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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organizacijos kultūros poveikis organizacijos orientacijai į klientą / The impact of organizational culture on the organization’s orientation towards the client

Lukoševičiūtė, Irma 23 December 2014 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. Pastaruoju metu organizacijos kultūros diagnozavimas yra viena svarbiausių vadybinių tyrinėjimų sričių. Organizacijos kultūra apibrėžiama kaip vertybių sistema, suprantama ir priimtina visiems organizacijoms nariams. Ji daro stiprią įtaką darbinei veiklai ir turi lemiamos reikšmės organizacijos orientacijai į klientą. Tinkamai suformuota organizacijos kultūra gali būti naudojama kaip instrumentas, kurio pagalba įgyvendinama organizacijos strategija ir pasiekiami tikslai. Darbo tikslas – ištirti organizacijos kultūros poveikį organizacijos orientacijai į klientą. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize, išnagrinėti organizacijos kultūros sampratą; 2. Ištirti organizacijos kultūros struktūrą ir funkcijas; 3. Išnagrinėti organizacijos kultūros santykį su orientacija į klientą; 4. Išnagrinėti organizacijos kultūros poveikio orientacijai į klientą empirinį ištyrimo lygį; 5. Įvertinus organizacijos kultūros santykį su orientacija į klientą, suformuoti organizacijos kultūros ir jos orientacijos į klientą modelį. 6. Įvertinti ryšį tarp organizacijos kultūros tipo ir organizacijos orientacijos į klientą. Pagrindiniai tyrimo rezultatai. Remiantis empirinio tyrimo rezultatais nustatyta, jog organizacijos orientacija į klientą priklauso nuo organizacijos kultūros tipo ir lemia organizacijos veiklos sėkmę. Efektyvesnis klientų lūkesčių tenkinimas įtakoja klientų elgesį bei organizacijos veiklos rezultatus. Naudojant klientų lūkesčius kaip lyginimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topicality of the work. Recently, the diagnosis of organisational culture has become one of the most important areas of managerial research. Organisational culture is defined as a system of values, understandable and acceptable by all the members of the organisation. It has a strong impact on occupational activities and is essential for organisation‘s orientation towards the client. A well-formed organisational culture can be used as an instrument which helps to implement the organisation’s strategy and achieve the objectives. Aim of the work – to explore influence of organisational culture on the organisation’s orientation towards the client. Tasks set to achieve the aim: 1. To examine the concept of organisational culture referring to analysis of scientific literature. 2. To analyse the structure and functions of organisational culture. 3. To examine relationship between the organisational culture and orientation towards the client. 4. To examine the level of empirical research of the influence of the organisational culture on the orientation towards the client. 5. Following the assessment of interrelationship between the organisational culture and orientation towards the client, to form a model of organisational culture and its orientation towards the client. 6. To assess relationship between the type of organisational culture and organisation‘s orientation towards the client. The main results of the research. Results of empirical research revealed that organisation’s... [to full text]

Exploring the Existence of a “Documentary Effect”: Examination of True Crime Documentaries on Judgments of Evidence Manipulation and Perceptions of Police

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Cultivation theory states that consuming television cultivates a social reality in the real world which aligns with the reality present in television. When the television show CSI was released, researchers studied a form of cultivation stemming from the show titled the "CSI Effect." One of the components of the CSI Effect is the tendency of those who watch CSI to be more likely to overestimate the presence of forensic evidence present in a trial and place more trust in such evidence. In recent years, several true crime documentaries that examined controversial cases have been released. In a similar vein of research conducted on CSI, the current study examines true crime documentaries and their possible impacts on viewers’ judgments and beliefs about the criminal justice system. In the current study, participants were provided with a mock case and asked about their perceptions of the case along with their viewership habits. While overall true crime documentary viewership did not influence judgments of evidence manipulation or perceptions of police, findings point to viewership of the targeted documentaries being associated with feelings of mistrust towards the criminal justice system overall, while the lesser-viewed documentaries correlated with judgments of strength and responsibility of the defendant in the case. One possible explanation is that individual characteristics may serve as the driving factor in how individuals choose what to watch when the popularity of the show is not as well-known. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Psychology 2018

