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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faire face ou vivre avec les catastrophes ? Capacités d'adaptation et capabilités dans les trajectoires de résilience individuelles et territoriales au sein de l'espace Caraïbe / Coping or living with disasters? Adaptive capacities and capabilities in individual and territorial resilience trajectories within the Caribbean area

Bénitez, Fanny 21 September 2018 (has links)
La notion de cope with souvent traduite en France par l’expression « faire face », est régulièrement utilisée pour définir et expliquer la vulnérabilité et la résilience des sociétés. L’opérationnalisation de cette notion s’accomplit grâce aux coping capacities. Les cadres internationaux de prévention et de gestion insistent sur la nécessité de développer ces capacités à l’échelle des communautés et des territoires, en préparant les individus à « faire face », afin de réduire leur vulnérabilité et les rendre résilients.Le cope with n’a pourtant jamais été clairement décrit et surtout défini dans la littérature scientifique. En partant de ce constat, cette thèse va chercher à comprendre les liens existants entre la vulnérabilité, le cope with et la résilience. Pour cela, la recherche s’appuie sur l’étude des trajectoires de résilience territoriales et individuelles dans le contexte caribéen. Trois terrains d’étude, qui ont subi chacun des crises majeures, ont été choisis : La Martinique, La Guadeloupe et Haïti. L’enquête de terrain s’est appuyée sur la collecte de récits de vie, sur des entretiens et des questionnaires, sur de l’observation participante et non participante mais aussi sur un travail d’archives.Cette thèse démontre plusieurs résultats. Premièrement, les trajectoires de résilience territoriales ne coïncident pas avec les trajectoires de résilience individuelles. La résilience du territoire n’implique pas forcément celle de ses habitants et inversement. La thèse spécifie ici les différents états que peut prendre la résilience territoriale et individuelle et revient sur les notions de crise et de catastrophe. Ensuite, le cope with peut être appréhendé grâce aux réponses que les gens mettent en œuvre face aux perturbations. Ces réponses font l’objet d’une typologie, puis sont réinterprétées grâce aux notions d’ajustement et d’adaptation, ce qui permet de revenir sur la traduction du cope with. La thèse montre enfin qu’il n’y a pas de causalité linéaire entre la mise en œuvre des coping capacities des individus, les réponses observées et la résilience. L’approche par les capabilités, développée par A. Sen, est alors appliquée au champ des risques et des catastrophes. Elle permet de montrer l’importance des choix et de la liberté individuelle, et de recontextualiser le cope with. Cette thèse propose alors de remplacer la notion de coping capacities par celle de coping capabilities, pour comprendre comment chaque individu « fait face », dans une situation précise, dans un contexte territorial précis et dans une temporalité particulière à un événement singulier. / The notion of cope with, often translated in french by the expression "faire face", is usually used to define and explain the vulnerability and resilience of societies. This concept is made effective through coping capacities. International prevention and management frameworks emphasize the need to develop these capacities at the community and territorial scales by preparing individuals to "cope" in order to reduce their vulnerability and make them resilient.However the notion of cope with has never been clearly described and defined in scientific literature. Based on this observation, this thesis aims at understanding the existing links between vulnerability, cope with and resilience. To this end, the research is based on the study of territorial and individual trajectories of resilience in the Caribbean context. Three study areas which has suffered major crises, have been chosen : Martinique, Guadeloupe and Haiti. The investigation was based on the collection of life stories, interviews and questionnaires, participant and non-participant observation and archival work.This thesis demonstrates several results. First, territorial resilience trajectories do not coincide with individual resilience trajectories. The resilience of the territory does not necessarily imply the resilience of inhabitants and inversely. The thesis here specifies the different states that territorial and individual resilience can take on and goes back over the notions of crisis and disaster. Then, the notion of cope with can be grasped thanks to the answers that people implement in the face of disturbances. These answers are the subject of a typology, then reinterpreted thanks to the notions of adjustment and adaptation, which makes it possible to return to the translation of the cope with. Finally, the thesis demonstrates that there is no linear causality between the implementation of individuals' coping capacities, observed responses and resilience. The capability approach developed by A. Sen is then applied to the area of risks and disasters. It shows the importance of individual choices and freedom, and to recontextualize the notion of cope with. This thesis proposes then to replace the notion of coping capacities by the concept of coping capabilities, to understand how each individual "cope with", in a precise situation, on a given territory and in a particular temporality.

