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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification expérimentale de comportements élastoplastiques de matériaux hétérogènes pour des sollicitations complexes / Experimental identification of elastoplastic behavior of heterogeneous materials under complex loadings

Madani, Tarik 17 December 2015 (has links)
Le présent travail de thèse fait suite à une première étude où une stratégie d’identification des paramètres et formes des lois de zones cohésives a été élaborée pour des matériaux homogènes. L’extension au cas de matériaux présentant des hétérogénéités nécessite d’accéder localement aux champs de contraintes.Ainsi, l’objectif principal de cette étude est de mettre au point une méthode de caractérisation locale des propriétés mécaniques et des contraintes. Cette méthode est basée sur l’erreur en relation de comportement combinée à l’exploitation de la richesse des mesures de champs cinématiques planes et plus particulièrement des champs de déformations, obtenus par dérivation numérique des champs de déplacements. Cette mesure cinématique est réalisée par une technique de corrélation d’images numériques enrichie.La méthode d’identification est basée sur la minimisation itérative d’une norme énergétique faisant intervenir le tenseur élastoplastique sécant. Différentes simulations numériques ont illustré la capacité de la procédure à identifier localement des champs de propriétés hétérogènes et sa robustesse et sa stabilité vis-à-vis du bruit de mesure, du choix du jeu de paramètres d’initialisation de l’algorithme et de la finesse du maillage.Pour finir, des essais plans avec différentes géométries d’éprouvettes ont été effectués et un essai a été mis au point pour obtenir de manière maîtrisée un état initial très hétérogène. Les résultats d’identification élastoplastique multilinéaire ont montré la capacité de la méthode à identifier les lois de comportements locales sur ce matériau hétérogène. / The present work follows a first approach where a strategy for identifying the shape and the parameters of cohesive-zone laws has been developed for homogeneous materials. The extension of this method to heterogeneous material requires the knowledge of the local stress state.The study aims at developing a local characterization method for mechanical properties and stresses. This method is based on the constitutive equation gap principles and relies on the knowledge of mechanical kinematic fields and particularly of the strain fields. These fields are obtained by the numerical differentiation of displacement fields measured by digital image correlation.This identification method is based on the iterative minimization of an energy norm involving the secant elastoplastic tensor. Various numerical simulations were used to illustrate the performance of the procedure for locally identifying heterogeneous property fields, and to characterize its robustness and its stability with respect to noise to the values of the algorithm initialization parameter and to the mesh refinement.Finally, various experimental tests with different specimen geometries were performed and a test has been developed to obtain a controlled heterogeneous initial state. The multilinear elastoplastic identification results showed the ability of the method to identify the local behavior properties on heterogeneous materials.

Фракционо и тополошко уопштење једначине телеграфичара као модел електричног вода / Frakciono i topološko uopštenje jednačine telegrafičara kao model električnog voda / Fractional and topological generalization of telegraphers’s equation intansmission line modeling

Cvetićanin Stevan 27 October 2017 (has links)
<p>Предмет истраживања су фракциона и тополошка уопштења једначине<br />телеграфичара као модела електричног вода. Фракционо уопштење се<br />огледа у томе што су класичне конститутивне релације електричних<br />елемената замењене фракционим. Модификација конститутивних<br />релација омогућује да се узму у обзир коначно време релаксације и<br />поларизације диелектрика, као и формирања магнетског поља, односно<br />историја процеса поларизације и магнетизације. Тополошко уопштење<br />огледа се у томе што елементарно коло вода, поред стандардних<br />елемената, има кондензатор и у редној грани којим се моделира ефекат<br />нагомилавања наелектрисања дуж елекричног вода, односно коначно<br />време релаксације.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja su frakciona i topološka uopštenja jednačine<br />telegrafičara kao modela električnog voda. Frakciono uopštenje se<br />ogleda u tome što su klasične konstitutivne relacije električnih<br />elemenata zamenjene frakcionim. Modifikacija konstitutivnih<br />relacija omogućuje da se uzmu u obzir konačno vreme relaksacije i<br />polarizacije dielektrika, kao i formiranja magnetskog polja, odnosno<br />istorija procesa polarizacije i magnetizacije. Topološko uopštenje<br />ogleda se u tome što elementarno kolo voda, pored standardnih<br />elemenata, ima kondenzator i u rednoj grani kojim se modelira efekat<br />nagomilavanja naelektrisanja duž elekričnog voda, odnosno konačno<br />vreme relaksacije.</p> / <p>The subject of research is the fractional and topological generalization of the<br />telegraphers&rsquo;s equation in transmission line modeling. The fractional<br />generalization is reflected in the fact that the classical constitutive relations of<br />electrical elements are replaced by the fractional ones. The modification of<br />constitutive relations allows for taking into account the finite relaxation and<br />polarization time of dielectric material, as well as the creation of the magnetic<br />field, it also allows for taking into account the history of polarization and<br />magnetization processes. The topological generalization of the elementary<br />circuit of transmission line, in addition to the standard elements, introduces a<br />capacitor in the series branch, which models the effect of charge<br />accumulation along the transmission line, i.e., the finite relaxation time.</p>

