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Estabelecimento de protocolo de cultura de tecidos de Sorghum bicolor / Tissue culture establishment of Sorghum bicolorHosaka, Guilherme Kenichi 10 October 2014 (has links)
O sorgo é uma planta monocotiledônea diplóide com ciclo de vida de aproximadamente quatro meses. Apresenta grande relevância na agricultura pela sua utilização tanto para a alimentação humana e de animais quanto para a produção de biocombustíveis. Recentemente, o sorgo também surge como um forte candidato como planta modelo em estudos genômicos e fisiológicos relacionados com parede celular de gramíneas C4. Porém, para a análise da função de genes nesta espécie é essencial o estabelecimento da tecnologia de transformação genética que por sua vez depende de um eficiente método de regeneração de plantas. Nesse contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer um protocolo de cultura de tecidos utilizando discos de folhas e embriões imaturos como explantes, de modo a avaliar a redução do nível de oxidação na cultura in vitro pelo uso de antioxidantes e determinar as concentrações de reguladores vegetais para indução de embriogênese somática e regeneração de plantas. Em discos de folhas, os antioxidantes, PVP, ácido ascórbico e ác. cítrico foram testados na manipulação dos explantes até a inoculação em meio de cultura, porém não houve redução no nível de oxidação. Foram testados diferentes concentrações de 2,4-D para indução de calos e o uso de 1 mg L-1 e 2 mg L-1 apresentaram melhores respostas em embriogênese somática. Diferentes meios de cultura foram testados para obtenção de regeneração de plantas, mas a eficiência chegou somente a 1% de plantas a partir de discos de folhas. Em embriões imaturos, além dos antioxidantes PVP e ácido ascórbico, foram testados também os aminoácidos asparagina e prolina em meio de indução de calos. O uso de 2 g L-1 de asparagina e 3 g L-1 de prolina no meio de indução de calos e 3 mg L-1 de TDZ no meio de regeneração de plantas aumentou a eficiência de obtenção de plantas para até 15%. Assim, o uso de embriões imaturos foi considerado o explante mais promissor para a cultura de tecidos de sorgo. Devido aos altos níveis de oxidação e a baixa eficiência de regeneração de plantas em cultura de tecidos, foi testado o método de transformação genética via Agrobacterium tumefaciens conhecido como \"Floral dip\". Esta técnica não necessita da etapa de regeneração de plantas in vitro. Inicialmente, resultados promissores foram obtidos, porém há a necessidade do aprimoramento da metodologia. / Sorghum is a diploid monocot plant with a short life cycle of about 4 months. This crop is important in agriculture because it can be used for animal and human feed, and as well as source of raw material for biofuel production. Recently, sorghum also emerges as a strong candidate being a model plant on genomic and physiological studies related to cell wall in C4 grasses. Nevertheless, an efficient plant regeneration method is required for the establishment of genetic transformation technique to conduct the characterization of functional genes. In this context, the objective of this work was to establish a tissue culture protocol to evaluate the oxidation level of in vitro culture using leaf discs and immature embryos as explants, and testing different antioxidants and hormones concentrations for somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration. In leaf discs, PVP, ascorbic acid and citric acid antioxidants were tested when manipulating the explants until their inoculation in culture media, but these factors failed to show any reduction in oxidation. In order to obtain somatic embryogenesis different concentrations of 2,4-D were tested for callus induction, 1,0 and 2,0 mg L-1 showed the best results. Several plant regeneration medium were tested however, only up to 1% of regeneration was achieved using leaf discs. In immature embryos, besides PVP and ascorbic acid antioxidants also asparagine and proline amino acids were tested in the callus induction media. The use of 2 g L-1 asparagine and 3 g L-1 proline in callus induction media and 3 mg L-1 TDZ in the regeneration media improved shoot regeneration efficiency up to 15%. Thus, the use of immature embryos was considered as a better option as explant for tissue culture of sorghum. Due to high production of oxidation and low frequency of plant regeneration in tissue culture, the genetic transformation via Agrobacterium tumefaciens known as \"Floral Dip\" method was tested. This technique does not require in vitro plant regeneration. Preliminary results were obtained, but the methodology needs to be improved.
