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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Starbursts at Cosmic Dawn : Formation of Globular Clusters, Ultra-Faint Dwarfs, and Population III star clusters at z > 6

Nebrin, Olof January 2022 (has links)
In the standard model of cosmology (ΛCDM) the first stars, star clusters, and galaxies are expected to have formed in short bursts of star formation in low-mass dark matter halos at high redshifts (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?z%5C,%20%5Csim%20%5C,6-10" data-classname="equation_inline" />). Up to this point, attempts to predict the properties and abundances of these luminous objects have made use of numerically expensive cosmological simulations. On top of being numerically expensive, these simulations often lack the required sub-parsec resolution needed to resolve the formation of compact star clusters and/or neglect possibly dominant stellar feedback processes. Motivated by this, I introduce Anaxagoras, as far as I know the most detailed analytical ab initio model of starbursts in low-mass halos to date. The model incorporates sub-models for gas cooling (including a new determination of the H2-cooling threshold in minihalos), central gas accretion and disk formation (using a new selfsimilarsolution), stellar feedback from radiation pressure (direct stellar radiation, Lyman-<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Calpha" data-classname="equation_inline" data-title="" /> scattering in H I, and multiple scattering of IR photons by dust), stellar winds, expanding HII regions, and (crudely) supernovae. The resulting star formation efficiency is used to predict the fraction of stars that remain gravitationally bound in a cluster following gas expulsion, andwhat fraction escape the central region of the halo, yet remain bound by the dark matter halo. I apply Anaxagoras to study star formation at <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?z%5C,%20%3E%20%5C,6" data-classname="equation_inline" /> in satellite halos of the Milky Way using a halo merger tree code, as well as Population III (Pop III) star formation in minihalos. For the Milky Way setup, hundreds of galaxies are predicted to form with luminosities (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?L_%7B%5Crm%20V%7D%20%5C,%3C%5C,%20%5Crm%7Bfew%7D%5C,%20%5Ctimes%20%5C,%2010%5E4%20%5C:%20%5Crm%7BL%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" />), half-mass radii (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csim%2010-200%5C:%5Crm%20pc" data-classname="equation_inline" />), mass-to-light ratios (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?M/L_%7B%5Crm%20V%7D%20%5Csim%20100%20-%20%5Crm%7Bfew%7D%20%5C,%5Ctimes%5C,%2010%5E3%20%5C:%5Crm%7BM%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D/%5Crm%7BL%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation" />), and ages (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?13.18%5E%7B+0.29%7D_%7B-0.31%7D%5C:%5Crm%20Gyrs" data-classname="equation_inline" data-title="" />) in good agreement with the observed local population of Ultra-Faint Dwarfs. This shows that ΛCDM is able to explain the properties ofthe faintest dwarf galaxies without fine-tuning. Furthermore, at least ~ 40 compact (initial half-mass radii <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csim%200.1-5%5C;%5Crm%7Bpc%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" />), old (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?13.27%5E%7B+0.21%7D_%7B-0.39%7D%5C:%5Crm%20Gyrs" data-classname="equation_inline" />) globular cluster (GC) candidates with initial stellar masses <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?10%5E5%20-%2010%5E6%20%5C:%20%5Crm%7BM%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" />  are predicted to form at the center of low-mass halos, and could survive to the present-day and explain at least a fraction of the observed metal-poor GCs. Their properties are consistent with recent candidates for GCs residing in dark matter halos. Thus, Anaxagoras lends support to the viability of the scenario of GC formation in minihalos. Finally, the formation of Population III (Pop III) stars in minihalos is studied, with the conclusion that if Pop III stars are not overly massive (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?25%5C:%5Crm%7BM%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" />) between ~ 1 − 30 stars could form per minihalo at <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?z%5C,%20%3E%20%5C,20" data-classname="equation_inline" />, with the number increasing to ~ 10 − 500 stars per minihalo at <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?z%5C,%3C%5C,15" data-classname="equation_inline" /> as Lyman-Werner feedback delay star formation until halos reach larger masses. In the case where Pop III stars are more massive (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?140%5C:%5Crm%7BM%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" data-title="" />) most minihalos form just a single star. Due to self-shielding of H2 in minihalos, I find that the cosmological Lyman-Werner background is insufficient to produce Pop III galaxies in atomic-cooling halos, with the implication that the number of massive Pop III galaxies/star clusters in the early Universe has been greatly overestimated in the literature that ignores self-shielding.

