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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La connaissance des origines de l'enfant adopté: du « besoin» au « droit» Perspectives anthropologique, sociologique et psychologiques pour une réforme législative

Barrette, Louise-Andrée 08 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire traite de la nécessité pour le législateur d'instituer des règles permettant aux personnes adoptées de connaître leurs origines. Puisées à travers diverses disciplines telles que l'histoire, l'anthropologie, la sociologie et la psychologie, des connaissances rendent compte des empreintes conscientes et inconscientes laissées chez l'enfant par les parents de naissance. Le besoin de développer son individualité et d'atteindre son plein épanouissement implique que la personne adoptée puisse bénéficier des repères identitaires masqués par le secret des origines. L'accès aux dossiers judiciaires et administratifs de son adoption permet de recouvrer des informations nécessaires au processus d'auto-définition et de d'auto-réalisation de la personne adoptée. Or, les mécanismes de l'adoption au Québec s'avèrent insuffisants pour pallier aux situations actuelles qui ont évolué depuis que le législateur québécois a introduit l'adoption légale en 1924. L'adoption sans rupture du lien d'origine et la délégation judiciaires de l'autorité parentale aux membres de la famille de naissance comptent parmi les dispositifs à intégrer, pour l'un, et à réaménager, pour l'autre, dans l'attente d'une levée inconditionnelle du secret des origines pour la personne adoptée majeure dans toute situation. / The present Master's Thesis raises questions regarding the necessity for the legislator to make rules that will allow to the adopted persons to know their origins. Many disciplines Iike history, anthropology, sociology and psychology confirm child's conscious and unconscious imprints from their born parents. The need to expand his individuality and to achieve his full blossoming, the adopted person can profit of the identity reference hided by the origin's secret. The judiciary and administrative files access allows to give the necessary indications for the adopted person's definition and achievement. Therefore, the Quebec adoption mechanisms are insufficient to overcome the actual situations which are determined by the essential since the 1924 legislation. The adoption without rupture of the bonds of origins and the legal delegation of parental authority counts among the devices to create, for the one, or to ameliorate, for the other, in waiting of an unconditional raising of the secret of the origins for the adopted person who his coming of age in ail situations.

Enjeux liés à la confidentialité du dossier médical d’enfants en milieu scolaire

Maumaha Nouné, Rosane 01 1900 (has links)
La protection de l’intimité et de la vie privée des personnes est une préoccupation majeure de notre société car elle favorise la santé et le bien-être des individus. La confidentialité est un des éléments du droit au respect de la vie privée. Élément indispensable à la relation de confiance, le respect de la confidentialité soulève quelques problèmes quant à son maintien dans la relation impliquant les enfants. L’objectif de la présente étude est tout d’abord, d’explorer les différentes dynamiques entourant le secret thérapeutique ou la confidentialité de même que son application, à la lumière des pratiques internationales. Ensuite, elle vise à comprendre les perceptions et le sens de la confidentialité du dossier médical des enfants chez les professionnels de la santé et de l’éducation. Enfin, ce travail vise à comprendre les motivations et la connaissance des impacts du bris de confidentialité par ces professionnels. Il s'agit d'une étude qualitative de nature exploratoire. Les données proviennent d'entrevues semi-dirigées réalisées auprès de dix-neuf personnes oeuvrant de près ou de loin auprès des enfants. Une grille d'entrevue a été utilisée pour la collecte des données. Les résultats permettent d'observer que : tout d’abord, sur le plan international, il y a une absence d’uniformité dans l’application du concept de confidentialité. Son degré de protection dépend du contexte juridique d'un système donné Ensuite, l’étude démontre une relation entre la sensibilité du répondant et son milieu professionnel usuel. En effet, les professionnels de la santé, membres de corporation professionnelle, ont une vision beaucoup plus déontologique de la confidentialité et ils sont très sensibles à la question de la confidentialité, car celle-ci constitue une valeur centrale. Par contre, les professionnels de l’éducation, en l’absence d’identité professionnelle commune, s’inspirent d’une approche institutionnelle qu’éthique et ils apparaissent nettement moins sensibles à la confidentialité. Bref, le respect de la confidentialité est lié à une question de responsabilité sociale des professionnels. Enfin, le bris de la confidentialité est motivé par divers facteurs légitimes (pour raisons légale ou judiciaire, contexte de collaboration) et illégitimes (la négligence, l’erreur, l’inconduite). / Protecting intimacy and the privacy of individuals is a major concern of our society because it promotes health and well-being of individuals. Confidentiality is an element of the right to respect for privacy. Indispensable to the relationship of trust, the respect of confidentiality raises several problems as for its maintenance in the relationship involving children. The objective of this study is firstly, to explore the different dynamics surrounding therapeutic secrecy or confidentiality and its application in the light of international practices. Second, it seeks to understand perceptions and sense of confidentiality of medical records of children among health professionals and education. Finally, this work aims to understand the motivations and knowledge of the impacts of breach of confidentiality by such professionals. This is an exploratory qualitative study. Data result from semi-structured interviews conducted with nineteen people working near or far from the children. A grid of interview was used for data collection. The results allow observing that: firstly, internationally, there is a lack of uniformity in applying the concept of confidentiality. Its degree of protection depends on the legal context of a given system. Secondly, the study shows a relationship between the sensitivity of the respondent and his usual professional environment. Indeed, health professionals, members of Professional Corporation, have ethics’ view or perception of confidentiality and they are very sensitive to the issue of confidentiality, because it constitutes a core value. On the other hand, the education professionals, in the absence of common professional identity, were inspired by institutional approach than ethical and they appear much less sensitive to confidentiality. In short, privacy is related to an issue of social responsibility of professionals. Finally, the breaking of confidentiality is motivated by legitimate factors (such as legal or judicial reasons, collaboration’s context) and illegitimate (negligence, error, misconduct).

