direct handling of BFRs, but also during handling, repair and dismantling of flame retarded goods. This thesis is aimed to assess occupational exposure to BFRs. It is mainly focused PBDEs and especially the PBDEs with high bromine content, such as decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209). The work has been accomplished by analysis of BFRs in indoor air at industries handling BFRs or flame retarded goods, and by analysis of blood drawn from workers with potential exposure to BFRs. A referent group, abattoir workers with no occupational exposure to PBDEs, was also investigated. Data from these cross-sectional investigations and from serum sampling during vacation in PBDE-exposed workers have been used for calculation of apparent halflives of hepta- to decaBDE in serum. The results clearly show that the workers were exposed to PBDEs when handling PBDE containing products or goods. The serum PBDE levels in computer technicians were found to correlate to the estimated cumulative work hours with computers. Exceptionally high concentrations of BDE-209, almost up to 300 pmol/g lipid weight (l.w.) were observed in serum from rubber workers manufacturing or handling rubber compound that was flame retarded with a technical mixture of decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE). Elevated concentrations of PBDEs with eight or nine bromine substituents were also observed. In an electronics dismantling plant, where elevated levels of PBDEs previously had been observed, reduced serum levels of some, but not all PBDE congeners were observed after industrial hygiene improvements. Notably, it was observed that the BDE-209 concentrations in referents with no occupational exposure were similar to the concentrations of 2,2’,4,4’- tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47), often referred to as the most abundant PBDE congener in humans and wildlife. Additionally, PBDEs with high bromine content were found to have a fast rate of elimination or transformation in humans, based on serum analysis. BDE-209 had an apparent half-life in serum of only 15 days. The possibility of quantifying BFRs, such as PBDEs, in human serum at low levels of detection has been achieved by reducing the contamination of the samples and procedural blanks. Major efforts have been done to develop routines and clean up methodology to enable an almost contamination-free environment at the laboratory. The use of a clean room has decreased PBDE levels in the blanks to acceptable limits. The modifications of the original analytical method have made it possible to quantify almost all PBDE congeners of interest in one GC/MS run. Occupational and general background exposure of BFRs to humans will continue as long as these chemicals are a part of our daily life and present as environmental contaminants. The present scientific knowledge of the potential health risks of these BFRs still needs to be further developed. It should be stressed that health effects to PBDEs have not been assessed in this work. It is the author's wish that this thesis should add another piece of knowledge to the puzzle of BFRs and BFR exposure to humans and that these data will be used in future risk assessments of PBDEs in particular.

Comparaison franco-japonaise du contrôle des concentrations

Tiralongo, Michaël 21 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour objet de comparer le contrôle des concentrations tel qu'il est exercé en France et au Japon afin de souligner les différences et les points communs des deux systèmes en la matière. Cette comparaison s'effectuera tout d'abord sur le plan de la conception du contrôle, afin d'examiner quels types d'opérations constituent une opération de concentration faisant l'objet du contrôle, ce dans les deux systèmes étudiés. Cette étude sera suivie de la comparaison de l'analyse des opérations de concentrations, afin de déterminer les critères d'appréciation des opérations en France, en Europe et au Japon. Enfin il sera procédé à la comparaison des procédures et des décisions prononcées dans les deux systèmes. Cette thèse tient compte dans sa partie française des nouveautés apportées par la Loi de Modernisation de l'Economie (loi LME), et dans sa partie japonaise de la réforme de la procédure du contrôle des concentrations du 6 juin 2011 afin de rendre compte des dernières avancées en la matière. Elle s'attarde également sur l'état du contrôle européen des concentrations, celui-ci ayant une place fondamentale dans le système français

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