Searches for Neutrino Emission from Blazar Flares with IceCube

Raab, Christoph 09 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Cosmic rays reach Earth from beyond the Milky Way and with energies up to 10^20 eV.The responsible accelerators have to date not been discovered. However, multi-messenger astronomy can shed light on the question, based on the principle that protons and nuclei accelerated in dense and energetic environments would also produce gamma rays and neutrinos. Such environments may be found in "blazars", which are therefore cosmic ray accelerator candidates. Their gamma-ray emission has been observed to increase, sometimes by orders of magnitude, during "flares" as observed in light curves taken by the Large Angle Telescope on the Fermi satellite. When the latter was launched in 2008, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory had also started taking data, detecting the Cherenkov light from high-energy neutrino interactions in the glacier ice under the geographic South Pole. These two experiments have enabled multi-messenger searches for neutrinos in time correlation with the gamma-ray emission from blazars. This work builds on this principle and extends it by "stacking" the signal from multiple blazar flares. Thus, their individually undetectable neutrino emission could still be discoverable. One first analysis focused on the blazar TXS 0506+056, whose flare in 2017 coincided with arrival of the neutrino IceCube-170922A. Extending into a lower energy range than the alert, the search found no additional excess neutrinos associated with the flare. A second analysis used 179 bright and variable blazars. They were divided in two specific blazar classes and weighted relatively to each other, with two weighting schemes motivated physically using the observed gamma-ray luminosity and a third, generic weighting to cover unconsidered scenarios. No significant neutrino excess was found in the unblinded likelihood fits for any of the source catalogues and weighting schemes. Their combined trial-corrected p-value was p=(79.1 +/- 0.3)%. The limits derived from this analysis are also discussed and its relation with other searches considered. Since that was the first "blazar flare stacking", this work also proposes further improvements to the analysis which will help advance the search for cosmic ray accelerators. / Les rayons cosmiques proviennent d'au-delà de la Voie lactée et atteignent la Terre avec des énergies pouvant aller jusqu'à 10^20 eV. Les objets qui accélèrent ces rayons cosmiques n'ont toujours pas été découverts. Toutefois, l'astronomie multimessager peut apporter un élément de réponse à cette question, en supposant que les protons et les noyaux accélérés dans des environnements denses et énergétiques pourraient également produire des rayons gamma et des neutrinos. Les "blazars" sont de possibles candidats pour les accélérateurs de rayons cosmiques. Une augmentation de leurs émissions de rayons gamma, parfois de plusieurs ordres de grandeur, a été observée lors de phénomènes qu'on appelle "éruption", comme le montrent les courbes de lumière prises par le télescope spatial Fermi-LAT. Lorsque ce dernier a été lancé en 2008, l'observatoire de neutrinos IceCube avait également commencé à prendre des données, détectant la lumière Tcherenkov provenant d'interactions de neutrinos à haute énergie dans la glace qui se trouve sous le Pôle Sud géographique. Ces deux expériences ont permis de mener à bien des recherches multi-messagers de neutrinos en corrélation temporelle avec l'émission de rayons gamma des blazars. Ce principe est le point de départ de cette thèse, qui va plus loin en employant la méthode du "stacking", qui consiste à combiner les signaux provenant de plusieurs éruptions de blazars. Ainsi, leurs émissions individuelles de neutrinos, habituellement indétectables, pourraient