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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

LA MÚSICA ES AMOR y otras metáforas conceptuales por las que vivimos : La semántica y la estructura gramatical de metáforas traducidas / MUSIC IS LOVE and other conceptual metaphors we live by : The semantics and gramatical structure of translated metaphors

Brodell, Josefin January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis I have combined cognitive metaphor theory, based mostly on the theories of the book Metaphors we live by by Lakoff & Johnson, with translation theory in order to try and show how the former can contribute with useful analytical tools within me- taphor translation. More specifically, my objective is to try and show how the knowled- ge of how metaphor works according to the cognitive perspective can help translating metaphors in a way that corresponds to the recommendations established by Peter Newmark (1992), i.e. try to maintain, in as much as posible, both grammatical structure and semantics. Through a qualitative analysis I considered gramatical structure and se- mantics of three original literary metaphors taken from the swedish book ”Gösta Ber- lings saga” by Selma Lagerlöf, and their translations to spanish made by Slaby (1955). I identified how well the translations corresponded to the recommendations of Newmark, as well as suggested new translations based on the results of the cognitive analysis. As a result we could see the importance, not only of maintaining both source domain and tar- get domain of the original metaphor, or at least the epistemical correspondences in case the source domain changed, but also the ontological correspondences, the specific con- tact, that the original metaphor establishes between these two domains, for a translation that better follows the norms defined by Newmark. In other words, limited to these th- ree examples, I managed to confirm that a cognitive approach to metaphor can be very useful within translation.

Conceptual Metaphors in Lyrics by Leonard Cohen

Johansson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find and analyse conceptual metaphors in the lyrics, A Thousand Kissed Deep, Here It Is, and Boogie Street from the album Ten New Songs (2001) by Leonard Cohen using Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT). In order to detected the conceptual metaphors, the source and target domains were identified. Conceptual metaphors were found by mapping source domains onto target domains and viewing the lexical expressions in the lyrics. The result and analysis of the findings in this study show that linguistic expressions of LOVE, LIFE and DEATH are conceptually present in the lyrics.

El uso de la metáfora en los discursos de Evo Morales : Un análisis de los discursos del presidente boliviano ante la Asamblea de las Naciones Unidas / The Use of Metaphors in the Discourses of Evo Morales : An Analysis of the Discourses of Evo Morales in the General Assembly of the United Nations

Flensburg, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
Esta tesina investiga el uso de metáforas en los discursos de Evo Morales en la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas(ONU). La meta de la tesina es investigar qué metáforas Evo Morales utiliza y cómo las emplea para legitimar su postura en diferentes temas y ganar la simpatía de los destinatarios. El corpus consiste de siete transcripciones oficiales de discursos pronunciados por Evo Morales en la ONU durante el periodo de 2006 a 2010. El estudio es cualitativo y se basa principalmente en teorías de Análisis Critico del Discurso y las teorías sobre la metáfora presentadas por George Lakoff y Mark Johnson. Los resultados del análisis sugieren que Evo Morales utiliza metáforas relacionadas con guerra y crimen para describir y desacreditar a la oposición y al capitalismo. También indican que Morales tiene una preferencia en describir temas positivos, como cuando se refiere a Bolivia, con metáforas basadas en el concepto de la familia. Al describir temas con metáforas positivas o negativas Morales legitima sus propias posturas y desacredita opiniones y sistemas con los cuales él no está de acuerdo.

See how far we’ve come : A corpus study of the source metaphor JOURNEY / Se hur långt vi har kommit : En korpusstudie av källmetaforen RESA

