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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu rodinný dům v lokalitě okolí Tišnova / Comparison of Selected Ways of Pricing of Houses Located in Tišnov and Surroundings

Kubičková, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
My diploma paper is focused on description of the ways of assessing, which are used in practice. The diploma paper should also make a comparison between those assessing methods and recognise the difference between them. Next aim of my diploma paper is to shortly mention the questions of International valuation norms (standards), but only those parts, which are related with assessing of real property. Practical part of my diploma paper is especially focused on assessing of family houses by chosen assessing methods, which are: cost approach, comparison method (nenašla jsem), standard price and price at present time. Whose resultant values will be compared. Partial task is recognition how the aspect of job opportunity is influencing the price of family house, which was counted by comparison method.

Posouzení vlivu polohy na obvyklou cenu novostaveb vybraných rodinných domů ve Žďáru nad Sázavou a v Novém Městě na Moravě / Assessment of the impact location on the usual price of newly built houses in selected Zdar and New Town in Moravia

Chleboun, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis concerns in the assessment of the impact on the price of newly built houses in part of Kraj Vysočina. In the first theoretical part of thesis are describe basic terms of the assessing, which are use in second practical part. Second part discusses pricing family houses with cost approach, comparative manner according to the regulation and direct comparative. This prices are after that recalculate to unit prices and evaluated.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro bezbariérové rodinné domy v Jihlavě a okolí / Comparison of selected methods for the valuation of barrier-free houses in Jihlava

Chalupová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
Target for this thesis is to describe the methods of evaluation, and with chosen evaluation methods, by the use of comparison, to highlight their difference. This thesis is focused mostly on the barrier-free houses, that require special construction alterations for the handicaped. Next target for this thesis is to compare the price difference of the regular house and the barrier - free house. Practical part of the thesis is focused mostly on estimating the price of the family houses by the chosen evaluation methods, which are cost method, comparison method and standard price. Their final prices will be compared with each other. Partial task of the thesis is to find out, how big part of the final price of the house is the aspect of the barrier-free construction.

Posouzení vlivu polohy na obvyklou cenu novostaveb vybraných rodinných domů v Hradci Králové / Assessment of the Location Impact on the standard price of newly built houses in Hradec Králové

Řehák, Radek January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis concerns in the assessment of the impact on the price of newly built houses in part of Královohradeckého kraje. In the first theoretical part of thesis are describe basic terms of the assessing, which are use in second practical part. Second part discusses pricing family houses with cost approach, comparative manner according to the regulation and direct comparative. This prices are after that recalculate to unit prices and evaluated.

Oceňování vybrané skupiny majetku AREAL SLATINA, a.s. / Valuation of the Selected Group of Assets in AREAL SLATINA, a.s.

Holopová, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the valuation of buildings of the company AREAL SLATINA, a.s. Based on the theoretical background we defined advantages and disadvantages of valuation approaches. The purpose of the thesis is to propose an optimal valuation method while taking into account the specifics of the market and intentions of the Company.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu rodinný dům v Litomyšli a okolí / Comparison of Seleted Methods of Valuation of Family House-type Real Estate in Litomyšl and its Surroundings

Plchová, Monika January 2011 (has links)
Diploma Thesis "Comparison of selected methods of valutation of a family house - type estates in Litomyšl and it's surroundings" describes the way of assesing, compares these methods and recognises the difference between them. The practical part is especially focused on assesing of choosen family houses by the cost approach, comparative public notice, comparative non-promulgation, standard price and price at present time. At the end of diploma thesis there is provided how much the aspect of job opportunities influences the price of family houses, which was counted by the comparison method.

Komparace nákladových cen a ceny obvyklé vybraných rodinných domů v městě Hranice a jeho okolí / Comparison of cost price and normal price of selected houses in the city limits and its surroundings

Rolincová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Real estate evaluation is a very attractive and up to date area of interest. Real estates can be evaluated for several purposes. Whether we talk about the evaluation by the certified valuer for purposes set by the law such as the real estate sale, tax purposes, and property settlement or appraisal by the assessor based on market approach for the market needs. Within the Czech Republic, we define two main ways how to evaluate a real estate. Those are the evaluation according to the price regulation and market approach evaluation. Each of these ways defines a lot of evaluation methods/ approaches such as cost approach, comparison approach or revenue approach. The question is how much the result of the evaluation correspondents with reality and how much different the prices are set based on those methods. And that is what this diploma thesis deals with. This thesis will compare potential differences between the values estimated by selected methods.

