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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Datový sklad se zaměřením na optimalizaci ETL procesu / Data Warehouse with a Focus on the ETL Process Optimization

Veselý, Ivan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focus on creating data warehouse and process of its implementation. The content is: Introduction into data warhousing, implemetation of data warehouse and process of its population.

Framework pro generování demo dat do OLAP datových kostek

Dubšík, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with implementation of a new framework, which allows to define and generate demo data for the star schema structure. Work analyses and com-pares available demo data generators. In theoretical part of the thesis, there are described concepts and technologies using in the field of Business Intelligence. Practical part deals with the design and implementation of the framework. In the final section, there are actual examples of generated data and their possible rep-resentation (samples of possible reports and dashboards).

Prototyp för dynamiskt beslutsstöd

Lundstedt, Mattias, Norell, Axel January 2014 (has links)
Företaget Nethouse har haft uppdraget att kravställa, utveckla och implementera ett verksamhetssystem åt Sveriges  Skorstensfejaremästares Riksförbund (SSR). Medlemsföretagen i SSR bedriver sotarverksamhet på uppdrag av Sveriges kommuner och är beroende av insamlad data kopplad till deras verksamhet. I det nyutvecklade systemet, som går under namnet Ritz, samlas informationen i en central databas och är tillgänglig för flertalet intressenter med hjälp av ny teknik och modernare lösningar. Systemet är helt webbaserat och körs som en molntjänst, tillgängligt via antingen en webbsida eller som mobilapplikation. Åtkomsten av data baseras på företagsnivå på ”stämplad” data i databasen och för att reglera åtkomsten för företagsanvändare till respektive företags data används rollbaserad åtkomstkontroll. Detta examensarbete har syftat till att utveckla en prototyp till en beslutsstödslösning för dynamisk åtkomst till de datamängder som lagras inom Ritz. Nethouse har efterfrågat en prototyp för en BI-lösning som visar på möjligheter och fördelar för intressenter till Ritz med att implementera en sådan. Då integration och förvaltning är viktiga faktorer för Nethouse har ett krav på prototypen varit att den utvecklats inom Microsofts programvaror, precis som resten av Ritz. Prototypen färdigställdes genom konstruerandet av ett centralt data warehouse enligt Ralph Kimballs metodologier och genom implementation av en OLAP-kub byggd i Microsoft SSAS. Dataöverföringen från datakällorna till beslutsstödslösningens data warehouse skedde genom utvecklandet av en ETL-process i Microsoft SSIS. Den resulterande kuben har främst utformats för att kunna besvara den sortens frågor som länsstyrelser ställer till sotarföretag i kontrollsyfte och stöder förfrågningar mot de två centrala affärsprocesserna sotning och brandskyddskontroll. Dessa förfrågningar kan filtreras på flertalet dimensioner som exempelvis tid, utförare, status och kontrollutfall. Prototypen begränsar även åtkomst till den information som användare har rätt att ta del av genom att koppla samman användare och objekt till geografiska indelningar som kallas distrikt. Denna dynamiska säkerhetslösning ger goda förutsättningar för att kunna hantera förändringar i användarnas behörighet i framtiden. Genom den utvalda lösningen behålls den dynamiska naturen i systemet, då åtkomst till beslutsstödstjänsten kan fås genom flertalet källor som stödjer uppkoppling mot Microsofts multidimensionella beslutsstödslösningar, bland annat Excel och SQL Server Reporting Services.

Arkitektonisk utformning av en lagringsplattform för Business Intelligence : En litteratur- och fallstudie riktad mot små och medelstora företag

Lundström, Adam January 2018 (has links)
BI, business intelligence, which means to collect and analyse data to inform business decisions, is a concept that has grown to be a significant part of business development. In most cases, a storage platform is necessary to provide data from the companies’ different data sources to the BI-tools. There are different ways of doing this. Some of them are by the help of a data lake, a data warehouse or a combination of both. By taking this into consideration the purpose of this study is to create an architectural design of a storage platform for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). To be able to formulate a result which holds as high validity and reliability as possible, this study conducts both a literature and a case study. The case study has taken place at an IT service company which classifies as a SME and the working methodology has been an agile approach with scrum as reference. This method was chosen to be able to efficiently follow the customer demands.  The architecture provided consists of a combination of a data hub, which acts as a data lake, and a data warehouse. The data hub differs from a data lake by harmonizing and indexing data, which makes it easier to handle. Regarding the intension of the data warehouse, it is to yield relevant and processed data to BI-tools. The architecture design of the platform that has been developed in this study cannot be said to be applicable by all companies. Instead, it can be a basis for companies that are thinking about creating a data platform. / BI, Business intelligence, vilket betyder att samla och analysera data som beslutsstöd, har växt till att vara en betydande del inom företagsutveckling. För att möjliggöra för BI krävs ofta att en datalagringsplattform tillhandahåller data från verksamhetens datakällor. Det finns olika sätt att göra detta, men några av dem är med hjälp av en datasjö, ett datalager eller en kombination av båda. Mot bakgrund av detta, har den här studien syftat till att framställa en övergripande arkitektur som lämpar sig till små  och medelstora företag (SMF). För att frambringa ett resultat med så  hög validitet och reliabilitet som mö jligt baseras studien på  både en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie. Fallstudien har genomförts på  ett IT-konsultföretag som klassas som SMF och arbetsmetodiken har varit agil och baserats pa  scrum. Denna metod valdes för att på  ett effektivt sä tt säkerställa att kundens krav uppfylldes. Den arkitektur som föreslagits är en kombination mellan en datahubb, vilket verkar som en datasjö , och ett datalager. Datahubben skiljer sig från datasjön eftersom den harmoniserar och indexerar data, vilket gör den enklare att hantera. Rörande datalagret, ämnar det tillgodose bearbetad och relevant data för BI-verktyg. Den övergripande arkitektur som presenteras anses inte vara applicerbar för alla verksamheter, men kan användas som en grund för verksamheter som tänker implementera en lagringsplattform.

