Spelling suggestions: "subject:"condensedmatter fhysics"" "subject:"condensedmatter ephysics""
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On the zero-point energy of elliptic-cyliindrical and spheroidal boundaries : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical Physics at Massey University, New ZealandKitson, Adrian Robert January 2009 (has links)
Zero-point energy is the energy of the vacuum. Disturbing the vacuum results in a change in the zero-point energy. In 1948, Casimir considered the change in the zeropoint energy when the vacuumis disturbed by two parallelmetal plates. The plates disturb the vacuum by restricting the quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. Casimir found that the change in the zero-point energy implies that the plates are attracted to each other. With the recent advances made in the experimental verification of this remarkable result, theoretical interest has been rekindled. In addition to the original parallel plate configuration, several other boundaries have been studied. In this thesis, two novel boundaries are considered: elliptic-cylindrical and spheroidal. The results for these boundaries lead to the conjecture that zero-point energy does not change for small deformations of the boundary that preserve volume. Assuming the conjecture, it is shown that zero-point energy plays a stabilizing role in quantum chromodynamics, the leading theory of the strong interaction.
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Organic Light-Emitting Devices (OLEDS) and Their Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance (ODMR)Gang Li January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.); Submitted to Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (US); 12 Dec 2003. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "IS-T 2100" Gang Li. 12/12/2003. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.
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Thermal Transport in Strongly Correlated Rare-Earth Intermetallic CompoundsPfau, Heike 08 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wurden mit Hilfe von Transportmessungen – vor allem mit thermischem Transport bei sehr tiefen Temperaturen – intermetallische Seltenerdverbindungen untersucht. Diese Materialien sind oft durch starke elektronische Korrelationen gekennzeichnet, die zu neuartigen Eigenschaften führen. Um die Wechselwirkungen in den untersuchten Systemen zu beeinflussen, führten wir ein Magnetfeld als zusätzlichen Parameter ein. Damit untersuchten wir drei Fragestellungen.
Im ersten Teil überprüften wir die Gültigkeit des Wiedemann-Franz-Gesetzes in YbRh2Si2. Dieses Material zeigt einen durch ein kleines Magnetfeld induzierten quantenkritischen Punkt, für dessen unkonventionelle Eigenschaften es noch keine allgemein etablierte mikroskopische Theorie gibt. Mit Hilfe des Wiedemann-Franz-Gesetzes haben wir untersucht, ob eine solche Theorie im Rahmen des Quasiteilchenbildes formuliert werden kann. Während wir eine Bestätigung für Magnetfelder abseits des quantenkritischen Punktes zeigen, ergibt unsere Analyse direkt am quantenkritischen Punkt eine Verletzung des Weidemann-Franz-Gesetzes. Dies hat weitreichende physikalische Folgen, da eine Verletzung den Zusammenbruch des Konzeptes von Quasiteilchen impliziert.
In der zweiten Studie untersuchten wir die Kondogittersysteme YbRh2Si2 und CeRu2Si2 in Magnetfeldern mit Energien von der Größenordnung der Kondotemperatur. Beide Systeme zeigen bislang ungeklärte feldinduzierte Übergänge mit sehr unterschiedlichen Signaturen jedoch den selben Vorschlägen für deren Ursache: ein abrupter Zusammenbruch des Kondoeffekts oder ein Lifshitzübergang. Mit Thermokraft- und Widerstandsmessungen konnten wir für CeRu2Si2 zeigen, dass auch der thermische Transport kompatibel mit einem Lifshitzübergang ist. Ein globales Modell, das thermodynamische Größen mit einschließt, ist jedoch weiterhin nicht vorhanden. In YbRh2Si2 detektierten wir anstatt eines einzelnen, insgesamt drei Übergänge in höheren Magnetfeldern. Mithilfe einer sehr guten Übereinstimmung von renormalisierten Bandstrukturrechnungen mit unseren und früheren Experimenten, können wir die Entwicklung von YbRh2Si2 im Magnetfeld als Superposition von einer stetigen Unterdrückung des Kondoeffekts und drei Lifshitzübergängen beschreiben.
Im dritten Projekt untersuchten wir den supraleitenden Ordnungsparameter von LaPt4Ge12. Während frühere Experimente auf konventionelle Supraleitung hindeuten, wird für das eng verwandte PrPt4Ge12 unkonventionelle und/oder Multiband-Supraleitung diskutiert. Resultate an der Substitutionsreihe LaxPr1-xPt4Ge12 suggerieren jedoch kompatible Ordnungsparameter für beide Verbindungen. Unsere Ergebnisse der spezifischen Wärme und der temperatur- und feldabhängigen Wärmeleitfähigkeit an LaPt4Ge12 sind kompatibel mit dem Modell konventioneller Supraleitung ohne Nullstellen im der supraleitenden Bandlücke. Die Abhängigkeit der Wärmeleitfähigkeit vom Feldwinkel zeigt unerwartet umfangreiche Oszillationsmuster. Während solche Oszillationen oft als Zeichen von Nullstellen in der Bandlücke interpretiert werden, konnten wir die meisten Frequenzen anderen Ursachen zuordnen. Eine sehr genaue Analyse von winkelabhängigen Messungen ist daher unabdingbar, um daraus Schlussfolgerungen für den Ordnungsparameter ziehen zu können.
