Spelling suggestions: "subject:"constitutive"" "subject:"konstitutive""
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Конструкција идентитета у књижевном делу Растка Петровића / Konstrukcija identiteta u književnom delu Rastka Petrovića / The Identity Construction in Rastko Petrović’sLiterary WorkStevanović Kristina 25 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Предмет истраживања у овом раду представља одређивање чворишних тачака<br />око којих се образује идентитет у поетици Растка Петровића. Циљ је доказивања тезе<br />да његово стваралаштво антиципира савремено схватање и разумевање идентитета<br />као конструкције, која се одвија унутар дискурса моћи, а он настоји да регулише<br />идентификацијске процесе унутар субјекта. Дело Растка Петровића указује на<br />чињеницу да идентитет представља сложену и динамичну мрежу сачињену од<br />идентитетских конституената који се непрекидно укрштају, те се на местима укрштаја<br />образују амбивалентне субјекатске позиције из којих аутор исповеда своју онтолошку<br />стрепњу и свест о конститутивној амбиваленцији. Укључивањем методолошких<br />премиса из области студија културе (маргинализација, трансгресија, лиминалност) у<br />проучавање аутентичних авангардних поетичких стратегија Растка Петровића, указали<br />смо на чињеницу да је аутор трагајући за собом остваривао своје поетско биће. На тај<br />начин образовао се хибридни и лиминални идентитет у динамичком пољу<br />антагонистичких дискурса, који се непрекидно међусобно пресецају.<br />Реч је, дакле, о томе да поетичко-естетско-филозофско исходиште<br />стваралаштва Растка Петровића чини идеја да се биће (оно што јесте), као и<br />конституенти његовог идентитета (пол, род, раса, нација, класна, верска и<br />професионална припадност...) разумевају као процесуалне категорије које су<br />непрекидно изложене променама. Петровић, заправо, отвара пут савременом<br />антиесенцијалном тумачењу бића као флукса (оно што је ток и што се мења) унутар<br />симболичких мрежа, односно дискурзивних пракси. На тај начин, ствара се могућност<br />да се појам, односно концепт идентитета тумачи као стратегијски и позицијски, те је у<br />Петровићевом делу идентитет увек релационо конструисан и изратито обележен не-<br />припадањем. Истовремено, идентитет сугерише истост и подржава неки облик<br />заједништва који варљиво испуњава онтолошку празнину.<br />Овај рад своје методолошко утемељење проналази у претпоставци да је<br />плуралитет у теоријским приступима и критичким праксама нужан, управо због<br />2<br />сложености и амбивалентности појма идентитет, који је интердисциплинаран по своме<br />досегу. Истовремено, овај рад се бави различитим аспектима идентитета са циљем да<br />се сачува и истакне свест о интеракцији између конституената идентитета и теоријско-<br />критичких пракси које се њима баве. У фокусу нашег истраживања налази се културни,<br />родни и наративни идентитет, тачније, модуси њихових конструкција. У том смислу,<br />ова студија доказује да поетика, али и живот Растка Петровића представљају<br />парадигму културолошке и родне лиминалности. Сходно томе, путујући модел<br />егзистенције показује се као пресудан у творби идентитета који се формира као<br />хибридни, услед седиментације различитих култура.<br />Исцрпна анлиза родног идентитета, односно маскулинитета, истиче<br />субверзивни потенцијал Петровићевог дела у односу на патријархалну<br />фалогоцентричну бинарну културолошку матрицу. Растко Петровић несумњиво<br />исказује свест о идеолошком карактеру родне улоге која му је намењена, те је процес<br />„постајања“ мушкарцем изузетно сложен, обележен противуречностима и стрепњом.<br />Посебан комплекс питања која се нужно намећу када је у питању ауторефлексија<br />представља језик, јер је писац принуђен да доказ властитог постојања тражи у језику, у<br />појмовима који су такође производ дискурса који не одобрава алтернативну мушкост.<br />Тумачење наративног иденитета као ипсеитета које смо користили у раду,<br />дакле, упознавање и конституисање себе као метакатегоријалног Другог, маркирало је<br />значај културног дијалога коме је Растко Петровић несумњиво стремио. У питању је<br />дијалог у коме припадници мањинских/маргиналних култура и субкултура постају<br />равноправни саговорници. Истовремено, размена културних дарова обезбеђивала би<br />потенцијал за, из данашње перспективе посматрано, повлашћен статус агенса у<br />стварању сопствене културе, као и активно учешће у мапирању културе у свету.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu predstavlja određivanje čvorišnih tačaka<br />oko kojih se obrazuje identitet u poetici Rastka Petrovića. Cilj je dokazivanja teze<br />da njegovo stvaralaštvo anticipira savremeno shvatanje i razumevanje identiteta<br />kao konstrukcije, koja se odvija unutar diskursa moći, a on nastoji da reguliše<br />identifikacijske procese unutar subjekta. Delo Rastka Petrovića ukazuje na<br />činjenicu da identitet predstavlja složenu i dinamičnu mrežu sačinjenu od<br />identitetskih konstituenata koji se neprekidno ukrštaju, te se na mestima ukrštaja<br />obrazuju ambivalentne subjekatske pozicije iz kojih autor ispoveda svoju ontološku<br />strepnju i svest o konstitutivnoj ambivalenciji. Uključivanjem metodoloških<br />premisa iz oblasti studija kulture (marginalizacija, transgresija, liminalnost) u<br />proučavanje autentičnih avangardnih poetičkih strategija Rastka Petrovića, ukazali<br />smo na činjenicu da je autor tragajući za sobom ostvarivao svoje poetsko biće. Na taj<br />način obrazovao se hibridni i liminalni identitet u dinamičkom polju<br />antagonističkih diskursa, koji se neprekidno međusobno presecaju.