Divorce, parent education, and litigation

Free, Stephen H. January 1998 (has links)
This study investigated whether attendance at the Children Cope With Divorce program for divorcing parents was associated with differences in the litigation behavior of the parents consistent with a lowered level of conflict between the parties. 130 cases from Morgan County, Indiana, in which the parents attended the program were randomly selected and compared with 130 cases from the same county in which the parents did not attend the program. As a control, 130 cases from before, and 130 cases from after the date on which program attendance became a requirement in Morgan County, were randomly selected from Tipton County, Indiana, where divorcing parents do not attend a program.Measures of mean time in litigation (MTL) and of the numbers of 4 types of court petition were obtained for each of the 4 groups from court records. Four hypotheses predicting an association between program attendance and shorter MTLs and lower mean numbers of court petitions filed were tested. Hypotheses One and Two were tested by one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Hypothesis Three was tested by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Hypothesis Four was tested by 2 X 2 multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). All test results were nonsignificant. None of the hypotheses was supported.Possible reasons for the nonsignificant results are presented, as are limitations of the design and methodology. Other possible dependent variables which might be measured are described. The importance of collecting demographic data is mentioned. Limitations of the program studied in this project are discussed at length. In the absence of clear evidence of the effectiveness of any type of such program for divorcing parents, the courts must weigh the possible value of such a program against its cost. However, given our present state of knowledge about such programs, sponsors should select a program which presents a broad range of information. / Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services

Motstånd vid förändring av ekonomisystem - utifrån institutionell teori

Larsson, Josefina, Åkerberg, Anna, Persson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is, on the basis of institutional theory, to contribute with more</p><p>understanding about resistance to management accounting change and also to survey reasons</p><p>for the resistance and how to cope with the resistance.</p><p>The study is a qualitative case study and semi-structured interviews have been used to</p><p>complement the study’s theoretical area, consisting of scientific articles.</p><p>The conclusion from the study is that resistance to management accounting change can be</p><p>understood and explained by the institutions of each organisation and its underlying structures. A</p><p>further conclusion is, with the structures in mind there are many reasons for resistance and also</p><p>many ways to cope with the resistance. A model has been produced in purpose to create</p><p>understanding and to survey the resistance to management accounting change.</p>

Motstånd vid förändring av ekonomisystem - utifrån institutionell teori

Larsson, Josefina, Åkerberg, Anna, Persson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study is, on the basis of institutional theory, to contribute with more understanding about resistance to management accounting change and also to survey reasons for the resistance and how to cope with the resistance. The study is a qualitative case study and semi-structured interviews have been used to complement the study’s theoretical area, consisting of scientific articles. The conclusion from the study is that resistance to management accounting change can be understood and explained by the institutions of each organisation and its underlying structures. A further conclusion is, with the structures in mind there are many reasons for resistance and also many ways to cope with the resistance. A model has been produced in purpose to create understanding and to survey the resistance to management accounting change.

經營環境與風險對抗策略之研究-以大陸投資風險為例 / The research of environment and strategies to coping with risk - The case study of investment risk in Mainland China

