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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ochrana hospodářské soutěže - spojování soutěžitelů / Competition Law - Control of Concentrations between Undertakings

Luptáková, Lucia January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the control of mergers as it is regulated by Czech laws. Control of mergers is one of the cornerstones of competition law. Competition is an important attribute of the market oriented economies all over the world. Since it is not capable of self-regulation it is necessary to set limits for the behavior of the subjects that are taking part in this competition. These limits are set by competition law. The topic is divided into three chapters. The first chapter contains definition of the term competition, in the second there are described basic terms common to all areas of competition law, while at the end of this chapter there is a description of these areas. In the last chapter focus is on control of concentrations itself in the ambit of Czech law. The aim of this work is to describe merger control as it is provided by Act No. 143/2001 on Protection of Competition (ZOHS). The emphasis is on describing different forms of merger and their characteristics which must be met so that a certain transaction could be classified as a merger. Furthermore, this work provides information on conditions that must be fulfilled so that a merger, division of a company and termination of the company accompanied by transfer of assets to its partner - according to the Czech law on...

Signature géochimique des éléments des terres rares dans les oxydes d'uranium et minéraux associés dans les gisements d'uranium : analyse par ablation laser couplée à l'ICP-MS et étude géochronologique / Rare earth element signature in uranium oxides and associated minerals in uranium deposits : in-situ quantitative measurements by ablation laser ICP-MS and geochronical studies

Lach, Philippe 07 December 2012 (has links)
Le caractère souvent polyphasé de la formation des minéralisations uranifères exige de disposer d'une méthode analytique localisée et sensible à de faibles concentrations. L'ablation laser coupIée à un système d'analyse par ICP-MS est un instrument de choix permettant l'analyse in-situ de concentrations élémentaires inférieures à 10 ppm, à l'échelle de la dizaine de micromètres. Un double objectif concernant l'utilisation d'un système LA-ICP-MS est présenté dans cette thèse. Un développement méthodologique permettant l'analyse localisée des éléments de terres rares (ETR) par LA-ICP-MS aussi bien dans les oxydes d'uranium que dans d'autres matrices minérales associées aux dépôts, couplé à des datations isotopiques par microsonde ionique fait l'objet d'une première partie de ce travail. L'application de la méthode sur 21 cibles naturelles représentatives de 4 types de gisement d'uranium est présentée dans une seconde partie. Ainsi, les oxydes d'uranium des gisements associés aux discordances du bassin Athabasca montrent des signatures en ETR caractéristiques quelles que soient leur âge et leurs localisations. Des analyses similaires de la zone d'End Grid (bassin du Thelon) permettent de supposer des conditions et des âges de formations similaires aux gisements de type discordance. La teneur en ETR des uraninites magmatiques s'explique par la température élevée de leur incorporation. Les signatures des oxydes d'uranium des gisements de type filonien montrent un équilibrage entre les fluides minéralisateurs et certains minéraux porteurs d'ETR des roches encaissantes. Enfin, les différentes signatures en ETR des oxydes d'uranium des gisements de type Breccia pipe reflètent des fortes variations dans les conditions de dépôt dans ces gisements a priori génétiquement semblables / The ore deposits often display complex stages of formation leading to multiphase mineral crystallizations. The study of these minerals needs to use a sensitive and localized analytical method. Laser ablation coupled to ICP-MS is a good tool for in-situ measurements of low element concentrations (<10 ppm) at a small scale in minerals (around 10 ?m diameter). Two major objectives concerning the use of LAICP-MS have been carried out in this thesis. First part is focused on the determination of the best analytical conditions for rare earth element (REE) quantification with LA-ICP-MS in uranium oxides and associated minerals (carbonate, fluorite). This approach has been coupled to isotopic analysis using ionic microprobe. The second part is dedicated to the application of the methodology on 21 uranium ore bodies typical of four different types of deposits. The uranium oxides from unconformity-related uranium deposits (Athabasca Basin) show typical REE signature whatever their age and location. Data on End Grid U mineralization (Thelon basin) suggest similar conditions of formation and ages as in Athbasca unconformity related uranium deposits. High temperature during magmatic uraninite formation induced strong incorporation of REE in their structures. REE signatures of uranium oxides related to vein type deposits suggest a control of the host rocks. Finally, the different REE signatures obtained on uranium oxides from breccia pipe-related deposit show a strong variation in the conditions of formation in these supposed similar deposits

