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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manifestace diskursivních hierarchií ve spotřebě a jejich proměna v kontextu finanční krize / Manifestation of Discursive Hierarchies in Consumption in the Context of Financial Crisis

Šrám, Kristián January 2015 (has links)
This thesis seeks to analyze how social position is negotiated by particular consumption practices. Thesis is theoretically based upon social-constructivist claims that reality is a social construct that comprises of continuously negotiated meanings. That implies that observed phenomena, such as among others consumption and social position, are seen as constituted by the cultural and symbolic dimensions of society. Methodological basis of the thesis is qualitative research. In the context of consumer behavior research I follow the research stream of consumer culture theory. Key findings of the study are that discourses on consumption are partially determined by social position while higher classes are comparatively more reflexive in their interpretations of consumption. However, social boundaries are not strictly given which creates a space for negotiating one`s social position. That might be accomplished by reinterpretation of social position. Prominent strategies of such reinterpretations were defined by discourses of neoliberalism and egalitarism. Another option consists of transgressing the economic boundaries by utilizing cultural capital. However, in the Czech society there has not yet been developed a clear consensus on what cultural capital consists of - that creates even more potential for negotiating one`s own social position.

The Social Media Influencer Effect on Consumers' Behavior : A qualitative study on macro social media influencers within the cosmetic industry

Raita, Anca-Alexandra, Gavrielatou, Aikaterini January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is aiming at investigating how macro social media influencers are affecting the consumer’s behavior of an individual within the cosmetic industry, with the outlined question: How do macro social media influencers affect consumers' behavior in the cosmetics industry? This thesis considers notions within community, social media influencers and consumers’ behavior field. An abductive qualitative research approach has been selected for this research, where data was gathered through individual semi-structured interviews, semi-structured focus groups, and semi-structured observations. Moreover, collected data from the individual and focus groups was analyzed based on the thematic coding approach, as well as in accordance with the presented analytical framework. The thesis concludes that macro social media influencers affect consumers’ behavior through their content and formed communities, to consume more and repeatedly, desire to reach a certain experience through consumption or behave in a certain manner individually or collectively.


Abouradi, Omar Mokbel, Adam, Ahmed January 2024 (has links)
Background: In the digital era, the streetwear fashion industry has undergone significanttransformation due to the rise of social media. Traditional marketing methods have shiftedtowards direct consumer engagement through digital platforms, where brand authenticity andexclusivity are crucial for maintaining perceived value and consumer loyalty. Streetwearfashion, rooted in urban subcultures, relies heavily on these elements to establish and maintainits brand identity.Purpose: This thesis aims to critically examine how streetwear fashion brands utilize socialmedia to manage the authenticity paradox while driving exclusivity. It investigates the impactof these strategies on consumer behavior and brand loyalty within digital spaces.Method: The research employs a qualitative, exploratory design within an interpretivistparadigm. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of12 participants, including influencers, brand managers, and consumers actively engaged withstreetwear brands on social media. Thematic analysis was used to identify key patterns andinsights from the data.Conclusion: The findings reveal that streetwear brands effectively use social media to projectauthenticity through transparent communication and cultural engagement, while strategicexclusivity is maintained through limited releases and exclusive collaborations. Thesestrategies not only enhance perceived brand value but also foster strong community ties andconsumer loyalty. The study highlights the importance of balancing authenticity withexclusivity to navigate the competitive digital landscape and sustain brand appeal

A multi-sited ethnographic marketing inquiry into the experiences produced and undergone at shopping malls : the case of malls in Buenos Aires, London, Paris, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo / Une étude ethnomarketing multi-sites sur les expériences produites et vécues dans les centres commerciaux : les cas de centres commerciaux à Buenos Aires, Londres, Paris, Rio de Janeiro et São Paulo

Silveira Cardoso, Flavia 23 September 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche se concentre sur les centres commerciaux et sur les expériences de magasinage produites et vécues au sein de ces espaces de vente dans différentes villes et régions du monde (Angleterre, Argentine, Brésil, France). Bien qu’il existe de nombreuses recherches sur ce sujet dans les économies développées, il en existe peu consacrées aux économies émergentes (Amérique Latine, notamment) et encore moins à des comparaisons inter-zones. Ce travail à caractère inductif et interculturel s'appuie, pour la discussion théorique des observations menées, sur les apports de la “Consumer Culture Theory”, en particulier sur les recherches sur l’expérience de magasinage transposées aux centres commerciaux, et tente de dégager des implications marketing. / This research focuses on shopping centers and on the shopping and consuming experiences produced and undergone within these retail spaces in different cities and in different regions of the world. Although significant work has been done on this topic in developed economies, significantly less has been devoted to emerging economies and even less has been done in comparative terms. This work builds on the existing Consumer Culture Theory related literature and it attempts to address current gaps in this body of work, as well as to provide managerial recommendations based on research findings. It differentiates itself from previous research on shopping centers on four main aspects: (1) By studying the phenomenon of shopping centers in Latin America, a largely unexplored domain; (2) By adding a multicultural perspective to the body of research on consumer and shopping experiences at shopping centers through the study of cases in five different cities; (3) By establishing a process of case selection to provide a priori variability of cases; (4) By comparing on ¨continuum¨ (Carù & Cova, 2007; Roederer, 2008) the full array of shopping experiences: produced, undergone and co-driven (Csaba and Askegaard, 1999; Tsai, 2010) and assessing whether these experiences vary across locations as well as the possible causes of variation.

