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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Syns klimatsmart mat i konsumenters varukorgar? : En studie om ICA Sveriges konsumenters beteende och förhållande till klimatsmarta livsmedel / Is climate-smart food, shown in consumers’ carts? : A study about ICA Sweden’s consumers’ behaviour and relation to climate-smart food

Alvarsson, Rebecka, Bodare, Olivia January 2017 (has links)
Syftet är att undersöka om en dagligvaruaktörs kommunikation av dess CSR-arbete med klimatfrågor har påverkat konsumenter till ett ändrat beteende gällande livsmedelsinköp. Undersökningen grundar sig i tidigare studier och vetenskapliga artiklar.  En kvalitativ samt kvantitativ metod har använts då insamlingen av primärdata genomfördes med en enkätundersökning med ICA Sverige ABs konsumenter samt en intervju med en representant från ICA Sverige AB. Undersökningen kom fram till att majoriteten av konsumenterna genomförde inköp av klimatsmart mat utifrån deras attityd. Å ena sidan, påverkar inte ICA Sverige AB konsumenterna till att genomföra inköp av klimatsmart mat. Å andra sidan, tillhandahåller de ett brett utbud som uppmuntrar konsumenterna till att göra det. / The purpose is to investigate whether a grocery operator’s communication of its CSR activities on climate issues has influenced consumers to a changed behaviour regarding food purchases. The study is based on previous studies and scientific articles. A qualitative and quantitative method has been used during the collection of primary data, conducted through a survey based on ICA Sweden AB’s consumers, and with an interview with a representative from ICA Sweden AB. It was discovered that the majority of the consumers purchases climate-smart food based on their attitude. However, ICA Sweden AB does not affect the consumers to make purchases of climatesmart food. Nevertheless, they provide a wide range of climatesmart food that encourage consumers to do so.

Länkas CSR till lönsamhet? : En kvalitativ studie om företagens utmaningar med att mäta och länka sociala hållbarhetsmål mot affärsstrategi för att generera lönsamhet / Is CSR linked to profitability? : A qualitative study of the company’s challenges in measuring and linking social sustainability goals to business strategy in order to generate profitability

Jai, Sara, Sefo, Miriam January 2020 (has links)
Problemdiskussion och syfte: Baserat på tidigare forskning noterar vi att företag möter utmaningar med att identifiera relevanta sociala hållbarhetsmål, det vill säga mål som kan kopplas till deras affärsstrategi och som genererar lönsamhet. Då vi finner att det brister i forskning som behandlar detta är syftet med denna studie att öka förståelse för de utmaningar som finns med att mäta och länka sociala hållbarhetsmål mot affärsstrategi för att generera lönsamhet.   Metod: För att uppfylla studiens syfte har vi använt ett hermeneutiskt synsätt och en deduktiv forskningsansats där genomförandet har baserats på en kvalitativ empiriinsamling som bestått av intervjuer. Empiriska data analyserades sedan med hjälp av narrativ analys.   Resultat & slutsats: Studien visar på att den största utmaningen för företag är att mäta och hitta en direkt länk mellan CSR och lönsamhet. Vidare finner vi att implementering av CSR i affärsstrategin hjälper att påvisa indirekt samband mellan CSR och lönsamhet.   Bidrag: Studien tillför ett teoretiskt bidrag till befintlig forskning som menar på att företag bör lägga ner resurser på att identifiera vad CSR innebär för dem och sedan sätta relevanta mål utifrån det. I det teoretiska bidraget menar vi även på att styrkonceptet (S)BSC bör utökas för att inkludera fokus på kommunicerbarhet eftersom det är en nyckelpunkt för sambandet mellan CSR lönsamhet. Studien presenterar även ett praktiskt bidrag som riktar sig till de yrkesverksamma där vi uppmuntrar företag att formulera en vision som inkluderar CSR och integrera det i affärsstrategin. Samt att fokusera på “what gets valued gets done”, istället för “what gets measured gets done”. Det vill säga rikta bort fokus från mätbara mål och istället fokusera på kommunicerbara mål för CSR.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Vi ser det intressant att vidare studera hur kommunicerbara mål för socialt ansvar kan identifieras och formuleras. Detta eftersom befintlig forskning fokuserar på mätbara mål. / Aim: Based on previous research, we found that companies face challenges in identifying relevant social sustainability goals. Meaning, goals that can be linked to the business strategy that are aimed to generate profitability. There is a lack of researches that address this problem; hence the purpose of this study is to increase understanding of the challenges that exist in measuring and linking social sustainability goals to business strategy in order to generate profitability.   Method: To fulfill the purpose of the study, we have used a hermeneutic approach and a deductive research approach. Where the implementation has been based on qualitative research consisting of interviews. Empirical data was then analyzed using narrative analysis.   Result & Conclusions: This study shows that the biggest challenge for companies is to measure and find a direct link between CSR and profitability. Furthermore, we find that the implementation of CSR in the business strategy helps to emphasize an indirect relationship between CSR and profitability.   Contribution of the thesis: The study makes a theoretical contribution to existing research, which indicates that companies should devote resources on identifying what CSR means to them and then set relevant goals based on it. The theoretical contribution also presents that the (S)BSC concept should be expanded to include focus on communicability as it is the key point for the relationship between CSR profitability. The study also presents a practical contribution aimed at the professionals in which we encourage companies to formulate a vision that includes CSR and integrate it into the business strategy. As well as focusing on “what gets valued gets done”, instead of “what gets measured gets done”. We suggest that companies should aim the focus on communicable goals instead of measurable goals for CSR.   Suggestions for future research: We find it interesting to further study how communicable social responsibility goals can be identified and formulated. This is because existing research focuses on measurable goals.