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To sell a product or to sell an idea: a propaganda oficial do Brasil nos Estados Unidos da América (1930-1945) / To sell a product or to sell an idea: the Brazilian propaganda in the United States of America - 1930-1945Lindercy Francisco Tome de Souza Lins 11 December 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa a propaganda oficial do Brasil nos Estados Unidos da América, de 1930 a 1945, no anseio de entender como o governo capitaneado por Getúlio Vargas estabeleceu uma política de promoção da imagem do Brasil naquele país. A organização da propaganda externa contou com atuação dos seguintes órgãos: Departamentos de publicidade/propaganda, principalmente o Departamento de Imprensa e Propaganda (DIP); Escritório de informações brasileiras nos EEUU, ligado ao Ministério do Trabalho, Indústria e Comércio; postos diplomáticos do Ministério das Relações Exteriores; além dos órgãos norte-americanos: Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (OCIAA) do governo estaduninse; e American Brazilian Association, de natureza privada. Destaca-se o fato de que cada órgão brasileiro, a sua maneira, concebia e realizava, com relativa autonomia, ações de promoção da imagem positiva do País nos Estados Unidos. Os elementos em comum às formas de propaganda desses órgãos foram as ações empregadas, a exemplo do envio de notícias aos jornais, análise das matérias sobre o Brasil, acolhida de personalidades, promoção de intercâmbios artísticos, educacionais e científicos, fomento a publicações informativas sobre o País como as revistas Brazil, Brazil Today e Travel in Brazil. Destaca-se a contratação, de maneira informal, do famoso redator da coluna Washington Merry-Go-Round, Drew Pearson, como agente de imprensa do Brasil. Essas ações detinham também um mesmo público-alvo, composto de jornalistas, empresários, políticos, intelectuais, militares e demais personalidades consideradas formadoras de opinião; ou seja, pessoas que podiam, de algum modo, interferir ou influenciar os rumos dos interesses nacionais nos assuntos externos dos EUA / This study analyzes the Brazilians government propaganda in the United States, from 1930 to 1945, which to aim to understand how the government headed by President Getúlio Vargas established a Brazil\'s image in that country. The organization of the Brazilian propaganda abroad featured by performance of the following agencies: Departamento de Imprensa e Propaganda (DIP); Brazilian Information Bureau, diplomatic posts owned by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Itamaraty; and the American organizations: Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (OCIAA) of U.S government; American and Brazilian Association, a private agency. Noteworthy is the fact that every Brazilian agency, in its way, conceived and performed with relative autonomy, actions to promote the positive image of the Brazil in the U.S. The common elements of forms of propaganda were employed, such as sending news to American newspapers, analysis of news about Brazil in the American Press, welcoming American personalities, promotion of artistic, educational and scientific exchanges, fostering informative publications about Brazil, such as magazines Brazil, Brazil Today and Travel in Brazil. The Brazilian government hired, informally, Drew Pearson, the editor of the famous column Washington Merry-go-round, as press agent of Brazil. These actions held by the same audience, composed of journalists, businessmen, politicians, intellectuals, military and other persons considered public opinion makers; that is, people who could in any way interfere with or influence the direction of national interests in foreign affairs in U.S.
