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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti strategického rozvoje cestovního ruchu na Znojemsku / A possibilities of strategic tourism development in the area Znojmo

KOLÁŘOVÁ, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The main object of this thesis is to analyse the total potential of tourism in Znojmo District and to suggest the main measures and priorities for further tourism development in this region based on the analysis.

Resíduos sólidos urbanos : uma proposta para otimização dos serviços de coleta e da disposição final / Urban solid residues: a proposal to optimize the collection services and the final disposal

Bridi, Eliana January 2008 (has links)
O município de Porto Alegre possui uma única estação de transbordo localizada no bairro Lomba do Pinheiro (Zona Leste) que recebe todo o resíduo sólido urbano (RSU) coletado, que tem como destino final o aterro sanitário localizado em Minas do Leão/RS. Uma parte deste material é triado, com separação de materiais recicláveis que são vendidos às indústrias de reciclagem através de unidades de triagem conveniadas à prefeitura local e material orgânico, que através do processo de compostagem é transformado em composto e comercializado. Foi feito um levantamento de dados relativos aos RSU como: volumes de coleta, quilometragem percorrida pelos caminhões de coleta, custo de equipamentos e áreas disponíveis no município. Após a análise destes dados, constatou-se a possibilidade de otimizar o serviço de coleta e de disposição final. Esta otimização pretende reduzir tanto os impactos ambientais gerados por estas atividades, bem como os custos decorrentes. A criação de uma segunda estação de transbordo, proposta para a área do já enclausurado aterro da Zona Norte, foi a opção que melhor atendeu aos critérios estabelecidos. A nova estação de transbordo apresenta vantagens relacionadas à adoção de novas tecnologias, à economia e a preservação ambiental. A área escolhida para o novo transbordo levou em conta aspectos como: centralidade, área útil disponível e provável facilidade no licenciamento ambiental. Na concepção do novo transbordo sugere-se a instalação de equipamentos compactadores, bem como medidas para maximizar a triagem de resíduos e o conseqüente diminuição de materiais destinados ao aterro sanitário, com conseqüente economia no transporte e aumento da vida útil do aterro. Para a estação de transbordo atual, na Lomba do Pinheiro, sugere-se um aumento na triagem de resíduos e o conseqüente aumento na produção do composto. Estas providências reduzem significativamente a massa de resíduos que diariamente é destinada ao aterro em Minas do Leão. / The city of Porto Alegre has a single transshipment station located in the district of Lomba do Pinheiro (East) that receives all the colleted municipal solid waste (MSW) , which has as final destination the sanitary landfill located in nearby city of Minas do Leão / RS. Part of this waste is separated and the recyclable materials are sold to local recycling industries of recycling through units of selection that have signed agreements with the city authorities. The organic waste goes through the process o composting and then sold. A survey was done on MSW looking at: volumes of collection, milage of the collecting trucks, the cost of equipment and available areas in the county. After analysis of these data, there was the possibility to optimize the service of collection and final disposal. This optimization reduces both the environmental impacts generated by these activities as well as the costs involved. The creation of a second transhipment station in the Northern District sanitary landfill area was the option that best met the established criteria. This new transhipment station has advantages related to the adoption of new technologies, the economy and environmental preservation. The area chosen for the new transshipment station took into account aspects such as: central location, available usefull area and easy environmental licensing. The concept of a new transhipment station suggests the installation of compacting equipments as well as actions to maximize the sorting of waste and the consequent reduction of materials destinated to the landfill with consequent economy in transport and increasing the useful life of the landfill. To the Lomba Pinheiro transshipment station it is suggested an increase in the sorting of waste and the consequent increase in the production of compost. These procedures significantly reduce the mass of daily waste that is destinated to the landfill in Minas do Leão.

Analýza kulturního turismu - Porto / Analysis of cultural tourism of Porto and its attractiveness for Czech tourists

Steinocherová, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the attractiveness of cultural tourism of Portuguese city Porto for Czech tourist. The theoretical part describes the approaches to the definition of cultural tourism, its components, offer and the latest trends. The practical part contains quantitative research conducted to determine the attitudes of Czech tourists to the city of Porto as a tourist destination for cultural tourism. The outcome is the evaluation of research and determination of the status of Porto tourism market.