<br />Reč je, dakle, o tome da poetičko-estetsko-filozofsko ishodište<br />stvaralaštva Rastka Petrovića čini ideja da se biće (ono što jeste), kao i<br />konstituenti njegovog identiteta (pol, rod, rasa, nacija, klasna, verska i<br />profesionalna pripadnost...) razumevaju kao procesualne kategorije koje su<br />neprekidno izložene promenama. Petrović, zapravo, otvara put savremenom<br />antiesencijalnom tumačenju bića kao fluksa (ono što je tok i što se menja) unutar<br />simboličkih mreža, odnosno diskurzivnih praksi. Na taj način, stvara se mogućnost<br />da se pojam, odnosno koncept identiteta tumači kao strategijski i pozicijski, te je u<br />Petrovićevom delu identitet uvek relaciono konstruisan i izratito obeležen ne-<br />pripadanjem. Istovremeno, identitet sugeriše istost i podržava neki oblik<br />zajedništva koji varljivo ispunjava ontološku prazninu.<br />Ovaj rad svoje metodološko utemeljenje pronalazi u pretpostavci da je<br />pluralitet u teorijskim pristupima i kritičkim praksama nužan, upravo zbog<br />2<br />složenosti i ambivalentnosti pojma identitet, koji je interdisciplinaran po svome<br />dosegu. Istovremeno, ovaj rad se bavi različitim aspektima identiteta sa ciljem da<br />se sačuva i istakne svest o interakciji između konstituenata identiteta i teorijsko-<br />kritičkih praksi koje se njima bave. U fokusu našeg istraživanja nalazi se kulturni,<br />rodni i narativni identitet, tačnije, modusi njihovih konstrukcija. U tom smislu,<br />ova studija dokazuje da poetika, ali i život Rastka Petrovića predstavljaju<br />paradigmu kulturološke i rodne liminalnosti. Shodno tome, putujući model<br />egzistencije pokazuje se kao presudan u tvorbi identiteta koji se formira kao<br />hibridni, usled sedimentacije različitih kultura.<br />Iscrpna anliza rodnog identiteta, odnosno maskuliniteta, ističe<br />subverzivni potencijal Petrovićevog dela u odnosu na patrijarhalnu<br />falogocentričnu binarnu kulturološku matricu. Rastko Petrović nesumnjivo<br />iskazuje svest o ideološkom karakteru rodne uloge koja mu je namenjena, te je proces<br />„postajanja“ muškarcem izuzetno složen, obeležen protivurečnostima i strepnjom.<br />Poseban kompleks pitanja koja se nužno nameću kada je u pitanju autorefleksija<br />predstavlja jezik, jer je pisac prinuđen da dokaz vlastitog postojanja traži u jeziku, u<br />pojmovima koji su takođe proizvod diskursa koji ne odobrava alternativnu muškost.<br />Tumačenje narativnog ideniteta kao ipseiteta koje smo koristili u radu,<br />dakle, upoznavanje i konstituisanje sebe kao metakategorijalnog Drugog, markiralo je<br />značaj kulturnog dijaloga kome je Rastko Petrović nesumnjivo stremio. U pitanju je<br />dijalog u kome pripadnici manjinskih/marginalnih kultura i subkultura postaju<br />ravnopravni sagovornici. Istovremeno, razmena kulturnih darova obezbeđivala bi<br />potencijal za, iz današnje perspektive posmatrano, povlašćen status agensa u<br />stvaranju sopstvene kulture, kao i aktivno učešće u mapiranju kulture u svetu.</p> / <p>This thesis aims to determine the crucial points of identity formation in Rastko<br />Petrović’s poetics with the intention to verify the idea that Rastko Petrović’s work<br />anticipates the modern understanding of identity as a construct which emerges from the<br />discourse of power with its identificational processes within the subject. Rastko Petrović’s<br />oeuvre is an excellent example of the fact that identity represents a complex and dynamic<br />network of identity constituents that constantly intertwine, and, in the places where the<br />contacts happen, they form ambivalent subject positions from which the author narrates his<br />ontological fear and the awareness of the constitutive ambivalence. By including some of<br />the methodological premises from the field of cultural studies (such as marginalization,<br />transgression, liminality) into the research of Petrović’s authentic avant-garde poetic<br />strategies, the thesis shows that, while searching for his inner self, Petrović was epitomizing<br />his poetical self, thus forming a hybrid and liminal identity in the dynamic field of<br />antagonistic discourses that constantly intersect.<br />Therefore, we can say that the poetic, philosophical and aesthetic sources of<br />Petrović’s work are found in the idea that self (what is), as well as the constituents of his<br />identity (sex, gender, race, nation, class, religious beliefs, professional orientation…) are<br />understood as processing cathegories constantly exposed to changes. What is more, it can<br />be said that Rastko Petrović clears the path for the modern, antiessetialist interpretations of<br />self as flux (that which is a flow, which changes constantly) within the symbolic network, i.e.