être découvertes après combinaison. Une première analyse s'est concentrée sur le blazar TXS 0506+056, dont l'éruption en 2017 a coïncidée avec l'arrivée de l'évènement IceCube-170922A. En considérant une gamme d'énergie inférieure à celle de l'alerte 170922-A, pas d’autres neutrino excédentaire n’a été associé à l'éruption. Une deuxième analyse est basée sur 179 blazars lumineux et variables. Ces blazars ont été répartis en deux classes spécifiques, et chacun d'entre eux a reçu un poids relatif. Trois schémas de pondération ont été considérés :les deux premiers étant motivés par des observations, le troisième étant plus générique. Aucun excès significatif de neutrinos n'a été observé après avoir effectué des ajustements par maximum de vraisemblance sur les données non masquées, pour les différents catalogues de sources et schémas de pondération. Leur valeur-p combinée est de p=(79.1 +/- 0.3)%. Les limites dérivées de cette analyse sont discutées ainsi que leur rapport avec les résultats d'autres recherches. Puisqu'il s'agit du premier stacking d'éruptions de blazars, nous suggérons également des améliorations à apporter à l'analyse afin de permettre la poursuivre de la recherche d'accélérateurs de rayons cosmiques. / Kosmische straling afkomstig van buiten de Melkweg bereikt de Aarde met energieën tot wel 10^20 eV. De astrofysische bronnen waarin deze deeltjes worden versneld zijn tot op heden nog niet ontdekt. De multi-boodschapperastronomie kan een nieuw licht werpen op de oorsprong van kosmische straling, aangezien protonen en atoomkernen die worden versneld in een dichte en energetische omgeving ook gammastralen en neutrino’s produceren. „Blazars” zijn mogelijke kandidaat-versnellers. Observaties van blazars, gemaakt met de ruimtetelescoop Fermi-LAT ,tonen aan dat hun gammastraling tijdens zogenaamde „flakkers” toeneemt. Rond de tijd dat deze werd gelanceerd, begon het IceCube Neutrino Observatorium ook gegevens te verzamelen. Deze laatste detecteert hoog-energetische neutrino’s aan de hand van het Cherenkovlicht dat geproduceerd wordt tijdens hun interacties met de ijskap bij de geografische zuidpool. Deze twee experimenten hebben het mogelijk gemaakt om een multibooschapperzoektocht te verrichten naar neutrino’s van blazars die een tijdscorrelatie hebben met diens flakkers van gammastraling. Dit is het uitgangspunt van dit proefschrift, waarbij er ook een zogenaamde „stapelmethode” wordt toegepast. Op deze manier kan de neutrino-emissie van indivuele blazarflakkers, die afzonderlijk te zwak is om te detecteren, gecombineerd worden en mogelijks toch worden ontdekt. Een eerste analyse legt de focus op de blazar TXS 0506+056, waarvan een flakker in 2017 samenviel met de aankomst van het neutrino IceCube 170922-A. In een relatief lager energiebereik wordt er geen surplus aan neutrino’s gevonden gecorreleerd met de flakker. In een tweede analyse maken we gebruik van de stapelmethode om neutrino’s te zoeken afkomstig van 179 heldere en variabale blazars. Deze worden onderverdeeld in twee specifieke klassen en krijgen elks een zeker gewicht in de stapelanalyse. Hiervoor worden twee wegingsschema’s gebruikt die gemotiveerd zijn door de geobserveerde gammastraling, alsook een derde generieke weging. Ook hierwordt er geen significant neutrinosignaal geobserveerd. De gecombineerde p waarde is p=(79.1 +/- 0.3)%. Hieruit worden limieten afgeleid, en worden de verbanden met andere zoekacties besproken. Aangezien dit werk de eerste analyse omvat naar neutrino’s afkomstig van blazarflakkers gebruik makende van een stapelmethode, worden er in dit werk ook verdere verbeteringen van de analyse voorgesteld. Deze zullen als een startpunt dienen voor toekomstige zoektochten naar de nog onbekende bronnen van kosmische straling. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Revelation's hymns : commentary on the cosmic conflict

