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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consumer Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in China

Lili, Chang, Jiaqi, Cheng January 2017 (has links)
With the development of multinational companies (MNCs), corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a very important component of corporate activities. However, the commitment to CSR in China has been very low. Chinese consumers are becoming less willing to accept different treatment from MNCs, but there has been a little study of CSR problems in the Chinese market or the response of Chinese consumer. This study provides preliminary evidence that consumer response about the CSR behavior of multinational corporation is determined by three factors, perceived CSR, trust of CSR, and awareness of CSR, and addresses how these different factors influence Chinese consumer response in terms of Corporate Evaluation and Purchase Intention. Additionally, this work analyzes the relationship between consumer demographics and consumer response to CSR.  The results show that trust of CSR and awareness of CSR has a significant influence on Chinese consumer response. Perceived CSR has a significant influence on Chinese consumer response to corporate evaluation but not on Purchase Intention. In addition, the data did not reveal a relationship between consumer demographics and consumer response to CSR.

Inköpsstrategier för ökad konkurrenskraft inom dagligvarubranschen / Procurement strategies in order to achieve better competitive strength, within retail food industry

Ervallius, David, Karlsson, Marie January 2007 (has links)
<p>Term: Spring term 2007</p><p>Study objects: Reitan Servicehandel AB, Vi-butikerna, ICA Sverige AB</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyse how procurement is used as a strategy to achieve better competitive strength, within the retail food industry.</p><p>Theoretical: The theoretical chapter illustrates different procurement organisations, multiple and single sourcing, brand equity, consumer behaviour and involvement, Efficient Consumer Response including supply chain and category management and finally Demand Chain Management.</p><p>Method: For the case studies, three food retail companies have been interviewed: Reitan Servicehandel AB, Vi-butikerna and ICA AB. To illustrate how consumer behaviour influences retail food market, several secondary consumer research studies have been analysed.</p><p>Conclusions: The results indicate that the procurement organisation can achieve a better competitive strength by a centralised organisation, which make it possible to improve conditions of terms when ordering higher purchase volumes. The sourcing strategies can improve a company’s power within the supply chain. All companies within the study had a very good knowledge about consumer behaviour. Information technology is a very important tool to achieve enhanced efficiency within the organisation. It also indicates that the procurement organisation by its knowledge in sales and marketing can improve a company’s competitive strength.</p>

Inköpsstrategier för ökad konkurrenskraft inom dagligvarubranschen / Procurement strategies in order to achieve better competitive strength, within retail food industry

Ervallius, David, Karlsson, Marie January 2007 (has links)
Term: Spring term 2007 Study objects: Reitan Servicehandel AB, Vi-butikerna, ICA Sverige AB Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyse how procurement is used as a strategy to achieve better competitive strength, within the retail food industry. Theoretical: The theoretical chapter illustrates different procurement organisations, multiple and single sourcing, brand equity, consumer behaviour and involvement, Efficient Consumer Response including supply chain and category management and finally Demand Chain Management. Method: For the case studies, three food retail companies have been interviewed: Reitan Servicehandel AB, Vi-butikerna and ICA AB. To illustrate how consumer behaviour influences retail food market, several secondary consumer research studies have been analysed. Conclusions: The results indicate that the procurement organisation can achieve a better competitive strength by a centralised organisation, which make it possible to improve conditions of terms when ordering higher purchase volumes. The sourcing strategies can improve a company’s power within the supply chain. All companies within the study had a very good knowledge about consumer behaviour. Information technology is a very important tool to achieve enhanced efficiency within the organisation. It also indicates that the procurement organisation by its knowledge in sales and marketing can improve a company’s competitive strength.

Efficient Consumer Response aus kooperationstheoretischer Sicht /

Cansier, Adrienne. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Tübingen, 2000.

