Spelling suggestions: "subject:"correction"" "subject:"eorrection""
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Determinants of Inflation in MadagascarRafalimanana, Aina Malala 01 May 2012 (has links)
This paper examines the main determinants of inflation in Madagascar during the period 1984-2011, using cointegration approach. The empirical results highlight the existence of a stable money demand relationship that dictates the movement of prices in the long run, as well as a long run equilibrium involving domestic prices, exchange rate and foreign prices. Also, we found two long term relationships involving money, aggregate price, oil price, as well rice price. In the short run, inflation adjusts to deviation from the long run equilibrium in the monetary market, money growth have a positive impact on inflation while an appreciation of the exchange rates causes inflation to decelerate. We also find that inflation has a considerable inertia, movements in the prices of oil and rice affect the inflation rate in the short term, and the influence of external shocks are quite important. Variance decomposition and impulse response allow to examine the responses of the variables to various shocks.
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Contribution à l'étude de l'effet mirage : application aux mesures dimensionnelle et thermique par caméras visible proche infrarouge / Contribution to the mirage effect study : application to the thermal and dimensional measurements by cameras in the visible, NIR and IR bandsDelmas, Anthony 14 December 2012 (has links)
L’Institut Clément Ader Albi (ICAA) et l’Institut von Karman (IVK) mènent depuis un certain nombre d’années des travaux sur la radiométrie IR dans le but de faire de la thermographie quantitative (mesure de température vraie sans contact). Ces travaux ont permis d’explorer les potentialités de plusieurs bandes spectrales : 8-12µm, 3-5µm et plus récemment la bande 0,75-1,7µm (proche IR) à l’aide de caméras CCD (Si) ou VisGaAs. Les travaux effectués dans ce domaine spectral ont permis de mettre en évidence un certains nombre de perturbations renforcées par les hautes températures(T>800°C). Cette thèse aborde de façon détaillée le traitement d’un certain nombre de grandeurs d’influence liées à la mesure de différents paramètres dans le domaine du proche IR mais également étendus aux domaines du visible et de l’IR. La première de ces grandeurs est l’émissivité dont le traitement a déjà été abordé par d’autres études. La seconde grandeur d’influence touche plus particulièrement à la localisation des points chauds sur l’objet et la distorsion du champ de température apportée par les effets convectifs présents autour d’un objet à haute température, elle est le coeur de cette thèse. En effet, lorsqu’une pièce chaude se trouve dans un milieu ambiant beaucoup plus froid, il se crée un gradient de température et donc d’indice de réfraction autour de la pièce. Or les caméras travaillant dans les différentes bandes spectrales vont être plus ou moins sensibles à ces variations d’indices de réfraction du fait de la dépendance de l’indice optique avec la longueur d’onde et de la résolution spatiale de la caméra utilisée. Ce phénomène, appelé effet mirage, entraîne inévitablement une déformation des informations spatiales reçues par la caméra. Le but de cette thèse a donc été d’estimer et de proposer une première approche pour corriger l’erreur faite sur la mesure de température et/ou de déformation faites par caméras sur des pièces chaudes. La démarche générale du travail a donc été dans un premier temps de calculer le champ de température autour de l’objet considéré en se ramenant d’abord à des cas simplifiés. On en a déduit alors le champ de réfraction entraînant une « déformation » de l’objet, en faisant le lien entre T et n. Cette étape correspond à l’approche numérique de notre étude. Cette étape numérique a été réalisé à l’aide d’un outil de lancer de rayons développée à l’ICA. L’approche expérimentale a consisté à l’utilisation de méthodes telle que la BOS (Background Oriented Schlieren), la PIV, la srtioscopie afin de déduire le champ de déplacements provoqué par le panache convectif. Ces résultats ont été comparés à la méthode numérique et ceci pour différentes longueurs d’ondes. Enfin, une stratégie de correction d’images perturbées a été abordé à l’aide de méthodes telles que la transformée d’Abel inverse afin de remonter au champ d’indice de réfraction 2D axisymétrique à partir d’une déformation plane. / The Clement Ader Institute of Albi and the von Karman Institute follow since numerous years works about IR radiometry with the aim to do quantitative thermography (true temperature measurement without contact). These works allowed to explore potentiality several spectral bands : 8-12µm, 3-5µm and recently the 0.75-1.7µm band (near IR) with the help of CCD camera (Si) or VisGaAs camera. Studies done in this specific domain have underlined some perturbations emphasized at high-temperature(T>800°C). This work has to deal in details with the treatment of parameters playing a role in camera measurements. The first of these parameters is the emissivity, this treatment is made in another thesis. The second parameter affects particularly the hot spot location and the spatial distortion. This