Aesthetics and taste formation in musical spaces of consumption : a multi-sited ethnographic study

Skandalis, Alexandros January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate the interrelationships between place and taste through a multi-sited ethnography of music consumption. Place and taste are important theoretical constructs that have been studied extensively across the humanities and social sciences. Yet, there is a scarcity of research that attempts to bring together these constructs in the fields of marketing and consumer research and beyond. In particular, prior consumer culture theory (CCT) research has not taken into account the spatial processes through which consumers enact, perform and further develop their tastes in the market place. More significantly, little empirical research illustrates how different consumption spaces tend to orchestrate and shape consumers’ tastes. As such, this study focuses on the context of music consumption and aims to explore spatial taste formation processes via consumers’ aesthetic experiences in popular (festival) and classical (concert hall) music places within the fields of indie and classical music consumption respectively. The emergent findings are structured upon four chapters (papers) and develop specific research objectives which revolve around the overarching aim of the study, namely the exploration of the interrelationships between place and taste. This study brings together both structural and experiential dimensions of taste and highlights the ontological significance of phenomenological understandings of space and place for marketing and consumer research.

Digital Service through Sharing Economy to Sustainability : A car sharing case in Suzhou, China

Zhao, Rui, Dia, Uzezi January 2017 (has links)
The rapid increase in car ownership has caused rigorous issues for people living in the major cities in China, which is observe from traffic pressure, the inconvenience of city travelling, and air pollution. While the fast development of digital service platforms based on the Internet provides an alternative approach to touch the problems, leading a researchable phenomenon, online car-sharing service in China. This paper strives to explore the impact of car sharing on millennial sustainability attitudes by using the daily service on apps to ‘drive less, share more’. The paper is conducted using mixed research methods in Suzhou, China. Principally, the researchers interviewed ten car- sharing consumers during shared ride. To ensure the creditability and reliability, the paper collected 326 online survey responses from local car-sharing platforms as comparable data. The results show that most millennials agree car-sharing service makes their traffic modes more convenient, and taking shared ride more compared to self-driving has a significant influence on social and environmental issues in cities. Also, some respondents present willingness or already take actions on giving up car ownerships. However, the result also emphasises the fundamental reasons for millennials to participate in car-sharing service, which is personalised service and reasonable price. The paper closes with three outcomes, sharing economy as ‘Development’, digital service as ‘Innovation’, and sustainability as ‘The future’. They not only enrich the current literature research between Millennials and sharing economy, but also promote further strategies for car-sharing companies with empirical data.

Where should I buy my sofa? : A qualitative study on Swedish digital natives in the omni-channel furniture retailing environment

Visser, Arold, Molin, Magdalena January 2022 (has links)
Abstract  Background: E-commerce and omni-channel retailing strategies have emerged with digitalization. Digital channels have affected many parts of the daily life for consumers and as a result the consumer’s decision-making processes have become more complex. Born natives are a generation of consumers that have grown up having access to digital technology and their behaviors form a unique phenomenon as consumers within the omni-channel environment. At the same time, continuous growth in the Swedish furniture industry has allowed for new retailing strategies to emerge. The sample of born natives born during the 1990’s provides a unique insight in how these consumers behave and interact in the Swedish omni-channel furniture retailing environment.  Research question: How does the omni-channel retailing environment affect decision-making Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how digital native consumers who now comprise a larger consumer segment on the furniture market perceive the omni-channel environment in addition to how the digital omni-channel environment affects their decision- making process when it comes to furniture purchases in terms of perceived risks, purposes, and consumer benefits.  Methodology: This study is of qualitative nature which approaches the research problem and purpose with a relativistic philosophical stance. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to provide relevant data by individual consumers, and which have been analyzed with a hermeneutical approach. An inductive approach was adopted to explore the phenomenon.  Conclusion: Consumers perform multiple different actions and adopt different behaviors when operating in the furniture omni-channel retailing environment. Risk aversion, identity building, entertainment and channel selection are all aspects of furniture shopping that are impacted by digital natives operating in the omni-channel retailing environment.

