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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kooperace stakeholderů v destinaci cestovního ruchu / Coollaboration of Stakeholders in a Tourism Destination

HOUDEK, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis Collaboration of Stakeholders in a Tourism Destination is to evaluate the level and intensity of cooperation in tourism in the South Bohemian Region from the perspective of key stakeholders in the destination, including the management and development relationship of tourism in the destination. In the first part of the research, the information concerning the destination management and marketing, the stakeholders and their cooperation was obtained with the help of secondary data. For the collection of secondary data, printed literature and websites were mainly used in connection with the selected tourism destination - the South Bohemian Region. Based on the findings from the literature and other secondary sources, the collection of primary data was planned in the form of a questionnaire survey. It has become clear that the destination marketing organizations, which best meet the attributes of power, legitimacy and urgency, are the key stakeholder. According to the research, it was found out that the cooperation between the public and private sectors is significantly inadequate. There are several major obstacles that prevent effective cooperation among the particular stakeholders. To improve the cooperation, it is necessary to streamline the communication between the organizations and other stakeholders and to plan a project within the tourism industry, which will help with the cooperation among as many stakeholders as possible.

Tourisme médical : comprendre les comportements de consommation des voyageurs et enjeux stratégiques pour le Liban / Medical tourism : understanding consumption behaviour of travellers and strategic issues for Lebanon

Noaman, Samar Billi 21 September 2018 (has links)
Une littérature de fond sur le tourisme médical a été attribuée aux motivations des touristes médicaux. Des académiciens ont étudié les expériences des touristes médicaux et leur niveau de satisfaction. Néanmoins, le lien entre ces deux concepts a rarement été examiné dans la littérature sur le tourisme médical. Ainsi, cette étude examine les motivations des touristes médicaux destinées pour le tourisme médical et l’effet de ces motivations sur leur perception de la qualité, de la satisfaction, et de l’intention de revisiter. En outre, l’étude vise à explorer les différentes caractéristiques des touristes médicaux qui rendent à des classements différents. L'objectif est d'étudier les caractéristiques qui attirent les touristes médicaux vers la destination, pour améliorer leurs expériences et leurs satisfactions en matière de tourisme médical. De manière empirique, cette étude privilégie la destination touristique médicale, au niveau commercial et national pour un niveau mondial, en abordant les motivations et les perceptions des touristes médicaux. Les fondements théoriques sont tirés de la théorie «push» et «pull», du processus de prise de décision en cinq étapes, en plus des théories issues de la qualité de perception des services et la satisfaction de la littérature. Un cadre conceptuel a été développé pour illustrer la relation entre les variables de l’étude. Les motivations ont été classées en attirer «push» et pousser «pull». Les motivations d'attirer ont été classées en motivations associées à la destination, aux attributs médicaux, à la commodité et au prix. La qualité perçue a été classée en médecine et touristique. Méthodologiquement, l’étude incorpore une approche de triangulation où les données primaires ont été collectées auprès de fournisseurs impliqués dans le tourisme médical via des entretiens et auprès de touristes médicaux via une enquête. Huit entretiens ont été menés avec des fournisseurs de tourisme médical dans les pays d’étude, afin d’obtenir des informations approfondies sur le sujet et de procéder à une vérification plus approfondie du développement des connaissances quantitatives. Au total, 212 réponses ont été obtenues à partir de l’enquête pour vérifier le modèle quantitatif en utilisant le modèle d’équation structurel. D'autres techniques d'analyse des données ont été utilisées, principalement l'Analyse Factorielle Exploratoire et l'Analyse Factorielle Confirmatoire. Les résultats apportent un soutien à certaines relations hypothétiques. Les motivations d'attraction associées aux attributs médicaux affectent la qualité médicale perçue et les motivations d'attraction associées à la destination, aux attributs médicaux et à la commodité affectent la qualité touristique perçue. La qualité perçue à la fois médicale et touristique influe sur la satisfaction, tandis que la satisfaction affecte l’intention de la visite. Les constatations étendent également les applications des théories sous-jacentes pour expliquer le comportement des consommateurs dans le tourisme médical. Les principales théories comprennent un processus de prise de décision en cinq étapes et une théorie de la qualité du service de désaccord. Les implications de la recherche s'étendent au niveau de l'entreprise et au niveau national. Les résultats peuvent aider les gestionnaires impliqués dans les entreprises de tourisme médical, notamment les cliniques, les centres médicaux, les hôtels et les agences de voyages, à réaffecter leurs ressources et à mettre en œuvre les pratiques recommandées susceptibles d'améliorer leurs performances et d'attirer d'autres touristes. Au niveau national, les conclusions sont importantes pour les décideurs clés dans les domaines du tourisme et de la santé. Les résultats et les recommandations peuvent aider à accroître l’attractivité de la destination et à améliorer l’expérience du tourisme médical, ce qui se traduirait par des avantages économiques pour la destination dans son ensemble. / A substantive literature of medical tourism has been attributed to medical tourists' motivations. Academicians have studied medical tourists' experiences and resulting satisfaction level. Nevertheless, the link between these two concepts has seldom been examined in medical tourism literature. Thus, this study examines medical tourists’ motivations for medical tourism destination, the effect of those motivations on their perception of quality, satisfaction and intention to revisit. In addition, the study aims to explore the various characteristics of medical tourists which yields in classifying them into different segments. The objective is to investigate the attributes that attract medical tourists to the destination as well as possible ways to enhance their medical tourism experience and satisfaction. Empirically, the study aims to promote the medical tourism destination at business and national levels to a world-class level by addressing the motivations and perceptions of medical tourists. Theoretical foundations are drawn from push-pull theory, five steps decision-making process, in addition to theories from service perceived quality and satisfaction literature. A conceptual framework was developed to illustrate the relationship between the study variables. The motivations were classified into push and pull. Pull motivations were classified into motivations associated with the destination, medical attributes, convenience and with price. Perceived quality was classified into medical and touristic. Methodologically, the study incorporates a triangulation approach where primary data were collected from suppliers involved in medical tourism via interviews and from medical tourists via survey. Eight interviews were conducted with suppliers of medical tourism in destination of study to obtain an in-depth insight into the subject matter as well as for further verification of quantitative knowledge development. A total of 212 responses were obtained from the survey for verification of the quantitative model using Structural Equation Modeling. Other data analysis techniques were employed, primarily Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The findings provide support to some hypothesized relationships.The pull motivations associated with medical attributes affect perceived medical quality and the pull motivations associated with destination, medical attributes and convenience affect perceived touristic quality. Both medical and touristic perceived quality affect satisfaction while satisfaction affected intention to revisit. The findings as well extend the applications of the underpinned theories in explaining consumer behavior in medical tourism. The main theories include five steps decision-making process and disconfirmation service quality theory. The implications of the research extend to business level and national level. The results can help managers involved in medical tourism businesses including clinics, medical centers, hotels and travel agencies to reallocate their resources and implement the recommended practices that can improve their performance and attract additional medical tourists. On a national level, the findings are significant to key decision makers in the fields of tourism and healthcare. The outcomes and recommendations can assist in increasing the attractiveness of the destination and improving the medical tourism experience which would result in economic benefit to the destination as a whole.

