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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reatando as pontas da rama: a inserção dos alunos da etnia indígena Pankararu em uma escola pública na cidade de São Paulo / Reconnecting branches to trunk: the insertion of Pankararu indigenous students in a public school of São Paulo city

Edson Yukio Nakashima 25 March 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado teve como objetivo pesquisar a inserção de alunos da etnia indígena Pankararu em uma escola municipal da cidade de São Paulo, que atende aos jovens moradores dos bairros Jardim Panorama, Paraisópolis e Real Parque. Uma peculiaridade dessas localidades é a existência de uma comunidade indígena Pankararu, o que nos direcionou a estudar um fenômeno social recente: os indígenas urbanos. Migrantes de terras tradicionais do Nordeste, em que vivenciaram um processo histórico de emergência étnica, os Pankararu vêm se constituindo na cidade de São Paulo como um grupo étnico politicamente atuante que, por meio de suas associações, têm reivindicado direitos diferenciados para sua etnia na metrópole. O estudo acerca da realidade vivida pelos Pankararu esteve ancorado em diversos estudos antropológicos a respeito dos indígenas do Nordeste (Arruti e Oliveira Filho), além de uma pesquisa documental, acompanhamento e registro das atividades da comunidade Pankararu de São Paulo. Como método de pesquisa na escola, que incluiu questionários e intervenções em sala de aula em conjunto com professores da escola, foi adotado o olho participante, de Massimo Canevacci, a partir do qual pudemos obter uma ampla compreensão da realidade vivida pelos alunos Pankararu na escola. O trabalho com os professores envolveu tentativas sucessivas de constituição de comunidades interpretativas (Boaventura Santos), no interior das quais fosse possível repensar suas visões de mundo e práticas pedagógicas, podendo assumir então o papel de intelectuais transformadores (Henry Giroux). As pesquisas evidenciaram a marginalização e exclusão da cultura indígena da ordem hegemônica da cultura escolar, além da predominância de uma visão marcada pela representação estereotipada dos indígenas, que tem contribuído para fomentar a discriminação dos alunos Pankararu. Em decorrência disso, observamos uma relação ambivalente dos alunos Pankararu com sua própria identidade étnica, seja por não possuírem um sentimento de pertença à comunidade, seja por não desejarem se declarar como indígenas na escola. Uma atitude que é possivelmente expressão de uma autodefesa, em razão do receio da discriminação exercida sobre eles pela comunidade escolar. Tornou-se assim evidente que as escolas presentes em um contexto urbano não estão preparadas pedagogicamente para acolher estudantes de etnias minoritárias de modo a respeitar suas culturas, tradições e identidades peculiares.Como forma de reverter este quadro, foi realizada uma Semana de Diversidade e Cultura, cuja organização incluiu a própria comunidade Pankararu, pesquisadores e corpo docente, tendo como objetivo instituir um diálogo entre as culturas indígenas e afro-brasileiras e a cultura escolar por meio de debates sobre a legislação que obriga o ensino da história e culturas indígenas e afro-brasileiras. Foram ainda realizadas diversas atividades com os alunos e a comunidade, abordando as produções culturais e formas de organização política da comunidade Pankararu na cidade. Os resultados dessa Semana foram importantes para a afirmação étnica dos alunos Pankararu, assim como uma maior conscientização dos alunos não-indígenas a respeito da temática indígena e afro-brasileira, mas evidenciaram também a necessidade de se repensar os princípios norteadores das práticas da escola pública. / The present dissertation aimed to research the integration of students from a Pankararu indigenous ethnic group in a public school in São Paulo, which usually receives the youth living in the neighborhoods of Jardim Panorama, Paraisopolis and Real Parque. These regions peculiarity is their indigenous community Pankararu which led us to study a recent social phenomenon: the urban Brazilian Indians. They migrated from traditional lands in the Northeast of Brazil where they had lived a historical process of ethnic emergency. They have established in São Paulo city as an ethnic group politically engaged who has demanded special rights in the metropolis by means of associations. This study about Pankararus living reality is anchored in several anthropological studies about the indigenous people from the Northeast of Brazil (Arruti and Oliveira Filho) in addition to researches on documentation and follow-up and records of Pankararu communitys activities in São Paulo. At school the methodology included questionnaires and intervention in class along with the teachers the participating look [regard in French] by Massimo Canevacci was adopted in order to have broader understanding of the reality as lived by Pankararu students at school. The work with the teachers involved successive attempts to form interpretive communities (Boaventura Santos), inside which they would be able to think over their views of the world and pedagogical practices in order to take up their role of transformative intellectuals (Henry Giroux). The surveys brought to light the marginalization and exclusion of the indigenous culture from the hegemonic school culture, as well as the predominance of a view marked by the stereotyped representation of the Indians which has contributed to promote Pankararu students discrimination. Face to this we observed an ambivalent relation of Pankararu students with their own ethnic identity, either because they feel they dont belong to the community or because they dont want to call themselves Indians at school. This attitude is probably their expression of self-defense as they are afraid of suffering discrimination by the school community. Therefore it was clearly shown that the schools in an urban context are not pedagogically prepared to welcome students from ethnical minorities in a way their peculiar culture, tradition and identity are respected. An attempt to reverse this picture was the organization of the Week on Diversity and Culture including Pankararu community, researchers and teachers with the intention to promote a dialogue among the Indigenous and African-Brazilian cultures and school culture by means of a debate about the legislation which established as obligatory the teaching of Indigenous and African-Brazilian history and culture. Also, several activities were performed with the students and the community about Pankararus cultural production and forms of political organization in the city. This Weeks results were important to Pankararu students ethnic affirmation as well as non- Indians awareness of the Indigenous and African-Brazilian theme, but also revealed the need to think over the principles guiding the practices at public school.