<br />discoursive practices. In this way, arises the possiblity of interpretation of the notion, or the<br />idea of identity, as strategic, or positional, meaning that in Petrović’s works identity is<br />always relationally constructed and strongly marked by non-belonging. At the same time,<br />identity means sameness and supports at least some kind of unity feebly fulfilling the<br />onthological void.<br />Methodological foundation of this thesis is found in the assumption that the plurality<br />in critical and theoretical approaches is necessary, precisely because of the complexity and<br />ambivalence of identity, the term whose scope and range are interdisciplinary positioned. At<br />the same time, the thesis examines various aspects of identity with the objective to<br />preserve and enhance the awareness about the interaction between the constituents of<br />4<br />identity and theoretical and critical practices that deal with it. Cultural, gender and narrative<br />identities or, more precisely, the modes of their constructions, form the central part of the<br />thesis. In this sense, this thesis shows that the poetics, but also the life of Rastko Petrović,<br />represent a paradigm of cultural and gender liminality, while the life on the constant move<br />proves to be crucial in the creation of identity which is formed as a hybrid one because of<br />many layers coming from various cultures. A detailed analysis of gender identity or, more<br />precisely, masculinity, stresses the subversive potential of Petrović’s work when juxtaposed<br />to patriarchal, logocentric, binary cultural matrix. Rastko Petrović expresses an awareness of<br />the ideological character of the gender role he was assigned with; therefore, the process of<br />“becoming” a man is a highly complex one, marked with contradictions and fear. A separate<br />cluster of questions that inevitably appear with introspection is found in language, since<br />writer is compelled to search for the proofs of his existence in the language and in the<br />notions which are also a product of discourse that does not approve of the alternative<br />masculinity.<br />The interpretation of narrative identity as ipseity, used in this work, as well as the<br />introduction and constitution of self as a meta-categorical Other, marked the importance of<br />cultural dialog which Rastko Petrović undoubtedly strived for. It is a dialog where the<br />members of minority cultures and subcultures are equal participants. At the same time, the<br />exchange of cultural gifts provides the potential for a privileged status of agens in creation<br />of one’s own culture, and also in active mapping of the world culture.</p>
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La question du consensus en situation de collaboration interorganisationnelle : le cas de la Table québécoise de la sécurité routièreBrodin, Stevan 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose de décrire et comprendre les pratiques communicationnelles menant à la prise de décision consensuelle d’une collaboration interorganisationnelle (CI) spécifique, la Table québécoise de la sécurité routière (TQSR). Nous adoptons la perspective de la communication constitutive des organisations (CCO) développée par « l’École de Montréal » pour appréhender les dimensions constitutives de ces pratiques de communication et de ce mode privilégié de décision en CI. Après un aperçu de la littérature disponible en matière de CI et concernant la notion de consensus, nous proposons de nous concentrer sur les pratiques communicationnelles du consensus en adoptant la perspective du consensus par absence d’opposition d’Urfalino (2014). L’analyse de conversation et les principes d’une approche rhétorique sont ensuite mobilisés pour rendre compte des pratiques de communication qui permettent l’accomplissement du consensus lors d’une séance plénière du troisième cycle de travail de la TQSR, spécifiquement consacrée à la rédaction de son rapport final. Nous verrons que 1) les pratiques communicationnelles mobilisées facilitent l’arrêt de la décision et que 2) celles-ci sont constitutives du consensus qui favorise l’unité du collectif de collaboration. / This thesis aims at describing and understanding the communication practices that sustain the consensual decision-making of an interorganizational collaboration (CI) collective, the “Table québécoise de la sécurité routière” (TQSR). We adopt a communication constitutive of organization (CCO) approach, as developed by the “Montréal School,” to understand the constitutive dimensions of these practices. After an overview of the available literature on CI and consensus decision-making, we propose to adopt the perspective of “consensus by non-opposition” developed by Urfalino (2014) to focus on the communicative practices that sustain this decision-making process. Conversation analysis and principles of a rhetorical approach are combined to analyze a plenary session from the TQSR third cycle of work, specifically aimed at drafting the collective’s final report. This analysis allows us to identify and discuss 1) the communication practices used to facilitate the consensus decision-making process and 2) the constitutive effects of consensus as it upholds the collective of collaboration’s unity.