L’influence de la valeur perçue sur l’engagement client : vers une nouvelle approche de la relation "individu-destination" en tourisme / The influence of perceived value on customer engagement : towards a new approach of the « individual- destination » relationship in tourism

Marchat, Anne-Cécile 16 July 2018 (has links)
La recherche se propose de définir l’engagement client (EC) dans le cadre des destinations touristiques, son contenu et sa mesure. Elle propose d’intégrer ce concept novateur comme nouvelle variable résultat dans les modèles de compréhension des comportements touristiques. Elle montre aussi l’influence de la valeur de consommation et de la valeur globale dans la création d’un engagement envers la destination et les effets modérateurs de l’expérience sur ces mêmes relations. La recherche répond à trois objectifs : (1) définir le concept d’EC dans le contexte des destinations, ses dimensions et sa mesure , (2) conceptualiser la valeur perçue dans le cadre des destinations, (3) modéliser les influences des dimensions de la valeur de consommation et la valeur globale sur l’EC en fonction de l’expérience touristique vécue. Le terrain de recherche est La Réunion, une PDI (Petite Destination Insulaire). La démarche méthodologique s’appuie sur deux études empiriques : une étude qualitative exploratoire menée auprès de 15 touristes à La Réunion via des entretiens semi-directifs et une étude quantitative exploratoire menée auprès de 572 répondants : 350 novices n’ayant jamais visité la destination mais étant familiers à cette dernière et 222 expérimentés ayant effectivement visité la destination pour un motif de loisirs/vacances. L’étude qualitative permet de compléter et d’adapter les échelles de mesure de la valeur de consommation dans le cadre des destinations. La recherche distingue 8 dimensions de la valeur de consommation d’une destination touristique spécifique : La Réunion. L’étude quantitative permet (1) de développer un instrument de mesure de l’EC dans le cadre des destinations, (2) de valider empiriquement les échelles de mesure de la valeur de consommation et de la valeur globale, (3) de mettre en évidence l’influence de la valeur perçue sur l’EC. La recherche a comme principaux apports la conceptualisation de l’EC dans le cadre des destinations et la mise en évidence des effets de la valeur perçue et de l’expérience dans sa formation. Elle indique en conséquence la nécessité d’orienter les stratégies d’offres expérientielles et de promotion en fonction des dimensions identifiées. Elle propose également des outils permettant aux managers de la destination de soutenir les comportements et états d’EC envers la destination. / The research aims to define customer engagement (CE) in the context of tourism destinations, its content and its measurement. It proposes to integrate this innovative concept as a new outcome variable in the models conceptualising tourism’s behaviors. It also shows the influence of consumer value and customer value in creating an engagement towards the destination and the moderating effects of the experience on those same relationships. The research has three objectives: (1) define the concept of CE in the context of destinations, its dimensions and its measurement, (2) conceptualize the perceived value in the context of destinations, (3) measure the influences of the dimensions of consumer valeur and customer value on EC depending on experience. The methodology is based on two empirical studies: an exploratory qualitative study conducted among 15 tourists in Reunion via interviews and a quantitative exploratory study conducted among 572 individuals: 350 novices who had never visited the destination but familiar with it and 222 experienced having actually visited the destination for leisure / vacation. The studies concern Reunion Island, qualified as a SDI (Small Destination Island).

Relações entre imagem de cidade-sede e de destino-mãe: um estudo dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 no Brasil / Relations between image of host city and the mother-destination: a study of the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil

Luciana Brandão Ferreira 25 September 2018 (has links)
Um megaevento esportivo pode modificar o cenário de um país e influenciar na sua imagem como destino turístico, bem como na imagem da cidade que o sedia. Megaeventos, como os Jogos Olímpicos, envolvem mudanças: sociais, investimentos financeiros e de infraestrutura, e maior visibilidade internacional. A avaliação da imagem da cidade-sede pode impactar na imagem do destino ao qual ela faz parte (efeito recíproco). Partindo desse pressuposto, da importância do turismo na economia mundial/brasileira e da relação entre megaeventos esportivos e o aquecimento dessa atividade, o objetivo desta tese foi verificar os efeitos recíprocos de imagem entre a cidade-sede de um megaevento esportivo e o destino turístico ao qual ela faz parte (destino-mãe). O foco foram os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 no Rio de Janeiro-Brasil. Foi realizada pesquisa descritiva/ quantitativa por meio de questionários fechados, com estrangeiros de 48 países (n=340), utilizando escala Likert de sete pontos. A escala foi baseada nas dimensões de imagem de destino: cognitiva e afetiva, tendo como variáveis moderadoras: a familiaridade e a animosidade com o destino-mãe e o envolvimento com os jogos. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizada a modelagem de equações estruturais VB-SEM por meio do software SmartPLS 3. Os resultados apontaram para avaliações positivas da imagem de destino, do Rio e do Brasil, identificando a dimensão cognitiva como a mais relevante. Foi confirmado efeito recíproco positivo e forte entre as imagens do Rio como sede da Olímpiadas de 2016 e Brasil como seu destino-mãe e também o contrário, contudo não foram encontrados efeitos de moderação. No caso especfício da animosidade não houve presença dessa variável em relação ao Brasil, o que é um resultado positivo. Este trabalho traz contribuições teóricas por estudar os efeitos recíprocos de imagem em destinos, especialmente considerando um contexto de megaevento esportivo e contribuições práticas para o desenvolvimento de políticas de turismo mais integrativas entre destino-mãe e cidade/ regiões do seu território e até mesmo para a captação e realização de novos grandes eventos. / A sport mega event can modify a country\'s scenery and influence its image as a tourist destination, as well as the host city image. Sports mega events such as the Olympic Games involve a series of changes: social, financial and infrastructure investments and a greater international visibility. The host city image evaluation can have an impact on the destination image to which it belongs (reciprocal effect). Based on this assumption and the importance of tourism activity in the world and Brazilian economies and the relationship between sport mega events and the warming of this activity, the objective of this thesis was to verify the image reciprocal effects between a sport mega event host city and the national tourist destination (mother-destination). The focus was the 2016 Olympic Games held in Rio de Janeiro- Brazil. Descriptive/quantitative research was performed with foreigners from 48 countries (n = 340) using structured questionnaires and a Likert seven-point scale. The scale was adapted based on the cognitive and affective destination image dimensions, having as moderating variables: familiarity and the animosity with the mother-destination and games involvement. For data analysis, PLS structural equations modeling was performed using the software SmartPLS 3. The results pointed to positive evaluations of Rio and Brazil destination images, identifying the cognitive dimension as the most relevant. A positive and strong reciprocal effect was confirmed between the images of Rio as the 2016 Olympics host city and Brazil as the mother-destination. However, no moderation effects were found and in the specific case of animosity, there was no presence of this variable related to Brazil, which was a good result. This work brings theoretical contributions because it studies the reciprocal effects in destination images, considering the context of a sport mega event, as well as practical contributions for the development of more integrative tourism policies between mother-destination, cities / regions and for the hosting of new major events.