perturbation comes from convective effect present around every hot objects.The purpose of this thesis is to analyze this effect and to correct it. Indeed, when a hot object is in a colder surrounding media, a temperature gradient is shaped around the object and thus a refractive index gradient too. This phenomena brings inevitably distortions of the spatial information received by the camera. The goal of this work will be to estimate and correct error made on temperature and/or distortion measurement by CCD or VisGaAs camera on hot object.We chose to focus our work on the convective plume created by a hot horizontal disk. This study will be done with an experimental and a numerical approach. For the numerical approach, a raytracing code has been developed in order to obtain numerically the displacement due to the light deviation occurring in the perturbation. The input data of the code is the refractive index of the hot air present around the object. This refractive index, depending on the wavelength, can be found directly from the temperature thanks to the Gladstone-Dale law. The temperature is given by a CFD software such as FLUENT. Experimentally, we will use the Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) method in order to retrieve the displacement. We can see that the displacement can reach 4 pixels in the plume (corresponding to 1mm in this case). This perturbation has been studied for several spectral bands (visible, near infrared, infrared). Finally, some solutions of correction are given, like using the inverse Abel Transform in order to retrieve from the 2D displacement, a 3D (axisymmetric) refractive index field that we will implement in the ray-tracing code and consequently predict the displacement for any kind of wavelength or distance (distance between the camera and the object).
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Modélisation formelle de systèmes dynamiques autonomes : graphe, réécriture et grammaire / Formally modeling autonomous dynamic systems : graph, rewriting and grammarEichler, Cédric 09 June 2015 (has links)
Les systèmes distribués modernes à large-échelle évoluent dans des contextes variables soumis à de nombreux aléas auxquels ils doivent s'adapter dynamiquement. Dans ce cadre, l'informatique autonome se propose de réduire les interventions humaines lentes et coûteuses, en leur préférant l'auto-gestion. Elle repose avant tout sur une description adéquate de ses composants, de leurs interactions et des différents aspects ou topologies qu'il peut adopter. Diverses approches de modélisation ont étés proposées dans la littérature, se concentrant en général sur certains du système dynamique et ne permettent ainsi pas de répondre à chacune des problématiques inhérentes à l'auto-gestion. Cette thèse traite de la modélisation basée graphes des systèmes dynamiques et de son adéquation pour la mise en œuvre des quatre propriétés fondamentales de l'informatique. Elle propose quatre principales contributions théoriques et appliquées. La première est une méthodologie pour la construction et la caractérisation générative de transformations correctes par construction dont l'application préserve nécessairement la correction du système. La seconde contribution consiste en une extension des systèmes de réécriture de graphe permettant de représenter, mettre à jour, évaluer et paramétrer les caractéristiques d'un système aisément et efficacement. Une étude expérimentale extensive révèle un net gain d'efficacité vis à vis de méthodes classiques. Les deux dernières contributions s'articulent autour de l'élaboration de deux modules de gestions visant : (1) des requêtes de traitement d'événements complexes et (2) tout système Machine-à-Machine se conformant au standard ETSI M2M. / Modern, large-scale systems are deployed in changing environments. They must dynamically adapt to context changes. In this scope, autonomic computing aims at reducing slow and costly human interventions, by building self-managed systems. Self-adaptability of a system is primarily based on a suitable description of its components, their interactions and the various states it can adopt. Various modeling approaches have been elaborated. They usually focus on some aspects or properties of dynamic systems and do not tackle each of self-management's requirements. This manuscript deals with graph-based representations of dynamic systems and their suitability for the implementation of autonomic computing's four fundamental properties : self-optimization, self-protection, self-healing and self-configuring. This thesis offers four principal theoretical and applied contributions. The first one is a methodology for the construction and generative characterization of transformations correct by construction whose application necessarily preserves a system's correctness. The second one consists in an extension of graph rewriting systems allowing to easily and efficiently represent, update, evaluate and configure a system's characteristics. An experimental study reveals a significant efficiency gain with regard to classical methods. The two lasts contribution are articulated around the design of two autonomic managers driving: (1) complex events processing requests and (2) any Machine-to-Machine system complying to the ETSI M2M2 standard.
