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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků a návrhy opatření na zvýšení její úrovně / Customer Satisfaction Analysis and Recommendations for its Improvement

Németh, Nikolas January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with measuring and analyzing customer satisfaction in a chosen company, whose main field is providing customer support services to other companies. On the basis of the theoretical background of the findings and analysis, the work includes proposals to improve the overall level of customer satisfaction.

Marketingový výzkum spokojenosti zákazníka jazykové školy Topschool / Marketing Research of Customer Satisfaction of the Topschool

Gelnar, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Master thesis is focused on research of customers satisfaction of language school called TOP School. The first part defines objectives of the work. Further more there are processed theoretical basis and also there are described methods, which will be used in analysis of satisfaction of customers. In following part there is a description of current state of the company and also marketing research, which is based on questionnaires. On the base of obtained information there are created proposals, which will lead to higher customers satisfaction.

Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků a návrhy opatření na zvýšení její úrovně / Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Suggested Measures for its Improvement

Czabeová, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with the analysis of customer satisfaction in selected company. The aim is to analyze the customer satisfaction in the company Horimex Cars, s.r.o. through a questionaire survey and then propose measures to improve its level.

Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků a návrhy opatření na zvýšení její úrovně / Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Suggested Measures for its Improvement

Pasdiora, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on analysis of customer satisfaction and proposals for measures to increase the level of the company Rely Services Ltd., which sells Hyundai cars and a range of accompanying services. The theoretical part contains important terms remainder of this issue is observed customer behavior, the entire process of purchase and meet the needs, then also ways to measure this satisfaction. The practical part is based on the theoretical part, which is initially described the company and its field of activity, are subsequently analyzed measurements of customer satisfaction, which includes individual and sections. In the final part of the analysis and evaluation of the proposal to improve customer satisfaction Rely Services Ltd.

HOW FINNISH MARKETING AGENCIES DEAL WITH COVID-19 : An integrated view on management and marketing in times of crisis

Norrman, Sandra, Ketola, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
The outbreak and global spread of the coronavirus took the world by storm and beyond the evident threat it is to the human well-being, it is also impacting the health of businesses. In Finland it was only a matter of weeks after the government the 16th of March started to implement efforts to limit the spread, that a large marketing agency, among other firms, was forced to file for bankruptcy. The seemingly sudden crisis gave rise to a curiosity and interest in how Finnish marketing agencies are handling the situation and what implications it has for the way they do business and subsequently also marketing. Reviewing the academic literature on crisis management, the lack of integration fields between became evident; crisis management has gained most attention within management studies, meanwhile studies with an integrated marketing perspective is lacking. The realisation that the breakdown of relationships is a major threat in a crisis, meanwhile marketing agencies’ business model essentially is built upon agency-client relationships, their particular view on and approach to maintaining and strengthening client relationships during the crisis became a key interest for this thesis. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to gain insight into how Finnish marketing agencies approach crisis management and nurture client relationships in the current covid-19 crisis. A qualitative research approach was taken as the interest and purpose of the study lies in gaining rich insight into the situation and its context, rather than statistically proving a point. Eight semi-structured interviews with professionals from different marketing agencies in Finland was consequently conducted, after which the data was organised and interpreted through a thematic analysis. The results from the study implicates that marketing agencies are relatively unprepared for crises of any type and have adopted a reactive approach when dealing with the covid-19 crisis. Further, the situation is characterised by feelings of support and solidarity both within and among the marketing agencies, their clients, consumers and society at large, which has been expressed to be one of the upsides to the otherwise very dark and serious situation. From marketing agencies’ side, it has also given rise to a more attentive and sensitive tone in communication towards both clients and consumers.

RETAIL IS DETAIL : Customers’ Attraction to Physical Retail Stores Within Consumer Electronics

Mohammadi, Tina January 2020 (has links)
Most companies' desire is to create customer relationships and the working methods have changed as a result of the increased e-commerce. Because of digitalization, the retailing field has changed dramatically. Consequently, physical stores are facing competition from online companies. Previous literature has stated that physical stores now have to focus on what happens inside the store in order to generate a pleasant experience. The research question focused on examining how Elgiganten, the largest consumer electronic store in Sweden, use customer experience and customer value in order to influence store attractiveness. This was carried out by using a qualitative approach, an exploratory nature and by conducting in-depth interviews with consumers and the company's head managers. The main findings of this study suggest that customers can not take advantage of some services when buying through e-commerce. This ability to provide service is an important part of the handling of competition from e-commerce. The retailers need to find the right balance between engagement and emotions in the physical retail environment in order to appeal to the consumers’ desires of trust & reliability in order to create an attractive experience point. By means of this, the thesis emphasised the imperative of creating experience in offline retailing.

Dimensiones del omnichannel customer experience y su relación con el engagement en centros comerciales. / Dimensions of the omnichannel customer experience and its relationship with engagement in shopping malls.