Acid Sulfate Soils and Metal Accumulation in Sediments in Rosån Catchment, Northern Sweden / Sura Sulfatjordar och Ackumulation av Metaller i Sediment Från Rosåns Avrinningsområde, Norra Sverige

Lindström, Carola January 2017 (has links)
Global environmental concerns arise when marine deposits with fine-grained iron sulfide-rich sediments (FeS and FeS2), now situated above sea level, oxidize from anthropogenic lowering of the groundwater table. The oxidation of iron sulfides decreases the soil pH and the acidic environment of these Acid Sulfate Soils (AS) soils increase weathering and mobilization of metals into adjacent watercourses, lakes and estuaries. Low pH and enhanced concentrations of metals are known to influence water quality negatively, causing fish kills and reduced aquatic diversity. Sulfide rich sediments were deposited in the Baltic Sea after the last glaciation and are now abundantly found along the coasts of for example the Bothnian Bay as a result of isostatic rebound. Recent studies from Finland have stated associations between leached (AS) soils and increased concentrations of metals in estuary sediments, thus the effects are likely to be similar in Sweden. With financial support from the Interreg Nord project “Ecological restoration in coastal river basins in the Bothnian Bay” in cooperation with the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), sediments from three lakes and two estuarine sites in the Rosån catchment in Norrbotten county, northern Sweden, were sampled and analyzed with fpXRF, ICP-MS and LOI methods. Elemental concentrations and organic contents were compared to establish accumulation trends over time and relationships between metal concentrations in recently deposited sediments and potential influence from previously sampled (AS) soils. Correlations in time, to anthropogenic activity, such as ditching were also considered. A primary allover trend with increasing concentrations of Aluminum (Al), Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Cobalt (Co), Cupper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Zinc (Zn), was noticed in a majority of the lake and estuary sediment samples. With some site variation, also two discrete peaks at different depth, were found in the upper 20 to 30 cm of the sampled sediments. Significant correlations to organic matter were also found for a considerable amount of the elements. Soil samples from (AS) soils in areas related to Rosån show pH values as low as 2.62 and oxidation depths down to 170 cm. Substantial elemental depletion in the oxidized zone suggest increased weathering, leaching and mobilization of Al, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni, REE, Zn and to some extent As, Cu, Fe and Pb from the soil, as a consequence of the acidic environment. A relationship between (AS) soils and increased metal concentrations is therefore likely. The sedimentation rate of roughly 0.2 cm/year was calculated from the separation age of the lakes and the sediment depth to an interpreted transition from more marine environment to lake settings. Consequently the distinct peaks of increased metal concentrations are thus suggested to be related to anthropogenic