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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The professional role of the correctional officer in the rehabilitation of offenders

Matetoa, Julia Mathuetsi 08 1900 (has links)
Corrections has always been conventionally known as an occupational discipline and not a profession. The organization of corrections has been spoken of as a penitentiary, bearing in mind that the models of the buildings were meant for punishment; with correctional officers recognized as guards. The role of the guards was that of the keeper of the keys and their duty was mainly custodial in nature. The occupation was mainly attractive to white males with a record of unemployment and not much education. The occupation was stable, and did not require for any extra skill. Certain researchers believe that the selection methods for prison warders were extremely relaxed with a small amount of empirical validity. There was also thinking that a correctional officer needed a 20/20 vision and an IQ of an imbecile. Conversely, it has been perceived that a correctional officer can be the most significant individual in the offender’s life, having an influence in refining or declining the success of the different treatment programs that an offender undergoes (Josi & Sechrest, 1998, p. 3). Corrections is a human service occupation. Therefore, human service workers need to have knowledge of human behaviour and be able to assess their perspectives on any behaviour wisely and thus formulate reliable estimations. This will give them the opportunity to enjoy suitable decision making powers and formulate a trend on professional behaviour. Their knowledge of human behaviour will also strengthen the capability to foresee behaviour and give special knowledge to prevent any hesitancy(Williamson, 1990, p. 43). The role of the correctional officers (security staff) has intensely changed over the past few decades.The correctional officer is in today's corrections, expected to balance security and still be responsible for changing the behaviour of offenders constructively (Josi & Sechrest, 1998, p. 11). In order to have a comprehensive understanding of the distinctive and contradictory role of the correctional officer, it is very important to appreciate the changes that have transpired in penal philosophy all through the centuries. Throughout the research, the researcher will make an effort to capture the heritage of corrections and the evolving systems of punishment of Europe, the United States of America and South Africa and look at the applications of the rehabilitation concept and how the Correctional Officer has been utilised as a skilled and knowledgeable professional in the whole process. The aim of the research being to determine the effect that correctional and professional officers have on rehabilitation of offenders and determine the process by which the Correctional environment can be transformed to a true profession of highest integrity and competence. Objectives for the study will be: • To analyse the history and development of Corrections internationally and its philosophical background • To examine the impact of the history of rehabilitation in the South African Corrections system, from the development of the first prisons in 1652 to the demilitarisation of prisons system in the 1990s, right through to the actualisation of the South African White Paper on Corrections, 2005 • To critically examine the professional status of the Corrections occupation against other existing professions. The issues on education, training, credentialing, autonomy, code of ethics and special expertise are some of the aspects that will be looked at as the primary criterion for professions • To explain the conception of rehabilitation and its development and application both internationally and nationally • To critically look at the importance of Corrections system while highlighting the mandated role of the Correctional officer and the duality of the role of balancing security and rehabilitation. The study will contribute on the basis of knowledge in particular regard to Education and Training of Correctional Officers. A model will be developed for South African Correctional Services Systems and predominant focus will be on the performance and education and training of Correctional Officers in South Africa. / Penology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Penology)

