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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validation d’une échelle d’auto-efficacité émotionnelle en contexte de transmission de feedback : vers une meilleure compréhension de la transmission du feedback correctif

Marcoux, Raphaëlle 06 1900 (has links)
Considérant ses nombreux bénéfices et son faible coût, le feedback de performance est une intervention fréquemment utilisée dans le domaine de la supervision et de la gestion de la performance (London, 2003). Néanmoins, plusieurs études rapportent que les émotions générées par le feedback, tant chez le récepteur que chez la source, entrainent un fort sentiment d’inconfort chez le gestionnaire amenant parfois celui-ci a complètement éviter sa transmission (Cannon et Witherspoon, 2005; Choi et al., 2018; Cox et al., 2011). Ainsi, l’auto-efficacité émotionnelle (AEÉ) du gestionnaire, soit sa confiance envers ses compétences émotionnelles, serait un construit important à étudier afin de favoriser les comportements de transmission de feedback en vue d’une gestion de la performance optimale (Deschênes et al., 2016). Or, à ce jour, il n’existe aucune échelle d’AEÉ spécifique à la transmission de feedback permettant de le faire. L’objectif de la présente thèse est donc d’adapter et de valider une échelle d’AEÉ en contexte de transmission de feedback (AEÉF) afin d’en déterminer les impacts sur les comportements de transmission de feedback. L’objectif du premier article est d’adapter l’échelle d’AEÉ de Deschênes et al. (2016) au contexte de la transmission de feedback, tant dans le contexte de transmission de feedback positif que dans le contexte de transmission de feedback correctif, et d’en vérifier sa validité concomitante. Les résultats des analyses factorielles confirmatoires, obtenus à l’aide d’un échantillon de convenance (n = 311) et de mises en situation, démontrent que l’échelle d’AEÉF ne possède pas la même structure selon la valence du feedback. Seule l’échelle d’AEÉ à transmettre du feedback correctif (AEÉF-) respecte la structure d’origine du construit en sept facteurs, soit l’AEÉ à percevoir, comprendre et gérer ses émotions et celles d’autrui, ainsi que l’AEÉ à utiliser les émotions. Sur le plan de la validité concomitante, l’échelle est également valide. En contexte positif, la structure de l’échelle n’a pu être confirmée. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’AEÉF+ et l’AEÉF- sont deux construits différents, ce qui rappelle l’importance d’en faire la distinction lors de l’étude de l’AEÉF selon la nature du feedback transmis (Ilgen et al., 1979). Reposant sur les constats du premier article et considérant que la transmission de feedback correctif représente un plus grand défi émotionnel, le second article vise à poursuivre la validation de l’échelle d’AEÉF- auprès d’un échantillon de gestionnaires. Plus spécifiquement, la structure factorielle, la validité de construit et la validité incrémentielle de l’échelle sont vérifiées. Les résultats (n = 343) confirment la structure en sept facteurs du construit d’AEÉF-. Comme prévu, les analyses de régression démontrent aussi que plus l’AEÉF- du gestionnaire est forte, moins il évitera de transmettre du feedback correctif lorsque nécessaire. Par ailleurs, si l’on compare avec la mesure d’AEÉ générale ne ciblant pas de contexte précis et avec les traits de personnalité, on n’observe pas d’apport significatif dans la prédiction de l’évitement à transmettre du feedback pour les construits globaux. Cependant, si l’on considère les dimensions particulières de l’AÉEF-, le construit aurait un avantage prédictif, comme stipulé par l’approche de Bandura (1977). La validité incrémentielle de l’échelle d’AEÉF- est donc partiellement confirmée. La présente thèse contribue aux développements des connaissances sur