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Estabelecimento de protocolo de cultura de tecidos de Sorghum bicolor / Tissue culture establishment of Sorghum bicolorGuilherme Kenichi Hosaka 10 October 2014 (has links)
O sorgo é uma planta monocotiledônea diplóide com ciclo de vida de aproximadamente quatro meses. Apresenta grande relevância na agricultura pela sua utilização tanto para a alimentação humana e de animais quanto para a produção de biocombustíveis. Recentemente, o sorgo também surge como um forte candidato como planta modelo em estudos genômicos e fisiológicos relacionados com parede celular de gramíneas C4. Porém, para a análise da função de genes nesta espécie é essencial o estabelecimento da tecnologia de transformação genética que por sua vez depende de um eficiente método de regeneração de plantas. Nesse contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer um protocolo de cultura de tecidos utilizando discos de folhas e embriões imaturos como explantes, de modo a avaliar a redução do nível de oxidação na cultura in vitro pelo uso de antioxidantes e determinar as concentrações de reguladores vegetais para indução de embriogênese somática e regeneração de plantas. Em discos de folhas, os antioxidantes, PVP, ácido ascórbico e ác. cítrico foram testados na manipulação dos explantes até a inoculação em meio de cultura, porém não houve redução no nível de oxidação. Foram testados diferentes concentrações de 2,4-D para indução de calos e o uso de 1 mg L-1 e 2 mg L-1 apresentaram melhores respostas em embriogênese somática. Diferentes meios de cultura foram testados para obtenção de regeneração de plantas, mas a eficiência chegou somente a 1% de plantas a partir de discos de folhas. Em embriões imaturos, além dos antioxidantes PVP e ácido ascórbico, foram testados também os aminoácidos asparagina e prolina em meio de indução de calos. O uso de 2 g L-1 de asparagina e 3 g L-1 de prolina no meio de indução de calos e 3 mg L-1 de TDZ no meio de regeneração de plantas aumentou a eficiência de obtenção de plantas para até 15%. Assim, o uso de embriões imaturos foi considerado o explante mais promissor para a cultura de tecidos de sorgo. Devido aos altos níveis de oxidação e a baixa eficiência de regeneração de plantas em cultura de tecidos, foi testado o método de transformação genética via Agrobacterium tumefaciens conhecido como \"Floral dip\". Esta técnica não necessita da etapa de regeneração de plantas in vitro. Inicialmente, resultados promissores foram obtidos, porém há a necessidade do aprimoramento da metodologia. / Sorghum is a diploid monocot plant with a short life cycle of about 4 months. This crop is important in agriculture because it can be used for animal and human feed, and as well as source of raw material for biofuel production. Recently, sorghum also emerges as a strong candidate being a model plant on genomic and physiological studies related to cell wall in C4 grasses. Nevertheless, an efficient plant regeneration method is required for the establishment of genetic transformation technique to conduct the characterization of functional genes. In this context, the objective of this work was to establish a tissue culture protocol to evaluate the oxidation level of in vitro culture using leaf discs and immature embryos as explants, and testing different antioxidants and hormones concentrations for somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration. In leaf discs, PVP, ascorbic acid and citric acid antioxidants were tested when manipulating the explants until their inoculation in culture media, but these factors failed to show any reduction in oxidation. In order to obtain somatic embryogenesis different concentrations of 2,4-D were tested for callus induction, 1,0 and 2,0 mg L-1 showed the best results. Several plant regeneration medium were tested however, only up to 1% of regeneration was achieved using leaf discs. In immature embryos, besides PVP and ascorbic acid antioxidants also asparagine and proline amino acids were tested in the callus induction media. The use of 2 g L-1 asparagine and 3 g L-1 proline in callus induction media and 3 mg L-1 TDZ in the regeneration media improved shoot regeneration efficiency up to 15%. Thus, the use of immature embryos was considered as a better option as explant for tissue culture of sorghum. Due to high production of oxidation and low frequency of plant regeneration in tissue culture, the genetic transformation via Agrobacterium tumefaciens known as \"Floral Dip\" method was tested. This technique does not require in vitro plant regeneration. Preliminary results were obtained, but the methodology needs to be improved.
