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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Imprisonment in South Africa under maximum security conditions in the new millenium

Matshaba, Thabiso Donald 30 November 2007 (has links)
The main aim of this study is to obtain the Master of Technologiae degree. Secondly, this study gives more clarity on the conditions of detention in maximum security prisons in South Africa and selected countries, namely the United States of America and Australia. Inmates detained in maximum security prisons are those who were sentenced to serve long terms in prison, including those who show violent behavior at lower security prisons. The development and treatment programs offered for inmates detained at maximum security prisons are taken into consideration, while certain negative aspects unique to maximum security prisons are examined as well. This study is important for the South African correctional system, due to the increase in the number of inmates detained in these facilities. / Penology / M.Tech. (Correctional Services Management)

Imprisonment in South Africa under maximum security conditions in the new millenium

Matshaba, Thabiso Donald 30 November 2007 (has links)
The main aim of this study is to obtain the Master of Technologiae degree. Secondly, this study gives more clarity on the conditions of detention in maximum security prisons in South Africa and selected countries, namely the United States of America and Australia. Inmates detained in maximum security prisons are those who were sentenced to serve long terms in prison, including those who show violent behavior at lower security prisons. The development and treatment programs offered for inmates detained at maximum security prisons are taken into consideration, while certain negative aspects unique to maximum security prisons are examined as well. This study is important for the South African correctional system, due to the increase in the number of inmates detained in these facilities. / Penology / M.Tech. (Correctional Services Management)

Rehabilitation of long-term offenders in a maximum security prison

Setelela, Rocksley 02 1900 (has links)
Abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans, Zulu and Northern Sotho / The main aim of this study is to obtain the MASTER OF ARTS degree. Secondly this study gives clarity on the study of long-term offenders in a maximum security prison. Offenders detained in maximum security prisons are given long-term imprisonment by the court of law. Long-term imprisonment goes along with high level of stress in correctional facilities. As a result, the development and treatment programs offered for inmates form part of the study. This study is important for the South African correctional system due to some of the categories of offenders in maximum security prisons. / Die hoofoogmerk van hierdie studie is om ʼn MAGISTER-graad te verwerf. Die studie gee tweedens duidelikheid oor die bestudering van langtermynoortreders in ʼn maksimumsekuriteittronk. Oortreders wat in maksimumsekuriteittronke aangehou word, word langtermyngevangenisstraf opgelê deur ʼn geregshof. Langtermyngevangenisstraf word geassosieer met hoë stresvlakke in korrektiewe fasiliteite. Die ontwikkeling- en behandelingprogramme wat aan gevangenes gebied word, vorm deel van hierdie studie. Hierdie studie is belangrik vir die Suid-Afrikaanse korrektiewe stelsel en sommige van die kategorieë van oortreders in maksimumsekuriteittronke. / Okuyiyona nhloso enkulu yalolu cwaningo ngukuthola iziqu zemiyezane ye-MASTER OF ARTS. Okwesibili, lolu cwaningo luyacacisa mayelana nokucwaninga ngezaphulamthetho ezingahle zibuye ziphinde (long-term offenders), ezisuke sisejele elinokuvikeleka okuseqophelweni eliphezulu. Izaphulamthetho eziboshelwe emajele anokuvikeleka okuseqophelweni eliphezulu zisuke zigwetshwe yinkantolo yomthetho ukuthi zihlale ejele isikhathi eside. Ezindaweni zokuhlumelelisa izimilo, ukuboshwa isikhathi eside kuhambelana namazinga aphezulu engcindezi (stress). Izinhlelo ezakhelwe ukuthuthukisa kanye nokwelapha iziboshwa ziyizinto eziyingxenye yalolu cwaningo. Lolu cwaningo lusemqoka maqondana nohlelo lwaseNingizimu Afrika lokuhlumelelisa izimilo kanye nakwezinye izigaba zezaphulamthetho emajele anokuvikeleka okuseqophelweni eliphezulu. / Maikemišetšo a magolo a nyakišišo ye ke go hwetša lengwalo la thuto la MASTASE (MA). Sa bobedi, nyakišišo ye e fa tlhaloso ka ga nyakišišo ya basenyi ba paka ye telele ka kgolegong ya bagolegwa bao ba lego kotsi kudu. Basenyi bao ba golegilwego ka dikgolegong tša bagolegwa bao ba lego kotsi kudu ba fiwa kahlolo ya paka ye telele ke kgorotsheko ya molao. Kahlolo ya paka ye telele e amantšhwa le maemo a godimo a kgatelelo ka gare ga mafelo a tshokollo. Mananeo a tshwaro le tshokollo ao a abelwago bagolegwammogo a bopa karolo ya nyakišišo. Nyakišišo ye e bohlokwa go mokgwa wa Afrika Borwa wa tshokollo le go magoro a mangwe a basenyi ka gare ga dikgolego tša bagolegwa bao ba lego kotsi kudu. / Corrections Management / M.A. (Corrections Management)