Efficient consumer response eine agency-theoretische Analyse der Probleme und Lösungsansätze

Lietke, Britta January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Göttingen, Univ., Diss., 2009

DO CONSUMERS BELIEVE EACH OTHER ONLINE? : A study of how consumers assess credibility of brand-related UGC

Ketola, Rebecca, Norrman, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
With the gradual rise of Web-2.0 based platforms, Internet users were given the possibility to interact with each other in virtual communities. Originating from this development was the concept of user-generated content (UGC), which implies that people were able to enrich each other’s user-experiences by sharing creative efforts and communicating openly (O’Reilly, 2007).   As Web 2.0 features continued to grow, marketers became aware of the opportunities this new development online created and how they could use it to their advantage (De Chernatony &amp; Christodoulides, 2004). The development online however also faces companies with challenges, as consumers now are able to create and share opinions and thoughts about brands, which to an extent is uncontrollable by companies (Christodoulides et al., 2012). Just as marketer-controlled communication can create new brand associations in the minds of consumers, for better or worse - so can also externally-generated communication, such as brand-related UGC, do.   Knowing that consumers generally trust what other consumers say about products more than marketing communication (Cheong &amp; Morrison, 2008; Song &amp; Yoo, 2016), and that there does not exist much research on how consumers perceive brand-related UGC, this is a considerably important topic to study. A classic way of studying communication effectiveness is through credibility, which is argued to be a major determinant of whether consumers accept and adopt what is communicated (e.g. Hovland et al., 1953). Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to gain an understanding of how consumers assess credibility of brand-related UGC and furthermore, what their consequent responses are.   A qualitative approach was taken as the purpose is to gain insight rather than proving a point. The interviews were semi-structured and formed around three Instagram posts relating to a specific brand, which were deliberately chosen based on the content of the theoretical framework developed. Through using these example cases, interviewees’ first reactions could be captured and their reasoning around credibility could be followed and discussed.   The results from this study indicate that there exists a certain level of irritation as well as a scepticism towards brand-related UGC. This seem to stem from a suspicion that most content that promotes products and brands is part of sponsored collaborations, into which consumers put noticeably much distrust. Beyond questioning sponsorship, it was also found that the source played a particularly important role when assessing credibility. When a source is familiar, it is easier to determine credibility of brand-related UGC, and credibility furthermore increases with perceived expertise, attractiveness and trustworthiness. The channel through which a message is communicated also matters, as it is more difficult to be ingenuine through a video than an image or a text, which implicated that consumers may find videos more credible than other media formats. The message itself was also deemed to influence the credibility assessment, as the message was questioned both based upon common sense but also on knowledge and previous experience.   As for practical implications, this study indicates that encouraging or generating positive brand-related UGC through paid collaborations, is a balancing act, into which much consideration needs to be put. With the evident irritation that consumers feel when it comes to brand-related UGC, marketers should be careful to push too much positive brand communication onto the consumer, or it will turn negative. To come across as genuine, the “who”, ”what” and ”how” of communication should be carefully considered.

Escolhas baseadas em múltiplos objetivos: a evolução do homo economicus ao homo aptabilis / Multiple goals-based choice: the evolution from homo economicus to homo aptabilis