Constraint Effects On Stationary Crack Tip Fields In Ductile Single Crystals

Patil, Swapnil D 11 1900 (has links)
In order to understand and predict the fracture behaviour of polycrystalline materials from a fundamental perspective, it is important to first investigate plastic deformation at a crack tip in a ductile single crystal. In this context, it may be noted that when the crack opening displacement is much less than the grain size, the crack tip fields are entirely contained in a single grain. Further, some key structural components are being fabricated in single crystal form. For example, blades in high pressure turbines of jet engines are made of single crystals of Nickel-based superalloys. In view of the above considerations, a combined experimental and computational study of the crack tip stress and strain fields in FCC single crystal is carried out in the present work. The effect of constraint level, which is characterized by the T-stress under mode I, plane strain small scale yielding conditions, on the near-tip response is first analyzed for a crystal orientation in which the crack plane coincides with (010) and ¯the crack front lies along[101]direction. A family of finite element solutions are generated by employing a boundary layer approach within continuum crystal plasticity framework. The results show that the near-tip deformation field, especially the development of kink and slip shear bands, is sensitive to the constraint level. On imposition of negative T-stress, a significant drop in the hydrostatic stress level is noticed in the region ahead of the tip. This suggests loss of crack tip constraint with negative T-stress, which is akin to isotropic plastic solids. The reason for the loss of crack tip constraint is traced to the occurrence of an elastic sector near the notch tip. The results also show that a two-parameter (such as K-T or J-Q) characterization of near-tip fields is necessary to accommodate different constraint levels in FCC single crystals. The results of the boundary layer formulation are used to guide the construction of asymptotic solutions near the crack tip corresponding to various constraint levels in elastic-perfectly plastic FCC single crystal. Two families of alternate asymptotic solutions are constructed by introducing an elastic near-tip sector. These families of stress fields are parameterized by the normalized opening stress ahead of the tip, τA22/τo, where τo is the critical resolved shear stress, and a quantity (p) which characterizes the coordinates of the point where elastic unloading commences in stress plane. The results show that the stress distribution corresponding to each member of these families, as well as the trajectories in stress plane as the crack tip is traversed, agree well with finite element results for a certain value of T-stress. In order to validate the above numerical and analytical solutions, the nature of crack tip deformation in aluminium single crystals is examined experimentally in a high constraint three point bend (TPB) specimen and in a low constraint single edge notch tensile (SENT) geometry. These experiments provide evidence, based on in-situ Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) of the existence of kink shear bands (involving lattice rotation) exactly as predicted by Rice [J.R. Rice, Mech. Mater. 6 (1987) 317] and the present finite element analysis. The experimental investigation of a low constraint SENT geometry is also supplemented by 3D finite element computations based on continuum crystal plasticity. These computational results enable assessment of 3D effects near the tip. Finally, the effects of different lattice orientations (especially ones for which the slip systems are not symmetric with respect to the notch line) on the near-tip fields are studied pertaining to various constraint levels. The results obtained for different orientations show that the near-tip deformation field is sensitive to the constraint level. The stress distribution and the size and shape of plastic zone near the notch tip are also strongly influenced by the level of T-stress. It is clearly established that ductile single crystal fracture geometries, would progressively lose stress triaxiality with increase in negative T-stress irrespective of lattice orientation. Also, the near-tip field is shown to be part of a family which can be characterized by two parameters (such as K – T or J - Q).