Relações entre imagem de cidade-sede e de destino-mãe: um estudo dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 no Brasil / Relations between image of host city and the mother-destination: a study of the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil

Ferreira, Luciana Brandão 25 September 2018 (has links)
Um megaevento esportivo pode modificar o cenário de um país e influenciar na sua imagem como destino turístico, bem como na imagem da cidade que o sedia. Megaeventos, como os Jogos Olímpicos, envolvem mudanças: sociais, investimentos financeiros e de infraestrutura, e maior visibilidade internacional. A avaliação da imagem da cidade-sede pode impactar na imagem do destino ao qual ela faz parte (efeito recíproco). Partindo desse pressuposto, da importância do turismo na economia mundial/brasileira e da relação entre megaeventos esportivos e o aquecimento dessa atividade, o objetivo desta tese foi verificar os efeitos recíprocos de imagem entre a cidade-sede de um megaevento esportivo e o destino turístico ao qual ela faz parte (destino-mãe). O foco foram os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 no Rio de Janeiro-Brasil. Foi realizada pesquisa descritiva/ quantitativa por meio de questionários fechados, com estrangeiros de 48 países (n=340), utilizando escala Likert de sete pontos. A escala foi baseada nas dimensões de imagem de destino: cognitiva e afetiva, tendo como variáveis moderadoras: a familiaridade e a animosidade com o destino-mãe e o envolvimento com os jogos. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizada a modelagem de equações estruturais VB-SEM por meio do software SmartPLS 3. Os resultados apontaram para avaliações positivas da imagem de destino, do Rio e do Brasil, identificando a dimensão cognitiva como a mais relevante. Foi confirmado efeito recíproco positivo e forte entre as imagens do Rio como sede da Olímpiadas de 2016 e Brasil como seu destino-mãe e também o contrário, contudo não foram encontrados efeitos de moderação. No caso especfício da animosidade não houve presença dessa variável em relação ao Brasil, o que é um resultado positivo. Este trabalho traz contribuições teóricas por estudar os efeitos recíprocos de imagem em destinos, especialmente considerando um contexto de megaevento esportivo e contribuições práticas para o desenvolvimento de políticas de turismo mais integrativas entre destino-mãe e cidade/ regiões do seu território e até mesmo para a captação e realização de novos grandes eventos. / A sport mega event can modify a country\'s scenery and influence its image as a tourist destination, as well as the host city image. Sports mega events such as the Olympic Games involve a series of changes: social, financial and infrastructure investments and a greater international visibility. The host city image evaluation can have an impact on the destination image to which it belongs (reciprocal effect). Based on this assumption and the importance of tourism activity in the world and Brazilian economies and the relationship between sport mega events and the warming of this activity, the objective of this thesis was to verify the image reciprocal effects between a sport mega event host city and the national tourist destination (mother-destination). The focus was the 2016 Olympic Games held in Rio de Janeiro- Brazil. Descriptive/quantitative research was performed with foreigners from 48 countries (n = 340) using structured questionnaires and a Likert seven-point scale. The scale was adapted based on the cognitive and affective destination image dimensions, having as moderating variables: familiarity and the animosity with the mother-destination and games involvement. For data analysis, PLS structural equations modeling was performed using the software SmartPLS 3. The results pointed to positive evaluations of Rio and Brazil destination images, identifying the cognitive dimension as the most relevant. A positive and strong reciprocal effect was confirmed between the images of Rio as the 2016 Olympics host city and Brazil as the mother-destination. However, no moderation effects were found and in the specific case of animosity, there was no presence of this variable related to Brazil, which was a good result. This work brings theoretical contributions because it studies the reciprocal effects in destination images, considering the context of a sport mega event, as well as practical contributions for the development of more integrative tourism policies between mother-destination, cities / regions and for the hosting of new major events.

