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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Decision-Makers behind Effective Crisis Management : An industry comparison of a crisis prepared approach among Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Löwhagen, Renée January 2015 (has links)
Master Thesis within Business Administration Title: Decision-Makers behind Effective Crisis Management: An industry comparison of a crisis prepared approach among Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Author: Renée Löwhagen Tutor: Angelika Löfgren Date: May, 2015 Key words: Crises, Crisis Management, Crisis preparedness, SME, Managerial decision-making Abstract Problem. The world is in an era with technological advancements, shorter business cycles and a growing competition that requires constant organizational changes in order for or-ganizations to stay on track. Uncertainty in the business world is therefore higher than ev-er. With respect to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and their central role in the European economy, it is of high relevance of today’s researchers to adopt the perspec-tive of these businesses to take on a more crisis prepared approach. Purpose. The focus of this study is to investigate the perception of the concepts of crisis and crisis management among SMEs’ managers in different industries in Sweden. Moreover, this study intends to develop an understanding of the decision-making behind a crisis pre-pared approach of different industries of SMEs. Method. This research employs a multi-methodical qualitative research approach in which, in-depth interviews with owner-managers of SMEs and a crisis expert have been conduct-ed. Results. This study indicates that there may be a lack of insight regarding the core meaning of crises and crisis management among the SMEs’ managers studied. Crises and crisis management was found to be perceived in a similar way among all the managers in the study. Crises were perceived as involving the personnel and safety issues of the business-es. Crisis Management, was understood as the management of an already occurred crisis, rather than the preparation for potential crises. A deficiency was found among the busi-nesses regarding crisis preparations. This seemed to be related to resource restrictions and a general lack of research about this topic in the context of SMEs. The study indicates that SME managers do not always make formal decisions regarding crisis preparations. In the cases where the SME managers of the study had prepared plans and strategies for how to handle crises, these had emerged as a gradual process rather than from decisions taken in this matter.

An Examination of Crisis Preparedness at Christian-Affiliated Institutions of Higher Education

Burrell, Stacy M 11 December 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine crisis preparedness at Christian-affiliated institutions of higher education. Second, this study examined Christian-affiliated institutions of higher education presidents’ perspective of their institution’s ability to prepare for crises based upon the four critical indicators of organizational crisis preparedness as described by Zdziarski (2001): a) the types of crisis institutions prepare for, b) the phase of crisis prepared for, c) the systems in place to respond to crisis, and d) the stakeholders involved and considered in preparations. Implications from this study provided recommendations for crisis preparedness that are specific to Christian-affiliated colleges and universities. A total of (n=77) presidents of Christian-affiliated institutions of higher education completed the Campus Crisis Management Questionnaire. Overall, results indicated that presidents of Christian-affiliated colleges and universities perceived their institutions to be well-prepared to respond to campus crises. This study adds to the crisis preparedness literature in higher education on how smaller private, specialized institutions with limited resources prepares for crisis.

Soft Governance & the Implementation of Policy Instruments A Study on Municipal Crisis Preparedness in Sweden

Forsberg, Samuel January 2023 (has links)
This qualitative study explores how crisis preparedness practitioners in Sweden perceive theAgreement on Municipalities' Crisis Preparedness and how the municipalities haveimplemented what is stated in the Agreement on Municipalities' Crisis Preparedness. Drawingon theories about soft governance and policy instruments this has allowed the study to explorehow the agreement might be viewed by those working with it in relation what the theories hasto say. This has been done through performing semi-structured interviews with seven crisispreparedness practitioners at seven different municipalities spread across Sweden. For thisstudy a thematic analysis was performed on the material, based on the interview guide and theindicators, Perception, and Implementation. The result of this study is that agreement is constructed in a way to give freedom to thoseworking with crisis preparedness and is seen as soft by practitioners, which means that theagreement as such can largely be seen as soft governance. However, some practitionersexpressed the notion that they would have liked to see clearer and stricter governmentalsteering. That it could be viewed as soft means that the agreement could potentially takeadvantage of the benefits to using a soft approach, or this would be the case if the studywasn’t able to show that there exist, a problem with crisis preparedness. This problem is thatthere is not enough money to do more than is necessary regarding crisis preparedness. Whythis is could be questioned as the municipalities have taxation rights and it could as such beinteresting to delve deeper into why this is in a future study.

