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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vadå kulturanpassad omvårdnad? / What do you mean, culture adapting care?

Forssell, Marijana, Malmqvist, Carin January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

La transmission du patrimoine culturel immatériel. Réflexion sur l'importance d'une médiation culturelle / The Transmission of Intangible Heritage. Reflection on Cultural Mediation

Lempereur, Françoise 31 March 2008 (has links)
En ratifiant la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel proposée par lUNESCO , chaque Etat signataire sest engagé à prendre des mesures destinées à assurer la viabilité des traditions orales (légendes, musique, chansons, etc.), des rituels festifs, des croyances, des savoir-faire et tout ce qui constitue un patrimoine, transmissible en soi ou comme valeur ajoutée aux patrimoines naturel, mobilier et immobilier, présents sur son territoire. Définies dans le texte de la convention, comme « lidentification, la documentation, la recherche, la préservation, la protection, la promotion, la mise en valeur, la transmission et la revitalisation des différents aspects de ce patrimoine », ces mesures nécessitent au préalable létablissement dun ou de plusieurs inventaires nationaux, régulièrement mis à jour. Le présent travail était destiné, à lorigine, à mettre au point une base de données du patrimoine immatériel en Belgique romane, mais, comme aucune étude théorique globale ne sétait encore penchée sur le bien-fondé de linventorisation, pas plus dailleurs que sur celui de la « sauvegarde », il a évolué au cours de sa rédaction en une réflexion sur les enjeux, les conditions et les pratiques de la transmission et ce, dans une approche interdisciplinaire mêlant lanthropologie, lhistoire, la sociologie, léthique, les sciences politiques, et faisant même ponctuellement appel à la linguistique, à la musicologie, voire à la neurologie ou au droit international. Ma recherche est à la fois théorique et pragmatique ; elle intervient après une trentaine dannées passées sur le terrain à observer, enregistrer, filmer, photographier, les traditions orales et gestuelles de petites communautés inscrites dans le cadre géographique restreint de la Wallonie, tout en ne négligeant pas lapport dexpériences extérieures à cet espace. Mon hypothèse de base est quil existe un patrimoine culturel immatériel propre à chaque communauté socioculturelle (de taille et de composition variable), qui permet, face à une menace de mondialisation culturelle, de fonder une « ethnicité positive », apte à sociabiliser davantage quà isoler. La mise en valeur de ce patrimoine ne constitue pas un repli sur soi et sur le passé mais une ouverture vers une diversité culturelle, exempte de toute hiérarchisation. La thèse ne prétend pas, en quelques centaines de pages, résoudre tous les problèmes théoriques que posent la transmission et la sauvegarde du patrimoine immatériel, mais propose une première réflexion sur les contenus, les finalités, les modes de transmission et les médiateurs utiles ou nécessaires, puisque telle est bien linterrogation que nous pose aujourdhui le maintien de cette « diversité culturelle ». Elle montre que lévolution, permanente, des valeurs véhiculées par ce patrimoine est fonction du contexte social et économique dans lequel il se transmet, et quil est vain dencadrer politiquement la transmission de ce patrimoine si cette transmission nest pas un processus pris en charge, consciemment ou non, par les détenteurs de patrimoine eux-mêmes. ----------------------------- Qualités des membres du jury : - André Gob, Professeur de muséologie à l'Université de Liège - Christine Servais, Professeur de médiation esthétique et de théories de la réception à l'Université de Liège - Laurier Turgeon, Professeur d'ethnologie à l'Université Laval de Québec - Lucienne Strivay, Professeur d'anthropologie à l'Université de Liège - Marc-Emmanuel Mélon, Professeur d'histoire et de théories des arts audiovisuels à l'Université de Liège - Rieks Smeets, Chef de la Section du patrimoine immatériel de la Division du patrimoine culturel à l'UNESCO

Multiculturalism, Liberalism and the Burden of Assimilation

Lanefelt, Lily Stroubouli January 2012 (has links)
Should a liberal state meet claims for accommodation of cultural difference with a liberal multicultural approach that grants cultural rights to minorities? The present thesis tries to answer this question by investigating if a liberal state may adopt a multicultural approach and still remain liberal. The purpose of the thesis, more specifically, is to study whether the accommodation of multiculturalism through cultural rights can be based on liberal values or not. The inquiry focuses on three influential liberal multicultural approaches which claim that cultural rights are congruent with equality, toleration and autonomy respectively. The coherence of these models is, however, questioned in the thesis. These models may neither be claimed to promote liberal values in a coherent and unambiguous way, nor be described as the adequate response to the type of burden of assimilation that members of minority cultures experience in liberal states. The main conclusion of the study is that liberal multiculturalism does not follow consistently from liberal premises and that the possibility of a normative conjunction between multiculturalism and liberalism therefore should be characterized as an open question in political theory. From liberal premises, a liberal neutralist model of integration based on anti-discrimination and equality of opportunity, in fact, still seems to be the most promising basis for a multicultural policy. It is argued in the thesis that this model can be developed if combined with a liberal scheme for deliberation on multicultural issues based on the principle of equality of opportunity.