Grabiner, Steven Charles 02 1900 (has links)
Topic This study examines the hymnic pericopes found at Revelation 4.8-11; 5.9-14; 7.10- 12; 11.15-18; 12.10-12; 15.3,4 and 19.1-8 in light of the cosmic conflict theme. It considers that this theme is a major contributor to the development of Revelation’s plot, and thus the hymnic sections are informed by, and inform the understanding of the controversy. Purpose Recognizing that the majority of critical studies give interpretative primacy to the social and political realities that existed in the Roman Empire at the time of Revelation’s composition, there is need for an examination of the storyline from the perspective of issues that are clearly of narratival importance. This study argues that the cosmic conflict is at the center of the book’s concerns, and attempts to determine the function of the hymns in relation to the ongoing controversy. Previous examinations of the hymnic sections have either considered them to be a response and/or parody to Roman liturgy, examples of God’s unquestioned sovereignty, or expressions of thematic overtones found throughout the book. While all these approaches make a contribution to a greater understanding of the hymns, the relation of the hymns to the ever-present conflict theme has not been explored. This study allows the hymnic sections to engage with the larger narrative issue as to who is truly the rightful sovereign of the universe. Conclusion This study found that a close examination of the text confirms that the cosmic conflict is the major motif in the narrative, and that it does not simply serve as a metaphor for political realities. It also concluded that the temple/throne room imagery found throughout the storyline, should have a controlling influence upon interpretation. This setting provides the backdrop for understanding the origins and issues of the controversy. Another conclusion of the study is that the only way for the controversy to be resolved is for God to reveal Himself in such a manner that the truth about Him is manifest. Finally, it was seen that the hymns do provide commentary on the conflict, by acclaiming God’s goodness and right to rule, despite the undertones of Satan’s accusations. / New Testament / D. Th. (New Testament)