Do Leaders Prioritise Crisis Preparedness? : A study of how leaders can affect the level of crisis preparedness in SMEs

Hussmann, Lena, Schippert, Jonna January 2019 (has links)
Background: Crisis and crisis management is a research topic that since the 1980s has gotten increasing amounts of attention in research. A crisis refers to an event that may have severe effects on an organisation's survival, making it important to know how to prepare for them. Interest in research about crisis preparedness has been growing. However, literature tends to focus on crisis preparedness in an MNE (Multinational Enterprises) context, thus, leaving out SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises). Nonetheless, SMEs are a large and crucial part of the economy that may equally, if not more, be affected by crises. In SMEs, the leader has a significant impact on the strategic decisions in the business, making them a crucial part of the crisis preparedness process and an important aspect to study. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore what factors could influence the way a leader prioritises to work with crisis preparedness in SMEs. Further, this research aims to understand how those priorities affect the level of crisis preparedness in SMEs. Method:  This study was conducted as a qualitative exploratory research in the form of a cross-sectional multiple case study. The data was collected through twelve semi-structured in-depth interviews, where all the participants were active as leaders in SMEs. The data collected in the interviews was subsequently analysed through a thematic analysis approach. Conclusion: It was found that besides the previously found external factors of SMEs, crisis preparedness is also influenced by the leader’s attitude about crisis preparedness. This attitude, in turn, is primarily formed through the leader’s understanding of crises and their personality. It was further found that the type of industry could be a factor in crisis preparedness due to for example, differing amounts of rules and regulations. In conclusion, the thesis was able to connect much of what has been found in previous research while adding a focus on the leader and their attitude about crisis preparedness.

Riskuppfattning och krisberedskap bland personal på gymnasieskolor

Åström, Gustav, Jonsson, Carl-Magnus January 2007 (has links)
<p>The study examines risk perception and crisis preparedness among personnel at high-schools. The focus is set on teachers and leaders at four high-schools in Örebro municipality, Sweden. The purpose of the study is to examine crisis preparedness and identify factors which influences risk perception and crisis preparedness. The survey consisted of a questionnaire which was completed by 95 respondents. The results show that better information about the crisis preparedness in the schools is needed. Further education is also required, as two thirds of the respondents states that they have not received any training in crisis preparedness. Having personal crisis experience increases the awareness of risks. Being a leader increases both risk perception and the judgement of crisis preparedness of the school.</p>

Riskuppfattning och krisberedskap bland personal på gymnasieskolor

Åström, Gustav, Jonsson, Carl-Magnus January 2007 (has links)
The study examines risk perception and crisis preparedness among personnel at high-schools. The focus is set on teachers and leaders at four high-schools in Örebro municipality, Sweden. The purpose of the study is to examine crisis preparedness and identify factors which influences risk perception and crisis preparedness. The survey consisted of a questionnaire which was completed by 95 respondents. The results show that better information about the crisis preparedness in the schools is needed. Further education is also required, as two thirds of the respondents states that they have not received any training in crisis preparedness. Having personal crisis experience increases the awareness of risks. Being a leader increases both risk perception and the judgement of crisis preparedness of the school.

Storskalig utrymning - en fråga om samverkan och flexibilitet : Vilka uppfattningar finns om ett genomförande på lokal och regional nivå i närheten av kärnkraftverket i Ringhals / Large scale evacuation - a question of collaboration and flexibility : What are the perceptions about an implementation in local and regional level close to the nuclear powerplant in Ringhals