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Classify-normalize-classify : a novel data-driven framework for classifying forest pixels in remote sensing images / Classifica-normaliza-classifica : um nova abordagem para classficar pixels de floresta em imagens de sensoriamento remotoSouza, César Salgado Vieira de January 2017 (has links)
O monitoramento do meio ambiente e suas mudanças requer a análise de uma grade quantidade de imagens muitas vezes coletadas por satélites. No entanto, variações nos sinais devido a mudanças nas condições atmosféricas frequentemente resultam num deslocamento da distribuição dos dados para diferentes locais e datas. Isso torna difícil a distinção dentre as várias classes de uma base de dados construída a partir de várias imagens. Neste trabalho introduzimos uma nova abordagem de classificação supervisionada, chamada Classifica-Normaliza-Classifica (CNC), para amenizar o problema de deslocamento dos dados. A proposta é implementada usando dois classificadores. O primeiro é treinado em imagens não normalizadas de refletância de topo de atmosfera para distinguir dentre pixels de uma classe de interesse (CDI) e pixels de outras categorias (e.g. floresta versus não-floresta). Dada uma nova imagem de teste, o primeiro classificador gera uma segmentação das regiões da CDI e então um vetor mediano é calculado para os valores espectrais dessas áreas. Então, esse vetor é subtraído de cada pixel da imagem e portanto fixa a distribuição de dados de diferentes imagens num mesmo referencial. Finalmente, o segundo classificador, que é treinado para minimizar o erro de classificação em imagens já centralizadas pela mediana, é aplicado na imagem de teste normalizada no segundo passo para produzir a segmentação binária final. A metodologia proposta foi testada para detectar desflorestamento em pares de imagens co-registradas da Landsat 8 OLI sobre a floresta Amazônica. Experimentos usando imagens multiespectrais de refletância de topo de atmosfera mostraram que a CNC obteve maior acurácia na detecção de desflorestamento do que classificadores aplicados em imagens de refletância de superfície fornecidas pelo United States Geological Survey. As acurácias do método proposto também se mostraram superiores às obtidas pelas máscaras de desflorestamento do programa PRODES. / Monitoring natural environments and their changes over time requires the analysis of a large amount of image data, often collected by orbital remote sensing platforms. However, variations in the observed signals due to changing atmospheric conditions often result in a data distribution shift for different dates and locations making it difficult to discriminate between various classes in a dataset built from several images. This work introduces a novel supervised classification framework, called Classify-Normalize-Classify (CNC), to alleviate this data shift issue. The proposed scheme uses a two classifier approach. The first classifier is trained on non-normalized top-of-the-atmosphere reflectance samples to discriminate between pixels belonging to a class of interest (COI) and pixels from other categories (e.g. forest vs. non-forest). At test time, the estimated COI’s multivariate median signal, derived from the first classifier segmentation, is subtracted from the image and thus anchoring the data distribution from different images to the same reference. Then, a second classifier, pre-trained to minimize the classification error on COI median centered samples, is applied to the median-normalized test image to produce the final binary segmentation. The proposed methodology was tested to detect deforestation using bitemporal Landsat 8 OLI images over the Amazon rainforest. Experiments using top-of-the-atmosphere multispectral reflectance images showed that the deforestation was mapped by the CNC framework more accurately as compared to running a single classifier on surface reflectance images provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Accuracies from the proposed framework also compared favorably with the benchmark masks of the PRODES program.
