Spelling suggestions: "subject:"control panel."" "subject:"coontrol panel.""
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Ergonomic Control Panel Design for a Remotely Operated Agricultural TractorMastorakos, Maria 17 January 2013 (has links)
An ergonomic control panel was designed for a remotely operated agricultural tractor. In order to inform the design, information was collected via ergonomic literature, ride-alongs with tractor operators, and interviews with tractor operators and experienced design professionals. Ride-alongs were used to determine frequency and sequence of use in agricultural tractors. The most frequently used control was the one that controlled the implement being pulled behind the tractor. There was no sequence pattern observed over all the ride-alongs. The control panel design was evaluated using design criteria from the information collected, the Index of Functionality, and the Index of Accessibility. The Index of Functionality was assessed and validated as a tool for ergonomic control panel design. The final design satisfied all the criteria outlined and achieved good index scores.
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Ergonomic Control Panel Design for a Remotely Operated Agricultural TractorMastorakos, Maria 17 January 2013 (has links)
An ergonomic control panel was designed for a remotely operated agricultural tractor. In order to inform the design, information was collected via ergonomic literature, ride-alongs with tractor operators, and interviews with tractor operators and experienced design professionals. Ride-alongs were used to determine frequency and sequence of use in agricultural tractors. The most frequently used control was the one that controlled the implement being pulled behind the tractor. There was no sequence pattern observed over all the ride-alongs. The control panel design was evaluated using design criteria from the information collected, the Index of Functionality, and the Index of Accessibility. The Index of Functionality was assessed and validated as a tool for ergonomic control panel design. The final design satisfied all the criteria outlined and achieved good index scores.
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Automatizované měřící pracoviště letecké rádiové stanice R-863 / Automatic test setup for airborne radio-communication system R-863Kropáček, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is design and realization of automatic test bench for parameters analysis of airborn radio-communication system R-863. Firstly we have taken up principles of the analysis properties of the radio system R-863. Then we proposed test bench for parameters analysis. In the next step we realize and integrate the digital control panel into the test bench. In harmony with the previous steps we have made program and software for the automatic test bench. Finally we make the user manual, which is easy to use.
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Ovládací pult pro kamerové systémy / Control Panel for Camera SystemsMarko, Juraj January 2010 (has links)
This master's thesis is describing analysis and concept of control panel for camera systems. Communication interface of control panel is ethernet. Corntol interfaces are joystick and keyboard. Chapter analysis describes interfaces RS-485, ethernet and protocols IP, TCP and UDP. The thesis also contains a proposal involving the control board and printed circuit design. The work is describing the communication protocol of control panel at the application layer and the control algorithm in detail. The thesis includes a proposal for robust box for control panel including drawings needed for construction.
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Modul elektrické zabezpečovací ústředny s komunikátorem GSM / Module of electronic security central with GSM communicatorDokulil, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design and manufacture a small modular burglar alarm control panel with an emphasis on GSM communication functions. The first part of the thesis discusses history of control panels from the first attempts to present technologies. Also a classification of wired and wireless systems is defined. The second part contains an general proposal of the GSM-enabled panel design and description of the circuit. SIM 300C module has been chosen as a GSM terminal device. The final part contains description of key parts of the firmware and a detailed manual for end users. The proposed design has been realized and succesfully tested.
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Řídicí panel pro automatizaci budov / Control panel for smart house automationŠirůček, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with smart house automation, the application of products in this field, and their use. It also describes a specific solution developed in this work for smart house automation and its hardware and software properties. The developed smart house automation panel is a compact device designed primarily for non-commercial use. It is a multipurpose device whose specific function is set by the user by selecting control instructions. This work contains a description of these instructions, the software for building them, and examples of practical applications.
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Ovládací panel s dotykovým displejem / Control Panel with TouchscreenNevoral, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this work is to design and construct a printed circuit board with touchscreen connection that will serve as a universal platform for controlling a variety of devices including industrial devices. The functionality of the board is demonstrated on control of gas boiler application. The first part attends to currently used and available graphic displays, touchscreens, communication interfaces and microcontrollers that allow control of a graphic display. The main focus is put on LCD TFT displays, resistive touch panels and microcontrollers with LCD TFT controller. The second part describes the selection of system components, design of printed circuit board and implementation of thermostat. The end of the work evaluates the produced device and discusses possible future extensions.