Offenders' rights with regard to rehabilitation in South Africa

Muthaphuli, Phumudzo 11 1900 (has links)
Every human being deserves to have their rights respected all the times. Not only does the correctional system have the responsibility to rehabilitate offenders before they are released to the community but also to respect their rights throughout the rehabilitation process.. In this research the extent in which human rights affect the process of rehabilitation was outlined. This was achieved by analyzing the provisions of major human rights instruments, both internationally and nationally as well as standards required for the treatment of offenders. In addition various rehabilitation programmes were also discussed. The findings of the research indicated that South Africa has achieved a lot when it comes to the recognition of human rights. From the research it was discovered that indeed offenders' rights have an impact on the rehabilitation process. Based on these and other findings recommendations were made. / Criminal Justice / M. Tech. (Correctional Services Managemnent)

The effect of the experience of incarceration on prison inmates

De Wet, Karen Jeanne 30 November 2005 (has links)
This research was undertaken to establish the effect incarceration of individuals in the total institution called prison has on the incarcerated individuals. A literature study along with an empirical study, with 17 ex-inmates, was completed to explore the environment and circumstances of the institution called prison and the effect it has on the prisoners it incarcerates. Issues discussed include the prison environment, the prisonisation process, the inmate code and the process of incarceration. Also discussed are the presence, activities and influence of the gangs within the prison environment. It would appear that prison has a lasting effect on most prisoners and limited rehabilitative value, although there does appear to be some deterrence value. The subject begs further investigation, especially among a wider mix of inmate type, in order to deliver further recommendations to the South African Department of Correctional Services. / Social work / M.A.(Social Science)

Vergelykende penologiese ondersoek rakende korrektiewebeleid en wetgewing

De Villiers, Elizabeth Ann 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English, and English title page / This thesis is an attempt to give a penological evaluation relating to A comparative penological investigaion regarding Correctional Policy and Legislation, which is the aim of this research. This penological literature study will focus on an historic overview of the prison as an institution for punishment. Besides the historical background of the South African prison system it is also thereby placed on the policy and legislation of countries such as the Netherland's and England's prison institutions. After the implementing of policy and legislation in the prison systems the basis for an improved prison system was formed. Important core understandings of policy and the application of lawful prescriptions were checked and the different levels of the policy were included in the South African correctional system. Features of the policy and legislation were continually adapted after the changing needs and circumstances on social, economic and political environments. Consequently indicating in this comparative penological investigation it has come to the conclusion that no penalty institution can function normally and efficiently without a well-considered policy and legislation. It has been found that the formulation and implementation of the policy and prescriptions are an important part of the planning process of the correctional system. Rational for the search for correctional policy and legislation are mainly examined in South Africa and consequently it was to identify the respective policy and lawful prescriptions. It was contracted against the background of the maintenance and protection of a just, peaceful and safe society as the Law enforces verdicts of courts to imposed, charge like all captive sentence safe conservation to while their human dignity is assured and same time around the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, No 108 of 1996. This Act was also promoting the social responsibility and human development of all prisoners and persons subject to community corrections. The implementation of policy and lawful prescriptions were orderly emphasised to the advantage or disadvantage of the captive and the prison system. This comparative investigation gave recognisance to international principles over corrective events and is included in a penological perspective at the same time. / Hierdie proefskrif is 'n poging om 'n teoretiese-prinsipiele uiteensetting te gee oor 'n Vergelykende penologiese ondersoek rakende Korrektiewebeleid en Wetgewing ten einde die doelwit van hierdie navorsing te bereik. 'n Literatuurstudie oor die historiese ontwikkeling van die gevangenis as strafinrigting is ingestel en is gefokus op die gevangenisstelsels in Suid-Afrika, Engeland en Nederland. Benewens hierdie historiese agtergrond is die doel om die ontwikkeling van die strafbeleid en wetgewing in oorsese lande en in Suid-Afrika te identifiseer ten einde die verandering binne die gevangenisstelsels te verstaan. Hierdie gebeurtenisse van vroeer en hedendaags het die grondslag gevorm vir 'n verbeterde gevangenisstelsel. Belangrike kernbegrippe van beleid en die toepassing van wetlike voorskrifte is nagegaan en die verskillende vlakke van beleid wat betrekking het op die Suid-Afrikaanse korrektiewe stelsel is omskryf. Wetgewing is as die hoogste vlak van beleid beskryf en gevolglik word beleid en wetgewing voortdurend aangepas na gelang van veranderde behoeftes en omstandighede op maatskaplike-, ekonomiese- en politieke terreine. In hierdie penologiese ondersoek is aangedui dat geen strafinstelling normaal en doeltreffend kan funksioneer sonder 'n deurdagte beleid en wetgewing nie. Daar is aangedui dat die formulering en implementering van die beleid en voorskrifte deel is van die beplanningsproses van die korrektiewe stelsel. Die rasionaal van korrektiewebeleid en wetgewing is hoofsaaklik in Suid-Afrika ondersoek en is onderskeie beleidsrigting en wetlike voorskrifte in oenskou geneem. Oit is gedoen teen die agtergrond van die instandhouding en beskerming van 'n regverdige, vreedsame en veilige samelewing wat deur die Wet voorgeskryf is om alle gevangenes in veilige bewaring aan te hou terwyl hul menswaardigheid verseker word. Dienooreenkomstig is daar uitvoering gegee aan die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, No 108 van 1996 en bevorder hierdie Wet die maatskaplike verantwoordelikheid en die menslike ontwikkeling van aile gevangenes en persone onderworpe aan gemeenskapskorreksies. Die implemetering van korrektiewebeleid en wetlike voorskrifte is menigmale beklemtoon tot voordeel of nadeel van die gevangene en die gevangenisstelsel. Terselfdertyd is daar in hierdie vergelykende penologiese navorsing erkenning gegee aan internasionale beginsels oor korrektiewe aangeleenthede en is dit terselfdetyd in penologiese perspektief geplaas. / Criminology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Penology)