Ledarskap och motivation för ett lyckat engagemang till CSR hos anställda : Kvantitativ studie inom banksektorn i Sverige

Forsell, Emma, Johansson, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a frequently discussed topic in the banking sector, not least because of the financial crisis in 2008 where banks needed to rebuild their reputation. Society at large is asserting the banks' obligation to work with CSR since they hold a key position in society's economy. Previous research states that employee engagement is critical for a successful implementation and work of CSR. To engage employees, it is of great importance that leaders possess the ability to convey the bank's policies and values to act as a role model for inspiration. Employee motivation is proven as one of key factors for successfully engaging employees in CSR. Thus, there is research that shows that both leadership and motivation influence employees' commitment to CSR. The purpose of the study is to examine whether leadership and motivation affect employee commitment to work with CSR within Sweden´s banking sector. Hence, the study examines the impact leadership and motivation have, individually and in combination, on employee commitment to CSR. Collection of data is gathered from a web-based survey and resulted in 113 observations from employees working within banks. The data has been used in a quantitative research approach that is analyzed with statistical tools in SPSS and Excel. The result indicates that there are significant relationships for all three alternative hypotheses. Collected data were analyzed by correlation, determination, simple linear regression, and multiple linear regression. It is therefore possible to claim that leadership and motivation both separately and combined, influence employee commitment to CSR within Swedish banking. However, there is evidence also claiming that there may be other influencing variables, which is for future research to investigate. The conclusions contribute to new theory in the subject of CSR, commitment, leadership, and motivation and can facilitate CSR along with employee engagement in companies in the banking sector in Sweden.

CSR i förhållande till legitimitet vid en skandal : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur BMW och Volkswagen använt CSR-kommunikation, vid en skandal / CSR and legitimacy, during a scandal : A qualitative content analysis about how BMW and Volkswagen has used CSR-communication, during a scandal