From the observation of UHECR signal in [1-200] MHz to the composition with the CODALEMA and EXTASIS experiments / De l’observation du signal radio des RCUHE dans [1-200] MHz à la composition avec les expériences CODALEMA et EXTASIS

Escudie, Antony 27 September 2019 (has links)
Malgré la découverte des rayons cosmiques il y a plus de cent ans, de nombreuses questions restent aujourd’hui sans réponse : que sont les rayons cosmiques, comment sont-ils créés et d’où viennent-ils ? Depuis 2002, l’instrument CODALEMA, basé sur le site de l’Observatoire de radio-astronomie de Nançay, étudie les rayons cosmiques d’ultra haute énergie (RCUHE, au delà de 1017 eV) qui arrivent dans l’atmosphère terrestre. Leur faible flux rend impossible une détection directe à ces énergies. Ces rayons cosmiques vont cependant interagir avec les atomes de l’atmosphère, engendrant une cascade de particules secondaires chargées communément appelée gerbe de particules, détectable depuis le sol, et dont on va extraire des informations sur le rayon cosmique primaire. L’objectif est de remonter aux caractéristiques du primaire ayant engendré la gerbe de particules, donc de déterminer sa direction d’arrivée, sa nature et son énergie. Lors du développement de la gerbe, les particules chargées en mouvement engendrent notamment l’émission d’une impulsion de champ électrique très brève, que CODALEMA détecte au sol avec des antennes radio dédiées, sur une large bande de fréquences (entre 1 et 200 MHz). L’avantage majeur de la radio-détection est sa sensibilité au profil complet de la gerbe et son cycle utile proche des 100 %, qui pourrait permettre d’augmenter le nombre d’évènements détectés à très haute énergie, et donc de mieux contraindre les propriétés des RCUHE. Au fil des ans, des efforts importants ont été consacrés à la compréhension de l’émission radio-électrique des grandes gerbes de particules dans la gamme [20-80] MHz mais, malgré certaines études menées jusqu’aux années 90, la bande [1-10] MHz est restée inutilisée pendant près de 30 ans. L’une des contributions de cette thèse porte sur l’expérience EXTASIS, adossée à CODALEMA, qui vise à ré-investiguer cette bande et à étudier la contribution dite de ”mort subite”, impulsion de champ électrique créé par les particules de la gerbe lors de leur arrivée et de leur disparition au sol. Nous présentons la configuration instrumentale d’EXTASIS, composée de 7 antennes basses fréquences exploitées dans [1.7-3.7] MHz, couvrant environ 1 km2. Nous rapportons l’observation, sur 2 ans, de 25 évènements détectés en coïncidence par CODALEMA et EXTASIS et estimons un seuil de détection de 23±4 μV/m à partir de comparaisons avec des simulations. Nous rapportons également une forte corrélation entre l’observation du signal basse fréquence et le champ électrique atmosphérique. L’autre contribution majeure de cette thèse porte sur l’étude du champ électrique émis par les gerbes et l’amélioration des performances du détecteur dans la bande [20-200] MHz. Nous proposons dans un premier temps une méthode de calibration des antennes de CODALEMA en utilisant l’émission radio de la Galaxie. Nous investiguons aussi plusieurs algorithmes de réjection de bruit afin d’améliorer la sélectivité des évènements enregistrés. Nous présentons ensuite une méthode de reconstruction des paramètres du rayon cosmique primaire, mettant en oeuvre des comparaisons combinant des informations de polarisation et fréquentielles entre les données enregistrées et des simulations, nous menant enfin à une proposition de composition en masse des rayons cosmiques détectés. / Despite the discovery of cosmic rays there are more than one hundred years ago, many questions remain unanswered today: what are cosmic rays, how are they created and where do they come from ? Since 2002, the CODALEMA instrument, located within the Nançay Radio Observatory, studies the ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR, above 1017 eV) arriving in the Earth atmosphere. Their low flux makes it impossible to detect them directly at these energies. These cosmic rays, however, will interact with the atoms of the atmosphere, generating a cascade of secondary charged particles, commonly known as extensive air shower (EAS), detectable at ground level, and from which we will extract information on the primary cosmic ray. The objective is to go back to the characteristics of the primary that generated the EAS, thus to determine its direction of arrival, its nature and its energy. During the development of the shower, these charged particles in movement generate a fast electric field transient, detected at ground by CODALEMA with dedicated radio antennas over a wide frequency band (between 1 and 200 MHz). The major advantage of radio-detection is its sensibility to the whole profile of the shower and its duty cycle close to 100 %, which could increase the number of events detected at very high energy, and thus to better constrain the properties of the RCUHE. Over the years, significant efforts have been devoted to the understanding of the radio emission of extensive air shower (EAS) in the range [20-80] MHz but, despite some studies led until the nineties, the[1-10] MHz band has remained unused for nearly 30 years. One of the contributions of this thesis concerns the EXTASIS experiment, supported by the CODALEMA instrument, which aims to reinvestigate the [1-10] MHz band and to study the so-called ”sudden death” contribution, which is the expected impulsive electric field created by the particles at their arrival and their disappearance on the ground. We present the instrumental set up of EXTASIS, composed of 7 low frequency antennas exploited in [1.7-3.7] MHz, covering approximately 1 km2. We report the observation, over 2 years, of 25 low-frequency events detected in coincidence by CODALEMA and EXTASIS and estimate a detection limit of 23±4 μV/m from comparisons with simulations. We also report a strong correlation between the observation of the low frequency signal and the atmospheric electric field. The other major contribution of this thesis concerns the study of the electric field emitted by the EAS and the improvement of the detector’s performances in the [20-200] MHz band. First, we propose a calibration method for CODALEMA antennas using the radio emission of the Galaxy. We are also investigating several noise rejection algorithms to improve the selectivity of recorded events. We then present a method for reconstructing the parameters of the primary cosmic ray, implementing systematic comparisons combing polarization and frequency information between the recorded data and simulations, leading finally to a proposal for a mass composition of cosmic rays detected.