On channel estimation for mobile WiMAX

Kleynhans, Waldo 26 January 2009 (has links)
In mobile communication channels information symbols are transmitted through a communication channel that is prone to fading and multipath propagation. At the receiver, the effect of multipath propagation is reduced by a process called channel equalization. Channel equalization relies on an accurate estimate of the channel state information (CSI). This estimate is obtained using a channel estimation algorithm. Mobile WiMAX is a recently released technology that makes use of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based physical layer to transmit information over a wireless communication channel. In this dissertation, frequency and time domain channel estimation methods typically used in classical OFDM systems, using block and comb type pilot insertion schemes, were analyzed and adopted for mobile WiMAX. Least squares (LS) and linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) channel estimation methods were considered in the case of block type pilot insertion. In the case of comb type pilot insertion, piecewise constant, linear, spline cubic as well as discrete Wiener interpolation methods were considered. A mobile WiMAX simulation platform was developed as part of the dissertation to evaluate and compare the performance of these different channel estimation methods. It was found that the performance of the channel estimation methods, applied to a real world mobile WiMAX simulation platform, conforms to the expected performance of the corresponding classical OFDM channel estimation methods found in literature. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

Medarbetarengagemang och dess samband med intern kommunikation och kommunikationsstilar på arbetsplatsen / Employee engagement and its relation to internal communication and communication styles at work

Olsson, Thomas January 2021 (has links)
Medarbetarengagemanget världen över anses vara förhållandevis lågt (Gallup, 2017). Tidigare vetenskapliga studier påpekar till exempel arbetsmiljö, erkännande av den enskildes arbete, det sociala klimatet på arbetsplatsen, påverkan av personlighet samt tillfredsställelse med intern kommunikation som essentiella för ett gott medarbetarengagemang på arbetsplatsen. Respondenterna (N=52) i denna studie rekryterades huvudsakligen via mail och sociala medier, både kommunala verksamheter och större privata företag kontaktades. Respondenterna fick lämna svar om deras egen upplevelse kopplat till aktuellt undersökningsområde utifrån ett digitalt utformat frågeformulär. Resultaten visade att om man som medarbetare upplevde att man blev kommunicerad till genom eftertänksamhet och konsistenta budskap, blev delaktig i samt kontinuerligt upplyst om organisationen genom tydligt förmedlad information var det de viktigaste delarna för ett gott medarbetarengagemang på arbetsplatsen. Funna samband mellan intern kommunikation och engagemang bidrog till att slutsatser kunde dras om att den förmedlade kommunikationens innehåll och struktur hade betydelse för medarbetarens upplevda engagemang. Korrelationer mellan kommunikationsstil och engagemang visade att endast frågvis kommunikationsstil hade ett signifikant samband med medarbetarengagemang. Denna studie kunde i förhållande till tidigare vetenskapliga fynd ge stöd för att det finns samband mellan medarbetarengagemang, nöjdhet med intern kommunikation samt kommunikationsstil.

GLAST CsI(Tl) Crystals

Bergenius, Sara January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Relationship between Forensic Exposure and Forensic Knowledge

Alves, Giovanna M 01 January 2019 (has links)
It has been shown that popular crime television series can have an impact in the behavior and perception of viewers. Forensic evidence, or evidence that is gathered through scientific methods, is often central to the plot of these shows. Exposure to forensic evidence in these shows has impacted the legal system by changing perceptions and opinions towards evidence presented in courtrooms, a consequence termed the CSI effect. A subset of the CSI effect named the Police Chief's Effect refers to the ability of criminals to learn about forensic evidence from these shows. Although understudied, the Police Chief's effect has the potential to increase the difficulty of criminal investigations if criminals are better able to plan their actions and conceal evidence. The intent of this thesis is to explore a relationship between forensic techniques portrayed in television and the forensic knowledge an individual obtains from it. Previous studies have looked at the Police Chief's effect in the context of a non-violent crime, even though most of the television shows highlight crime of a violent nature. The present study evaluates the ability of participants to consider forensic evidence when planning a murder, taking into account their crime show viewing history. The results revealed that the overall number of crime shows, percentage of those episodes and involvement in the shows was not associated with forensic evidence. However, a moderate correlation was found between the number of crime shows watched and forensic evidence in female participants.