Exploring correctional supervision

Apollis, Hazel Charlene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Crime in South Africa is a common occurrence and crimes committed by young people are rapidly becoming a serious problem. During the 19th and zo" centuries, young offenders were institutionalised in reform schools for example. However, social workers and probation officers realized that the confinement in these schools caused frustration amongst the young offenders and also encouraged further deviant behaviour. In South Africa, the Department of Correctional Services implemented community corrections, on 1 June 1993, as an alternative sentence option to imprisonment. Community corrections have two distinctive forms, namely correctional supervision and parole supervision. Correctional supervision is a community-based sentence, which is prescribed by the courts and is served within the community under strict supervision and control of correctional officials and probation officers. The Department of Correctional Services mainly implemented correctional supervision in order to divert young offenders away from being exposed to the harsh and severe life of incarceration. The goal of the study was to explore correctional supervision as an alternative sentence option and present a description of this sentence for the juvenile delinquents. The objectives were to explore the juvenile offender's perception of correctional supervision, the impact of this sentence on the offender's family members and the availability and the role that the probation officers play during the juvenile's sentence to correctional supervision. The contents of the report focused on describing the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency and other related topics, such as theories and contributing factors, and correctional supervision as an alternative sentence option. Exploratory-descriptive research was done and questionnaires were utilized as instruments for data collection from the juvenile offenders, their family members and the probation officers. The juvenile offenders were part of the Department of Correctional Services' (Worcester) justice system and the probation officers are employed at the Department. Conclusions and recommendations are made regarding the respondents' perceptions, opinions and experiences of the sentence of correctional supervision. The proposed recommendations should be a guide for the Department of Correctional Services in order to change certain factors that contribute to the poor co-operation of juvenile offenders sentenced to correctional supervision. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Misdaad in Suid-Afrika is 'n bekende verskynsel en misdaad gepleeg deur jong mense is vinnig besig om 'n ernstige probleem te word. Gedurende die neëntiende en twintigste eeu, is jeugoortreders na inrigtings, soos byvoorbeeld verbeteringskole, gestuur. Maatskaplike werkers en proefbeamptes het egter besef dat die afsondering in hierdie skole, frustrasies veroorsaak en self verdere afwykende gedrag aanmoedig. In Suid-Afrika, het die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste Gemeenskapskorreksies op 1 Junie 1993, as 'n alternatiewe vonnisopsie tot gevangenisstraf, geïmplementeer. Gemeenskapskorreksies het twee onderskeidende vorme, naamlik korrektiewe toesig en parooltoesig. Korrektiewe toesig is 'n gemeenskapsgebaseerde vonnis, voorgeskryf deur die howe, en word uitgedien in die gemeenskap onder streng supervisie en beheer deur korrektiewe amptenare en proefbeamptes. Die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste het korrektiewe toesig hoofsaaklik geïmplementeer om jong mense weg te wys van die onaangename blootsteling aan die gevangenislewe. Die doel van die studie was om korrektiewe toesig, as 'n alternatiewe vonissopsie te verken en 'n beskrywing van hierdie vonnisopsie vir die jeugoortreder te gee. Die doelwitte was om die jeugoortreder se persepsie van korrektiewe toesig, die impak van dié vonnis op die oortreder se gesinslede en die beskikbaarheid en rol van die proefbeampte tydens 'n jeugdige se straf tot korrektiewe toesig, te verken. Die inhoud van die verslag fokus op die beskrywing van die verskynsel van jeugdelikwensie asook verbandhoudende onderwerpe, soos teorieë en bydraende faktore, en korrektiewe toesig as 'n alternatiewe vonnisopsie. 'n Verkennende-beskrywende studie is gedoen met behulp van vraelyste, as 'n instrument van data insameling by die jeugoortreders, hul gesinslede en die proefbeamptes. Die jeugoortreders was deel van die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste (Worcester) se regstelsel en die proefbeamptes is werksaam by die Departement.

Maatskaplike werk intervensie met manlike jeugoortreders in die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste

Pheiffer, Roseline Anna 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Juvenile delinquency is currently reaching alarming proportions and the number of juveniles within the prison population is on the increase. The crimes committed by male juvenile offenders, are often of an aggressive nature and include crimes such as murder and rape. The high rate of crime and the nature of the offences make it essential for social work services to be rendered to the juvenile offender. The purpose of the study was to establish guidelines for the social worker with the male juvenile offender in the Department of Correctional Services. The literature study dealt with the development of the juvenile offender as adolescent and a profile of the offender was compiled. Those factors both within the family and in the environment that contribute to criminal behaviour in the male juvenile offender were discussed. Furthermore the social work intervention process based on behaviour therapy was described. An exploratory descriptive study was undertaken in order to determine the knowledge that social workers have with regard to social work intervention to the male juvenile offender. An empirical study was done based on the literature study. A sample comprised of ten social workers that work with juvenile offenders at the youth centres of the Department of Correctional Services were involved in the study. With the help of the empirical study the knowledge and skills of social workers regarding the nature of social work intervention to the juvenile was examined. The findings of the study reveal that social workers require more knowledge on the development of the juvenile offender and on those factors that contribute to criminal behaviour, as well as skills with regard to the social work intervention process with the male juvenile offender. In order to render effective social work intervention to male juvenile offenders, social workers must possess adequate knowledge about the juvenile offender and about the skills needed to apply the social work intervention process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Jeugmisdaad neem tans geweldige afmetings aan en die gevangenisbevolking neem toe. Die misdade wat deur manlike jeugoortreders gepleeg word, is dikwels aggressief van aard en sluit misdade soos moord en verkragting in. Die hoë voorkoms van misdaad en die aard van die oortredings noodsaak dat maatskaplike werk dienste aan die jeugoortreder gelewer sal word. Die doel van die studie was om riglyne daar te stel vir die maatskaplike werker in die Departement Korrektiewe Dienste wat met die manlike jeugoortreder werk. Die literatuurstudie het gehandel oor die ontwikkeling van die jeugoortreder as adolessent en 'n profiel van die jeugoortreder is saamgestel. Die faktore in die gesin en in die omgewing wat aanleiding gee tot misdaadgedrag by die manlike jeugoortreder, is bespreek. Voorts is die maatskaplike werk intervensieproses aan die hand van gedragsterapie beskryf. 'n Verkennende-beskrywende studie is onderneem om die kennis van maatskaplike werkers ten opsigte van maatskaplike werk intervensie aan die manlike jeugoortreder te bepaal. 'n Empiriese studie gegrond op die literatuurstudie is gedoen. 'n Steekproef bestaande uit tien maatskaplike werkers wat by jeugsentrums van die Departement Korrektiewe Dienste met jeugoortreders werk, is by die ondersoek betrek. Met behulp van die empiriese ondersoek is die kennis en vaardighede van maatskaplike werkers rakende die aard van maatskaplike werk intervensie aan die jeugoortreder ondersoek. Die bevindinge van die ondersoek toon dat maatskaplike werkers meer kennis benodig oor die ontwikkeling van die jeugoortreder en die aanleidende faktore tot misdaadgedrag, asook oor vaardighede ten opsigte van die maatskaplike werk intervensieproses aan die manlike jeugoortreder. Ten einde effektiewe maatskaplike werk intervensie aan die manlike jeugoortreder te lewer, moet maatskaplike werkers beskik oor voldoende kennis van die jeugoortreder en oor vaardighede in die toepassing van die maatskaplike werk intervensieproses.

Exploring the experiences of adult offenders living with HIV on pre-antiretroviral therapy program at the Losperfontein Correctional Centre

Lekubu, Gloria Stephinah Sebaetseng 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of adult offenders living with HIV (OLWHIV) not qualifying for antiretroviral therapy (ART). Such offenders are put on the pre-antiretroviral therapy (pre-ART) program after HIV diagnosis. Follow up of OLWHIV is done every six months to ensure prompt treatment. Research objectives include exploration of experiences of OLWHIV on the pre-ART program, the accessibility of the program and the challenges thereof. An exploratory, qualitative study with face-to-face interviews was conducted. Purposive sampling of the eight participants was done to conduct the study. Seven out of eight participants accessed the pre-ART program well but had little knowledge of the pre-ART program. Furthermore, participants experienced little support from partners and health care workers. The study showed institutional constraints such as poor diet, shortage of staff and humiliation from Correctional officers. Participants portrayed commitment in the support group irrespective of the challenges experienced. The study further showed that the self-care theory could enhance the pre-ART program but that institutional constraints deterred the progress. Participants made recommendations such as strengthening of partnerships for support groups, good diet, and an increase of staff capacity. Overall study recommendations include implementation of universal test and treat and mixed methods for future studies. / Sociology / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

