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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kundlojalitet : En jämförande studie mellan ett offline- och onlineföretag i deras arbete med att skapa lojala kunder

Björkgren, Stina, Hallgren, Ida January 2013 (has links)
Utifrån relationsmarknadsföringsperspektivet har vårdandet av relationen till kunder uppmärksammats inom marknaden för detaljhandel. Inom detta område är lojalitetsskapandet en viktig del och forskning visar tydligt på att företag som är verksamma offline respektive online arbetar med detta. Studiens syfte är att med hjälp av jämförelse och analys beskriva offline- och onlineföretags arbete med lojalitetsskapande och därmed bidra till ökad kunskap inom området. Detta leder till undersökningens frågeställning, vad finns det för skillnader mellan hur svenska online- och offlineföretag inom detaljhandeln arbetar för att få lojala kunder? För att ta reda på det har vi genomfört sju intervjuer med totalt sex anställda på två olika företag som dagligen arbetar med relationsmarknadsföring. Studien är även baserad på observationer av studieobjektens webbsidor, Facebook-, Instagram- och Youtubesidor samt företagens postala utskick. Detta för att kunna jämföra vad företagen säger att de gör med vad de faktiskt gör inom området relationsmarknadsföring, samt jämföra hur de olika företagen arbetar. De främsta teorier som denna studie baseras på handlar om hur kundklubbar hjälper företag att skapa lojala kunder. Utifrån dessa kundklubbar kan företag samla data om sina kunder för att kunna mäta denna lojalitet. Resultatet av intervjuerna och observationerna presenteras fristående från varandra. Vad gäller analysen är den indelad efter teorikapitlets presentation av teorier och modeller. Utifrån analysen har vi kunnat dra slutsatser som visar att det finns skillnader mellan företagen som beror på att de är verksamma offline respektive online. Det finns även vissa skillnader mellan företagen som inte beror på att företagen har olika syn på vad som gör kunderna lojala och vad de anser att lojalitet är. / The care of the relationship between a company and a customer has gotten attention from a relationship marketing point of view in the retail market. Customer loyalty is very important and a big part of reaching success for companies and research has shown that both offline and online companies work with this. The purpose of this study is that with a comparative study between an offline and an online company contribute to the knowledge about creating loyal customers. That leads us to the question of this paper, what are the differences between Swedish offline and online companies in the retail industry regarding loyalty creating? To answer this question this paper contains seven interviews with six employees at two different companies that on a daily basis work with relationship marketing. The study is also based on observations of the company’s communities, websites and paper mailings that are sent to the customers. This has been made to make it possible to compare what the companies say that they do to what they actually do. The theories that this paper is based on, is primarily regarding customer clubs and how these help companies building loyal customers. This Customer clubs is also a method for companies to gather information about the customers so that they can measure the customer loyalty. The result of the interviews and the observations is presented separately and the analysis is based on the theory chapter’s structure. In the analysis we have made some conclusions that shows the differences between offline and online companies and their work with customer loyalty. Some of the differences is based on that the companies doesn’t have the same view on what customer loyalty is and some differences is based on the fact that they act offline versus online.