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Cultura luso-brasileira em perspectiva: Portugal, Brasil e o projeto cultural da revista Atlântico (1941-1945) / Luso-Brazilian culture in perspective: Portugal, Brazil and the cultural project of the Atlântico magazine (1941-1945)Alex Gomes da Silva 31 August 2011 (has links)
A revista Atlântico foi parte integrante de um projeto maior açambarcado por Portugal e Brasil no começo da década de 1940. Para sermos mais precisos, 1941 é o ano da assinatura do acordo cultural luso-brasileiro que resultou, dentre outros elementos, na idealização de um projeto cujo cerne assenta-se na criação de uma revista de cultura e arte. Desse processo, surge Atlântico, revista que deve seu nome ao intento de encontrar uma palavra suficientemente elástica, ondulante, para sintetizar o vago e o concreto das nossas aspirações, o sonho e a realidade do nosso ideal, segundo as palavras de um dos seus diretores, António Ferro. Fundada em 1942, a revista Atlântico tem como propugnadores o diretor do Secretariado da Propaganda Nacional (SPN) de Portugal, António Ferro, e o diretor do Departamento de Imprensa e Propaganda (DIP), Lourival Fontes. A presente pesquisa, que abrange o período de 1941 (ano da assinatura do Acordo Cultural luso-brasileiro) a 1945 (que marca tanto o fim da vigência do DIP quanto o término da primeira fase de Atlântico), pretende discutir a idéia defendida por seus articulistas de que a natureza da revista Atlântico, isto é, por ser um periódico de cultura, de literatura e de arte, abstêm-se de tratar dos problemas sociais, políticos ou econômicos do mundo moderno, até quando dizem respeito à vida do Brasil ou de Portugal. Ademais, pelo fato de congregar um feixe de intelectuais bastante diversificado, a análise sistemática da revista Atlântico objetiva avaliar e compreender a maneira pela qual autores e obras aparecem no corpo da publicação. / The Atlântico magazine was part of a larger project encompassed by Portugal and Brazil in the early 1940s. More precisely, in 1941 is signed the Luso-Brazilian culture agreement that resulted, among other elements, in the idealization of a project based on creating a magazine of culture and art. From this process arises Atlântico magazine, which owes its name to the attempt of finding a word sufficiently elastic, undulating to synthesize the vague and concrete of our aspirations, dreams and the reality of our vision, in the words of one of its directors António Ferro. Founded in 1942, the Atlântico magazine has had as proponents, António Ferro, the director of Secretariado da Propaganda Nacional (SPN) (Director of the Bureau of Propaganda Nacional) of Portugal and the director of the brazilian Departamento de Imprensa e Propaganda (DIP) (Department of Press and Propaganda), Lourival Fontes. This article, which covers the period from 1941 (year of the signing of the Cultural Luso-Brazilian) to 1945 (which marks both the end of the term of the DIP and the end of the first phase of the Atlântico), aims to discuss the idea defended by its writers that the nature of the Atlântico magazine is to be a journal of culture, literature and art, avoiding dealing with social problems, political or economic in the modern world, even when they concern to life in Brazil or Portugal. Moreover, the fact of bringing a bundle of intellectual rather diverse, systematic analysis of the Atlântico magazine aims to evaluate and understand the way in which authors and works appearing in the body of the publication.
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Intensification du procédé de vaporeformage du gaz naturel : fonctionnalisation catalytique d'échangeurs-réacteurs / Steam methane reforming process intensification : catalyst functionalization of exchanger-reactorCroissant, Baptiste 21 December 2018 (has links)
Le vaporeformage du méthane (SMR) est encore aujourd’hui la méthode industrielle de synthèse d’hydrogène la plus rentable. L’efficacité globale de ce procédé est cependant limitée par les contraintes techniques intrinsèques au design des unités de production actuelles. Dans un souci constant d’intensification des procédés, des échangeurs-réacteurs intensifiés sont à l’étude chez AIR LIQUIDE. Les progrès dans le domaine des techniques de fabrication additive métallique ont permis d’envisager des unités de production sous formes d’équipements compacts, présentant des canaux millimétriques, qui optimisent les transferts de masse et de chaleur. Pour atteindre des taux de conversion élevés, et ce malgré des temps de contacts réduits, ces structures obligent à développer de nouvelles architectures de catalyseurs. Des phases actives supportées stables et très actives pour la réaction SMR à base de rhodium ont été préparés à partir de supports MgAl2O4 commerciaux. L’étude de l’impact du taux de métal noble, des propriétés des supports, ainsi que des traitements thermiques a permis de comprendre les interactions existantes entre les phases actives et les supports oxydes. Les propriétés catalytiques en