Khan, Mohammad Miraz Hossain January 2015 (has links)
The present study is based on conceptual metaphor theory (CMT), which Lakoff and Johnson introduced in 1980. Data were taken from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), and three phrases (a long road, bumpy road and fork in the road) were investigated, in order to see how far the conceptual metaphor theory can be corroborated using authentic data. Journey was taken as the source domain of the three phrases. After analysis it was found that altogether 79% were metaphorical tokens, 18% were literal uses and 3% ‘other’ uses of the three phrases. In the metaphorical tokens of the three phrases six conceptual metaphors were identified and the most common conceptual metaphor was LONG-TERM PURPOSEFUL (LABOURIOUS) ACTIVITIES ARE JOURNEYS which made up 63% of all metaphorical tokens. The conceptual metaphor RECOVERING FROM PHYSICAL ILLNESS (OR GRIEF) OR PHYSICAL (OR MENTAL) SUFFERING IS A JOURNEY was only found in metaphorical tokens of the phrase a long road. The study shows that CMT can be used to explain the majority of the tokens in the corpus. However, one conceptual metaphor often mentioned in previous accounts, LOVE IS A JOURNEY, turned out to be quite rare. / Studien baseras på Lakoff och Johnsons teori om konceptuella metaforer som introducerades 1980. Materialet är hämtat från Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), där tre fraser undersöktes (a long road, bumpy road, fork in the road), för att se i vilken mån teorin om konceptualla metaforer kan beläggas i autentiskt material. Journey (dvs. resa)var källdomänen för de tre fraserna. Analysen visade att totalt 79 % av de undersökta fraserna var metaforiska, i 18 % användes fraserna i bokstavlig mening, och 3 % klassificerades som ”annat”. Sex konceptuella metaforer identifierades; den vanligaste visade sig vara LÅNGSIKTIGA MÅLINRIKTADE (ARBETSKRÄVANDE) AKTIVITETER ÄR RESOR vilket utgjorde 63 % av alla token. Den konceptuella metaforen ATT TILLFRISKNA FRÅN FYSISK SJUKDOM (ELLER SORG) ELLER FYSISKT (ELLER MENTALT) LIDANDE ÄR EN RESA påträffades bara i frasen a long road. Studien visar att teorin om konceptuella metaforer kan användas för att förklara majoriteten av träffarna i korpusen. Det visade sig emellertid att en konceptuell metafor som ofta nämns i tidigare beskrivningar, KÄRLEKEN ÄR EN RESA, var ovanlig i materialet.

Étude de métaphores conceptuelles anatomiques en espagnol : comparaison d’un corpus traduit et d’un corpus non traduit

San Felipe Donlo, Maria Pilar 08 1900 (has links)
Dans le domaine biomédical, comme dans d’autres, la phraséologie et la terminologie sont des éléments indispensables à une communication optimale. Cependant, dans un domaine qui est caractérisé par la précision et l’objectivité, on observe une apparente contradiction : l’utilisation habituelle de la métaphore. Il ne s’agit pas, cependant, de la figure de rhétorique sous laquelle la métaphore est généralement envisagée. Il s’agit ici de la métaphore concep-tuelle, qui permet d’exprimer les modes de conceptualisation propres au domaine, tout par-ticulièrement grâce à la phraséologie. La métaphorisation conceptuelle étant liée étroite-ment aux langues-cultures, on peut se poser la question de savoir si des ouvrages traduits et des ouvrages rédigés directement dans une langue expriment des modes de conceptualisa-tion métaphorique distincts ou non. Notre étude se penche sur les modes de conceptualisation métaphorique (MCM) exprimés en espagnol dans le domaine de l’anatomie topographique. Elle s’inscrit dans un axe de re-cherche en traductologie qui s’intéresse aux modes de conceptualisation métaphorique dans le domaine biomédical. L’anatomie est un terrain d’exploration de la métaphore concep-tuelle particulièrement riche. Nous avons repéré et caractérisé les indices de conceptualisa-tion métaphorique (ICM) dans des textes extraits d’ ouvrages de référence ou d’enseignement en anatomie topographique, en nous concentrant sur les structures vascu-laires (artères et veines), les nerfs et certains muscles, avec pour objectif de comparer deux sous-corpus : l’un est composé de textes rédigés directement en espagnol et l’autre, de textes traduits dans cette langue. Nous avons caractérisé les MCM véhiculées par ces ICM et nous avons comparé les résultats obtenus dans les deux sous-corpus. Tout en tenant compte des limites de notre étude, nous montrons que le corpus rédigé en espagnol présente une plus grande variabilité de l’expression des métaphores conceptuelles que le corpus traduit. Nous espérons ainsi contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des processus de la rédaction et de la traduction spécialisées. / In biomedicine, as in other fields, phraseology and terminology are essential elements for optimal communication. Yet, in a field where precision and objectivity are highly important, there is an apparent contradiction: the usual use of metaphor. However, we are not dealing here with the rhetorical device under which metaphor is usually envisioned. What we are dealing with is the conceptual metaphor, which makes it possible to express the modes of conceptualization specific to the field, particularly through phraseology. Since conceptual metaphorisation is closely related to languages-cultures, the question arises whether trans-lated works and works written directly in a language express different modes of metaphori-cal conceptualisation or not. Our study examines the modes of metaphorical conceptualization (MMC) expressed in Span-ish in the field of topographical anatomy. It is part of a larger translation study research pro-gram, which focuses on MMCs in the biomedical field. Anatomy is a particularly rich area for the exploration of conceptual metaphor. We have identified and characterized metaphorical conceptualization indices (MCI) in in texts selected from reference books or teaching manu-als in the field of topographic anatomy, focusing on vascular structures (arteries and veins), nerves and some muscles, with the aim of comparing two sub-corpuses : one is composed of texts written directly in Spanish and the other, of texts translated into this language. We characterized the MCMs conveyed by these MCIs and compared the results obtained in the two sub-corpuses. Taking into account the limitations of our study, we show that the corpus written in Spanish presents a greater variability in the expression of conceptual metaphors than the translated corpus. We thus hope to contribute to a better understanding of the pro-cesses of specialized writing and translation.