Pilli, Luís Eduardo 12 September 2017 (has links)
Escolhas são meios para que indivíduos e consumidores atinjam seus objetivos. São objeto de estudo em diversas disciplinas e eu me apoiei em três delas para desenvolver estas tese. Modelos normativos da economia que definem o homo economicus, modelos descritivos das teorias de decisão comportamental que forjam o homo aptabilis, capaz de fazer escolhas que permitam o atingimento de seus objetivos. E modelos econométricos de escolha discreta, que permitem o uso e teste de teorias comportamentais usando métodos flexíveis e realistas. O argumento central desta tese é que modelos econométricos devem considerar a heterogeneidade do comportamento individual em todo o processo de escolha, incluindo objetivos do consumidor, estratégias de decisão, formação de conjuntos de escolha subjetivos, além de preferência. O não reconhecimento desta complexidade nos processos de escolha produz modelos falsos, capturando a heterogeneidade no nível das preferências e induzindo organizações a tomarem decisões equivocadas. Para desenvolver este argumento, esta tese se organiza em três seções. Na primeira eu faço uma revisão da literatura com foco nos diversos níveis do processo de escolha onde a heterogeneidade se manifesta e relaciono os modelos de escolha com as teorias comportamentais de decisão. Na segunda seção é desenvolvido um estudo sobre os vieses provocados quando a heterogeneidade na formação de conjuntos subjetivos de escolha não é levada em consideração. Através de experimentos de Monte Carlo fica comprovado que os parâmetros de modelos econométricos de escolha são generalizadamente viesados, levando à estimadas equivocadas de probabilidades de escolhas das marcas e das elasticidades das probabilidades de escolha. Esses resultados são usados para motivar uma abordagem de teoria dos jogos que resulta em equilíbrio distante do ideal, do ponto de vista de resultados das empresas. Finalmente na terceira seção, é desenvolvido um modelo de escolha discreta baseado em múltiplos meta-objetivos e em diferentes processos de escolha individual. Mais um experimento de Monte Carlo comprova que o modelo é capaz de recuperar o parâmetros do processo gerador de dados. O modelo além de reconhecer a existência de diversos meta-objetivos que ativam diferentes regras comportamentais, também permite estudar a adaptação do processo de escolha individual em função de variáveis de contexto, de situação e individuais. O modelo articula modelos econométricos com teorias comportamentais de decisão e oferece suporte para a compreensão do homo aptabilis / Choices are the means for individuals and consumers to attain their goals. They are the objects of study for several disciplines and I relied on three of them to develop this thesis. Normative models from economicsdefining the homo economicus, descriptive models from behavioral decision theories that forge the homo aptabilis, able to adaptively pursue multiple goals through choices. And discrete-choice econometric models that allow the use and testing of behavioral theories using flexible and realistic methods. The central argument of this thesis is that econometric models should consider the heterogeneity of individual behavior throughout the choice process, including consumer goals, decision strategies, choice set formation, and preferences. Failure to recognize this complexity in the choice process produces false models, capturing process heterogeneity at the level of preferences, and inducing organizations to make the wrong decisions. To develop this argument, this thesis is organized into three sections. In the first one, I review the literature focusing on the different levels of the choice process where the heterogeneity manifests itself and I relate the choice models to the behavioral decision theories. In the second section, a study is developed on the biases caused when heterogeneity in the choice set formation is not accounted for. Through Monte Carlo experiments it has been proven that the parameters of econometric choice models are generally biased, leading to misleading estimates of brands choice probabilities and of attribute\'schoice elasticities. These results are used to motivate a game theoretical approach that results in far-fetched equilibrium from the point of view of business results. Finally, in the third section, a discrete choice model based on multiple meta-goals and on different individual choice processes is developed. One more Monte Carlo experiment proves that the model is capable of retrieving the parameters of the data-generating process. The model, besides recognizing the existence of several meta-objectives that activate different behavioral rules, also allows studying the adaptation of the consumer choice process as a response to context, situation, and individual variables. The model articulates econometric models with behavioral decision theories and supports the understanding of the homo aptabilis.

