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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La sculpture polychromée néo-gothique en Belgique vue par la Gilde de Saint-Thomas et de Saint-Luc, 1863-1914

Steyaert, Delphine 29 September 2014 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral se penche sur un groupe d’artistes et d’artisans actifs dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle dans le domaine de la sculpture, et plus précisément sur la façon dont ceux-ci ont à a fois restauré de nombreuses sculptures médiévales et réalisé des sculptures néo-gothiques. Le sujet a été circonscrit à la sculpture religieuse mobilière en bois, et plus spécifiquement aux statues et aux retables conservés dans des églises gothiques. Une approche multidisciplinaire, entre Moyen Âge et XIXe siècle, a été privilégiée. Les artistes et artisans étudiés (Jules Helbig, Adrien Hubert Bressers, les frères Blanchaert, Jean-Baptiste Bethune) posent les bases du style dit « des Écoles Saint-Luc » ou illustrent des travaux de la seconde génération (Léon Bressers). Ils sont membres de la Gilde de Saint-Thomas et de Saint-Luc et revendiquent, sous l’influence de l’architecte anglais A.W.N. Pugin, un lien exclusif avec l’art médiéval dans leurs réalisations. Au sein de la Gilde, l'étude de l'art médiéval et les discussions sur le mobilier religieux à créer se doublent d'une recherche sur les règles liturgiques (au sujet des autels principalement), de manière à retrouver, autant que possible, les formes et usages anciens tout en restant conforme avec les prescriptions en vigueur. Les membres, et en particulier les personnalités étudiées, participent ainsi au renouveau chrétien de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle.<p>Les sculpteurs-restaurateurs et les peintres-restaurateurs sélectionnés visent avant tout une présentation jugée digne des sculptures médiévales qui passent entre leurs mains. Ils sont, pour ce faire, imperméables à toute notion d’authenticité. Les aspects religieux primant et dans un contexte de forte pilarisation, ils adoptent sur cette question une position monolithique, alors même que la réflexion au sujet de la restauration de la sculpture polychromée se développe, notamment au sein de la Commission royale des Monuments. Dans les traitements de restauration, les Blanchaert, les Bressers et Jules Helbig font preuve d’un vrai souci archéologique mais rarement de réflexion critique sur l’opportunité ou pas de reconstituer des éléments lacunaires, sur le bien fondé de l’adjonction des attributs, ou sur les pratiques de décapage et de repolychromie. Ce travail doctoral démontre par ailleurs que les nouvelles polychromies néo-gothiques, en particulier celles confectionnées par les Bressers, sont souvent le reflet, voire des copies, des anciennes polychromies quand elles étaient bien conservées.<p>Les discussions menées au sein de la Gilde ont eu un impact non négligeable sur la question du démembrement des autels baroques et néo-classiques ainsi que sur la création du nouveau mobilier néo-gothique en Belgique. <p><p>L’étude d’une série de retables néo-gothiques apporte de nouvelles clefs de lecture sur la conception des programmes iconographiques globaux, la répartition des retables dans l'espace ecclésial, la typologie des œuvres, la conception des compositions et le style adopté pour les groupes sculptés. L'influence de Pugin a pu être montrée, notamment dans le caractère très hiérarchisé donné aux œuvres, et cela à tous les niveaux de la représentation.<p>Dans son ensemble, ce travail doctoral offre une contribution significative sur l’historicisme et l’histoire des mentalités. <p> / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

An archival collecting framework for the records generated by South Africa's Portuguese community-based organisations in Gauteng

