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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What affects what and what affects that? : A quantitative study on risk and uncertainty’s influence on change in strategic decision making and the moderating role of corporate governance mechanisms.

Farbotko, Lucas, Ödéen, Jonatan January 2023 (has links)
Background: Risk and uncertainty as a concept resides in unknown results and uncertainties with the ability of affecting firms. With its ability to affect, comes the necessity for firms to adapt in its corporate strategic decision making. Corporate governance in its broad terms has been shown to impact strategic decision making. As the factors affecting it are not unanimous among prior literature, corporate governance mechanisms' relationship to risk is therefore relevant to examine in order to create a deeper understanding within the subject. Purpose: This paper aims to explain the relationship between strategic decision making with risk and uncertainty as well as the influence on this relationship from corporate governance mechanisms. Additionally, by studying these relationships in a Swedish context, we aim to build upon existing literature of corporate governance. Method: This study uses a positivist deductive approach using a quantitative strategy to investigate the risk-strategic relationship and the influence of corporate governance mechanisms. The study uses a research setting of Swedish firms listed at least one year on the large cap list on Stockholm stock exchange. The data was collected through financial and non-financial databases and annual reports. The data was analyzed using statistical tests. Findings: Change in R&D, capital structure, and employees are all impacted by risk and uncertainty, but change in dividends, intangible assets, and internationalization are unaffected. Risk-strategic connections are influenced by corporate governance mechanisms, but the effect of board independence is negligible. CEO age and gender impact, but not compensation. Identity of ownership matters, however not the concentration.

Correlations Between Corporate Governance, Financial Performance, and Market Value

Darweesh, Mohamed Saleh 01 January 2015 (has links)
Corporate governance can play a significant role in financial market stability and economic development. Corporate governance scholars have provided controversial results with respect to the relationships between corporate governance and both corporate financial performance and market value. Based on agency theory and institutional theory, the purpose of this correlational study was to investigate the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms, financial performance, and market value in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's 116 firms from 2010 to 2014. Financial performance was measured by return on assets and return on equity, while market value was measured by Tobin's q. Corporate governance mechanisms involved in this study were board size, board independence, board committees, ownership structure, and executive compensation. The financial statements and corporate governance mechanisms collected from the websites of sampled firms and the Saudi stock market (Tadawul). The findings of multiple regression tests revealed a statistically significant relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and both corporate financial performance and market value. This study may contribute to social change by building confidence in the Saudi capital market and improving the lives of stakeholders and community in general. The results may help business leaders understand the influence of corporate governance on their firms' success and the country's growth. Academic researchers, investors, regulatory bodies, practitioners, and experts in the area of corporate governance may benefit as well.

Impact des mécanismes de gouvernance sur la création et la répartition de la valeur partenariale / Impact of corporate governance mechanisms on the creation and distribution of stakeholder value