les déterminants influençant les comportements de transmission de feedback. Par ailleurs, la création d’un outil d’AEÉF- validé et possédant de bonnes propriétés psychométriques permet d’ouvrir la porte à l’étude du construit et ces impacts sur le feedback. Les limites et les pistes de recherche sont discutés en conclusion. / Considering its many benefits and its low cost, performance feedback is a frequently used intervention in the field of supervision and performance management (London, 2003). Nevertheless, several studies report that the emotions generated by the feedback, both for the receiver and the source, lead to a strong feeling of discomfort for the manager, sometimes leading him to completely avoid its transmission (Cannon and Witherspoon, 2005; Choi et al., 2018; Cox et al., 2011). Thus, the manager's emotional self-efficacy (ESE), e.g. his confidence in his emotional skills, would be an important construct to study in order to promote feedback transmission behaviors and an optimal performance management (Deschênes et al., 2016). However, to date, there is no ESE scale specific to the transmission of feedback allowing this to be done. The objective of this thesis is therefore to adapt and validate an ESE scale in the context of feedback transmission (ESEF) in order to determine its impact on feedback transmission behaviors. The objective of the first article is to adapt the ESE scale of Deschênes et al. (2016) to the context of the transmission of feedback, both in the context of giving positive feedback and in the context of giving corrective feedback, and to verify its concomitant validity. The results of the confirmatory factor analyses, obtained using a convenience sample (n = 311) and scenarios, show that the ESEF scale does not have the same structure according to the valence of the feedback. Only the ESEF scale to give corrective feedback (ESEF-) respects the original structure of the seven-factors construct, namely the ESE to perceive, understand and manage one's emotions and those of others, as well as the ESE to use emotions. In terms of concomitant validity, the scale is also valid. In positive feedback context, the structure of the scale could not be confirmed. These results suggest that the ESEF+ and the ESEF- are two different constructs, which reminds us of the importance of distinguishing them when studying the ESEF according to the valence of the feedback (Ilgen et al., 1979). Based on the findings of the first article and considering that the transmission of corrective feedback represents a greater emotional challenge, the second article aims to continue the validation of the ESEF- scale with a population of managers. More specifically, the factorial structure, the construct validity and the incremental validity of the scale are verified. The results (n = 343) confirm the seven-factors structure of the scale. As expected, the regression analyzes also show that the stronger the manager's ESEF- is, the less he will avoid giving corrective feedback when required. Moreover, if we compare with the general measure of ESE that does not target a specific context and with personality traits, we do not observe a significant contribution in the prediction of feedback avoidance for global constructs. However, if we consider the particular dimensions of the ESEF- the construct would have a predictive advantage, as stipulated by the approach of Bandura (1977). The incremental validity of the ESEF- scale is therefore partially confirmed. This thesis contributes to the development of the knowledge on the determinants influencing feedback giving behaviors. In addition, the validation of an ESEF- with good psychometric properties opens the door to the study of the construct and its impacts on feedback. Limits and avenues of research are discussed in conclusion.