Customer Loyalty: A case study of a local bank in Sweden

Fransson, Sara, Lahdeaho, Karolina, Skoglund, Therese January 2011 (has links)
Background: The financial services industry is a highly competitive and fragmented market. Firms are realizing the need and advantage of retaining customers rather than only focusing on acquiring new customers. Managers should focus on increasing customer satisfaction and communication levels as well as providing higher service quality. They should also emphasize the importance of building better relationships with customers to create loyalty. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if customers of a local bank office are loyal, find the factors that create disloyalty and analyze how the bank can increase customer loyalty.  Method: To complete the purpose of this paper, the authors prepared a case study on a local Swedish bank and conducted a survey of the bank’s customers to determine levels of loyalty within the company. The authors spent four days in the bank office to have the customers fill in the survey immediately after their experience with the bank. Participants in the survey were customers who visited bank tellers, had booked meetings, or un-booked meetings. Conclusion: It was found that the bank had high levels of customer loyalty, as a majority of the customers were exclusively customers of the bank. Never the less a significant amount of customers had an additional bank(s) which shows the bank has an opportunity to strengthen their market position, but also a need to retain their customers. Customers were satisfied with the service quality provided and the relationships were satisfactory between customers and their advisers. The majority of the customers were contributing to a positive word of mouth, which is an indicator that they are loyal customers. However, the main area of improvement needed by the bank is to implement a better customer complaint management system, as many customers did not know how or where to complain. / Bakgrund: Den finansiella tjänstesektorn är en starkt konkurrensutsatt och fragmenterad marknad. Företag inser behovet och fördelen av att behålla kunder snarare än att enbart fokusera på att värva nya. Genom att fokusera på att öka kundnöjdheten för att de existerande kunderna kan de erbjuda en bättre service kvalitet. De bör också betona vikten av att bygga bättre relationer med kunder för att skapa lojalitet. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om en lokal banks kunder är lojala, hitta de faktorer som skapar illojalitet och analysera hur banken kan öka kundlojaliteten. Metod: För att uppnå syftet med vår uppsats utarbetade författarna en fallstudie den lokala banken. Författarna genomförde en undersökning av bankens kunder för att analysera dess lojalitet till företaget. Författarna tillbringade en vecka i banken för att utvärdera kundens erfarenhet i relation till dess besök. Deltagarna i undersökningen var kunder som besökte banken i ärenden inom kassa, bokat möten, eller obokat möte. Slutsats: Det konstaterades att banken hade hög kundlojalitet, då en majoritet av kunderna var endast kunder i banken. Icke desto mindre, en stor mängd kunder hade ytterligare bank(er) vilket visar att banken har en möjlighet att stärka sin ställning på i den lokala marknaden, men också att stärka sin ställning i den existerande kundkretsen. Kunderna var nöjda med den servicekvalitet som banken tillhandahåller och relationer var tillfredsställande mellan kunder och deras rådgivare. Majoriteten av kunderna bidrar med positiva rekommendationer, vilket är en indikator på att de är lojala kunder. Dock är den viktigaste biten av förbättring krävs av banken för att genomföra ett bättre system för hantering av anmälningar, eftersom många kunder inte vet hur eller var att klaga.

Lojalitetsprogram inom hospitalitybranschen : Lönsamhet och effektivitet

Lidén, Sara, van Tol, Jessica, Duvander, Lina January 2012 (has links)
Lojalitetsprogram är en slags medlemsklubb där medlemmar får ta del av olika belöningar ochförmåner. Programmen kan vara ett bra hjälpmedel för företag att skaffa lojala, återkommandekunder, men det kan även vara kostsamt vid okunskap. Huvuduppgiften med programmen är attskapa en relation med gästen för att få den att återkomma, då det visat sig att lojala kunder ökarlönsamheten. Det har även visat sig att en CRM-strategi kan underlätta skapandet avkundlojalitet och lönsamhet.Syftet med uppsatsen var att redogöra och diskutera vad som påverkar ett lojalitetsprogramslönsamhet.Uppsatsen grundades i fem vetenskapliga artiklar som granskades, bearbetades ochsammanfattades utifrån uppsatsens syfte. Resultatet tog upp vikten av kundlojalitet för att skapalönsamhet inom hospitalitybranschen samt lojalitetsprogrammens effektivitet. Från artiklarnaframkom det att lojalitetsprogrammets utformning och belöningssystem hade stor betydelse förom en gäst blir lojal eller inte. Relationen som utvecklades mellan företag och gäst var även deten betydelsefull del i skapandet av lojalitet. Senare diskuterades huruvida lojalitetsprogram varen säker väg till kundlojalitet eller inte utifrån de olika faktorerna som tidigare nämndes.Sammanfattningsvis var en välstrukturerad CRM-strategi med kunskap om programmetsstruktur, belöningssystem och gemenskap viktigt vid skapandet av ett effektivt och lönsamtlojalitetsprogram. / B-uppsatser

Mobile Marketing : Study of ICA - Correlation between mobile marketing and customer loyalty

Amarsanaa, Bolor, Anjorin, Joshua January 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT   Title: Mobile Marketing: Study of ICA – Correlation between mobile marketing and customer loyalty Level: Master Degree in Business Administration Authors: Bolor Amarsanaa and Joshua Anjorin Supervisor: Ernst Hollander Date: 2012 – January Aim: Having loyal customers is a key for successful organizations. There is increased complexity and competitiveness in the market place as regards to what companies need to do and how to do them in meeting the needs of customers. Is that why companies today are exploring the potentials of mobile phones to ultimately earn customers’ loyalty? However, there is not much research done in this area, especially in finding correlation between mobile marketing and customer loyalty. Thus, this research aims to examine correlation between mobile marketing and customer loyalty. Method: Data collection methods included literature reviews, a questionnaire and interviews. These were analysed by hypothesising, comparing with theories, and the use of descriptive analysis, correlation, and other methods presented as discussions, tables, and charts. Results & Conclusions: The theoretical and empirical research findings show that customer loyalty is positively related with mobile marketing. Use of mobile marketing such as mobile application, mobile web and SMS can perhaps enhance customer loyalty by meeting the demand of customers; increasing interaction and communication with customers; and increasing customer satisfaction. However, due to the research limitations and due to the fact that mobile marketing is a relatively new field of study, it needs some more time and more extensive research to make a general assumption about relationship between them and the strength of such relationship. Suggestions for future research: For further research, more extended research with broader samples is essential. It will be also crucial to investigate how much of an effect mobile marketing has on customer loyalty by scrutinizing company’s cost and profit measurements of mobile marketing besides opt-in and opt-out measurements of customers. Contribution of the thesis: We hope that this research has scratched the surface to this new field of study and made an addition to existing theory. It also stirs up interests in the emerging research on mobile marketing’s untapped potentials. Key words: Mobile Marketing, Customer loyalty, mobile phone, customer satisfaction, communication with customers.