Aspects of Quantum Fluctuations under Time-dependent External Influences

Uhlmann, Michael 01 October 2007 (has links)
The vacuum of quantum field theory is not empty space but filled with quantum vacuum fluctuations, which give rise to many intriguing effects. The first part of this Thesis addresses cosmic inflation, where the quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field freeze and get amplified in the expanding universe. Afterwards, we turn our attention towards Bose-Einstein condensates, a laboratory system. Since most of our calculations are performed using a mean-field expansion, we will study the accuracy of a finite-range interaction potential onto such an expansion. Exploiting the universality of quantum fluctuations, several aspects of cosmic inflation will be identified in ballistically expanding Bose-Einstein condensates. The effective action technique for calculating the quantum backreaction will be scrutinized. Finally, we consider dynamic quantum phase transitions in the last part of this Thesis. To this end two specific scenarios will be investigated: firstly, the structure formation during the superfluid to Mott-insulator transition in the Bose-Hubbard model; and secondly, the formation of spin domains as a two-dimensional spin-one Bose gas is quenched from the (polar) paramagnetic to the (planar) ferromagnetic phase. During this quench, the symmetry of the ground state is spontaneously broken and vortices (topological defects) form.

Cosmic Dust Detection by the Solar Orbiter Using Machine Learning

Lönngren, Joar, Tiston, Ludwig January 2023 (has links)
This project aims to investigate neural network systems as an effective tool for the in-space captured dust impact signal detection. Cosmic dust is the nanometre to micrometre fine-sized particles that exist in the interplanetary region. They originate from comets, asteroids, the planets and their moons and rings, or even the interstellar region. Some are visible to the human eye as, for instance, zodiacal light. However, most dust grains are sparsely spread in space and can be captured only by in-situ measurements. One method to capture such a small grain in space utilizes the whole spacecraft’s surface as a detector and uses the onboard electric field measurement to identify their impact signals. Those signals are highly non-linear and often identified manually. A neural network system is a possible solution to improve dust detection for a massive dataset.The European Space Agency’s (ESA) solar physics mission, Solar Orbiter, has electric field measurement (PWI) onboard and can detect the micrometeorite impact signals near the sun. We used two types of PWI datasets to investigate the use of neural network systems in interplanetary dust detection.We first used a pre-trained neural network to the High-Frequency (HF) Time Domain Sampler (TDS) data to adapt further to the new dataset. We were able to obtain good detection classifications as the previous work except for the data with high time resolution, which has not been used for the pre-training before. Therefore, we implemented extra preprocessing to enable classification of data with high time resolution.We trained and tested another neural network on another type of PWI dataset, that is, the Low-Frequency (LF) continuous data. This data type is different from the TDS data type in that it does not come in packets but as a continuous data stream covering an entire day and has a lower sampling frequency. Which required different preprocessing-procedures.Based on the two types of neural network analysis we use above; we have finally been able to investigate the characteristics of dust distribution in the interplanetary region. Using the statistical analysis obtained by the SolO/PWI between April of 2020 to Mars of 2023, among others, the following characteristics have been found: The neural network analysed dust impact rates show a similar trend as onboard processed dust impact rates. Dust impact amplitude was found to be correlated to distance from the sun, spacecraft velocity, and spacecraft radial velocity. The impact rate increases as the spacecraft travels sunward. Much of the dust appears to have speeds lower than the spacecraft. Overall, from this study, we concluded that the HF neural network is better in dust signal detection, but the LF network can be improved. Shortcomings and possible improvements are presented in the conclusions.

The Inflationary Universe

Cavcic, Benjamin January 2023 (has links)
Astrophysical observations of the cosmic microwave background point to inconsistencies in the standard model of cosmology, and a primordial accelerated expansion of the universe known as inflation has been suggested as a solution. Unfortunately, observational evidence of inflation is lacking, and there exists hundreds of models that populate the inflationary landscape. In this thesis, we explore three of these and see what constraints are set on them in order to account for observations. We find that two of the models have regimes of trans-planckian nature, while the third leads to a non-invertible equation. / Astronomiska observationer av den kosmiska bakgrundsstrålningen tyder på bristfälligheter i standardkosmologin, vilket har lett till förslaget om en accelererande expansion i de tidigaste skeden av universum känd som inflation. I avsaknaden av observationella bevis finns det numera hundratals inflationsmodeller, och i detta arbete kommer vi att rikta fokuset mot tre av dessa avvilka två visar sig överstiga transplanckianska värden medan den sista leder till en ekvation som inte är inverterbar.