Iterative Leakage-Based Precoding for Multiuser-MIMO Systems

Sollenberger, Eric Paul 21 June 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the application of an iterative leakage-based precoding algorithm to practical multiuser-MIMO systems. We consider the effect of practical impairments including imperfect channel state information, transmit antenna correlation, and time-varying channels. Solutions are derived which improve performance of the algorithm with imperfect channel state information at the transmitter by leveraging knowledge of the second-order statistics of the error. From this work we draw a number of conclusions on how imperfect channel state information may impact the system design including the importance of interference suppression at the receiver and the selection of the number of co-scheduled users. We also demonstrate an efficient approach to improve the convergence of the algorithm when using interference-rejection-combining receivers. Finally, we conduct simulations of an LTE-A system employing the improved algorithm to show its utility for modern communication systems. / Master of Science

Conception de systèmes de communication sans fils avec connaissance imparfaite du canal / Design of wireless communication system with imperfect channel state information

Xiao, Lei 28 September 2012 (has links)
Dans la première partie de la thèse, on se concentre sur la conception d'un système de communication par satellite complet se basant sur la construction de faisceaux adaptatifs aux terminaux mobiles. Comparé à la construction classique de faisceaux fixes, le système à faisceaux adaptatifs peut considérablement améliorer la capacité du système en termes du nombre de STs desservies et de l'efficacité énergétique. Pour la conception du système à faisceaux adaptatifs, les informations sur l'état de canal (CSI) sont essentielles. Vu que le temps de propagation est trop long par rapport au temps de cohérence du canal, le CSI instantané est déjà périmé lorsqu'il est reçu pour la construction des faisceaux. Cependant, une partie de l'information du canal, plus particulièrement, les vecteurs de directivité ont une variation assez lente. On utilise cette connaissance partielle du CSI pour concevoir le système à base de faisceaux adaptatifs. Afin d'estimer les vecteurs de directivité, on propose un algorithme basé sur un critère de minimisation de l'erreur quadratique. Puis, basées sur l'estimation des vecteurs de directivité, on présente deux approches heuristiques pour la conception des faisceaux. En outre, on propose également deux approches qui reposent sur l'estimation de la directivité pour la détection des STs et la résolution possible des collisions sur le canal d'accès aléatoire au satellite. Comme la performance du système SDMA dépend fortement des positions spatiales des STs co-existants, on propose deux algorithmes de faible complexité pour l'attribution des fréquences dans le système de communication par satellite / In the first part of the thesis, we focus on the design of a complete satellite communication system adopting adaptive beamforming with mobile satellite terminals. Compared with conventional fixed beamforming, adaptive beamforming can signi_cantly improve the capacity of a satellite system in terms of served satellite terminals (ST) and power e_ciency. For the design of an adaptive beamforming system, channel state information (CSI) is critical. Since the propagation delay is too long compared to the coherence time of the channel, the instantaneous CSI is already stale when processed for beamforming. However, some parts of the channel, more speci_cally, directivity vectors change quite slowly. We utilize this partial knowledge of CSI to design an adaptive beamforming system. In order to estimate the directivity vectors, we propose an algorithm based on a least square error criterion. Then, based on the estimation of directivity vectors, we propose two heuristics approaches to the design of adaptive beamforming. Additionally, we also propose two approaches, based on directivity estimation for the detection of transmitting terminals and the possible resolution of collisions in the random access channel of the satellite system. Since SDMA system performance depends strongly on the spatial locations of co-existing terminals, we also propose two low complexity algorithms for frequency allocation in a satellite communication system. Finally, we simulate a complete satellite system, including a random access channel and a connection-oriented channel. We analyze the system performance and compare it to conventional fixed beamforming systems

Development of compensated immersion 3D optical profiler based on interferometry / Développement d'un profilomètre optique 3D à immersion compensée basé sur l'interférométrie

