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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systemische Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen einer dermal verabreichten dexamethasonhaltigen Formulierung bei klinisch gesunden Pferden

Allersmeier, Maren 20 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Da topische Glucocorticoide im Vergleich zur parenteralen Anwendung weniger systemische (Neben)Wirkungen haben können, werden sie bevorzugt in der Human- und Veterinärmedizin eingesetzt. Jedoch konnte bei vielen Untersuchungen gezeigt werden, dass topische Glucocorticoide je nach Applikationsdauer, -ort, Wirkstoffpotenz, -dosis und Behandlungsfläche ausgeprägte messbare Reaktionen wie Suppression der HHNA und der Immunzellen hervorrufen können. Beim Pferd wurden jedoch dahingehend bisher keine Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Da Glucocorticoide im Pferdesport auch dopingrelevant sind wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob nach der dermalen Applikation eines niederpotenten Glucocorticoidpräparates auf die Haut gesunder Pferde systemische Effekte auftreten können und ob ein, nach perkutaner Resorption auftretender, Wirkstoffspiegel im Blut gemessen werden kann. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation standen 10 erwachsene, klinisch gesunde Versuchspferde zur Verfügung. Die Versuchsdurchführung erfolgte in 3 Phasen. Vor Behandlungsbeginn (Tag 0) wurden von jedem Pferd die Kontrolldaten erfasst. Die Applikation der Dexamethasonformulierung erfolgte über einen Zeitraum von 10 Tagen. 2 mal täglich wurden 50 g einer 0,017 %igen Dexamethasonemulsion auf eine definierte Hautfläche (30 x 50 cm) aufgetragen. Die Blutentnahmen zur Gewinnung der Proben erfolgten am 2., 6., 8., und 10. Tag der Behandlung. Die Nachbehandlungsphase erstreckte sich über einen Zeitraum von 20 Tagen ohne die Dexamethasonanwendung. Hier erfolgte die Probengewinnung an den Tagen 3, 7, 11, 14 und 20 nach Absetzen der Behandlung. Aus den gewonnenen Plasmaproben wurden die Konzentrationen von Cortisol, Insulin, T3 und T4 mittels Radioimmunoassay bestimmt, sowie die ACTH-Konzentrationen mittels Chemilumineszenz-Enzymimmunometrischem Assay. Darüber hinaus wurden die hämatologischen und blutchemischen Parameter gemessen. Die Funktion des negativen Feetback-Mechanismus der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Achse wurde mittels eines ACTH-Stimulationstests überprüft. Während der Behandlung konnte eine ausgeprägte Suppression der Nebennierenrindenfunktion, gekennzeichnet durch die signifkante Abnahme der basalen Cortisolkonzentration, auf weniger als 10 % der Ausgangswerte vor der Behandlung gemessen werden. Auch der ACTH-Stimulationstest am 8. Behandlungstag zeigte einen signifikant geringeren Anstieg des Kortisolspiegels (< 50 %) als vor der Behandlung. Weiterhin kam es während der dermalen Verabreichung von Dexamethason zu einer progressiven, signifikanten Zunahme des Serumglucosespiegels bis um das 1,5 fache des Kontrollwertes. Parallel dazu stieg der Plasmainsulinspiegel um das 3-fache des Ausgangswertes vor Behandlungsbeginn. Die Plasmakonzentration von T3 zeigte einen leichten behandlungsbedingten Abfall, wohingegen der Plasma-T4-Spiegel einen deutlichen Rückgang auf 50 % des Ausgangswertes zeigte. Die endokrinologischen Veränderungen waren nach Absetzen der Behandlung alle reversibel. Weiterhin kam es zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der eosinophilen Granulozyten und der Lymphozyten, während die Zahl der Neutrophilen zunahm. Plasmakonzentrationen von Dexamethason konnten mit einem Maximalwert am 8. Tag der Behandlung (1542,10 ± 567 pg/ml) gemessen werden. Diese Ergebnisse belegen, dass bei der dermalen Applikation von Dexamethason eine perkutane Wirkstoffresorption in einem Umfang stattfindet, dass die typischen systemischen Glucocorticoidwirkungen auftreten. Es kann somit auch davon ausgegangen werden, dass die topische Verabreichung schwach wirksamer Glucocorticoidformulierungen eine gewisse Dopingrelevanz besitzt.

