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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetsmodell vid förändringsarbete : Hur intern och extern kund tillfredsställelse kan bibehållas, genom ett systematisktarbetssätt före och under ett förändringsarbete i praktiken.

Löf, Örjan January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to develop and practically evaluate a new approach for the introduction of changes in internal and external processes in a customer front, but with the aim of maintaining or increasing customer perceived quality during insertion. A working model has been developed and is used in a qualitative research in the form of a case study carried out in a customer front, on a customer group in Telia's mobile customer service in Sweden. There is currently little research that has studied the implementation phase. The results of the study show that the designed working model works satisfactorily, but also that it can be developed more. Employees are satisfied and the sale was a positive boost, however, declined the customer experience a little bit. Employees raises questions as leader behavior, confidence in the group ahead, everyone's different circumstances and desire for the individual choice. The biggest challenge for future leaders will be to manage and lead continuous change. By creating opportunities for employees so that the customer experience should not be adversely affected during the introduction of the ever ongoing change. / Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att utveckla och praktiskt utvärdera ett nytt arbetssätt för införande av förändrade interna och externa processer i en kundfront, men med ambitionen att bibehållen eller högre kundupplevd kvalité under införandet. En arbetsmodell är utvecklad och är använd i en kvalitativ undersökning i form av att en fallstudie. Studien har genomförts i en kundfront, på en kundtjänstgrupp på Telias mobila kundtjänst i Sverige. I dag finns det lite forskning som har studerat själva införandefasen. Resultatet av studien visar att den utformade arbetsmodellen fungerar tillfredställande, men att den kan utvecklas mer. Medarbetarna är nöjda och försäljningen fick en positiv skjuts, men kundupplevelsen minskade lite. Framgångsfaktorer för ett lyckat förändringsarbete är enligt medarbetarna ledarens agerande, trygghet i gruppen, framförhållning, allas olika förutsättningar och önskan om det individuella valet. Den största utmaningen för framtidens ledare torde bli att hantera och leda ständiga förändringar. En ledare behöver skapa förutsättningar för medarbetarna så att kundens upplevelse inte påverkas negativt under införandet av de ständigt pågående förändringarna.

Contribution to wireless access optimization and dynamic enhancement of WCDMA networks