Eriksson, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
Många svenska organisationer har idag en bristfällig förmåga att planera och förbereda en storskalig utrymning. Enligt MSB:s vägledning om utrymning 2014 anses dagens planering ofta vara förlegad och återföring av erfarenheter sker godtyckligt. Vidare varierar tolkning och tillämpning av gällande lagstiftning. Denna upplevs generellt som otydlig och ansvarsförhållandet mellan olika organisationer behöver tydliggöras. Syftet med studien är att utifrån erfarenheter från internationella exempel och allmänna principer för storskalig utrymning jämföra det med svensk kontext. Hypotesen är att avsaknaden av erfarenheter från att faktiskt genomföra utrymning i större omfattning sannolikt påverkar hur samhällets beredskap ser ut idag. Vald metod är semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med personer i nyckelfunktioner vid olika myndigheter på lokal och regional nivå i Halmstad, Halland. Materialet behandlades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Studien består också av en fallstudie där Halmstads kommun utgör en avgränsning och ett fall att studera. Resultatet påvisar att kunskap och förmåga att genomföra storskalig utrymning är bristfällig eller saknas. Samtliga organisationer som deltog i studien saknar praktisk erfarenhet från storskaliga utrymningar och ser genomförandet som en stor utmaning. Behov finns för åtgärder, dels planering i egen organisation dels gemensam planering med berörda organisationer. Det anses också att det finns kompetens inom organisationerna där exempelvis Varbergs och Kungsbackas kommuner tillsammans med Polismyndigheten Väst har mångårig erfarenhet av utrymningsplanering och övningar rörande kärnteknisk olycka. En gemensam utbildningsinsats, utifrån allmänna principer, med målsättning att skapa en gemensam inriktning och handlingsstruktur för storskalig utrymning rekommenderas. / Today many Swedish organizations have weak capacity to plan and prepare for a large-scale evacuation. According to MSB:s guide on evacuation 2014 todays planning is often considered outdated and feedback of experience is done arbitrarily. Furthermore, interpretation and application of existing legislation is varying. The legislation is generally perceived as unclear and responsibilities between different organizations need to be clarified. The purpose of the study is, based on the experience of international examples and general principles for large-scale evacuation compare it with Swedish context. The hypothesis is that the lack of experience actually implementing the evacuation on a large scale is likely affecting how society's preparedness looks today. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with people in key positions at various agencies on local and regional level in Halmstad, Halland. A qualitative content analysis was used. The study also consists of a case study where Halmstad Municipality and its proximity to the nuclear power plant in Ringhals represent delimitation and a case study. The result demonstrates that knowledge and ability to carry out large-scale evacuation is incomplete or missing. All organizations miss practical experience of large-scale evacuations and envision the implementation as a major challenge. There is a need for planning, in own organization and joint with interested organizations. It is also considered to be expertise within the organizations, as example Varbergs and Kungsbackas municipalities together with Police Authority West has many years of experience in emergency planning and exercises related to nuclear accidents. A joint training program, from general principles, with the aim of creating a common focus and action structure for large-scale evacuation is recommended.

Návrh řešení připravenosti Zdravotnické záchranné služby Středočeského kraje na mimořádné události s větším počtem zraněných / Proposal of EMS of the Central Bohemian region preparedness for managing multiple victim incidents and disasters

BATÍK, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with issue of preparedness of EMS Central Bohemia on multiple victims' emergencies. In addition to preparedness of EMS Central Bohemia the thesis also analyses the system of training and education of employees in the management of mass casualty. The theoretical part discusses the legislation on EMS, files from Catalogue of model activities related to this issue, coordination of parts of Integrated Rescue System (IRS) on site of event and role of EMS on-site emergencies. Further, the specifics of EMS Central Bohemia are described, the development of EMS Central Bohemia since its establishment (inception) to the present, organizational structure, mass casualty's emergencies preparedness, EMS dispatch (medical operations center), system of emergency calls management and finally Traumatology plan of EMS Central Bohemia. Aim of the thesis was based on analysis of the current status to propose optimal system of deployment and activation of forces and resources, and to propose system of employees' education and system of testing exercises. Based on research, SWOT analysis was developed (composed) and the results were compared with pre-established hypotheses. From obtained findings the comprehensive overview of forces and resources of EMS Central Bohemia region for mass casualty management was prepared. In particular, the number of available resources on duty, system of backups, modules and containers for mass casualties and their deployment. When evaluating resources for mass casualty management also an economic aspect was taken into consideration, as well as ambulance crews' knowledge on possible use of these resources. Based on this review, it was found that in terms of securing forces and resources, the readiness of EMS Central Bohemia is appropriate. Hereby the hypothesis nr.1, which presumed that EMS Central Bohemia has sufficient number of forces and resources to deal with emergencies with multiple victims has been confirmed. The hypothesis nr.2, which presumed that forces and resources deployment is not ideal, on the contrary has not been confirmed. In this thesis the current status of employees' preparation for mass casualty was also discussed. It was found that the base of this preparation is Course for leading employee of rescue service, organized by Department of crisis preparedness. At the same time the conception is set that after first four pilot courses this education system will be applied to particular areas, thereby should be secured sufficient education of crews of EMS Central Bohemia region in this issue. Other education options were also defined, which are now already available in the organization. The hypothesis nr.3, which presumed that system of preparation and training focused on mass casualty is not appropriate, have thus managed to disprove. However it was found that although a clear conception and education options in this field exist, it's not well known to ordinary employees. One of the conclusions is therefore also a recommendation to managers of EMS Central Bohemia to more inform their employees about these options. One of the goals of this thesis was to suggest a system of learning and testing exercises. This proposal is described in the conclusion the proposed number of testing exercises is at least 4 times a year. The total number of employees of the organization and the number of those who may have the capacity and operational reasons to participate on similar exercises has been taken into consideration here. The education system was found appropriate, only with above mentioned objection regarding to awareness of ordinary employees about it.