Khaldi, Mohamed Ali 12 December 2014 (has links)
La multiplication des scandales financiers depuis l'an 2000 suscite des débats et des controverses sur la gouvernance des entreprises cotées en bourse. Dans le paradigme contractuel, les débats sur la gouvernance ont largement consacré la valeur actionnariale comme modèle dominant, et dans lequel les actionnaires sont les seuls créanciers résiduels. Toutefois, la théorie des parties prenantes part du principe que la relation d'agence actionnaire-dirigeant doit s'élargir aux autres partenaires intervenant dans la chaîne de valeur, et qu'il faut abandonner l'hypothèse du statut de créancier résiduel exclusif des actionnaires. Cet abandon conduit à s'interroger sur le partage de la rente organisationnelle, ou valeur partenariale créée par la firme. Plus précisément, le concept de valeur partenariale soulève les questions de sa mesure, de son appropriation par les différents partenaires, et du rôle des mécanismes de gouvernance à ce niveau. L'objectif de cette recherche est, dans un premier temps, d'examiner le rôle joué par les mécanismes de gouvernance propres à la firme (caractéristiques du conseil, structure de propriété) sur la valeur partenariale créée, puis, dans un deuxième temps, sur l'appropriation de cette valeur partenariale par la firme et par ses parties prenantes explicites. Les tests empiriques portent sur un panel de 103 sociétés françaises cotées observées sur trois années (2006, 2008 et 2010). Les résultats suggèrent que quatre mécanismes ressortent globalement positivement associés à la valeur partenariale créée : la taille et l'indépendance du conseil, le pouvoir actionnarial des salariés, et la présence d'un comité d'éthique et/ou de gouvernance (CEG). En matière d'appropriation, deux mécanismes de gouvernance semblent jouer un rôle. Premièrement, la taille du conseil permettrait aux actionnaires et aux fournisseurs de capter davantage de rente organisationnelle, au détriment des clients et de la firme elle-même. Deuxièmement, la présence d'un CEG incite à une meilleure prise en compte des intérêts de certaines parties prenantes non-financières dans le partage de la rente (clients, salariés), alors que la part de rente que s'approprient les apporteurs de capitaux financiers (actionnaires et créanciers) diminue. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats concernant la mise en place d'un CEG s'avèrent encourageant quant à la capacité de ce mécanisme à promouvoir une véritable gouvernance partenariale au sein des firmes cotées. / The multiplication of financial scandals since year 2000 induced debates and controversies about the governance of public companies. In the contracting paradigm, the debates on corporate governance have largely relied on shareholder value as a dominant model, in which shareholders are the only residual claimants. However, the stakeholder theory builds on the principle that the shareholder-manager agency relationship has to widen to the others stakeholders who intervene in the value creation chain, and that it is necessary to get rid of the hypothesis that shareholders are exclusive residual claimants. This move brings questions about the sharing of the organizational rent, or stakeholder value created by the firm. More specifically, the concept of stakeholder value raises questions about its measurement, its appropriation by the various stakeholders, and about the role of corporate governance mechanisms on that ground. The objective of this research is to investigate the role of firm-specific governance mechanisms (board characteristics, ownership structure) on the creation of stakeholder value on the one hand, and on the distribution of that stakeholder value to the firm and to its explicit stakeholders, on the other hand. Empirical tests are based on a panel of 103 French listed companies observed over three years (2006, 2008, and 2010). The main findings suggest that four mechanisms stand out globally positively associated to the stakeholder value created: board size and board independence, employees' voting rights (shareholder power), and the presence of an Ethics and/or Governance Committee (EGC). In terms of appropriation, two governance mechanisms seem to play a role. Firstly, board size would result in a larger part of the organizational rent captured by shareholders and suppliers, at the expense of customers and the firm itself. Secondly, the presence of an EGC results in a better consideration of the interests of some non-financial stakeholders (customers and employees), whereas the share of rent that is appropriated by financial capital providers (shareholders and debt-holders) decreases. Overall, our results concerning the implementation of an EGC turn out encouraging regarding the capacity of such mechanism to promote effective stakeholder governance within listed companies.