A mixed method research study on parole violations in South Africa

Louw, Francois Christiaan Marthinus 15 July 2014 (has links)
The researcher conducted a mixed method research study on parole violations from a South African perspective. In South Africa, there is limited research regarding the causes of parole violations. Thus, the study is mainly descriptive, but also exploratory in nature and considered a first of its kind. The study aimed to explore parole violation as a phenomenon through the perceptions, opinions, attitudes and incident recall of re-incarcerated parolees. Furthermore, the study aimed to describe the causes for parolees to fail on parole. A two-phase sequential mixed methods research design was used that involved the collection and analysis of primarily quantitative data from self-administered questionnaires. These questionnaires were complemented by a qualitative data collection phase consisting of focus group interviews. A representative sample (n=111) chosen according to the various ethnic groups was drawn from a population of 1 111 adult male parole violators in the Gauteng region (aligned to the regional divisions used by the Department of Correctional Services and not to the provincial borders) for the quantitative phase. Non-probability sampling was used to select 22 participants who volunteered for the second, qualitative phase of the study (focus group interviews). Descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyse the data collected from the questionnaires. The data was analysed by means of frequencies (frequency tables and graphs) to describe one variable and cross tabulations (contingency tables) to show bivariate quantitative data. All the focus group interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim for analysis. The transcripts provided a complete record of the discussions and helped to facilitate the analysis of the data according to identified, recurring themes. On release, many stigmatised and rejected parolees face widespread post-release challenges that prevent successful reintegration. The study revealed that poor pre-release planning and post-release support, a lack of education, unemployment, substance abuse, and a loss of family support are described as the main causes of parole violations. The recommendations from the research findings showed the importance of pre-release planning, risk assessment, employment, education, treatment for drug and alcohol abuse, community partnerships, family involvement, and graduated responses to parole violations that are fair, consistent, and legal. / Penology / D.Lit. et Phil. (Penology)

Penological investigation of the offender rehabilitation path

Fitz, Lincoln Gustav 12 1900 (has links)
The thesis examine the process of rehabilitation offered by the Department of Correctional Service as from the time the offender is admitted (sentenced) until such time he is released back into society. Rehabilitation in the departmental context is based on four key delivery areas, which must be in place to ensure that offenders are rehabilitated. Faced with several challenges, e.g. demilitarization, structural defects of the facilities that are not conducive for rehabilitation or build for Unit management principles, career path developed for officials, and the transformation of the old penitentiary system to the new generation prison system, the department failed to achieve their objectives. The thesis will examine the current process of rehabilitation in the Department of Correctional Service, and identify areas of under performance to seek best practices to improve service delivery. The study will also focus on the readiness of offenders to be release as rehabilitated offenders and the After Care the Department provide to offenders upon their release. / Corrections Management / MA (Correctional Management)