Model Development and Simulation of the Response of Shape Memory Polymers

Ghosh, Pritha 1983- 14 March 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to develop and validate a continuum model for the simulation of the thermomechanical response of a shape memory polymer (SMP). Rather than integral type viscoelastic model, the approach here is based on the idea of two inter-penetrating networks, one which is permanent and the other which is transient together with rate equations for the time evolution of the transient network. We find that the activation stress for network breakage and formation of the material controls the gross features of the response of the model, and exhibits a "thermal Bauschinger effect". The model developed here is similar to a thermoviscoelastic model, and is developed with an eye towards ease of numerical solutions to boundary value problems. The primary hypothesis of this model is that the hysteresis of temperature dependent activation-stress plays a lead role in controlling its main response features. Validation of this hypothesis is carried out for the uniaxial response from the experimental data available in the literature for two different SMP samples: shape memory polyurethane and Veriflex, to show the control of the evolution of the temperature sensitive activation stress on the response. We extend the validated 1D model to a three dimensional small strain continuum SMP model and carry out a systematic parameter optimization method for the identification of the activation stress coefficients, with different weights given to different features of the response to match the parameters with experimental data. A comprehensive parametric study is carried out, that varies each of the model material and loading parameters, and observes their effect on design-relevant response characteristics of the model undergoing a thermomechanical cycle. We develop "response charts" for the response characteristics: shape fixity, shape recovery and maximum stress rise during cooling, to give the designer an idea of how the simultaneous variation of two of the most influential material parameters changes a specific response parameter. To exemplify the efficacy of the model in practical applications, a thermoviscoelastic extension of a beam theory model will be developed. This SMP beam theory will account for activation stress governed inelastic response of a SMP beam. An example of a three point bend test is simulated using the beam theory model. The numerical solution is implemented by using an operator split technique that utilizes an elastic predictor and dissipative corrector. This algorithm is validated by using a three-point bending experiment for three different material cases: elastic, plastic and thermoplastic response. Time step convergence and mesh density convergence studies are carried out for the thermoviscoelastic FEM model. We implement and study this model for a SMP beam undergoing three-point bending strain recovery, stress recovery and cyclic thermomechanical loading. Finally we develop a thermodynamically consistent finite continuum model to simulate the thermomechanical response of SMPs. The SMP is modeled as an isotropic viscoplastic material where thermal changes govern the evolution of the activation stress of the material. The response of the SMP in a thermomechanical cycle is modeled as a combination of a rubbery and a glassy element in series. Using these assumptions, we propose a specific form for the Helmholtz potential and the rate of dissipation. We use the technique of upper triangular decomposition for developing the constitutive equations of the finite strain SMP model. The resulting model is implemented in an ODE solver in MATLAB, and solved for a simple shear problem. We study the response of the SMP model for shear deformation as well as cyclic shear deformation at different initial temperatures. Finally, we implement the thermomechanical cycle under shear deformations and study the behavior of the model.

Active and Passive Biomechanical Measurements for Characterization and Stimulation of Biological Cells