What is “meta-” for? : a Peircean critique of the cognitive theory of metaphor

JIANG, Yicun 08 August 2017 (has links)
My thesis aims to anatomize the cognitive theory of metaphor and suggests a Peircean semiotic perspective on metaphor study. As metaphorical essentialists, Lakoff/Johnson tend to universalize a limited number of conceptual metaphors and, by doing this, they overlook the dynamic relation between metaphorical tenor and vehicle. Such notion of metaphor is not compatible with the polysemous nature of the sign. The diversity and multivalency of metaphorical vehicle, in particular, cast serious doubts on the hypothesis of “conceptual metaphors” which, being meta-metaphorical constructs, can tell us nothing but a dry and empty formula “A is B”. Consequently, Lakoff/Johnson’s notion of conceptual metaphor is very much a Chomskyan postulation. Also problematic is the expedient experientialism or embodied philosophy they have put forward as a middle course between objectivism and subjectivism. What is missing from their framework is a structural space for dynamic interpretation on the part of metaphor users. In contrast, cognitive linguists may find in Peirce’s theory of the sign a sound solution to their theoretical impasse. As a logician, Peirce sees metaphor as the realization of iconic reasoning at the language level. His exposition on iconicity and iconic reasoning has laid a solid foundation upon which may be erected a fresh epistemology of metaphor fit for the contemporary study of language and mind. Broadly speaking, metaphor in Peirce can be examined from roughly two perspectives. Macroscopically, metaphor is an icon in general as opposed to index and symbol, whereas, microscopically, it is a subdivided hypoicon on the third level as opposed to image and diagram. Besides, Peirce also emphasized the subjective nature of metaphor. Semioticians after Peirce have further developed his theory on metaphor. For example, through his concept of “arbitrary iconicity”, Ersu Ding stresses the arbitrary nature of metaphorization and tries to shift our attention away from Lakoff/Johnson’s abstract epistemological Gestalt to the specific cultural contexts in which metaphors occur. Umberto Eco, on the other hand, sees interpretation of signs as an open-ended process that involves knowledge of all kinds. Encyclopedic knowledge thus serves as unlimited source for metaphorical association. For Eco, the meaning of a metaphor should be interpreted in the cultural framework based on a specific cultural community. Both Ding’s and Eco’s ideas are in line with Peirce’s theoretical framework where the meaning of a metaphor depends on an interpreter in a particular socio-historical context. They all realize that we should go beyond the ontology of metaphorical expressions to acquire a dynamic perspective on metaphor interpretation. To overcome the need for presupposing an omnipotent subject capable of knowing the metaphor-in-itself, we turn to Habermas’s theory of communicative action in which the meaning of metaphor is intersubjectively established through negotiation and communication. Moreover, we should not overlook the dynamic tension between metaphor and ideology. Aphoristically, we can say that nothing is a metaphor unless it is interpreted as a metaphor, and we need to reconnect metaphors with the specific cultural and ideological contexts in which they appear.