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Visuell kommunikation av ljusmiljöer på kontrollpaneler / Visual communicationoflit environments on lighting control panelsLindholm, Elias, Bjurström, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Utrymmen som kräver styrning mellan olika ljusscener på grund av rummets olika funktioner eller atmosfärer kräver även någon form av styrpanel. Ett problem i dagsläget är att kontrollpaneler ofta är svåra att förstå. Ett av de problem som orsakar svårmanövrerade kontrollpaneler är att slutanvändaren inte förstår den information som ges. Informationenförmedlas via text eller grafiska symboler.Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur grafiska symboler på kontrollpaneler för belysning kan förmedla tänkta ljusscenarier.Detta undersöktes genom att ta redapå vilka aspekter som var viktiga för att en grafisk symbol ska beskriva ljusegenskaper i ett rum.Frågeställningen besvaradesmed hjälp av en enkät onlinedär tre olika ljusscenarier (allmänbelysning, punktbelysning och vertikalbelysning)och niografiska symboler undersöktes.Symbolerna utvärderades av 42 deltagare.Enkäternagenererade kvantitativa data som visade vilka grafiska symboler som hade högst preferensför varje ljusscenariosamt kvalitativa data där deltagaren beskrev deras val av symbol mer ingående.Resultatenvisadeatt det fanns olika aspekter hos symbolerna som kundeförmedlaljusets egenskaper.Bland dessa var ett sätt att visualisera ljuset somett eget fysiskt objekt eller att enbart visualisera de fysiska objekt som redan fanns i rummet.De viktigaste egenskaperna som förmedlades var intensitet och ljusspridning. Resultaten visade ävenatt det fanns mer som påverkade utformningen av symboler på kontrollpaneler och inte enbart de aspekter som visualiserade ljusets egenskaper. Deltagarna kunde välja bland alla grafiska symboler förrespektive ljusscenario, men det framkom att vissa symboler valdes oftare för vissa ljusscenarier.Studienbidrar till förståelsen för hur man kan underlätta kommunikationmedanvändarenoch på så sätt bidra till att rätt ljus används för rätt tillfälle och funktion. Studien kartläggervilka egenskaper de grafiska symbolerna behöverför att förmedla ljusegenskaperoch bidrar därmedtillatt lösa problemet för hur ljusdesignernbör kommunicera med slutanvändaren. / Spaces that requires lighting control between different lighting scenarios due to the fact that the room have different functions oratmospheres also requires some kind of control panel. A problem at present is that control panels often are difficult to understand. One of the problems that are causing control panels to bedifficult to maneuvereris that fact that the end user sometimes cannot understand the information provided. Information is mediated through text or symbols.The aim of this study was to investigatehow graphicalsymbols on control panels for lighting mediates light scenarios.This was examined using a research questioninvestigatingaspectsthat areconsidered important for graphical symbolsto describe lighting characteristics ina room.This was examined using a poll withthree different lighting scenarios (general lighting, point lighting, vertical lighting) and nine graphical symbols.Symbols were evaluated byan online questionnairewith42 respondents.The questionnairesgenerated quantitativedata showing whichsymbols that was preferredfor each lighting scenario and qualitative data in whichthe participantsdescribed thereasons for theirchoicesinmoredetail.The results showedthat the symbols had different aspects that could contribute to mediatelight characteristics.One way was to visualize the light as its own physical object or visualize the physicalobjects within the room. The most important properties conveyed were light intensity and light distribution. The result further showed thatnot only the aspects mentionedaffect the compositionof graphical symbols for control panels. Non-light related aspects are also important for the composition of graphical symbols. Another finding was that somesymbols where more frequently chosenthen othersfor different lighting scenarios although the participants were able to choose amongst all symbols for each lighting scenario.This study contributes to the understandingofhow to facilitate communication with the user and thus help to use the right lightand symbolfor the right occasion and function. The study maps what characteristics the symbols need to convey light properties andthus helps to solve the problem of how communication should be given to the end user.