Da Silva Rodrigues, Antonio 11 1900 (has links)
South African institutions of preservation, such as archives, have often focused their collecting efforts on records of national significance and documenting the perspectives of the more dominant communities that represent power and government. This has resulted in the underrepresentation of certain communities in the archival heritage of the nation, such as the South African Portuguese community, whose contemporary history and experiences have not been adequately reflected in the country’s archival collections, including in those of government and other mainstream archival institutions and non-public institutions. Since South Africa has a number of Portuguese community-based organisations - and because the records they have created may be a potential resource for safeguarding the social history of this under-documented group - this study aimed to investigate the management of these records with a view of proposing a best practice model that would assist in their future management and guide their inclusion in any intended archival collection initiatives. Utilising a generic interpretive qualitative research design, the study revealed that the selected study population, namely the Portuguese community-based organisations in Gauteng, create and hold diverse types of records that may show important aspects of the community’s history that are worthy of systematic management and preservation. However, it became evident from the empirical findings that the recordkeeping practices of these organisations were performed inadequately, with records often being misplaced or discarded after their administrative use had expired. The findings also showed that, although these organisations had never thought of establishing an archival programme for themselves or depositing their records in any mainstream archives, they were willing to contribute their records to a planned archival collecting initiative of the community. Based on these findings, recommendations were made with regard to these organisational records in order to improve their management and to facilitate their potential inclusion in an archival collecting plan. The study also suggested an archival collecting framework and a model for these records. The proposed model followed an integrated approach, taking into account the community’s divergent collecting and custody preferences, such as the mainstream institutional acquisition of these records or these being preserved within community structures. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Técnicas de refuerzo tradicionales y modernas aplicadas a la conservación y restauración de bienes culturales

Peris Gisbert, Silvana 17 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] La investigación realizada forma parte del estudio, mucho más amplio, para la restauración de la Iglesia de los Santos Juanes de Valencia, que tiene por objeto establecer una metodología de reconstrucción para las pinturas murales de la grandioso bóveda que Antonio Palomino pintó entre 1699 y 1701, la cual fue incendiada durante la Guerra Civil. Al realizar un primer análisis sobre diferentes anclajes en la restauración, se han encontrado dos clases de técnicas de anclaje, las denominadas tradicionales y las modernas. Tras este análisis, se ha realizado un trabajo de investigación comparativa entre diversos espacios arquitectónicos, tanto de España como de Europa, concretamente de Italia, que ya habían sido restaurados, para poder identificar los materiales utilizados en sus realizaciones. Con todo este trabajo acabado, se contactó con el Profesor Vicente Amigó Borrás, investigador del laboratorio del Instituto de Tecnología de los Materiales, para estudiar otros materiales más novedosos que pudieran ayudar en nuestra labor. Para realizar el estudio, junto a él y muchos de sus compañeros, se desarrollaron un conjunto de probetas con el fin de elaborar diferentes tipos de laminados compuestos de fibra y matriz, los cuales han soportado los diferentes procesos y análisis para obtener los mejores resultados posibles. Estos análisis han permitido conocer muy a fondo cada material y la diversidad de sus propiedades, estableciendo estudios comparativos que han ayudado a escoger cuál de ellos resultará más apropiado para el trabajo de restauración y dar algunas conclusiones finales sobre ello en el proceso de intervención global en los Santos Juanes. Se puede afirmar que esta Tesis Doctoral demuestra la posible aplicación de materiales compuestos en diferentes bienes culturales, y en especial en la bóveda de la Iglesia de los Santos Juanes de Valencia. / [CA] La investigació realitzada forma part del estudi, molt més ample, realitzat per a la restauració de l'Església dels Sants Joans de València, que té per objectiu establir una metodologia de reconstrucció per a les pintures murals de la grandiosa volta que Antonio Palomino va pintar entre 1699 i 1701, la qual va ser incendiada durant la Guerra Civil. En realitzar una primera anàlisi sobre ancoratges en la restauració, ens hem trobat davant de dues classes de tècniques d'ancoratge, les denominades tradicionals i les modernes. Després d'aquesta anàlisi, s'ha realitzat un treball de recerca comparativa entre diversos espais arquitectònics, tant d'Espanya com d'Europa, concretament d'Italia, que ja havien sigut restaurats, per a poder identificar els materials utilitzats en les seues realitzacions. Amb tot aquest treball finalitzat, es va contactar amb el Profesor Vicente Amigó Borrás, investigador del laboratori de l'Institut de Tecnologia dels Materials, per a estudiar altres materials més nous que pogueren ajudar en la nostra labor. Per realitzar l'estudi, al costat d'ell i molts dels seus companys, es van desenvolupar un conjunt de provetes amb la finalitat d'elaborar diferents tipus de laminatges compostos de fibra i matriu, els quals han suportat els diferents processos i anàlisis per a obtenir els millors resultats possibles. Aquestes anàlisis han permés conéixer molt a fons cada material i la diversitat de les seues propietats, establint estudis comparatius que han ajudat a triar quin d'ells resultarà més apropiat per al treball de restauració i donar les conclusions finals sobre el procés d'intervenció. Es pot afirmar que aquesta Tesi Doctoral demostra la possible aplicació de materials compostos en diferents béns culturals, i especialment en la volta de l'Església dels Sants Joans de València. / [EN] The object of our study was to establish the methodology for the reconstruction of the painted murals of the great vault in the Santos Juanes church of Valencia which were painted by Antonio Palomino between 1699 and 1701 and which were burned during the Civil War. In conducting an initial study of the foundations we find two different types of technique, the traditional and modern. After this analysis a comparative investigation was carried out between the various architectural sites which have been restored, both in Spain and Europe, enabling a study of the materials which have been utilized. Having completed this work we were put in contact with Professor Vicente Amigo, Laboratory investigator of the Institute of Engineering of Technological Materials, to study alternative more modern materials, which could be put to use in our work. Finishing the study alongside him and his many colleagues, a series of tests have been carried out to develop different types of fibre and matrix laminate combinations, which have undergone a variety of analytical processes to obtain the best possible results. These analyses have enabled a closer and deeper understanding of each material and their individual properties, providing a comparative study to assist the selection of the most appropriate for our needs and giving final results closest to the procedure. It can be confirmed that this Doctorate Thesis demonstrates the possible usage of compounded materials in different cultural properties, especially in the vault of the Santos Juanes church of Valencia. / Peris Gisbert, S. (2021). Técnicas de refuerzo tradicionales y modernas aplicadas a la conservación y restauración de bienes culturales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180014