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Development and explicit integration of a thermo-mechanical model for saturated clays / Développement et intégration explicite d'un modèle thermo-mécanique des argiles saturéesHong, Peng-Yun 27 March 2013 (has links)
Cette étude est consacrée à la modélisation du comportement thermo-mécanique des argiles raides saturées et au développement d'un algorithme d'intégration efficace de contrainte correspondant. Le comportement mécanique de l'argile de Boom naturelle dans des conditions isothermes a été caractérisé. Le modèle Cam Clay modifié (MCC) a été ensuite appliquée pour simuler le comportement de l'argile de Boom naturel. Il a été constaté que le MCC donne des prédictions de mauvaise qualité pour le comportement de l'argile de Boom naturel. Ainsi, un modèle Cam Clay (ACC-2) adapté a été développé en introduisant une nouvelle surface de charge et un nouveau potentiel plastique ainsi que d'un mécanisme plastique de Deux surfaces. Ce modèle permet la description satisfaisante des caractéristiques principales du comportement mécanique de l'argile de Boom naturelle. De plus, les équations de ce modèle peuvent être formulées mathématiquement comme dans un modèle élasto-plastique classique. L'algorithme d'intégration de contrainte classique peut donc être appliqué. Les effets thermiques ont été examinés par l'évaluation de la pertinence de trois lois thermomécaniques avancées (Cui et al, 2000; Abuel-Naga et al, 2007; Laloui et François, 2008; 2009). Il apparaît que tous les trois modèles peuvent décrire les caractéristiques principales du comportement thermo-mécanique des argiles saturées. Cependant, chaque modèle a ses limites ou des points peu clairs du point de vue théorique. L'algorithme d'intégration de contrainte du modèle thermo-mécanique de Cui et al. (2000) au point de contrainte a également été développé spécifiquement en utilisant une méthode adaptive du pas de temps. Le temps de calcul nécessaire pour obtenir une précision donnée est ainsi largement réduit pour des chemins de chargements thermiques et mécaniques. Un modèle thermo-mécanique à Deux surfaces (modèle TEAM) a été développé en se basant sur le mécanisme plastique de Deux surfaces. Le modèle proposé a étendu le modèle de Cui et al. (2000) à une formulation de Deux surfaces considérant le couplage entre les déformations plastiques des chemins de chargements thermiques et mécaniques. La simulation des essais drainés montre que ce modèle peut décrire les caractéristiques principales thermo-mécaniques de l'argile de Boom naturelle le long de différents chemins de chargements. Le modèle TEAM a finalement été étendu à des conditions non drainées. Après la clarification du concept des contraintes effectives et la définition d'une condition de déformation volumique, le processus d'échauffement non drainé est analysé. La validité des équations thermo-hydro-mécaniques de ce modèle a été examinée en se basant sur des résultats d'essais typiques / This study is devoted to the thermo-mechanical constitutive modeling for saturated stiff clays and the development of a corresponding efficient stress integration algorithm. The mechanical behavior of natural Boom Clay in isothermal conditions was first characterized. The Modified Cam Clay model (MCC) was then applied to simulate the natural Boom Clay behavior. It has been found that the MCC gives poor-quality predictions of the natural Boom Clay behavior. Thereby, an adapted Cam Clay model (ACC-2) was developed by introducing a new yield surface and a new plastic potential as well as a Two-surface plastic mechanism. This model allows satisfactory prediction of the main features of the mechanical behavior of natural Boom Clay. Moreover, the constitutive equations of this model can be formulated mathematically as in a classic elasto-plastic model. Thus, the classic stress integration algorithm can be applied. The thermal effects were considered by assessing the performance of some advanced thermo-mechanical models (Cui et al., 2000; Abuel-Naga et al., 2007; Laloui and François, 2008; 2009). It appears that all the three models can capture the main features of the thermo-mechanical behavior of saturated clays. However, each constitutive model has its own limitations or unclear points from the theoretical point of view. The stress integration algorithm of the thermo-mechanical model proposed by Cui et al. (2000) at the stress point level was also developed using a specifically designed adaptive time-stepping scheme. The computation time required to achieve a given accuracy is largely reduced with the adaptive sub-stepping considered for both mechanical and thermal loadings. A Two-surface thermo-mechanical model (TEAM model) was developed based on the Two-surface plastic mechanism. The proposed model extends the model of Cui et al. (2000) to a Two-surface formulation, considering the plastic strain coupling between the thermal and the mechanical loading paths. The simulation of drained tests shows that this model can capture the main thermo-mechanical features of natural Boom Clay along different loading paths. The TEAM model was finally extended to undrained conditions. After setting up an appropriate effective stress principle and defining a volumetric strain condition, the undrained heating process was analyzed. The validity of the thermo-hydro-mechanical constitutive equations was examined based on the data from typical tests
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Internal Erosion Phenomena in Embankment Dams : Throughflow and internal erosion mechanismsFerdos, Farzad January 2016 (has links)
In this study, two major internal erosion initiation processes, suffusion and concentrated leak mechanisms, which lead to both defect formation in a dam’s body and its foundation and high throughflow in dams subjected to internal erosion were studied. This understanding has the potential to facilitate numerical modelling and expedite dam safety assessment studies. The throughflow properties of coarse rockfill material were studied by; analysing filed pump test data, performing extensive laboratory experiments with a large-scale apparatus and numerically simulating the three-dimensional flow through coarse rock materials, replicating the material used in the laboratory experiments. Results from the tests demonstrate that the parameters of the nonlinear momentum equation of the flow depend on the Reynolds number for pore Reynolds numbers lower than 60000. Numerical studies were also carried out to conduct numerical experiments. By applying a Lagrangian particle tracking method, a model for estimating the lengths of the flow channels in the porous media was developed. The shear forces exerted on the coarse particles in the porous media were found to be significantly dependent on the inertial forces of the flow. Suffusion and concentrated leak mechanisms were also studied by means of laboratory experiments to develop a theoretical framework for continuum-based numerical modelling. An erosion apparatus was designed and constructed with the capability of applying hydraulic and mechanical loading. Results were then used to develop constitutive laws of the soil erosion as a function of the applied hydromechanical load for both suffusion and concentrated leak mechanisms. Both the initiation and mass removal rate of were found to be dependent on the soil in-situ stresses. A three-dimensional electrical-resistivity-based tomography method was also adopted for the internal erosion apparatus and was found to be successful in visualising the porosity evolution due to suffusion. / <p>QC 20161006</p>