Vadå kulturanpassad omvårdnad? / What do you mean, culture adapting care?

Forssell, Marijana, Malmqvist, Carin January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

The Role Mentoring Plays in a White Female Novice Teacher's Perceptions of Her Enculturation into a Culturally Diverse Campus

Noble, Erica Michelle 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Many of America's schools are populated with diverse student populations, while the teaching population remains largely White. This creates dissonance for White teachers and students of color. Possibly mentoring can assist novice White teachers as they enculturate into the profession and their culturally diverse campuses. This qualitative research, conducted from an Interpretivism paradigm, used a case study of a White female novice teacher at a culturally diverse campus to understand the role mentoring played in a White female novice teacher's perceptions of her enculturation into a culturally diverse campus. Several methods of data collection were used, including 9 semi-structured interviews with the novice teacher, email dialogues, 3 days of shadowing, as well as two semi-structured interviews with the subject's principal and mentor. The data was analyzed using the constant comparative method. This White female novice teacher taught at a campus with a large Hispanic student population. She struggled to feel confident in her work and in her relationships with her mentor, her fellow teachers, her administrators, her students and their parents. She relied heavily on her faith and her fellow novice teacher and teammate. Her mentor visited her once a week. She liked her mentor, but never felt she received the assistance desired. She recognized she knew little about the Hispanic culture of her students; she was willing to learn more, but failed to see her own privileged membership in the dominant White culture and its effect on interactions with her students. The discussion of this study looks at the structuring of an effective mentoring program for novice teachers, and the new teacher?s frustrations with the mentoring received; her relationship struggles with her principal and other staff, but also some successes in forming friendly relationships; her desire to understand her Hispanic students and their culture, yet her inability to see her membership in the dominant culture, as well has her school and district's "color-blind" approach to race; and her perceptions of her enculturation into the profession of teaching. The conclusions of this study discuss mentoring new teachers, the role of principals in the induction of new teachers, cultural differences between teachers and students, and the influence of faith and character with a teacher and his/her teaching.

-"Fattar man inget är det kört!" : - en studie i kommunikation mellan Bollnäs Bostäder och deras mångkulturella hyresgäster

Persson, Jennie January 2009 (has links)
Studien visar att Bollnäs Bostäder bör utveckla gemensamma arbetsmetoder och introduktionsmaterial för sina bovärdar när det gäller lägenhetsintroduktionen med de invandrare som har svårigheter med det svenska språket. Jag anser att det skulle skapa förutsättningar för en jämnare kvalitet i kundprocessen. Studien visar också att det inte alls är säkert att de invandrade hyresgästerna upplever samma kommunikationssvårigheter som Bollnäs Bostäder upplever, vilket jag anser kräver en djupare undersökning. Genom att intervjua andra fastighetsföretag har jag också kommit fram till förslaget att Bollnäs Bostäder kan undersöka fördelarna med att utveckla en introduktionsfilm till sina lägenhetsintroduktioner för att lättare nå fram med sina budskap. Slutligen anser jag att det är viktigt att ha kunskap, inte bara i verbal-, utan även i icke-verbal kommunikation för att kommunicera med invandrade hyresgäster som inte kan det svenska språket. Därför tror jag att det skulle vara värdefullt för bovärdarna att få utbilda sig inom detta område. / The study shows that Bollnäs Bostäder should develop common working methods and introductory material for their caretakers in the case of apartment introduction. I think it would create the conditions for the consistent quality of the customer process. The study also shows that it is not at all certain that the immigrant tenants is experiencing the same communication problems as Bollnäs Bostäder experience, which I think requires a deeper investigation. By interviewing second property I have also come to the proposal to Bollnäs Bostäder that they can explore the benefits of developing a movie to their apartment introductions to better reach with their message. Finally I think it is important to have knowledge, not only in verbal-, but also in non-verbal communication to communicate with immigrant tenants who has difficulties with the Swedish language. Therefore I belive it would be useful for the caretakers to receive education in this area.

The Development of Culturally Responsive Literacy Practices in the Classrooms of Three Teachers

Stephens, Alicia N. 01 August 2012 (has links)
The responsibility of educators continues to increase as they serve an increasingly diverse population, while attempting to narrow achievement disparities between students with mainstream backgrounds and those who are culturally diverse. Educator cultural perceptions remain unique to their own background and experiences, yet when presented with the challenge of educating the culturally diverse, teachers are often less than enthusiastic toward their instructional obligations. This study targeted how professional development can enhance teacher capability in a culturally diverse school, with the intent to add to existing literature regarding this topic. This twelve-week qualitative study examined teacher beliefs pertaining to their own culture and that of their students, and whether or not those beliefs would change once teachers had undergone professional development regarding culturally responsive instruction. This study also analyzed the extent of increase in teacher capability for meeting the needs of culturally diverse students once they had participated in professional development focusing on how to more successfully meet student needs. Three teachers were selected as case study participants and their ideas and instructional practices were critically examined throughout the semester. Several data sources were collected and evaluated, including surveys, pre/post interviews, classroom observations, and journal entries. Analysis of data alluded to the fact that an affirming attitude toward students who differ culturally and the implementation of culturally responsive instruction is vital to the enhancement of classroom instruction. After further data examination, the researcher concluded that educator life experiences, and especially with diverse cultures, is crucial in maximizing their ability to accommodate culturally diverse students. Case study participants’ personal belief systems and previous encounters were the most influential factors in their maturation throughout the semester. Implications of this study consisted of the necessity for professional development programs explicitly modeling how to engage in critical and reflective thinking, reminding teachers how imperative it is to develop an affirmative attitude toward diversity, and providing educators experiences with diverse settings and people. The researcher also determined that cultural competence is a persistent process.