Gyger, Markus 26 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
From a physical perspective biological cells consist of active soft matter that exist in a thermodynamic state far from equilibrium. Not only in muscles but also during cell proliferation, wound healing, embryonic development, and many other physiological tasks, generation of forces on the scale of whole cells is required. To date, cellular contractions have been ascribed to adhesion dependent processes such as myosin driven stress fiber formation and the development of focal adhesion complexes. In this thesis it is shown for the first time that contractions can occur independently of focal adhesions in single suspended cells. To measure mechanical properties of suspended cells the Optical Stretcher – a dualbeam laser trap – was used with phase contrast video microscopy which allowed to extract the deformation of the cell for every single frame. For fluorescence imaging confocal laser scanning microscopy was employed. The ratio of the fluorescence of a temperature sensitive and a temperature insensitive rhodamine dye was utilized to determine the temperatures inside the optical trap during and after Optical Stretching. The rise in temperature at a measuring power of 0.7W turned out to be enough to open a temperature sensitive ion channel transfected into an epithelial cell line. In this way a massive Ca2+ influx was triggered during the Optical Stretcher experiment. A new setup combining Optical Stretching and confocal laser scanning microscopy allowed fluorescence imaging of these Ca2+ signals while the cells were deformed by optically induced surface forces, showing that the Ca2+ influx could be manipulated with adequate drugs. This model system was then employed to investigate the influence of Ca2+ on the observed contractions, revealing that they are partially triggered by Ca2+. A phenomenological mathematical model based on the fundamental constitutive equation for linear viscoelastic materials extended by a term accounting for active contractions allowed to quantify the activity of the measured cells. The skewness and the median of the strain distributions were shown to depend on the activity of the cells. The introduced model reveals that even in measurements, that seemingly are describable by passive viscoelasticity, active contractililty might be superimposed. Ignoring this effect will lead to erroneous material properties and misinterpretation of the data. Taken together, the findings presented in this thesis demonstrate that active processes are an essential part of cellular mechanics and cells can contract even independently of adhesions. The results provide a method that allows to quantify active contractions of suspended cells. As the proposed model is not based on specific assumptions on force generating processes, it paves the way for a thorough investigation of different influences, such as cytoskeletal structures and intra-cellular signaling processes, to cellular contractions. The results present an important contribution for better mechanical classification of cells in future research with possible implications for medical diagnosis and therapy.

Assessment Of Tunnel Induced Deformation Field Through 3-dimensional Numerical Models (necatibey Subway Station, Ankara, Turkey)

Akturk, Ozgur 01 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In heavily settled areas, deformations induced by the tunnel excavation may cause serious damage to nearby structures. In this study it is aimed to model ground deformations induced by main tunnels and connection tunnels excavations as well as groundwater drainage. Therefore, it is necessary to study effective means of controlling tunnel induced deformations. The main parameters affecting the failure and deformation state of the soil around a circular underground opening are the physical characteristics of the soil, the diameter of the opening, and the support pressure. During the construction stage of Necatibey Station of Kizilay&Ccedil / ayyolu metro line (Ankara, Turkey), challenging ground conditions involving highly heterogeneous and locally water saturated foundation soils have been encountered. Possibility of damage at the surface and/or on the underground structures can be estimated using finite difference method (FDM) of analysis. In this study, two geophysical methods namely Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) were utilized to distinguish soil types at the study area. By correlating these geophysical survey results with the boring v logs, 3-Dimensional soil profile was revealed at the study area to build up a basis for numerical models. 3-Dimensional (3D) FDM analyses were conducted to assess tunneling induced deformations, along with movements around shallow soft ground main tunnels and connection tunnels. During sequential excavations, temporary and permanent shotcrete lining was also simulated. The soil behavior is assumed to be governed by an elastic-perfectly plastic constitutive relation based on the Mohr&ndash / Coulomb criterion. The computed deformations around these openings have been compared with the in-situ measurements. The results of the study revealed that the 3-D elasto-plastic analyses yield comparably good correlation with the in-situ measurements. Also, in this study, the effects of main tunnels excavations on each other and the effects of connection tunnels excavations on main tunnels were identified in terms of ground deformations. In order to simulate induced surface settlement due to groundwater withdrawal at the site 3-D fully coupled (fluidmechanical) numerical models were run using different time durations. The model studies revealed that deformations monitored at the ground surface are directly related with the tunnel construction practice. Pumping groundwater has very little or no effect on the measured deformations.

Beton unter mehraxialer Beanspruchung / Concrete under multiaxial loading conditions / Ein Materialgesetz für Hochleistungsbetone unter Kurzzeitbelastung