<strong>Relativistic Magnetospheres: Dynamics And Emission Properties</strong>

Praveen Sharma (16326144) 14 July 2023 (has links)
<p>     </p> <p>This article-based dissertation provides a review of the broad subject of Neutron Star- their emission properties, plasmoids ejection events, and their proposed physical mechanisms. The primary purpose of this dissertation is to provide an extensive description of the research projects I undertook during my tenure as a Graduate Research Assistant, under the guidance of my advisor Prof. Maxim Lyutikov. </p> <p><br></p> <p>Chapter 1 provides a broad overview of the Neutron stars, their classification, proposed emission models, and a summary of magnetars and associated observed phenomena. </p> <p><br></p> <p>In Chapter 2, I present a version of the research article published in the <em>Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society</em>. The work is titled "Rotating Neutron Stars Without Light Cylinders" and discusses twisted and differentially rotating neutron star magnetospheres that do not have a light cylinder, generate no wind, and thus do not spin down. The magnetosphere of such neutron stars is composed of embedded differentially rotating flux surfaces, with the angular velocity decreasing as Ω ∼ 1/r. It was found, both analytically and using numerical simulations, that for spin parameters larger than some critical value, the light cylinder appears, the magnetosphere opens up, and the wind is generated. </p> <p>In Chapter 3, I present a version of the research article published in <em>The Astrophysical Journal</em>. The work is titled "Relativistic Magnetic Explosions" and was undertaken under the supervision of Dr. Maxim Barkov, in collaboration with Dr. Konstantinos N. Gourgou- liatos and Dr. Lyutikov2 Barkov. It discusses the dynamics of magnetically driven explosive astrophysical events, like magnetar bursts and flares. We model a relativistic expansion of highly magnetized and highly magnetically over-pressurized clouds. We observe that the corresponding dynamics are qualitatively different from fluid explosions due to the topological constraint of the conservation of the magnetic flux. Using analytical, relativistic MHD as well as force-free calculations, we find that the creation of a relativistically expanding, causally disconnected flow obeys a threshold condition: it requires sufficiently high initial over-pressure and sufficiently quick decrease of the pressure in the external medium (the pre-explosion wind). In the subcritical case, the magnetic cloud just puffs up" and quietly expands with the pre-flare wind. We also find a compact analytical solution to the Prendergast problem - the expansion of force-free plasma into the vacuum. </p> <p><br></p> <p>Chapter 4 is the extension of the work in Chapter 3 and focuses on the dynamics of relativistic Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), from launching by shearing of foot-points (either slowly or suddenly), to propagation in the preceding magnetar wind. The work has been accepted to be published in <em>Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society</em>. For slow shear, we find that most of the energy injected into the CME is first spent on the work done on breaking through the over-laying magnetic field. At later stages, sufficiently powerful CMEs may lead to the detonation of a CME and opening of the magnetosphere beyond some equipartition radius req, where the decreasing energy of the CME becomes larger than the decreasing external magnetospheric energy. Post-CME magnetosphere relaxes via the formation of a plasmoid-mediated current sheet, initially at req, and slowly reaching the light cylinder. Both the location of the foot-point shear and the global magnetospheric configuration affect the frequent/weak versus rare/powerful CME dichotomy - to produce powerful flares the slow shear should be limited to field lines that close in near the star.  After the creation of a topologically disconnected flux tube, the tube quickly (at ∼ the light cylinder) comes into force-balance with the preceding wind and is passively advected/frozen in the wind afterward. </p> <p>For fast shear case, the shearing of foot-points leads to the generation of Alfvén wave and the pressure of such Alfvén leads to the opening of the magnetosphere. At distances much larger than the light cylinder, the resulting shear Alfvén waves propagate through the wind non-dissipatively. </p> <p><br></p> <p>In Chapter 5, I switch gears and study the optical polarization of Crab pulsar. I start by deriving a general relation for the polarization direction of the electric dipole-type radiation produced by a particle moving in an arbitrary electromagnetic field. The derived relations are then applied to reproduce optical polarization swings in Crab pulsar assuming a Michel- Bogovalov solution for the current sheet. With this, I was able to reproduce down to intricate details the spin-phase trajectory of the position angle (PA) in the Stokes parameters U-Q plane. This chapter however remains a work in progress. We still don't fully understand the physical mechanism behind the polarization characteristics of the Crab, especially the origin of the point where the inner loop connects with the bigger outer loop. I plan to fully answer these questions before sending our findings for publication. </p> <p><br></p> <p>Chapter 6 summarizes the main results and conclusions of the research projects and mentions the prospects. References are compiled after the appendices so that they are first cited, followed by a CV and a list of publications. </p>