A criminological analysis of the transfer of juveniles to adult correctional centre

Mathabathe, Mpho Patrick 02 1900 (has links)
Many young people in South Africa are involved in crime, especially violent crime. This statement is supported by statistics obtained from the Annual Report (2013:37) of the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services which indicates that 26 282 young people were serving sentences in South African Correctional Centres at the end of the 2012/13 financial year. This annual report of the Department of Correctional Services (2013:13) indicates that at the time of the report, 11 000 offenders were sentenced to life imprisonment and a third of them were youth offenders. The majority of these young people have to be transferred from juvenile facilities to adult centres to continue their incarceration when they turn twenty one. This transition holds a number of challenges, both for these young people and the Department of Correctional Services. Young people are confronted with the reality of possibly falling victim to HIV/AIDS, gangs, sodomy and rape in overcrowded, adult correctional facilities. The Department of Correctional Services encounters problems in assisting these young people to adjust to this transition and the protection of these young people from assault and abuse by older inmates remains an institutional concern. The main aims of this research are to examine: the age at which juveniles are transferred to adult correctional centre to continue with their sentences; the factors taken into account before transfer; the challenges faced by youth offenders in adult correctional centre; and the needs of youth offenders in adult correctional facility. The study addresses the following questions: • At what age are youth offenders transferred to adult correctional centre? • What other factors besides age are considered before youth are transferred to adult correctional centre? • Are there any preparatory measures in place to assist youth with the transfer? • Are there any induction programmes available to assist youth adjusting in adult correctional facility? • What are the challenges faced by youth in adult facility? • What are the needs of youth offenders in adult facility? / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

Tegno-korreksies : 'n studie na die impak van tegnologie op 'n Suid-Afrikaanse gevangenis

Snyders, Hendrik January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The modern correctional agency is characterised by the extensive use of information and communication technology (ICT) (e.g. computers, close-circuit television cameras, electronic monitoring systems) and human sciences technology (HST) (e.g. psychometric tests, therapy and educational programmes) to monitor, discipline and rehabilitate sentenced offenders inside and outside of institutions and to prevent their recidivism. As a result of this combination of ICT and HST, modern correctional institutions were transformed into socio-technical environments with serious implications for the relationships between those within and outside of the institution. The use of ICT for continuous monitoring of the prison and its population, has resulted in a situation where correctional officials, like prisoners, have become legitimate datasubjects. In addition to the privacy dilemma that resulted from this, continuous monitoring has also negatively affected the relationship between the state and those under surveillance (inmate, parolee, family of parolees and correctional officials). The utilisation of sophisticated technology by organisastions to achieve certain key objectives, does not necessarily bring about the desired results. Pistorius (1996) is of the opinion that only organisations who are true learning organisations will benefit from the use of such technology. This study aims to integrate all of these perspectives in order to determine the impact of technology on a single South African correctional institution. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die moderne korrektiewe agentskap word gekenmerk deur die omvangryke gebruik van gevorderde inligting- en kommunikasietegnologie (IKT) (bv. rekenaars, geslotebaan televisiekameras en elektroniese moniteringstoestelle) asook geesteswetenskaplike-tegnologie (GWT) (bv. sielkundige toetse, opvoedkundige en terapeutiese programme) om gevonnisde oortreders binne inrigtings en in die gemeenskap te moniteer ten einde hulle te rehabiliteer en hul terugval in misdaad te voorkom. Die kombinasie van GWT en IKT binne die gevangenis het gevolglik daartoe bygedra dat die moderne gevangenis tot In sosio-tegniese omgewing omvorm is met bepaalde gevolge vir die verhouding tussen gevangenes en korrektiewe personeel. Aangesien IKT meesal vir deurlopende monitering van die inrigting en diegene daarbinne gebruik word, word korrektiewe personeel net soos gevangenes, legitieme datasubjekte. Hierdie monitering oor die algemeen, skep 'n privaatheidsdilemma met bepaalde implikasies vir die verhoudinge tussen die gemoniteerde (gevangenes, geparoleerdes en hul families, korrektiewe personeel) en die staat. Die ontplooiing van gesofistikeerde tegnologie ter bereiking van 'n organisasie se sleuteldoelwitte, lewer egter nie outomaties die verwagte resultate nie. Pistorius (1996) argumenteer dat die optimale benutting van tegnologie slegs moontlik is in lerende organisasies. Hierdie studie poog dus om al hierdie sake te integreer teneinde die impak van tegnologie op 'n enkele Suid Afrikaanse gevangenis vas te stel.

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