Desenvolvimento e validação da sexta versão da Addiction Severity Index (ASI6) para o Brasil e outras análises em uma amostra multicêntrica de usuários de drogas que buscam tratamento no país

Kessler, Felix Henrique Paim January 2011 (has links)
Conforme revisão da literatura, existem poucos instrumentos de pesquisa no Brasil que avaliam de forma mais ampla os problemas relacionados ao álcool e outras drogas. Neste contexto, a sexta versão do Addiction Severity Index (ASI6) foi escolhida para ser validada no Brasil. Trata-se de uma entrevista semi-estruturada que foi planejada de forma multidimensional para obter informações sobre os problemas de abuso de substância e outros aspectos da vida como: médico, ocupacional, aspectos legais, sócio-familiar e psiquiátrico. Essa tese descreve na sua introdução as modificações dessa versão do instrumento, que foi desenvolvida para aprimorar seu conteúdo e corrigir as principais limitações das versões anteriores. A tese contém 5 manuscritos e teve como objetivos principais: adaptar a escala traduzida como Escala de Gravidade de Dependência (ASI6) para a cultura brasileira (carta ao editor anexada), apresentar o instrumento através de um caso clínico (artigo 1), além de testar algumas de suas propriedades psicométricas em uma população clínica (artigo 2). Para isso, um estudo transversal multicêntrico foi conduzido em 4 capitais de estados brasileiros, e as características da amostra foram descritas (artigo 3) e comparadas entre os cinco centros de pesquisa que coordenaram o estudo. Foram entrevistados por cinco centros de pesquisa 150 pacientes adultos internados ou em tratamento ambulatorial que buscaram tratamento em centros especializados em dependência química. Um total de 740 abusadores ou dependentes de substâncias foi selecionado. A qualidade dos dados coletados foi assegurada pelo treinamento e supervisão dos entrevistadores. A maioria dos pacientes entrevistados era do sexo masculino (78%) e a média de idade foi de 36 anos, e as drogas mais consumidas nos últimos 30 dias foram: álcool (82%), cocaína/crack (51%) e maconha (41%). No geral, não houve grandes diferenças significativas entre os centros no que tange aos escores de gravidade do ASI6. Na análise psicométrica, a maioria das áreas da ASI demonstrou boa confiabilidade, sem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os Escores Sumários de Funcionamento Recente (SS-Rs) da ASI-6 no teste-reteste e entre entrevistadores. O alfa de Cronbach para as subescalas da ASI-6 variou de 0,64 a 0,95. Correlações entre os escores da área Álcool e Drogas da ASI-6 e o instrumento concorrente (ASSIST) foram altas (0,72 e 0,89, respectivamente). Encontrou-se também uma correlação negativa, estatisticamente significativa entre os escores nas áreas psiquiátrica, médica e drogas, e os escores da WHOQOL. Esses primeiros resultados apontam para uma boa confiabilidade e validade da Escala de Gravidade de Dependência para a cultura brasileira. Além dos aspectos acima mencionados, a tese também inclui outras análises relacionadas a essa amostra na forma de artigos científicos. O primeiro deles (artigo 4), compara 293 usuários de crack com 126 usuários de cocaína e 324 pacientes que apresentaram uso de álcool e outras drogas, e demonstrou que o grupo de usuários de crack apresentou mais indivíduos (25%) com personalidade antissocial do que usuários de cocaína (9%) e usuários de outras drogas (9%), mesmo depois de ajuste para idade e gênero, com uma Razão de Prevalência de 2,6 (IC 95%: 1,10-6,40). Através dos escores de gravidade do ASI, os usuários de crack também demonstraram significativamente mais problemas ocupacionais, familiares e legais, principalmente devido ao envolvimento em atividades ilegais como tráfico de drogas e outros crimes, quando comparados a outros usuários de substâncias psicoativas. Por fim, um outro estudo (artigo 5) avaliou a qualidade de vida (QV), através do WHOQOL-BREF, de 174 sujeitos que consideraram o álcool como causador de sérios problemas em suas vidas e os fez buscar tratamento especializado para esse problema. Quando comparados os SS-Rs entre tercis de gravidade de problemas de álcool, encontraram-se diferenças significativas (p=0,002) nos domínios físicos e psicológicos que eram mais baixos no grupo com mais problemas relacionados ao álcool. Além disso, o aumento da gravidade dos problemas desses pacientes, especialmente nas áreas médica e psiquiátrica, avaliados pelos SS-Rs do ASI6 também apresentou uma correlação negativa com os escores do WHOQOL-BREF. Através dos achados dessa tese, conclui-se que o ASI6 poderá ser incorporado ao arsenal diagnóstico de pacientes usuários de drogas que buscam tratamento, a fim de auxiliar a avaliar a sua problemática, e melhorar as estratégias de abordagem e intervenção relacionadas às necessidades específicas dessa população. Sem dúvida, serão necessários novos estudos de avaliação psicométrica com outras amostras de consumidores de substâncias psicoativas. Os resultados da tese também sugerem que os usuários de crack devem ser melhor avaliados com o ASI6 ou com outros instrumentos que abordam sintomas psiquiátricos, especialmente quanto a comportamentos antissociais, que provavelmente estão relacionados aos inúmeros problemas legais, familiares e sociais dessa