Men Moçambique då? : En studie i varför Moçambique inte finns med i svenska charterarrangörers produktutbud / What about Mozambique? : A study in why Mozambique is excluded from Swedish tour operators product selection

Gustafsson, Linde, Eklund, Kevin January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad som föranlett att Moçambique inte finns med i svenska charterarrangörers produktutbud. För att undersöka detta närmare, har följande tre frågeställningar utformats; Vilka är de grundläggande förutsättningarna för att turism ska uppstå? Hur uppfyller Moçambique de grundläggande förutsättningarna för att turism ska uppstå? Hur väljer svenska charterarrangörer ut en ny charterdestination? Teoretisk utgångspunkt har tagits i Karlsson (1994) och de fyra grundläggande förutsättningarna för att turism ska uppstå: attraktioner, transportmöjligheter, bekvämligheter samt individer som har tid, lust och pengar. Studien är avgränsad till att bortse från individer som har tid, lust och pengar men adderar säkerhet. Således är den teoretiska utgångspunkten att attraktioner, infrastruktur och säkerhet är de grundläggande förutsättningarna för turism. I denna studie har metodtriangulering använts som angreppssätt för att kunna genomföra kvalitativa intervjuer samt en kvantitativ enkät för att besvara studiens syfte. Primärdata har samlats in med hjälp av en enkätundersökning för att undersöka hur den moçambikiska lokalbefolkningen och andra turister som besökt landet, uppfattar att Moçambique uppfyller de grundläggande förutsättningarna för turism. Resterande primärdata har samlats in genom tre kvalitativa och semistrukturerade intervjuer med den svenska ambassaden i Maputo, Ving och Fritidsresor. Intervjun med ambassaden gjordes i syfte att få deras syn på hur Moçambique uppfyller de grundläggande förutsättningarna för turism. Intervjun med Ving och Fritidsresor gjordes huvudsakligen för att undersöka vad som ligger bakom deras eventuella val att inte arrangera resor till Moçambique. Sekundärdata har samlats in från bland annat en kandidatuppsats som har redogjort för hur svenska charterarrangörer väljer ut nya destinationer, officiella webbsidor relaterade till ämnet som undersökts i studien samt vetenskapliga böcker och artiklar. Avslutningsvis visar resultaten i denna studie att Moçambique erbjuder turistiska attraktioner, men att landet inte klarar av att möta de krav som ställs av svenska charterarrangörer, på framförallt tillgänglighet, lokal infrastruktur och inhemsk säkerhet.

Moderní nástroje k využití potenciálu cestovního ruchu v krajích Česka / Modern instruments in the tourism potential utilization in the administrative regions of Czechia

Žižka, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the management of tourism development and destination marketing with a focus on the latest trends in the tourism market and their adoption by the destination management organizations (DMOs) in the regions of Czechia. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part general preconditions for successful development of incoming tourism are described and the possible use of specific electronic tools for destination marketing at the international level is outlined. The empirical part is dedicated to the critical evaluation of geographic definition of tourist regions in Czechia and geographic nomenclature in English. Tourist web portals in the Czech regions were analyzed in comparison with portals of selected regions abroad. Attention is also paid to the use of social media in destination marketing. Finally, it outlines suggestions for improving the current situation of digital destination marketing in Czech regions. Key words: Czechia, tourism, destination marketing, information technology, geographic names

”I Göteborg springs det inte i rulltrapporna” : En studie om hur besökare upplever Göteborg / “Nobody runs in the escalators in Gothenburg” : A study about how visitors perceive Gothenburg