Regional Tourism Organisations in New Zealand from 1980 to 2005: Process of Transition and Change

Zahra, Anne January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is a historical case study tracing the establishment and evolution of Regional Tourism Organisations (RTOs) in New Zealand. It describes their role, structure and functions and the political processes that have influenced how they have operated and changed from 1980 to 2005. RTOs are examined in the context of government policies, local and national politics and tourism private and public sector relationships. RTOs were central to many of the key recommendations of the New Zealand Tourism Strategy 2010 (NZTS 2010) released in 2001. The NZTS 2010 attempted to address a range of tourism policy gaps created by a policy vacuum in the 1990s whereby the public and private tourism sectors focused mainly on international marketing. This strategy shaped government policy during this decade. The research findings show that although public and private sector institutional arrangements impacting on RTOs have changed, there remains, as in the past, no uniformity in their role, structure, functions and their future financial and political viability remains insecure. The NZTS 2010 raised destination management and its alignment with destination marketing as a major policy issue that needed to be addressed in the decade leading up to 2010 with RTOs having a pivotal role. A generic regional destination management model is presented. Structures and processes incorporated into this model include: a national destination management tourism policy; support for tourism by local government at the national level; a well defined destination management team; community collaboration; and tourism being integrated into the wider planning processes of local government. The model identified requisite building blocks to support regional destination management such as: the provision of staff and financial resources for regional tourism; the building of a high tourism profile in the community; the availability of statistics and research data at the regional level; local government planners acknowledging the impacts of tourism; and the existence of a legal mandate for tourism at the regional and/or local government level. When applying this model to the New Zealand context, it was found that a number of the structures and processes required for effective regional destination management were lacking, such as regional statistics and research data, staffing and financial resources for both RTOs and local government, the ability of council planners to understand and integrate tourism into the wider planning processes and a legislative mandate for tourism. The thesis concluded that a vacuum remains in the alignment of destination marketing and management. The historical and political processes of RTO change were also examined in the context of chaos and complexity theory. Chaos and complexity theory provided a complementary and different means to view change. This thesis also presented the opportunity to reflect upon the research process which led to the adoption of a multi-paradigmatic and bricoleur research methodology. Further reflexivity and reflection towards the end of the research process articulated ontological and epistemological philosophical investigations that underlay the multi-paradigmatic approach. A model is presented emphasising that a multi-paradigmatic research approach rests on ultimate reality (metaphysics) which informs the ontology. The model then highlights that ontology precedes and directs epistemology and that both inform the multi-paradigmatic research framework.

Η εικόνα της Ελλάδας ως τουριστικός προορισμός / The image of Greece as a tourism destination