Speck, Kerstin 21 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit basiert auf der Untersuchung von hochfesten und ultrahochfesten Betonen mit und ohne Fasern unter zwei- und dreiaxialer Druckbeanspruchung. Die Auswirkung der unterschiedlichen Betonzusammensetzung ist für verschiedene Beanspruchungen nicht gleich ausgeprägt, dennoch konnten grundlegende Zusammenhänge herausgearbeitet werden. Anhand der Bruchbilder konnten die drei Versagensmechanismen Druck-, Spalt- und Schubbruch identifiziert werden, deren Charakteristik über die Kalibrierung an vier speziellen Versuchswerten direkt in das Bruchkriterium einfließen. Dieses stellt eine Erweiterung der Formulierung von OTTOSEN dar, so dass das spröde und z. T. anisotrope Verhalten von Hochleistungsbeton berücksichtigt wird. Die beobachteten Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verläufe korrelieren mit den Versagensformen. Deshalb wird ein Stoffgesetz getrennt für den Druck- und den Zugmeridian aufgestellt, dessen Parameter sich mit zunehmendem hydrostatischen Druck verändern. In die Anfangswerte fließen die Betonzusammensetzung und herstellungsbedingte Anisotropien ein. Die lastinduzierte Anisotropie infolge einer gerichteten Mikrorissbildung wird in dem vorgestellten Stoffgesetzt über richtungsabhängige Parameter ebenfalls berücksichtigt.

Modeling the mechanical behavior and deformed microstructure of irradiated BCC materials using continuum crystal plasticity

Patra, Anirban 13 January 2014 (has links)
The mechanical behavior of structural materials used in nuclear applications is significantly degraded as a result of irradiation, typically characterized by an increase in yield stress, localization of inelastic deformation along narrow dislocation channels, and considerably reduced strains to failure. Further, creep rates are accelerated under irradiation. These changes in mechanical properties can be traced back to the irradiated microstructure which shows the formation of a large number of material defects, e.g., point defect clusters, dislocation loops, and complex dislocation networks. Interaction of dislocations with the irradiation-induced defects governs the mechanical behavior of irradiated metals. However, the mechanical properties are seldom systematically correlated to the underlying irradiated microstructure. Further, the current state of modeling of deformation behavior is mostly phenomenological and typically does not incorporate the effects of microstructure or defect densities. The present research develops a continuum constitutive crystal plasticity framework to model the mechanical behavior and deformed microstructure of bcc ferritic/martensitic steels exposed to irradiation. Physically-based constitutive models for various plasticity-induced dislocation migration processes such as climb and cross-slip are developed. We have also developed models for the interaction of dislocations with the irradiation-induced defects. A rate theory based approach is used to model the evolution of point defects generated due to irradiation, and coupled to the mechanical behavior. A void nucleation and growth based damage framework is also developed to model failure initiation in these irradiated materials. The framework is used to simulate the following major features of inelastic deformation in bcc ferritic/martensitic steels: irradiation hardening, flow localization due to dislocation channel formation, failure initiation at the interfaces of these dislocation channels and grain boundaries, irradiation creep deformation, and temperature-dependent non-Schmid yield behavior. Model results are compared to available experimental data. This framework represents the state-of-the-art in constitutive modeling of the deformation behavior of irradiated materials.

Verformungsverhalten und Grenzflächen von Ultrahochleistungsbeton unter mehraxialer Beanspruchung / Deformation Behaviour and Hypersurfaces of Ultra High Performance Concrete under Multiaxial Loading