Inférence de règles de contrôle d'accès pour assurer la confidentialité des données au niveau des vues matérialisées / Access control rules for materialized views : an inference-based approach

Nait Bahloul, Sarah 05 December 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au problème de la confidentialité des données. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour faciliter l'administration des règles de contrôle d'accès pour assurer la confidentialité des données au niveau des vues matérialisées. Dans les bases de données relationnelles, une vue est une table virtuelle représentant le résultat d'une requête. À la différence d'une vue simple, une vue matérialisée stocke le résultat de la requête dans une table. Cette dernière peut être alors interrogée comme une table quelconque. Il est donc important d'y contrôler l'accès. Parmi les différents modèles proposés pour contrôler l'accès aux relations de base, nous nous basons dans notre approche sur l'utilisation des vues d'autorisations pour exprimer des règles de contrôle d'accès à grains fins. Nous proposons d'inférer, à partir des vues d'autorisations attachées aux tables de base, les vues d'autorisations qui doivent être attachées aux vues matérialisées. Répondre à ce problème revient à répondre à un problème fondamental dans les bases de données relationnelles : Comment caractériser les informations calculables à partir de deux ensembles de vues ? Nous répondons à cette question en nous appuyant sur la réécriture de requêtes. Nous adaptons l'algorithme de réécriture de requêtes M iniCon aux spécificités de notre problème et nous proposons l'algorithme 1-l M iniCon+ qui se base sur un enchainement de réécritures. Nous nous intéressons aux vues représentées par des requêtes conjonctives en autorisant les égalités. Nous nous sommes intéressés par la suite aux propriétés de cet algorithme. Nous démontrons que cet algorithme permet de calculer un ensemble de vues correctes, c.-à-d. toute information calculable à partir de l'ensemble de vues générées est cal­ culable à partir de chacun des deux ensembles de vues de départ / In this thesis, we address the problem of data confidentiality. We propose a new approach to facilitate the administration of access control policies to ensure confidentiality of data in materialized views. In relational databases, a view is a virtual table representing the result of a query. Unlike a simple view, a materialized view persistently stores the data in a table. The latter can be queried like any other database table. We then need to control the access to the materialized view. Among the various models proposed for controlling access to base relations, we choose to express fine-grained access control through authorization views. We propose to infer, from the basic authorization views attached to the base tables, authorization views that will be attached to the materialized views. Tackling this problem amounts to address a fundamental problem in relational databases : How to characterize computable information from two sets of views ? We handle this problem by resorting to query rewriting. We adapt the query rewriting algorithm MiniCon to the context of materialized views with access control and propose the H MiniCon+ algorithm which is based on successive rewritings. We mainly consider conjunctive queries with equalities. We study the properties of our approach. We show that our algorithm can calculate a correct set of views, i.e. any computable information from the generated views is calculable from the two sets of views. In order to prove the termination of our algorithm, we define rewriting trees generated by the application of 1-l MiniCon+ and we study their features. We characterize in which case a tree is finite and show that the approach is maximal, i.e., any derivable information from the two sets of views can be derived from the set of generated views. We characterize in which case the algorithm could not terminate i.e., infinite application of the query rewriting algorithm. In this case, it is impossible to determine the maximality of results and this remains an open problem. We implemented a prototype of the approach and we led some experiments by using synthetic data sets