Exploring value creative and value destructive practice through an online brand community: : The case of Starbucks.

Dia, Uzezi January 2015 (has links)
This paper explores value co-creation and value co-destruction with a focus on the social practices embedded in the online brand community “My Starbucks Idea (MSI).” The objectives of the research are accomplished through a detailed explanation of the study’s stages, starting with the Research design/Planning, and followed by the Community Entry (Entrée), Data collection, Limitations, and Ethical implications. Since the study is exploratory in character, the qualitative research strategy was used. As Bryman and Bell (2011) note, qualitative research gives particular attention to words rather than numbers in the gathering and interpretation of data. This study applied a modified ‘netnographic’ approach, a new qualitative method devised specifically to investigate consumer behaviour vis-à-vis cultures and communities present on the Internet (Kozinets 1998). This study identifies three elements of practice: stalking, gossip, and exhibitionism. It also supports the idea stated by Echeverri & Skålén (2011) that there is no positive without a negative in interactive value formation. Although those authors’ work was focused on the provider-customer interface, the idea proves applicable to the online brand community (OBC) used for illustration in this study. The present study also draws attention to a vital characteristic of practice often forgotten: ‘Language’ as an enabler of all other elements (Whittington 2006). The paper contributes to the knowledge in the practice theory domain, and thus consumer culture, especially relating to OBCs. When using OBCs as a marketing tool, considerable ingenuity must be employed by business managers to gain strategic information and feedback from online forum discussions. Such information can help in the company’s strategic decision making. By building relationships and gaining new customers through the process of collaboration, managers can become more like brand storytellers. Also, such communication can be channelled as a means to create greater awareness, both of the brand and the users’ experiences, along with aiding in the development of better services and products to meet customers’ needs. In the current study, consent was an ethical concern that limited the scope and path taken by the paper. The ten-week research period was another limiting factor in properly covering all of the contextualized consumption activities and gaining sufficient experience within the MSI community.

Comprendre le comportement du consommateur masculin : une approche socioculturelle : du discours des marques sur l'apparence masculine aux représentations des consommateurs de lingerie d'homme / Understanding the masculine consumer behavior : a socio-cultural approach : from brand discourse on masculine appearences to male representations of men's lingerie

Ourahmoune, Nacima 31 August 2011 (has links)
Ce manuscrit vise une participation à la construction de savoir sur la consommation masculine, une thématique de recherche largement délaissée au profit des représentations féminines en la matière. Inscrite dans le courant de la Théorie Culturelle de la Consommation, la thèse propose d’investiguer à la fois le discours des marques liées à l’apparence et les discours d’hommes investis dans de nouvelles pratiques de consommations connotées du féminin, la lingerie d’hommes. Dans un premier essai, le discours sur la masculinité de 20 marques issues de traditions masculines (Automobiles, High-Tech,...) et de traditions féminines (Mode, Beauté...) est investigué sur une période de 40 ans (des années 1970 à nos jours) pour comprendre les termes du changement de l’identité masculine. Une lecture sémiotique du corpus combinée à une analyse critique de l’histoire socio-culturelle masculine française permet d’interpréter et qualifier l’évolution des imaginaires masculins contenus dans les récits de marques.Dans un deuxième essai, sur la base d’une étude phénoménologique (entretiens individuels avec 21 hommes), l’auteur interroge l’expérience de consommation de lingerie pour hommes en révélant les processus de découverte, d’entrée et d’implication dans une consommation jugée « anomique » jusqu’à peu. La mise en lumière du rôle d’un réseau esthétique féminin qui supporte cette consommation ainsi que les perceptions et bénéfices retirés dans l’entre- nous du couple hétérosexuel permettent d’aborder l’évolution des représentations liées à l’apparence et à l’intime. La recherche permet d’introduire le concept de l’intime dans le champ de l’investigation du consommateur masculin comme un marqueur de l’évolution des consommations masculines. Quatre dimensions du concept d’intimité ont par ailleurs émergé du discours des répondants.7Dans un troisième essai, l’auteur combine l’approche macro et l’approche micro de la consommation masculine dans le but d’éclairer sa participation à la construction des identités masculines. D’abord, la « Maison des hommes » ou les interactions entre pairs masculins permettent de mieux cerner les stratégies d’évitement et les tensions générées par l’adoption des nouveaux codes de consommation de parure proposés par le marché. Emerge notamment une dimension largement sous-investiguée en comportement du consommateur : la question de la relation au père dans la formulation des repaires de consommation. Ensuite, l’auteur propose la notion de limite pour matérialiser les termes des tractations identitaires vécues par les hommes et matérialisées par leurs choix de consommation. Une forte dualité entre schèmes égalitaristes et différentialistes émerge des représentations de l’identité masculine. Cette opposition sert la construction d’un carré sémiotique qui permet de resituer le discours des consommateurs dans le champ idéologique des forces sociales qui structurent les comportements des répondants et d’affiner les différents positionnements masculins. L’intrication de l’identité masculine avec l’identité nationale permet enfin d’apporter le versant français à la conception de l’idéologie masculine américaine de consommation développée par Holt et Thompson (2004). Il est proposé que le concept de performance peut rapprocher les masculinités américaines et françaises bien que des différences d’imaginaires notoires persistent entre les deux cultures de consommation / This doctoral dissertation aims participating in building knowledge on the masculine consumption, a topic that was neglected in consumer research until very recently. Through the Consumer Culture Theory lens, it proposes an investigation of this phenomenon both from brand (producer) and male (consumer) perspectives. The essays progress from public to private discourses on masculinity, combining macro and micro levels of analysis to unpack evolving gender ideologies and consumption.Through a socio-historic perspective, the first essay shows how the masculine identity is evolving from monolith masculinity to contemporary masculinities. The research aims to understand if and how these new cultural values are transferred to brands communication. Using a semiotic approach, masculine archetypes, their values and relationships are underlined by using a Utilitarian vs. Aesthetic semantic axis. A corpus of twenty brands communication of masculine and feminine sectors is analyzed with a past/present perspective. The study reveals an evolution of men’s representations in brands communication. The theoretical implications of the findings are discussed, theorizing especially the metrosexual managerial phenomenon.The second essay investigates male consumers representations and rituals as regard a new and highly feminine inspired product category: men’s lingerie. The process of discovery, entrance and involvement in this consumption is deciphered, the influencers’ roles highlighted and the interactions within the heterosexual couples emphasized. Doing so, the paper participates in building knowledge on the masculine consumption by describing male engagement in “anomic” consumption. It also introduces the concept of intimacy as a marker in the shift in9the masculine identity and proposes four dimensions of this concept as they emerged from consumers’ discourses.Finally the third essay attempts to explore how a new masculine consumption – men’s lingerie- that had clear divisions between men and women, may shape and reinforce men’s socially defined gender roles/identity construction. The author focuses on new identity landmarks, which move the social frontier between the sexes. First, the interactions in- between the male peers are emphasized as a window for the masculine identity construction through consumption. Secondly, the deep contradictions and the negotiations of acceptable masculine norms as expressed by the respondents are interpreted. Finally, the results are located in a macro-level of analysis allowing accounting for the role of the social forces in shaping masculine norms and French masculine schemes compared to the American masculinities described by Holt and Thompson (2004)

