Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coursebook 2analysis"" "subject:"coursebook 3analysis""
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Rybníkářství a ryby v jihočeských rybnících (Výukový program pro ZŠ) / Fishfarming and fish in South Bohemian ponds (The unit plan)BARTOŠKOVÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to create the the unit plan, which is mainly intended for students in 7th grades of Czech primary schools. Prior to creating the unit plan, the presentation of the topic was analysed in coursebooks normally used at primary schools. The unit plan also contains worksheets and excursion suggestions. The electronic version of the thesis is supplemented with an original footage of fishing out of a pond. Some parts of the unit plan were tested in practice. The thesis was written as a part of GAJU 065/2010/S project.
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Matematisk begåvning och läroboken : En analys av läromedel för gymnasietAndersson, Kristin January 2018 (has links)
Läromedlet spelar en stor roll i matematikundervisningen i den svenska skolan. På grund av att de har en sådan betydande roll för elevernas möjlighet att träna och befästa deras matematiska kunskaper och förmågor finns det höga krav på att läromedlet ska kunna tillgodose alla elevers behov i klassrummet. Trots detta finns det inte längre någon statlig läromedelsgranskning, något som innebär att det jobbet är upp till lärarna istället. Enligt skollagen ska undervisningen i skolan bidra till kunskapsutveckling för samtliga elever, oavsett tidigare kunskapsnivå. För matematiken innebär det att de uppgifter och problem som eleverna jobbar med måste kunna tillgodose behoven hos elever med svårigheter så väl som med begåvning. Denna studie har undersökt i vilken utsträckning fyra läromedel i matematik för gymnasieskolan kan ge stöd åt matematiskt begåvade elever. Resultatet av studien visar att läromedlen täcker något eller några av de kriterier som forskning visat ger stöd åt matematiskt begåvade elever. På samma gång är det viktigt att understryka att resultatet av studien endast visar potentialen läromedlen har, det är fortfarande upp till lärare att ta tillvara på det material som finns dem tillhanda och använda det på ett sådant sätt att det bidrar till begåvade elevers kunskapsutveckling. / The coursebook plays a key role in the mathematics education in the Swedish school. Because it has such an important role in the students’ abilities to practice and fortify their mathematical knowledge and abilities, there are high standards to be met for the coursebook to accommodate all of the students’ needs in the classroom. Despite this, there is no national review of coursebooks, which means that it is up to the teachers themselves to review them. According to the law, the education in schools should contribute to knowledge development to all students, regardless of their prior level of knowledge. For the subject mathematics, this means that the exercises and tasks being worked on by the students need to meet the needs of students with difficulties as well as giftedness. This study has examined to what extent four coursebooks in mathematics at the upper secondary level can support the knowledge development of gifted students. The results of the study show that the coursebooks meet one or some of the criteria research has shown supports mathematically gifted students. At the same time it is important to stress that the results of this study only show the potential that the coursebooks have, it is still up to the teacher to use the materials available to them and use them in such a way that they can contribute to the gifted students’ knowledge development.
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Fighting Doomsday : an Ecocritical Discourse Analysis of Coursebooks / Bekämpa domedagen : en ekokritisk diskursanalys av läromedelVik, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the present study is to investigate how three coursebooks used in upper secondary school in Sweden portray nature and promote agency to enact the environmental perspective as outlined by Skolverket (2022). The data for this study was obtained through a close reading of the coursebooks, and the criteria for selecting data were that the texts should touch upon subjects related to nature, sustainability and the environment. The research method employed was qualitative discourse analysis. The data was analyzed within the theoretical framework of ecocriticism as well as some concepts from climate psychology. When examining the data, it was found that nature was portrayed in mainly an anthropocentric way, but also as metaphysical one. Furthermore, the findings suggest that there is an emphasis on individual rather than collective responsibility when promoting agency to act in favor of the environment. This emphasis could potentially promote climate anxiety rather than encourage engagement and, therefore, it could ultimately undermine the environmental perspective. In conclusion, the findings suggest that there is a risk of failing the environmental perspective as stipulated by Skolverket (2022). Ultimately, this study suggests further research be carried out in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) to explore the effects of promoting environmental engagement among students.
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