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Les formes du réalisme scientifique : l’empirisme de Locke et le naturalisme contemporain / The forms of scientific realism : Locke's empiricism and contemporary naturalismCovu, Diégo 29 November 2013 (has links)
Le fait même de nous engager dans un projet explicatif, que nous nommons canoniquement philosophique, nous convoque à ce présupposé de l’affinité entre langage et monde. Nous proposons dans l’introduction une approche cohérentiste des systèmes philosophiques, définis comme des visions du monde où ontologie et épistémologie se doivent un support mutuel. Les positions épistémologiques de Locke, définies par son empirisme, sont juxtaposées à une conception corpusculaire de la réalité. Nous montrerons que les tensions qui existent entre ces deux positionnements sont consolidées par une attitude doxastique profondément réaliste, aboutissant à la fameuse thèse de la ressemblances des qualités primaires réelles et perçues. La science de l’époque est ainsi promue par une ligne rationaliste d’une affinité profonde entre ces catégories qui nous rendent intelligible notre environnement et la réalité même. Le naturalisme contemporain s’appuie quant à lui tout entier sur l’intelligibilité que nous avons du réel au travers de l’activité scientifique, fondant dès lors une résurgence de l’ontologie comme cet idéal d’une accessibilité rationnelle du réel, par le biais de procédures largement a priori, que nos sciences affleurent. Si les prétentions des métaphysiciens à pouvoir remplir cet objectif au moyen de préconceptions ontologiques doivent être déçues, il paraît plus juste de valoriser l’a priori mathématique qui, pace le modèle du réseau holiste de Quine, semble empiriquement incorrigible. Son efficacité ‘déraisonnable’ dans l’heuristique de nos sciences fondamentales le place en première ligne dans la constitution des différentes strates d’objectivation de notre environnement. / The very fact of being engaged in an explicative program, canonically called philosophical, calls us to this presupposition of an affinity between world and words. We propose in the introduction a coherentist approach to philosophical systems, defined as worldviews where ontology and epistemology are in charge of mutual support. In Locke’s empiricism, the epistemological line defined by his empiricism is coupled to a corpuscularist conception of reality. We’ll show that the lines of tension existing between those two positions are consolidated by a deeply realistic doxastic attitude, bringing to the famous thesis of the likeness between real and perceived first qualities. The science of that time is thus promoted by a rationalist line of a deep affinity between the categories that make our environment intelligible and the very reality. Today’s naturalism leans entirely on the intelligibility that we have of reality through scientific activities, so founding the reappearance of ontology as this ideal of rational access to reality, by means of largely a priori procedures, that our sciences flush. If the pretentions of the metaphysicians to meet those objectives have to be deceived, it seems more judicious to value the mathematical a priori which, pace Quine’s model of the seamless web of belief, seems empirically incorrigible. It’s unreasonable effectiveness in the heuristics of our fundamental sciences places effectively it in the very first line in the constitution of the different strata of objectivation of our environnement
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Couplages thermomécaniques dans les alliages à mémoire de forme : mesure de champs cinématique et thermique et modélisation multiéchelle / Thermomechanical coupling in shape memory alloys : thermal and kinematic full field measurements and multi-scale modelingMaynadier, Anne 30 November 2012 (has links)
L’utilisation croissante des Alliages à Mémoire de Forme (AMF) dans des structures de plus en plus complexes, notamment en vue d'applications médicales, rend nécessaire la compréhension des phénomènes régissant leur comportement et plus précisément la pseudo-élasticité. Le fort couplage thermomécanique, résultant de la transformation de phase martensitique, est un point clé de ce comportement. Les travaux de thèse présentés sont consacrés à l’étude et la modélisation de ce couplage. Tout d’abord, la transformation de phase martensitique provoque une déformation et une émission de chaleur couplées qui peuvent se localiser en bandes de transformation sous sollicitation uniaxiale. Une partie de cette thèse a été consacrée au développement de la Corrélation d’Images InfraRouge, qui permet à partir d’un unique film IR de mesurer conjointement, en une seule analyse, les champs cinématiques et thermiques discrétisés sur un même maillage éléments finis. Une application à l’analyse d’un essai de traction sur AMF de type NiTi a été réalisée. Le comportement pseudo-élastique a aussi été abordé d’un point de vue modélisation. Une large part de ce travail de thèse a donc été consacrée à l’élaboration d’un modèle multiéchelle et multiaxial, décrivant le comportement d’un VER à partir de la physique de la transformation martensitique à l’échelle de la maille cristalline. L’approche est inspirée de modèles multiéchelles développés pour la modélisation d’autres couplages multiphysiques et notamment magnéto-élastique. La troisième partie de cette thèse a été consacrée à l’élaboration d’un modèle de structure 1D sous traction uniaxiale. Dans un premier temps un modèle de thermique 1D ainsi qu’un modèle mécanique phénoménologique à seuils ont été développés. Les simulations rendent compte des phénomènes de transformation diffuse accompagnant l’élasticité puis de la transformation localisée. L’algorithme est notamment capable de gérer les deux sens de transformation. Ce modèle met en compétition les deux phénomènes transitoires de génération et évacuation de la chaleur par la transformation de phase et les échanges thermiques avec l’environnement. Ainsi, il est capable de reproduire la relation liant le nombre de bandes