Research on dialogue-based CALL integrating tutoring and implicit learning : the design of an automatic joining-in type robot assisted language learning / 個別教示学習と潜在学習手法とを統合するCALLに関する研究 / コベツ キョウジ ガクシュウ ト センザイ ガクシュウ シュホウ トオ トウゴウ スル CALL ニカンスル ケンキュウ

AlBara Jamal Khalifa 20 September 2019 (has links)
This dissertation presents the design of a novel joining-in-type humanoid robot-assisted language learning that uses two robots to conduct a goal-oriented conversation with the human learner to practice English as a second language. The system uses implicit learning as the main learning style to teach the usage of a specific expression form. A mix of tutoring and peer learning is implemented in the course of a three-party conversation. This learning style enables the learner to gain linguistic knowledge, and at the same time it improves the performance of the speech recognition engine. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Noticeability of corrective feedback, L2 development and learner beliefs

Kartchava, Eva 04 1900 (has links)
Cette étude quasi-expérimentale a pour but de 1) comparer la prise en compte et les effets de trois conditions rétroactives, à savoir la reformulation, l’incitation et un mélange des deux techniques, 2) déterminer le lien entre la prise en compte et l’apprentissage, et 3) identifier l’effet des perceptions des apprenants quant à la rétroaction corrective sur la prise en compte et l’apprentissage. Quatre groupes d’apprenants d’anglais langue seconde ainsi que leurs enseignants provenant d’un CEGEP francophone de l’île de Montréal ont participé à cette étude. Chaque enseignant a été assigné à une condition rétroactive expérimentale qui correspondait le plus à ses pratiques rétroactives habituelles. La chercheure a assuré l’intervention auprès du groupe contrôle. L’utilisation du passé et de la phrase interrogative était ciblée durant l’intervention expérimentale. Des protocoles de pensée à haute voie ainsi qu’un questionnaire ont été utilisés pour mesurer la prise en compte de la rétroaction corrective. Des tâches de description d’images et d’identification des différences entre les images ont été administrées avant l’intervention (pré-test), immédiatement après l’intervention (post-test immédiat) et 8 semaines plus tard (post-test différé) afin d’évaluer les effets des différentes conditions rétroactives sur l’apprentissage des formes cibles. Un questionnaire a été administré pour identifier les perceptions des apprenants quant à la rétroaction corrective. En termes de prise en compte, les résultats indiquent que les participants sont en mesure de remarquer la rétroaction dépendamment de la forme cible (les erreurs dans l’utilisation du passé sont détectées plus que les erreurs d’utilisation de la phrase interrogative) et de la technique rétroactive utilisée (l’incitation et le mélange d’incitation et de reformulations sont plus détectés plus que la reformulation). En ce qui a trait à l’apprentissage, l’utilisation du passé en général est marquée par plus de développement que celle de la phrase interrogative, mais il n'y avait aucune différence entre les groupes. Le lien direct entre la prise en compte et l’apprentissage ne pouvait pas être explicitement établi. Pendant que la statistique inférentielle a suggéré une relation minimale entre la prise en compte du passé et son apprentissage, mais aucune relation entre la prise en compte de la phrase interrogative et son apprentissage, les analyses qualitatives ont montrés à une association entre la prise en compte et l’apprentissage (sur les deux cibles) pour certains étudiants et augmentations sans prise en compte pour d'autres. Finalement, l’analyse factorielle du questionnaire indique la présence de quatre facteurs principaux, à savoir l’importance de la rétroaction corrective, la reformulation, l’incitation et les effets affectifs de la rétroaction. Deux de ces facteurs ont un effet modérateur sur la prise en compte de la rétroaction sans, toutefois, avoir d’impact sur l’apprentissage. / This quasi-experimental study sought to investigate the often assumed yet little investigated relationship between noticing of corrective feedback (CF) and L2 development in relation to learner beliefs about error correction. Specifically, it aimed to (1) uncover the noticeability and effectiveness of three CF techniques (namely, recasts, prompts, a combination of the two) (2) to determine a relationship between noticing of CF and learning of the past tense and questions in the past, and (3) to determine whether learner beliefs about CF mediate what is noticed and learned in the language classroom. The participants were four groups of high-beginner college level francophone ESL learners (n = 99) and their teachers. Each teacher was assigned to a treatment condition that fit his CF style, but the researcher taught the controls. CF was provided to learners in response to their production problems with the simple past and questions in the past. While noticing of CF was assessed through immediate recall and questionnaire responses, learning outcomes were measured by way of picture description and spot the differences tasks administered through a pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test design. Learner beliefs about CF were probed by means of a 40-item questionnaire. To elicit the learner and teacher perspectives on the study, semi-structured interviews were held with the three teachers and 20 learners, drawn randomly from the participating classes. The results indicated that the noticeability of CF is dependent on the grammatical target it addresses (i.e., feedback on past tense errors was noticed more) and that the feedback techniques that push learners to self-correct alone or in combination with target exemplars are more effective in bringing out the corrective intent of a feedback move. In relation to the learning outcomes, the overall past tense accuracy increased more than that for questions, but there were no differences between the groups. The direct link between noticing and learning could not be unequivocally established. While the inferential statistics suggested a minimal relationship between noticing and past tense scores, especially if the CF was provided with recasts, but no relationship between noticing and questions scores, the qualitative analyses pointed to an association between noticing and test scores (on both targets) for some learners and gains without noticing for others. Finally, in relation to the beliefs about CF, the participants’ responses centered on four common themes (the importance of oral CF, recasts as CF technique, prompts as CF technique, and affective consequences of CF), two of which mediated the noticeability of the supplied CF, but none impacted the learning outcomes.

La rétroaction corrective écrite en francisation au Québec : les techniques, les types d’erreurs et la compétence des apprenants à l’écrit