Krizová připravenost obce s pověřeným obecním úřadem Březnice vyplývající z Krizové plánu ORP Příbram / Emergency preparedness of municipalities with authorization of the municipal office Březnice resulting from Crisis Plan MEP Pribram

PINKAVA, František January 2014 (has links)
The thesis analyses municipality with a delegated local authority's preparedness for critical situations which results from the critical scheme of a municipality with extended powers. The results of this work are Crisis Preparedness Plan for the particular municipality which may be applied in practice. Processing of this part of the work is based on data gathering and solving when I mainly used factual and analytical method. Consultation with experts was also important since some sources were not always topical due to frequent legal decrees changes. The data gathering was done in a qualitative way when I worked with particular valid laws, government regulations, public notices and other legal norms and with available literature data, expert publications including website information, especially from official website of individual Integrated Rescue System units and the Home Office. In the research part itself, the city of Březnice is characterized and for which the Crisis Preparedness Plan is being made. General administrative characteristics of the city and municipalities which arise under are stated here as well as demography, infrastructure, geographical and climatic characterization. Important facilities from the point of view of population protection, such as schools, school and social facilities are graphically shown here; followed by characteristics of Integrated Rescue System units in the city together with instruments which are available to them. Another important part of the thesis is the hazard analysis which I had been given by the Czech Republic Fire Brigade from the Crisis Plan of Příbram's Area with Extended Powers and it has become the crucial source while writing this work. The hazard analysis identifies 14 threats which may occur in the Příbram Area. The most important part of this thesis is, in my opinion, the hazard analysis of the city of Březnice. Not all of the hazards may appear in the administrative area of the city Březnice, however, there may occur certain threats in this administrative area which are not underpinned in the Crisis Plan of the Příbram Area. Here I have come to the key findings crisis plans of the areas with extended powers are rather general and insufficient for preparing solutions of critical situations development in administrative areas with a delegated authority. I have come to those findings after having made a SWAT analysis and thanks to this I have discovered threats which were not dealt with in the crisis plan.There are several findings as a result of this thesis and the suggestion of the Plan of Crisis Preparedness of a municipality with delegated authority of Březnice. The first finding answers the research question of "Which are the hazards threatening performance of the tasks of a municipality with delegated authority of Březnice resulting from the Crisis Plan of Příbram's Area with Extended Powers and whether the municipality is ready to deal with these threats?" The city of Březnice is not quite prepared for upcoming hazards since there are not analyzed all threats which may occur, because these plans are too general to analyze well the setting of lower administrative districts and this has become the next finding. Further, I may claim that the city of Březnice is, in many ways, independent while dealing with certain crisis situations due to sources which the city provides. This is another aim of the work. The created suggestion of the Plan of Crisis Preparedness should contribute to effective solutions during crisis situations in a municipality with delegated authority of Březnice and thanks to created cards; the solution of crisis situations should become better-arranged with the plans. The created suggestion of the mentioned plan may become a model for processing crisis documentation in other municipalities.

“Online Participation Art Strategy” : Design for supporting students' wellbeing in crises times

Wang, Ruoqi January 2021 (has links)
Online learning in the present circumstances of the pandemic is unique, unlike common digital learning situations, raises a number of concerns. University students might struggle with adjustment and feel discouraged by changes, as conventional socializing in class is their major loss in online learning. Students should continue to learn, and schools have gone to great lengths to transfer educational content into the digital world, not just online teaching and delivery methods, but also support the students' wellbeing. The project created a framework for students’ wellbeing support, online learning in higher education and crisis preparedness. Moreover, the project used several research methods to collect and analyze data, and design methods to treat and develop ideation. The resulting project is called the ‘Online participation Art Strategy’. Based on the insights that ‘enhancing online learning by enhancing online participation’, the project provides educational materials in the form of campaign design and graphic design, to enhance online participation and thereby support the wellbeing of students. / <p>Online presentation</p>

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