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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

[The] Religious Invective of Charels Chiniquy Anti-Catholic Crusader 1875-1900

Laverdure, Paul January 1984 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the contribution of Charles Chiniquy (1809-1899) to the religious life of French Canada in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Once a Roman Catholic priest, he converted to "Bible" Christianity and became a Presbyterian minister. The fluid intellectual context between the liberal "Rouge" and conservative "Bleu" elements in French Canadian society is briefly described to explain his conversion. Then, his anti-Catholic, invective - filled works from 1875 to 1900 are studied to discover his contributions to and his observations of the religious mentalities of late 19th-century North America. One finds the concepts of rhetorical repetition and expansion, a projection of moral misconduct, and a "paranoid" mindset fearful of conspiracies. / Cette thèse évalue la contribution de Charles Chiniquy (1809-1899) a la vie religieuse du Canada français dans la dernière moitie du 19e siècle. Prêtre catholique, il est devenu pasteur presbytérien par la voie d'une conversion au christianisme dit biblique. Le contexte intellectuel et fluide entre les éléments libéraux "rouges" et conservateurs "bleus" de la société canadienne-française est décrit rapidement pour expliquer sa conversion. Ensuite, ses livres anticatholiques et pleins d'invectives, de 1875 a 1900, sont étudiés pour découvrir ses apports et ses observations sur les mentalités religieuses de la fin du 19e siècle en Amérique du Nord. Nous trouvons les catégories d'amplification et de repetition rhétorique, de projection de mauvaise conduite morale, et d'un penchant intellectuel "paranoTaque" redoutant les conspirations. fr

Kvinnan, kändisen, konfliktkatalysatorn : Bilden av kändisen Anna Anka i svensk nyhetsjournalistik

Blomstrand, Nicole, Andersson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis was to examine how newspaper journalism represented the celebrity Anna Anka. Which roles and qualities did the media ascribe Anna Anka and in what way did the media frame her as a woman.</p><p>We examined texts and photographs from two Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, 16 texts were analysed. The method we used were discourse analysis with focus on relations, identities and representation.</p><p>The result showed that Anna Anka was represented in an essentially equal way in both newspapers. The image of Anna Anka seems to be multifaceted. In the texts Anna Anka becomes a symbol for conflicts that emerge in discourses regarding gender, celebrity and Swedish values. As a woman she is both portrayed as controversial and appearance-fixated. As a wife she is traditional, a woman who takes care of house and family and lets her husband be the provider. On the other hand she is described as a woman who does not follow the traditional norm, she is independent and has a possibility to support herself.</p><p>As a celebrity, Anna Anka is framed as fairly new in the public appearance. But in some texts the newspapers define her as a woman who does not deserve to be the celebrity she is. Anna Anka is well aware of how the celebrity culture works, what the media finds interesting. As a Swede Anna Anka is framed as a person who no longer quite belongs in Sweden, and therefore is allowed to criticize Sweden and the Swedish values.</p>

Hranice svobody umělecké tvorby v české společnosti / Limitations of freedom of artistic work in Czech society

Žáček, Matěj January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and identify the present status of relations between a freedom of an artistic work and a legal system of the Czech Republic with reflection of the the way the legal proceedings can affect a public opinion on artistic work. In order to delineate and understand key aspects of the freedom of expression and of the artistic work is the opening theoretical chapter of the thesis divided into two major segments using jurisprudence and aesthetics separately. The goal intended to be attained in the second chapter of this thesis is to identify the characteristics of freedom of artistic work in the most significant international treaties and national constitutional legislative system. Furthermore the chapter links the legislation to judicial practice of European Court of Human Rights, European Court of Justice and the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. The core part of the thesis consists of major Czech art vs. law cases divided into three topics by the kind of artistic expression. All cases were chosen for the influence they have had on forming of the author's of this thesis opinions on controversial art. Presented cases were compared to results of a public opinion questionnaire to evaluate the impact of chosen cases on opinions of selected sample of...

Closeness and Conflict in Children’s Friendships: Relations with Friendship Stability, Adjustment and Sociometric Status