García Lozano, Mario 12 January 2009 (has links)
El despliegue de las redes celulares 3G/3.5G plantea un reto a las estrategias de planificación y optimización radio tradicionales. A diferencia de los sistemas 2G FDMA, cobertura y capacidad están estrechamente ligadas y deben ser tratadas conjuntamente. Además, están presentes nuevos y más sofisticados algoritmos de gestión de recursos radio (RRM) así como una concepción de red más flexible, con múltiples parámetros interdependientes con ajuste no trivial. Un nuevo paradigma de planificación radio aparece y la red se optimiza mediante complejos algoritmos ya sea estática o dinámicamente. Esta tesis doctoral supone una contribución a la optimización de las redes de acceso radio en sistemas 3G/3.5G. Varios aspectos susceptibles de mejorar la planificación han sido investigados y nuevos métodos, directrices y estrategias de análisis se proponen con el objetivo final de mejorar el rendimiento del sistema. También se han diseñado y estudiado mecanismos dinámicos que se encuentran en la frontera difusa entre la planificación y la RRM. La 1ª parte de la tesis trata la configuración de las estaciones base. El impacto de las potencias piloto, inclinación de antenas y sus interacciones con parámetros de soft handover son investigados. Se hace énfasis en los efectos más allá de los conocidos y se derivan reglas para su ajuste. A partir de los resultados, se propone una estrategia para su Planificación Automática. El objetivo final es encontrar una combinación tal que el tráfico sea ecualizado de manera efectiva entre las celdas e incrementar la capacidad del sistema. La técnica se basa en la metaheurística Simulated Annealing y es capaz de mejorar el rendimiento global de la red, representado por una función de coste con información sobre el factor de carga y sujeta a otras condiciones de calidad. La importancia de los requisitos que impone el UL, a menudo olvidados en propuestas anteriores, también se ha incluido y estudiado analíticamente. La reconfiguración de las base no es el único medio para modificar la cobertura de las celdas, en este sentido el estudio se amplía mediante la introducción de repetidores, que permiten la generación de celdas distribuidas. En este caso la planificación es más compleja debido a la aparición de nuevos efectos que no se daban en las redes clásicas 2G FDMA. La mayoría de los trabajos que tratan con repetidores tienden a ignorarlos. Por ello, la investigación se centró en el modelado y cuantificación de su impacto así como en derivar directrices de planificación. Se ha obtenido analíticamente la nueva expresión que define la región de admisión y se concluye que existe un compromiso entre capacidad y cobertura, analizado tanto teóricamente como mediante simulación. Ciertos parámetros presentan un impacto importante y se han estudiado para obtener reglas prácticas de ajuste. La variación de cobertura en la celda padre antes y después de la instalación de repetidores también ha sido modelada. Posteriormente, se propone una nueva metodología para analizar estos despliegues, teniendo en cuenta de manera realista los retardos de propagación y el comportamiento del receptor Rake. Esto permite un análisis superior con respecto a enfoques tradicionales que, en determinadas circunstancias, tienden a ofrecer cifras erróneamente optimistas. La última parte de la tesis da un paso más en la Planificación Automática y se proponen y validan 2 mecanismos dinámicos que permiten a la red reaccionar y auto-optimizarse frente a cambios en las condiciones de tráfico. El primero, basado en conclusiones anteriores, persigue detectar si uno de los enlaces presenta problemas de capacidad y, en caso afirmativo, favorecerlo para retrasar los mecanismos de control de congestión. Por último, se introduce la tecnología HSDPA y, después de analizar los recursos que deben ser compartidos con versiones previas de UMTS, se concluye que es deseable un sistema para la gestión dinámica del árbol de códigos OVSF. Se propone y valida un mecanismo que maximiza el throughput de las celdas, garantizando al mismo tiempo criterios de bloqueo y dropping. / The deployment of 3G/3.5G cellular networks challenges traditional radio planning and optimization strategies. Unlike FDMA based 2G systems, coverage and capacity are tightly coupled and must be treated as a whole. Besides new and more sophisticated Radio Resource Management (RRM) algorithms are present along with a more flexible network with many interdependent parameters, whose joint adjustment is not trivial. A new radio planning paradigm appears in which the radio network is optimized by means of complex algorithms both in a static and a dynamic way. This Ph.D. thesis provides a contribution to the radio network optimization of 3G/3.5G networks. Several issues to improve radio network planning have been investigated and new methods, guidelines and strategies of analysis have been proposed with the final objective of enhancing the wireless access network performance. Dynamic mechanisms being in the blurred line between radio planning and RRM are also devised and studied. The first part of this dissertation deals with the configuration of Base Stations (BSs) the impact of pilot powers, downtilt of antennas and interactions thereof with Soft Handover parameters are investigated. Effects beyond well-known facts are outlined and new planning guidelines are derived. Given the results, an Automatic Planning strategy is devised to automate the configuration of these parameters and to find a combination such as traffic is effectively equalized among cells and a higher capacity is achieved. The technique is based on the Simulated Annealing metaheuristic and is able to improve the global performance of the network, represented by a cost function containing information on the load factor and subject to other quality constraints. The importance of uplink (UL) requirements, usually missed by existent proposals, has been also included and analytically addressed. Reconfiguring BSs is not the only means to modify cell shapes, in this sense the study is extended by introducing repeaters, which allow generating distributed coverage areas. This is the context of the second part of the thesis. New effects not present in FDMA based 2G systems imply that the radio planning process becomes more complex. Most existent papers dealing with repeaters in WCDMA networks, ignore these effects or claim their irrelevance. That is why the research work was focused in modeling them, quantifying their impact and deriving radio planning guidelines to enhance the final performance of the radio access network. The new expression for the feasibility condition has been analytically obtained showing a tradeoff between capacity and coverage. This has been analyzed both theoretically and by means of simulations and the adjustment of several parameters which have a significant impact is discussed to derive practical rules of thumb. Variation on the coverage of the donor cell before and after installing repeaters is also modeled. Subsequently, it is proposed a new methodology to analyze WCDMA networks with repeaters deployment, considering realistically path delays and the behavior of Rake receivers. This allows an enhanced analysis with respect to traditional approaches which, under certain circumstances, tend to provide erroneously optimistic metrics. The final part of the dissertation goes one step further in Automatic Planning and two dynamic mechanisms are proposed and validated so that the network can react and self tune in front of changes in traffic conditions. The first one follows some previous conclusions and aims at detecting if one of the links has capacity problems and if so, favors it to delay congestion control actions. Finally, HSDPA technology is introduced and, after analyzing the resources to be shared with a previous release of UMTS, it is concluded that a system that dynamically manages the OVSF code tree is desired. A mechanism aiming at maximizing cell throughput while guaranteeing blocking and dropping criteria is proposed and validated.