Ιωακειμίδου, Πολυξένη 12 March 2015 (has links)
Βασιζόμενη στην θεωρία της εικόνας και του αντιληπτού κινδύνου, η παρούσα μελέτη επιδιώκει να αξιολογήσει, εν μέσω της οικονομικής κρίσης που διανύει η Ελλάδα, την εικόνα της χώρας ως διεθνής τουριστικός προορισμός. Ειδικότερα, εξετάζονται σε ένα συνολικό μοντέλο οι σχέσεις μεταξύ εικόνας προορισμού, αντιληπτού κινδύνου, σχέσης τουριστών-προορισμού, και συμπεριφοράς τουριστών. Για την συλλογή των δεδομένων η έρευνα απευθύνθηκε σε εν δυνάμει τουρίστες δυο κύριων αγορών-στόχων για την Ελλάδα – την Ρωσία και το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο – ενώ διερευνήθηκαν και οι πιθανές διαφοροποιήσεις μεταξύ των δυο δειγμάτων. Από τα συμπεράσματα της έρευνας υποστηρίζεται η γενική αρνητική επίδραση του αντιληπτού κινδύνου στην εικόνα, και αναδεικνύονται οι συγκεκριμένοι τύποι κινδύνου που συνδέονται με τις επιμέρους διαστάσεις της εικόνας. Ακόμη, επιβεβαιώνεται η επίδραση των εικόνων στην συμπεριφορά των τουριστών, η οποία μάλιστα στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις διαμεσολαβείται από την σχέση τουριστών-προορισμού. Συνολικά το προτεινόμενο μοντέλο επιτυγχάνει να ερμηνεύσει περισσότερο από το μισό της μεταβλητότητας στην συμπεριφορά των τουριστών, δηλαδή την πρόθεση τους να επισκεφτούν και να συστήσουν την Ελλάδα. / Based on image theory and perceived risk theory, this study aims to evaluate the image of Greece as a international tourist destination, while the country suffers a financial crisis. Specifically, the study employs an overall model to examine the relationships among destination image, perceived risk, tourist-destination relationship and tourist behaviour. As it concerns the data collection, we address potential tourists of two main Greece’s target-groups – Russia and United Kingdom – while possible differentiations between the two groups were also investigated. The research’s results support the overall negative effect of the perceived risk on image, and reveal the specific types of risk that are associated with each image dimension. Moreover, they confirm the effect of image on tourist behavior, in most cases mediated by tourist-destination relationship. In conclusion, the proposed model explains more than the half of the variance of tourist behavior – namely their intention to visit and to recommend Greece.

Stockholm- The fashion capital of Scandinavia? : En studie i strategisk planering utifrån detaljhandelns företagsperspektiv, i samverkan med turismsektorn

Jäderholm, Hanna, Holdo, Linda, Lindborg, Mariah January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsens titel: Stockholm – the fashion capital of Scandinavia? En studie i strategiskplanering utifrån detaljhandelns företagsperspektiv, i samverkan med turismsektorn. Kurs: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, inriktning marknadsföring, 15 hp, StockholmsUniversitet Författare: Linda Holdo, Hanna Jäderholm och Mariah Lindborg Handledare: Doktorand Andrea Lucarelli Nyckelord: Detaljhandeln, turismsektorn, strategisk planering, varumärkesbyggande,destination, detaljhandelsmarknadsföring, Stockholms stad Problemformulering: Handeln vill nyttja den växande turismsektorn för att vinnamarknadsandelar. Problematiken för detaljhandeln är avsaknad av strategisk planering, isamverkan med turismsektorn, som bottnar i bristande kunskap och erfarenhet. Syfte: Syftet är att skapa ett förslag på strategisk planering som detaljhandelsföretagen, i samverkan med turismsektorn, kan använda för att fylla det praktiska gap som i dagsläget existerar. Metod: Studien har genomförts med 12 stycken kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med relevanta personer inom respektive bransch. Deltagande i två seminarier samt granskning av fyra rapporter utgör primärdata. Sekundärdata är baserad på vetenskapliga artiklar samt