Stepwise differentiation of pancreatic acinar cells from mES cells by manipulating signalling pathway

Delaspre, Fabien 04 February 2011 (has links)
Tot i que es coneix l’involucrament de les cèl·lules pancreàtiques acinars en patologies exocrines (pancreatitis i càncer de pàncrees), la manca de models normals basats en cèl·lules ha limitat l’estudi de les alteracions que succeeixen en el programa de diferenciació pancreàtica. Hem demostrat prèviament que les cèl·lules mare embrionàries murines, que són pluripotents, poden adquirir un fenotip acinar in vitro. Això es va aconseguir, en part, amb una combinació de senyals que provenien del cultiu de pàncrees fetals que no era, però, específic del llinatge pancreàtic. L’objectiu d’aquest treball ha estat el de desenvolupar un protocol selectiu pel llinatge acinar basat en l’activació seqüencial de vies de senyalització que recapitulin el desenvolupament pancreàtic in vivo, a través de la formació definitiva de l’endoderm, l’especificació pancreàtica i acinar i l’expansió/diferenciació de progenitors acinars. El tractament de cossos embrionaris amb Activina A va promoure l’expressió de gens d’endoderm com està prèviament descrit. El tractament subsegüent amb àcid Retinoic, FGF10 i Ciclopamina, un inhibidor de la via de Hedgehog, va resutar en la inducció dels marcadors de progenitors pancreàtics Pdx1, Ptf1a i Cpa1 però també d’aquells expressats en el llinatge pancreàtic, que van ser reduïts amb la inhibició de BMPs. Les cèl·lules van ser a continuació cultivades en Matrigel utilitzant un sistema de cultiu en 3D en presència de fol·listatina, dexametasona i KGF comportant una inducció significativa dels nivells de mRNA i proteïna de marcadors acinars i una disminució de l’expressió dels de marcadors acinars. A més, es va veure que Amyl es secretava en el medi. Aquestes dades indiquen que l’activació selectiva del programa de diferenciació acinar en cèl·lules mare embrionàries es pot dur a terme mitjançant una inducció esgraonada de vies de senyalització involucrades en el desenvolupament pancreàtic exocrí proporcionant una eina potencial per estudiar la diferenciació pancreàtica i malalties relacionades amb el pàncrees. / Despite known involvement of pancreatic acinar cells in exocrine pathologies (pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer), the lack of normal cell-based models has limited the study of the alterations that occur in the acinar differentiation program. We have previously shown that mESC (murine embryonic stem cells), which are pluripotent, can acquire an acinar phenotype in vitro. This was achieved, in part, by a combination of signals provided by the culture of foetal pancreases which was, however, no specific for the acinar lineage. The aim of this work was to develop a protocol selective for the acinar lineage based on the sequential activation of signaling pathways that recapitulate pancreatic development in vivo, through the definitive endoderm formation, the pancreatic and acinar specification and the expansion/differentiation of acinar progenitors. Treatment of embryoid bodies with Activin A enhanced the expression of endodermal genes as previously described. Subsequent treatment with Retinoic acid, FGF10 and Cyclopamine, an inhibitor of the Hedgehog pathway, resulted in the enhancement of pancreatic progenitor markers Pdx1, Ptf1a and Cpa1 but also of those expressed in the hepatic lineage, which were reduced by BMPs inhibition. Cells were further cultured in Matrigel using a 3D culture system in the presence of follistatin, dexamethasone, and KGF leading to a significant enhancement of the mRNA and protein levels of acinar markers while decreasing the expression of endocrine ones. Moreover, active Amyl was released into the medium. These data indicate that the selective activation of the acinar differentiation program in ES cells can be achieved by stepwise induction of signaling pathways involved in pancreatic exocrine development providing a potential tool for studying pancreatic differentiation and pancreas-related diseases.