Bengtsson, Elin, Wik, Sanne Maria January 2017 (has links)
In today’s modern society people tend to travel more due to the globalization and the fact that people are spending more money. As a result of the increasing competition within the field of tourism it has become even more important for destinations to create a clear profile and a target group when marketing destinations; it is extremely essential to have a positive image, which is genuine and perceived by visitors. This essay is written to explore how tourists experience Gothenburg as a tourist destination and how marketing is creating the city image. The study is qualitative and consists of interviews with visitors of Gothenburg to see how they perceived the city. Further one interview is performed with the communication manager of Göteborg & Co to explore how they want to be perceived by tourists. The entire essay is written in Swedish. The result of the essay shows that the image does reflect how the city wants to be perceived, but Gothenburg needs to better their marketing to gain more tourists in the future. / Idag reser jordens befolkning allt mer, konkurrensen är hård och det krävs omfattande strategier som destinationsmarknadsförare för att attrahera turister. Flera studier har gjorts i huruvida destinationer skall differentiera sig på en överbelastad marknad, forskare syftar till att turistattraktioner och unika miljöer är en bidragande faktor till ökat inflöde av turister.I denna uppsats studeras Göteborg som turistdestination, studien utformas av kvalitativa intervjuer med respondenter som under de senaste två åren besökt och turistat i Göteborg. De frågor som ställdes utformades för att få inblick i hur staden uppfattas av turister och vad som påverkar deras imagebildande av Göteborg som turistdestination. Ytterligare intervju gjordes med Göteborg & Co’s press- och kommunikationschef Stefan Gadd för att få förståelse i hur de arbetar för att skapa positiva och genuina bilder av Göteborg. Utgångspunkten för studien var att få svar på om Göteborgs identitet stämmer överens med den image som besökaren uppfattar. Studiens resultat visade på att imagen överensstämde med hur Göteborg önskar bli uppfattade, men att staden bör förbättra sin marknadsföring för att attrahera mer turister i framtiden.

Hej och välkommen till Stockholm! : Uppfattningar och åsikter om Stockholm ur ett HBTQ-perspektiv / Hello, and welcome to Stockholm! : Perceptions and opinions about Stockholm from an LGBT-perspective

Svedberg, Johan, Nilsson, Lina January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie har haft som syfte att belysa hur Stockholm uppfattas utav en specifik målgrupp, i detta fall HBTQ. Detta för att skapa diskussion bland Stockholms turismproducenter för att locka mer HBTQ-turism till staden. Utifrån frågeställningen var det relevant då att titta på vilka som hade viktigast åsikter för just detta syfte och en enkät skickades ut till medlemmar hos RFSL. Studien ville undersöka HBTQ-personers åsikter på Stockholm och dess varumärke “The Capital of Scandinavia”. För detta valdes en kvantitativ metod och en enkätundersökning lades ut på Facebook på rekommendation från RFSL. Enkäten fick sammanlagt 109 svar och utgjorde av 14 frågor uppdelat på tre delar; sex sakfrågor, sju påståendefrågor och en öppen fråga. Empirin ställdes sedan mot teori och analyserades där det framkom att svenska HBTQ-personers åsikter är viktiga för Stockholms utveckling. Detta på grund av de efterfrågar en tydligare HBTQ-scen och mer kunskap om HBTQ-rättigheter generellt i staden. Staden bör tydligare lyfta fram sitt varumärke, inte enbart mot marknader utomlands men även mot en svensk marknad då svenskar, boende i Stockholm eller ej, fungerar som platsambassadörer för hela landet. Studien har även belyst hur viktigt det är med identitet och plats och det symboliska värdet som går att ta vara på och lyfta fram.

A Value Co-Creation Perspective on Customer-Based Brand Equity Modelling for Tourism Destinations : A case from Sweden

Chekalina, Tatiana January 2015 (has links)
Tourism destinations all over the world increasingly embrace marketing and branding practices traditionally utilized by businesses. However, the literature on customer-based brand equity modelling and measurement for tourism destinations lacks the conceptual understanding of the complex relationships between tourists and the destination brand. Therefore, the thesis at hand addresses the existing gap in tourism literature and aims at contributing to the development of the customer-based brand equity concept in a tourism destination setting (CBDBE) by taking into account the value-co-creation approach. The components of the proposed model consist of the customers’ evaluation of the destination promise in terms of transforming functional, intangible and social destination resources into tourists’ value-in-use. Furthermore, the positive relationship between visitors’ perception of the destination and value-for-money discloses the input of tourists’ own resources into the process of value-co-creation. Moreover, destination brand awareness affects the evaluation of the destination promise, which, in turn, determines tourists’ behavioural intentions towards the destination. By implementing web-based customer surveys and using a linear structural equation modelling approach, the proposed model is empirically validated for the leading Swedish mountain destination Åre. First, the model is repeatedly tested with data regarding the winter seasons 2009/10 and 2012/13.  Second, the proposed CBDBE model has been operationalized and tested also for the summer season. Findings from face-to-face interviews conducted in Åre during summer 2012 uncovered the relationships between destination resources offered in Åre, tourists’ own resources and destination value-in-use and, thus, served as the empirical fundament for the development of a destination-specific scale to measure value-in-use. Subsequently, the proposed CBDBE model has been successfully tested with web-based survey data collected after the summer season 2012, both for the total sample and separately for the main a priori tourist segments, including hiking, mountain biking and village tourists. Results show the significant contribution of destination value-in-use defined as perceived benefits from a destination stay, which, in turn, strongly affect customers’ destination loyalty. In contrast, the relationship between value-for-money and destination loyalty is less strong and even non-significant for the two customer segments hiking and mountain biking tourists. Importantly, as part of the CBDBE model operationalization, the thesis highlights the need to better understand destination-specific consumption patterns across various tourism segments by destination managers. Therefore, results demonstrate that by monitoring unique destination and tourist-specific experience dimensions, destination management can influence and better manage both the value-in-use for customers and customer loyalty. Thus, the proposed CBDBE model provides destination managers with a tool, which enables evaluation and upgrade of destination marketing strategy and, finally, assist in discovering promising innovation potentials for highly experiential tourism products. / Customer-based innovations in tourism / Engineering th Knowledge Destination through Customer-based Competence Development