população. Ademais, os achados finais indicam que alcoolistas que buscam tratamento devem ser avaliados quanto aos seus sintomas psiquiátricos e que a diminuição da gravidade dos problemas relacionados ao álcool poderá melhorar a qualidade de vida psicológica desses pacientes. / A review of the literature demonstrated that there are few instruments in Brazil to assess the problems related to alcohol and other drugs in a more general manner. In this context, the sixth version of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI-6) was chosen to be validated in Brazil. This instrument consists of a semi-structured interview that was designed in a multidimensional way to collect data about problems related to substance abuse and other aspects of life in the medical, occupational, legal, social relations and family, and psychiatric domains. This version of the instrument was modified with the purpose of improving its content and solving the major limitations of the previous versions. The present dissertation includes five manuscripts and its main objectives were: to adapt the ASI-6 to the Brazilian culture (letter to the editor attached); to present this instrument based on a clinical case (manuscript 1); and to test some of its psychometric properties in a clinical population (manuscript 2). In order to reach these objectives, a multicenter study was conducted in four Brazilian state capitals. The characteristics of the sample were described (manuscript 3) and compared between the five research centers that coordinated the study. A total of 150 adult inpatients or outpatients who sought treatment at five specialized centers for substance abuse were interviewed. A total of 740 substance dependent or abusers were selected. Interviewers were trained and supervised to ensure the quality of the data collected. Most patients were male (78%) and their mean age was 36 years. The most abused drugs in the previous 30 days were: alcohol (82%), cocaine/crack (51%), and marijuana (41%). Overall, there were no major differences between the research centers regarding the ASI-6 severity scores. According to the psychometric analysis, most areas of the ASI demonstrated good reliability, with no statistically significant differences between the ASI-6 Summary Scores for Recent Functioning (SS-Rs) in the test-retest and between interviewers. The Cronbach's alpha for the ASI-6 subscales ranged from 0.64 to 0.95. The correlations between the ASI-6 and the other instrument (ASSIST) scores for the alcohol and drugs area were high (0.72 and 0.89, respectively). There was also a negative statistically significant correlation between the scores of the psychiatric, medical and drugs areas and the scores of the WHOQOL. These initial results suggest a good reliability and validity of the ASI for the Brazilian culture. In addition to the above mentioned aspects, this dissertation also includes additional analyses related to this sample presented in two other scientific papers. The first study (manuscript 4) compared 293 crack users with 126 cocaine users and 324 patients who used alcohol and other drugs. The results demonstrated that the group of crack users had more individuals (25%) with antisocial personality than the group of cocaine users (9%) and the users of other drugs (9%) even after adjusting for age and gender, with a Prevalence Ratio of 2.6 (CI95%: 1.10 to 6.40). Based on the ASI severity scores, crack users also showed significantly more occupational, family and legal problems, mainly in terms of involvement in illegal activities such as drug dealing and other crimes, when compared with other drug users of psychoactive substances. Finally, another study (manuscript 5) used the WHOQOL-BREF to evaluate the quality of life (QoL) of 174 subjects who considered that alcohol was causing serious problems in their lives and led them to seek specialized treatment. When the SS-Rs between the severity tertiles of alcohol problems were compared, there were significant differences (p = 0.002) in the physical and psychological domains, which were lower in the group with more alcohol-related problems. Furthermore, the increased severity of these patients' problems, especially in the medical and psychiatric areas assessed by the ASI-6 SS-Rs, also showed a negative correlation with the WHOQOL-BREF scores. Based on these findings, it is possible to conclude that the ASI-6 may be included in the set of diagnostic instruments of drug users seeking treatment to help assess their problems and improve the approach and intervention strategies related to the specific needs of this population. Indeed, further psychometric assessment studies involving other samples of psychoactive substance users are needed. The results of this dissertation also suggest that crack users should be better evaluated using the ASI- 6 or other instruments dealing with psychiatric symptoms, especially regarding antisocial behaviors, which are probably related to the high rate of legal, family and social problems of this population. In addition, the final findings indicate that alcoholics who seek treatment should have their psychiatric symptoms assessed and that a decrease in the severity of alcohol-related problems may improve the psychological quality of life of these patients.