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Semiótica e ensino: competências e habilidades para a expressão escrita em língua portuguesa / Semiotics and education: skills and abilities for written expression in PortugueseRosane Reis de Oliveira 31 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta tese desenvolve estudo do ensino de Redação com análise de textos discentes, cujo marco regulatório para a produção das aulas são as Competências e Habilidades inscritas nos PCN. Objetiva-se a correção de redações por meio digital que (1) identifica os problemas do texto produzido pelo redator, (2) fornece instruções para correção do problema apontado, (3) propõe retextualização para nova correção e (4) utiliza os desvios apontados como orientadores das aulas de Gramática. O trabalho final tem por objetivo principal ensinar a redigir no registro padrão por meio da correção comentada de textos produzidos por clientes, que podem ser alunos ou não, uma vez que o trabalho ocorre pela Internet (à distância), com ferramentas do MS Word. A instrução gramatical incidente sobre problemas detectados no texto é subsidiada por instruções semióticas de cunho didático-pedagógico. Testado em turmas regulares do Ensino Médio, em Cursos Preparatórios para processos seletivos, este projeto constatou sua eficácia, pois os redatores (1) compreenderam o quê e por que erraram, (2) assimilaram os mecanismos linguísticos de correção/adequação e (3) praticaram a substituição de estruturas, orientados por princípios da Teoria da Iconicidade Verbal (SIMÕES, [1994], 2009). Assim, os sujeitos foram-se apropriando das regras de estruturação da língua, por meio das quais se tornou possível a produção de textos eficientes, adequados à situação de comunicação. Paralelamente foram-se formando leitores críticos. A negociação de textos, a técnica de correção digital, mediada pela Internet e por isso realizada à distância (mesmo quando combinada com aulas presenciais)e a forma da instrução semiótico-gramatical é o que se pretende demonstrar nesta tese / This thesis develops a study of teaching of Writing with analysis of texts students whose regulatory framework for the production of the classes are the Skills and Abilities listed in the PCN . The goal is to fix essays by digital means that (1) identifies the problems of the text produced by the editor , (2) provides instructions to correct the problem identified , (3) proposing new fixes for retextualization and (4) using the indicated deviations as guiding lessons in grammar . The final work is primarily engaged in teaching writing default log annotated by the correction of texts written by customers who may be students or not , since the work takes place online (distance) with MS Word tools. The incident grammar instruction on problems detected in the text is subsidized by semiotic instructions didactic- pedagogic nature. Tested in regular high school classes in Preparatory Courses for selection processes , this project found its effectiveness because the editors (1) understand what went wrong and why , (2) assimilated the linguistic mechanisms of correction / adjustment and (3) practiced replacement structures , guided by principles of Theory of iconicity Verbal ( SIMÕES [1994 ] , 2009) . Thus, the subjects were themselves appropriating the structuring rules of the language , through which it became possible to produce , appropriate to the efficient communication texts . Were parallel - forming critical readers . The negotiating texts , the technique of digital correction mediated by the Internet and therefore performed remotely (even when combined with regular classes) and the form of semiotic-grammatical instruction is what we intend to demonstrate this thesis
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Aspectos topográficos na dinâmica espaço-temporal do saldo de radiação / Topographic aspects in the spatio-temporal dynamic of net radiationFilgueiras, Roberto [UNESP] 19 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ROBERTO FILGUEIRAS null (betofilgueiras@gmail.com) on 2016-04-17T03:21:59Z
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Dissertação_Filgueiras_a4_final_3 com ficha.pdf: 10047606 bytes, checksum: b710d7378ca5bb6b915801acc7bece8d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-04-19T12:46:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Devido ao fato da morfologia do terreno influenciar nas medidas radiométricas obtidas por sensores orbitais, o presente estudo teve por objetivo geral, analisar a dinâmica espaçotemporal do saldo de radiação (Rn), na Fazenda Experimental Edgárdia (FEE) pertencente a Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas/ Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” FCA/UNESP, Botucatu-SP, levando-se em consideração a topografia da mesma, a qual apresenta relevo heterogêneo. Para essa análise foram processados dois métodos de correção topográfica, um que considera a superfície como um reflector lambertiano e outro não lambertiano. Para a estimativa do saldo de radiação, por meio das imagens orbitais, foi utilizada a metodologia do algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land). Com intuito de avaliar a influência da topografia no cômputo do saldo de radiação, foram aplicadas três metodologias: sem correção topográfica (RnSem); correção cosseno (RnCos) e correção C (RnC). Essas metodologias foram aplicadas em 21 imagens da plataforma orbital Landsat-5/TM, durante os anos de 1985 a 2010. Após a correção das imagens, notou-se que as cenas correspondentes ao RnCos apresentaram sobrecorreção dos parâmetros para algumas porções das imagens, devido a essas regiões apresentarem ângulos de iluminação ( , em relação a normal da superfície, superiores a 69,62°, alcançando ângulos de até 76,11°, isto é, condições de pouca luminosidade. Devido à complexidade do relevo da FEE, a correção cosseno não foi eficaz na atenuação da influência topográfica. Já, para os valores de RnC, foi constatada uma redução média do desvio padrão de 5,97% das imagens sem correção, para as corrigidas pela correção C. Esse resultado foi atribuído como um indício da efetiva correção das