Conceptual Metaphors for Covid-19 : An Analysis of Metaphors for Covid-19 in the Discourse of Political Leaders of the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia

Andersson, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Since the emergence of Covid-19 in December 2019, metaphors to talk about the pandemic have been extensively used in political discourse. This study aims to compare metaphors for Covid-19 in the discourse of political leaders of the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia by drawing upon three conceptual metaphors found by De la Rosa (2007). The following conceptual metaphors are investigated: DISEASE IS A WAR, DISEASE IS A NATURAL FORCE, and DISEASE IS A JOURNEY. To find metaphors for Covid-19, one corpus of transcribed political discourse was compiled for each country. The corpora were then searched using lemmas of words specific to each conceptual metaphor. By drawing upon conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) instances of metaphor usage were then analyzed. The frequency results showed the natural force metaphor to be the more frequently used in the UK and Canada corpora. In contrast, no occurrences of natural force metaphors were found in the USA or Australia corpora. The war metaphor was most frequently used in the USA corpus, and in the Australia corpus, the war and journey metaphor were used at similar frequencies. The findings of this study indicate that there is a difference in both frequency and choice of conceptual metaphors between the four corpora. The analysis also suggests that different metaphors can be used for different purposes.

From Clown to Hero : The construction of Volodymyr Zelensky in Swedish newspapers 2019 and 2022

Abd Alwaheb, Frida January 2022 (has links)
This paper explores the linguistic construction of the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyj, in Swedish newspapers in 2019 and 2022. Using the framework of Critical Discourse Studies along with Cognitive Linguistics the aim of the study is to gain an understanding of what constructs a heroism discourse surrounding Zelensky. Utilizing the Discourse-Historical Approach as the main method allows for a certain qualitative analysis of news texts which illuminate discursive strategies and possible conceptual metaphors. Findings suggest there has been a shift in the discourse concerning Zelensky, and that he in march 2022 is part of a heroism discourse in which he symbolizes change. / Den här uppsatsen har som syfte att utforska hur Ukrainas president Volodymyr Zelenskyj är framställd i svensk media i 2019 och 2022. Utifrån det teoretiska ramverket bestående av kritisk diskursanalys och kognitiv lingvistik undersöks hur diskursen kring Zelenskyj sett ut och hur den har förändrats. Studien utgår från den diskurshistoriska analysen eftersom den möjliggör för kvalitativ analys av nyhetstexter genom att belysa underliggande diskursiva strategier och eventuella konceptuella metaforer. Resultaten visar att diskursen kring Zelenskyj har genomgått en skiftning och att han i mars 2022 ingår i en hjältediskurs, vari han symboliserar förändring.

A cognitive linguistic analysis of conceptual metaphors in Hindu religious discourse with reference to Swami Vivekananda’s complete works

Naicker, Suren 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis investigates the use of metaphorical language in The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. Vivekananda is one of the most influential modern-day Hindu scholars, and his interpretation of the ancient Hindu scriptural lore is very significant. Vivekananda’s influence was part of the motivation for choosing his Complete Works as the empirical domain for the current study. Vivekananda’s Complete Works were mined using AntConc, for water-related terms which seemed to have a predilection for metaphoricity. Which terms to search for specifically was determined after a manual reading of a sample from the Complete Works. The data was then tagged, using a convention inspired by the well-known MIPVU procedure for metaphor identification. Thereafter, a representative sample of the data was chosen, and the metaphors were mapped and analysed thematically. This study had as its main aim to investigate whether Hindu religious discourse uses metaphors to explain abstract religious concepts, and if so, whether this happens in the same way as in Judaeo-Christian traditions. Furthermore, following Jäkel (2002), a set of sub-hypotheses pertaining to ubiquity, domains, models, unidirectionality, invariance, necessity, creativity and focussing is assessed. Key findings in this study include a general confirmation of the above-mentioned hypotheses, with the exception of ‘invariance’, which proved to be somewhat contentious. The data allowed for the postulation of underlying conceptual metaphors, which differed somewhat from the metaphors used in traditional Judaeo-Christian philosophy. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