"Todos na produção" : um estudo etnográfico das narrativas sônicas e raps em um bairro popular do sul do Brasil

Santos, Luana Zambiazzi dos January 2015 (has links)
Este é um estudo etnomusicológico sobre as narrativas sônicas de uma Cohab, conjunto habitacional popular da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS. Tais narrativas emergem das intersubjetividades de uma pesquisa etnográfica de rua e da escuta com o objetivo de compreender como seus habitantes interpretam a dimensão sônica e como ela dinamiza suas experiências urbanas. Dialogando com as tendências mais recentes dos Sound Studies, desde uma escala etnográfica do local ao “fora da norma”, discuto como a multiplicidade e a intensidade sonora vividas localmente estão imbricadas em narrativas globais em favor de uma diversidade cultural, retomando e gerando constrangimentos e conflitos nesse cenário popular urbano. Seguindo percursos dentro dessa multiplicidade, acompanho como a produção musical de rappers testemunha o cotidiano da cidade, descortinando conflagrações urbanas entre as escalas micro e macrossocial. Ao apontar um ethos sônico cohabeiro, busco transcender propostas teóricas anteriores com relação à esfera sonora e dialogar com aquelas mais contemporâneas da Etnomusicologia. / This is an ethnomusicological study on sonic narratives in a working class neighbourhood in the greater Porto Alegre area, Southern Brazil. These narratives arise from the intersubjectivities of a street ethnography aiming to understand how social actors listen to and interpret the sonic dimension and how it streamlines their urban experiences. In line with the latest trends of Sound Studies from an ethnographic scale of the local to the “awkward”, I discuss how the locals’ sonic multiplicity and intensity are embedded in global narratives in favor of a cultural diversity that resumes and generates constraints and conflicts in that urban scenario. Among this multiplicity, I followed rappers’ musical production that testifies the daily life of the city unveiling urban conflagrations. By pointing a “cohabeiro” sonic ethos, I intend to transcend previous theoretical propositions related to the sound level by itself and to dialogue with those more contemporaneous ethnomusicological perspectives.