Mukhtar, Husneni 29 June 2018 (has links)
La CSI (Coherence Scanning Interferometry) ou la WLSI (White Light Scanning Interferometry) est une technique d'imagerie optique bien établie pour mesurer la rugosité de surface et la forme des surfaces microscopiques. Les avantages sont la sensibilité axiale nanométrique, un large champ de vision (des centaines de μm à plusieurs mm) et la vitesse de mesure (quelques secondes à quelques minutes). La technique est basée sur l'interférométrie optique avec une configuration de Linnik très difficile à ajuster mais elle présente plusieurs avantages: des objectifs d'ouverture numérique plus élevés pour améliorer la résolution spatiale; longue distance de travail, car il n'y a aucun besoin de l'un des composants devant l'objectif; une configuration de mode de lumière polarisée; franges contrastées en raison de la possibilité de modifier les voies optiques et les intensités des deux bras indépendamment. Alors que l'utilisation d'un objectif d'immersion dans l'eau présente les avantages suivants: éviter les problèmes liés à l'ajustement entre la formation des franges et le plan de formation de l'image; et pour minimiser la différence de dispersion entre les bras de l'interféromètre. Afin de pouvoir mesurer en mode eau et d'obtenir des échantillons à haute résolution latérale de types chimiques et biologiques, plusieurs défis doivent être surmontés tels que l'équilibrage de l'OPD sur les deux bras; trouver et ajuster les bonnes franges de contraste; trouver et adapter une compensation adéquate de l'eau dans le bras de référence horizontal pour faire fonctionner un système dans l'eau. / Coherence Scanning Interferometry (CSI) or White Light Scanning Interferometry (WLSI) is a well-established optical imaging technique for measuring the surface roughness and the shape of microscopic surfaces. The advantages are the nanometric axial sensitivity, a wide field of view (hundreds of μm to several mm) and the measurement speed (a few seconds to a few minutes). The technique is based on optical interferometry with a Linnik configuration which very difficult to adjust but it offers several advantages: higher numerical aperture objectives to improve spatial resolution; long working distance, because there is no need for any of the components in front of the lens; a polarized light mode configuration; contrasting fringes because of the possibility of modifying the optical pathways and the intensities of the two arms independently. While the use of a water-immersion objective gives the following advantages: to avoid the problems related to the adjustment between the formation of the fringes and the plane of formation of the image; and to minimize the difference in dispersion between the arms of the interferometer. In order to be able to measure in water mode and to obtain high lateral resolution samples of chemical and biological types, several challenges must be overcome such as balancing the OPD on both arms; finding and adjusting the good contrast fringes; finding and adapting a suitable water compensation of water in horizontal reference arm to operate a system in water.

Allocation de ressources et association utilisateur/cellule optimisées pour les futurs réseaux denses / Optimized resource allocation and user/cell association for future dense networks