Řízení informačních toků malé softwarové společnosti / Management of Information Flow of Small Software Company

Klimeš, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the management of information flow of a small company using Business Intelligence tools and the data mart. There is defined the problem of working with information from the point of view of selected company in the first part. The next part presents selected theoretical background on the basis of which was the aim achieved. The fourth part analyses the current situation of the company. There is recommended complex improvement of the current situation in the practical part. Selected information management problem is accomplished factually. There are also introduced suitable software tools, which were used for the solution.

Metodika budování a údržby závislých datových tržišť / Methodology of development and maintanance of dependent data marts

Müllerová, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is primary focused on the integrated data warehouse, particularly on a subset -- dependent data marts. The main objectives of this thesis are design the methodology of development and maintenance of dependent data marts and verification methodology usefulness in the real organization. The first part deals with the theoretical definition of terms. It focuses particularly on the definition of terms from Business Intelligence area especially data warehousing and data marts. Each of the terms is described in detail in separate chapters. Business Intelligence area puts emphasis on description of individual components. In data warehousing area are described the data warehouse concepts and content of layers in a data warehouse. Finally, the data mart area is designed to describe dependent and independent data marts and also "special "cases of data marts, likely the semantic layer, and a sandbox. The second part focuses on the design methodology itself. At the beginning of this part is analysis of the existing methodologies and assess their usefulness with connection to designed methodology. The following part describes the current situation in the approach to the development and maintenance of dependent data marts in the organization. At the end of the second part is designed own methodology, which is based in part on the analysis methodology and in part on the analysis of current situation. The third part focuses on usability and usefulness evaluation of methodology in the organization. Evaluation is based on the methodology of criticism from employees in the organization who are directly engaged in designing and maintaining dependent data marts. Finally, the fourth and final part will focus on the description of an alternative solution that could be considered as one of the ways to sustainable development of data warehouse in the organization. It's about comparison architecture based on utilization of semantic layer as oppose to the "three layers" concept of data warehouse by Bill Inmon, which is implemented in the organization. The output evaluates alternative solutions to the current solution.

Propuesta de mejora del proceso de logística de entrada aplicando el modelo SCOR en una consultora de tecnología en Lima, 2020 / Proposal to improve the inbound logistics process by applying the SCOR model in a technology consultancy in 2020

Chavez Montes, Gianfranco 15 July 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto, tiene como objetivo generar una propuesta de mejora del proceso de logística de entrada bajo las buenas prácticas del modelo SCOR para una consultora de tecnología en Lima con la finalidad optimizar la elaboración de información estratégica generada por este proceso. Como parte de esta propuesta, se desarrollará un Data Mart que permitirá agilizar la obtención de estos datos. La logística de entrada, compuesta por la gestión de compras e inventario, genera información estratégica que es relevante y solicitada por áreas del negocio como comercial, proyectos y gerencia general. Hoy en día este proceso se ve afectado por los altos tiempos y la mala planificación del área para realizar sus actividades de registro y control de información lo que impide que posteriormente se pueda consultar de manera rápida e integra. Esto finalmente afecta que se pueda realizar una toma de decisiones en certidumbre. La aplicación de las buenas prácticas del modelo SCOR al proceso logístico, demostraron que se puede disminuir el porcentaje actual de tiempo de registro de información en un 35%. También mediante la aplicación del Data Mart, los porcentajes de gastos operativos y tiempos para elaborar información estratégica se reducen en un 97% y 96% respectivamente. De esta manera la propuesta demuestra su efectividad permitiendo optimizar la elaboración de información estratégica del área para así poder tomar mejores decisiones en beneficio del negocio. / The object of this project is to generate a proposal to improve the inbound logistics process under the best practices of the SCOR model for a technology consultancy in Lima in order to optimize the development of strategic information generated by this process. As part of this proposal, a Data Mart will be developed to expedite the collection of this data. Inbound logistics is made up of purchasing and inventory management. This process generates strategic information that is relevant to business areas such as commercial, projects and general management. Today this process is affected by high times and poor planning of the area to carry out its activities of registration and control of information, which generates that later it can’t be consulted quickly and integrated. This directly affects decision-making. The application of SCOR model good practices to the logistics process, showed that the current percentage of time for entering information can be reduced by 35%. Also, through the implementation of the Data Mart, the percentages of operating costs and times to generate strategic information are reduced by 97% and 96% respectively. In this way the proposal demonstrates its effectiveness allowing to optimize the elaboration of strategic information of the area in order to be able to take better decisions in benefit of the business. / Tesis