Politicas e performances da diversidade : etnografia de um circulo musical intercultural em São Paulo / Politics and performances of diversisity : intercultural musical scene in São Paulo

Muller, Paulo Ricardo 12 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Bela Feldman-Bianco / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T20:07:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Muller_PauloRicardo_M.pdf: 999589 bytes, checksum: f6627ce62d71e64e75cd8ae28156b0d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a constituição de um circuito de produção e consumo de "músicas do mundo" na cidade de São Paulo a partir da formação de uma rede de músicos e grupos musicais dedicados à prática de instrumentos e linguagens musicais de "outras culturas", assim definidas em relação ao mainstream do mercado musical internacional e brasileiro. Esta rede é composta tanto por grupos especializados em linguagens musicais, cujo produto musical é classificado largamente como "música étnica", quanto por grupos de abordagem generalista, cujo produto musical é classificado como "encontro" ou "fusão" de diferentes linguagens musicais. O trabalho de campo que subsidia as interpretações aqui presentes combina o acompanhamento do circuito de performances comerciais dos grupos desta rede com minha participação como cantor em um coral destinado à participação de migrantes transnacionais residentes em São Paulo, além de entrevistas formais e informais com músicos e produtores. Com estas observações presentes, busco explicitar a lógica de produção e incorporação de "músicas do mundo" aos repertórios locais atentando para o uso da noção de diversidade cultural como um princípio do fazer musical / Abstract: The objective of this dissertation is to analyze the constitution of a world music production and consumption scene in São Paulo (Brazil) by a network of musical groups and musicians dedicated to the practice of non-western and non-Brazilian musical instruments and languages. This network is formed both by groups that are specialized in specific musical cultures - which sound is largely classified as ethnic music - and groups with a generalist approach to music - which sound is classified as "encounter" or "fusion" of many musical cultures. The fieldwork that provides the observations and interpretations herein combines the assistance of the circuit of commercial performances and my participation in a choir destined to transnational. immigrants dwelling in São Paulo, as well as formal and informal interviews with musicians and musical producers. Through these observations I intend to clarify the logics of production and incorporation of "world musics" to local repertoires and how cultural diversity is used as a rationale of music-making / Mestrado / Mestre em Antropologia Social

Variabilidade cerâmica e diversidade cultural no Alto rio Madeira, Rondônia / Ceramic variability and cultural diversity in the Upper Madeira river, Rondônia

Silvana Zuse 14 July 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda o estudo dos significados históricos e culturais da variabilidade artefatual no Alto rio Madeira, estado de Rondônia, sudoeste Amazônico, através da análise da cerâmica e dos contextos evidenciados em quatorze sítios arqueológicos localizados entre a cachoeira de Santo Antônio, nas proximidades da cidade de Porto Velho, até a foz do rio Jaciparaná, próxima a cachoeira Caldeirão do Inferno. A caracterização das escolhas adotadas por ceramistas em todas as etapas de confecção dos artefatos cerâmicos, bem como em relação aos seus usos e descarte, permitiu identificar as ocupações em cada sítio, ao passo que a análise comparativa possibilitou diferenciar cinco conjuntos tecnológicos que representam, por um lado, diferentes identidades sociais e culturais e, por outro, a diversidade cultural existente na região em termos temporais, espaciais e tecnológicos. O diálogo com outros contextos da Amazônia e com os modelos para a ocupação da região, elaborados com dados da arqueologia, linguística histórica e história indígena, é salutar na construção de cenários da história cultural da região. / This work approaches the study of historical and cultural significance of artfactual variability in the Upper Madeira river, Rondonia state, southwestern Amazon, through the analysis of ceramics and contexts highlighted in fourteen archaeological sites located between the Santo Antonio\"s falls, near Porto Velho city, to the mouth of Jaciparaná river, next to Caldeirão do Inferno waterfall. The characterization of the choices adopted by potters in all stages of manufacture of ceramic artifacts as well as in relation to their use and disposal, identified the occupations at each site, while the comparative analysis allowed differentiating five sets of technologies that represent, for first, social and cultural identities and, secondly, the cultural diversity of the region in temporal, spatial and technological terms. Dialogue with other contexts of Amazon and models for the occupation of the region, made with data from archeology, historical linguistics and indigenous history, is beneficial in building scenarios of cultural history of the region.