litteratur. Tolkning av insamlad data har gjorts utefter en hermeneutisk ansats. Teori: Teoridelen utgörs av litteraturgenomgång följt av teoretisk referensram. Litteraturgenomgången presenterar citymarknadsföring utifrån ett destinationsperspektiv. Teoretiska referensramen behandlar huvudämnet strategisk planering med anledning att skapa en tillförlitlig strategisk modell ur ett företagsperspektiv. Därefter redogörs faktorer som ligger till grund för strategisk planering. Därefter redovisas varumärkesbyggande med fokus på image och- identitetsskapande samt skapande av kundvärde ur ett företagsperspektiv. Ämnet fördjupas sedan i detaljhandelns värdekedja, kunddrivet värdesystem, kundlojalitet ochrelationsmarknadsföring samt upplevelser som en betydande faktor för detaljhandeln. Slutsats: Slutsatsen består av en modell för detaljhandelns strategiska planering. Modellen inleds med definiering av målgruppen. Därefter kartläggs turistgruppens behov samt lösning inom respektive kärnaktivitet i företaget. Nyttjande av strategin resulterar i en tillfredsställd kund, vilket kan generera ekonomiska fördelar, public relations samt marknadsandelar. Det krävs att en aktör tar övergripande ansvar för att verkställa den strategiska planeringen och skapa tydlig kommunikation mellan detaljhandelsbranschen och turismsektorn. / Thesis titled: Stockholm – the fashion capital of Scandinavia? A study in strategic planningbased on retail company perspective, in collaboration with the tourism sector. Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, focus on marketing, 15 credits, Stockholm University School of Business Author: Linda Holdo, Hanna Jäderholm and Mariah Lindborg Supervisor: PhD Andrea Lucarelli Keywords: Retail, tourism sector, strategic planning, brand building, destination, retail marketing, Stockholm city. Problem: The trade want to utilize the growing tourism sector in order to gain market share. The problem for retailers is the lack of strategic planning. Purpose: The aim is to create a proposal on strategic planning that retail companies, in collaboration with the tourism sector, can use to fill a practical gap that currently exists. Method: The study was conducted with 12 pieces of qualitative semi-structured interviews. Participation in two seminars and examining four reports provides the primary data. Secondary data are based on scientific papers and literature. Interpretation of the collected data has been made along a hermeneutical approach. Theory: The theory part consists of a literature review followed by a theoretical framework.The literature review presents city marketing from a destination perspective. Theoretical framework addresses head of strategic planning with the need to create a reliable strategic model from a business perspective. Then outlines factors that form the basis for strategic planning. Brand building is recognized as a factor with focus on image and identity. It then looks at the creation of customer value from a business perspective. The subject deepened with the retail value chain, customer grated value systems, customer loyalty and relationship marketing and experiences as a significant factor for retailers. Conclusion: The conclusion consists of a formed strategic model containing factors that are considered important for retailers future strategic planning. The model starts by mapping the definition of the target audience. Then the tourist group demand is mapped in a needs assessment in each core activity of the company. Along the client's needs a solution. Use of the strategy result in customer satisfaction, which can generate economic benefits, public relations and market share. It requires that an operator takes an overall responsibility for the execution of the strategic planning and creating clear communication between the retail and tourism sectors.