The Battle of the Customers – Does loyalty exist within the FMCG market?

Thurn, Emmie, Gustafsson, David January 2012 (has links)
Title: The Battle of the Customers – Does loyalty exist within the FMCG market? Authors: Emmie Thurn 880909, David Gustafsson 870926  Purpose: The purpose with this study is to examine how relationship marketing strategies can enhance companies’ effectiveness, within the FMCG market, in the sense of more satisfied and loyal customers. The 5Qs model will be applied in order to see if there are any critical quality factors that encourage long-term relationship. Methodology: This quantitative study was based upon positivistic assumptions and carried out by a deductive research approach. The data was collected through two questionnaires, which included 200 customers and 15 representatives from three various FMCG stores. Conclusion: In this study the authors have found that RM, as the current theory present it, does not provide any effective strategies to create customer satisfaction and loyalty within the FMCG market. Therefore, the authors raise the question if price is the new customer loyalty program within the FMCG market? Ten quality factors are identified as critical when generating a long-term relationship between FMCG stores and customers.  To create a successful long-term relationship can these quality factors be combined into a PRODSERV offer. Keywords: Relationship marketing, quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, 5Qs model, the FMCG market.

Bergslagens Sparbank : en tvärsnittsstudie om kundnöjdhet och kundlojalitet

Hedström, Stefan, Zukanovic, Haris January 2010 (has links)
Dagens företag, vars utbud alltmer karaktäriseras av tjänster, måste lära sig att anpassa sig till denna nya kundorienterade värld. Idag har kunderna stort utbud av varor och tjänster vilket innebär att företagen måste anstränga sig extra hårt för att ha nöjda och lojala kunder. Att ha nöjda kunder innebär inte automatiskt att dessa kunder är lojala. Kundlojalitet är viktigt för att företaget ska fungera på lång sikt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att se vilka slutsatser som kan dras om kundlojaliteten hos Bergslagens Sparbanks privatkunder i relation till hur nöjda de är. Vi vill även se hur vi kan utläsa den sanna kundlojaliteten hos Bergslagens Sparbanks privatkunder. Genom postenkäter och intervjuer sammanvävda med ett teoretiskt efterforskningsarbete har resultaten kommit fram. Ett abduktivt arbetssätt tillsammans med en kombinerad kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökningsmetod har möjliggjort för författarna att uppnå det utforskande syfte uppsatsen utgått ifrån. Bergslagens Sparbanks privatkunder är i allmänhet nöjda med sin bank. Dock har det framkommit att det finns saker som banken kan förbättra.  Vi har dessutom sett mönster som visar på att det finnas både sann och falsk lojalitet bland bankens privatkunder. Åtskilliga kunder i Bergslagens Sparbank har haft banken sedan lång tid tillbaka, de flesta i elva år eller längre. Många har dessutom uppgett att familjen alltid har haft samma bank vilket innebär att ”traditionen” förts vidare till yngre generationer. Detta är ett tecken som visar på hur kunderna blir lojala. Vi visar att det finns ett samband mellan kunders attityder om Bergslagens Sparbank och deras kundlojalitet. / Today's businesses, whose range of product and services is increasingly being characterized by services, must learn to adapt to this new customer-driven world. Today, customers have wide selection of goods and services which means that companies need to strive extra hard to have satisfied and loyal customers. To have satisfied customers does not automatically mean that these customers are loyal. Customer loyalty is important for the company to work in the long run. The purpose with this research project is to see what conclusions can be drawn on the customer loyalty of Bergslagens Sparbank private customers, in relation to how satisfied they are. We also want to see how we can find the true customer loyalty of Bergslagens Sparbank private customers. By mail questionnaires and interviews interwoven with theoretical research the results have emerged. An abductive reasoning technique used with a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods has enabled the authors to achieve the exploratory purpose of this research project. Bergslagens Sparbank’s private customers are overall satisfied with their bank. However, it has become clear that there are things that the bank can improve. We have also seen the patterns that indicate that there is both true and false loyalty amongst the bank’s private customers. Many of the customers in Bergslagens Sparbank have been with the bank for a long time, most of them for eleven years or longer. Several of them have also stated that the family has always had the same bank, which means that it's a tradition that has passed on to younger generations. This is one of the signs that show how customers are becoming loyal. We show that customer attitudes towards Bergslagens Sparbank are affecting customer loyalty.