Les facteurs extra-juridiques dans la jurisprudence de la cour internationale de justice / Extra-legal factors in International court of justice case law

Medda, Federica 18 March 2016 (has links)
Le droit peut rencontrer le non-droit. Ceci est possible et avéré car  le processus judiciaire de l’adéquation d’une solution juridique abstraite à un cas concret d’espèce impose au juge nécessairement une adaptation au droit applicable. Ceci est particulièrement vrai en droit international car l’adaptation du droit en vue de son application l’amène à glisser vers une ouverture vers des éléments étrangers au droit.Cette étude vise à fournir une systématisation théorique de la qualification et de l’utilisation par le juge international du facteur extra-juridiqueLa réflexion doit alors débuter par une première identification des facteurs extra-juridiques dans le raisonnement judiciaire, et cela, à travers une lecture exégétique de la jurisprudence consultative et contentieuse. L’identification de tels éléments étrangers au droit permettra ainsi la détermination et l’analyse des critères utilisés par le juge international et l’existence d’une éventuelle taxinomie entre les différents facteurs.Si le juge international accepte le recours au non-droit, une telle ouverture n’est pas sans signification. La portée des facteurs extra-juridiques sur la jurisprudence de la Cour doit alors être recherchée. Il s’agit d’une portée double, d’une part normative, et d’autre part substantielle. Les facteurs extra-juridiques ont en effet un rôle de structuration du discours juridique international, lorsqu’intégrés au droit, car ils facilitent le travail d’individualisation des différentes espèces à travers leur rôle adjuvant dans l’interprétation des faits et car ils facilitent également le travail de contextualisation des décisions à travers leur façonnage de la norme internationale. Les facteurs extra-juridiques disposent également d’un rôle dans l’évolution de la norme internationale car ils contribuent à la diversité culturelle des juges de la Cour, et de ce fait, sont eux-même vecteurs d’interdisciplinarité, tout en permettant une interprétation évolutive de la norme international et en contribuant à l’ouverture vers de tendances nouvelles. / Law can meet non-law. This is possible and true since the judicial process of adequacy of an abstract judicial solution to a concrete case imposes an adaptation to the applicable law. This is particularly correct in international law field because the law adaptation to its application brings it to open itself to foreign element of the law.This study intends to provide a theoretical systematization of the qualification and the use of extra-legal factor by the international judge.Reflexion must begin with a first identification of extra-legal factors in the legal thinking through an exegetic lecture of advisory proceedings and contentious cases. The identification of these elements strangers to law will allow the determination and the analysis of the criteria used by international judge(s) and the existence of an eventual classification between such different factors.If international judge accepts to have resort to lawlessness, this opening is not meaningless. Extra-legal factors’ scope on case law must be researched. It’s about a double scope, firstly normative and secondly substantial. Extra-legal factors do have indeed a role in the structuration of international law speech, once integrated to law, because they facilitate the different cases’ individualisation work through their helping role in facts’ interpretation and because they facilitate the decisions’ contextualization work as well, through an international rule shaping. They also have a role in the evolution of international rule since they contribute to the cultural diversity of the ICJ’s judges and, thereby, they become vectors of interdisciplinarity, while they allow an evolutive interpretation of international rule and they contribute to the opening to new tendances.

Les discours de la f(F)rancophonie au XXIe siècle : enjeux culturels, idéologiques et politiques / F(F)rancophonie Discourse in the XXIth Century : cultural, Ideological and Political Issues / Los discursos de la f(F)rancofonía en el siglo XXI : cuestiones culturales, ideológicas y políticas