Mahboob, Seefat, Törnkvist, Alice January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys vars syfte är att beskriva och analysera hur CSR har använts som ett verktyg vid en skandal hos företagen BMW och Volkswagen för att återfå sin legitimitet. Uppsatsen bidrar med kunskap kring hur CSR kan användas som ett verktyg vid en skandal hos de valda företagen för att återfå sin legitimitet. Den bidrar även med viktiga insikter kring ämnet i sig. För att besvara frågeställningen som uppsatsen haft vilket är; Hur har CSR använts som ett verktyg vid en skandal hos företagen BMW och Volkswagen, för att återfå legitimitet? Har uppsatsen studerat de två företagen BMW och Volkswagen genom att använda sig av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att studera de två valda företagens hållbarhetsrapporter. BMW och Volkswagen har valts ut då de varit med om en omfattande skandal, vilket ger värde att studera. Med detta kan uppsatsen bidra med förståelse genom dessa två företag kring hur dessa två företag hanterat en betydande skandal genom CSR för att återfå legitimitet. Resultaten visar att CSR kan användas på olika sätt i form av hållbarhetsrapporter hos de två olika företagen för att reparera dess legitimitet, och att detta beror på företagens olika förutsättningar. Resultatet visar även på att företagen använder sig av olika strategier som bland annat går ut på att omstrukturera företaget och influera publikens attityder. Uppsatsens resultat baseras på företagens hållbarhetsrapporter och uppsatsens teori. / This essay is a qualitative content analysis whose purpose is to describe and analyze how CSR can be used as a tool during a scandal at the companies BMW and Volkswagen, to regain their legitimacy. The essay contributes with knowledge about how CSR can be used as a tool in a crisis for the selected companies to regain their legitimacy. It also contributes with important insights into the subject itself (CSR). To answer the purpose that the essay has, which is; How has CSR been used as a tool during a scandal at the company's BMW and Volkswagen, to regain legitimacy? The essay has studied the two companies BMW and Volkswagen by using a qualitative content analysis to study the sustainability reports of the two selected companies. BMW and Volkswagen have been selected as they have been involved in a significant scandal, which gives value to study. This is because the essay can contribute with understanding through these two companies about how they handled a significant scandal through CSR to regain legitimacy. The results show that CSR can be used in different ways in the form of sustainability reports, in the two different companies to repair its legitimacy, and that this depends on the companies' different conditions. The results also show that the companies use different strategies which, among other things, involve restructuring the company and influencing the public's attitudes. The essay's results are based on the companies' sustainability reports and the essay's theory.

Corporate Social Responsibility Bostadsbolagens sociala ansvarstagande och relationerna mellan CSR och genus

Andersson, Elvira, Lundström, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Titel: Corporate Social Responsibility - Bostadsbolagens sociala ansvarstagande och relationerna mellan CSR och genus.Ämne kurs: Fastighetsvetenskap, Kandidatuppsats, 15 hpFörfattare: Anna Lundström & Elvira AnderssonHandledare: Karin Staffansson PauliNyckelord: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), hållbarhet, socialt ansvar, genus, jämställdhet.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att bidra till en djupare förståelse för hur bostadsbolag med olika ägandeform väljer att definiera och organisera sitt CSR-arbete. Studien ska även undersöka vilka relationer det finns mellan CSR och genus i fastighetsbranschen. Studien ska bidra till ökad kunskap kring hur olika bostadsbolag arbetar med CSR och de bakomliggande incitamenten bakom arbetet. Finns det några likheter eller skillnader beroende på bostadsbolagens ägandeform?Metod: En kvalitativ studie har genomförts med en kombination av litteraturstudier och intervjuer med representanter från fem stycken bostadsbolag. Bostadsbolagens hemsidor och årsredovisningar har studerats för att bilda en uppfattning om hur bolagen förhåller sig och arbetar med CSR.Teori: Den teoretiska referensramen tar sin utgångspunkt i forskning kring definition av CSR som Carrolls pyramid, teori kring genus som Ackers organisationsteori samt Porter & Kramers teori om skapande av delat värde (creating shared value).Empiri: Det empiriska materialet bygger på en kartläggning av de fem bolagens hemsidor och årsredovisningar samt en intervjustudie med en representant från respektive bolag.Slutsats: Resultatet av studien visar att samtliga bolag oberoende av ägandeform definierar CSR liknande. CSR som begrepp är på väg att försvinna och ersättas av hållbarhet och socialt ansvarstagande. CSR innebär att ta ansvar för ekonomin, miljön och det sociala. Samtliga bolag separerar dessa tre delar och kopplar främst CSR till bolagets sociala ansvarstagande. Samtliga bolag organiserar CSR-arbetet olika. Inte heller här kan någon tydlig skillnad ses mellan organiseringen av CSR-arbetet och ägandeformen. CSR handlar om hållbarhet, för att något ska vara hållbart måste det vara rättvist och när det är rättvist är det också jämställt. Studien visar att det finns en relation mellan CSR och genusaspekten, det handlar om att bolagen ska ta socialt ansvar inåt i organisationen och ha en jämställd och hållbar kultur på arbetsplatsen. Samtliga respondenter i studien anser att den egna organisationen är jämställd, men inte fastighetsbranschen generellt. Jämställdhet ökar för att fler människor ställer krav, precis som med företagens samhällsansvar. Företagens samhällsansvar ökar för att samhället kräver det. / Title: Corporate Social Responsibility - Housing companies social responsibility and the relations between CSR and gender.Course: Real Estate Science Thesis, 15 hp. Author: Anna Lundström & Elvira AnderssonAdvisor: Karin Staffansson PauliKey Words: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), sustainability, social responsibillity,gender, equality.Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute to a deeper understanding of how housing companies with different forms of ownership chooses to define and organize CSR. The study will also examine what relations there is between CSR and the gender aspect in the real estate industry. The study will also contribute to increased knowledge about how various housing companies work with CSR and the incentive behind the work. Are there any similarities or differences depending on the housing companies form of ownership?Methodology: The essay method is based on a qualitative study with a combination of literature studies and interviews with representives from five different housing companies. The websites and annual reports of the housing companies have been studied to form an idea of how companies relate and work with CSR.Theory: The study’s theoretical points of departure have their basis in research on the definition of CSR as Carroll's CSR pyramid, theory of gender as Ackers organization theory and Porter and Kramer’s theory of creating shared value.Empirics: The empirical data is based on a survey of five companies’ websites and annual reports as well as interwies with a representative from each company.Conclusion: The results of the study identifies that all companies irrespective of the form of ownership defines CSR resembling. CSR as a concept is about to disappear and be replaced by sustainability and social responsibility. CSR means taking responsibility for the economy, environment and the social society. All companies separate these three parts and connect CSR to the companies social responsibility. All the companies are organizing their work with CSR differently. CSR is about sustainability, for something to be sustainable it must be fair, and when it is fair it is also equal. The study shows a relation between CSR and the gender aspect. The companies have to take social responsibility inside the organization to have an equal and sustainable culture. All respondents in the study belives that their own organization is gender equal but not the real esate industry in general. Gender equality is increasing because more people demands it. Corporate social responsibility are increases because society demands it.