"From business to leisure" Konvertera affärsturister till fritidsturister

Fredriksson, Emelie, Håkansson, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Studien syftar till att skapa förståelse för hur en destination kan anpassa sin marknadsföring gentemot affärsturisters potentiella efterfrågan att besöka mötesdestinationen som fritidsturister. För att besvara syftet har Karlstad valts ut som destination för att undersöka frågeställningarna: Vad efterfrågar affärsturisten för att besöka Karlstad som fritidsturist? samt Hur kan destinationen Karlstad anpassa sin marknadsföring gentemot affärsturistens potentiella efterfrågan?.   Studien har tagit ansats i kritisk realism och har använt en kvantitativ metod i form av enkätstudie som tillvägagångssätt för insamling av data. Insamlade data har sedan analyserats i SPSS för att komma fram till ett resultat. Studien struktureras genomgående med hjälp av teman som destination, marknadsföring, affärsturisten samt upplevelser. Dessa teman bygger också grunden till studiens teoretiska ramverk.    Enkätundersökningen genomfördes på studiens klusterurval som bestod av tre olika konferenser vid Karlstad CCC under april månad 2018 och totalt samlades 219 enkätsvar in. Resultatet visar på att det finns en efterfrågan hos affärsturisten att besöka Karlstad igen som fritidsturist men visar även att studiens respondenter hellre väljer att återkomma än att stanna längre under sin konferensvistelse. Det som efterfrågas är i första hand rabatt på hotell, mer information och paketerbjudanden på övernattning och upplevelser inom kultur samt nöjen och fritid.   Destinationen Karlstad bemöter sina kunders efterfrågan av kultur, men skulle kunna förändra sin marknadsföring för att även bemöta sina kunders efterfrågan för upplevelser inom nöje och fritid. I studiens slutsats föreslås därför att marknadsföringskonceptet kan applicera på destinationen för att bemöta affärsturistens efterfrågan. Istället för att få ut informationen innan konferensen äger rum, bör prioriteten ligga i att informera affärsturisterna om Karlstad under tiden de är på mötesdestinationen. Resultatet visar tydligt att många eftersöker mer information för att ta ett beslut. Karlstad CCC skulle förslagsvis kunna utnyttjas som ett skyltfönster för Karlstad för att skapa en tanke om att återkomma. / The purpose of this study is to create a comprehension of how a destination can adapt its marketing towards business tourist’s potential demand to visit the meeting destination as leisure tourists. In order to answer the purpose, Karlstad has been chosen as a destination to research the questions: What does the business tourist request to visit Karlstad as a leisure tourist? and How can the destination Karlstad adjust its marketing towards the request of the business tourist?.   The study takes stirring in critical realism and has used a quantitative method in the form of a survey to collect data. The collected data has then been analysed in SPSS to reach a result. The study is structured with the help of topics such as destination, marketing, business tourists as well as experiences. These themes also build the foundation for the theoretical framework of the study.   The survey was conducted on the sample consisting of three different conferences at Karlstad CCC during April 2018, and a total of 219 questionnaires were collected. The result shows that there is a request from the business tourists to visit Karlstad as a leisure tourist but also shows that the respondents of the study prefer to return to the destination than to stay longer during their conference stay. What is requested is primarily a discount on hotels, more information and package deals for overnight and cultural experiences as well as entertainment and leisure.   The destination Karlstad addresses their customers request for culture but could change their marketing to respond to their customers' request for experiences in entertainment and leisure. The study's conclusion, therefore, suggests that the marketing concept can be applied to the destination as a response to the business tourists request. Instead of getting the information before the conference takes place, the priority should be to inform business tourists about Karlstad during their conference. The result clearly shows that many people are requesting for more information to make a decision. Karlstad CCC could, for example, be used as a display window for Karlstad to create a thought of returning to the destination.