activities as for example improved drainage methods after the Second World War, but proper dating of the sediments is needed to establish any certain correlations. / På senare tid har man uppmärksammat de miljöproblem som uppstår när finkorniga sediment, innehållande järnsulfider, oxiderar på grund av mänsklig påverkan, t ex. dikning, eller annan typ av aktivitet som sänker grundvattennivån. När järnsulfiderna oxiderar bildas svavelsyra som gör att pH- värdet i marken blir väldigt lågt. Den sura miljön i dessa så kallade sura sulfatjordar, gör i sin tur att mineraler i marken vittrar fortare med påföljden att både surt vatten och ökade mängder metaller, sprids till närliggande vattendrag, sjöar och hav. Lågt pH och höga halter av metaller i vatten påverkar även vattenkvalitén negativt och har rapporterats orsaka fiskdöd och minskad akvatisk mångfald. Sura sulfatjordar är globalt förekommande och återfinns bland annat längs Bottenvikens kuster. De har kunnat bildas genom att sulfidhaltiga sediment, som avsattes i Östersjön efter den senaste istiden, nu befinner sig ovan havsnivån på grund av landhöjningen. I Finland har man i flera studier sett ett samband mellan sura sulfatjordar och ökade metallhalter i nyligen avsatta kustsediment och man kan anta att liknande förhållande gäller även i Sverige. Med finansiellt stöd från EU-projektet “Kustmynnande Vattendrag i Bottenviken-Metodutveckling och Ekologisk Restaurering” (Interreg Nord) genom Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU) och i samarbete med Länsstyrelsen i Norrbotten, har bottensediment från tre sjöar och två fjärdar i Rosåns avrinningsområde i Norrbotten provtagits och analyserats. För att fastställa hur koncentrationerna har förändrats över tiden har metallhalterna i de nyligen avsatta sedimenten jämförts med koncentrationerna i äldre sediment. Även jordprofiler från sura sulfatjordar i området har studerats för att kunna utvärdera ett ev. samband mellan urlakade ämnen i jordarna och ökade halter i sedimenten. Granskning av hur långt metallerna transporteras i systemet har gjorts, liksom försök att hitta kopplingar i tiden till mänsklig påverkan som t.ex. dikning. I de översta sedimenten kan man, förutom en generellt ökande trend av aluminium (Al), arsenik (As), kadmium (Cd), kobolt (Co), koppar (Cu), järn (Fe), mangan (Mn), nickel, (Ni) bly (Pb), sällsynta jordartsmetaller (REE) och zink (Zn), också se tydliga toppar med ökade halter av dessa ämnen på minst två specifika djup. De sura sulfatjordarna, som uppmätte pH-värden ner till 2,62, visade tecken på urlakning av Al, Cd, Co, Ni, Mn, REE, Zn och till viss del också As, Cu, Fe och Pb, varpå en trolig relation mellan sura sulfatjordar och ökade metallhalter i nyligen avsatta sediment kan fastställas. En uppskattning av ackumulationshastigheten, som gjordes utifrån när de provtagna sjöarna skiljdes från havet, och sedimentdjupet som visar övergången från hav till sjö, visar att de observerade topparna av ökade metallkoncentrationer i sedimenten skulle kunna vara förknippade med dikning i början av 1900-talet och efter andra världskriget. För en säker bestämning av sambandet till specifika händelser behövs dock en riktig datering.