Funkčně genomická a farmakogenomická analýza aspektů metabolického syndromu / Functional genomic and pharmacogenomic analysis of metabolic syndrome aspects

Krupková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
Metabolic syndrome is a prevalent disease characterized by concurrent manifestation of insulin resistance, obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and other hemodynamic and metabolic disorders. It has multifactorial type of inheritance and its resultant phenotype is determined by both environmental and genetic factors as well as their interactions. That is the main reason why comprehensive analysis of the genetic component of this syndrome is complicated in human population. Genetically designed experimental animal models are significant tools for analysis of genetic architecture of human complex conditions including the metabolic syndrome. The aim of this Thesis is utilization of functional and comparative genomic tools to uncover pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome aspects and their genetic determinants. We also studied pharmacogenetic interactions of these genetic determinants with drugs affecting particular components of the metabolic syndrome. Establishing and utilizing several genetically designed congenic rat strains, we undertook four different research projects focusing on pharmacogenetic interaction of all-trans retinoic acid and ondansetron with differential segment of rat chromosome 8, pharmacogenetic interaction of differential segment of rat chromosome 4 and dexamethasone, determining Plzf...

Avaliação do efeito do metotrexato na reparação tecidual em um defeito ósseo simulando fratura de mandíbula em ratos / Influence of methotrexate on bone healing of a defect simulating a fracture in rat mandible

Leonardo Toledo de Aguiar 17 December 2008 (has links)
Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar os efeitos do tratamento com altas e baixas doses de metotrexato (MTX) na reparação de fraturas mandibulares, num modelo experimental com ratos. Métodos: O modelo experimental empregado consiste na criação de um defeito ósseo na mandíbula do rato, semelhante a uma fratura. Oitenta ratos foram distribuídos em 4 grupos de 20 animais que receberam, por via intraperitoneal: soro fisiológico (controle) (1 ml, após a cirurgia); dexametasona (DX) (0,15 mg / kg, dose única após a cirurgia); alta dose MTX (1,6 mg / kg, semanalmente); baixa dose MTX, (0,25 mg / kg, semanalmente). Os animais foram sacrificados no dia 1º, 7º, 15º e 30º dia após a cirurgia. As mandíbulas foram submetidas à análise radiográfica para medir a distância entre os cotos ósseos e a área de osteotomia. Avaliação histomorfométrica foi realizada usando um software analisador de imagens digitalizadas para verificar a formação de cartilagem e óssea. Resultados: Os resultados revelaram não haver alterações significantes entre os tratamentos nos parâmetros avaliados nos 10 e 70 dias após a cirurgia. Animais do grupo controle sacrificados no 15º dia após a cirurgia tiveram uma redução da distância entre as extremidades ósseas e na área da osteotomia, bem como um grande aumento na formação de cartilagem. O padrão desses parâmetros nos animais tratados com baixas doses de MTX e DX não foram significativamente diferentes do grupo controle neste período. No entanto, os animais tratados com alta dose de MTX tiveram aumento da distância entre os cotos ósseos e da área da osteotomia, bem como foi praticamente nulo o aumento da formação de cartilagem. Sobre o 30º dia após a cirurgia, os animais do grupo controle tinham praticamente recuperado a região da fratura, bem como aqueles tratados com doses baixas de MTX. Os grupos tratados com a alta dose de MTX e DX mantiveram abertos os defeitos ósseos. Conclusões: Este estudo mostra claramente que a baixa dose de MTX não afetou a reparação óssea de fraturas mandibulares em ratos, em contraste com a alta dose de MTX, que afeta desfavoravelmente a regeneração óssea. / Purpose: The present study aims to verify the effect of high and low dose of methotrexate (MTX) treatment on bone repair of mandibular fractures in rats. Methods: The experimental model employed consists in creating a defect in rat mandible, similar to a fracture. Eighty rats were distributed in 4 groups of 20 animals that received, intraperitoneally: saline (1 ml, after surgery); dexametazone (DX, 0.15 mg/Kg, one dose at surgery); high dose MTX (1.6 mg/Kg, weekly); low dose MTX, (0.25 mg/Kg, weekly). Groups of five animals were sacrificed on the 1st, 7th, 15th and 30th day after surgery. Mandibles were submitted to radiographic analysis to measure the distance between bony edges and the area of osteotomy. Histopathological evaluation was performed in digitalized images using an analyzer software to examine cartilage and bone formation. Results: The treatments did not alter any evaluated parameters on days 1 and 7 after surgery. Control animals sacrificed on the 15th day after surgery had a reduction of the distance between bony ends and in the area of osteotomy, as well as a great increase in cartilage formation. The pattern of these parameters in animals treated with low dose MTX and DX did not differ from control group. However, animals treated with higher dose of MTX kept increasing the distance between bony ends and the area of osteotomy, and the increase in cartilage formation was practically inexistent. On the 30th day after surgery, control animals had pratically recovered the fracture region, as well as those treated with low dose MTX. The group treated with higher dose MTX and DX still had an open bone defect. Conclusions: This study clearly shows that low dose MTX did not affect bone healing of mandibular fractures in rats, in contrast to a higher dose, which promotes impairment of bone regeneration.