A percepção do usuário do Programa de Saúde da Família sobre a privacidade e a confidencialidade das informações / The Family Health Program user s perception of information privacy and confidentiality.

Seoane, Antonio Ferreira 27 June 2007 (has links)
Introdução: O Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF) e o agente comunitário de saúde (ACS) aproximam-se dos usuários buscando unir o indivíduo, a família, a comunidade com o serviço de saúde. Além de agente de saúde e, portanto, vinculado à Instituição, o ACS que reside obrigatoriamente na mesma área onde exerce sua profissão, convive diretamente com as famílias e freqüentemente adentra em suas residências criando com elas um vínculo, observando e coletando informações sobre suas condições de vida e saúde. Objetivo: discutir a percepção do usuário quanto à privacidade e à confidencialidade das informações e conhecer como o mesmo relaciona a visita domiciliar ao seu direito à privacidade. Justificativa: apoiados no referencial teórico da bioética do cotidiano, esse trabalho de investigação justifica-se à medida que a garantia dos direitos à privacidade e à confidencialidade reflete diretamente na qualidade do atendimento. Método: estudo qualitativo, de natureza exploratória. Como instrumento de investigação elaborou-se um roteiro de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com questões abertas. Foram entrevistados trinta usuários maiores de dezoito anos, cadastrados em uma Unidade Básica do PSF da região sudeste do município de São Paulo. Resultados: os entrevistados não consideraram a entrada do ACS em suas residências como uma invasão à sua privacidade. Poucos relacionaram o sigilo das informações como um direito e um possível desrespeito parece ser por eles justificado pela necessidade do cuidado e do melhor acesso ao serviço de saúde. Das doenças estigmatizadas desponta a AIDS, seguida do câncer, e em menor grau a tuberculose, as doenças da próstata e o diabetes. Conclusões: O ACS é percebido mais como um técnico, um profissional de saúde vinculado à Instituição e não como um cidadão pertencente à comunidade e, em função disso, a visita domiciliar não causa constrangimentos. Constatou-se tendência em se admitir que as informações dadas em sigilo seriam reveladas pelos ACS ou ainda, pela própria (des)organização do serviço de saúde, porém, parece haver certo conformismo do usuário em relação à percepção dessa violação, justificada pela melhoria no cuidado e no acesso ao serviço de saúde. Verificou-se a importância das relações de gênero e do cuidado quando da revelação de determinadas enfermidades estigmatizadas. A AIDS aparece como a enfermidade mais atrelada ao preconceito, seguida do câncer, tuberculose, as doenças da próstata e o diabetes. / Introduction: The Family Health Program (FHP) and the Community Health Workers (CHW) approach their users by trying to unite the individual, the family, the community and the health service. Besides being a health worker and, therefore, attached to the Institution, the CHW that obligatorily lives in the same area where s/he works, lives together with the families and frequently enters their residences, creating a bond, observing and collecting information about their life and health conditions. Objective: to get to know how the FHP user perceives his/her right to information privacy and confidentiality and how s/he relates the domicile visit to his/her right to privacy. Justification: this research paper justifies itself as the warranty of the rights to privacy and confidentiality reflects directly the quality of the treatment. Method: qualitative study, of exploratory nature and like an investigation instrument, a set of semi-structured interviews was developed, with open questions. Thirty users, all over 18 years old, who were registered at a FHP Unit in the southeast of Sao Paulo, were interviewed. Analysis and Results: the interviewees evaluated the FHP in a positive way and did not consider the entrance of the CHW in their houses as an invasion to their privacy. However, from what they narrated, it was possible to realize that many domicile visits have occurred from outside their houses. The technical aspect of the CHW was highlighted and, sometimes, information about stigmatized diseases was revealed to the agent with the aim of having a faster access to the treatment. Only a few users thought of the information secrecy maintenance as a right. Conclusions: There seems to be a tendency to accept the FHP, although it has been clear that there is some unawareness about its organization and the differences it has in relation to the traditional Primary Health Units. The CHW is often seen as a technician, a health professional attached to the Institution, but not as a citizen who belongs to that community, and, as a consequence of this, the home visit is not object of any embarrassment. A tendency in admitting that the pieces of information given in secret would be revealed by the CHW and by the health service own dis(organization) was also detected. From what was said, it could be seen how important the gender relationships and the care in revealing certain sicknesses are. Diseases like AIDS, tuberculosis, cancer, prostate diseases and even heart problems appeared as diseases that can cause prejudice. There seemed to have been certain acquiescence from the user in relation to the perception of the lack of respect to the secrecy of the revealed information.