Prison overcrowding : a penological perspective

Singh, Shanta 30 June 2004 (has links)
The World Prison Brief Walmsley (2001:2) reveals that there are 8,7 million people held in penal institutions throughout the world, either as pre-trial detainees or having been convicted and sentenced. Although the rising prison population in South Africa is of great concern, it is certainly not just a South African problem, but an international phenomenon. Prison overcrowding and the resultant financial and human rights problems related to this phenomenon, remain one of the paramount concerns of both developed and developing countries. Overcrowding of prisons negates the rehabilitation of offenders, undermines human dignity in correctional facilities and renders the safety and security of offenders and the community vulnerable. Another problem facing the Department of Correctional Services is the control of communicable diseases and viruses, particularly HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis. The problem of overcrowding facilitates the easy spread of communicable diseases among inmates. Imprisonment as a sanction remains a reality. Providing alternatives to imprisonment, for example, community based-sanctions, does however ensure that a significant number of offenders can be dealt with in a more balanced manner. Alternative sanctions to incarceration can be more successful, less costly to the state, have fewer negative implications and will lighten the load for the criminal justice system, hence reducing overcrowding. In order to reduce the overcrowding in prisons there has to be a reduction in the number of both awaiting-trial and sentenced prisoners. Reducing the inflow of offenders from the courts to the prisons and trying to get minor offenders in prison to be released should accomplish this. Courts and magistrates must break away from centuries of reliance on imprisonment as punishment. If more people show interest in the human rights of incarcerated prisoners, then further effort will be placed on resolving the overpopulation problem facing the Department of Correctional Services. / Criminology and Security Science / (D. Litt et Phil.(Penology))

Sentencing the juvenile accused

Cassim, Fawzia 11 1900 (has links)
The abolition of corporal punishment in S v Williams and Others 1995 (3) SA 632 (CC) provided the state with the impetus to consider alternative sentencing options. Unsystematic efforts by the government to reform the juvenile justice system have failed abysmally. The government was forced to review its policies on juvenile sentencing. An examination of international trends reveals the imposition of stricter measures of punishment for serious and violent juvenile offenders. Community-based sentencing options are used mainly for first-time offenders. The focus has also shifted from punishment and retribution to prevention and treatment. It is advocated that serious and violent juvenile offenders be incarcerated in secure-care facilities and/or juvenile prisons and that community-based sentencing options be utilised for first-time offenders. The government should also design programmes that deal with situations that lead to crime and delinquency / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL.M. (Law)

The professional role of the correctional officer in the rehabilitation of offenders

Matetoa, Julia Mathuetsi 12 1900 (has links)
Corrections has always been conventionally known as an occupational discipline and not a profession. The organization of corrections has been spoken of as a penitentiary, bearing in mind that the models of the buildings were meant for punishment; with correctional officers recognized as guards. The role of the guards was that of the keeper of the keys and their duty was mainly custodial in nature. The occupation was mainly attractive to white males with a record of unemployment and not much education. The occupation was stable, and did not require for any extra skill. Certain researchers believe that the selection methods for prison warders were extremely relaxed with a small amount of empirical validity. There was also thinking that a correctional officer needed a 20/20 vision and an IQ of an imbecile. Conversely, it has been perceived that a correctional officer can be the most significant individual in the offender’s life, having an influence in refining or declining the success of the different treatment programs that an offender undergoes (Josi & Sechrest, 1998, p. 3). Corrections is a human service occupation. Therefore, human service workers need to have knowledge of human behaviour and be able to assess their perspectives on any behaviour wisely and thus formulate reliable estimations. This will give them the opportunity to enjoy suitable decision making powers and formulate a trend on professional behaviour. Their knowledge of human behaviour will also strengthen the capability to foresee behaviour and give special knowledge to prevent any hesitancy(Williamson, 1990, p. 43). The role of the correctional officers (security staff) has intensely changed over the past few decades.The correctional officer is in today's corrections, expected to balance security and still be responsible for changing the behaviour of offenders constructively (Josi & Sechrest, 1998, p. 11). In order to have a comprehensive understanding of the distinctive and contradictory role of the correctional officer, it is very important to appreciate the changes that have transpired in penal philosophy all through the centuries. Throughout the research, the researcher will make an effort to capture the heritage of corrections and the evolving systems of punishment of Europe, the United States of America and South Africa and look at the applications of the rehabilitation concept and how the Correctional Officer has been utilised as a skilled and knowledgeable professional in the whole process. The aim of the research being to determine the effect that correctional and professional officers have on rehabilitation of offenders and determine the process by which the Correctional environment can be transformed to a true profession of highest integrity and competence. Objectives for the study will be: • To analyse the history and development of Corrections internationally and its philosophical background • To examine the impact of the history of rehabilitation in the South African Corrections system, from the development of the first prisons in 1652 to the demilitarisation of prisons system in the 1990s, right through to the actualisation of the South African White Paper on Corrections, 2005 • To critically examine the professional status of the Corrections occupation against other existing professions. The issues on education, training, credentialing, autonomy, code of ethics and special expertise are some of the aspects that will be looked at as the primary criterion for professions • To explain the conception of rehabilitation and its development and application both internationally and nationally • To critically look at the importance of Corrections system while highlighting the mandated role of the Correctional officer and the duality of the role of balancing security and rehabilitation. The study will contribute on the basis of knowledge in particular regard to Education and Training of Correctional Officers. A model will be developed for South African Correctional Services Systems and predominant focus will be on the performance and education and training of Correctional Officers in South Africa. / Penology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Penology)