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Symplectic Topology and Geometric Quantum MechanicsJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: The theory of geometric quantum mechanics describes a quantum system as a Hamiltonian dynamical system, with a projective Hilbert space regarded as the phase space. This thesis extends the theory by including some aspects of the symplectic topology of the quantum phase space. It is shown that the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle is a special case of an inequality from J-holomorphic map theory, that is, J-holomorphic curves minimize the difference between the quantum covariance matrix determinant and a symplectic area. An immediate consequence is that a minimal determinant is a topological invariant, within a fixed homology class of the curve. Various choices of quantum operators are studied with reference to the implications of the J-holomorphic condition. The mean curvature vector field and Maslov class are calculated for a lagrangian torus of an integrable quantum system. The mean curvature one-form is simply related to the canonical connection which determines the geometric phases and polarization linear response. Adiabatic deformations of a quantum system are analyzed in terms of vector bundle classifying maps and related to the mean curvature flow of quantum states. The dielectric response function for a periodic solid is calculated to be the curvature of a connection on a vector bundle. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Mathematics 2011
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Interacting Fermi gasesWhitehead, Thomas Michael January 2018 (has links)
Interacting Fermi gases are one of the chief paradigms of condensed matter physics. They have been studied since the beginning of the development of quantum mechanics, but continue to produce surprises today. Recent experimental developments in the field of ultracold atomic gases, as well as conventional solid state materials, have produced new and exotic forms of Fermi gases, the theoretical understanding of which is still in its infancy. This Thesis aims to provide updated tools and additional insights into some of these systems, through the application of both numerical and analytical techniques. The first Part of this Thesis is concerned with the development of improved numerical tools for the study of interacting Fermi gases. These tools take the form of accurate model potentials for the dipolar and contact interactions, as found in various ultracold atomic gas experiments, and a new form of Jastrow correlation factor that interpolates between the radial symmetry of the inter-electron Coulomb potential at short inter-particle distances, and the symmetry of the numerical simulation cell at large separation. These methods are designed primarily for use in quantum Monte Carlo numerical calculations, and provide high accuracy along with considerable acceleration of simulations. The second Part shifts focus to an analytical analysis of spin-imbalanced Fermi gases with an attractive contact interaction. The spin-imbalanced Fermi gas is shown to be unstable to the formation of multi-particle instabilities, generalisations of a Cooper pair containing more than two fermions, and then a theory of superconductivity is built from these instabilities. This multi-particle superconductivity is shown to be energetically favourable over conventional superconducting phases in spin-imbalanced Fermi gases, and its unusual experimental consequences are discussed.
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Metastability of copper indium gallium diselenide polycrystalline thin film solar cell devicesLee, Jinwoo, 1973- 09 1900 (has links)
xvi, 117 p. ; ill. (some col.) A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / High efficiency thin film solar cells have the potential for being a world energy solution because of their cost-effectiveness. Looking to the future of solar energy, there is the opportunity and challenge for thin film solar cells.
The main theme of this research is to develop a detailed understanding of electronically active defect states and their role in limiting device performance in copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) solar cells. Metastability in the CIGS is a good tool to manipulate electronic defect density and thus identify its effect on the device performance. Especially, this approach keeps many device parameters constant, including the chemical composition, grain size, and interface layers. Understanding metastability is likely to lead to the improvement of CIGS solar cells.
We observed systematic changes in CIGS device properties as a result of the metastable changes, such as increases in sub-bandgap defect densities and decreases in hole carrier mobilities. Metastable changes were characterized using high frequency admittance spectroscopy, drive-level capacitance profiling (DLCP), and current-voltage measurements. We found two distinctive capacitance steps in the high frequency admittance spectra that correspond to (1) the thermal activation of hole carriers into/out of acceptor defect and (2) a temperature-independent dielectric relaxation freeze-out process and an equivalent circuit analysis was employed to deduce the dielectric relaxation time. Finally, hole carrier mobility was deduced once hole carrier density was determined by DLCP method.
We found that metastable defect creation in CIGS films can be made either by light-soaking or with forward bias current injection. The deep acceptor density and the hole carrier density were observed to increase in a 1:1 ratio, which seems to be consistent with the theoretical model of V Cu -V Se defect complex suggested by Lany and Zunger. Metastable defect creation kinetics follows a sub-linear power law in time and intensity.