Efeito tóxico da cafeína sobre o ciclo de vida de Chironomus sancticaroli (Chironomidae, Diptera) e Daphnia magna (Daphniidae, Cladocera) / Caffeine toxic effect on Chironomus sancticaroli (Diptera: Chironomidae) life cycle and Daphnia magna (Cladocera: Daphnidae)

Bernegossi, Aline Christine 02 April 2019 (has links)
A cafeína está presente no cotidiano humano desde o tradicional café até como constituinte de medicamentos, estimulantes, chás, chocolate entre outros produtos alimentícios. Essa substância é considerada um contaminante orgânico emergente provindo de águas residuárias não tratadas. Sua presença nos corpos hídricos vem sendo documentada em baixas concentrações, desde &eta;g.L-1 até &#181;g.L-1 e os efeitos dessas concentrações nos organismos aquáticos ainda não foram efetivamente investigados. Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos tóxicos da cafeína em concentrações comumentemente encontradas em corpos hídricos, foram realizados testes de ecotoxicidade aguda e crônica com os organismos-teste Chironomus sancticaroli e Daphnia magna e intergeracional com C. sancticaroli, com enfoque em respostas biológicas de mortalidade, imobilidade, crescimento, desenvolvimento e reprodução. Como resultado, a cafeína não apresentou toxicidade aguda no teste de curta duração realizado para D. magna e C. sancticaroli. Foi observado efeito de toxicidade crônica da cafeína, havendo interferência no desenvolvimento das larvas de Chironomus principalmente na concentração de 200 &#181;g.L-1 e no crescimento e reprodução de D. magna, na qual foi observada indução na produção de neonatos e desaceleração para o desenvolvimento do organismo (retardo no processo de ecdise). No teste intergeracional, foram observadas mudanças nos padrões de desenvolvimento larval. Os resultados demonstram que a cafeína, em concentrações ambientalmente detectadas, pode causar pequenas alterações no ciclo de vida dos organismos, como por exemplo, alterações no tamanho das asas das fêmeas e no comprimento do corpo das larvas de C. sancticaroli. Recomendam-se o uso de técnicas biomoleculares para avaliar as respostas metabólicas dos organismos quando exposto à cafeína em baixas concentrações. / Caffeine is present in human daily life either as traditional coffee or constituent of medicines, stimulants, teas, chocolate, among other products. This substance is an emerging organic contaminant from untreated wastewater. Its presence in aquatic systems has been documented at low concentrations, from &eta;g.L-1 to &#181;g.L-1 and the effects of these concentrations on aquatic organisms have not yet been effectively investigated. In order to evaluate the toxic effects of caffeine, at concentrations usually found in aquatic systems, acute and chronic ecotoxicological tests were performed with Chironomus sancticaroli and Daphnia magna and, an intergenerational with C. sancticaroli, focusing on biological responses of mortality, immobility, growth, development and reproduction. As a result, caffeine did not present acute toxicity in the shor-term test performed for D. magna and C. sancticaroli. Chronic toxicity of caffeine was observed, with interference in the Chironomus larvae development, mainly in the concentration of 200 &#181;g.L-1, and in the growth and reproduction of D. magna, in which it was observed presence of induction in the production of neonates and deceleration to the development of the organism (delay in the process of ecdysis). In intergeneration test, changes in the larval developmental patterns were observed. In intergenerational testing, changes in larval developmental patterns were observed. The results demonstrate that caffeine, in concentrations detected environmentally, can cause small influences in the organism\'s life cycle of the, for example, changes in the size of the wings of the females and in the length of the body of the larvae of C. sancticaroli. The use of biomolecular techniques to evaluate the metabolic responses of organisms when exposed to caffeine at low concentrations is recommended.

Förskollärares sätt att möta barn i koncentrationssvårigheter i inomhusmiljön : Miljön och pedagogers påverkan på barns utveckling och koncentrationsförmåga / Pre-school teacher's way of meeting children's concentration difficulties in the indoor environment : The environment and the teachers' influence on children's development and concentration ability

Gashi, Arijana, Akan, Rima January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore the way teachers in pree-school are relating to and working with pre-schoolers in concentration difficulties in the indoor environment. We have chosen to study if pedagogues are working in a way where they are trying to help the children or if they are considering concentration difficulties as existing within the child. In that way we will become aware if the teachers are working in a way where the child are considered as a child in concentration difficulties or as a child with concentration difficulties. The method used in this study is qualitative interviews consisting open ended questions where total of five pedagogues took part. The questions posed in the study are: • How do educators relate to children in concentration difficulties? • What importance does the indoor environment have on children in concentration difficulties? • What importance does society have on pre-school teachers' work on children's ability to concentrate? Bronfrenbrenner´s theory and Malaguzzi´s philosophy will be the root of this study. By this philosophy and theory, the meaning of a pedagogic environment and the child´s background will be seen. This study will lift the meaning of a committed pedagogue who can create a meaningful environment that helps the kid to concentrate. This exploration will also show the need of normalisation of differences and a working way against the norms and valuations of the society. The analysis of the results show that the teachers thinks that an open way to work with children in concentration difficulties is meaningful. In this way the teachers can find a way to help the children by creating environments which works for every child. What the teachers did not think about were that an opened way to work means no expectations on the children. By working without expectations means a working way free from the society’s norms and valuations but that it shows it their work from time to time.