Three essays on corporate governance in the hospitality industry

Li, Yuan 14 November 2019 (has links)
The hospitality industry, with its dynamic business environment, has experienced unprecedented disruption and reconfiguration due to the emergence and success of sharing economy firms and online travel agencies. This turbulence calls for effective governance structures that can motivate managers to act in their shareholders' best interests. Despite the importance of effective corporate governance for firm performance and the topic receiving extensive scholarly attention in the management and finance literatures, there seem to be several gaps and mixed findings in the hospitality academic field. To facilitate scholarly advancement, identify gaps in the current knowledge base, and provide direction for future research, in the first essay I undertake a systematic review of research on corporate governance in the hospitality literature. Based on 115 peer-reviewed articles published since 1961, I identify 21 themes explored by scholars, and find that topics related to institutional ownership, executive compensation determinants, board size, and merger and acquisition (MandA) outcomes are commonly examined, whereas topics related to family ownership, debt, and regulation/law are seldom explored. This review contributes to the literature by taking stock of what we know and offering a one-stop-shop for scholars to understand and extend corporate governance literature published in the hospitality field. While evidence in the general business literature suggests that targets, instead of acquirers, are better off after the acquisition, limited studies in the hospitality industry have shown that both bidders and targets are better off after the merger, suggesting that MandAs are more successful in the hospitality industry than in other industries. In the second essay, I empirically examine whether this is indeed the case and what may explain the potential discrepancy in merger performance. Using a comparative study design and a comprehensive sample over 41 years, I find that overall acquirers gain from MandAs, and hospitality MandAs outperform non-hospitality MandAs. Bidders in the hospitality industry are more likely than non-hospitality bidders to acquire large, related targets, using an all-cash mode of payment. Except for industry relatedness, relative size, cash payment, and unlisted target are all positively related to merger performance. This study contributes to the literature by identifying several factors that can explain the differences in MandA performance between hospitality and non-hospitality firms. Despite the fact that MandAs are frequently pursued as a growth strategy in the hospitality industry, their effect on chief executive officer (CEO) compensation has not been systematically examined. Considering that CEO compensation is an important topic related to firm performance, management, and social responsibility, in the third essay I examine the relationship between MandAs and CEO compensation in a sample of hospitality firms consisting of 1,514 firm-year observations over a period of 27 years. The regression analyses find that CEO compensation is significantly higher in the year after large acquisitions; well-governed firms identified via tenure, the Entrenchment-index, and board independence pay their CEOs higher post-acquisition than poorly-governed firms; the fraction of equity-based compensation is unrelated to MandA propensity; and the fraction of cash-based compensation is negatively related to MandA propensity. The additional analyses indicate that CEOs are rewarded for positive stock returns but not penalized for negative stock returns, and even more so in well-governed firms after acquisition. This study finds that MandAs and corporate governance are determinants of CEO compensation and the form of CEO compensation matters to acquisition decisions in hospitality firms. The findings are of importance for shareholders and the board of directors to design compensation plans that align the interests of managers and shareholders. / Doctor of Philosophy / The hospitality industry, with its dynamic business environment, has experienced unprecedented disruption and reconfiguration due to the emergence and success of sharing economy firms and online travel agencies. This turbulence calls for effective governance structures that can motivate managers to act in their shareholders' best interests. Despite the importance of effective corporate governance for firm performance and the topic receiving extensive scholarly attention in the management and finance literatures, there seem to be several gaps and mixed findings in the hospitality academic field. To facilitate scholarly advancement, identify gaps in the current knowledge base, and provide direction for future research, in the first essay I undertake a systematic review of research on corporate governance in the hospitality literature, and find that topics related to institutional ownership, executive compensation determinants, board size, and merger and acquisition (MandA) outcomes are commonly examined, whereas topics related to family ownership, debt, and regulation/law are seldom explored. This review contributes to the literature by taking stock of what we know and offering a one-stop-shop for scholars to understand and extend corporate governance literature published in the hospitality field. In the second essay, I empirically examine whether MandAs are more successful in the hospitality industry than in other industries and what may explain the potential discrepancy in merger performance. I find that overall acquirers gain from MandAs, and hospitality MandAs outperform non-hospitality MandAs. Bidders in the hospitality industry are more likely than non-hospitality bidders to acquire large, related targets, using an all-cash mode of payment. Except for industry relatedness, relative size, cash payment, and unlisted target are all positively related to merger performance. This study contributes to the literature by identifying several factors that can explain the differences in MandA performance between hospitality and non-hospitality firms. In the third essay I examine the relationship between MandAs and CEO compensation in a sample of hospitality firms, and find that CEO compensation is significantly higher in the year after large acquisitions; well-governed firms identified via tenure, the Entrenchment-index, and board independence pay their CEOs higher post-acquisition than poorly-governed firms; the fraction of equity-based compensation is unrelated to MandA propensity; and the fraction of cash-based compensation is negatively related to MandA propensity. The additional analyses indicate that CEOs are rewarded for positive stock returns but not penalized for negative stock returns, and even more so in well-governed firms after acquisition. This study finds that MandAs and corporate governance are determinants of CEO compensation and the form of CEO compensation matters to acquisition decisions in hospitality firms. The findings are of importance for shareholders and the board of directors to design compensation plans that align the interests of managers and shareholders.