A percepção do usuário do Programa de Saúde da Família sobre a privacidade e a confidencialidade das informações / The Family Health Program user s perception of information privacy and confidentiality.

Antonio Ferreira Seoane 27 June 2007 (has links)
Introdução: O Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF) e o agente comunitário de saúde (ACS) aproximam-se dos usuários buscando unir o indivíduo, a família, a comunidade com o serviço de saúde. Além de agente de saúde e, portanto, vinculado à Instituição, o ACS que reside obrigatoriamente na mesma área onde exerce sua profissão, convive diretamente com as famílias e freqüentemente adentra em suas residências criando com elas um vínculo, observando e coletando informações sobre suas condições de vida e saúde. Objetivo: discutir a percepção do usuário quanto à privacidade e à confidencialidade das informações e conhecer como o mesmo relaciona a visita domiciliar ao seu direito à privacidade. Justificativa: apoiados no referencial teórico da bioética do cotidiano, esse trabalho de investigação justifica-se à medida que a garantia dos direitos à privacidade e à confidencialidade reflete diretamente na qualidade do atendimento. Método: estudo qualitativo, de natureza exploratória. Como instrumento de investigação elaborou-se um roteiro de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com questões abertas. Foram entrevistados trinta usuários maiores de dezoito anos, cadastrados em uma Unidade Básica do PSF da região sudeste do município de São Paulo. Resultados: os entrevistados não consideraram a entrada do ACS em suas residências como uma invasão à sua privacidade. Poucos relacionaram o sigilo das informações como um direito e um possível desrespeito parece ser por eles justificado pela necessidade do cuidado e do melhor acesso ao serviço de saúde. Das doenças estigmatizadas desponta a AIDS, seguida do câncer, e em menor grau a tuberculose, as doenças da próstata e o diabetes. Conclusões: O ACS é percebido mais como um técnico, um profissional de saúde vinculado à Instituição e não como um cidadão pertencente à comunidade e, em função disso, a visita domiciliar não causa constrangimentos. Constatou-se tendência em se admitir que as informações dadas em sigilo seriam reveladas pelos ACS ou ainda, pela própria (des)organização do serviço de saúde, porém, parece haver certo conformismo do usuário em relação à percepção dessa violação, justificada pela melhoria no cuidado e no acesso ao serviço de saúde. Verificou-se a importância das relações de gênero e do cuidado quando da revelação de determinadas enfermidades estigmatizadas. A AIDS aparece como a enfermidade mais atrelada ao preconceito, seguida do câncer, tuberculose, as doenças da próstata e o diabetes. / Introduction: The Family Health Program (FHP) and the Community Health Workers (CHW) approach their users by trying to unite the individual, the family, the community and the health service. Besides being a health worker and, therefore, attached to the Institution, the CHW that obligatorily lives in the same area where s/he works, lives together with the families and frequently enters their residences, creating a bond, observing and collecting information about their life and health conditions. Objective: to get to know how the FHP user perceives his/her right to information privacy and confidentiality and how s/he relates the domicile visit to his/her right to privacy. Justification: this research paper justifies itself as the warranty of the rights to privacy and confidentiality reflects directly the quality of the treatment. Method: qualitative study, of exploratory nature and like an investigation instrument, a set of semi-structured interviews was developed, with open questions. Thirty users, all over 18 years old, who were registered at a FHP Unit in the southeast of Sao Paulo, were interviewed. Analysis and Results: the interviewees evaluated the FHP in a positive way and did not consider the entrance of the CHW in their houses as an invasion to their privacy. However, from what they narrated, it was possible to realize that many domicile visits have occurred from outside their houses. The technical aspect of the CHW was highlighted and, sometimes, information about stigmatized diseases was revealed to the agent with the aim of having a faster access to the treatment. Only a few users thought of the information secrecy maintenance as a right. Conclusions: There seems to be a tendency to accept the FHP, although it has been clear that there is some unawareness about its organization and the differences it has in relation to the traditional Primary Health Units. The CHW is often seen as a technician, a health professional attached to the Institution, but not as a citizen who belongs to that community, and, as a consequence of this, the home visit is not object of any embarrassment. A tendency in admitting that the pieces of information given in secret would be revealed by the CHW and by the health service own dis(organization) was also detected. From what was said, it could be seen how important the gender relationships and the care in revealing certain sicknesses are. Diseases like AIDS, tuberculosis, cancer, prostate diseases and even heart problems appeared as diseases that can cause prejudice. There seemed to have been certain acquiescence from the user in relation to the perception of the lack of respect to the secrecy of the revealed information.