Berty, Romuald 23 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les discours de et sur la francophonie au XXIe siècle, à un moment où l´argumentaire de la Francophonie officielle reposant sur le modèle républicain français et les valeurs qui lui sont associées est contraint de se renouveler, dans un contexte de tiraillement des identités culturelles entre la mondialisation et l´ethnicisation. Nous proposons de désigner par l´expression : f(F)rancophonie, le tissage de liens problématiques, contradictoires et source de violence symbolique, entre la francophonie, en tant qu´ensemble de locuteurs, et la Francophonie institutionnelle. Les discours de la f(F)rancophonie révèlent l´existence d´une manipulation politique de la langue et de la culture s´appuyant sur différents modèles idéologiques de société. L´approche pluridisciplinaire de notre étude permet de mettre au jour, notamment grâce aux outils théoriques de l´analyse du discours et de la pensée postcoloniale, l´alimentation problématique de l´impérialisme culturel à l´œuvre dans la construction de la politique d´influence française (soft power). En effet, le dispositif institutionnel franco–centré offre une force pragmatique à la stratégie discursive de la Francophonie et à sa rhétorique de lutte, de rayonnement et d´universalisme contre l´anti–modèle anglo–américain. Le nouveau paradigme de la diversité culturelle peine parfois à masquer la conception d´une langue française porteuse de l´universalisation d´une culture et d´une identité nationale. L´observation de la langue et de la littérature au prisme des institutions permet d´éclairer les discours de la f(F)rancophonie littéraire dans lesquels l´écrivain francophone semble souvent contraint de composer avec l´héritage colonial d´une langue française auréolée de prestige. Enfin, notre analyse de la théorie et des études littéraires francophones interroge les postures d´écrivains face à l´interrelation du centre français et de ses périphéries. / The doctoral thesis carried out is based on francophonie discourse in the XXIth century, both from and about francophonie. This is a period in which official Francophonie arguments are based on the French republican model, as well as the values associated with it, which is obliged to renew itself within the present context whereby cultural identities are torn between globalisation and ethnicisation. For the purposes of the present research the term f(F)rancophonie shall be defined as the weaving of problematic and contradictory links, which are sources of symbolic violence, between francophonie, in terms of speakers as a whole, and institutional Francophonie. f(F)rancophonie discourse reveals the existence of political manipulation of language and culture through different ideological models of society. The multidisciplinary approach of the present investigation has enabled the updating of the problematical extension of cultural imperialism at work in the construction of French influence policy (soft power), notably thanks to discourse analysis and postcolonial thought theoretical tools. Indeed the francocentered institutional system provides pragmatic power to the Francophonie discursive strategy and to its rhetoric of struggle, influence and universalism against the anglo-american anti-model. At times the new cultural diversity paradigm struggles to conceal the conception of a French language which is the bearer of universalisation of one single cultural and national identity. The comment of language and literature through institutions sheds light on literary f(F)rancophonie discourse within which the francophone writer often appears obliged to compose with the colonial heritage of the French language which is haloed with prestige. Lastly the present analysis of francophone literary theories and studies examines the positions of writers in view of the interrelation between the French center and its peripheries.

Cross-cultural transfer of learning materials for a journalism course at a higher education institution

De Swardt, Marieta 28 April 2010 (has links)
This study reflects on an outreach initiative between two differing tertiary cultures established on different continents. The aim is to develop an understanding of what happens when a prestigious American university and a South African Higher Education Institution meet around a computer-mediated situation. Various inter-relating aspects such as cooperation and cooperative learning, educational technology, Higher Educational Institutions, globalisation, the international Digital Divide, cultural diversity, commonalities, cultural differences, an international learning programme, and power relations in international partnerships are explored. The effect of technology on education is that information is no longer restricted to a single geographical setting, instead it has expanded and became a dynamic international driving force. Increasing educational needs compel Higher Education Institutions to provide in these needs and to adapt to a more flexible learning style. Globalisation causes the world to get smaller, compressed, interconnected and resulted in a world that is in effect flat. Information communication technologies are changing the world. On the one hand the Internet promotes communication and freedom but on the other hand causes uneven development all over the globe. The Digital Divide pertains to the divide between the global well-resourced learners and the local under-resourced learners. Cultural differences between nations and organisations can be interpreted against the background of different models of cultural dimensions. The focus of the study is to explore the effect of commonalities and cultural differences on cooperative learning at organisational level. Power relations between international partners were challenging and resulted in conflict and differences of opinion. The project started with the University of Pretoria’s visit to Stanford University in November 2004. The preparation, organisation and planning phases continued through 2005. The ELISA project was intended as a three-year intervention from 2006 through 2008. The first year was supposed to be a pilot phase to gather and provide information for use in the second and third years. This study pertains to the pilot phase which started in February 2006 until June 2006. It was successfully completed and achieved a 93% success rate. However, in September 2006 Stanford unexpectedly informed the South African partners that the project would be discontinued due to several reasons. Their objections related to the lack of visible progress regarding content scheduling, media production, course logistics, and research practicalities. Although there were accommodating personalities among the project leaders on both sides interpersonal conflict between the remaining project leaders developed. The partners on both sides could not generate sufficient commonality regarding the need to continue. The situation was worsened by the fact that the initial rationale for the project lacked shared motivation among the project leaders on both sides. It is suggested that more research be conducted to explore possible differences of opinion and undercurrents among project leaders throughout the project, and to scrutinize the initial rationale as well as curriculum issues in good time, and to investigate the role of power relations between international partners that are funded by international grants, and the effect of these power relations on the learning experiences of the students involved. Copyright / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / unrestricted

