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Marketingovo-produktová strategie společnosti Mediahost na domácím trhu / Marketing-Product Strategy at Mediahost Company within The Home MarketŠiška, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce navrhuje marketingovou strategii pro firmu Mediahost podnikající v oboru hostingových služeb. Strategie je zaměřená na slovenský, tedy pro společnost domácí trh. Strategie je podložená příslušnou analýzou. V tomhle případe byl použit “seven Cs” model, taktéž znám jako Compass model, a to spolu se SWOT analýzou. Strategie navrhuje komplexní marketingovou strategii odrážející současné prostředí hostingového trhu.
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Univerzální platforma pro vzdálenou správu IoT zařízení a vizualizaci M2M dat / Universal platform for remote management of IoT devices and visualization of M2M dataŠtůsek, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to create universal application able to visualize M2M data and allows remote management of smart sensors using TR-069 protocol. First part of this thesis contains comprehensive evaluation of TR-069 standard and OSGi platform. Next, extensive analysis of embedded databases with detailed description of SQLite platform is provided. Auto-configuration server genieacs and modus TR-069 client, two parts needed for the proper run of remote configuration, are described in more detail in following section. Practical part of this thesis contains description of all created OSGi bundles together with communication interfaces. Moreover, the description of designed database and developed user interface is given.
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Indenyl-Metallkomplexe mit Metallen der Gruppe 4Weiß, Thomas 28 February 2001 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Synthese, das Reaktionsverhalten und
die Charakterisierung von neuartigen in Position 2 silylsubstituierten
Indenylkomplexen mit Metallen der Gruppe 4 des Periodensystems der Elemente.
Insbesondere konnten silylenverbrückte Komplexe synthetisiert werden, in
welchen bislang unbekannte indenylhaltige ansa-Zirconocendichloride und
Halbsandwichmetalldichlorid-Komplexe mit rigidem Ligandengerüst verwirklicht
sind. Diese zeigen besondere Eigenschaften als Katalysatoren in der homogenen
Ziegler-Natta-(Co)Polymerisation von Ethen und Propen. Die einfache
Zugänglichkeit von 2-Indenylsilanen konnte durch eine Eintopfsynthese erreicht
werden, bei welcher ausgehend von 2-Bromindenen sehr gute Ausbeuten erreichbar
sind. Zur Synthese der 2-Bromindene wurden verschieden substituierte Indene
verwendet. Durch Variation des Substituentenmusters ist es möglich die
Eigenschaften des Katalysators gezielt zu beeinflussen. Die positionsabhängige
Aufklärung der Substituenteneigenschaften von Me und/oder SiMe3 im Indengerüst
nimmt daher einen bedeutenden Anteil dieser Arbeit ein. Zu diesem Zweck wurden
neuartige substituierte Indenyltitantrichloride präparativ zugänglich gemacht
und in Kombination mit bekannten Indenyltitantrichloriden mittels
UV/VIS-Spektroskopie und Cyclovoltammetrie untersucht. Auf der Basis des
gewonnenen Datenmaterials gelang es die Wirkung der Substituenten auf die
Grenzorbitale von Indenyltitantrichlorid zu modellieren. Unterstützt wurde das
Arbeitsmodell durch Extended-Hückel-Rechnungen, wobei die
Koeffizientenverteilung im p-System des Indenylliganden als
eigenschaftsbestimmend erkannt wurde. Indenyltitantrichloride ermöglichen
zudem den Zugang zu Verbindungen des Typs (h5-Ind)TiCl2-OR mit R = Aryl,
(h5-Ind)TiCl2 [(Ind) = C9H7, (1-SiMe3C9H6)]. Diese Komplexe zeigen auffällige
strukturelle Übereinstimmungen und Ähnlichkeiten mit verbrückten
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Sparse Approximation of Spatial Channel Model with Dictionary Learning / Sparse approximation av Spatial Channel Model med Dictionary LearningZhou, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
In large antenna systems, traditional channel estimation is costly and infeasible in some situations. Compressive sensing was proposed to estimate the channel with fewer measurements. Most of the previous work uses a predefined discrete Fourier transform matrix or overcomplete Fourier transform matrix to approximate the channel. Then, a learned dictionary trained by K-singular value decomposition (K-SVD) was proposed and was proved superiority using orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) to reconstruct the sparse channel. However, with the development of compressive sensing, there are plenty of dictionary learning algorithms and sparse recovery algorithms. It is important to identify the effect and the performance of different algorithms when transforming the high dimensional channel vectors to low dimensional representations. In this thesis, we use a spatial channel model to generate channel vectors. Dictionaries are trained by K-SVD and method of optimal directions (MOD). Several sparse recovery algorithms are used to find the sparse approximation of the channel like OMP and gradient descent with sparsification (GraDeS). We present simulation results and discuss the performance of the various algorithms in terms of accuracy, sparsity, and complexity. We find that predefined dictionaries works with most of the