Immune profiling of keloid disease

Bagabir, Rania January 2013 (has links)
Keloid disease (KD) is a benign fibroproliferative dermal disease of unknown aetiopathogenesis that occurs in genetically susceptible individuals. KD shows high heterogeneity within the lesion, harbouring different immune cell profiles, which are poorly characterised in KD at different lesional sites. Although, it has long been appreciated that chronic inflammation and dermal fibrosis is associated with other fibrotic diseases (e.g. scleroderma), this link has not, yet, been established in KD through direct evidence. Additionally, the limited availability of a simple KD animal model has hindered our understanding of the underlying pathogenesis of KD. Therefore, the main objectives were a) to identify and profile different immune cells at defined KD lesional and histological sites, b) to further characterize the potential contribution of viral particles in KD by investigating the gene and protein expression profile of toll like receptors that recognise viral particles in KD, and c) to develop an optimized long-term serum-free organ culture (OC) model for KD research as a tool for probing novel hypotheses in KD pathobiology deduced from a) and b) and to also validate the reliability and instructiveness of this novel ex vivo KD model with conventional (e.g. dexamethasone) and potential future anti-KD compounds [(-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) knock-down by siRNA]. To achieve above objectives, different cellular and molecular techniques were applied. Immune profiling of KD (chapter 2) at defined lesional and histological sites generated the first comprehensive analysis of KD-associated inflammatory cell infiltrates. This work demonstrated for the first time the presence of specific type of chronic inflammation in KD that resembles the formation of tertiary lymphoid tissues (TLTs) (in 14.7%, out of 68 KD cases). Although, these TLTs are not strictly linked to defined lesional sites within the KD, they are similar in structure to mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT). Therefore, we named this phenomenon as keloid-associated lymphoid tissue (KALT). Immunophenotyping of KD lesional sites also showed a predominance of T-cells, B-cells, M2 macrophages and OX40L+ degranulated mast cells in intralesional and perilesional sites of KD compared to normal skin and normal scar tissue. In the epidermis, Langerhans cells showed no changes, whereas the intra-epidermal T-cells were significantly increased in both the intralesional and perilesional sites of KD with an increased CD4:CD8 ratio. Intra-epidermal B-cells were only rarely found in KD. Interestingly, there was no significant statistical difference between intralesional and perilesional sites of KD immunophenotyping. These abnormal immune profiles suggest the persistence of non-resolving inflammation presence towards unknown stimuli, which require further investigation. The chronic inflammation could be followed by a reparative phase in a repetitive manner leading to KD formation. Evaluation of toll-like receptor (TLR) gene and protein expression in KD showed a significant increase in the expression of intra-epidermal TLR-6, -7 and dermal TLR-8. Since these TLRs are typically up regulated during anti-viral responses, these results further support the hypothesis that certain viruses or yet unidentified ligand may play a role in KD pathogenesis (chapter 3). A successful long-term, serum-free keloid OC model was established using a 4 mm sized punch biopsy embedded in collage matrix as air liquid interface in supplemented William’s E medium for up to 6 weeks (Chapter 4).