Almeyda Almonacid, Daniela, Vargas Iza, Valeria Sofía 08 July 2021 (has links)
El conocimiento sobre la experiencia del cliente dentro de un contexto omnicanal es clave para determinar el nivel de compromiso del usuario hacia la empresa. En base a ello, el presente estudio abordará el omnichannel customer experience como la variable de interés principal analizando sus dimensiones para poder identificar su relación con el engagement. Asimismo, se adaptará a la realidad peruana en la industria que potencia la venta retail: los centros comerciales. Se realizará un estudio cuantitativo correlacional con 400 usuarios mediante el uso de encuestas online. Los resultados tendrán análisis bivariados y multivariados a través el programa estadístico SPSS y SmartPLS respectivamente. / Knowledge about the customer experience within an omnichannel context is key to determine the level of user engagement towards the company. Based on this, this study will focus on the omnichannel customer experience as the main variable of interest by analyzing its dimensions in order to identify its relationship with engagement. Likewise, it will be adapted to the Peruvian reality in the industry that boosts retail sales: shopping malls. A quantitative correlational study will be adopted with 400 users using online surveys. The results will have bivariate and multivariate analysis through the statistical software SPSS and SmartPLS respectively. / Trabajo de investigación

What do skin care consumers think about personalization of content, user interface or a combination of both?

Bäckerås, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
Background The cosmetic industry is growing at a fast pace and, like other industries, there are a few problems regarding e-retailing that makes it hard for customers to make optimal purchase decision. Example of problems are; the number of e-retailers increase, e-retailers’ variety of products increase, and the content is almost unlimited. Companies have started to personalize to solve these problems. However, there is a lack in the literature regarding how-to best design personalization with regard to its dimensions and subcategories. Therefore, the next step is to get an understanding of which dimensions and subcategories that are the most effective. Objectives At present, the majority of the literature regarding personalization focus on how personalization can be performed and not in which way personalization should be performed to increase customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This means that the knowledge regarding the subcategories within personalization and their effectiveness is limited. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to increase the body of knowledge regarding which subcategories that is the most effective in increasing customer satisfaction and/or loyalty. Knowledge about this topic can give companies perspectives to know how personalization should be designed to increase customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Methods This study was a survey type, resulting in primary quantitative data collecting and analyzes. A pilot test was first made, before the final questionnaire. This to test the reliability and validity. The data from the pilot study were partly analyzed in SPSS and partly analyzed manually. The data from the final questionnaire were then analyzed in SPSS. Results Regarding customer satisfaction, there is a statistically significant difference between content personalization and AIGUI (Adaptive Interface and Graphical User Interface) personalization as well as between AIGUI personalization and combination (content and AIGUI) personalization. However, there is no statistical difference between content personalization and combination personalization. Regarding customer loyalty, the is no statistical difference between the personalization groups. Conclusions An e-retailer in the cosmetic industry should focus on content personalization or combination personalization / Bakgrund Industrin om kosmetik växer i en snabb takt och likt andra industrier finns det problem, kring återförsäljare som använder sig utav e-handel, som gör det svårt för kunderna att göra optimala köpbeslut. Exempel på problem är; Antalet återförsäljare som använder sig utav e-handel ökar, deras variationer av produkter ökar och informationen är i princip oändlig. Mål Litteraturen kring personligfiering handlar till större delen om hur personligfiering kan utformas och inte på vilket sätt personligfiering borde utformas för att öka kundnöjdhet och kundlojalitet. Detta innebär att kunskapen kring underkategorier av personligfiering och dess effektivitet är begränsad. Därför är syftet med studien att öka kunskapen kring underkategorier av personligfiering och ta reda på hur dessa påverkar kundnöjdhet och/eller kundlojalitet. Kunskap om detta kan ge företag perspektiv på hur de borde utforma sin personligfiering för att öka kundnöjdhet och kundlojalitet. Metod Denna studien använde sig utav en undersökning för att besvara avhandlingsfrågan. Detta resulterade i en studie av primär kvantitativ datainsamling och analysering. Först genomfördes en pilotstudie för att testa pålitligheten och giltigheten. Datan från pilotstudien var delvis analyserad i SPSS och delvis analyserad manuellt. Datan från den slutgiltiga käten analyserades i SPSS. Resultat Vad gäller kundnöjdhet framkom det att det finns en statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan innehålls personligfiering och AIGUI (Adaptive Interface and Graphical User Interface) personligfiering. Det finns också en statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan AIGUI personligfiering och combination (innehåll och AIGUI) personligfiering. Däremot framkom det att det inte finns någon statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan innehålls personligfiering och combination personligfiering. Vad gäller kundlojalitet framkom det att det inte finns någon statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan de olika personligfieringstyperna. Slutsatser En återförsäljare av kosmetik som använder sig utav e-handel borde fokusera på innehåll personligfiering eller combination personligfiering.