de transformation générées à la vitesse de sollicitation et aux conditions aux limites thermiques. Un travail été initié pour coupler ce modèle de structure et de gestion de la thermique au modèle monocristallin multiaxial. Sans encore reproduire la localisation de la transformation en bande, les simulations de traction montrent un hystérésis, issu des pertes thermiques dans l’air ambiant, bien que le modèle de comportement multiéchelle élémentaire soit écrit dans un cadre réversible, l’irréversibilité et la localisation étant avant tout des effets de transferts. Le couplage thermomécanique à la source des comportements si spécifiques des AMF que sont la super élasticité et la mémoire de forme ont donc été étudiés sous divers points de vue : expérimentalement, par l’établissement de modèles de comportement, par la simulation de structures 1D et des échanges thermiques mis en jeu. Les outils et modèles ont été appliqués à l’étude du Ni49,75at%Ti, support de ce travail, mais sont facilement adaptables à tout autre AMF. L’approche utilisée pour la modélisation multi-échelle peut être étendue à d’autres couplages, par exemple en cumulant les couplages thermo- et magnéto- mécaniques en vu de l’étude des Alliages à Mémoire de Forme Magnétiques par exemple. / The increasing use of Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) for complex structure, especially for medical applications, requires a better understanding of the phenomena governing their behaviors and particularly the super-elasticity. The strong thermomechanical coupling resulting from the martensitic phase transformation is a key point of this behavior. The thesis is devoted to the study and modeling of this coupling. First, the martensitic phase transformation causes coupled local deformation and heat emission that can locate onto transformation bands when structure undergoes uniaxial stress. A part of this thesis has been devoted to the development of InfraRed Image Correlation (IRIC). This technique permits us to measure by a single analysis, from a single IR film, both kinematic and thermal fields discretized on the same finite element mesh. An application to the analysis of a tensile test on a NiTi type AMF has been made. Superelastic behavior is also discussed from a modeling point of view. A large part of this work has been devoted to the development of multiaxial multiscale model describing the behavior of a RVE from the description of martensitic transformation at the crystal scale. The approach is inspired from multiscale models developed for modeling other multiphysic couplings especially the magneto-elastic coupling. It is based on the comparison of the free energies of each component, without any topological description. A probabilistic comparison is made, using a Boltzmann distribution, to determine the internal variables : the volume fractions. Interfaces are not taken into account. This model allows the simulation of the effect of any thermo-mechanical loading. It well gives account of the superelasticity, including the asymmetry in tension / compression ... The third part of this thesis has been devoted to the development of a one dimensional model for structure under uniaxial tension. In a first step, a 1D thermal model and a phenomenological mechanical model, based on the Clausius Clapeyron diagram have been developed. The simulations account for the diffuse transformation accompanying the elasticity at the very beginning of stress-strain behavior, and localized phase transformation afterthat. The algorithm is capable of handling two-way transformation. This model emphasizes competition both transient phenomena : generation and heat dissipation by the phase transformation and heat exchange with environment. Thus, it is able to reproduce relationship linking the number of nucleated transformation bands to the strain rate and the thermal boundary conditions. A study has been initiated to couple this model to the singlecrystalline multiaxial RVE model detailed in the previous part. It is currently not able to model the localization phenomenon, but the simulations show a tensile hysteresis issued from the thermal losses in the air. Indeed, even if the local multiscale model is written in a reversible way, irreversibility and the localization are primarily structural effects. The thermomechanical coupling is at the origin of the so specific AMF behavior (super elasticity and shape memory effect), it has been studied from various points of view: experimentally, by establishing RVE models, by simulating 1D structures and heat exchange. Developed tools and models have been applied to the study of Ni49, 75at% Ti, but are easily adaptable to other AMF. The approach used for the multi-scale modeling can be extended to other couplings, such as couplings cumulating the thermo-and magneto-mechanical aspect for the study of Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys for example.
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Desenvolvimento de ferramentas de biologia sintética aplicadas a fungos de importância médica e industrial / Development of synthetic biology tools applied to fungi of medical and industrial importanceNora, Luísa Czamanski 05 February 2019 (has links)
Conforme novas tecnologias e metodologias estão surgindo, e pesquisadores estão sedentos por ferramentas moleculares mas rápidas, mais eficientes e fáceis de usar, dominar os princípios e tecnologias do design de vetores e padronização de partes biológicas tornaram-se desafios fundamentais. Isso está abrindo espaço para o surgimento de uma disciplina inteiramente nova chamada Biologia Sintética. Esta área de estudo inovadora combina partes e módulos biológicos para criar sistemas mais confiáveis e robustos. Linhagens fúngicas são comumente alvo desses estudos, não apenas porque muitos achados fundamentais em relação à clonagem molecular surgiram das lições dadas por elas, mas também devido a um imenso e inexplorado potencial desses organismos em uma ampla gama de aplicações - desde biocombustíveis e produção de químicos finos até terapias biomédicas. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação é dividida em duas partes: a primeira diz respeito ao design e construção de uma ferramenta modular e versátil para ser aplicada em várias linhagens de fungos. Essa ferramenta é um plasmídeo binário para transformação mediada pro Agrobacterium tumefaciens, que foi construído em quatro diferentes versões contendo GFP ou mCherry como proteínas repórter e um gene sintético de resistência à higromicina como marcador de seleção. O vetor foi validado em Paracoccidioides lutzii, um patógeno oportunista humano dimórfico que é muito importante para medicina, mas ainda carecia de ferramentas genéticas eficientes. A segunda parte consiste na criação de uma biblioteca de promotores para a levedura oleaginosa Rhodosporidium toruloides, um promissor hospedeiro para a produção de bioprodutos a partir de biomassa, uma vez que pode eficientemente consumir açúcares C5 e C6 e aromáticos derivados da lignina. Vinte e nove promotores foram testados em um cassete de duplo-repórter - compreendendo ambas as proteínas fluorescentes GFP e mRuby - utilizando citometria de fluxo para análise de células únicas. A coleção de promotores apresentados neste trabalho é a maior disponível para R. toruloides até o momento e foi um avanço indispensável para superar a10 escassez de ferramentas para este organismo. Notavelmente, também apresentamos os primeiros promotores bidirecionais descritos para essa levedura e otimizamos o protocolo de transformação. Portanto, a Biologia Sintética foi eficientemente aplicada para expandir a coleção de partes biológicas padronizadas e otimizar vetores para transformação e manipulação genética de fungos. Estas ferramentas são de valor imediato e são aplicáveis a desafios muito distintos, mas igualmente importantes: a busca de novas soluções para a saúde humana e para uma economia bio-sustentável. / As new technologies and methodologies are surfacing, and researchers are now eager for fast, enhanced and easy-to-use molecular tools, mastering the principles and technologies of vector design and standardization of biological parts have become fundamental challenges. This is making room for the rise of an entirely novel discipline called Synthetic Biology. This innovative field of study combines biological parts and modules to create more reliable and robust systems. Fungal strains are commonly the target of these studies, not only because several fundamental findings regarding molecular cloning arose from lessons given by them, but also due to an immense and much unexplored potential of those organisms in a wide range of applications - ranging from biofuels and fine chemicals production to biomedical therapies. In this context, the present dissertation is divided in two parts: the first one concerns the design and construction of a modular and versatile tool to be applied in several fungal strains. This tool is a plasmid binary vector for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, which was built in four different versions containing either GFP or mCherry as reporter proteins and a synthetic hygromycin resistance gene as selection marker. The vector was validated in Paracoccidioides lutzii, a dimorphic human opportunist pathogen that is very important for health care but was still lacking efficient genetic tools. The second part consists in the creation of a promoter library for the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides, a promising host for the production of bioproducts from biomass since it can efficiently consume C5 and C6 sugars and lignin-derived aromatics. Twenty-nine promoters were tested with a dual-reporter cassette - comprising both GFP and mRuby fluorescent proteins - using flow cytometer for single-cell analysis. The assortment of promoters presented in this work is the largest set available for R. toruloides until now and was an imperative advancement to overcome the scarcity of tools for this organism. Remarkably, we also presented the first bidirectional promoters described for this yeast and optimized the transformation protocol. Thus, we efficiently applied Synthetic Biology to expand the collection of standard biological parts and to12 optimize vectors for fungal transformation and genetic manipulation. These tools are of immediate value and are applicable for very distinct but equally important challenges: the pursuit of new solutions for human health and for a sustainable biobased economy
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Prise en compte de l'anisotropie dans le comportement instantané des géomatériaux pour les calculs d'ouvrages souterrains / Consideration of anisotropy in the instantaneous behaviour of geomaterials for underground structure calculationsDjouadi, Inès 10 September 2018 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la gestion des déchets radioactifs dits de moyenne activité à vie longue et de haute activité, la France a fait le choix du stockage géologique profond dans une formation rocheuse située à l’est du bassin parisien, dans une zone tectoniquement stable. Cette formation d’argilites du Callovo-Oxfordien a été choisie pour ses propriétés de rétention des radionucléides puisqu’elle est très peu perméable. Un laboratoire de recherche souterrain a été construit à environ 500 mètres de profondeur afin d’étudier in-situ les propriétés de la roche. Il a été montré que l’argilite du Callovo-Oxfordien présente une anisotropie liée à sa formation géologique. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de pouvoir reproduire le comportement mécanique anisotrope à l’aide d’un modèle de comportement élasto-plastique. Le modèle de comportement thermo-élasto-viscoplastique et isotrope nommé LKR est la résultante de tout le savoir-faire et l’expertise d’EDF en ce qui concerne le dimensionnement d’ouvrages souterrains. On cherche donc à appliquer une méthode de prise en compte de l’anisotropie structurelle caractérisant plusieurs types de géomatériaux dont l’argilite du Callovo-Oxfordien à ce modèle de comportement. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, deux méthodes de prise en compte de l’anisotropie développées dans la littérature scientifique sont appliquées à un modèle de Drucker-Prager à écrouissage linéaire négatif et sont comparées. La première méthode consiste à introduire un tenseur de microstructure ou de fabrique permettant de définir les orientations préférentielles du matériau. La seconde méthode est l’approche par plan de faiblesse qui consiste à décrire le comportement anisotrope du matériau via deux mécanismes distincts, l’un décrivant le comportement de la matrice rocheuse isotrope et l’autre décrivant les plans de faiblesse. C’est par ce deuxième mécanisme que l’anisotropie est introduite. Ces deux applications ont été faites dans le logiciel libre de simulation en mécanique, Code Aster, développé par EDF et ont permis d’appréhender les difficultés numériques de chacune de ces méthodes, et de choisir l’approche la plus pertinente pour l’extension du modèle LKR. Ainsi, c’est la méthode avec le tenseur de fabrique qui est, dans notre cas, la plus adaptée. Elle a donc été appliquée au modèle LKR. Cette nouvelle extension au modèle permet de prendre en compte la dépendance à l’orientation du matériau des résistances en compression. Dans ces travaux, on se place dans le cadre de la mécanique des milieux continus. L’anisotropie est introduite seulement dans le mécanisme élasto-plastique du modèle de comportement LKR. / Within the framework of radioactive waste management, for long-lived and high-level radioactive waste, France has chosen deep geological