Diversity and Knowledge in the Age of Nation-Building: Space and Time in the Thought of Yanagita Kunio

Kojima, Takehiko 26 October 2011 (has links)
The study examines the thought of Yanagita Kunio (1875-1962), an influential Japanese nationalist thinker best known as a founder of the discipline of Japanese folklore (minzokugaku). The purpose of the study is to bring into light an unredeemed potential of his intellectual and political project as a critique of the way in which modern politics and knowledge systematically suppresses global diversity. The study reads his texts against the backdrop of the modern understanding of space and time and its political and moral implications and traces the historical evolution of his thought that culminates in the establishment of minzokugaku. My reading of Yanagita’s texts draws on three interpretive hypotheses. First, his thought can be interpreted as a critical engagement with John Stuart Mill’s philosophy of history, as he turns Mill’s defense of diversity against Mill’s justification of enlightened despotism in non-Western societies. Second, to counter Mill’s individualistic notion of progressive agency, he turns to a Marxian notion of anthropological space, in which a laboring class makes history by continuously transforming nature, and rehabilitates the common people (jōmin) as progressive agents. Third, in addition to the common people, Yanagita integrates wandering people as a countervailing force to the innate parochialism and conservatism of agrarian civilization. To excavate the unrecorded history of ordinary farmers and wandering people and promote the formation of national consciousness, his minzokugaku adopts travel as an alternative method for knowledge production and political education. In light of this interpretation, the aim of Yanagita’s intellectual and political project can be understood as defense and critique of the Enlightenment tradition. Intellectually, he attempts to navigate between spurious universalism and reactionary particularism by revaluing diversity as a necessary condition for universal knowledge and human progress. Politically, his minzokugaku aims at nation-building/globalization from below by tracing back the history of a migratory process cutting across the existing boundaries. His project is opposed to nation-building from above that aims to integrate the world population into international society at the expense of global diversity.

The best practices of diversity management / The best practices of diversity management

Wolters, Janneke Marjolein January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes and analyses diversity management and its best practices (with the focus on nationalities and cultures). The central question in this research is: 'what are the essential elements of diversity management to effectively manage diversity within organizations?' Via desk- and field research (interviews and questionnaires) information is obtained to answer this question and other sub questions of the thesis. Nowadays, organizations have to adapt themselves to a rapidly changing environment, both internal and external. Companies have to deal with a continuously evolving labor- and sales market, which is the result of various factors, including the changing demographic composition and globalization. Organizations cannot longer ignore diversity and should take it into account, to ensure that the company will not face any future problems related to recruiting, efficiency, innovation, growth, et cetera. Based on the conducted research, it became clear that implementing diversity management consists out of several stages, namely: 1. Establish diversity council and appoint diversity contact officer who together bear the main diversity responsibilities; 2. Previous diversity initiatives should be visualized; 3. Organizational data must be collected; 4. Diversity strategy and priority areas must be set up (inclusive organizational culture, management support and awareness & commitment); 5. Establish diversity policy (allowance of country-by-country deviations) and 6. Define diversity tools (recruitment, training, mentoring & coaching, career development, linkage diversity & performance, benefits/other factors and partnering with external bodies). During these different stages, it is important to communicate with all employees, since this will create support, awareness and commitment to diversity. After the process has been completed, it is important to monitor and evaluate the diversity vision, policy and tools. Main conclusions that can be drawn from the research are the following: 1. Diversity brings more advantages than disadvantages; 2. Management team diversity is of great importance; 3. Inclusive organizational culture is essential; 4. Diversity management must be integrated and 5. Attractiveness of diversity management should be promoted. In addition, the conducted research made clear that companies should spend more time and energy to diversity management and they should really focus on their 'ability to execute', since this will bring many advantages and will avoid future problems.

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