Rouleau-Girard, Élaine 04 1900 (has links)
La rétroaction corrective (RC) se définit comme étant un indice permettant à l’apprenant de savoir que son utilisation de la L2 est incorrecte (Lightbown et Spada, 2006). Les chercheurs reconnaissent de plus en plus l’importance de la RC à l’écrit (Ferris, 2010). La recherche sur la RC écrite s’est grandement concentrée sur l’évaluation des différentes techniques de RC sans pour autant commencer par comprendre comment les enseignants corrigent les textes écrits de leurs élèves et à quel point ces derniers sont en mesure d’utiliser cette RC pour réviser leurs productions écrites. Cette étude vise à décrire quelles techniques de RC sont utilisées par les enseignants de francisation ainsi que comment les étudiants incorporent cette RC dans leur révision. De plus, elle veut aussi vérifier si les pratiques des enseignants et des étudiants varient selon le type d’erreur corrigée (lexicale, syntaxique et morphologique), la technique utilisée (RC directe, indirecte, combinée) et la compétence des étudiants à l’écrit (faible ou fort). Trois classes de francisation ont participé à cette étude : 3 enseignants et 24 étudiants (12 jugés forts et 12 faibles). Les étudiants ont rédigé un texte qui a été corrigé par les enseignants selon leur méthode habituelle. Puis les étudiants ont réécrit leur texte en incorporant la RC de leur enseignant. Des entrevues ont aussi été réalisées auprès des 3 enseignants et des 24 étudiants. Les résultats indiquent l’efficacité générale de la RC à l’écrit en langue seconde. En outre, cette efficacité varie en fonction de la technique utilisée, des types d’erreurs ainsi que du niveau de l’apprenant. Cette étude démontre que ces trois variables ont un rôle à jouer et que les enseignants devraient varier leur RC lorsqu’ils corrigent. / Corrective feedback (CF) is defined as the teacher’s reaction to the learner’s production to indicate the presence of an error (Lightbown et Spada, 2006). Researchers increasingly recognize the importance of written corrective feedback (Ferris, 2006). The research on written CF is largely focused on the evaluation of various techniques of CF without previously understanding how teachers correct texts and without taking into consideration the extent to which their students are capable of using this CF to revise their written productions. This study sets out to describe which corrective feedback techniques adult French as a second language teachers use and how students incorporate this corrective feedback in their revision process. Moreover, it aims to verify if teachers and students’ practices vary according to error type (lexical, syntactic and morphological), CF technique (direct, indirect, or combined feedback) and student proficiency level (weak or strong). Three adult French as a second language classes took part in this study: 3 teachers and their respective 24 students (12 deemed strong and 12 weak). Student wrote a text which was then corrected by the teachers according to their regular CF approach. Afterwards, students rewrote their text incorporating their teacher’s corrective feedback. Interviews were conducted with the 3 teachers and their 24 students. Results indicate the overall effectiveness of written corrective feedback in second language learning. This efficacy varies depending on the CF technique used, error type and learner proficiency level. This study demonstrates that these three variables indeed play an important role and that teachers should vary their corrective feedback when reacting to their students’ written productions.

Zpětná vazba ve výuce češtiny jako cizího jazyka / Feedback in Czech Language Courses for Foreigners

Plísková, Kamila January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores teacher's feedback, its definition, types, and is specifically focused on feedback moves in context of teaching Czech as a foreign language. The aim of this thesis is to present current research on the feedback in the context of teaching a second/foreign language and describe how the feedback is used in Czech language courses for foreigners and what instruments teachers use for such purpose. The first part is focusing on the feedback as part of the educational dialogue and communication in the language classroom; introducing some concepts and hypotheses of second language acquisition in which feedback figures. We also provide a description of feedback, both positive and corrective, and we present current studies concerning feedback within language learning. The empirical part carries out conversational analysis of transcribed recordings of participant observation in Czech courses for foreigners, in which we focus on feedback moves of lecturers. The thesis includes glossary explaining relevant terms translated into Czech. Key words: Feedback, positive feedback, corrective feedback, communication in the language classroom, error correction, Czech for foreigners, conversation analysis

Feedback corretivo na interação oral : uma pesquisa-ação colaborativa com duas professoras de língua inglesa