cenas. Observou-se nas imagens RnSem da FEE que ocorreu uma tendência à valores elevados de saldo de radiação, de noroeste a sudeste dos mapas dos RnSem, região que encontrava-se sombreada. Essa tendenciosidade foi notoriamente reduzida nas imagens RnC, a qual foi uma comprovação qualitativa de que a correção C foi eficaz para atenuar os efeitos relativos a topografia da FEE para as imagens de saldo de radiação. Com o propósito de validar as estimações, os valores de saldo de radiação obtidos nas diferentes datas foram comparados, utilizando duas estações meteorológicas automáticas, os quais não apresentaram erros relativos maiores que 13,73%. Tais resultados evidenciam a importância da consideração do relevo, para atingir maiores precisões nas estimativas de parâmetros biofísicos com imagens orbitais e reiteram o potencial do SEBAL na estimativa de parâmetros relativos ao balanço de energia. / The measurements obtained by remote sensing are influenced by issues related to relief. Based on that, this study aim to analyze the spatial-temporal dynamic of net radiation (Rn), considering the influence of topographic parameters on it, for the experimental farm Edgárdia (FEE), belonging the FCA/UNESP, Botucatu-SP, Brazil. For this analysis it was processed two methodologies, one based in the Lambertian behavior, and the other in non- Lambertian behavior. For estimate the net radiation, by orbital images, it was utilized the metodology based on the SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land) algorithm. In order to assess the topographic influence on the compute of net radiation, was applied three methodologies: without topographic correction (RnSem); cosine correction (RnCos) and C correction (RnC). These methodologies were applied on 21 images of the orbital platform Landsat-5/TM, during the years of 1985, until 2010. After the corrections of the images, it noticed that the scenes corresponding to the RnCos showed overcorrection of the parameters, in some areas of the FEE. This happened because these portions showed illumination angles, in relation to the normal of surface, bigger than 69.62°, reaching angles of 76.11°, ie, conditions of low illumination. Due to complex relief of the FEE, the cosine correction did not show effectiveness on the attenuation of topographic influence for the values of RnC, were noticed an average reduction of 5.97% for the standard deviation for the values of RnC, of the images that had been corrected by the C-correction. This result was assigned as indicative of the scenes correction. It was observed on the images of RnSem of FEE that, occurred a tendency of elevated values of net radiation, located of northwest until southeast of the maps of RnSem, shaded regions. This bias was attenuated on the images of RnC, which qualitatively proved the effectiveness of the Ccorrection, for the effects relief of FEE, on the net radiation images. With the purpose of validated these estimation, the net radiation values, obtained on the dates analyzed, were compared, utilizing two automatic meteorological stations. The results showed standard mean errors no bigger than 13.73%. These results show the importance of considering relief, to achieve higher accuracies on estimates of biophysical parameters with orbital images and confirm the potential of SEBAL in estimating parameters relating to energy balance.
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Metodologia de projeto de conversores boost para correção de fator de potência apliocada a sistemas ininterruptos de energia / A design methodology for boost converters to power factor correction applied in uninterrruptible power suppliesDamasceno, Daniel da Motta Souto 20 April 2006 (has links)
This Master Thesis presents a design methodology to a boost PFC converter operating as an Uninterruptible Power Supply rectifier input stage. This methodology defines, making use of a group of current ripples and switching frequencies, the converter minimum volume point analyzing the volumes of the boost inductor, the electromagnetic interference filter and the heat-sinks. Thus, it's developed along this work, each design mentioned above, analyzing the impact of different magnetic materiaIs, input filter topologies and semiconductors technologies. Previously, it is designed the controller and it is developed a simulation structure. ln a second moment, it's designed the boost inductor for a predetermined temperature elevation. After this, it's designed the electromagnetic filter analyzing the impact of different topologies. The heat-sinks are also designed to guarantee the semiconductors operation within the temperature limits. Finally, the methodology based on the previous designs is accomplished, using the procedures and equations already mentioned, becoming possible to define the converter minimum volume point. / Esta Dissertação de Mestrado apresenta uma metodologia de projeto para o conversor boost operando como estágio retificador de entrada em uma fonte de alimentação
ininterrupta. Essa metodologia se baseia em definir, através de um conjunto de freqüências de comutação e ondulações de corrente, o ponto de minimização do volume do conversor considerando o volume do indutor, do filtro de interferência eletromagnética conduzida e dos dissipadores. Assim, é desenvolvido ao longo desse trabalho o projeto de cada elemento mencionado estudando o impacto do uso de diferentes materiais magnéticos, topologias de filtro de entrada e tecnologias de semicondutores. Inicialmente é projetado o controlador e desenvolvida a estrutura de simulação do conversor. Em um segundo momento é projetado o indutor boost para uma determinada elevação de temperatura. A seguir é projetado o filtro de interferência eletromagnética analisando o impacto de diferentes topologias. Também são projetados os dissipadores que garantem a operação dos semicondutores dentro dos limites de temperatura estabelecidos pelos fabricantes. Por fim, é formalizada a metodologia baseada nos projetos anteriores, pela qual, fazendo uso dos procedimentos e equações fornecidos, torna-se possível definir o ponto de minimização do volume do conversor.