Ritter, Robert 14 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Treten im Beton mehraxiale Spannungszustände auf, führen diese gegenüber einer einaxialen Beanspruchung zu einer signifikanten Änderung des Materialverhaltens. Neben einer festigkeitssteigernden bzw. -abmindernden Wirkung ergeben sich ebenfalls große Unterschiede im Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhalten. Zur effizienten Konzipierung von Betonstrukturen unter komplexen Beanspruchungszuständen ist daher die Kenntnis des veränderten Materialverhaltens notwendig. Zur experimentellen Bestimmung des Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhaltens eines Ultrahochleistungsbetons mit einer einaxialen Druckfestigkeit von über 170 N/mm² wurden mehraxiale Belastungsversuche an würfelförmigen Probekörpern durchgeführt. Die Untersuchung umfasste insgesamt 35 zwei- und dreiaxiale Spannungsverhältnisse unter proportionaler Laststeigerung mit vorrangiger Betrachtung von Zug-Druck-Druck-Beanspruchungen. Für die Einleitung der Zugbeanspruchungen in die Prüfkörper wurde eine neue Methode entwickelt, bei der mittels einbetonierter Schrauben die Belastung auf den Beton übertragen wird. Die Bestimmung des Verformungsverhaltens erfolgte im Inneren der Probekörper mit sechs tetraederförmig angeordneten Faser-Bragg-Gittern. Die somit direkt gemessenen Dehnungen ermöglichen die nachträgliche Berechnung der Komponenten des Dehnungstensors des Bezugskoordinatensystems. Für den untersuchten Ultrahochleitsungsbeton fallen die auf die einaxiale Druckfestigkeit bezogenen mehraxialen Festigkeitswerte mit zunehmendem hydrostatischen Druckspannungsanteil der Beanspruchung geringer aus als bei Normalbetonen. Weiterhin weist das Verformungsverhalten eine größere Sprödigkeit gegenüber Normalbetonen auf, so dass auch unter dreiaxialen Druckspannungszuständen die Probekörper schlagartig versagen. Aus den gemessenen Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linien werden neben den maximalen Festigkeiten die Festigkeitswerte an der Elastizitätsgrenze, der Affinitätsgrenze sowie beim Volumenminimum der Probekörper bestimmt. Zur Approximation dieser charakteristischen Werte wurde eine Grenzflächenbeschreibung entwickelt und an den Versuchsergebnissen kalibriert. Des Weiteren erfolgte die Zusammenstellung einer Datenbank mit in der Literatur verfügbaren mehraxialen maximalen Festigkeitswerten von Betonen mit einaxialen Druckfestigkeiten von 10 N/mm² bis 180 N/mm² und die Kalibrierung des entwickelten Modells zur Grenzflächenbeschreibung in Abhängigkeit der einaxialen Druckfestigkeit. Die bei der Kalibrierung der Grenzfläche für einzelne Betonfestigkeitsklassen bestimmten Freiwerte hängen dabei stark von den vorliegenden Versuchsdaten und speziell vom Wertebereich der hydrostatischen Spannungsanteile der maximalen Beanspruchungen ab. Die Approximation des Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhaltens der mehraxial beanspruchten Probekörper erfolgt mittels eines schädigungsbasierten Materialgesetzes. Hierbei wird für den anfänglich isotropen Beton zum einen eine lastinduzierte isotrope Schädigung und zum anderen eine lastinduzierte orthotrope Schädigung angenommen, die von den auftretenden Hauptdehnungen abhängig ist. Mit dem entwickelten Materialgesetz werden sehr gute Übereinstimmungen mit den gemessenen Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linien erreicht, so dass sich ebenfalls eine gute Vorhersage der maximalen Festigkeitswerte ergibt. / Concrete under multiaxial stress states shows significant changes of the material behaviour compared to uniaxial loading. Besides strength increasing and decreasing effects, also great differences in the stress-strain behaviour occur. In order to design concrete structures efficiently concerning complex stress states, the knowledge about the modified material behaviour is necessary. To determine experimentally the stress-strain behaviour of an ultra high performance concrete with a uniaxial compressive strength of about 170 N/mm², multiaxial loading tests on cubic-shaped specimens were carried out. Altogether, the investigation contained 35 biaxial and triaxial stress ratios under proportionally increasing load with primarily tension-compression-compression loadings. Applying the tensile load on the specimen, a new method was developed, which uses screws embedded in the concrete to transfer the loading. The deformations were measured by using six tetrahedron-shaped arranged Fibre Bragg Gratings inside the concrete specimen. Subsequently, with the directly measured strains the components of the strain tensor of the reference coordinate system could be determined. For the investigated ultra high performance concrete the increase of the multiaxial strength, referring to the uniaxial compressive strength, decreases compared to normal strength concrete with the increasing hydrostatic stress component of the load. Moreover, the deformation behaviour shows an increased brittleness compared to normal strength concrete, so that even under triaxial compressive stress states the specimens fail abruptly. Besides the ultimate strength, from the measured stress-strain curves the strength at the proportional limit, at the limit of affinity as well as at the minimum volume of the specimen is determined. To approximate these characteristic values, a description of a hypersurface is developed and calibrated with the test results. Furthermore, a database with multiaxial ultimate strength values of concretes with uniaxial compressive strengths between 10 N/mm² to 180 N/mm² available from literature was compiled and a calibration of the developed hypersurface model depending on the uniaxial compressive strength was carried out. Thereby, the obtained values of arbitrary parameters of individual concrete strength classes depend severely on the available test results, especially on the range of values of the hydrostatic stress component of the ultimate strength. The approximation of the stress-strain behaviour of the multiaxial loaded specimens is carried out by means of a damage-based material law. For this purpose, concerning the initially isotropic concrete, a load-induced isotropic and orthotropic damage depending on the principle strains is assumed. With the developed material law, very good accordance with the measured stress-strain curves could be achieved, so that also results in a good approximation of the ultimate concrete strength.