Funding as an NGO challenge in the context of sustainable development : the case study of Bramley Children's Home, Pretoria / Yolandi Venter

Venter, Yolandi January 2014 (has links)
Non-government organisations (NGOs) are special kinds of organisation which focus on serving the common good in society. Historically they have helped the needy, disadvantaged and vulnerable people and communities. The view that society had of NGOs has changed: they are no longer seen as charity and welfare organisations but as valuable partners in the context of sustainable development. Although many different non-profit organisations exist, all strive towards development, betterment and upliftment. These organisations are dependent on funding, yet need to be sustainable, which creates the challenge of obtaining funding in order to render services. This research explored the current funding context, using Bramley’s Children’s Home as a case study, in order to identify the challenges experienced by NGOs in obtaining adequate funding. It also investigated the perceptions of management regarding the impact of these challenges on the sustainability of the organisation. The research findings indicate that funding is seen as a common dilemma in this sector, and that there is a lack of sufficient long-term investment from donors. The effect is that NGOs struggle to implement much-needed services and therefore improving services in order to address the constantly changing needs of people remains a challenge. Emphasis has been placed on the importance of collaboration between the NGO sector, the business sector and government. By establishing partnerships each sector can benefit when contributing to sustainable development and can possibly also address the challenge of funding within NGOs. This research strives to showcase the important role of NGOs within the context of sustainable development, with specific reference to Bramley Children’s Home in addressing the social problem of caring for and protecting vulnerable children. / Master of Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Funding as an NGO challenge in the context of sustainable development : the case study of Bramley Children's Home, Pretoria / Yolandi Venter

Venter, Yolandi January 2014 (has links)
Non-government organisations (NGOs) are special kinds of organisation which focus on serving the common good in society. Historically they have helped the needy, disadvantaged and vulnerable people and communities. The view that society had of NGOs has changed: they are no longer seen as charity and welfare organisations but as valuable partners in the context of sustainable development. Although many different non-profit organisations exist, all strive towards development, betterment and upliftment. These organisations are dependent on funding, yet need to be sustainable, which creates the challenge of obtaining funding in order to render services. This research explored the current funding context, using Bramley’s Children’s Home as a case study, in order to identify the challenges experienced by NGOs in obtaining adequate funding. It also investigated the perceptions of management regarding the impact of these challenges on the sustainability of the organisation. The research findings indicate that funding is seen as a common dilemma in this sector, and that there is a lack of sufficient long-term investment from donors. The effect is that NGOs struggle to implement much-needed services and therefore improving services in order to address the constantly changing needs of people remains a challenge. Emphasis has been placed on the importance of collaboration between the NGO sector, the business sector and government. By establishing partnerships each sector can benefit when contributing to sustainable development and can possibly also address the challenge of funding within NGOs. This research strives to showcase the important role of NGOs within the context of sustainable development, with specific reference to Bramley Children’s Home in addressing the social problem of caring for and protecting vulnerable children. / Master of Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