CINTIA APARECIDA PIRES DA COSTA 06 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] A presença de aminoácidos em cometas e meteoritos levanta questões sobre como estes foram formados em ambientes cósmicos, bem como de que maneira eles foram capazes de sobreviver no espaço sideral; radioresistência é uma informação essencial para prever meias-vidas e avançar os estudos sobre origens da vida. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é determinar, por meio de espectroscopia no infravermelho, as seções de choque de destruição de aminoácidos comuns expostos à radiação de íons e elétrons energéticos. As forças de banda vibracionais (A-values) e a dependência do espectro infravermelho com a temperatura da amostra (10 – 400 K) foram analisadas. Seções de choque de destruição aparente (sigma)d(ap) e rendimentos de sputtering (Y0) para glicina, valina e fenilalanina irradiadas por H+, He+ e Nq+ íons de MeV e elétrons de keV foram medidos. Encontrou-se: i) uma dependência aproximadamente linear entre a seção de choque de destruição aparente e o poder de freamento eletrônico (Se): (sigma)d(ap) = (sigma)d + Y0 /N0 = a Sen (onde n aproximadamente 1) para projéteis de MeV e para amostras à temperatura ambiente; ii) resultados preliminares de σdap para feixes de nitrogênio multi-carregados; e iii) resultados de seção de choque de destruição de valina irradiada por elétrons de keV, bem como sua dependência com a energia de incidência do feixe, e com a espessura e temperatura da amostra. Como contribuição teórica, o modelo CASINO-estendido foi desenvolvido visando descrever a evolução da degradação de matéria orgânica por projéteis carregados, particularmente por feixes de elétrons. Comparadas aos resultados experimentais, as previsões do modelo subestimam o dano causado pelo feixe de elétrons, evidência de que efeitos de sputtering e provavelmente algumas características da amostra (como a estrutura cristalográfica) devem ser incluídos. Como implicações astrofísicas, meias-vidas para valina e fenilalanina irradiadas por raios cósmicos são estimadas em aproximadamente 10 milhões de anos no meio interestelar; da glicina, se irradiadas por vento solar a uma unidade astronômica do Sol, é aproximadamente 3 dias. Visando simular materiais astrofísicos realistas bombardeados por elétrons de keV, a meia-vida de valina envolta por gelos de água e CO2 e depositada sobre silicato é também prevista. / [en] The presence of amino acids in comets and meteorites raises questions about how they have been formed in cosmic environments, as well as how long they can survive in outer space; radioresistance is essential information to predict half-lives and make advances on the origins of life studies. The main objective of the current work is to determine, via infrared spectrometry, destruction cross sections of common amino acids exposed to energetic ion and electron radiation. Before sample irradiation, valine vibrational band strengths and their infrared spectral dependence on temperature (10 – 400 K) were analyzed. Apparent destruction cross sections (sigma)d(ap) and sputtering yields (Y0) for glycine, valine and phenylalanine, irradiated by MeV H+, He+ and Nq+ ions and keV electrons, were measured. From experimental data: i) an approximately linear dependence between the apparent destruction cross section and the electronic stopping power (Se) is found: (sigma)d(ap) = (sigma)d + Y0 /N0 = a Sen (where n approximately 1) for MeV projectiles and for samples at room temperature; ii) (sigma)d(ap) preliminary results relative to multi-charged nitrogen ion beams are discussed; and iii) destruction cross section of valine irradiated by keV electrons, as well as its dependence on incident beam energy, on sample thickness and on sample temperature are presented. As a theoretical contribution, the evolution of organic matter damage by charged projectiles, particularly for electron beams, the CASINO-extended model was developed. When compared to experimental results, the model predictions underestimate the damage caused by electron beams, evidence that sputtering and probably some sample characteristics (as crystallographic structure) are involved. As astrophysical implications, cosmic ray half-lives for valine and phenylalanine are estimated to be about 10 million years in the interstellar medium; solar wind half-life at 1 au from the Sun is approximately 3 days for glycine. Aiming to simulate realistic astrophysical materials bombarded by keV electrons, the half-life of valine embedded into water and CO2 ices over a silicate substrate is also predicted.

Earthly Matters of Cosmic Awareness: A 2023 Thesis of Architecture

Mitchell, Henry 05 October 2023 (has links)
Architecture, as a discipline, has the potential to serve as a catalyst for cultivating an awareness of our intrinsic connection to the Earth and the broader universe. However, in the contemporary world, architectural practices frequently tend to alienate us from the natural environment, compelling many of us to inhabit indoor spaces reliant on centralized utility systems. This reliance, in turn, exerts significant stress on the Earth's ecosystems. The essence of architecture should instead lie in its capacity to engage with the surrounding natural elements, including the sun, wind, earth, and rain, thereby prompting individuals to acknowledge their geographical and planetary context. By harnessing these natural forces at the local level, architectural structures could autonomously provide their occupants with essential resources such as energy, water, and sustenance throughout the year. This thesis embarks on an exploration of the feasibility of integrating these principles of passive design into architectural structures, with the overarching goal of imparting experiential learning opportunities to the broader public. Through this endeavor, architecture can transcend its conventional role and emerge as a conduit for disseminating knowledge and awareness about sustainable living practices. Ultimately, this reimagined role for architecture can play a pivotal part in catalyzing the ongoing human evolution towards enhanced health and resilience, both as individuals and as a species. / Master of Architecture / Architecture should make us aware of how we are connected to the earth and by its extension, the universe. In today's world, it often closes us off from nature instead. Many of us are plugged in to an indoor culture that relies on centralized utility infrastructure to sustain, which often puts great strain on the natural environment. By interacting with surrounding natural phenomenon such as the sun, wind, earth, and rain, our buildings should remind us of our geographical and planetary context. By gathering these natural forces local, a building could supply its inhabitants with energy, water, and facilitate food production year round. This thesis aims to explore how a building could demonstrate these principles of passive design to the general public by using architecture as a vessel for experiential learning. This is the role Architecture can play in the process of human evolution towards becoming a healthier and more resilient species.

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