Drivers and economic consequences of quality of disclosure of non-GAAP measures

Dent, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
The full text will be available at the end of the embargo period: 31st December 2026.

Olika bolagsstyrningsmekanismers påverkan på miljömässiga och finansiella prestationer : En jämförande studie mellan Sverige, Tyskland och Frankrike / The impact of different corporate governance mechanisms on environmental and financial performance : A comparative study between Sweden, Germany, and France

Gustafsson, Simon, Hultberg, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den globala uppvärmningen är en av vår tids stora utmaningar. Företagen står för en stor del av utsläppen och därav är det av vikt hur företagen styrs framåt, då styrningen påverkar företagens miljöarbete. Olika mekanismer av bolagsstyrning kan påverka företagens miljöarbete och dessa mekanismer kan även tänkas variera i påverkan mellan olika institutionella kontexter. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att göra en jämförande studie mellan Sverige, Tyskland och Frankrike angående om bolagsstyrningsmekanismer har en påverkan på finansiella och miljömässiga prestationer samt om miljömässiga prestationer har en påverkan på finansiella prestationer. Metod: Metoden som använts är longitudinell och komparativ med en deduktiv ansats. Agentteorin, aktieägarperspektivet, intressentteorin, legitimitetsteorin, CSR som praktisk tillämpning samt tidigare forskning har legat till grund för studiens hypoteser. Slutsatser: Resultaten ger indikationer på att det finns både likheter och skillnader i vilken relation bolagsstyrningsmekanismerna har med miljömässiga och finansiella prestationer mellan länderna. Relationer mellan miljömässiga och finansiellaprestationer finns endast i Tyskland och Frankrike, vilket tyder på att det finns skillnader mellan länderna i vilken påverkan miljöarbetet i ett företag kan ha på lönsamheten. / Background: Global warming is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Companies is responsible for a large part of the emissions and how companies are governed moving forward is of importance since governance impacts companies’ environmental work. Different mechanisms in corporate governance may impact their environmental work and the mechanisms may vary in impact between different institutional contexts. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to do a comparative study between Sweden, Germany, and France regarding whether certain mechanisms in corporate governance may have an impact on financial and environmental performance and also if environmental performance has an impact on financial performance. Method: The method used is a combination of longitudinal and comparative method with a deductive approach. Agency theory, shareholder perspective, stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory, CSR as a practical application as well as former research is used to formulate the hypotheses of the study. Conclusion: The results of the study indicate that both similarities and differences in the relationship between corporate governance and financial and environmental performance exists between the countries. Relationships between environmental and financial performance is only existing in Germany and France, which indicates that there are differences between the countries regarding the impact environmental work in a company may have on profitability.

Relação entre mecanismos de governança corporativa e medidas de performance econômica das empresas brasileiras integrantes do índice Brasil da bolsa de valores de São Paulo / Relationship among corporte governance mechanisms and economic performance measures of Brazilian enterprise that comprise Brazil index IBX of the São Paulo stock exchange