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Brukarens förväntningar på knapporientering och dimringsfunktionen hos styrningspanel med fyra knappar / User expectations of button placement and operation on 4-switch lighting control panels in regard to dimmingEbner, Simon, Piotrowski, Leon January 2023 (has links)
Introduction – Digital systems for lighting control are becoming increasingly common. One way to manually control these systems is through control panels with buttons. These panels can vary in both appearance (layout) and function (user interaction). These differences can create confusion and, in the worst case, result in the control equipment not being used. This study specifically focuses on panels with four buttons and aims to provide a basis for developing button panels that are as intuitive as possible for end-users. Method – To determine the preferred layout among users, a quantitative online survey with 60 respondents was conducted. Respondents were asked about their preferred button placement for controlling the dimming function on a 4-button panel. This question was repeated for three different button layouts: horizontal, vertical, and square. At the end of the survey, respondents were asked about their overall preferred layout. To determine the user's expected interaction with a button panel, an experiment was conducted. In the experiment, 36 participants tested identical panels with different types of interaction programming. They performed a task while the time was recorded, and in addition to the time, participants also provided a qualitative evaluation of which of the three panels they preferred and why. Results – The survey responses show that a vertical button layout is preferred by the majority of respondents. The top button received the most votes for the "dim-up” function, while the bottom button received the most votes for the "dim-down" function. The results from the experiment show that a panel with scene-based lighting was the fastest for performing the task. Scene-based lighting means that each button is linked to a specific lighting-scene without providing any fine-tuned manual control. A panel with continuous pressure to adjust the brightness took the longest time to complete the task. A panel with repeated "clicks" to dim the lighting fell between the other two panels in terms of time. The qualitative responses indicated that participants preferred the panel with continuous pressure, as it provided the highest degree of control. Analysis – Regarding button placement, women generally responded more uniformly than men, but the same option received a majority in both groups. Increased age of the respondents seemed to yield more ambiguous results for both button placement and layout. For the experiment's results, ANOVA tests showed that the differences in time among the different tested programming approaches were statistically significant. Discussion – Overall, the study shows that the most intuitive 4-button panel is a vertical panel with the dimming function placed at the top or bottom of the panel. The interaction with the panel should be through incremental "clicks," which represents the best compromise between the user's intuition and their own experience of control. However, the study has a significant issue with skewed participant demographics in both the survey and experiment. Therefore, this is something that could be revisited, and it would also be interesting to repeat the experiment using symbols on the buttons and compare the outcomes with this study. / Introduktion – Digitala system för belysningsstyrning blir allt vanligare, ett sätt att styra dessa system manuellt är med knappaneler som kan skilja sig åt både till utseende (layout) och funktion (hur brukare interagerar med panelen). Dessa skillnader kan skapa förvirring och leder i värsta fall till att styrutrustningen inte används. Denna studie fokuserar specifikt på paneler med fyra knappar och har som mål att ta fram underlag som kan användas för att utveckla knappaneler som är så intuitiva som möjligt för slutanvändaren. Metod – För att svara på vilken layout som föredras av brukare gjordes en kvantitativ online-enkät som skickades ut till 60 respondenter. I enkäten fick respondenterna svara på föredragen knapplacering för att styra dim-funktionen på en 4-knappspanel. Denna fråga repeterades för tre olika knapp-layouter: vågrät, lodrät, och kvadratisk layout. I slutet av enkäten frågades respondenterna vilken layout de föredrog överlag. För att svara på vilken interaktion med en knappanel som brukare förväntar sig gjordes ett experiment. I experimentet fick 36 deltagare testa identiska paneler med olika typer av interaktionsprogrammering, de fick utföra en uppgift där tiden registrerades, utöver tiden fick deltagare även ge ett kvalitativt omdöme om vilken av de tre panelerna de föredrog och varför. Resultat – Enkätsvaren visar att en lodrät knapplayout föredras av flest respondenter, knappen högst upp fick flest röster för funktionen ”dim-upp” och knappen längst ner fick flest röster för funktionen ”dim-ner”. Resultaten från experimentet visar att en panel med scenbaserad