Parker, Richard J. January 2011 (has links)
Not many children report relationships with friends that are both close and conflictual. There is a paucity of research examining the trajectory of children's relationship closeness and conflict together over time. This is unfortunate because contentious relationships are related to cardiovascular problems, at least in young adults and because the trajectories of these two aspects of children's relationship quality over time is not understood. Therefore, two longitudinal data sets with younger (mean age 7.5 years at Time 1; four data points over 2 years) and older (mean age 9.9 years at Time 1; two data points over 1 year) children were studied. In both cohorts, measures of friendship quality and peer nominations of liking/disliking as well as overt and relational (older cohort) aggression were completed. Children who reported relationships high in both closeness and conflict were generally satisfied with their friendships; they were not more likely to end their friendships than were children who reported different levels of closeness and conflict (younger cohort). Both boys' and girls' relationship closeness increased over time according to growth curve analyses. The relationships of girls who remained in the same friendship, and who therefore provided ratings on the same friend at each time point, tended to increase in closeness at a different rate over time than the relationships of girls who provided ratings on different friends (younger cohort). Children who reported relationships high in closeness and in conflict were not more aggressive over time than were children who reported different levels of relationship closeness and conflict. However, girls' closeness and overt aggression tracked each other (increased) over time (younger cohort). Girls who reported low social support and negative interactions in their friendships increased the most in overt aggression over time (older cohort). Aggressive and nonaggressive children generally reported similar friendship quality (both cohorts), but the friendship closeness of chronically aggressive boys decreased over time (younger cohort). There were negligible friendship quality differences amongst the sociometric groups. The discussion centers on friendship quality changes in children's continuing friendships, the potential dire effects of turbulent friendships and the friendships of aggressive as well as controversial children.

Cause and Effect: A Case Study on True Fruits Controversial 2017 Adverts and Consumer Responses

Janulyte, Greta January 2020 (has links)
This thesis sets out to design and execute an in-depth study of the True Fruits controversial advertisements by applying Encoding/Decoding as a theoretical model. It aims at examining visual rhetoric and through Critical Discourse Analysis understanding the cause and effect of the controversial True Fruits advertisements in their 2017 campaign. The research attempts to answer the question: ‘What happened on social media after True Fruits published their controversial advertisements in 2017?’. The thesis presents an analysis of True Fruits´ visual rhetoric in #jetztösterreichts campaign advertisements and then reveals consumer responses to it on social media in 2017. Thus, the thesis presents a comprehensive review of the relevant literature leading toward the key themes of German advertisement, controversial advertisement, and the representation of immigration in advertisements. Towards the end, it states the final remarks concluding the entire discussion and reflects upon the attempts that True Fruits made to communicate a political message and how consumers in social media responded to it.

Kontroversiella frågor i undervisningen : En kunskapsöversikt om vad kontroversiella frågor är, hur de kan hanteras och varför de är viktiga. / Controversial issues in school education : An overview of what controversial issues are based on, how they can be assessed and why they are important.

Leino, Jonathan, Söderlund, Ida January 2021 (has links)
The primary goal with this literature review was to develop a better understanding of controversial issues within school education. We formulated three questions that would help us reach this goal: What constitutes controversial issues?? How can they be assessed from a didactic point of view? Why can controversial issues be important to discuss? Our working method consisted of systematically searching for relevant literature by using a combination of selected keywords. The collected literature was evaluated and selected to be included in the results based on relevancy, The results demonstrated that controversial issues are often complex in nature, polarizing and very present in social science-education. Furthermore, there are several didactic models and tools that can be used to deal with controversial issues in educational settings. As such, our analysis shows that controversial issues may be integrated in teaching practices. This will increase the possibility for students to develop both knowledge and skills to deal with controversial questions. In social science education, teaching about controversial political issues prepares students to participate in a democratic society, enabling them to engage in discussion on controversial topics in productive and sensitive ways.

Tjäna pengar eller rädda världen? : En komparativ studie om hållbara och kontroversiella investeringars avkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden

Norén Wallin, Sandra, Habib, Hanan January 2020 (has links)
Aim: This study aims to examine whether highly ranked companies in sustainability generate a higher return then companies operating in controversial industries in the swedish market during the years 2015-2019.  Method: This study examines return and if connections exist whether the companies apply sustainability thinking or controversial industry. To investigate correlations this study uses a quantitative method thru using regression analysis with data obtained from the years2015-2019 in the swedish market. The study has formed a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis to test collected secondary data. The study is based on a deductive approach.Totally 32 companies are included in this study and the collected secondary data comes från Nasdaq and the companies own annual reports. The return is the studies dependent variable and P/E ratios, the standard deviation and ROA are used as control variables in this study.  Result and conclusion: The studies conclusion is that the result is insignificant, thesustainable companies nor the controversial companies performs better according to this studies data and analysis. The study’s regressions show no difference in returns between the studied controversial companies and the sustainable companies. The result shows neither positive nor negative relationships and therefore the study’s alternative hypothesis is rejected. / Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka ett urval av hållbara företag eller kontroversiella företag presterar en bättre avkastning på den svenska marknaden under perioden 2015-2019. Studien grundar sig på att reda ut om en hållbar investering kan ge en förklaring till investeringens avkastning.  Metod: Studien har utifrån litteraturgenomgången format en nollhypotes och alternativhypotes som har prövats med hjälp av tillämpad sekundär data. Insamlingen av den sekundära datan som studien tillämpat har byggts på en deduktiv ansats. Urvalet resulterade i att 32 företag stycken företag har undersökts. Sekundärdatan har hämtats från Nasdaq och företagens årsredovisningar. Avkastningen är använd som beroende variabeln, hållbara företag som den oberoende och P/E-tal, standardavvikelsen och ROA är studiens kontrollvariabler. Detta har testats med hjälp statiska regressionsanalyser. Resultat &amp; slutsats: Resultatet från regressions analyserna visade att inget signifikant samband inte kunde påvisas. Vilket betyder inget signifikant samband mellan hållbarhet och avkastning. Vi kunde inte se någon skillnad i avkastning mellan de studerade kontroversiella företagen och de hållbara företagen. Resultatet visar inte att sambandet är negativt eller positivt och studiens alternativ hypotes förkastas.