Aplikace pro tvorbu kalkulací, nabídek a smluv v oblasti destination event managementu / Application for calculations, offers and deals in destination event management

Oliva, Radek January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to develop an application for creating calculations and offers to potential customers and to develop an application for managing Gantt charts. These applications will be in future used for implementation to the information system of Wedding in Prague Inc. company. Along with the development of applications author of this thesis aims to design, create and implement a fully functional database to support the applications. Before the development of the applications the revision of the submitters demands and the revision of previously designed interface are made. In the end of this work the user testing is done to confirm the correctness of the functionality of applications. The submitter, Wedding in Prague Inc., runs business in the destination event management branch the applications are adjusted to this type of business branch and its requirements. Contribution of this thesis is the creation of mentioned applications and their preparation for its future implementation into information system of the company.

Special Nature Reserve Area Destination Development : Path dependence and co-evolution in the case study of "Carska Bara", Vojvodina Province, Serbia

Martinović, Dunja January 2017 (has links)
The study focuses on the development path of a tourism destination area centered around a special nature reserve and adjacent rural communities in the northern part of Serbia. Utilizing evolutionary economic geography (EEG) as an increasingly present theoretical and conceptual framework in the studies of tourism, this research project employs key EEG concepts of ‘path dependence’ and ‘co-evolution’. ‘Path dependence’ examines different social, economic, institutional and sectoral factors that direct, propel and/or hinder destination development, while ‘co-evolution’ analyzes causal and relational exchanges of stakeholders within and associated with the destination. The objective of this study is to trace developmental and relational trajectories of the nature reserve, tourism enterprises in its vicinity, and the place and role of public sector in these processes. The study, therefore, aims to analyze: (1) how the concept of ‘path dependence’ applies to the tourism development path of the nature reserve; (2) the dynamics of co-evolutionary and relational exchange processes in the nature reserve destination area, namely those occurring between actors operating in both public and private sectors. The two combined EEG approaches, previously not applied within the outlined geographical context, serve to illustrate and explain overall development mechanisms within a tourism destination, relevant economically, socio-culturally as well as environmentally for its region and on the tourism market of Serbia. When methodology is concerned, the study is in form of a case study, with primary data drawn from semi-structured, in-depth interviews and supported with complementary data from relevant scientific articles, government documents, web sites and other publications. The study findings show that the nature reserve in its tourism growth displays a path dependence determined by two seemingly diverging factors: (1) rules and regulations pertaining to protected areas such as nature reserves dictate tourism development and (2) the reserve management entrepreneurial skills play a noteworthy role in shaping its tourism growth. Apart from path dependence, the tourism development path associated with the nature reserve displays path plasticity, which represents a new direction in tourism growth based on the existing infrastructural and managerial framework. Moreover, the study outcomes indicate that levels, directions and intensity of co-evolutionary and relational exchanges among all stakeholders included demonstrate several different patterns. While there is detectable relationship between the nature reserve and most local tourism-related stakeholders, relationships among local stakeholders themselves are rather uneven. Similar patterns are found regarding the involvement of public sector. Public sector is closely linked with the nature reserve, however, its association with other tourism stakeholders in the destination area is uneven.  These findings support the idea that each destination area stands as a unique and complex entity, with various endogenous and exogenous factors shaping its growth.

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