La connaissance des origines de l'enfant adopté: du « besoin» au « droit» Perspectives anthropologique, sociologique et psychologiques pour une réforme législative

Barrette, Louise-Andrée 08 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire traite de la nécessité pour le législateur d'instituer des règles permettant aux personnes adoptées de connaître leurs origines. Puisées à travers diverses disciplines telles que l'histoire, l'anthropologie, la sociologie et la psychologie, des connaissances rendent compte des empreintes conscientes et inconscientes laissées chez l'enfant par les parents de naissance. Le besoin de développer son individualité et d'atteindre son plein épanouissement implique que la personne adoptée puisse bénéficier des repères identitaires masqués par le secret des origines. L'accès aux dossiers judiciaires et administratifs de son adoption permet de recouvrer des informations nécessaires au processus d'auto-définition et de d'auto-réalisation de la personne adoptée. Or, les mécanismes de l'adoption au Québec s'avèrent insuffisants pour pallier aux situations actuelles qui ont évolué depuis que le législateur québécois a introduit l'adoption légale en 1924. L'adoption sans rupture du lien d'origine et la délégation judiciaires de l'autorité parentale aux membres de la famille de naissance comptent parmi les dispositifs à intégrer, pour l'un, et à réaménager, pour l'autre, dans l'attente d'une levée inconditionnelle du secret des origines pour la personne adoptée majeure dans toute situation. / The present Master's Thesis raises questions regarding the necessity for the legislator to make rules that will allow to the adopted persons to know their origins. Many disciplines Iike history, anthropology, sociology and psychology confirm child's conscious and unconscious imprints from their born parents. The need to expand his individuality and to achieve his full blossoming, the adopted person can profit of the identity reference hided by the origin's secret. The judiciary and administrative files access allows to give the necessary indications for the adopted person's definition and achievement. Therefore, the Quebec adoption mechanisms are insufficient to overcome the actual situations which are determined by the essential since the 1924 legislation. The adoption without rupture of the bonds of origins and the legal delegation of parental authority counts among the devices to create, for the one, or to ameliorate, for the other, in waiting of an unconditional raising of the secret of the origins for the adopted person who his coming of age in ail situations.