En (o)balans av berättelser : En kvantitativ studie om mångkulturell litteraturundervisning i gymnasieskolans svenskämne / An (un)balance of stories : A quantitative study of multicultural literature in the subject Swedish at the upper secondary school

Rexhepi, Hasibe January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine what literary heritage teachers communicate in the school subject Swedish at upper secondary school. The overall research question for this work is: Which authors and/or works are mentioned by the teachers in the school subject Swedish at upper secondary school? How well do these authors and/or works answer towards a multicultural perspective? Which factors affect teachers´ selections of texts? Based on this purpose and these research questions, the aim is to answer the didactic question of what. To accomplish the purpose of the study a quantitative method has been used. The survey was conducted in two medium-sized cities in central Sweden, and was answered by 17 teachers. The study shows that the teachers ascribe the Western and Swedish literature great importance. Authorships and/or works outside the Western literary culture sphere are very few, as well as texts written by women and by Swedish writers with immigrant origin or belonging to national minorities. The factors that govern teachers’ selection of texts are agreement in the form of solid reading lists, cooperation and coordination, thematic work, resources and students. The conclusion that follows is that it seems to be the conservative and liberal multiculturalism that emerges most strongly when it comes to teaching literature in the school subject Swedish. / Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka vilket litteraturarv lärare förmedlar genom skolämnet svenska i gymnasieskolan. De övergripande forskningsfrågorna är: Vilka för-fattarskap och/eller verk behandlar lärare i undervisningen i skolämnet svenska på gymnasiet? Hur väl svarar dessa författarskap och/eller verk mot ett mångkulturellt perspektiv? Vilka faktorer påverkar lärarnas texturval? Utifrån syftet och forskningsfrågorna är målsättningen att ge svar på den didaktiska vad-frågan. För att uppnå studiens syfte har en kvantitativ metod, i form av en enkätundersökning, anammats. Enkätundersökningen genomfördes i två medelstora städer i mellersta Sverige och besvarades av 17 svensklärare. Resultatet visar att undersökningsdeltagarna tillmäter den västerländska och svenska litteraturen stor betydelse. Författarskap och/eller verk utanför den västerländska litterära kultursfären är väldigt få, likaså texter författade av kvinnor och texter skrivna av svenska författare med invandrarbakgrund eller tillhörande nationella minoritetsgrupper. De faktorer som styr lärarnas texturval är överenskommelser i form av fasta litteraturlistor, samarbete och samordningar, tematiskt arbete, resurser och eleverna. Slutsatsen som följer är att det tycks vara den konservativa och liberala mångkulturalismen som framträder starkast i litteraturundervisningen i svenska.

Den korta armen : En studie i mångfald och armlängdsavstånd i kultursamverkansmodellen / The short arm : a study in diversity and arm’s length in the cultural collaboration model

Ostrozanszky, Fredrik, Jessika, Eddur January 2012 (has links)
The name of the study means “The short arm - a study in diversity and arm’s length in the cultural collaboration model”. Right now there is a reform in the Swedish cultural administration where the responsibility for handing out state funds and grants to cultural organizations is changing from the state government to the local regional governments. The purpose of this study is to map the organisational changes caused by the reform and investigate how this affects the regional policies concerning cultural diversity and the arm’s length principle. The study has found that the regional governments have mainly adapted existing structures to incorporate the necessary changes for the cultural collaboration model. The exception being the non government organizations that have made considerable changes to their organizations. While cultural diversity is still strong in the model arm’s length principle has been hollowed out. / Just nu pågår en stor reform inom kulturpolitiken där ansvaret för fördelningen av statens medel till kultur förflyttas från staten till regionerna och landstingen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga den organisationsomvandling inom det kulturpolitiska fältet som sker på grund av reformen samt undersöka hur detta påverkar regionernas arbete med kulturell mångfald och armlängdsavstånd. Studien har funnit att inga större förändringar har skett i de regionala organisationerna, utan att de anpassat redan existerande organisationsstrukturer. Undantaget har varit intresseorganisationerna som gjort större förändringar i sina organisationer. Även om kulturell mångfald fortfarande är starkt i modellen har principen om armlängds avstånd blivit urholkad.

Emotion lexicon in the Sepedi, Xitsonga and Tshivenda language groups in South Africa : the impact of culture on emotion / T. Nicholls

Nicholls, Tanja January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

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