En destinations attraktivitet - en annan destinations inspirationskälla : En intervjustudie om hur framgångsfaktorer inom marknadsföring kan överföras från en destination till en annan / A destination's attractiveness - another destination's source of inspiration : An interview study on how success factors in marketing can be transferred from one destination to another

Ottersten, Elin, Filipsson, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är det svårt att sticka ut och vara unik. Städer, regioner och nationer konkurrerar alla om turism och för att lyckas att vara konkurrenskraftig måste en gemensam bild lyftas fram. När detta görs uppfattas destinationen som attraktiv men det finns också fler sätt att skapa en attraktiv destination på. Ett exempel är ”best practice” som är en metod där framgångsfaktorer inom marknadsföring överförs från en destination till en annan. Studiens syfte är att undersöka till vilken grad det faktiskt är möjligt att överföra framgångsfaktorer inom marknadsföring mellan destinationer.   För att undersöka detta har Visit Värmland jämförts med Smålands Turism, turismavdelningen på Karlstad kommun jämförts med Destination Jönköping och Karlstad Airport har jämförts med Jönköping Airport, detta görs i empirikapitlet. Uppsatsen grundar sig på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med informanter från de tidigare nämnda organisationerna. I analyskapitlet ställs det empiriska materialet mot det teoretiska ramverket vilket behandlar ämnen som destination, resurser, platsmarknadsföring, ”best practice” och flygplatsernas betydelse för turism. I de slutliga delarna av studien besvaras syftet och frågeställningarna samt förslag på vidare forskning inom ämnet ges.   Resultatet av studien är att framgångsfaktorer av en destinations marknadsföring går att överföra till viss del. Exempel som ges till Visit Värmland och Karlstad kommun är att arbeta mer med resurserna som finns på plats, samarbeta mer samt involvera det lokala samhället i marknadsföringen. Detta tyder på att studien fyller den kunskapslucka som finns angående om best practice går att använda som metod för att öka en destinations attraktionskraft. Studien bidrar med kunskap om hur en destination kan inspireras av en annan destination för att lyckas bättre med sin marknadsföring. / In today's society it's hard to stand out and be unique. Cities, regions and nations compete for tourism and in order to be competitive, a common picture needs to be emphasized. If this is perceived the destination will appear attractive, there are more ways to create an attractive destination though. One example is “best practice”, which is a method of transferring success factors from one destination to another. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to investigate whether it is possible to transfer success factors between destinations.   To investigate this, Visit Värmland has been compared with Smålands Turism, the tourism department at Karlstad municipality has been compared to Destination Jönköping and Karlstad Airport has been compared to Jönköping Airport, this is done in the empirical chapter. The essay is therefore based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with informants from the previously mentioned organizations. In the analytical chapter, empirical material is placed against the theoretical framework, which addresses topics such as destination, resources, location marketing, best practice and the importance of airports for tourism. The final parts of the study answer the purpose and the questions as well as suggestions for further research that can be done on the subject.   The result of the study is that the success factors of destinations marketing can be transferred to some extent. Examples given to Visit Värmland and Karlstad Municipality are to work more with the resources available, collaborate more, and involve the local community in marketing. This indicates that the study fills the knowledge gap that exists about whether best practice can be used as a method of increasing the attractiveness of a destination. The study contributes knowledge of how a destination can be inspired by another destination to succeed better with its marketing.

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