Pessôa, Aline Ribeiro 31 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-12-19T13:18:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Aline Ribeiro Pessôa_.pdf: 1289142 bytes, checksum: f4e7f7469fb96423567c077ffa03dbf5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-19T13:18:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aline Ribeiro Pessôa_.pdf: 1289142 bytes, checksum: f4e7f7469fb96423567c077ffa03dbf5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-10-31 / Nenhuma / O feedback corretivo oral, em uma perspectiva sociocultural, é entendido como um elemento central para professores de línguas estrangeiras ajudarem o aprendiz a alcançar a autorregulação. Uma vez que o feedback corretivo possibilita a construção conjunta de uma zona de desenvolvimento proximal (ZDP), enfatiza-se a importância de variar os tipos de feedback oferecidos, reformuladores e elicitativos, favorecendo a estes, pois ajudam o aprendiz a assumir a responsabilidade pela correção de seus próprios erros. Este estudo objetiva contribuir para o desenvolvimento profissional de docentes de inglês como língua estrangeira e, conforme a perspectiva sociocultural, abordar e desenvolver conceitos científicos sobre o feedback corretivo oral. A investigação envolveu duas professoras de língua inglesa de uma escola pública em uma pesquisa-ação colaborativa, durante um semestre letivo. O estudo explora a pesquisa-ação colaborativa, estreitamente relacionada aos conceitos socioculturais da mediação e da ZDP, e propõe a zona de desenvolvimento proximal de docentes de língua estrangeira (ZDPD-LE), definida como a distância entre o que um professor de língua estrangeira faz em sua sala de aula e o que pode fazer quando estrategicamente mediado. A pesquisa fez uso da triangulação para a coleta e a análise dos dados, os quais foram coletados por meio de entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas, observações em sala de aula, gravações em áudio e vídeo das aulas observadas, sessões autoscópicas e uma entrevista em grupo não estruturada. A análise dos dados foi orientada pela análise de conteúdo e pela análise da interação. Os resultados evidenciaram que, antes da pesquisa-ação colaborativa, as duas professoras utilizavam, predominantemente, feedback reformulador, especialmente recast, e eram contrárias ao fornecimento de feedback corretivo imediato. Além disso, elas ofereciam apenas alguns dos vários tipos de feedback corretivo. Os resultados do estudo revelaram que as professoras participantes internalizaram conceitos científicos e, como consequência, alteraram suas compreensões e o modo como fornecem feedback corretivo oral. Os resultados desta investigação ressaltam a importância da implementação de oportunidades, tais como as propiciadas por uma pesquisa-ação colaborativa, para professores em serviço se engajarem e refletirem sobre suas práticas de feedback corretivo oral, como forma de apoiar e promover o desenvolvimento profissional de professores de inglês como língua estrangeira. / Oral corrective feedback, from a sociocultural perspective, is understood as a pivotal element in how foreign language teachers can assist a learner to achieve self-regulation. As corrective feedback enables the joint construction of a zone of proximal development (ZPD), it is emphasized the importance of varying the types of feedback offered, reformulations and prompts, favoring the latter, as they help learners assume responsibility for correcting their own errors. This study aims at contributing to English as a foreign language teachers’ professional development and, within a sociocultural perspective, intends to approach and develop scientific concepts about oral corrective feedback. The study engaged two teachers of English as a foreign language, from a public language school, in a collaborative action research, during a school semester. The study explores collaborative action research, as closely related to the sociocultural concepts of mediation and ZPD. It thereby proposes the zone of proximal foreign language teacher development (ZPFLTD), defined as the distance between what a foreign language teacher does in his/her classroom and what he/she can do when strategically mediated. The study used a triangulation design for data collection and analysis. Data were collected by means of semi-structured individual interviews, classroom observations, audio and video recordings of the observed lessons, teacher stimulated recall interviews, and an unstructured group interview. Data analysis was informed by using content analysis and interaction analysis. The results showed that prior to the collaborative action research, both teachers predominantly used reformulations, especially recast, and were against the provision of immediate oral corrective feedback. Furthermore, they provided only some of the various feedback types. The results of the study revealed the participant teachers internalized scientific concepts, and therefore, changed their understanding and the way they furnished oral corrective feedback. The findings of this study highlight the importance of implementing opportunities, such as those propitiated by a collaborative action research, for in-service teachers engage with and reflect on their oral corrective feedback practices, as a supportive and effective way to promote the professional development of teachers of English as a foreign language.

Technology and L2 writing : EFL student perspectives on electronic feedback using online learning logs