Determinação da concentração de entrada dos gases de efeito estufa na Costa Norte/Nordeste brasileira / Determination of the background greenhouse gases concentrations in Amazon basin

Borges, Viviane Francisca 12 November 2013 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo a determinação da concentração de entrada dos Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) no ar proveniente do Oceano Atlântico na região norte/nordeste da costa brasileira e o entendimento da origem destas massas de ar e o padrão circulatório e sua sazonalidade. Esta parte do litoral corresponde à área em que as massas de ar adentram no continente, antes de chegar à Bacia Amazônica. Em 2010 foram iniciados estudos em dois locais na costa, Salinópolis, no estado do Pará e Natal, no Rio Grande do Norte. Amostras de ar foram coletadas em superfície semanalmente e foram analisadas no Laboratório de Química Atmosférica do IPEN, quantificando-se os gases: dióxido de carbono (CO2), metano (CH4), óxido nitroso (N2O), hexafluoreto de enxofre (SF6) e monóxido de carbono (CO). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que Salinópolis (SAL) apresenta maior sazonalidade, entre as estações climáticas, quando comparada a Natal (NAT), sendo essa observação confirmada pelas trajetórias retrocedentes das massas de ar, para cada local de estudo. Observou-se que SAL recebe massas de ar, tanto do Oceano Atlântico Norte, como do Sul (dependendo da época do ano), e em NAT, as massas de ar são originárias apenas do Oceano Atlântico Sul. Este comportamento está relacionado com a zona de convergência intertropical. Os resultados de uma maneira geral mostram a ocorrência de um crescimento nas concentrações médias obtidas em SAL e NAT com o passar dos anos, acompanhando o crescimento mundial. A concentração média para o principal GEE, CO2, em SAL nos anos de 2010, 2011 e 2012 foi de 388,01, 390,39 e 392,14 ppm, respectivamente, e em NAT foi de 388,59, 389,65 e 392,59 ppm respectivamente. / This study had the objective to determinate the background concentrations of Greenhouse Gases in the air from Atlantic Ocean in the north/northeast region of the Brazilian coast and understanding the origin of these air masses and circulatory pattern and seasonality. This region of the coast corresponds to the zone where the air masses pass through before to arrive in Amazon Basin. Studies were started in 2010, in two sites of the coast, Salinópolis in Pará state and Natal in Rio Grande do Norte state. The air samplings were performed on the surface weekly and analysed in the Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory of IPEN, quantifying concentrations of the gases: Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and Carbon monoxide (CO). The obtained results showed that Salinópolis (SAL) have higher seasonality, among climatic seasons, in comparison to Natal (NAT), being this observation confirmed by backward trajectories of air masses to each studied site. SAL received air masses from the North and South Atlantic Ocean, and NAT the air masses arrived only from the South Atlantic Ocean. This behavior, is related with the intertropical convergence zone position. The results, in general, showed an increase of mean GHG concentrations in SAL and NAT along the years, following global growth. The mean concentration of the main GHG, CO2, in SAL to 2010, 2011 and 2012 was 388.01, 390.39 and 392.14 ppm, respectively, and in NAT it was 388.59, 389.65 e 392.59 ppm, respectively.