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Anisotropia da irradiância solar difusa medida pelo método de sombreamento Melo-Escobedo: fatores de correção anisotrópicos e modelos de estimativaDal Pai, Alexandre [UNESP] 02 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2005-02-02Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:22:25Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
dalpai_a_dr_botfca.pdf: 1486803 bytes, checksum: b52df39020b92a64e3e55443e73fcbef (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / No presente trabalho é apresentado um modelo de correção anisotrópico para radiação difusa medida com anel de sombreamento Melo-Escobedo (ME) em função do índice de claridade (razão da radiação global pela extraterrestre). São propostos ainda dois modelos estatísticos da fração difusa isotrópica ( ) e anisotrópica ( ) em função do índice de claridade na estimativa das irradiações horária, diária e mensal. A base de dados das radiações global, direta na incidência e difusa medida pelo anel de sombreamento ME utilizada compreende o período de 1996 a 2002 monitorada pelo Laboratório de Radiometria Solar da UNESP/Botucatu/SP. O modelo de correção anisotrópico, obtido a partir das irradiâncias difusa medida pelo anel de sombreamento Melo-Escobedo (raio 40cm e largura 10cm) e medida pelo método da diferença (referência), considerou três intervalos discretos de por meio de três equações: (0 < < 0,30 - nublado); (0,30 < < 0,65 - parcialmente nublado); e (0,65 < < 1 - aberto). O modelo anisotrópico foi validado comparando-se a irradiância difusa anisotrópica estimada com a irradiância difusa de referência numa base de dados independente, mostrando bons resultados conforme os indicativos estatísticos MBE(%) = 0,25%, 0,51% e -0,38% e RMSE(%)= 5,78%, 9,83% e 12,93% para as coberturas de céu nublado, parcialmente nublado e aberto, respectivamente.... / The present work presents an anisotropic correction model as a function of the clearness index (global/extraterrestrian radiation) for the diffuse radiation measurements with the Melo-Escobedo (ME) shadowring. Two statistical estimate models for the isotropic ( ) and anisotropic ( ) diffuse fraction as a function of clearness index are also proposed to estimate the hourly, daily and monthly diffuse irradiations. The global, diffuse measured by the shadowring ME and the direct radiations measurements were provided by the Laboratory of Solar Radiometry of UNESP/Botucatu/SP in the period from 1996 to 2002. The anisotropic correction model, obtained from the comparison between the diffuse irradiance measured by the Melo-Escobedo shadowring (radius of 40cm and width of 10cm) and the diffuse irradiance measured by the difference method (reference), considered three discreet intervals, with three equations: (0 < <0,30 - cloudy); (0,30 < <0,65 - partially cloudy); and (0,65 < <1 - clear). The anisotropic correction model was validated through the comparison of the anisotropic diffuse irradiance and the reference diffuse irradiance with an independent database, showing good results according to the statistical indicators MBE (%) = 0,25%, 0,51% and -0,38% and RMSE (%) = 5,78%, 9,83% and 12,93% for cloudy, partially cloudy and clear skies, respectively. The anisotropic correction model showed to be dependent of the shadowring dimensions, and for a same radius-width relationship, the smaller radius (20cm) and width (5cm) shadowring needed smaller numeric correction than the larger ray (40cm) and width (10cm) one. The anisotropic correction model was applied in the diffuse irradiance measurements obtained with a 5 minutes frequency automated operating system. The algorithm calculated hourly, daily and monthly anisotropic diffuse irradiations and compared to the ones from the reference diffuse ...(Complete abstract, access undermentioned eletronic address).