From taken-for-granted to explicit commitment: The rise of CSR in a corporatist country

Höllerer, Markus 20 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This article contributes to a thriving line of research that examines issue interpretation and social accounts in order to study the adoption and diffusion of organizational concepts and management practices. It employs the empirical example of the rise of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Austria between 1990 and 2005 to investigate the complex role institutional pressures and social positions of actors play in the local adoption of globally theorized ideas. More specifically, the study reveals distinct patterns in rhetorical CSR adoption that illustrate the initial hesitation and reluctance of an established elite in the Austrian business community towards the Anglo-American notion of 'explicit' CSR, while non-elite actors who were less favourably positioned in the social order readily embraced the concept. It is in such a sense that CSR is nevertheless instrumentalized to challenge, reinterpret, or explicitly evoke the autochthonous idea of institutionalized social solidarity. Conceptually, this research takes into account social structure, actors' positions in the social order, and resulting divergent adoption motivations - i.e. the individual, yet socially derived, relevance systems of actors - and relates them to mechanisms and processes of institutional change. (author's abstract)

Communicating Goodness - loud as a lion or silent as a mouse? : A study exploring how companies find the balance in their CSR-communication

Öhrn, Nicole, Zamore, Judith January 2016 (has links)
Problem: Corporate social responsibility is said to result in strategic and reputational benefits, however, broadcasting it publicly has been proven to be a delicate matter. While stakeholders expect companies to engage in CSR, they do not appreciate if companies communicate their CSR-activities too loudly. Prior research instead suggests that communicating too extensively could cause skepticism from stakeholders. Purpose: This thesis is set to investigate how companies view and handle the challenge of communicating their good deeds, in the specific context of cross-sector collaborations, and how companies balance the need to increase awareness of their social engagements with the risk of inducing skepticism. Method: Primary data has been collected from semi-structured interviews within six case companies from different industries. Conclusion: Our results show that skepticism per se was not perceived as a problem – one reason could be that most companies chose to avoid communicating extensively. While all companies argued for the importance of doing rather than talking, controversial companies in particular expressed an aversion towards bragging about their collaborations. A difference between controversial and neutral industries could be seen in the way they valued communication. Having the right level of communication, demonstrating authenticity by linking cross-sector collaborations to company characteristics, together with the choice of partners and communicating “through” NPOs were seen as important aspects that could help companies to find the balance.

Sponsorship of grassroots- and youth football teams : A qualitative study from the sponsors’ perspective

Arvidsson, David, Hansen Charles, Christoffer January 2016 (has links)
Abstract Title: Sponsorship of grassroots- and youth football teams: A qualitative study from the sponsors’ perspective. Authors: David Arvidsson and Christoffer Rex Hansen Charles. Supervisor: Hèléne Laurell. Level: Bachelor thesis in marketing (15 Swedish credits), Spring 2016. Keywords: Sponsorship, Sport sponsorship, Local sponsorship, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Football,Grassroots, Effectiveness measurement. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of sponsoring grassroots- and youth football teams. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework begins with theory regarding sponsorship. CSR and its importance are also discussed. A link between sponsorship and CSR is brought forward at the end of this chapter. Methodology: A deductive approach and a qualitative method have been used in order to get a more detailed, deeper and descriptive explanation of the chosen subject. Empirical framework: The empirical framework was collected through personal interviews with respondents from five different companies. The respondents were the ones responsible for the work with sponsorship at each respective company. Conclusion: Companies are involved in the sponsoring of grassroots- and youth football teams in order to be seen as good citizens. It is also seen as a brand building activity and away to build relationships. A link between CSR and sponsorship can be done and sponsorship can be used as a tool to communicate companies’ CSR-initiatives. Finally, are the effects from sponsorship not measured due to the difficulties in this process, however, methods for this purpose do exist, such as customer surveys.

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