algorithms in sparse recovery but learned dictionaries only work with pursuit algorithms, and only show superiority when the algorithm coincides with the algorithm in the sparse coding stage. / I stora antennsystem är traditionell kanaluppskattning kostsam och omöjlig i vissa situationer. Kompressionsavkänning föreslogs för att uppskatta kanalen med färre mätningar. Det mesta av det tidigare arbetet använder en fördefinierad diskret Fourier transformmatris eller överkompletterad Fourier -transformmatris för att approximera kanalen. Därefter föreslogs en inlärd ordbok som utbildats av K-SVD och bevisades överlägsen med hjälp av OMP för att rekonstruera den glesa kanalen. Men med utvecklingen av komprimerad avkänning finns det gott om algoritmer för inlärning av ordlistor och glesa återställningsalgoritmer. Det är viktigt att identifiera effekten och prestandan hos olika algoritmer när de högdimensionella kanalvektorerna omvandlas till lågdimensionella representationer. I denna avhandling använder vi en rumslig kanalmodell för att generera kanalvektorer. Ordböcker tränas av K-SVD och MOD. Flera glesa återställningsalgoritmer används för att hitta den glesa approximationen av kanalen som OMP och GraDeS. Vi presenterar simuleringsresultat och diskuterar prestanda för de olika algoritmerna när det gäller noggrannhet, sparsamhet och komplexitet. Vi finner att fördefinierade ordböcker fungerar med de flesta algoritmerna i gles återhämtning, men inlärda ordböcker fungerar bara med jaktalgoritmer och visar bara överlägsenhet när algoritmen sammanfaller med algoritmen i det glesa kodningsstadiet.
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Breast Cancer in PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome: Can a Predictive Fingerprint be Identified?Machaj, Agnieszka S. 12 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Reliability of Functional Performance in Overweight IndividualsTuttle, Elizabeth M. 11 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Aggregating Form Accuracy and Percept Frequency to Optimize Rorschach Perceptual AccuracyHorn, Sandra L. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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<p>The compressive sensing (CS) paradigm provides an efficient image acquisition technique through simultaneous sensing and compression. Since the imaging philosophy in CS imagers is different from conventional imaging systems, new physical structures are required to design cameras suitable for CS imaging.</p> <p>While this work is focused on the hardware implementation of CS encoding for CMOS sensors, the image reconstruction problem of CS is also studied. The energy compaction properties of the image in different domains are exploited to modify conventional reconstruction problems. Experimental results show that the modified methods outperform the 1-norm and TV (total variation) reconstruction algorithms by up to 2.5dB in PSNR.</p> <p>Also, we have designed, fabricated and measured the performance of two real-time and area-efficient implementations of the CS encoding for CMOS imagers. In the first implementation, the idea of active pixel sensor (APS) with an integrator and in-pixel current switches are used to develop a compact, current-mode implementation of CS encoding in analog domain. In another implementation, the conventional three-transistor APS structure and switched capacitor (SC) circuits are exploited to develop the analog, voltage-mode implementation of the CS encoding. With the analog and block-based implementation, the sensing and encoding are performed in the same time interval, thus making a real-time encoding process. The proposed structures are designed and fabricated in 130nm technology. The experimental results confirm the scalability, the functionality of the block read-out, and the validity of the design in making monotonic and appropriate CS measurements.</p> <p>This work also discusses the CS-CMOS sensors for high frame rate CS video coding. The method of multiple-camera with coded exposure video coding is discussed and a new pixel and array structure for hardware implementation of the method is presented.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP). Research Report No. 4.Davison, N., Lewer, N. January 2003 (has links)
yes / Non-lethal weapons (NLWs) are explicitly designed and primarily employed to incapacitate personnel or material whilst minimising collateral damage to property and the environment. Existing NLWs include rubber and plastic bullets, entangling nets, chemical sprays such as OC and CS gas, and electrical stunning devices such as the `Taser¿ gun. New NLWs are on the way, which will include acoustic and microwave weapons, non-lethal landmines, malodorants, and sophisticated weapons developed through rapid advances in neuroscience and the genomics revolution. Most analysts would agree that there is a `legitimate¿ role for non-lethal weapons, both for civil and military applications. However there is considerable disagreement as to the operational effectiveness of NLWs, and the threat such weapons pose to arms conventions and international law. As usual, a balance has to be achieved where the benign advantages of developing and deploying non-lethal weapons are not outweighed by their more malign effects.