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Investindo no conflito : a correção pelo outro construindo discordâncias agravadasLoder, Letícia Ludwig January 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objeto de análise seqüências de discordância levadas adiante por correções pelo outro, e seu objetivo é caracterizar a ocorrência de correções pelo outro, sublinhando suas implicações e distinções em relação a outros recursos para discordar. Seguindo a tradição de pesquisa em Análise da Conversa, em que a relação entre correção e discordância tem sido apontada mas não elucidada por completo, cerca de oito horas de registros audiovisuais de interações cotidianas foram geradas, e, nesse corpus, localizadas e reunidas instâncias em que a correção pelo outro levava adiante uma discordância entre os interlocutores. Observou-se que, ocorrendo no início, no meio ou no fim de uma discordância, a correção produz não apenas um questionamento de um item/expressão equivocado no turno do interlocutor, mas centralmente implica o questionamento da apresentação do interlocutor como conhecedor do tópico em debate. Observou-se, ainda, a redução de índices de despreferência por discordância ao longo da seqüência, evidenciando a orientação dos participantes para acentuar progressivamente o debate. Comparando-se com outros recursos para discordar, observou-se que a correção pelo outro intervém mais diretamente no turno do opositor, implica necessariamente anulação da proposta do opositor, permite um monitoramento do ponto em que a discordância foi abandonada (quando é o caso) e, ao implicar a legitimidade do falante sobre o tópico em debate, implica necessariamente a falta de autoridade do interlocutor. Conclui-se, portanto, que a correção pelo outro é um recurso bastante mais agravado do que outros para produzir discordâncias, evidenciando, nas seqüências em que ocorre, a orientação dos participantes para sublinhar a oposição, em lugar de mitigá-la. / This study is aimed at characterizing the occurrence of other-correction in disagreement sequences by focusing on its implication to the sequence and its particularities in relation to other methods for disagreeing. Based on the framework of Conversation Analysis, within which the relationship between other-correction and disagreement has been pointed out, though not yet accounted for in detailed analysis, roughly eight hours of daily interaction were recorded, and instances of other-correction in disagreement sequences were identified. Othercorrections were observed to be implicated in the beginning, middle or end of disagreement sequences, focusing not only on trouble in an item/expression in previous turn, but implying crucially the questioning of the presentation of previous speaker as knowledgeable about the topic. The orientation to preference for disagreement as the sequence progressed was also observed, evidencing participants’ orientation to aggravate the dispute. In comparison to other methods for disagreeing, other-correction was observed to be more directly opposed to previous turn, to imply the opponent’s position as necessarily invalid, to allow the monitoring of moves to abort the sequence (when this is the case), and to necessarily impute lack of authority on the topic to the interlocutor. Other-correction is concluded to be a method engendering much more aggravation than other methods for disagreeing, evidencing the orientation of participants to invest in, rather than mitigate, the opposition.
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Nozzle Design for Vacuum Aerosol Deposition of Nanostructured CoatingsJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Nanomaterials exhibit unique properties that are substantially different from their bulk counterparts. These unique properties have gained recognition and application for various fields and products including sensors, displays, photovoltaics, and energy storage devices. Aerosol Deposition (AD) is a relatively new method for depositing nanomaterials. AD utilizes a nozzle to accelerate the nanomaterial into a deposition chamber under near-vacuum conditions towards a substrate with which the nanomaterial collides and adheres. Traditional methods for designing nozzles at atmospheric conditions are not well suited for nozzle design for AD methods.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software, ANSYS Fluent, is utilized to simulate two-phase flows consisting of a carrier gas (Helium) and silicon nanoparticles. The Cunningham Correction Factor is used to account for non-continuous effects at the relatively low pressures utilized in AD.
The nozzle, referred to herein as a boundary layer compensation (BLC) nozzle, comprises an area-ratio which is larger than traditionally designed nozzles to compensate for the thick boundary layer which forms within the viscosity-affected carrier gas flow. As a result, nanoparticles impact the substrate at velocities up to 300 times faster than the baseline nozzle. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Electrical Engineering 2017
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