To Teach or Not to Teach Controversial Issues? : An Interview Study of Upper Secondary English Teachers’ Attitudes and Experiences of Teaching Controversial Issues Through Fictional Works

Swärd, Ida January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to examine how upper secondary English teachers work with foundationalvalues and controversial topics through fictional works in order to discuss the function of valuesand the civic mission in the EFL-classroom. The study was conducted using a qualitativeapproach through semi structured interviews, interviewing seven currently active uppersecondary English teachers. To structure the data from the interviews a thematic analysis wasapplied, and the theoretical approaches used for analysing the data were transformativepotential and narrative imagination.The results of this study show that the participants have an interest in using fictional workscontaining controversial issues for discussing foundational values in the classroom. The studyalso shows that there are both common challenges and advantages of teaching controversialissues through fiction. All participants had similar opinions about the advantages which werethe emergence of expanding worldviews and perspectives among pupils. The challengesmentioned among the participants were: reading in a second language, giving the pupils enoughpre-knowledge and knowing which position to take as a teacher during discussions aboutcontroversial topics. Noticeable differences in the teachers’ opinions were due to their lengthof work experience. Finally, the civic mission in the EFL-classroom could be distinguished inthe teachers’ arguments of why they implement fictional works with controversial topics intheir teaching.

Kontroversiella ämnen i samhällskunskap i gymnasieskolan

Badran, Hiba January 2019 (has links)
Ett centralt mål för ämnet samhällskunskap är att skolan ska lyfta och arbeta med ämnen som kan anses vara kontroversiella. Kontroversiella ämnesområden är baserade på individens ställningstagande och värderingar i olika ämnen och frågor. Syftet med denna undersökning är att med hjälp av kvantitativ webbenkätundersökning, teorier och tidigare forskning, undersöka lärarnas erfarenheter och synsätt kring olika kontroversiella frågor. Resultatet från enkätsvaren visar att olika centrala begrepp i ämnet samhällskunskap, som till exempel makt, politik, genus och jämställdhet, kan ses som kontroversiella och kan skapa spänningar i klassrummet. Lärare i undersökningen upplevde att de kontroversiella ämnesområdena skiljdes åt beroende på elevgrupp och vilken skola man arbetade på. Lärare nämner effektiva metoder och strategier som de använder i samband med undervisning om kontroversiella ämnesområde. Metoderna som lärare använde sig av bygger på olika kommunikationsstrategier.

Controversy and counternarrative in the social studies

Shaver, Erik James 12 May 2017 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This qualitative study sought to explore reasons why social studies teachers chose to teach controversial issues and counternarratives in their classroom in an era where doing so is dangerous for teachers and their job security, and how they go about doing so in their classrooms. The theoretical framework of this study encompassed the notion that the five selected teachers embodied and practiced elements of Foucauldian parrhēsía, which is teaching the truth despite the risk of doing so, despite not having explicit knowledge of this particular philosophy, and utilized counternarratives and controversial issues as a means of challenging dominant social norms to bring about a more just and equitable society. The existing literature suggests that their pre-service teacher education provided little influence on their decisions, despite the positive historical, personal, and democratic outcomes from teaching a curriculum exploring controversial issues and counternarratives. Five teachers were recommended for this study due to their reputations for teaching controversial issues and counternarratives in their social studies classrooms. After interviewing and observing these teachers, a number of interesting findings came to light, including a list of best practices for how to teach controversial issues in the classroom, reasons why the teachers taught controversial issues in the classroom, structures of support and barriers for teaching a critical social studies curriculum, and differences between those who believed they taught controversial issues in their classroom but did not, and those who actually did.

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