La marque Apple comme ressource dans la construction de l'identité familiale : une approche auto-ethnographique / The Apple brand as a resource to construct family identity : an autoethnographic approach

Billon, Dominique 09 January 2017 (has links)
La recherche se situe dans le courant de la Consumer Culture Theory dans la lignée de travaux récents visant à comprendre les relations collectives à une marque. La marque n’est plus pensée comme une « chose » fabriquée exclusivement par l’entreprise, mais comme un processus dans lequel sont impliqués de multiples acteurs échappant souvent au contrôle de l’entreprise. La thèse investigue comment la marque s’insère et est insérée dans les réseaux de relations, les pratiques et les représentations des consommateurs au sein de leur famille sur trois générations. La méthodologie est basée sur l’auto-ethnographie, une méthode rarement utilisée dans la recherche sur la marque. Le dispositif déployé permet une compréhension fine des interactions et stratégies des personnes, grâce à la prise en compte du temps long (trente ans) et à la multivocalité. La thèse étend le concept de « cultural branding » au niveau de la famille, en introduisant le concept de « réseau familial de marque » qui rend compte de la façon dont familles et marques s’imbriquent dans notre société. En décrivant une réalité différente des principes de gestion de la marque dans lesquels l’entreprise est supposée influencer un consommateur isolé, la thèse renouvelle les approches conventionnelles de la relation marque-consommateur et complète les approches communautaires de la marque. / This thesis is situated in the research stream called Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), in line with recent research trying to understand the collective relationships to a brand. The brand is no more understood as a “thing” created by a company (brand as a name), but as a process (branding as a verb) in which many participants play different roles, frequently outside the control of the company. The thesis investigates how the brand becomes embedded in the networks of relationships, practices and discourses within a family through three generations. The methodology is based on an autoethnography, a method rarely used in consumer and branding research. This approach enables a deep understanding of the interactions and strategies of people, taking a long-term perspective (thirty years) and considering the multivocality. This thesis is an extension of cultural branding at the family level, by introducing the concept of « brand family network », which reports how families and brands are embedded in our society. The thesis describes a reality different from the traditional principles of brand management, based on the idea that the company is supposed to influence a single consumer. By doing so, it extends the understanding of consumer-brand relationships, and complement the approach of the brand communities.

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