Numerical simulation using SCAPS-1D strongly supports a compensated donor- acceptor conversion model for the experimentally observed metastable changes in CIGS. This detailed numerical modeling yielded qualitative and quantitative agreement even for a specially fabricated bifacial CIGS solar cell. Finally, the influence of reduced hole carrier mobility and its role in limiting device performance was investigated. / Adviser: J. David Cohen
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Electron transport in micro to nanoscale solid state networksFairbanks, Matthew Stetson, 1981- 03 1900 (has links)
xvi, 116 p. : ill. (some col.) A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / This dissertation focuses on low-dimensional electron transport phenomena in devices ranging from semiconductor electron 'billiards' to semimetal atomic clusters to gold nanoparticles. In each material system, the goal of this research is to understand how carrier transport occurs when many elements act in concert. In the semiconductor electron billiards, magnetoconductance fluctuations, the result of electron quantum interference within the device, are used as a probe of electron transport through arrays of one, two, and three connected billiards. By combining two established analysis techniques, this research demonstrates a novel method for determining the quantum energy level spacing in each of the arrays. That information in turn shows the extent (and limits) of the phase-coherent electron wavefunction in each of the devices. The use of the following two material systems, the semimetal atomic clusters and the gold nanoparticles, is inspired by the electron billiard results. First, the output of the simple, rectangular electron billiards, the magnetoconductance fluctuations, is quite generally found to be fractal. This research addresses the question of what output one might expect from a device with manifestly fractal geometry by simulating the electrical response of fractal resistor networks and by outlining a method to implement such devices in fractal aggregates of semimetal atomic clusters. Second, in gold nanoparticle arrays, the number of array elements can increase by orders of magnitude over the billiard arrays, all with the potential to stay in a similar, phase-coherent transport regime. The last portion of this dissertation details the fabrication of these nanoparticle-based devices and their electrical characteristics, which exhibit strong evidence for electron transport in the Coulomb-blockade regime. A sketch for further 'off-blockade' experiments to realize magnetoconductance fluctuations, i.e. phase-coherent electron phenomena, is presented. / Committee in charge: Jens Noeckel, Chairperson, Physics;
Richard Taylor, Member, Physics;
Heiner Linke, Member, Physics;
David Strom, Member, Physics;
James Hutchison, Outside Member, Chemistry
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Supercurrents in a Topological Josephson Junction with a Magnetic Quantum DotSzewczyk, Adam January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate theoretically the influence of a nanomagnet on the Josephson effect displayed by phase biased point contacts consisting of topological superconductors. The device is modeled using the nonequilibrium Keldysh Green’s function technique. First, the Gor’kov Green’s functions are calculated. From these Green’s functions, the quasi-classical ones, relevant for energies around the Fermi energy, are obtained. Transport properties such as charge currents are calculated and analyzed in terms of the junction’s density of states displaying Andreev and Majorana states. The combination of the nanomagnet coupling and the spin-momentum locking of the topological superconductors generates a magneto-electric effect causing the supercurrent to depend strongly on the nanomagnet’s direction.
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Band Structure Modelling of Strained Bulk and Quantum Dot III-Nitrides to Determine the Linear Polarization for Interband RecombinationsAndersson, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
8-band k.p theory was applied to bulk GaN and InN. The optical transitionintensity was computed and results show > 80-90% degree of polarization inthe direction of compression. Polarization switching is observed when strainwas reversed from compressive to tensile. 6 band k.p theory was used tostudy InGaN quantum dot/GaN elliptical pyramid structures. The opticaltransition intensity was calculated for different elongations of the pyramid.Elongation of the pyramid gives rise to a small polarization in the directionof the pyramid elongation. The optical transition intensity was calculatedfor elongated quantum dots and was strongly in uencing the polarization inthe direction of the quantum dot elongation, with a degree of polarization of >90%.
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Dielectric Response of Glass-Forming Liquids in the Nonlinear RegimeJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: Broadband dielectric spectroscopy is a powerful technique for understanding the dynamics in supercooled liquids. It generates information about the timescale of the orientational motions of molecular dipoles within the liquid. However, dynamics of liquids measured in the non-linear response regime has recently become an area of significant interest, because additional information can be obtained compared with linear response measurements.
The first part of this thesis describes nonlinear dielectric relaxation experiments performed on various molecular glass forming-liquids, with an emphasis on the response at high frequencies (excess wing). A significant nonlinear dielectric effect (NDE) was found to persist in these modes, and the magnitude of this NDE traces the temperature dependence of the activation energy. A time resolved measurement technique monitoring the dielectric loss revealed that for the steady state NDE to develop it would take a very large number of high amplitude alternating current (ac) field cycles. High frequency modes were found to be ‘slaved’ to the average structural relaxation time, contrary to the standard picture of heterogeneity. Nonlinear measurements were also performed on the Johari-Goldstein β-relaxation process. High ac fields were found to modify the amplitudes of these secondary modes. The nonlinear features of this secondary process are reminiscent of those found for the excess wing regime, suggesting that these two contributions to dynamics have common origins.
The second part of this thesis describes the nonlinear effects observed from the application of high direct current (dc) bias fields superposed with a small amplitude sinusoidal ac field. For several molecular glass formers, the application of a dc field was found to slow down the system via reduction in configurational entropy (Adam-Gibbs relation). Time resolved measurements indicated that the rise of the non-linear effect is slower than its decay, as observed in the electro-optical Kerr effect. A model was discussed which quantitatively captures the observed magnitudes and time dependencies of the NDE. Asymmetry in these rise and decay times was demonstrated as a consequence of the quadratic field dependence of the entropy change. It was demonstrated that the high bias field modifies the polarization response to the field, even including the zero field limit. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Chemistry 2016
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