Rozo, Jose Danubio 30 October 2003 (has links)
Até cerca de vinte anos, o termo Corporate Governance (Governança Corporativa) não existia na língua inglesa. Os códigos de boas práticas de Governança Corporativa começaram a surgir no início dos anos noventa na Inglaterra, nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, em resposta ao desempenho insatisfatório de companhias líderes, percebido como uma deficiência de efetividade dos conselhos de administração, e em resposta às pressões exercidas pelos investidores institucionais. No Brasil, o termo Governança Corporativa é ainda mais recente, mas já começa a ser preocupação e a merecer a atenção de pesquisadores, Bolsa de Valores e associações. Este estudo objetiva identificar possíveis relações entre variáveis independentes, representativas de mecanismos de Governança Corporativa, e medidas de performance econômica de empresas integrantes do Índice Brasil IBX da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo BOVESPA, com dados do período de 1997 a 2001.Utilizando a técnica estatística de dados em painel, modelo de componentes de erros, trabalha-se 16 variáveis independentes representando os mecanismos de Governança Corporativa: concentração de propriedade (5 variáveis), características do conselho de administração (3 variáveis), capital votante (1 variável), remuneração da diretoria executiva (2 variáveis), política financeira (3 variáveis), controle interno (1 variável) e mais uma variável de controle representando o tamanho das empresas. Essas variáveis são regredidas contra cada uma das cinco variáveis de medidas de performance econômica estudadas. Tais variáveis mediram o Market Value Added, a razão preço de mercado e valor patrimonial da ação, TOBINS Q, rentabilidade sobre o ativo e rentabilidade sobre o patrimônio líquido. Os resultados indicam que a concentração de propriedade, o capital votante, a remuneração da diretoria executiva e a política financeira são relacionadas à performance econômica. Surpreendentemente, o capital votante e a remuneração da diretoria executiva são negativamente relacionados à performance. Observa-se, também, que a medida de performance econômica utilizada faz diferença no estudo dos mecanismos de Governança Corporativa, pois aquelas puramente contábeis não apresentaram qualquer relação com os mecanismos testados. Este estudo, com esta abrangência de mecanismos, variáveis e período tratado, está dentre os estudos empíricos de Governança Corporativa pioneiros no Brasil. Espera-se oferecer uma contribuição aos acadêmicos interessados no assunto, bem como a acionistas, gestores, analistas de mercado, consultores, administradores de Bolsa de Valores, órgãos reguladores e associações de classe. / Up until twenty years go, the term Corporate Governance didnt exist in the English language. The codes of good practices of Corporate Governance began to arise in the early nineties in England, in the United States and in Canada, as an answer to an unsatisfactory performance of leading companies - recognized as a deficiency of effectiveness in the board of directors and also as an answer to the pressures exerted by institutional investors. In Brazil, the term Corporate Governance is still more recent, but begins to be pondered and to deserve attention of researchers, of Stock Exchanges and associations. This study aims to identify possible relationship among independent variables, representative of Corporate Governance mechanisms, and measures of economic performance of enterprises of the Brazil Index IBX of the São Paulo Stock Exchange BOVESPA, with data referring to the period comprehended between 1997 and 2001. Using the statistic technique of panel data, model of error components, we work with 16 independent variables representing the Corporate Governance mechanisms: concentration of propriety (5 variables), characteristics of the board of directors (3 variables), voting capital (1 variable), remuneration of the executive directorate (2 variables), financial policy (3 variables), internal control (1 variable), and one more control variable, representing the size of the enterprises. These variables are regressed against each one of the five variables of the studied economic performance measures. Such variables have measured up the Market Value Added, the market to book value price ratio, TOBINS Q, profitability over the assets and profitability over the net equity. The results indicate that the property concentration, the voting capital, the remuneration of the executive directorate and the financial policy are related to the economic performance. Surprisingly, the voting capital and the remuneration of the executive directorate are negatively related to performance. We can also observe that the economic performance measure utilized makes difference in the study of the Corporate Governance mechanisms, because that ones purely accountants doesnt have any relation with the mechanisms tested. This study, comprising such diverse mechanisms, variables and also the observed period, is among the leading empiric studies of Corporate Governance in Brazil. We hope to offer a contribution to the academics holding an interest in the matter, as well as to shareholders, managers, market analysts, consultants, Stock Exchange administrators, regulating bodies and class associations.

Relação entre mecanismos de governança corporativa e medidas de performance econômica das empresas brasileiras integrantes do índice Brasil da bolsa de valores de São Paulo / Relationship among corporte governance mechanisms and economic performance measures of Brazilian enterprise that comprise Brazil index IBX of the São Paulo stock exchange