Dynamic efficiency under uncertainty / an empirical analysis for German dairy farms

Wagner, Christina 24 June 2015 (has links)
Der Milchsektor ist einer der bedeutendsten landwirtschaftlichen Sektoren in der Europäischen Union. Seit die Reformen der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik 2005 in Kraft traten, wurde der Markt stark liberalisiert und ist durch zunehmende Preisschwankungen gekennzeichnet. Für die Michviehbetriebe ist dies eine Herausforderung, denn Faktorpreisunsicherheit ist eng mit den betrieblichen Entscheidungsprozessen für die optimale langfristige Nutzung der Produktionsfaktoren verbunden. Ein weitreichender Teil der Literatur analysiert den Zusammenhang zwischen Betriebsgröße oder Betriebsführung und ökonomischer Effizienz. Die statische Effizienzmessung ist weitverbreitet, vernachlässigt jedoch die zeitliche Abhängigkeit und die Anpassungsprozesse der quasi-fixen Faktoren. Dies wird im Konzept der dynamischen Effizienzmessung aufgegriffen. Das verwendete Effizienzmodell berücksichtigt zudem Faktorpreisunsicherheit. Der Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist es, die dynamische Effizienz westdeutscher Milchviehbetriebe erstmals unter Unsicherheit zu analysieren. Es wird untersucht, ob die Produktionsfaktoren technisch und allokativ effizient einsetzen werden. Zudem wird die Rolle der Unsicherheit für die Faktornachfrage und die Effizienzmessung beleuchtet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Milchviehbetriebe auf einem hohen technischen Effizienzniveau arbeiten im Vergleich zur allokativen Effizienz und dass die Futternachfrage negativ mit der Futterpreisvolatilität verbunden ist. Investitionen reagieren negativ auf die Volatilität des Milchpreises, wobei der Einfluss der Unsicherheit mit zunehmender Betriebsgröße steigt. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass die Preisunsicherheit bei der (dynamischen) Effizienzmessung von entscheidender Bedeutung ist und die Vernachlässigung zu niedrigeren Effizienzwerten führt und die Betriebe ineffizient erscheinen. Diese Ergebnisse sind nicht nur für Milchviehbetriebe relevant, sondern auch für Sektoren, die durch volatile Marktbedingungen gekennzeichnet sind. / Dairy farming, the most important farming sector in the European Union, has been subject to considerable de-regulation since the 2005 EU Common Agricultural Policy came into effect and to increased commodity price volatility. This is a new challenge for dairy farms, since price volatility is related to farm-level decision-making with regard to the optimal factor allocation in the long run. A vast body of literature relates economic efficiency to dairy farm characteristics such as size or managerial ability. However, it is common for static approaches of efficiency which ignore the role of time and the adjustment processes of farms with respect to the quasi-fixed factors to be applied. The intertemporal linkages of production and investment decisions are emphasized by dynamic efficiency and an extended model incorporates factor price volatility. The contribution of this thesis is to analyze the dynamic efficiency of German dairy farms under uncertainty, which thus far has not been done. The application aims to investigate whether West German dairy farms use their production factors in a technically and allocative efficient way in the long run. Moreover, the application will explore the role of uncertainty for factor demand and efficiency measurement. The results show that the farms operate at high levels of technical efficiency in comparison to allocative efficiency and that feed demand is negatively related to the variance of the feed concentrate price. Investment is negatively related to the variance of the milk price and the effect increases with farm size. The results further show empirical evidence for considering uncertainty when deriving (dynamic) efficiency measures: neglecting uncertainty within the estimation procedure will underestimate the average efficiency score, and thus farms appear inefficient. This finding is not only interesting for dairy farms; it also applies to other sectors that operate in highly-volatile markets.

台灣生醫產業之研發評估模式探討 - 以A公司為例 / Exploration of Evaluation Models for R&D Projects in the Biomedical Industry of Taiwan - The Case of Company A