Nevada Fall Corridor : a cultural landscape report

Gerdes, Marti M. 08 1900 (has links)
xv, 298 p. ; ill. (chiefly col.), maps (chiefly col.) A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: AAA F868.Y6 G47 2004 / This study describes existing conditions, evaluates significance and historic integrity, and recommends treatment strategies to preserve historic elements of the Nevada Fall Corridor cultural landscape in Yosemite National Park. It reports findings from field investigation that examined and inventoried landscape features such as stone retaining walls, treadway material, bridges and causeways, and water features on both current-use and abandoned trail segments. The site was examined numerous times over a three-month period, with a followup visit one year later. Libraries and other archives were consulted for written and photographic historic documentation, which were analyzed against current conditions. The process also involved review of comparison documents as well as national guidelines set forth by the National Park Service. / Adviser: Melnick, Robert Z.

Unknown provenance : the forgery, illicit trade and looting of ancient near eastern artifacts and antiquities

Conradie, Dirk Philippus 05 1900 (has links)
The archaeology of the region, referred to in scholarly lexicon as the Ancient Near East, is richly endowed with artefacts and monumental architecture of ancient cultures. Such artefacts, as a non-renewable resource are, therefore considered to be a scarce commodity. So also is the context and the provenance of these objects. Once an object’s provenance has been disturbed, it is of no further significant use for academic research, except for aesthetic value. Historically, as well as in the present, we see that humans have exploited this resource for various reasons, with very little regard given to provenance. The impact of forgery, illicit trade and looting are the greatest threat to the value of provenance. Contrary to some arguments, collectors, curators, buyers, looters and certain scholars play a significant role in its destruction. This research reveals to what extent unknown provenance has become a disturbing problem in the study of archaeological artefacts. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.Th. (Biblical Archaeology)

Stone working in antiquity, general techniques and a framework of critical factors derived from the construction of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem

Smith, Anne Marie 02 1900 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is on the most commonly used types of stone, the methods of quarrying stone, stone working, the tools developed and used for that purpose, and the ways in which stone was transported and hoisted into place. This is starting from the earliest times in which large temples or buildings were constructed, namely the Neolithic, up till the time of the Roman Empire. Besides being a kind of compendium of most aspects of stone working, which could be found, also attention is given to the ideal conditions under which the construction of a large temple or monument could take place. The framework, which is developed from the description of the construction of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem in I Kings 5 and I Chronicles 28, is used to analyse the construction of a number of other temples in different times, places and settings, and with the use of different materials, to test if the framework is applicable in all these situations. Moreover, also other aspects of stone working, such as mosaics and the manufacturing of stone vessels in Jerusalem are described and analysed as to their origins and uses. The intention is to give an overview of the many ways in which stone has been used, so that the reader can get an idea of how large temples and monuments were built and to gain an understanding of what kind of technical know-how and ingenuity existed in antiquity. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D. Phil. (Religious Studies (Biblical Archaeology))

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