Zareekbatani, Alireza January 2015 (has links)
The use of instructional technology has opened up new avenues in education with broad implications in the foreign or additional language (L2) learning context. One of the research priorities is to explore student perceptions of the use of such modern means in their education which otherwise might not be anticipated. The present study aimed to determine (a) the perceived affordances as well as limitations of the information and communication technology (ICT) pedagogical application in coded corrective feedback (e-feedback) provision on L2 writing, (b) English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ perspectives on using e-feedback to reduce their local and global mistakes, and (c) the type of self-regulated learning (SRL) behaviours, according to EFL students’ self-reports, electronic feedback and learning logs called forth in cognitive, affective, and metacognitive domains. The participants (n=48) were high-intermediate to advanced EFL learners from four cohorts enrolled on an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) preparation course in a branch of the Institute of Science and Technology in Tehran. Each cohort went through 84 face-to-face tutorial sessions in four months. During this period, they also wrote essays and received e-feedback on 12 IELTS Writing Task 2 prompts with a minimum of drafting work three times for each on an e-learning platform (www.ekbatani.ir) specially designed for this study. The data from all four cohorts were collected over the course of 11 months, using semi-structured interviews, online structured and unstructured learning logs, and an open-ended questionnaire to provide an in-depth picture of student perceptions of this technology mediation. Through a purely qualitative research design, the log, interview, and open-ended questionnaire data were analysed, categorised and coded. The findings represented students’ perceptions of the benefits of the e-feedback and learning logs as (i) offering a motivating and empowering means of providing EFL writing support, (ii) enhancing the thinking and problem-solving processes, (iii) a flexible and fast scaffolding approach for L2 writing improvement, and (iv) encouraging student writers’ active knowledge construction by helping them notice mistakes, focus on writing specifics, overcome the fear of writing, and grow confidence in L2 learning. The self-reported data indicated perceived limitations including (i) the time-consuming nature of the e-feedback processes, (ii) the occasional need for face-to-face discussions, peer feedback addition, providing supplements to e-feedback such as on-demand e-tutorials, and (iii) increased workload for the teacher in proportion to the number of students. Specific writing improvement was perceived to be locally in the use of punctuation signs and grammar, in spelling skills and the scope of vocabulary; and globally in organising ideas, finding ideas in the form of blueprints, and developing ideas into full-length essays. The student perceptions demonstrated that the learner-centred e-feedback environment created different affordances for students’ cognitive, affective, and metacognitive behaviours: (i) cognitively, it assisted the use and development of various learning strategies, enhanced student EFL writing experience, and increased awareness of error patterns in their essays; (ii) affectively, it supported students’ motivational processes, ability to appraise their progress, restore, and sustain positivity, and greater perceived self-efficacy beliefs in their own L2 writing skills; finally, (iii) metacognitive affordances included the ability to rethink and amend their plans as well as seek out support, ability to reflect on the writing processes holistically, ability to self-monitor to remain on course, and ability to devise and implement a plan of action mostly by finding a strategy to deal with mistakes and by taking greater caution in writing their future drafts. Despite arising from a particular contextual framework with the experience of particular cohorts of students, the findings can hopefully be of value to researchers and practitioners in the fields of online language pedagogy, second language acquisition (SLA), EFL writing, and computer-assisted language learning (CALL) with communication uses. The findings can assist language courseware designers, e-feedback platform developers, and L2 writing course administrators to support and enhance their practices and decisions, especially in providing and implementing ICT and SRL initiatives in EFL writing.

Les croyances des enseignants et des apprenants adultes quant à la rétroaction corrective à l’oral et la pratique réelle en classe de français langue étrangère en Égypte