邱一帆, Chiu, I Fan Unknown Date (has links)
研發計畫的評估是一個複雜且重要的問題,特別是在新興的生技醫藥產業,生技醫藥產業雖然爆發力強,卻具有研發時程長、風險大的特性,再加上投資金額龐大,回收期長,如何在有限的資源及高度的不確定性下,進行正確的投資評估變成了關乎未來公司存亡的關鍵。 一般而言,質化的評估方式,容易受決策者主觀意見所影響,造成決策品質的不確定性。而量化的評估方式,並不易讓企業管理者瞭解與使用,加上模式的限制可能只適用於某些特定情形,造成決策的真實情境無法完全由數學模式中表達出來,而降低了決策的參考性。 以藥物開發為例,針對生醫產業的特性,從評估參與人員、質化評估、量化評估、評估要求、評估標準、評估程序等不同的構面去探討與分析可能合適的研發評估模式。本論文進一步以個案訪談的方式,收集實際運作的經驗與意見,瞭解目前業界目前實務上使用的評估方式,並與先前的生醫產業評估模式對照比較,瞭解理論與實務上的落差,探討其關鍵要素,以整體的效益評估觀點,對公司決策者或研發主管提出建議。 / The evaluation for R&D project is usually regarded as an important and complicated issue for enterprises, especially in the biomedical industry. Such a concern may be highly applied to the biomedical industry, which is involved with lengthy R&D process, high level of risk, and large cost. This project, therefore, will attempt to study the appropriate approaches to determine whether a proposed R&D project is worthwhile to be launched for a biomedical enterprise with limited resources. In general, qualitative research may be involved with the evaluator’s personal experience, negatively influencing the evaluation results. On the other hand, not each of the selected models employed by quantitative research is fully compatible to evaluation process. This study suggests that either qualitative or quantitative research may not be the most appropriate tool to conduct R&D project evaluation. This study aims to use drug development as a study target and further to discuss the most appropriate evaluation approach from the five aspects, including reviewer’s professional, evaluation items of qualitative research, evaluation items of quantitative research, requirement for evaluation process, and criteria for project approval. This study also assumes that a final review process is required to be proceeded in addition to taking the above five aspects into account. This study begins with related references and collecting the opinions provided by the professionals working in the biomedical industry about real cases. Through the case study method, the study may better understand the difference between the theoretical models and real practices and further to identify the key successful factors for the evaluation model. Finally the study suggests a comprehensive evaluation model to decision makers or research managers.

集合住宅專有部分與共有部分之分開計價問題探討-台北大學特定區為例 / Analysis of housing separated prices in property rights of private units and public elements

林逸杰, Lin, I Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
住宅價格,在自由市場機制的放任下不斷攀升,政府以「分開計價」策略介入市場,揭露產權分配資訊,目的在保障消費者,避免購置過多的「虛坪」,並降低住宅價格負擔。本文試圖從產權分配的基本面,以「分開計價」政策,來探討房價與「虛坪」之間的關係問題,不同以往文獻以政治、社會與經濟面來分析高房價問題。如何分開、如何計價、又何謂虛坪,為本文研究動機。 如何分開產權的研究顯示,「專有部分」與「共有部分」需有合理規劃原則,方能免於購置虛坪。其方法宜採用「共有部分」五項目分配法,將共有部分之小公共設施、大公共設施、機車位、車道與車位分別單獨登記建號,再依主建物比例來合理分配共有部分;應禁止使用之分配規劃方式分別為:(1)地上層與地下層二分法、(2)各棟小公混合後再分配法、(3)機房併入主建物分法。 如何分開計價的推演方法顯示,除分析階層程序法不適用外,其建築體積成本法、蒐集與檢驗市場法,都在可接受範圍內。研究也顯示,虛坪雨遮准予登記但不予計價,符合市場、供給成本與需求認知。此外,僅以主建物計價,符合需求者的期待,並與國外僅以「專有部分」計價概念相符,資料顯示,國外不動產每單位的價格,乘上72.86%後為本國價格,此結果將可降低研究國內外不動產價格比較上的估價誤差。因此,產權「主建物比」較「公設比」資訊的揭露,更能避免購置過多「虛坪」,降低住宅價格負擔。 / The government adapts a policy of “separated prices in property rights” to reveal the secrets under distribution planning of property right, aiming to protect consumer from buying too much” virtual property rights” and in order to reduce housing burden. This study starts from a fundamental aspect in distribution planning of property rights to figure out the relationship between housing prices and virtual property rights, which is different from the political, social, and economical-based in history dissertations. Motivations of this study are to analyze what virtual property is and to explain how to separate and count the price of property. This research indicates that property distribution should be reasonably arranged in private units and public elements. Thus, problem of virtual property rights is avoided. The distribution method is followed: The entire public property rights should be detailed separately planning as an individual public facilities, large public facilities, motorbike parking, car parking, and basement driveway to the ground floor’s area. Completely inappropriate approaches are to merely separate on the floor or the basement space, and the machine room belongs to main building. Except analytical hierarchy process method, cost approach of building volume method and collect-check method are appropriate in applying separated prices in property rights. Moreover, the virtual property rights of rain cover cannot be charged but be registered. It corresponds with the situation of market pricing, supply costs and demand. The concept of charging merely in main private units reaches the expectation of the demanders, which equals to the foreign concept. According to data, in Taiwan, per unit real estate price is 72.86% times to foreign one. This result will reduce the mistakes of estimation in comparing prices. Consequently, the more information about ratio of main private units is revealed than public elements one , the less expense consumers have to face.

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