Enjeux liés à la confidentialité du dossier médical d’enfants en milieu scolaire

Maumaha Nouné, Rosane 01 1900 (has links)
La protection de l’intimité et de la vie privée des personnes est une préoccupation majeure de notre société car elle favorise la santé et le bien-être des individus. La confidentialité est un des éléments du droit au respect de la vie privée. Élément indispensable à la relation de confiance, le respect de la confidentialité soulève quelques problèmes quant à son maintien dans la relation impliquant les enfants. L’objectif de la présente étude est tout d’abord, d’explorer les différentes dynamiques entourant le secret thérapeutique ou la confidentialité de même que son application, à la lumière des pratiques internationales. Ensuite, elle vise à comprendre les perceptions et le sens de la confidentialité du dossier médical des enfants chez les professionnels de la santé et de l’éducation. Enfin, ce travail vise à comprendre les motivations et la connaissance des impacts du bris de confidentialité par ces professionnels. Il s'agit d'une étude qualitative de nature exploratoire. Les données proviennent d'entrevues semi-dirigées réalisées auprès de dix-neuf personnes oeuvrant de près ou de loin auprès des enfants. Une grille d'entrevue a été utilisée pour la collecte des données. Les résultats permettent d'observer que : tout d’abord, sur le plan international, il y a une absence d’uniformité dans l’application du concept de confidentialité. Son degré de protection dépend du contexte juridique d'un système donné Ensuite, l’étude démontre une relation entre la sensibilité du répondant et son milieu professionnel usuel. En effet, les professionnels de la santé, membres de corporation professionnelle, ont une vision beaucoup plus déontologique de la confidentialité et ils sont très sensibles à la question de la confidentialité, car celle-ci constitue une valeur centrale. Par contre, les professionnels de l’éducation, en l’absence d’identité professionnelle commune, s’inspirent d’une approche institutionnelle qu’éthique et ils apparaissent nettement moins sensibles à la confidentialité. Bref, le respect de la confidentialité est lié à une question de responsabilité sociale des professionnels. Enfin, le bris de la confidentialité est motivé par divers facteurs légitimes (pour raisons légale ou judiciaire, contexte de collaboration) et illégitimes (la négligence, l’erreur, l’inconduite). / Protecting intimacy and the privacy of individuals is a major concern of our society because it promotes health and well-being of individuals. Confidentiality is an element of the right to respect for privacy. Indispensable to the relationship of trust, the respect of confidentiality raises several problems as for its maintenance in the relationship involving children. The objective of this study is firstly, to explore the different dynamics surrounding therapeutic secrecy or confidentiality and its application in the light of international practices. Second, it seeks to understand perceptions and sense of confidentiality of medical records of children among health professionals and education. Finally, this work aims to understand the motivations and knowledge of the impacts of breach of confidentiality by such professionals. This is an exploratory qualitative study. Data result from semi-structured interviews conducted with nineteen people working near or far from the children. A grid of interview was used for data collection. The results allow observing that: firstly, internationally, there is a lack of uniformity in applying the concept of confidentiality. Its degree of protection depends on the legal context of a given system. Secondly, the study shows a relationship between the sensitivity of the respondent and his usual professional environment. Indeed, health professionals, members of Professional Corporation, have ethics’ view or perception of confidentiality and they are very sensitive to the issue of confidentiality, because it constitutes a core value. On the other hand, the education professionals, in the absence of common professional identity, were inspired by institutional approach than ethical and they appear much less sensitive to confidentiality. In short, privacy is related to an issue of social responsibility of professionals. Finally, the breaking of confidentiality is motivated by legitimate factors (such as legal or judicial reasons, collaboration’s context) and illegitimate (negligence, error, misconduct).

På ungdomars uppdrag : En kvalitativ studie om kuratorers tankar om och erfarenheter av möten med ungdomar / On behalf of adolescents : A qualitative study of counselor’s thoughts and experiences of encounters with adolescences

Almberg, Tilde, Gustafsson, Frida January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how counselors who work at youth clinics relate to the question of the integrity of adolescents who are under 18 years old in relation to the parents rights to information. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with eight counselors from youth clinics in the StockholmCounty. We have analyzed our empirical material by categorizing the statements from the counselors and by using two different theories. The first one is a consequential ethics theory and the second one is a cognitive theory. These two theories have helped us to understand the thoughts and actions of the counselors. The results show that the counselors try to protect the integrity of the adolescents and that they only consider breaking that trust if they are concerned about the young persons physical or mental health. Often it is only in these situations, when the counselor might have to report to the social services, that the parents are given right to receive information. This indicates that the counselors have a strong belief in letting the adolescents keep their integrity and this ethical dilemma is only present in situations where the counselor is concerned for the adolescent.