Mohamed Hassan Mohamed, Rania 01 1900 (has links)
Différentes études ont montré que le niveau des futurs enseignants, issus des écoles publiques, en français langue étrangère (FLE) en Égypte est assez faible. Ceux-ci font un grand nombre d’erreurs répétitives à l’oral. Quoique ce manque de précision langagière puisse être dû à plusieurs facteurs, il appert que la rétroaction soit une des variables contribuant à ce phénomène (comme le nombre d’étudiants en classe, la durée du cours, l’âge et la motivation des étudiants, les méthodes d’enseignement, etc.). La rétroaction corrective est généralement définie comme toute correction explicite ou implicite de la part de l’enseignant indiquant que la production de l’apprenant est erronée. Elle est considérée comme indispensable dans les classes de langues secondes (LS) (Shmidt, 1983, 2001 ; Long, 1991, 1996 ; Lightbown, 1998). Pour ces raisons, cette étude porte sur la rétroaction corrective et, plus spécifiquement, sur les croyances des enseignants et des apprenants quant à celle-ci, ainsi qu’à son utilisation dans les classes de FLE en Égypte. Les recherches antérieures indiquent que les croyances des enseignants quant à l’acte d’enseigner influencent leurs pratiques en classe, que les croyances des apprenants influencent leur motivation, leur niveau et leurs efforts déployés pour l’apprentissage de la langue, et qu’une divergence entre les croyances des professeurs et celles des apprenants peut entraîner des effets négatifs sur l’apprentissage de la langue cible, ce qui indique ainsi qu’il est de grande importance d’explorer les croyances. Ainsi, la présente étude vise à explorer les croyances des professeurs égyptiens et celles de leurs étudiants en ce qui a trait à la rétroaction corrective à l’oral, la différence entre ces croyances, et l’identification des pratiques réelles des professeurs afin de décrire à quel point celles-ci reflètent les croyances exprimées. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire a été administré à 175 étudiants et 25 professeurs appartenant à trois universités égyptiennes afin de déterminer leurs croyances déclarées. Des entrevues semi-dirigées et des observations directes ont été réalisées auprès de neuf des 25 professeurs participants pour mieux déterminer leurs croyances et leurs pratiques rétroactives. Les résultats obtenus ont révélé qu’il existe des divergences importantes entre les croyances des professeurs et celles des étudiants, d’un côté, et entre les croyances des professeurs et leur pratique, de l’autre côté. Par exemple, la plupart des étudiants ont déclaré leur opposition à l’utilisation de la reformulation alors que presque la moitié des professeurs ont indiqué être en faveur de cette même technique. Les professeurs ont indiqué que leur choix de techniques rétroactives dépend du type d’erreurs et qu’ils préfèrent inciter les apprenants à s’auto corriger. Cependant, ces mêmes professeurs ont utilisé la reformulation pour corriger la majorité des erreurs de leurs apprenants, quelle que soit leur nature. Nous parvenons ainsi à la conclusion que l’utilisation de la reformulation, qui fait l’objet d’une divergence au niveau des croyances, pourrait être à l’origine du manque de précision langagière rapporté par les chercheurs. / Previous research revealed that Egyptian learners of French as a foreign language who will be the future teachers of French in Egypt produce numerous errors repetitively during oral productions. While this lack of accuracy can be attributed to a cohort of factors (number of students in class, duration of course, age and motivation of students, methods of teaching, etc.), it is assumed in the present study that corrective feedback could be at the origins of the reported results. Defined as implicit or explicit teacher reactions to the learners’ incorrect renditions, corrective feedback is seen by many second language acquisition researchers (Schmidt, 1983, 2001; Long, 1991, 1996; Lightbown, 1998) as a driving force behind interlanguage development. Among other things, corrective feedback draws learners’ attention to form and helps them notice the gap between their interlanguage and the L2 norm. In light of these theoretical arguments along with empirical research findings indicating the benefits of corrective feedback, the present study investigated corrective feedback provided in French as a foreign language classes in Egyptian universities. More specifically, the study explored teachers’ and students’ beliefs about feedback as well as teachers’ in-class use of feedback. Previous research on beliefs indicates that teachers’ beliefs shape their teaching and that learners’ beliefs affect their motivation and determine the effort students are willing to deploy to learn the target language. Based on these theoretical and empirical claims, the present study investigated teachers’ and students’ beliefs about oral corrective feedback in learning French as a foreign language in Egypt and explored teachers’ actual corrective feedback practices to determine the extent to which they correspond to their declared beliefs. A beliefs questionnaire was administered to 175 students and 25 language teachers to determine their beliefs about corrective feedback. Nine of the 25 teachers were also interviewed and observed for a total of 27 hours to further investigate their beliefs and in-class practices. The results indicate a mismatch between teachers’ and students’ beliefs on the one hand, and a divergence between teachers’ beliefs and their actual teaching on the other. In terms of the relationship between students’ and teachers’ beliefs, the results reveal that while the majority of the learners do not see recasts as an effective feedback technique, almost half of the teachers do. As for the mismatch between teachers’ beliefs and their in-class practices, a two-fold pattern emerged. First, all the teachers reported that error type determined the technique they used to correct errors and that they preferred to push their learners to self-correct. However, recasts proved to be the technique of choice and that was regardless of error type. Instances of self-correction were rare with teachers choosing to recast most of their students’ errors instead of pushing them to remedy the errors on their own. As such, it may be speculated that the teachers’ choice of corrective feedback techniques, which happens to run counter to the students’ expectations (as shown in the beliefs questionnaire) may be a major factor behind the students’ reported lack of accuracy