Ha, Duc Thang 30 September 2019 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs années, les opérateurs de téléphonie mobile sont confrontés à une croissance considérable du trafic de données mobiles. Dans un tel contexte, la technologie Cloud Radio Access Network (CRAN) qui intègre les solutions de Cloud Computing aux réseaux d’accès radio est considérée comme une nouvelle architecture pour les futures générations de réseaux 5G. L’approche CRAN permet une optimisation globale des fonctions de traitement en bande de base du signal et de la gestion des ressources radio pour l’ensemble des RRH et des utilisateurs. Parallèlement, les réseaux hétérogènes (HetNets) ont été proposés pour augmenter efficacement la capacité et la couverture du réseau 5G tout en réduisant la consommation énergétique. En combinant les avantages du Cloud avec ceux des réseaux HetNets, le concept de réseaux H-CRAN (Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks) est né et est considéré comme l’une des architectures les plus prometteuses pour répondre aux exigences des futurs systèmes. Plus particulièrement, nous abordons le problème important de l’optimisation jointe de l’association utilisateur-RRH et de la solution de beamforming sur la liaison descendante d’un système H-CRAN. Nous formulons un problème de maximisation du débit total du système sous des contraintes de mobilité et d’imperfection de CSI (Channel State Information). Notre principal défi consiste à concevoir une solution capable de maximiser le débit tout en permettant, contrairement aux autres solutions de référence, de réduire la complexité de calcul, et les coûts de signalisation et de feedback CSI dans divers environnements. Notre étude commence par proposer un algorithme Hybride, qui active périodiquement des schémas de clustering dynamiques et statiques pour aboutir à un compromis satisfaisant entre optimalité et le coût en complexité et signalisation CSI et réassociation. L’originalité de l’algorithme Hybride réside aussi dans sa prise en compte de la dimension temporelle du processus d’allocation sur plusieurs trames successives plutôt que son optimalité (ou sous-optimalité) pour la seule trame d’ordonnancement courante. De plus, nous développons une analyse des coûts de l’algorithme en fonction de plusieurs critères afin de mieux appréhender le compromis entre les nombreux paramètres impliqués. La deuxième contribution de la thèse s’intéresse au problème sous la perspective de la mobilité utilisateur. Deux variantes améliorées de l’algorithme Hybride sont proposées : ABUC (Adaptive Beamforming et User Clustering), une version adaptée à la mobilité des utilisateurs et aux variations du canal radio, et MABUC (Mobility-Aware Beamforming et User Clustering), une version améliorée qui règle dynamiquement les paramètres de feedback du CSI (périodicité et type de CSI) en fonction de la vitesse de l’utilisateur. L’algorithme MABUC offre de très bonnes performances en termes de débit cible tout en réduisant efficacement la complexité et les coûts de signalisation CSI. Dans la dernière contribution de la thèse, nous approfondissons l’étude en explorant l’optimisation automatique des paramètres d’ordonnancement du CSI. Pour ce faire, nous exploitons l’outil de l’apprentissage par renforcement afin d’optimiser les paramètres de feedback CSI en fonction du profil de mobilité individuelle des utilisateurs. Plus spécifiquement, nous proposons deux modèles d’apprentissage. Le premier modèle basé sur un algorithme de type Q-learning a permis de démontrer l’efficacité de l’approche dans un scénario à taille réduite. Le second modèle, plus scalable car basé sur une approche Deep Q-learning, a été formulé sous la forme d’un processus de type POMDP (Partially observable Markov decision process). Les résultats montrent l’efficacité des solutions qui permettent de sélectionner les paramètres de feedback les plus adaptés à chaque profil de mobilité, même dans le cas complexe où chaque utilisateur possède un profil de mobilité différent et variable dans le temps. / Recently, mobile operators have been challenged by a tremendous growth in mobile data traffic. In such a context, Cloud Radio Access Network (CRAN) has been considered as a novel architecture for future wireless networks. The radio frequency signals from geographically distributed antennas are collected by Remote Radio Heads (RRHs) and transmitted to the cloud-centralized Baseband Units (BBUs) pool through fronthaul links. This centralized architecture enables a global optimization of joint baseband signal processing and radio resource management functions for all RRHs and users. At the same time, Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) have emerged as another core feature for 5G network to enhance the capacity/coverage while saving energy consumption. Small cells deployment helps to shorten the wireless links to end-users and thereby improving the link quality in terms of spectrum efficiency (SE) as well as energy efficiency (EE). Therefore, combining both cloud computing and HetNet advantages results in the so-called Heterogeneous-Cloud Radio Access Networks (H-CRAN) which is regarded as one of the most promising network architectures to meet 5G and beyond system requirements. In this context, we address the crucial issue of beamforming and user-to-RRH association (user clustering) in the downlink of H-CRANs. We formulate this problem as a sum-rate maximization problem under the assumption of mobility and CSI (Channel State Information) imperfectness. Our main challenge is to design a framework that can achieve sum-rate maximization while, unlike other traditional reference solutions, being able to alleviate the computational complexity, CSI feedback and reassociation signaling costs under various mobility environments. Such gain helps in reducing the control and feedback overhead and in turn improve the uplink throughput. Our study begins by proposing a simple yet effective algorithm baptized Hybrid algorithm that periodically activates dynamic and static clustering schemes to balance between the optimality of the beamforming and association solutions while being aware of practical system constraints (complexity and signaling overhead). Hybrid algorithm considers time dimension of the allocation and scheduling process rather than its optimality (or suboptimality) for the sole current scheduling frame. Moreover, we provide a cost analysis of the algorithm in terms of several parameters to better comprehend the trade-off among the numerous dimensions involved in the allocation process. The second key contribution of our thesis is to tackle the beamforming and clustering problem from a mobility perspective. Two enhanced variants of the Hybrid algorithm are proposed: ABUC (Adaptve Beamforming and User Clustering), a mobility-aware version that is fit to the distinctive features of channel variations, and MABUC (Mobility-Aware Beamforming and User Clustering), an advanced version of the algorithm that tunes dynamically the feedback scheduling parameters (CSI feedback type and periodicity) in accordance with individual user velocity. MABUC algorithm achieves a targeted sum-rate performance while supporting the complexity and CSI signaling costs to a minimum. In our last contribution, we propose to go further in the optimization of the CSI feedback scheduling parameters. To do so, we take leverage of reinforcement learning (RL) tool to optimize on-the-fly the feedback scheduling parameters according to each user mobility profile. More specifically, we propose two RL models, one based on Q-learning and a second based on Deep Q-learning algorithm formulated as a POMDP (Partially observable Markov decision process). Simulation results show the effectiveness of our proposed framework, as it enables to select the best feedback parameters tailored to each user mobility profile, even in the difficult case where each user has a different mobility profile.

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