Adaptive agents in the House of Quality

Fent, Thomas January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Managing the information flow within a big organization is a challenging task. Moreover, in a distributed decision-making process conflicting objectives occur. In this paper, artificial adaptive agents are used to analyze this problem. The decision makers are implemented as Classifier Systems, and their learning process is simulated by Genetic Algorithms. To validate the outcomes we compared the results with the optimal solutions obtained by full enumeration. It turned out that the genetic algorithm indeed was able to generate useful rules that describe how the decision makers involved in new product development should react to the requests they are required to fulfill. (author's abstract) / Series: Working Papers SFB "Adaptive Information Systems and Modelling in Economics and Management Science"

A study of Quality Function Deployment(QFD) on domestic construction of warships

Ho, Tsai-mao 19 June 2006 (has links)
The ocean covers more than 70% of the earth¡¦s surface. Taiwan is surrounded by the sea. The defense of the coastal areas and territorial waters depends on the navy, and the navy must make use of various types of warships to exercise command of the sea and safeguard marine peace. With the development of science and technology, weaponry today is more complicated. In order to meet the demand for fighting, warships have higher particularity and complexity than commercial ships. So during the construction of warships we must control the quality of shipbuilding, and guarantee that every performance of a warship can match the demands of fighting, and reach the best result of fighting applications. Based on the government policy of "domestic construction of warships", and the downsizing program of the military. This thesis will start from documented discussions, according to the characteristics of warships¡¦ construction, and adopt the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to exploit multi-estimate criteria models of the naval supervisors and the shipyard operation system. Then calculate the weights of all the characteristics and use the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to build up the house of quality. This study will combine the theoretical and actual experiences to discuss the relation between the demands of the customer (navy) and the shipyard operation system. Several recommendations have been made in order to improve overall performance of the domestic construction of warships. We hope that domestic shipbuilding corporations can do long-term planning and investment on the construction of warships. The navy can also perform warships¡¦ construction frugally and independently. In this way, the navy and the domestic shipbuilding corporations can understand each other better and get the best benefits.

Using The Balanced Scorecard As A Safety Management Tool In Construction Companies: A Qfd Approach

Simsek, Burak 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to propose a safety management framework for construction companies. A literature review was performed to identify significant factors that would improve safety performance. Two management tools are used within the scope of this study: the balanced scorecard and quality function deployment (QFD). Strategic goals are established for each perspective of the balanced scorecard: financial and cultural, employee, process and learning and growth. Afterwards, a questionnaire was prepared using the QFD approach. The goals in the financial and cultural perspective were defined as the needs of the organization related to safety (&ldquo / customer requirements&rdquo / in the original QFD approach). The goals in the remaining perspectives formed the actions that the organization could do to achieve its needs (&ldquo / product how&rsquo / s&rdquo / in the original QFD). Results of the questionnaire were used to form the final strategic goals in balanced scorecard. Safety performance measures and initiatives were defined for the accomplishment of the goals in the balanced scorecard.