Redskap som behövs för långvariga kundrelationer : En kvantitativ studie om vilken påverkan kundengagemang, kundupplevelser inom sociala medier och tillfredsställelse har på kundlojalitet. / Tools needed for long-term customer relationships : A quantitative study on the impact of customer engagement, customer experiences in social media and satisfaction on customer loyalty.

Runesson, Lukas, Zanier, Josef, Alic, Almedina January 2023 (has links)
I en affärsvärld där företag är ständigt utsatta för konkurrens är det viktigt för företagen att veta hur de ska inneha lojala kunder. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilken påverkan kundengagemang, kundupplevelser inom sociala medier och tillfredsställelse har på kundlojalitet. Det teoretiska ramverket presenterar grunden för studiens nyckelord. Därefter kommer det konceptuella ramverket som synliggör att det existerar en hypotes för varje oberoende variabel. H1 är den första hypotesen: “Kundengagemang genom sociala medier har en positiv inverkan på kundlojalitet.”. Den andra hypotesen är H2: “Kundupplevelser genom sociala medier har en positiv inverkan på kundlojalitet.”. Den tredje hypotesen är H3 “Tillfredsställelse har en positiv inverkan på kundlojalitet”.  För att samla in data till studien så valdes det att göra en enkätundersökning med en likertskala där respondenterna fick svara på flera påståenden. För att få fram ett resultat från datan så gjordes flera multipla regressionsanalyser i spss. I resultatet framkom det att H1 inte accepteras då det inte fanns en tillräckligt hög signifikansnivå, medan H2 och H3 accepteras. Detta innebär att Kundupplevelser inom sociala medier och Tillfredsställelse har en positiv inverkan på Kundlojalitet, medan Kundengagemang inom sociala medier har en negativ inverkan på Kundlojalitet. / In a business world where companies encounter constant competition it becomes important to know how to hold customers' loyalty. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of customer engagement, customer experience in social media and satisfaction on customer loyalty. The theoretical framework presents the theoretical foundation of study’s keywords. The next chapter is the conceptual framework and here is where the hypotheses are presented. The first hypothesis  H1 “Customer engagement through social media has a positive outcome on customer loyalty.”  The second hypothesis H2 ``Customer experience through social media has a positive outcome on customer loyalty.” The third hypothesis H3 "Satisfaction has a positive outcome on customer loyalty.  To gather the data a survey was used with a likert scale.The participants got to answer a number of statements. To produce a result SPSS was used to perform several multiple regression analyses. The results indicate that H1 cannot be accepted because the p-value does not meet the necessary threshold to be significant, whilst both H2 and H3 surpass the threshold of significance. This implies that the use of customer experiences and satisfaction has a positive outcome on customer loyalty. On the other hand the use of customer engagement has a negative outcome on customer loyalty.

Customer engagement in Formula 1 : From an old man’s club to social media behemoth

Axelsson, Egon, Reinholdsson, Jakob January 2022 (has links)
Formula 1 is one of the worlds biggest sports, and in the recent years they as a sport has had one of the biggest upswing in the world in their viewership and activity on social media. Instagram has played a big part in this recent success and is the sporting organisations fastest growing social media. Formula 1 themselves claims that their marketing and engagement strategy is focusing on the digital mediums and that engagement from their fans has been achieved. The purpose of this study is to look at what extent Formula 1’s marketing strategy can be defined as customer engagement marketing and what specific characteristics can be identified as engagement marketing. This study has looked at Instagram posts published by Formula 1 during specific time periods each year from the year 2015 to 2021. Instagram is Formula 1’s fastest growing social media forum, and was therefore chosen to be studied. The time period covers the before and after the American media company Liberty Media bought Formula 1 in 2017, giving an interesting insight on the consequences of the media company’s marketing strategy. Using content analysis the posts have been coded into variables and then categories, determining which marketing strategy that is present in each post. The content analysis was designed according to a theory defining what customer engagement is and what different marketing strategies a firm can use to achieve it, customer engagement marketing. The result shows a strong presence of customer engagement marketing, and in many variables show an increasing trend from the years after Liberty Media bought the sporting organisation. The findings from the content analysis can therefore affirm that Formula 1’s own claim about focusing on fan/customer engagement is true on the social platform of Instagram. The findings further show that creating engagement marketing with a strategy of building relationships between fans, drivers and teams of the sport has been the most important for Formula 1. Further, feeding information towards the fans and making it easier for them to keep exploring and venture deeper in to various parts of the sport have shown to be important. This study aims to be a contribution both as a methodological resource and example for research using content analysis on social media, especially on a sporting organisation. But also as a contribution to the fairly new research area of engagement marketing on digital platforms by sporting organisations. Therefore it could be of interest to researchers that wishes to study the subject, or people working with marketing. The case of Formula 1’s recent success could be looked further into by other sporting organisations, with this report as a way for deeper understanding on parts of the process.

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