Böcker, möblering, och beteenden : En studie om stök och bibliotekens spatiala påverkansmöjligheter

Österberg, Elsa January 2023 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with how the spatiality of libraries can correlate with instances of disorderly user behaviors. The fact that public libraries are among the types that are most prone to disorder, while Kriminalvården’s (the Swedish correctional service’s) librarians rarely experience similar problematic behaviors, could be said to illustrate a balancing act between anarchy and a manic need for control; where the most ideal compromise is, is based both upon personal values and the situation at hand.   To compare different reasonings about the room and the users, public librarians’ perspectives on factors of architecture and design have been contrasted with how librarians within Kriminalvården view the matter. The study has mainly been carried out using qualitative semi-structured interviews as well as a supplementary questionnaire. Operationalized factors of spatial influence in the form of categorized opposites (accessible/inaccessible, comfortable/repellent, visible/obscured, enabling/forbidding), which were identified early on and have guided the investigation, are used both implicitly in the interview guides and the questionnaire as well as explicitly in reading for the thematic analysis.   The terms “ideal type”, “heterotopia”, and “panopticon/panopticism” are used theoretically to deepen the understanding of the essay’s collected data: their suitability emerges in the nuances of what libraries can/should be; what happens when you bring together multiple functions in one space; as well as how control through surveillance can be understood and applied in library spaces.   The results show several differences at the operational level, but also similarities in terms of the librarian’s approach and view on problematic factors. Public libraries often have many functions (that do not always interact harmoniously) and offer more freedom, which risks their orderliness, while Kriminalvårdens library operations (which consists almost exclusively of literature distribution) have more order – but at the expense of user´s freedom.    The study’s outcome can be used as a basis of knowledge for practical planning of library design, but also as a springboard for further research. The effect of spatiality on users can prove important for the orderliness, atmosphere, and security of a library: cultivating an awareness regarding these possibilities of influence can thus be considered of great interest. / Denna kandidatuppsats hanterar hur biblioteks spatiala utformning kan korrelera med förekomster av ”biblioteksstök”. Att folkbibliotek är bland de mest stök-utsatta typerna, medan Kriminalvårdens bibliotekarier sällan upplever liknande problembeteenden, skulle kunna sägas illustrera en balansakt mellan anarki och kontrollmani; var den mest idealiska kompromissen ligger bygger på personliga värderingar och vad situationen kräver.    För att jämföra olika resonemang kring rummet och användarna har folkbibliotekariers perspektiv på arkitektoniska och designmässiga faktorer satts i kontrast mot hur bibliotekarier inom Kriminalvården ser på saken. Studien har genomförts främst med hjälp av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer samt en kompletterande enkät. Operationaliseringar av spatiala påverkansfaktorer i form av kategoriserade motpoler (tillgängligt/svårtillgängligt, komfortabelt/avvisande, överblickbart/skymt, tillåtande/hindrande), som i förtid identifierats och styrt undersökningen, har använts både implicit i intervjuguiderna samt enkäten och explicit i utläsningen för den tematiska analysen.  Begreppen ”idealtyp”, ”heterotopi”, och ”panoptikon/panopticism” används teoretiskt för att fördjupa förståelsen av uppsatsens empiri: deras lämplighet framkommer i nyanserandet av vad bibliotek kan/bör vara; effekten av att sammanföra flera användningsområden i samma utrymme; samt hur kontroll genom övervakning kan förstås och appliceras i biblioteksutrymmen.    Resultatet visar på flera skillnader på verksamhetsnivå men även likheter i fråga om bibliotekariernas förhållningssätt och syn på problematiska faktorer. Folkbibliotek har ofta många funktioner (som inte alltid samspelar harmoniskt) och erbjuder mer frihet vilket riskerar kosta ordning, medan Kriminalvårdens biblioteksverksamhet (som utgörs närmast uteslutande av litteraturförmedling) har mer ordning – men på bekostnad av användarnas frihet.   Studiens utfall kan användas som kunskapsgrund för praktisk planering av biblioteksutformning, men även som en språngbräda för vidare forskning. Det spatialas influens över användare kan ha betydelse för biblioteks ordning, atmosfär, och trygghet: att kultivera en medvetenhet kring dessa påverkansmöjligheter kan därmed anses vara av stort intresse.