Barbosa, Mirian Haubold 26 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis is inserted in the line of research of Training, Knowledge and Professional Development of the Post-Graduation Program in Education of UFSM. Its theme is the constitutive act of the post-graduation adviser professor, stricto sensu, and focus on the dynamic of the mentoring process seen as a form of legacy and farewell. Its objective is to deepen the comprehension of the personal and professional elaborations of these adviser professors as well as of their constitution, focusing on the integration movements, their cohesion and the consonant expressive conditions. The thesis lies on the epistemic landscape of complexity; it is grounded on interdisciplinary discussions and resorts to the interpretive phenomenological method. The subjects of the thesis are four adviser professors from the Post-Graduation Program in Education, all of them with more than 15 years of teaching experience. Through in-depth interviews, these professors are invited to relate significant experiences to their constitutive and elaborative conceptions as adviser professors and their mentoring style. The relevance of this study is in the investigative exercise that fosters the subjectivity and intersubjectivity as means of deep reflexive processes and in the look at the significance of the human and humanizing transactions, both in the formation of trainers as in the formation of knowledge. It counts with the theoretical support from psychodynamic concepts regarding the personal maturation process and with the contribution of psychology and education, in particular about the interrelation between the personal and professional dimension in the construction of the orientation process. The final reflections are organized in three main lines of analysis that unveil the dynamic under discussion upon the existential experimental optic: in the development of singular historicity; in the development of phenomena that delimitate and condition the internal and external spaces and environments and in the expressivity of the constitutive and elaborative conditions. The interpretative analysis reveals that the dimensions at issue intertwine and condition the continuity of the constitutive process of mentors and mentoring. / A presente tese está inserida na linha de pesquisa Formação, Saberes e Desenvolvimento Profissional do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UFSM. Apresenta como tema o acontecer constitutivo do professor-orientador de pós-graduação, stricto sensu, na dinâmica do processo de orientação entendido em forma de legado e despedida. Objetiva aprofundar a compreensão da constituição e elaboração pessoal e profissional de tais professores-orientadores, focalizando os movimentos de integração e coesão dos si mesmos e as decorrentes condições expressivas. A tese situa-se no panorama epistêmico de complexidade, fundamenta-se em discussão transdisciplinar, recorre ao método fenomenológico interpretativo e traz como sujeitos quatro professores orientadores de Programas de Pós-Graduação em Educação, todos com mais de 15 anos de experiência docente. Por meio de entrevista em profundidade, esses professores são convidados a narrar vivências significativas para as concepções constitutivas e elaborativas de si mesmos como professores-orientadores e seu estilo de orientação. A relevância deste estudo está no exercício investigativo que incrementa a subjetividade e a intersubjetividade como meio de processos reflexivos profundos e no olhar para a significância das transações humanas e humanizadoras, tanto na formação de formadores quanto de conhecimentos. Conta com o suporte teórico de conceitos psicodinâmicos acerca dos processos maturativos pessoais e com os aportes da psicologia e da educação, em especial sobre a inter-relação entre a dimensão pessoal e profissional na construção do processar da orientação. As reflexões finais são organizadas em três eixos de análise que desvelam a dinâmica em questão sob a ótica vivencial experiencial, no desenvolver de singular historicidade, no elaborar dos fenômenos que delimitam e condicionam os espaços e ambientes internos e externos e na expressividade das condições constitutivas e elaborativas. A análise interpretativa revela que as dimensões em questão se entrelaçam e condicionam a continuidade do processo constitutivo de orientadores e da orientação.

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