Customer Participation in Tourism Marketing

Pan, Ching-Fen 13 July 2011 (has links)
Recent tourism marketing development has highlighted the importance of customer participation. Owing to experience-seeking and use of internet, customers start to behave themselves as value co-creators, which offers greater opportunities for service providers and benefit customers themselves as well. Therefore, this study aims to identify the factors that contribute to customer participation and examine how customer participation effects relationship marketing in the tourism sector. The author proposes a model, in which communication, customer expertise, affective commitment and interactional justice are assumed to increase the extent to which customers participate in the service delivery. Furthermore, customer participation may increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. A survey was conducted based on travel agency service. In total 152 people who had experience working with travel agency participated in the survey. The testing results showed that the model is fully supported. Firstly, all antecedents, including communication, customer expertise, affective commitment and interactional justice, relate positively to customer participation. Secondly, customer participation enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. Meanwhile, customer satisfaction has a positive effect on customer loyalty. Thus, the findings provide managers in the tourism with valuable insights that firms can increase their competitive advantage through enhancing customer participation.

Exploring the Resident¡¦s Perception on Importance and Satisfaction of Hospital Service Quality and Customer Loyalty ¡V Taking Resident in Kaohsiung as Examples

Tsai, Yu-Fu 30 July 2011 (has links)
In recent years, the service industries such as restaurants, hotels & finance have treated consumers and satisfying their needs as their first priority. This kind of service concept is also greatly valued and practiced by the medical industry. While the national health insurance system reduces the financial strain and increases more medicare choices for people, the environment of operating a hospital has become more challenged and competitive. The increase of income and the high service quality provided by Starbucks and Wang Steak both have significantly impact on people's expectation for receiving higher service quality. By recognizing the demand of public, hospital management can then provide service quality that's within or even beyond expectation. This research will exam the importance and satisfaction of hospital service quality to people, as well as compare people's loyalty level toward hospitals and doctors. This research takes Kaohsiung residents as example and the total number of effective example is 351. The questionnaire is created based on SERVQUAL and the patient's satisfaction questionnaire of THIS. The result is analyzed by statistic software SPSS 17.0 and Importance Performance Analysis. The research result: 1. The importance level of hospital service quality measures from high to low is professional abilities of doctors and nurses, medical equipments in hospitals, communication and interaction with doctors and nurses, facilities and convenient access to hospitals, attitude of medical staffs, waiting time. 2. Professional abilities of doctors and nurses, medical equipments in hospitals belong in the keep up the good work category. Attitude of medical staffs and waiting time belong in the lower priority category. Communication and interaction with doctors and nurses, facilities and convenient access to hospitals belong in the possible overkill category. No item for concentrate here category. 3. Interviewees show more loyalty toward doctors rather than hospitals and their attitude is consistent with their behavior.

Study on the Relationship of Customer Relationship, Brand Image, and Customer Loyalty ¡V A Case Study of a Chain Cram School in Kaohsiung City