Interna flöden och processer på Å&R Carton : processbaserad verksamhetsanalys och förbättringsförslag för ledtidsreduktion / Internal Processes at Å&R Carton : Process Based Analys and Proposals to Reduce Time in the Supply Chain

Gustafson, Anders January 2003 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport syftar till att, på Å&R Carton i Norrköping, analysera de interna flödena och processerna samt ge förslag på hur ledtider ska kunna reduceras väsentligt. Ett sätt att uppfylla syftet är att dela in verksamheten i processer genom olika metoder och kriterier förprocessbestämning. Valda metoder i rapporten är; kvalitativ ansats med hög validitet och reliabilitet, processbaserad verksamhetsanalys och procedurbeskrivning. </p><p>Genom omfattande litteraturstudier, insamlande av data i form av intervjuer, benchmarking, platsundersökningar och interna dokument har nulägesmodeller arbetats fram. Analysen av dessa visar bland annat på att såväl planeringsprocessen som inköpsprocessen idag inte fungerar värdeadderande och bör ses över. Därutöver finns också andra processer som bidrar till ett komplext flöde. Dessa behöver effektiviseras eller ändras för att korta ledtider. Vidare visar analysen på att en omfattande attitydsundersökning behövs, dels för att komma till rätta med vissa stämningar och dels för att på sikt skapa en effektiv arbetsmiljö. </p><p>Till förbättringsförslagen hör, förutom en attitydsundersökning, förslaget att utarbeta tydliga mål och strategier. Sedan måste dessa kommuniceras till samtliga anställda, till exempel genom arbetsgrupper. Vidare föreslås att Å&R Carton tittar på automatisk datafångst som ett mycket kostnadseffektivt sätt att kontrollera det totala flödet. På lång sikt bör också företaget titta på att implementera processorientering. Dock behöver företaget först och främst se till att skapa en förändringsvillig attityd för att nå framgång i sitt effektiviseringsarbete. Slutsatsen blir att Å&R Carton har stor potential att väsentligt förkorta sina ledtider om företaget hanterar situationen rätt. För att lyckas kan delar av denna rapport användas där det viktigaste är att en engagerad ledning visar vägen. </p> / <p>The purpose of this final thesis is to analyse the internal processes at Å&R Carton in Norrköping and give proposals to reduce time in the Supply Chain. One way to fulfill the purpose is to use Process Based Analys and split the organisation in different processes. Process Based Models have then been constructed by studying litterature, benchmarking, internal documents and making a lot of interviews. The analys shows that different processes must be changed to make the flow through the Supply Chain more efficient. The analys give us also recommendations like attitude investigations and implementation of ECR. The conclusion is that Å&R Carton have great potential to reduce time in the Supply Chain if the management are active, follow the recommendations and show the employees the way about.</p>

Interna flöden och processer på Å&amp;R Carton : processbaserad verksamhetsanalys och förbättringsförslag för ledtidsreduktion / Internal Processes at Å&amp;R Carton : Process Based Analys and Proposals to Reduce Time in the Supply Chain

Gustafson, Anders January 2003 (has links)
Denna rapport syftar till att, på Å&amp;R Carton i Norrköping, analysera de interna flödena och processerna samt ge förslag på hur ledtider ska kunna reduceras väsentligt. Ett sätt att uppfylla syftet är att dela in verksamheten i processer genom olika metoder och kriterier förprocessbestämning. Valda metoder i rapporten är; kvalitativ ansats med hög validitet och reliabilitet, processbaserad verksamhetsanalys och procedurbeskrivning. Genom omfattande litteraturstudier, insamlande av data i form av intervjuer, benchmarking, platsundersökningar och interna dokument har nulägesmodeller arbetats fram. Analysen av dessa visar bland annat på att såväl planeringsprocessen som inköpsprocessen idag inte fungerar värdeadderande och bör ses över. Därutöver finns också andra processer som bidrar till ett komplext flöde. Dessa behöver effektiviseras eller ändras för att korta ledtider. Vidare visar analysen på att en omfattande attitydsundersökning behövs, dels för att komma till rätta med vissa stämningar och dels för att på sikt skapa en effektiv arbetsmiljö. Till förbättringsförslagen hör, förutom en attitydsundersökning, förslaget att utarbeta tydliga mål och strategier. Sedan måste dessa kommuniceras till samtliga anställda, till exempel genom arbetsgrupper. Vidare föreslås att Å&amp;R Carton tittar på automatisk datafångst som ett mycket kostnadseffektivt sätt att kontrollera det totala flödet. På lång sikt bör också företaget titta på att implementera processorientering. Dock behöver företaget först och främst se till att skapa en förändringsvillig attityd för att nå framgång i sitt effektiviseringsarbete. Slutsatsen blir att Å&amp;R Carton har stor potential att väsentligt förkorta sina ledtider om företaget hanterar situationen rätt. För att lyckas kan delar av denna rapport användas där det viktigaste är att en engagerad ledning visar vägen. / The purpose of this final thesis is to analyse the internal processes at Å&amp;R Carton in Norrköping and give proposals to reduce time in the Supply Chain. One way to fulfill the purpose is to use Process Based Analys and split the organisation in different processes. Process Based Models have then been constructed by studying litterature, benchmarking, internal documents and making a lot of interviews. The analys shows that different processes must be changed to make the flow through the Supply Chain more efficient. The analys give us also recommendations like attitude investigations and implementation of ECR. The conclusion is that Å&amp;R Carton have great potential to reduce time in the Supply Chain if the management are active, follow the recommendations and show the employees the way about.