蘇鵬飛, Su, Peng Fei Unknown Date (has links)
風險發生的本質來自於組織與環境無法保持適當的配合。如果組織與環境能夠時時保持適當的配合,任何時候環境發生改變,組織亦能在瞬間跟著調整(具有完全的彈性),則組織的營運便沒有任何風險;但是,因為組織存在著僵固性╱依賴性使得企業無法立刻跟著環境作適當的調整,而發生組織無法與環境配合的情況,組織的生存於是受到威脅,風險於焉發生。申言之,風險的發生必須趨動因子(環境的不確定性)與乘數因子(內部資源的僵固性╱外部關係的依賴性)同時在在才會發生。   企業為了將投入轉換為產出必須依賴核心技術,由於核心技術存在僵固性,必須處在一個穩定的環境中才能發揮效率,然而,企業是一個開放系統,必須向外界取得所需的資源,各種環境因素與利益關係人的不確定性均會對企業的核心技術穩定運作產生威脅,也會造成企業核心資源的流失,使企業的營運面臨風險,因此風險對抗策略的短期目標在於適當的處理環境的風險以維持核心技術的穩定運作;長期目標則在於選擇適當的核心技術、改變組織習性,以確保組織的核心資源並能維持適當的彈性。   風險對抗策略可分成二大類(六大策略),第一類是由處理環境的不確定性的角度出發,分別為降低風險、轉移風險、分散風險、隔離風險;另一類是由改變組織的習性(僵固性╱依賴性)的角度出發,可分為增加彈性與累積雄厚的資源。   以風險矩陣與六大風險對抗策略為基礎可以建構風險管理模式,風險管理模式可以告訴經理人如何選擇可行的風險對抗策略。當企業可選擇的風險對抗策略愈多時,企業的風險對抗能力愈強,主觀的風險水準愈低(申言之,在相同的客觀風險水準之下,若企業的風險對抗能力愈強,主觀的風險水準愈低)。企業經理人若能依照風險管理模式進行風險管理,相信必能使「企業活得很久!」。

Įkalinimo įstaigoje bausmę atliekančių asmenų emocinės būsenos bei stresogeninių įvykių įveikos strategijų sąsajos adaptaciniu periodu / Links between the emotional states and strategies to cope with the stressogenic events of the persons, who are serving sentence in prisons, during the adaptation period

Gutmanaitė, Gintarė 14 January 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – patikrinti ar egzistuoja įkalinimo įstaigoje bausmę atliekančių asmenų emocinės būsenos bei stresogeninių įvykių įveikos strategijų sąsajos adaptaciniu periodu. Tyrime dalyvavo 200 nuteistų pilnamečių vyrų, laisvės atėmimo bausmę atliekančių Pravieniškių 1- uose pataisos namuose. Tiriamiesiems 1-ąją atvykimo į pataisos namus dieną ir praėjus adaptacijos laikotarpiui (po trijų mėnesių) buvo išdalinami klausimynai, kuriuos sudarė šios metodikos: nerimo skalė iš HAD (Hospital Anxiety and Depression) metodikos; COPE – įveikos strategijų klausimynas; BEKO (Beck Depression Inventory) testas, skirtas įvertinti nuotaikos pokyčius; psichologinei įtampai įvertinti skirta metodika (Oprosnik travmatičeskovo stresa dlia diagnostiki psichologičeskix posledctvi); tarpasmeniniui bendravimui įvertinti skirta metodika. Siekiant įvertinti nuteistųjų emocinę būklę bei stresogeninių įvykių įveikos strategijų sąsajas tik atvykus į pataisos namus ir pasibaigus adaptacijai, tie patys asmenys buvo tiriami du kartus. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad egzistuoja emocinės būsenos bei stresogeninių įvykių įveikos strategijų sąsajos adaptaciniu periodu: tik atvykus į įkalinimo įstaigą ir adaptacijai pasibaigus, nuteistieji naudoja visas galimas įveikos strategijas, t.y. tiek į problemą nukreiptą įveikimą, tiek į emocijas nukreiptą įveikimą, tiek mažiau adaptyvaus įveikimo strategijas. Pažymėtina, kad adaptacijai pasibaigus, įveikos strategijos naudojamos rečiau nei tik atvykus į įkalinimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of work is to check, whether there are links between the emotional states and strategies to cope with the stressogenic events of the persons, who are serving sentence in prisons, during the adaptation period. 200 sentenced adult men were participating in the research. They serve their sentence in the 1st Penitentiary of Pravieniskes. The questionnaires were distributed to the convicts on the first day of their arrival to the penitentiary and again after the adaptation period (after three months). The questionnaires were made from the following methodologies: scale of anxiety from HAD (Hospital Anxiety and Depression) methodology; COPE – questionnaire of coping strategies; BEKO (Beck Depression Inventory) test meant to evaluate the changes in mood; methodology of traumatic stress (Oprosnik travmatičeskovo stresa dlia diagnostiki psichologičeskix posledctvi); and the methodology meant to evaluate the interpersonal communication. The same persons were analyzed twice in order to evaluate the links between the emotional states and strategies to cope with the stressogenic events of the convicts on the arrival date to the penitentiary and after the adaptation period. According to the research results, there are the links between the emotional states and strategies to cope with the stressogenic events during the adaptation period: on the arrival and after the adaptation period the convicts use all the possible coping strategies, i.e. problem-orientated coping... [to full text]