Tseng, Yueh-E 22 August 2011 (has links)
Study on the Relationship of Customer Relationship, Brand Image, and Customer Loyalty ¡V A Case Study of a Chain Cram School in Kaohsiung City ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate the customer relationship, brand image, and loyalty that the parents of students came from a chain cram school in Kaohsiung City had towards that cram school. The parents of the students who are studying in this cram school and relevant after-school education were the study subjects. Questionnaire investigation was performed and 300 copies of questionnaires were sent and 276 copies were received, where 42 copies of invalid questionnaires were eliminated; thus, there were 234 copies of valid questionnaires in total and the questionnaire efficiency was 84.78%. The statistical methods that this study applied included descriptive statistics, Pearson's product-moment correlation, independent-sample t-test, one way ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression. The following results were drawn after empirical analysis from different backgrounds of the students¡¦ parents: 1. For customer relationship, overall brand image and every aspect of brand image, and willingness to purchase again of the parents¡¦ feeling towards the cram school, female parents scored higher than male parents; while male parents scored higher on price tolerance, willingness to recommend, and overall feeling of customer loyalty than female parents. 2. For 41 to 50 year-old-parents, they scored lower on brand value of cram school and willingness to recommend than parents who were under 40 years old; however, they scored higher on customer relationship, brand image, overall customer loyalty, and every aspect of customer loyalty than parents from all other age groups. 3. Parents graduated from high school and/or vocational school (and lower education level) only scored lower on brand strategy and willingness to recommend, they scored higher on customer relationship, brand image, overall customer loyalty, and every aspect of customer loyalty than parents from all other education levels. 4. The consciousness of parents who are government employees and housekeepers was higher on customer relationship, overall loyalty, and every sub-aspect of loyalty towards the cram school. For parents who work in technology manufacturing industry and governmental organizations, their consciousness was higher on overall brand image and every sub-aspect of brand image towards the cram school than the parents with other occupations. 5. The consciousness of parents with higher average monthly income was higher on customer relationship, brand image, overall loyalty, and every sub-aspect of loyalty towards the cram school than parents with lower income. 6. The consciousness of parents with one child was higher on customer relationship, overall brand image, and every aspect of brand image than parents with two or more children. For overall customer loyalty and every sub-aspect of customer loyalty, the consciousness of parents with three or more children was higher than others. The research analysis result of the relationship of customer relationship of parents, brand image and customer loyalty is as follows: 1. Every aspect of customer relationship and overall customer relationship of parents, and every aspect of brand image and overall brand image of parents whose children studied in cram school were significantly and positively correlated, showing that the higher the score of customer relationship the parents had, the higher the score of brand image. 2. Every aspect of brand image and overall brand image of parents, and every aspect of customer loyalty and overall customer loyalty of parents whose children studied in cram school were significantly and positively correlated, showing that the higher the score of brand image the parents had towards the cram school, the higher the score of customer loyalty. Customer relationship and the difference of brand image were served as the criterion variable, and the predicting result analysis of customer loyalty is as follows: 1. The three major predictor variables of overall customer loyalty included ¡§brand marketing¡¨, ¡§brand strategy¡¨, and ¡§trust¡¨, where ¡§brand marketing¡¨ had the highest predicting ability. 2. ¡§Willingness to purchase again¡¨ was served as the criterion variable, and the three major predictor variables of overall customer loyalty included ¡§brand strategy¡¨, ¡§brand marketing¡¨, and ¡§customer communication¡¨, where ¡§brand strategy¡¨ had the highest predicting ability. 3. ¡§Price tolerance¡¨ was served as the criterion variable, and the two major predictor variables of overall customer loyalty included ¡§brand marketing¡¨ and ¡§trust¡¨, where ¡§brand marketing¡¨ had the highest predicting ability. 4. ¡§Willingness to recommend¡¨ was served as the criterion variable, and the four major predictor variables of overall customer loyalty included ¡§brand strategy¡¨, ¡§customer communication¡¨, ¡§brand value¡¨, and ¡§brand marketing¡¨, where ¡§brand strategy¡¨ had the highest predicting ability. Keywords: Chain Cram school, students¡¦ parents, customer relationship, brand image, customer loyalty

The Influence of Business-to-Business Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty Assembly and Testing Manufacturing as a case study

Juan, I-Pin 23 August 2011 (has links)
On top of cost reduction, product quality and manufacturing quality, manufacturing industry should start to consider the influence of business-to-business service quality on customers¡¦ satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, how to measure customer perceived business-to-business service quality become a critical issue in manufacturing industry. Previously, the service quality research are more concentrated on business-to-consumer, such as retail or other service industry. However, it's not appropriate for apply it on business-to business level. The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of business-to business service quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This research is intended to prove the following. 1. IMP model is applicable to measure business-to-business service quality in manufacturing. 2. The better business-to-business service quality can lead to customer satisfaction and also customer loyalty. 3. To understand customer¡¦s satisfaction and loyalty on Manufacturing assembly and testing house in Taiwan accurately. This research attempts to find a relationship between six factors from IMP model and business-to-business service quality. Further, to know if business-to-business service quality can affect customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, especially more purchasing behavior.The research methodology is to use Woo & Ennew¡¦s (2005) questionnaires which based on the concept of IMP model. We provided questionnaires to Taiwan¡¦s assembly and testing house¡¦s customers. There are 143 returned with effective results. The conclusion of the research showed the business-to-business service qualtiy have significant and positive effects on customers satisfaction then to loyalty. However, the questionnaires didn¡¦t have a good fit to measure business-to-business service quality in manufacturing. From the result, it remind manufacturer take business-to-business sevrice quality seriously and pay much attention to it.

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