In particular, emerging non-lethal technologies offer an increasing opportunity for the suppression of civil dissent and control of populations ¿ these are sometimes referred to as the `technologies of political control¿. There is a continuing need for sustained and informed commentary to such developments which highlights the impact and threats that these technologies pose to civil liberties and human rights.
Because the last BNLWP Report was produced in August 2001, this edition is somewhat longer than usual so that key developments since then can be highlighted and summarised. Future BNLWRP reports will be published three times a year, and we welcome material to be considered for inclusion.
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Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP). Research Report No. 5.Davison, N., Lewer, N. January 2004 (has links)
yes / Two recent detailed reports, by the U.K Northern Ireland Office (NIO) - January 2004 1 and the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) - February 2004 2, provide further insights into current policy and technology developments in the U.K. and U.S.
The NIO report is the 4th and final report of a U.K wide Steering Group set up by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland in Summer 2000, with the objective:
To establish whether a less potentially lethal alternative to baton rounds is available; and to review the public order equipment which is presently available, or could be developed, in order to expand the range of tactical options available to operational commanders. 3
In her foreword to the report Jane Kennedy, Minister of State for Northern Ireland notes that:
Despite a protracted and international search for a commercially available product, we have been unable to find anything that meets the criteria of an acceptable, potentially less lethal alternative to the baton round currently in service which provides an effective capability that does not expose officers and the public to greater risk in violent public disorder.4
The NIO Report has sections looking at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) programme on the development of less lethal technologies (particularly the Attenuating Energy Projectile and the Discriminating Irritant Projectile); commercial off the shelf product evaluations and update (12 Gauge Sock Round Assessment); Water Cannon; the U.K. use of less lethal technologies (with a focus on L21A1 baton rounds, CS sprays and the Taser). The report also contains a section entitled `The Management of Conflict¿ which discusses the dynamics of crowd behaviour. For a critical response to the NIO report see that from Dr. Brian Rappert.5
The CFR report provides a strong endorsement for non-lethal weapons. A key finding states:
Wider integration of nonlethal weapons into the U.S. Army and Marine Corps could have reduced damage, saved lives, and helped to limit the widespread looting and sabotage that occurred after the cessation of major conflict in Iraq. Incorporating NLW capabilities into the equipment, training and doctrine of the armed services could substantially improve U.S. effectiveness in conflict, post-conflict, and homeland defense. 6
Interestingly, in describing the nonlethal capability sets (NLCS) which have been deployed in Kosovo and Iraq, and which help to provide a continuum of force between ¿don¿t shoot¿ and ¿shoot¿ 7, the CFR seems to distinguish between NLWs (rubber balls [grenades and shotgun munitions], bean bags, riot shields, Tasers, net entanglers, and caltrops), and equipment such as flash-bang grenades, laser dazzlers, and bullhorns of which it states ¿It is important to note that these are not weapons but non-lethal capabilities¿ 8
The CFR recommends expanded deployment of NLWs in the armed services, longer ranges for non-lethal payloads using precision delivery and fusing systems, and further development of millimetre-wave area-denial system (HPM weapons such as VMADS) and the advanced tactical laser (ATL). The report also argues for the need to have a bigger Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) or a new Non-lethal Joint Program Office (NLJPO) and for
Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP) ¿ Research Report 5 (May 2004)
closer links with the Joint Forces Command (JFCOM). In the opinion of the authors the JNLWD should also have more access into classified programmes throughout all branches of the armed services so as not to duplicate non-lethal development initiatives.
To stimulate incorporation of NLWs throughout the U.S. Armed Services the CFR advocates two approaches: (1) top-down planning in the Defense department and (2) creation of demand for these [NLWs] weapons from the field as personnel gain experience with prototype equipment. 9 They argue there is a need for the top-level military and civilian leadership to be educated about NLW capabilities, not only for warfighting and peacekeeping, but also in `homeland defence in isolating a hot zone in the aftermath of a biological attack' 10.
We will be referring again to both the NIO and CFR publications in other sections of this report.
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