Kiran R. Bangari (5929499) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<p>Dioxins and poly-chlorinated biphenyl (PCB) compounds are high priority organic pollutants which are similar in structure and well known for their toxicity, bioaccumulation and persistence in the environment. Dioxins and PCBs have a high affinity for certain types of clay minerals. However, the molecular mechanism for the observed high affinity of these compounds to clay minerals is not well understood and has been the main focus of this research work. The mechanisms that govern dioxin-clay and PCB-clay interactions were investigated from two perspectives. First, the influence of selected properties clay minerals on dioxin sorption was investigated via in-situ spectroscopic techniques (ATR-FTIRand Raman) structural (XRD) and macroscopic batch sorption methods using dibenzo-p-dioxin (DD) as a model solute. Second, the influence of solute properties, especially position and degree of chlorination and molecular planarity, on sorption was investigated.</p> <p> Smectites, especially, Cs-saponite effectively adsorbs dibenzo-p-dioxin (DD) from water with values reaching 10,000 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>, or one weight percent which greatly exceeds that by other naturally occurring sorbents such as soil organic matter. Adsorption was promoted by clay interlayer exchangeable cations with low hydration energies, and by smectites in which negative charge in the smectite originate from the tetrahedral siloxane sheets. IR-active bands of DD sorbed to saponite in the 1280 to 1500 cm<sup>-1 </sup>region were perturbed compared to the ‘reference’ IR spectra. Combined batch sorption, XRD and spectroscopic data confirm that the intercalation of DD occurred in the clay interlayer and site specific interactions occur between DD molecule and Cs<sup>+</sup> cation. </p> <p> Sorption of 1-chloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (1-ClDD) and 2-chloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (2-ClDD) on homoionic (Na<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>, Rb<sup>+</sup>, and Cs<sup>+</sup>) smectites was evaluated to explore the effect of chlorine substitution position (and steric hindrance) of dioxin on sorption mechanisms. Similar to DD, adsorption was influenced by the hydration energy of exchangeable cations and the origin of negative charge in the smectite. XRD measurements revealed that 1-ClDD molecules were oriented nearly parallel to the siloxane surface of the clay while 2-ClDD adopted a tilted orientation, similar to DD. The location of the chlorine constituent in 1-ClDD prevents the molecule from its apparent energetically more favorable orientation. In-situ ATR-FTIR spectra revealed that sorption of 1-ClDD to Cs-saponite resulted in the loss of interfacial H<sub>2</sub>O and suggested that the sorption 1-ClDD displaces interlayer H<sub>2</sub>O and 2-ClDD is less sterically restricted in the clay interlayer. </p> <p> Sorption of three dioxins (DD, 1-ClDD and 2-ClDD) was compared to three PCBs (PCB-1, PCB-4, and PCB47) with similar octanol-partition coefficients (log K<sub>ow</sub>) but varying molecular planarity and degree of chlorination onto Cs-saponite, which was shown to be representative of other smectites, revealed that despite having similar structure and hydrophobicity, dioxins have higher affinity for smectites than PCBs. Sorption studies also showed that sorption of PCBs is influenced by molecular planarity and hydrophobicity. Polarizability and dipole-moment were identified as important solute properties that affect the sorption behavior of dioxins and PCBSs. Linear relationships between these properties and log K<sub>f</sub>’(subcooled liquid solubility normalized Freundlich sorption coefficient) values suggest that high sorption affinity of planar dioxins could be due to a combination of <i>Van der Waals</i> interactions with the siloxane surface, steric effects, and site-specific interactions between dioxin and exchangeable cations. In contrast, the sorption of PCBs was highly influenced by their molecular orientation.</p>

Efeitos do cloreto de sÃdio sobre o desenvolvimento e absorÃÃo de nutrientes na cultura da berinjela. / Effects of sodium chloride on the development and uptake of nutrients in the eggplant culture.