Long-Term Outcome after Lithium Augmentation in Unipolar Depression: Focus on HPA System Activity

Adli, Mazda, Bschor, Tom, Bauer, Michael, Lucka, Claudia, Lewitzka, Ute, Ising, Marcus, Uhr, Manfred, Müller-Oerlinghausen, Bruno, Baethge, Christopher January 2009 (has links)
Background: Lithium augmentation is a first-line strategy for depressed patients resistant to antidepressive therapy, but little is known about patients’ subsequent long-term course or outcome predictors. We investigated long-term outcomes of unipolar depressed patients who had participated in a study on the effects of lithium augmentation on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system using the combined dexamethasone/corticotrophin-releasing hormone (DEX/CRH) test. Methods: Twelve to 28 months (mean 18.6 ± 4.6 months) after lithium augmentation, 23 patients were assessed with a standardized interview, of which 18 patients had complete DEX/CRH test results. Relapse was diagnosed by DSM-IV criteria (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV; SCID I). Results: Only 11 patients (48%) had a favorable follow-up, defined as absence of major depressive episodes during the observation period. Patients with a favorable and an unfavorable course did not differ in clinical or sociodemographic parameters, endocrinological results or continuation of lithium. However, fewer previous depressive episodes tended to correlate (p = 0.09) with a favorable course. Conclusion: Results from studies using the DEX/CRH test to predict relapse in depressed patients treated with antidepressants were not replicated for lithium augmentation. Our finding could reflect the elevation of DEX/CRH results by lithium, independent of clinical course. Limitations of the study are its small sample size, the heterogeneous clinical baseline conditions and the lack of lithium serum levels. The fact that lithium continuation did not predict the course might be related to the difference between the efficacy of lithium in controlled studies and its effectiveness in naturalistic settings. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Covid-19 - kortikosteroidbehandling vid svår sjukdom : En jämförande analys / Covid-19 - corticosteroid therapy in severe illness : A comparative analysis