Study on the Manpower Deployment of Metro Rapid Transit - Train Operator of Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation

Huang, Hsi-Keng 27 August 2002 (has links)
Abstract Study on the Manpower Deployment of Metro Rapid Transit ¡V Train Operator of Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation The approach of this study is to obtain the information from the Customer Services Index, Human Resource Plan, the Organization Chart, Operations Plan and the Job Analysis of Train Operator from Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation, Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation and Mass Transit Rapid Corporation Limited of Hong Kong. The information will be analyzed and calculated in an Excel file to work out a Manpower Deployment Model. The model will then be verified its accuracy and feasibility in accordance with the information from above mentioned organizations. The source of information also provided by personnel from O&M Consultancy Services of MTRCL. That information from different phases such as construction stage, tendering stage was also being included. As KRTC has few experience on railway operations, this Manpower Deployment Plan Model could assistance to the Corporation to prepare the manpower deployment plan at a short period of time and can easily to calculate a manpower development plan for future extension, even for other metro rapid transit studying. Keywords: Metro Rapid Transit,Train Operator,Human Resource Plan,Manpower Deployment Model¡C

Understanding the Roles of Expertise Integration and Problem-Solving Competency in the IS Development Team: An Expertise Perspective

Chen, Chiou-Mei 09 September 2009 (has links)
This paper is based on expertise structure and knowledge management (KM) perspective to develop an empirical ¡§Input-Process-Outcome¡¨ model to examine the relationship among expertise complement, expertise deployment, expertise location, expertise integration, problem-solving competency and project performance in the context of information system development (ISD) teams. We adopted the survey method and focused on the members in ISD teams to collect research data. PLS analysis was employed to examine the research model. A total of 76 ISD teams, including 337 members, confirmed our model. Results revealed that (1) expertise complement and expertise deployment are two antecedents that positively affect expertise integration and problem-solving competency; (2) expertise location is found to have a main impact on expertise deployment and expertise integration; (3) expertise integration and problem-solving competency serving as mediators are found to have a positive impact on project performance. This study offers a perspective for conducting the research and practice, as well as achieving a better insight into the fields of expertise composition structure, KM, and ISD.

Entwicklung eines methodischen Vorgehens zur Einführung von Digital Mock-Up-Techniken in den Produktentwicklungsprozess der Automobilindustrie

Freund, Gerd 14 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Der Einsatz von Digital Mock-Up-Techniken (DMU-Techniken) ermöglicht es, die Produktentwicklung effizienter und effektiver zu gestalten. Das Ergebnis der Promotion stellt ein Quality Function Deployment-gestütztes methodisches Verfahren dar, mit dessen Hilfe DMU-Techniken in die Produktentwicklungsprozesse der Automobilindustrie eingeführt werden können. Das methodische Verfahren wurde innerhalb eines großen deutsch-amerikanischen Automobilunternehmens entwickelt. Vorteile des Einführungsverfahrens sind die geringeren Aufwendungen bei der Implementierung von DMU-Techniken. Weitere Vorteile des Einführungsverfahrens sind die strukturierte Dokumentation des Einführungsprozesses, die stringente Verwendung der Kundenanforderungen, die Konzentration des Expertenwissens auf einige wenige Visualisierungstechniken (House of Quality).

Customer focused product development by conjoint analysis and QFD /

Gustafsson, Anders, January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Linköping University, 1996. / Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references.

The dynamics of deployment and observation of a rigid body spacecraft system in the linear and non-linear two-body problem

Ottesen, David Ryan 04 March 2013 (has links)
Modern space situational awareness entails the detection, tracking, identification, and characterization of resident space objects. Characterization is typically accomplished through the use of ground and space based sensors that are able to identify some specific physical feature, monitor unique dynamical behaviors, or deduce some information about the material properties of the object. The present investigation considers the characterizaiton aspects of situational awareness from the perspective of a close-proximity formation reconnaissance mission. The present study explores both relative translational and relative rotational motion for deployment of a spacecraft and observation of a resident space object. This investigation is motivated by specific situations in which characterization with ground or fixed space based sensors is insufficient. Instead, one or more vehicles are deployed in the vicinity of the object of interest. These could be, for instance, nano-satellites with imaging sensors. Nano-satellites offer a low-cost and effective technological platform, which makes consideration of the proposed scenario more feasible. Although the motivating application is rooted in space situational awareness, the techniques explored are generally applicable to flight in the vicinity of asteroids, and both cooperative vs. non-cooperative resident space objects. The investigation is initially focused on identifying the key features of the relative dynamics that are relevant to space situational awareness applications. Subsequently, effective spacecraft control techniques are considered to achieve the reconnaissance goals. / text

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