Maria RegÃlia de Oliveira Bosco 07 August 2006 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / A berinjela (Solanum melongena L.) à uma espÃcie herbÃcea, hortÃcula subtropical pertencente à famÃlia Solonaceae, muito consumida no mundo inteiro. Em algumas Ãreas seu cultivo à limitado pela escassez da Ãgua de irrigaÃÃo, alÃm de apresentarem diferentes graus de salinidade. No entanto sÃo raras as informaÃÃes sobre a tolerÃncia da salinidade pela cultura da berinjela. Visando avaliar a tolerÃncia da cultura à salinidade e seus efeitos sobre os teores de nutrientes na planta, foi instalado um experimento em condiÃÃes de hidroponia em casa de vegetaÃÃo. Usou-se 10 tratamentos de salinidade correspondentes a CE da soluÃÃo nutritiva de 1,70; 2,28; 2,60; 3,11; 4,08; 6,03; 8,12; 10,15; 12,10; e 14,10 dS.m-1. O delineamento experimental adotado foi inteiramente ao acaso, com trÃs repetiÃÃes. A salinidade reduziu significativamente o crescimento e a produÃÃo da parte aÃrea e raiz, principalmente nos tratamentos em que a CE da soluÃÃo nutritiva foi superior a 3,11 dS.m-1. Os teores mÃdios de K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe e Mn variaram nas folhas caules e raÃzes, apresentando diferenÃas estatÃsticas significativas. O sÃdio aumentou progressivamente, enquanto que no potÃssio ocorreu o inverso. O aumento da salinidade reduziu a fotossÃntese, a transpiraÃÃo e a condutÃncia estomÃtica. / The egg-plant (Solanum melongena L.), a subtropical herb species that botanically belongs to Solanaceae family, much consumed all over the world. On certain areas shortages both the water availability and the water salinity level represent a great limitation for egg-plant plant cultivation. However, almost no information is available related to the egg-plant salt tolerance. With the objective to evaluate the crop salt tolerance, as well as the effects of the different solution nutrition salinity levels on plant growth, an experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions. The statistical design consisted of ten salinity treatments corresponding to the nutrition solutions CEÂs of: 1.70; 2.28; 2.60; 3.11; 4.08; 6.03; 8.12; 10.15; 12.10 and 14.10 dS.m- 1. It was used an entirely statistical randomized block design with three replications. The best results showed that the salinity significantly reduced both plant upper part growth and root production, mainly in the treatments with nutrition solution CE value higher than 3.11 dSm-1. The average leaf-peciole and root contents of K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe and Mn varied, presenting significant statistical differences. The Na content increased progressively with CE, while the K content decreased in the same way. The increasing salinity levels cause reductions in photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance.

Vitesse de mélange et théorèmes limites pour les systèmes dynamiques aléatoires et non-autonomes / Rates of mixing and limit theorems for random and non-autonomous dynamical systems

Aimino, Romain 23 October 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux propriétés statistiques des systèmes dynamiques aléatoires et non-autonomes. Dans le premier chapitre, consacré aux systèmes aléatoires, nous établissons un cadre fonctionnel abstrait, couvrant une large classe de systèmes dilatants en dimension 1 et supérieure, permettant de démontrer de nombreux théorèmes limites annealed. Nous donnons aussi une condition nécessaire et suffisante pour que la version quenched du théorème de la limite centrale soit valide en dimension 1. Dans le chapitre deux, après avoir introduit la notion de système non-autonome, nous étudions un système composé d'applications en dimension 1 ayant un point fixe neutre commun, et nous montrons que celui-ci admet une vitesse de perte de mémoire polynomiale. Le chapitre trois est consacré aux inégalités de concentration. Nous établissons de telles inégalités pour des systèmes dynamiques aléatoires et non-autonomes, et nous étudions diverses applications. Dans le chapitre quatre, nous nous intéressons aux lemmes dynamiques de Borel-Cantelli pour l'induction de Rauzy-Veech-Zorich, et présentons quelques résultats liés aux statistiques de récurrence pour cette application. / The first chapter, devoted to random systems, we establish an abstract functional framework, including a large class of expanding systems in dimension 1 and higher, under which we can prove annealed limit theorems. We also give a necessary and sufficient condition for the quenched central limit theorem to hold in dimension 1. In chapter 2, after an introduction to the notion of non-autonomous system, we study an example consisting of a family of maps of the unit interval with a common neutral fixed point, and we show that this system admits a polynomial loss of memory. The chapter 3 is devoted to concentration inequalities. We establish such inequalities for random and non-autonomous dynamical systems in dimension 1, and we study some of their applications. In chapter 4, we study dynamical Borel-Cantelli lemmas for the Rauzy-Veech-Zorich induction, and we present some results concerning statistics of recurrence for this map.

Monitoring Buprenorphine and Metabolite Concentrations in Infant Cord Blood by LC-MS/MS

Redmond, Amy, Shah, Darshan, Pryor, Jason, Brown, Stacy D. 01 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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