Woin, Nicolas January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Sedan sjukdomen Covid-19s uppdykande i början av 2020 har forskning pågått för att karaktärisera sjukdomen ur alla tänkbara vinklar för att på kortast möjliga tid bereda väg för ett fungerande botemedel. Effektiva läkemedel som kan minska risken för allvarligt sjuka patienter att avlida i sjukdomen behövs; många preparat har föreslagits och testats och i Sverige har hittills två läkemedel godkänts för Covid-19. Ett av dessa är kortikosteroiden dexametason som godkänts för Covid-19-patienter i behov av syrgas eller respirator. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka hur effektiv kortikosteroidbehandling av svårt sjuka Covid-19-patienter var i jämförelse med standardbehandling utan kortikosteroider. En litteratursökning gjordes i PubMed och i covid-nma efter randomiserade kliniska studier av kortikosteroider jämfört med standardbehandling till patienter med Covid-19. Ur resultatet som inkluderade 7 kontrollerade studier med 7784 svårt sjuka patienter från 11 länder och fem kontinenter, gjordes en sammanvägning av den primära utfallsvariabeln mortalitet 28 dagar efter randomisering varpå relativ risk (RR) räknades ut individuellt per studie och sammanvägt för alla studier. Analysen gjordes också med den mest dominanta studien borträknad. Vidare utforskades möjliga samband mellan sjukdomsgrad och effektstorlek, dels genom ett försök till metaregression av studiemortalitet och andningshjälpsnivå mot RR som var inkonklusivt, men också genom att leta efter speciellt sjuka undergrupper i studierna. 3 studier rapporterade mortalitet efter 28 dagar, 1 studie rapporterade mortalitet efter 21 dagar, 2 studier rapporterade död på sjukhus och en studie rapporterade död efter 15 dagar. Testade preparat var dexametason, hydrokortison och metylprednisolon. Av 2885 patienter som randomiserats till någon kortikosteroid, dog 739, medan det av de 4899 som randomiserats till standardbehandling dog 1347 patienter vilket gav en icke signifikant RR på 0,93 (95% CI 0,86–1,01). Vid borträkning av den största studien som bestod av relativt friskare patienter erhölls en starkare och signifikant effekt med RR 0,80 (95% CI 0,70–0,92) baserat på 257 av 781 döda i steroidgrupperna jämfört med 237av 578 döda i någon kontrollgrupp med standardbehandling. Resultatet var även i linje med analysen av olika sjuka undergrupper från största studien som visade bäst effekt hos de med invasiv mekanisk andningshjälp (absolut riskreduktion 12,1%) samt en icke signifikant försämring hos de friskaste patienterna utan syrgasbehov. Sammantaget tyder dessa resultat på att behandling av svårt sjuka Covid-19-patienter med kortikosteroider minskar mortaliteten efter 28 dagar. Dessutom ger studien en stark indikation på att bästa effekten fås om kortikosteroiderna ges till patienter där den systemiska inflammationen i lungorna nått en gasutbyteshämmande nivå / ABSTRACT Since the emergence of the new corona virus disease, Covid-19, much research effort has gone into characterising every possible angle of the disease to pave the way for a possible cure in the shortest possible time. Effective therapies are needed that will reduce the risk of dying for severely to critically ill Covid-19 patients. Many existing therapies have been suggested, tested and repurposed for the treatment of Covid-19 but so far only two drugs have been approved in Sweden for this indication, namely the antiviral drug remdesivir and the corticosteroid dexamethasone. Corticosteroids are both immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory and when they were administered previously for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS) and influenza they were found to increase the time to rid the body of virus. The purpose of this study was to investigate evidence found in the research literature of how effective corticosteroids are in reducing the risk of dying as compared to standard treatment with no corticosteroids when administered to hospitalised patients with severe Covid-19. A literature search was made in the PubMed and covid-nma databases for randomized clinical studies of corticosteroids versus standard treatment to patients with Covid-19. The result included 7 studies with 7784 patients from 11 countries and 5 continents which all reported death as an outcome in groups that were receiving corticosteroids compared to groups that were receiving standard care. The studies used one of the following corticosteroids as intervention: dexamethasone, methylprednisolone and hydrocortisone in different doses. In the groups receiving standard care, 1347 patients out of 4899 died while in the corticosteroid groups 739 of 2885 patients died. When doing a statistical calculation these figures indicated that the risk of dying when getting corticosteroids was 93% of the risk when not getting corticosteroids, however the difference was not statistically significant. After omitting the largest study from the material, that contributed the absolute majority of total participants, who were deemed relatively healthy or well taken care of, the results were instead that 257 out of 781 died in the steroid groups and 237 of 578 died in the control groups. This later comparison among supposedly sicker patients, gave a statistically significant 8,1% lower absolute risk of dying in the corticosteroid groups; an effect that could also be expressed as for every 25 patients treated, 2 more lives would be saved. A further control of a more severely sick subgroup of patients from the largest study, in need of invasive mechanical ventilation, revealed an absolute reduction of the risk of dying when given corticosteroids of 12,1%. This group showed the most effectful response to the administered corticosteroids in this study which could also be expressed as 1 more life saved for every 8 patients treated. Another sub group analysis of the patients from the largest study that were not in need of any type of oxygen support, indicated on the other hand a possible harm of corticosteroids. This potentially harmful effect was however not statistically significant. In summary, the results of this study imply that administration of corticosteroids to patients with severe Covid-19 will reduce the risk of dying. The greatest effect is seen in those patients that has reached a level of illness were the gas exchange in the lungs is impaired by the inflammation. Furthermore, caution must be taken not to introduce harm by giving corticosteroids to patients with milder disease in which the immunosuppressive properties of the drug could lead to unintended worsening of the illness.