belysning var snabbast för att utföra uppgiften, scenbaserad belysning innebär att varje knapp är kopplad till ett specifikt läge utan möjlighet till mer finjusterad manuell kontroll. En panel med kontinuerligt tryck för att justera belysningsnivån tog längst tid att utföra uppgiften. En panel med repeterade ”klick” för att dimra belysningen hamnade mellan de andra två panelerna tidsmässigt. De kvalitativa svaren visade att deltagarna föredrog panelen med kontinuerligt tryck, med motiveringen att denna panel gav den högsta graden av kontroll. Analys – För knapplacering svarade kvinnor generellt mer enhälligt än män, men samma alternativ fick majoritet i båda. Ökad ålder på respondenter tycktes ge mer svårtolkade resultat, både för knapplacering och layout. För experimentets resultat visade ANOVA test att skillnaden i tid mellan de olika programmeringar som testats var statistiskt signifikanta. Diskussion – Sammantaget visar studien att den mest intuitiva 4-knappspanelen är en lodrät panel med dim-funktionen högst upp eller längst ner på panelen, interaktionen med panelen bör fungera genom stegvis ”klick”, detta är den bästa kompromissen mellan brukarens intuition och egna upplevelse av kontroll. Studien har dock ett stort problem med skev demografi hos deltagare i både enkät och experiment, därför är detta något som skulle kunna undersökas vidare, intressant vore också att göra om experimentet med symboler på knapparna och jämföra utfallet med denna studie.
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Propuesta para optimizar el tiempo de ejecución en edificaciones multifamiliares de nivel socioeconómico A y B ubicados en Lima Top y Lima Moderna en base al control de avance de las subcontratas utilizando herramientas tecnológicas en la etapa de acabados / Proposal to optimize the execution time in residentials buildings of socioeconomic level A and B located in Lima Top and Modern Lima Moderna based on the progress control of subcontractors using technological tools in the architecture stagePrat Lizier, Joaquín Ramon, Romero Navarro, Alvaro William 12 March 2021 (has links)
En Lima, la construcción de edificios multifamiliares está creciendo de forma exponencial y muchas constructoras tienen problemas para cumplir con el plazo establecido. Además, los proyectos de edificios multifamiliares cuentan con un alto número de partidas, en la cual se necesita mano de obra especializada por lo que las empresas subcontratan algunas actividades. Para esto, es necesario llevar un control de avance en la etapa de ejecución, de tal manera que la constructora pueda manejar de forma óptima, rápida y sencilla el avance de las diversas especialidades. La propuesta busca optimizar el tiempo de ejecución en edificios multifamiliares de nivel socioeconómico A y B ubicados en Lima top y Lima moderna en base al control de avance de las subcontratas utilizando herramientas tecnológicas en la etapa de acabados. En este sentido, la presente investigación desarrolla una propuesta consistente en la que se utiliza la aplicación Plan Grid para la recolección de información en obra, el software Power Bi para el procesamiento automático de la data y la visualización de un tablero de control que contiene indicadores y gráficos que reflejen el avance y rendimiento real de las partidas ejecutas, así como las principales causas de incumplimiento. La propuesta queda plasmada en una guía para el control de avance de subcontratistas y oriente a la correcta implementación. Con esto, se pueden tomar mejores decisiones y de tal manera, decidir rápidas y eficientes acciones correctivas y preventivas en base al tablero de control de avance. / In Lima, the construction of residential buildings is growing exponentially, and many construction companies are having problems meeting the established deadline. In addition, residential building projects have a high number of items, in which specialized labor is needed, which is why companies subcontract some activities. For this, it is necessary to keep track of progress in the execution stage, in such a way that the construction company can optimally, quickly and easily handle the progress of the different specialties. The proposal seeks to optimize the execution time in residential buildings of socioeconomic level A and B located in Lima top and Lima modern based on the progress control of subcontractors using technological tools in the architecture stage. In this sense, this research develops a consistent proposal in which the Plan Grid application is used to collect information on site, the Power Bi software for automatic data processing and the visualization of a dashboard that contains indicators and graphs that reflect the progress and the real performance of the executed activities, as well as the main causes of non-fulfillment. The proposal is reflected in a guide for the control progress of subcontractors and directs to the correct implementation. With this, better decisions can be made and in such a way, decide fast and efficient corrective and preventive actions based on the progress control dashboard. / Tesis
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