Uso de informações de saúde para suporte à decisão: uma metodologia focada no consumidor da informação / Use of health information for decision support: a methodology focused on consumer information

Azevedo, Luiz Fernando de Aguiar January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009 / O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar os passos necessários para a construção de data marts /data warehouses como uma solução para um ambiente de suporte à decisão. Seu foco não é, entretanto, o aprofundamento de cada uma das etapas deste método (uma vez que existe uma ampla literatura sobre o assunto), mas realçar a importância do envolvimento do usuário aqui denominado consumidor da informação durante o processo de criação e manutenção destes data marts / data warehouses. O consumidor da informação é chamado a participar de um plano integrado com os membros das áreas detentoras do conhecimento necessário para a construção destas soluções de suporte à decisão, incluindo a área de tecnologia da informação. A disseminação das informações contidas nestes bancos de dados para os diversos tipos de consumidores da informação(com diferentes recursos de hardware, software e humanos disponíveis), e sua aplicação no controle social, também são discutidas aqui. / The purpose of this work is to present the required steps for the construction of data marts / data warehouses as a solution for a decision support environment. However, its focus is not to go deeper in each of the steps of this method (since there is a broad literature about the subject), but to highlight the importance of the user – here called information consumer – engagement during the process of creating and maintaining these data marts / data warehouses. The information consumer is called to take part in an integrated plan together with the members of the areas who own the necessary knowledge to build these decision support solutions, including the information technology (IT) area. The spread of the informations contained in these databases to the different types of information consumers (with different hardware, software and human resources available), and its application in social control, is also discussed here.

Developing a repeat sales property price index for residential properties in South Africa / H. Bester

Bester, Hermine January 2010 (has links)
In South Africa various financial institutions and independent vendors have developed residential property valuation models to estimate the current value of historically traded properties. A natural extension to these models has been to develop historical property price indices. In this dissertation, three of the four approaches to developing property price indices will be examined. Through back–testing and other statistical methods, the most accurate and robust approach will be determined. The four major approaches available are the mean valuation per suburb, the median valuation per suburb, the repeat sales approach and hedonic regression. The mean valuation per suburb approach can be biased because of outliers in property prices. However, outliers in property prices will not influence the median valuation per suburb approach, but in cases where property values in a suburb have a skewed distribution, the valuation amount could be distorted. Neither of the above mentioned shortcomings influences the repeat sales or the hedonic regression approach. To follow the hedonic regression approach, the characteristics of the property need to be known. In South Africa, however, the available property data lacks detailed characteristics of traded properties. This dissertation will therefore focus on the first three methods. The repeat sales approach measures the growth in property prices by applying a generalized linear model to properties that have traded more than once. This approach is only possible if there is a representative amount of repeat sales able to fit a model. The focus of this project will be on the repeat sales approach, but all three the approaches discussed will be analysed to prove that the repeat sales approach is the most accurate in developing a property price index for properties in South Africa. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Risk Analysis))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Developing a repeat sales property price index for residential properties in South Africa / H. Bester

Bester, Hermine January 2010 (has links)
In South Africa various financial institutions and independent vendors have developed residential property valuation models to estimate the current value of historically traded properties. A natural extension to these models has been to develop historical property price indices. In this dissertation, three of the four approaches to developing property price indices will be examined. Through back–testing and other statistical methods, the most accurate and robust approach will be determined. The four major approaches available are the mean valuation per suburb, the median valuation per suburb, the repeat sales approach and hedonic regression. The mean valuation per suburb approach can be biased because of outliers in property prices. However, outliers in property prices will not influence the median valuation per suburb approach, but in cases where property values in a suburb have a skewed distribution, the valuation amount could be distorted. Neither of the above mentioned shortcomings influences the repeat sales or the hedonic regression approach. To follow the hedonic regression approach, the characteristics of the property need to be known. In South Africa, however, the available property data lacks detailed characteristics of traded properties. This dissertation will therefore focus on the first three methods. The repeat sales approach measures the growth in property prices by applying a generalized linear model to properties that have traded more than once. This approach is only possible if there is a representative amount of repeat sales able to fit a model. The focus of this project will be on the repeat sales approach, but all three the approaches discussed will be analysed to prove that the repeat sales approach is the most accurate in developing a property price index for properties in South Africa. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Risk Analysis))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

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