Funkčně genomická a farmakogenomická analýza aspektů metabolického syndromu / Functional genomic and pharmacogenomic analysis of metabolic syndrome aspects

Krupková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
Metabolic syndrome is a prevalent disease characterized by concurrent manifestation of insulin resistance, obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and other hemodynamic and metabolic disorders. It has multifactorial type of inheritance and its resultant phenotype is determined by both environmental and genetic factors as well as their interactions. That is the main reason why comprehensive analysis of the genetic component of this syndrome is complicated in human population. Genetically designed experimental animal models are significant tools for analysis of genetic architecture of human complex conditions including the metabolic syndrome. The aim of this Thesis is utilization of functional and comparative genomic tools to uncover pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome aspects and their genetic determinants. We also studied pharmacogenetic interactions of these genetic determinants with drugs affecting particular components of the metabolic syndrome. Establishing and utilizing several genetically designed congenic rat strains, we undertook four different research projects focusing on pharmacogenetic interaction of all-trans retinoic acid and ondansetron with differential segment of rat chromosome 8, pharmacogenetic interaction of differential segment of rat chromosome 4 and dexamethasone, determining Plzf...

Systemische Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen einer dermal verabreichten dexamethasonhaltigen Formulierung bei klinisch gesunden Pferden

Allersmeier, Maren 23 November 2010 (has links)
Da topische Glucocorticoide im Vergleich zur parenteralen Anwendung weniger systemische (Neben)Wirkungen haben können, werden sie bevorzugt in der Human- und Veterinärmedizin eingesetzt. Jedoch konnte bei vielen Untersuchungen gezeigt werden, dass topische Glucocorticoide je nach Applikationsdauer, -ort, Wirkstoffpotenz, -dosis und Behandlungsfläche ausgeprägte messbare Reaktionen wie Suppression der HHNA und der Immunzellen hervorrufen können. Beim Pferd wurden jedoch dahingehend bisher keine Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Da Glucocorticoide im Pferdesport auch dopingrelevant sind wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob nach der dermalen Applikation eines niederpotenten Glucocorticoidpräparates auf die Haut gesunder Pferde systemische Effekte auftreten können und ob ein, nach perkutaner Resorption auftretender, Wirkstoffspiegel im Blut gemessen werden kann. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation standen 10 erwachsene, klinisch gesunde Versuchspferde zur Verfügung. Die Versuchsdurchführung erfolgte in 3 Phasen. Vor Behandlungsbeginn (Tag 0) wurden von jedem Pferd die Kontrolldaten erfasst. Die Applikation der Dexamethasonformulierung erfolgte über einen Zeitraum von 10 Tagen. 2 mal täglich wurden 50 g einer 0,017 %igen Dexamethasonemulsion auf eine definierte Hautfläche (30 x 50 cm) aufgetragen. Die Blutentnahmen zur Gewinnung der Proben erfolgten am 2., 6., 8., und 10. Tag der Behandlung. Die Nachbehandlungsphase erstreckte sich über einen Zeitraum von 20 Tagen ohne die Dexamethasonanwendung. Hier erfolgte die Probengewinnung an den Tagen 3, 7, 11, 14 und 20 nach Absetzen der Behandlung. Aus den gewonnenen Plasmaproben wurden die Konzentrationen von Cortisol, Insulin, T3 und T4 mittels Radioimmunoassay bestimmt, sowie die ACTH-Konzentrationen mittels Chemilumineszenz-Enzymimmunometrischem Assay. Darüber hinaus wurden die hämatologischen und