Systematic review of theoretical and evidence-based literature on offenders' treatment in South Africa : a penological perspective

Motlalekgosi, Hendrik Puleng 11 1900 (has links)
The South African Department of Correctional Services has a legislative mandate of detaining offenders in safe custody whilst ensuring their human dignity amongst others. This stems from section 2 of the Correctional Services Act 111 of 1998 as amended. In addition to that, chapter 3 of this Act makes provision for conditions under which offenders should be treated, conditions of human dignity. This piece of legislation is effectively giving effect to the Bill of Rights as articulated in chapter two of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. It is expected of the department to treat offenders according to the provisions of not only this Constitution and Correctional Services Act 111 of 1998 as amended but also to comply with the international conventions and treaties. Extensive empirical and non-empirical studies on the treatment of offenders have been conducted by various scholars in the field of penology but not much has been done to bring to the fore knowledge with regard to the developmental trend of the treatment of offenders. It is against this backdrop that a qualitative study through systematic review of literature was conducted to bring together and examine available literature. In other words, a systematic literature review was conducted to determine if there is a developmental trend towards the treatment of offenders in South Africa as required by the prescripts of the law. Furthermore, this study was conducted to also demonstrate the researcher’s knowledge in the field of penology. The focus was on the central theories identified as offenders’ rights. The Department of Correctional Services identified eight offenders’ rights and sees them as its Constitutional mandate (Department of Correctional Services, 2013:8). This study has found a violation of the offenders’ right to equality to be diminishing over time. Apart from that, this study reveals a substantial violation of offenders’ rights because out of seven offenders’ rights, only one [freedom of religion] appears be successfully protected and promoted by the department. This study further present the recommendations and suggested areas of further research. / Penology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Penology)

Offenders' rights with regard to rehabilitation in South Africa

Muthaphuli, Phumudzo 11 1900 (has links)
Every human being deserves to have their rights respected all the times. Not only does the correctional system have the responsibility to rehabilitate offenders before they are released to the community but also to respect their rights throughout the rehabilitation process.. In this research the extent in which human rights affect the process of rehabilitation was outlined. This was achieved by analyzing the provisions of major human rights instruments, both internationally and nationally as well as standards required for the treatment of offenders. In addition various rehabilitation programmes were also discussed. The findings of the research indicated that South Africa has achieved a lot when it comes to the recognition of human rights. From the research it was discovered that indeed offenders' rights have an impact on the rehabilitation process. Based on these and other findings recommendations were made. / Criminal Justice / M. Tech. (Correctional Services Managemnent)

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