Cloud security mechanisms

January 2014 (has links)
Cloud computing has brought great benefits in cost and flexibility for provisioning services. The greatest challenge of cloud computing remains however the question of security. The current standard tools in access control mechanisms and cryptography can only partly solve the security challenges of cloud infrastructures. In the recent years of research in security and cryptography, novel mechanisms, protocols and algorithms have emerged that offer new ways to create secure services atop cloud infrastructures. This report provides introductions to a selection of security mechanisms that were part of the "Cloud Security Mechanisms" seminar in summer term 2013 at HPI. / Cloud Computing hat deutliche Kostenersparnisse und verbesserte Flexibilität bei der Bereitstellung von Computer-Diensten ermöglicht. Allerdings bleiben Sicherheitsbedenken die größte Herausforderung bei der Nutzung von Cloud-Diensten. Die etablierten Mechanismen für Zugriffskontrolle und Verschlüsselungstechnik können die Herausforderungen und Probleme der Sicherheit von Cloud-Infrastrukturen nur teilweise lösen. In den letzten Jahren hat die Forschung jedoch neue Mechanismen, Protokolle und Algorithmen hervorgebracht, welche neue Möglichkeiten eröffnen die Sicherheit von Cloud-Anwendungen zu erhöhen. Dieser technische Bericht bietet Einführungen zu einigen dieser Mechanismen, welche im Seminar "Cloud Security Mechanisms" im Sommersemester 2013 am HPI behandelt wurden.

Pacientų teisių užtikrinimo įvertinimas pirminiame sveikatos priežiūros lygmenyje gydytojų, slaugytojų ir pacientų požiūriu / The evaluation of an assurance of the patients` rights in the primary health care from physicians`, nurses` and patients` point of view

Reškevičiūtė, Justina 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas- įvertinti pacientų teisių užtikrinimą pirminės sveikatos priežiūros lygmenyje, pacientų ir sveikatos priežiūros specialistų požiūriu. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti pacientų teisių užtikrinimą pirminiame sveikatos priežiūros lygmenyje pacientų požiūriu. 2. Įvertinti pacientų teisių užtikrinimą pirminiame sveikatos priežiūros lygmenyje sveikatos priežiūros specialistų požiūriu. 3. Palyginti pacientų teisių užtikrinimą pacientų ir sveikatos priežiūros specialistų požiūriu.Tyrimo metodika: tyrimas atliktas 2014 m. kovo- balandžio mėnesiais anoniminės apklausos būdu Vilniuje, atsitiktiniu atrankos būdu parinktoje pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigoje. Tyrimo metu apklausti 48 bendrosios praktikos gydytojai, 54 slaugytojai ir 223 pacientai. Tyrimo rezultatai: 81,5 proc. pacientų žino savo teises. 49,5 proc. pacientų informaciją apie tyrimo rezultatus, 50,5 proc. ligos prognozę, 58,3 proc. gydymo eigą, suprato tik iš dalies. 62,3 proc. pacientų įvardijo, jog gydytojai, slaugytojai nepakankamai skiria laiko informavimui. Apie 50 proc. sveikatos priežiūros specialistų požiūriu, informacija apie ligos diagnozę, gydymo eigą, komplikacijas turi būti visiškai konfidenciali. 69,9 proc. pacientų manė, jog jų teisės užtikrinamos tik iš dalies. Tyrimo išvados: 1. Didžioji dauguma respondentų žinojo savo teises, tačiau daugiau kaip pusė respondentų teigė, kad nebuvo pakankamai informuoti apie savo ligą, o 34,7 proc. respondentų nebuvo įtraukit į sprendimų priėmimą, susijusį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of study: to evaluate an assurance of the patients` rights in the primary health care. Objectives: 1. To evaluate an assurance of the patients` rights in the primary health care from a patients` point of view. 2.To evaluate an assurance of the patients` rights in the primary health care from a health care proffessionals` point of view. 3.To compare an assurance of the patients` rights from the patients` and health care proffessionals` point of view. Methods: the cross-sectional study was performed at one Vilnius PHC institution, in 2014 March-April. The anonymous questionnaire was used in survey. There were 48 physicians, 54 nurses and 223 patients. Completed questionnaires were suitable for further investigation and statistical analysis. An anonymous questionnaire was used, which was developed according to literature analysis. Results: 81,5% of the patients knew their rights. 49,5% patients about medical examination results, 50,5% - disease prognosis and 56,5% - treatment process understood just partially. 62,3% of the patients identified, that physicians, nurses for the information share not enough time. About 50% of health care professionals` attitude related to information about diagnosis, treatment course, complications must be kept absolutely confidential. 69.9% patients felt that their rights are guaranteed only in part. Conclusions: 1. The majority of a respondents were aware of their rights, but more than half of them said that they were not sufficiently informed... [to full text]

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