blutchemischen Parameter gemessen. Die Funktion des negativen Feetback-Mechanismus der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Achse wurde mittels eines ACTH-Stimulationstests überprüft. Während der Behandlung konnte eine ausgeprägte Suppression der Nebennierenrindenfunktion, gekennzeichnet durch die signifkante Abnahme der basalen Cortisolkonzentration, auf weniger als 10 % der Ausgangswerte vor der Behandlung gemessen werden. Auch der ACTH-Stimulationstest am 8. Behandlungstag zeigte einen signifikant geringeren Anstieg des Kortisolspiegels (< 50 %) als vor der Behandlung. Weiterhin kam es während der dermalen Verabreichung von Dexamethason zu einer progressiven, signifikanten Zunahme des Serumglucosespiegels bis um das 1,5 fache des Kontrollwertes. Parallel dazu stieg der Plasmainsulinspiegel um das 3-fache des Ausgangswertes vor Behandlungsbeginn. Die Plasmakonzentration von T3 zeigte einen leichten behandlungsbedingten Abfall, wohingegen der Plasma-T4-Spiegel einen deutlichen Rückgang auf 50 % des Ausgangswertes zeigte. Die endokrinologischen Veränderungen waren nach Absetzen der Behandlung alle reversibel. Weiterhin kam es zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der eosinophilen Granulozyten und der Lymphozyten, während die Zahl der Neutrophilen zunahm. Plasmakonzentrationen von Dexamethason konnten mit einem Maximalwert am 8. Tag der Behandlung (1542,10 ± 567 pg/ml) gemessen werden. Diese Ergebnisse belegen, dass bei der dermalen Applikation von Dexamethason eine perkutane Wirkstoffresorption in einem Umfang stattfindet, dass die typischen systemischen Glucocorticoidwirkungen auftreten. Es kann somit auch davon ausgegangen werden, dass die topische Verabreichung schwach wirksamer Glucocorticoidformulierungen eine gewisse Dopingrelevanz besitzt.

Signaling Cascade Involved in Rapid Stimulation of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) by Dexamethasone

Bossmann, Miriam, Ackermann, Benjamin W., Thome, Ulrich H., Laube, Mandy 15 January 2024 (has links)
Impairment of mucociliary clearance with reduced airway fluid secretion leads to chronically inflamed airways. Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is crucially involved in airway fluid secretion and dexamethasone (dexa) has previously been shown to elevate CFTR activity in airway epithelial cells. However, the pathway by which dexa increases CFTR activity is largely unknown. We aimed to determine whether the increase of CFTR activity by dexa is achieved by non-genomic signaling and hypothesized that the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway is involved in CFTR stimulation. Primary rat airway epithelial cells and human bronchial submucosal gland-derived Calu-3 cells were analyzed in Ussing chambers and kinase activation was determined byWestern blots. Results demonstrated a critical involvement of PI3K and protein kinase B (AKT) signaling in the dexa-induced increase of CFTR activity, while serum and glucocorticoid dependent kinase 1 (SGK1) activity was not essential. We further demonstrated a reduced neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally downregulated 4-like (NEDD4L) ubiquitin E3 ligase activity induced by dexa, possibly responsible for the elevated CFTR activity. Finally, increases of CFTR activity by dexa were demonstrated within 30 min accompanied by rapid activation of AKT. In conclusion, dexa induces a rapid stimulation of CFTR activity which depends on PI3K/AKT signaling in airway epithelial cells. Glucocorticoids might thus represent, in addition to their immunomodulatory actions, a therapeutic strategy to rapidly increase airway fluid secretion.

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