Noticeability of corrective feedback, L2 development and learner beliefs

Kartchava, Eva 04 1900 (has links)
Cette étude quasi-expérimentale a pour but de 1) comparer la prise en compte et les effets de trois conditions rétroactives, à savoir la reformulation, l’incitation et un mélange des deux techniques, 2) déterminer le lien entre la prise en compte et l’apprentissage, et 3) identifier l’effet des perceptions des apprenants quant à la rétroaction corrective sur la prise en compte et l’apprentissage. Quatre groupes d’apprenants d’anglais langue seconde ainsi que leurs enseignants provenant d’un CEGEP francophone de l’île de Montréal ont participé à cette étude. Chaque enseignant a été assigné à une condition rétroactive expérimentale qui correspondait le plus à ses pratiques rétroactives habituelles. La chercheure a assuré l’intervention auprès du groupe contrôle. L’utilisation du passé et de la phrase interrogative était ciblée durant l’intervention expérimentale. Des protocoles de pensée à haute voie ainsi qu’un questionnaire ont été utilisés pour mesurer la prise en compte de la rétroaction corrective. Des tâches de description d’images et d’identification des différences entre les images ont été administrées avant l’intervention (pré-test), immédiatement après l’intervention (post-test immédiat) et 8 semaines plus tard (post-test différé) afin d’évaluer les effets des différentes conditions rétroactives sur l’apprentissage des formes cibles. Un questionnaire a été administré pour identifier les perceptions des apprenants quant à la rétroaction corrective. En termes de prise en compte, les résultats indiquent que les participants sont en mesure de remarquer la rétroaction dépendamment de la forme cible (les erreurs dans l’utilisation du passé sont détectées plus que les erreurs d’utilisation de la phrase interrogative) et de la technique rétroactive utilisée (l’incitation et le mélange d’incitation et de reformulations sont plus détectés plus que la reformulation). En ce qui a trait à l’apprentissage, l’utilisation du passé en général est marquée par plus de développement que celle de la phrase interrogative, mais il n'y avait aucune différence entre les groupes. Le lien direct entre la prise en compte et l’apprentissage ne pouvait pas être explicitement établi. Pendant que la statistique inférentielle a suggéré une relation minimale entre la prise en compte du passé et son apprentissage, mais aucune relation entre la prise en compte de la phrase interrogative et son apprentissage, les analyses qualitatives ont montrés à une association entre la prise en compte et l’apprentissage (sur les deux cibles) pour certains étudiants et augmentations sans prise en compte pour d'autres. Finalement, l’analyse factorielle du questionnaire indique la présence de quatre facteurs principaux, à savoir l’importance de la rétroaction corrective, la reformulation, l’incitation et les effets affectifs de la rétroaction. Deux de ces facteurs ont un effet modérateur sur la prise en compte de la rétroaction sans, toutefois, avoir d’impact sur l’apprentissage. / This quasi-experimental study sought to investigate the often assumed yet little investigated relationship between noticing of corrective feedback (CF) and L2 development in relation to learner beliefs about error correction. Specifically, it aimed to (1) uncover the noticeability and effectiveness of three CF techniques (namely, recasts, prompts, a combination of the two) (2) to determine a relationship between noticing of CF and learning of the past tense and questions in the past, and (3) to determine whether learner beliefs about CF mediate what is noticed and learned in the language classroom. The participants were four groups of high-beginner college level francophone ESL learners (n = 99) and their teachers. Each teacher was assigned to a treatment condition that fit his CF style, but the researcher taught the controls. CF was provided to learners in response to their production problems with the simple past and questions in the past. While noticing of CF was assessed through immediate recall and questionnaire responses, learning outcomes were measured by way of picture description and spot the differences tasks administered through a pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test design. Learner beliefs about CF were probed by means of a 40-item questionnaire. To elicit the learner and teacher perspectives on the study, semi-structured interviews were held with the three teachers and 20 learners, drawn randomly from the participating classes. The results indicated that the noticeability of CF is dependent on the grammatical target it addresses (i.e., feedback on past tense errors was noticed more) and that the feedback techniques that push learners to self-correct alone or in combination with target exemplars are more effective in bringing out the corrective intent of a feedback move. In relation to the learning outcomes, the overall past tense accuracy increased more than that for questions, but there were no differences between the groups. The direct link between noticing and learning could not be unequivocally established. While the inferential statistics suggested a minimal relationship between noticing and past tense scores, especially if the CF was provided with recasts, but no relationship between noticing and questions scores, the qualitative analyses pointed to an association between noticing and test scores (on both targets) for some learners and gains without noticing for others. Finally, in relation to the beliefs about CF, the participants’ responses centered on four common themes (the importance of oral CF, recasts as CF technique, prompts as CF technique, and affective consequences of CF), two of which mediated the noticeability of the supplied CF, but none impacted the learning outcomes.

Les pratiques évaluatives visant l’efficacité de la rétroaction pour le développement de la production écrite des étudiants du français langue étrangère : le cas de l’Université de Costa Rica

Chao Chao, Kuok Wa 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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