storage. This storage will be located in a rock formation, in the east of the basin Parisian, in a tectonically stable area. This Callovo-Oxfordian claystone formation was chosen for its radionuclides retention properties since it is not very permeable. An underground research laboratory was built 500 meters deep to study the properties of the rock in-situ. The Callovo-Oxfordian claystone has been shown to exhibit anisotropy related to its geological formation. The main objective of this PhD thesis is to reproduce anisotropic mechanical behaviour using an elasto-plastic constitutive model. The thermo-elasto-viscoplastic and isotropic behaviour model named LKR is the result of all EDF’s knowledge and expertise in the design of underground structures. Therefore, we seek to apply a method of taking into account structural or inherent anisotropy characterizing several types of geomaterials including Callovo-Oxfordian claystone to this LKR constitutive model. In order to achieve this objective, two methods of taking anisotropy into account and developed in the scientific literature are applied to a Drucker-Prager model with linear softening and then are compared to each other. The first method consists of introducing a microstructure or fabric tensor to define the preferential orientations of the material. The second method is the weakness plane approach which consists of describing the anisotropic behaviour of the material through two distinct mechanisms, one describing the behaviour of the isotropic rock matrix and the other describing the weakness planes. It is through this second mechanism that anisotropy is introduced. These two applications were made using the free mechanical simulation software, Code Aster, developed by EDF. This allowed to understand the numerical difficulties of each of these methods, and to choose the most relevant approach for the extension of the LKR model. Thus, it is the method with the fabric tensor which is, in our case, the most suitable. It was therefore applied to the LKR model. This new extension to the model enables the material orientation dependency of the compression strengths to be taken into account. In this work, the mechanics of continuous media are considered. Anisotropy is introduced only into the elasto-plastic mechanism of the LKR behaviour model.
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Inherent strength and stiffness anisotropy of laminated rocksIsmael, Mohamed 28 May 2019 (has links)
The variation of rock strength and stiffness, known as mechanical anisotropy, is expected at different scales: large (rock mass) - or small (intact rock) - scales. It is always mandatory for engineering applications built either on or in anisotropic rock masses to investigate the strength and deformation behavior of those masses. To achieve this goal, continuum-based constitutive models are presented to analyze the mechanical anisotropy. One of both implemented models is named ‘Transubi model’ which considers the transverse isotropic elasticity into bi-linear Mohr-Coulomb strain hardening/softening plastic framework. Experimental investigations and numerical simulations focused mainly on the influence of the mechanical anisotropy on the plastic zoning around excavated openings in laminated rocks. Later, the Transubi model was applied to a tunnel excavated in a shaly facies formation of bedded argillaceous Opalinus clay in an URL (FE-tunnel) to obtain the short-term stability insights. Overall, the research outcomes may have a prospective impact regarding the understanding of anisotropy of laminated, bedded and foliated rocks which improves the deformation behaviour predictability using continuum-based numerical modeling tools.
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[pt] A necessidade cada vez mais freqüente de reforço em
estruturas de concreto armado, exige um completo
conhecimento do comportamento da estrutura reforçada devido
a alterações de rigidez do conjunto, aumento da carga
de ruptura, alterações na distribuição de fissuras,
modificação de comportamento e posição da linha neutra,
entre outros. Nos últimos anos diversos estudos
experimentais têm sido conduzidos, fornecendo parâmetros
cada vez mais confiáveis à elaboração de projetos e ao
dimensionamento seguro em relação aos estados limites de
utilização e de ruptura. No desenvolvimento deste trabalho,
utiliza-se um programa computacional baseado no método dos
elementos finitos,capaz de descrever o comportamento de
elementos estruturais prismáticos em concreto armado
reforçados à flexão. Descreve-se o modelo hipoelástico de
Elwi e Murray -1979- para o concreto simples e um modelo
multilinear para simulação dos reforços. Tais relações
resultam de estudos analíticos e experimentais sobre o
concreto armado e estão originalmente implementadas no
programa FEPARCS -Elwi e Murray, 1980-, que neste trabalho
é modificado e adaptado de acordo com a realidade da
execução de reforços em estruturas em serviço. O programa
FEPACS, capaz de realizar análises numéricas não-lineares,
é acoplado a um programa de pré e pós-processamento gráfico
especialmente desenvolvido para geração, gerenciamento do
processo de cálculo e para análise de resultados obtidos.
Os resultados obtidos utilizando o programa proposto são
validados através de uma comparação com resultados
experimentais obtidos na literatura. / [en] The frequent use of composite materials, in the
strengthening of reinforced concrete structures requires
complete knowledge of the structural behavior because of
the changes that such strengthening will cause to the
overall stiffness,the collapse load, the cracks
distribution and the behavior and position of the
neutral axis. Over the last few years experimental studies
have been performed,bringing out more trustworthy
parameters for ultimate strength design. In this work, a
computational program was implemented based on the finite
element method, which is able to describe the flexural
strengthening of reinforced concrete beams. The model used
in this program is that of Elwi and Murray -1979-, which
assumes a so-called hypo elastic theory for concrete and a
approach to simulate the reinforcement. These relationships
were derived from reinforced concrete analytical and
experimental studies and are originally implemented in the
FEPARCS program -Elwi and Murray, 1980-, which has been
modified in order to obtain a more realistic approach to in-
service structural strengthening. The program developed,
which is able to perform non-linear numerical analyses, is
coupled to pre and pos-processing graphic programs
specially developed for model generation, management of the
calculation sequence and presentation of final results. The
results produced by this program have been validated by
comparison with experimental results available in
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