Jose Danubio Rozo 30 October 2003 (has links)
Até cerca de vinte anos, o termo Corporate Governance (Governança Corporativa) não existia na língua inglesa. Os códigos de boas práticas de Governança Corporativa começaram a surgir no início dos anos noventa na Inglaterra, nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, em resposta ao desempenho insatisfatório de companhias líderes, percebido como uma deficiência de efetividade dos conselhos de administração, e em resposta às pressões exercidas pelos investidores institucionais. No Brasil, o termo Governança Corporativa é ainda mais recente, mas já começa a ser preocupação e a merecer a atenção de pesquisadores, Bolsa de Valores e associações. Este estudo objetiva identificar possíveis relações entre variáveis independentes, representativas de mecanismos de Governança Corporativa, e medidas de performance econômica de empresas integrantes do Índice Brasil IBX da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo BOVESPA, com dados do período de 1997 a 2001.Utilizando a técnica estatística de dados em painel, modelo de componentes de erros, trabalha-se 16 variáveis independentes representando os mecanismos de Governança Corporativa: concentração de propriedade (5 variáveis), características do conselho de administração (3 variáveis), capital votante (1 variável), remuneração da diretoria executiva (2 variáveis), política financeira (3 variáveis), controle interno (1 variável) e mais uma variável de controle representando o tamanho das empresas. Essas variáveis são regredidas contra cada uma das cinco variáveis de medidas de performance econômica estudadas. Tais variáveis mediram o Market Value Added, a razão preço de mercado e valor patrimonial da ação, TOBINS Q, rentabilidade sobre o ativo e rentabilidade sobre o patrimônio líquido. Os resultados indicam que a concentração de propriedade, o capital votante, a remuneração da diretoria executiva e a política financeira são relacionadas à performance econômica. Surpreendentemente, o capital votante e a remuneração da diretoria executiva são negativamente relacionados à performance. Observa-se, também, que a medida de performance econômica utilizada faz diferença no estudo dos mecanismos de Governança Corporativa, pois aquelas puramente contábeis não apresentaram qualquer relação com os mecanismos testados. Este estudo, com esta abrangência de mecanismos, variáveis e período tratado, está dentre os estudos empíricos de Governança Corporativa pioneiros no Brasil. Espera-se oferecer uma contribuição aos acadêmicos interessados no assunto, bem como a acionistas, gestores, analistas de mercado, consultores, administradores de Bolsa de Valores, órgãos reguladores e associações de classe. / Up until twenty years go, the term Corporate Governance didnt exist in the English language. The codes of good practices of Corporate Governance began to arise in the early nineties in England, in the United States and in Canada, as an answer to an unsatisfactory performance of leading companies - recognized as a deficiency of effectiveness in the board of directors and also as an answer to the pressures exerted by institutional investors. In Brazil, the term Corporate Governance is still more recent, but begins to be pondered and to deserve attention of researchers, of Stock Exchanges and associations. This study aims to identify possible relationship among independent variables, representative of Corporate Governance mechanisms, and measures of economic performance of enterprises of the Brazil Index IBX of the São Paulo Stock Exchange BOVESPA, with data referring to the period comprehended between 1997 and 2001. Using the statistic technique of panel data, model of error components, we work with 16 independent variables representing the Corporate Governance mechanisms: concentration of propriety (5 variables), characteristics of the board of directors (3 variables), voting capital (1 variable), remuneration of the executive directorate (2 variables), financial policy (3 variables), internal control (1 variable), and one more control variable, representing the size of the enterprises. These variables are regressed against each one of the five variables of the studied economic performance measures. Such variables have measured up the Market Value Added, the market to book value price ratio, TOBINS Q, profitability over the assets and profitability over the net equity. The results indicate that the property concentration, the voting capital, the remuneration of the executive directorate and the financial policy are related to the economic performance. Surprisingly, the voting capital and the remuneration of the executive directorate are negatively related to performance. We can also observe that the economic performance measure utilized makes difference in the study of the Corporate Governance mechanisms, because that ones purely accountants doesnt have any relation with the mechanisms tested. This study, comprising such diverse mechanisms, variables and also the observed period, is among the leading empiric studies of Corporate Governance in Brazil. We hope to offer a contribution to the academics holding an interest in the matter, as well as to shareholders, managers, market analysts, consultants, Stock Exchange administrators, regulating bodies and class associations.

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