Uso de subproductos de la industria agroalimentaria como fuente de fibra. Respuesta de los consumidores

Curutchet González, Ana 24 January 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La investigación de la presente Tesis doctoral busca estudiar la respuesta del consumidor a productos enriquecidos en fibra mediante la incorporación de subproductos de la industria alimentaria.Se estudió el interés de los consumidores uruguayos en diferentes mejoras nutricionales, el tipo de elaboración y cómo ha cambiado en los últimos diez años. Los resultados muestran que la respuesta de los consumidores es distinta dependiendo del tipo de queso. Solo en el queso untable, hay interés en la reducción de grasa. Respecto a los cambios con el tiempo, se observó para el queso semi-blando, un aumento en el interés por la elaboración artesanal. Se estudió el uso de distintos subproductos como ingredientes en el enriquecimiento en fibra de productos de consumo habitual. Se trabajó con el descarte de la producción de jugo de arándanos. Este se transformó en una harina y se incorporó a la formulación de galletas. Las expectativas de los consumidores al observar la etiqueta de esta galleta fueron tan buenas como una galleta sin fibra. Sin embargo, cuando la probaron sin tener información les gustó menos que la galleta sin fibra, pero al conocer que era rica en fibra aumentó su aceptabilidad ligeramente. Por lo tanto, aunque les interesan las galletas ricas en fibra, no están dispuestos a comprometer aspectos hedónicos por atributos saludables. El segundo subproducto estudiado fue el generado durante la producción de jugo de manzana. La pulpa que se transformó en harina, se usó para el enriquecimiento en fibra de un bizcochuelo. Se estudió la respuesta de los consumidores al bizcochuelo enriquecido en fibra en presencia o no de la etiqueta con información "fuente de fibra" y "con fibra de manzana", comparativamente con un producto comercial sin fibra. Se evaluó la aceptabilidad y los motivos por los que lo compraría o no. Los resultados indican que la aceptabilidad del bizcochuelo enriquecido en fibra aumentó significativamente con la información, lo que indica que además de la declaración "fuente de fibra", la indicación del origen de la fibra "con fibra de manzana" aumenta la aceptabilidad que el consumidor percibe de estos productos. Como tercer subproducto se utilizó el residuo de la industria cervecera, BSG (brewery spent grain). Se desarrollaron tres productos (pan, pasta y leche chocolatada) enriquecidos con fibra mediante la adición de BSG. Se evaluó el impacto del enriquecimiento de la fibra en las características sensoriales, la aceptabilidad y la intención de compra de los consumidores y luego en las emociones que el producto transmitía. La incorporación de fibra en los tres productos tuvo impacto significativo en las características sensoriales. Estas afectaron de forma distinta a la aceptabilidad y a la intención de compra dependiendo del producto. En lo que respecta a las emociones, se puede percibir una ambivalencia según los diferentes productos enriquecidos dependiendo si la fibra es percibida o no. Cuando la detectan se sienten más confiados en consumir el producto y con menos culpa. Por lo tanto, las características sensoriales que el consumidor percibe asociado a la fibra puede, en algunos productos, aumentar la intención de compra del consumidor y hacerle sentir mejor.Se estudió el efecto de la forma de comunicación del enriquecimiento de BSG en la respuesta del consumidor a hamburguesas de carne y si dependía de la marca comercial. Se consideraron tres marcas (una líder, una de bajo precio y una artesanal) y utilizando su empaque original se diseñaron tres etiquetas incluyendo diferente tipo de información y un símbolo representando sustentabilidad. La marca fue el único factor estudiado que afectó la intención de compra y sin embargo el tipo de información no tuvo efecto. Por todo lo obtenido podemos decir que es posible utilizar subproductos de la industria alimentaria como ingredientes