Les modes de conceptualisation métaphorique en neuroanatomie : étude de la description anatomique du cervelet et de la moelle spinale

Gingras Harvey, Mariane 08 1900 (has links)
La présente étude s’inscrit dans une lignée de travaux de recherche en traductologie réalisés dans un cadre de sémantique cognitive et visant à dégager les modes de conceptualisation métaphorique dans les domaines de spécialité, et plus précisément dans les sciences biomédicales. Notre étude se concentre sur les modes de conceptualisation métaphorique utilisés en neuroanatomie en français, en anglais et en allemand, dans une perspective d’application à la traduction. Nous nous penchons plus spécifiquement sur la description anatomique de deux structures du système nerveux central : la moelle spinale et le cervelet. Notre objectif est de repérer et de caractériser les indices de conceptualisation métaphorique (ICM). Notre méthode s'appuie sur un corpus trilingue de textes de référence traitant de ces structures et fait appel à une annotation sémantique en langage XML, ce qui autorise une interrogation des corpus annotés au moyen du langage XQuery. Nous mettons en évidence que les ICM jouent un rôle prédominant dans la phraséologie et les dénominations propres à la description anatomique du système nerveux, comme c'est le cas en biologie cellulaire et en anatomie des muscles, des nerfs périphériques et des vaisseaux sanguins. Sous l’angle lexical, il faut distinguer les ICM prédicatifs, les ICM non prédicatifs ainsi que les ICM quasi prédicatifs. La plupart des modes de conceptualisation métaphorique préalablement repérés en biologie cellulaire et en anatomie sont également présents dans le domaine plus spécifique de la neuroanatomie. Certains ICM et modes de conceptualisation sont toutefois spécifiques à des éléments des régions étudiées. Par ailleurs, les modes de conceptualisation métaphorique en français, en anglais et en allemand sont semblables, mais sont exprimés par des réseaux lexicaux d'ICM dont la richesse varie. De plus, la composition nominale étant une des caractéristiques de l'allemand, la forme linguistique des ICM présente des caractéristiques spécifiques. Nos résultats mettent en évidence la richesse métaphorique de la neuroanatomie. Cohérents avec les résultats des études antérieures, ils enrichissent cependant la typologie des ICM et soulignent la complexité, sur les plans lexical et cognitif, de la métaphore conceptuelle. / The present study falls within a line of research projects in Translation Studies, which draws upon cognitive semantics and whose aim is to determine the modes of metaphorical conceptualisation in specialized fields, namely in the biomedical sciences. Our study focuses on the modes of metaphorical conceptualization used in neuroanatomy in French, English and German from a translation perspective. Specifically, we concentrate on the anatomical description of two structures of the central nervous system: the spinal cord and the cerebellum. Our objective is to identify and characterize the Metaphorical Conceptualization Indices (MCI). The method relies on a trilingual corpus composed of reference texts dealing with these structures and on a semantic annotation of MCIs using the XML language, which allows a downstream interrogation of the corpus with the XQuery language. We demonstrate that MCIs play a central role in shaping the phraseology and denominations typical to the anatomical description of the central nervous system. Previous works had shown that it was also the case in cellular biology and anatomy of muscles, peripheral nerves, and blood vessels. From a lexical perspective, MCIs can fall into one of three categories, namely predicates, non-predicates or quasi predicates. Among the modes of metaphorical conceptualization previously identified in cellular biology and anatomy, the majority are also found in the narrower field of neuroanatomy. However, some MCIs and modes of metaphorical conceptualisation are specific to certain elements of the anatomical regions under investigation. Moreover, the modes of metaphorical conceptualization found in French, English, and German are similar, but they are expressed by lexical networks of varying richness. Furthermore, as nominal composition is characteristic of German, the linguistic form of German MCIs presents certain features that must be taken into account. Our results, which are coherent with those of previous studies, highlight the metaphorical richness of neuroanatomy. Yet, they also enrich the MCI typology, and underline the complexity, at the lexical and cognitive levels, of conceptual metaphors.

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