ENTREPRENEURIAL VENTURE FAILURE EXPERIENCES : AN ANALYSIS INTO CAUSES, COSTS, ANDOUTCOMES OF VENTURE FAILURE / Företagande misslyckande erfarenheter : En analys i orsaker, kostnader och resultat av företagets misslyckande

PIADEHBASMENJ, AMIRALI January 2016 (has links)
Forskning om entreprenörskap fokuserar på framgång som ignorerar den höga felfrekvensen av Nya företag. Många nya företag misslyckas så hur entreprenörer hantera det när deras företag misslyckas? Framgångsrika entreprenörer prisar fördelarna med misslyckande som en värdefull lärare. Resultatet av misslyckande regelbundet fylld med ekonomiska, sociala, psykologiska och fysiska hälsoproblem. Syftet med denna forskning är att bedöma företagets misslyckande upplevelser för företagare, från det ögonblick resultatet genom att  återhämtningen för att hantera företagande fel och avsluta för påverkan av den slutna företag.  I denna forskning aspekter av livet som påverka av entreprenörs fel undersöka ekonomiskt, socialt och psykologiskt att belysa faktorer som kan påverka mängden av kostnaderna för ett misslyckande. Därefter beskriver forskningen hur entreprenörer lära av misslyckanden. Den presenterar på resultaten av företagets misslyckande, inklusive hantera fel och återhämtning tillsammans med kognitiva och beteendemässiga utfall. / Research on entrepreneurship focuses on success which ignores the high failure rate of new ventures. Many new ventures fail so how entrepreneurs deal with it when their venture    fails? Successful entrepreneurs praising the advantages of failure as a valuable teacher. The result of failure is regularly filled with economic, social, psychological, and physical health disorder. The aim of this research is to assessment venture failure experiences for entrepreneurs, from the instant result through to recovery for coping with entrepreneurial failure and exit for impact of the closed venture. In this research, aspects of life affected by entrepreneurial failure examine economically, socially and psychologically in highlighting factors that may influence the amount of costs of failure. Next, the research describes how entrepreneurs learn from failure. It presents on the outcomes of venture failure, including coping with failure and recovery together with cognitive and behavioral outcomes. The main objective of the research study is to understand the failure from entrepreneurs    who have experienced it and also to make a theoretical framework of failure based on entrepreneurial venture failure experiences. Every entrepreneur starts up a venture with high expectations of achieving success. Failure can be emotionally disturbing, devastating,  painful, distressing and costly for the entrepreneur who may have to aspect the stigma of failure and the loss of reputation. The entrepreneur can get involved in grief, heartache, anxiety, depression, shame, rejection and discouragement (Politis &amp; Gabrielsson, 2009). The purpose of the research is to investigate how entrepreneurs realize and react to venture  failure. Moreover, entrepreneurs are looking for positive aspects of failure as enhancing experiences that help their coping with entrepreneurial failure, learning from failure, the willingness to begin a new venture and also trigger changes in upcoming decision-making. The purpose of the research is to take a view of the existed experience of failure, taking into consideration impact from the entrepreneurship.

Identifikace náročných životních situací a jejich zvládání u adolescentů /gymnasistů/. / The identification of difficult life situations and their overcoming by adolescents (grammer school students).

HANDLÍŘOVÁ, Ludmila January 2007 (has links)
This diploma work consists of theorethical and practical part. The theorethical part contains general characteristics of difficult life situations as stress, frustration and conflict. There are also mentioned techniques and factors for coping difficult life situations. The practical part contains a research, which deals perception difficult life situations by adolescents. The research was carried out by two questionnaires. At the end of the practical part there is a summary and an evaluation of results.