para enriquecer nutricionalmente otros alimentos. / [CA] La investigació de la present Tesi doctoral busca estudiar la resposta del consumidor a productes enriquits en fibra per mitjà de la incorporació de subproductes de la indústria alimentaria.Se va estudiar l'interés dels consumidors uruguaians en diferents millores nutricionals, el tipus d'elaboració i com ha canviat en els últims deu anys. Els resultats mostren que la resposta dels consumidors és distinta depenent del tipus de formatge. Només en el formatge untable, hi ha interés en la reducció de greix. Respecte als canvis amb el temps, es va observar per al formatge semi-blando, un augment en l'interés per l'elaboració artesanal. Es va estudiar l'ús de distints subproductes com a ingredients en l'enriquiment en fibra de productes de consum habitual. Es va treballar amb el descart de la producció de suc de nabius. Este es va transformar en una farina i es va incorporar a la formulació de galletes. Les expectatives dels consumidors a l'observar l'etiqueta d'esta galleta van ser tan bones com una galleta sense fibra. No obstant això, quan la van provar sense tindre informació els va agradar menys que la galleta sense fibra, però al conéixer que era rica en fibra va augmentar la seua acceptabilitat lleugerament. Per tant, encara que els interessen les galletes riques en fibra, no estan disposats a comprometre aspectes hedònics per atributs saludables. El segon subproducte estudiat va ser el generat durant la producció de suc de poma. La polpa que es va transformar en farina, es va usar per a l'enriquiment en fibra d'un bizcochuelo. Es va estudiar la resposta dels consumidors al bizcochuelo enriquit en fibra en presència o no de l'etiqueta amb informació;"fuente de fibra"; "con fibra de manzana";, comparativament amb un producte comercial sense fibra. Es va avaluar l'acceptabilitat i els motius pels quals ho compraria o no. Els resultats indiquen que l'aceptab. Com a tercer subproducte es va utilitzar el residu de la indústria cervesera, BSG (brewery spent grauet) . Es van desenrotllar tres productes (pa, pasta i llet xocolatada) enriquits amb fibra per mitjà de l'addició de BSG. Es va avaluar l'impacte de l'enriquiment de la fibra en les característiques sensorials, l'acceptabilitat i la intenció de compra dels consumidors i després en les emocions que el producte transmetia. La incorporació de fibra en els tres productes va tindre impacte significatiu en les característiques sensorials. Estes van afectar de forma diferent de l'acceptabilitat i a la intenció de compra depenent del producte. Pel que fa a les emocions, es pot percebre una ambivalència segons els diferents productes enriquits depenent si la fibra és percebuda o no. Quan la detecten se senten més confiats a consumir el producte i amb menys culpa. Per tant, les característiques sensorials que el consumidor percep associat a la fibra pot, en alguns productes, augmentar la intenció de compra del consumidor i fer-li sentir mejor.Se va estudiar l'efecte de la forma de comunicació de l'enriquiment de BSG en la resposta del consumidor a hamburgueses de carn i si depenia de la marca comercial. Es van considerar tres marques (una líder, una de baix preu i una artesanal) i utilitzant el seu prestància original es van dissenyar tres etiquetes incloent diferent tipus d'informació i un símbol representant sustentabilidad. La marca va ser l'únic factor estudiat que va afectar la intenció de compra i no obstant això el tipus d'informació no va tindre efecte. Per tot allò que s'ha obtingut podem dir que és possible utilitzar subproductes de la indústria alimentària com a ingredients per a enriquir nutricionalment altres aliments. / [EN] The main focus of this work is studying the consumer's response to fibre enriched products by incorporating by-products from the food industry. The interest of Uruguayan consumers in different nutritional improvements and the method of preparation was studied. In the last decade, products with extra benefits have become much more common in the