Entrepreneurial Venture Failure Experiences : An analysis into causes, costs, and outcomes of venture failure / Företagande misslyckande erfarenheter : En analys i orsaker, kostnader och resultat av företagets misslyckande

Piadehbasmenj, Amirali January 2016 (has links)
Research on entrepreneurship focuses on success which ignores the high failure rate of new ventures. Many new ventures fail so how entrepreneurs deal with it when their venture fails? Successful entrepreneurs praising the advantages of failure as a valuable teacher. The result of failure is regularly filled with economic, social, psychological, and physical health disorder. The aim of this research is to assessment venture failure experiences for entrepreneurs, from the instant result through to recovery for coping with entrepreneurial failure and exit for impact of the closed venture. In this research, aspects of life affected by entrepreneurial failure examine economically, socially and psychologically in highlighting factors that may influence the amount of costs of failure. Next, the research describes how entrepreneurs learn from failure. It presents on the outcomes of venture failure, including coping with failure and recovery together with cognitive and behavioral outcomes. The main objective of the research study is to understand the failure from entrepreneurs who have experienced it and also to make a theoretical framework of failure based on entrepreneurial venture failure experiences. Every entrepreneur starts up a venture with high expectations of achieving success. Failure can be emotionally disturbing, devastating, painful, distressing and costly for the entrepreneur who may have to aspect the stigma of failure and the loss of reputation. The entrepreneur can get involved in grief, heartache, anxiety, depression, shame, rejection and discouragement (Politis &amp; Gabrielsson, 2009). The purpose of the research is to investigate how entrepreneurs realize and react to venture failure. Moreover, entrepreneurs are looking for positive aspects of failure as enhancing experiences that help their coping with entrepreneurial failure, learning from failure, the willingness to begin a new venture and also trigger changes in upcoming decision-making. The purpose of the research is to take a view of the existed experience of failure, taking into consideration impact from the entrepreneurship. / Forskning om entreprenörskap fokuserar på framgång som ignorerar den höga felfrekvensen av nya företag. Många nya företag misslyckas så hur entreprenörer hantera det när deras företag misslyckas? Framgångsrika entreprenörer prisar fördelarna med misslyckande som en värdefull lärare. Resultatet av misslyckande regelbundet fylld med ekonomiska, sociala, psykologiska och fysiska hälsoproblem. Syftet med denna forskning är att bedöma företagets misslyckande upplevelser för företagare, från det ögonblick resultatet genom att återhämtningen för att hantera företagande fel och avsluta för påverkan av den slutna företag. I denna forskning aspekter av livet som påverkas av entreprenörs fel undersöka ekonomiskt, socialt och psykologiskt att belysa faktorer som kan påverka mängden av kostnaderna för ett misslyckande. Därefter beskriver forskningen hur entreprenörer lära av misslyckanden. Den presenterar på resultaten av företagets misslyckande, inklusive hantera fel och återhämtning tillsammans med kognitiva och beteendemässiga utfall.

Každodenní život žen na rodičovské dovolené ve středních Čechách (2015 - 2020) / The currently maternity daily life in middle Bohemia (in the time from 2015 to 2020)

Vyčichlová, Karolína January 2022 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FAKULTA HUMANITNÍCH STUDIÍ Pracoviště historické sociologie Bc. Karolína Vyčichlová Každodenní život žen na rodičovské dovolené ve středních Čechách (2015 - 2020) Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Bohuslav Šalanda, CSc. Praha 2021 Abstract Thesis Everyday life of women on parental leave in Central Bohemia deals with the study of everyday life of mothers on maternity and parental, what they face and what is hidden under this "vacation-work". It deals with how they look for information needed for care and education, including food preparation, vaccinations and illness. Furthermore, a study of the financial side of women and families in the transition from employment / self-employed to income from the state. How women cope with changing their life biorhythm. I also deal with the transition of mothers from clearly defined working hours and time in the team, to stay at home. The last task of my work is the influence of technologies and social networks on the upbringing of a child and the life of the mother, the whole family. The aim is to find out if there are now new phenomena in the group of mothers. I am interested in the influence of social networks that were not previously available to mothers on the life not only of women but also of children (upbringing) (artificial...

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