market, and the variation of this interest in recement years was also studied. The results show that the response of consumers is different depending on the type of cheese. Only in spreadable cheese, there is a certain degree of interest only in the reduction of fat. Regarding the changes over time, an increase in interest in artisanal production was observed for semi-soft cheese. Contrary to expectations, there was no increase in consumer interest for any of the nutritional improvements. The use of different by-products as ingredients for the fibre enrichment of products of habitual consumption was studied. The first by-product used was the residue from the blueberry juice production. This was transformed into a flour and incorporated into the cookie. The hedonic consumer expectations for this cookie when looking at the label were as good as a non-fibre cookie. However, when they tasted it without information, they liked it less than the non-enriched cookie, although knowing that it was rich in fibre increased its acceptability slightly. Therefore, while consumers are interested in high fibre cookies, they are not willing to compromise hedonic aspects for healthy attributes. The second by-product studied was the one generated during the production of apple juice. This pulp that was transformed into flour and used for the fibre enrichment of a sponge cake. The response of consumers to the fibre enriched sponge cake was studied with and without information on the label ("source of fibre" and "with apple fibre") in comparison with a commercial product. Product's acceptability were studied. The results show that the acceptability of the fibre enriched sponge cake increased significantly with the information, indicating that in addition to the claim "source of fibre", knowing the of origin of the fibre "with apple fibre" increases the acceptability that the consumer perceives. The third by-product used was the residue from the brewing industry, BSG (brewery spent grain). Three different products were developed (bread, pasta and chocolate milk) enriched with fibre by adding BSG. First, the impact of fibre enrichment on sensory characteristics, acceptability and purchase intention of consumers was evaluated. Finally, the effect of the products on the emotions of the consumers was studied. The incorporation of fibre in the three products had a significant impact on the sensory characteristics. However, these affected acceptability and purchase intention differently depending on the product. Regarding emotions, an ambivalence can be perceived in what is generated by the different enriched products depending on whether the fibre is perceived or not. When they detect it, they feel more confident in consuming the product and with less guilt. Therefore, the sensory characteristics that the consumer perceives associated with fibre can, in some products, not only increase the consumer's purchase intention but also make them feel better. The effect of the way to communicate the BSG enrichment on the consumer's response to meat burgers, and whether it depended on the commercial brand was studied. Three brands were considered (one leading, one low-priced and one artisanal) and using their original packaging, three labels were designed including different types of ways of conveying the information and a symbol representing sustainability. The brand was the only factor studied that affected purchase intention, and the way used to convey the information had no effect. In conclusion, it is possible to use by-products from the food industry as ingredients to nutritionally enrich other foods. / The financial support of Generalitat Valenciana (Project Prometeo 2017/189) and LATU, Uruguay for Arcia’s stay at IATA, are all gratefully acknowledged. / Curutchet González, A. (2021). Uso de subproductos de la industria agroalimentaria como fuente de fibra. Respuesta de los consumidores [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180385 / TESIS / Compendio

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