condition de reformage ont pu être reliées aux morphologies des phases actives synthétisées. La fonctionnalisation des canaux des échangeurs-réacteurs millistructurés par une méthode proche du dip-coating est détaillée dans cette thèse. Des formulations de suspensions adaptées, aux comportements rhéologiques maîtrisés, ont permis avec des protocoles de dépôt adéquats, de rendre fonctionnel des échangeurs-réacteurs de taille semi-industrielle qui ont été testés avec succès durant plusieurs centaines d’heures. / The Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) process is still today the most profitable industrial synthesis process of hydrogen. The efficiency of this technique is however facing intrinsically technical limitations due to the design of production units. In order to intensify the global process, exchangers-reactors are under investigation at AIR LIQUIDE. Thanks to recent progresses in metallic additive manufacturing, new compact equipment can be designed. Structures made of millimetric channels allow optimizing heat and mass transfers. New catalyst architecture design needs to be developed to reach high conversion rates despite extreme low contact times in such devices. Stable and highly active rhodium-based catalysts supported on spinel MgAl2O4 have been prepared in this aim. The impact of rhodium loading, properties of supports, as well as thermal treatments have allowed us understanding active phase and support interactions. Catalyst properties under SMR conditions have been linked to active phase morphologies. Functionalization of exchangers-reactors channels through a dip-coating technique has been detailed in this thesis. The formulations of suspensions of washcoat have been optimized thanks to rheological behavior characterizations to achieve very low viscosities. A procedure to deposit homogeneous coatings with controlled thicknesses on the internal channels has been validated on a pilot structure. These new intensified exchangers-reactors have been successfully tested for methane conversion during several hundred of hours.
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La réception du Code marocain de la famille de 2004 par le droit international privé français : le mariage et ses effets / The reception of the Moroccan family law of 2004, by the french private international law : marriage and its effectsMazouz, Asmaa 16 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objet d’étudier la confrontation entre deux systèmes juridiques distincts en matière de mariage et de ses effets. Il s’agit de la réception du droit marocain de la famille qui est d’essence religieux par l’ordre juridique français à travers son droit international privé, un ordre juridique laïque. La première partie de cet ouvrage est consacrée à la compréhension du mariage marocain et de ses effets qui est indispensable pour la réception d’institutions étrangères par l’ordre juridique français. Pour y parvenir, il faut saisir l’évolution de l’institution matrimoniale depuis la création du premier Code de la famille marocain, jusqu'à la réforme de ce dernier en 2004. Elle met en évidence l’assimilation par le législateur marocain du mariage et de ses effets dans un Code de la famille moderne tout en gardant son essence religieuse. Cette approche indispensable conduit à comprendre la portée de la réforme du mariage marocain de 2004 et la difficulté que connait son application. Comprendre ses limites permet de saisir la conception de la notion de famille dans le Maroc d’aujourd’hui. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la réception de cette notion à travers le mariage marocain et ses effets par le droit international privé français. L’étude de l’application des règles de droit international privé montre la difficulté qu’a la loi marocaine à s’appliquer sur le territoire français malgré l’existence de la convention franco-marocaine du 10 aout 1981. Le droit marocain se trouve, malgré sa compétence, soit devant une qualification difficile de ses institutions inconnues de l’ordre juridique français et dans ce cas, il est dénaturé. Soit il est face à l’intervention du mécanisme de l’exception de l’ordre public puisque ses institutions et ses règles sont considérés comme choquant les principes fondamentaux du for et par conséquent, il est écarté. En analysant la méthodologie du droit international privé français, un certain relativisme découle dans l’application de ses modalités ce qui envoie à s’interroger sur les limites du respect des valeurs fondamentales du for. Un relativisme qui se débat entre poursuivre le but du droit international privé d’harmoniser deux systèmes. / This work is to study the confrontation between two distinct legal systems relating to marriage and its effects. It is the receipt of the Moroccan family law which is of religious essence by the legal order french through its international law private, a legal secular. The first part of this book is devoted to understanding Moroccan marriage and its effects which is indispensable for the reception of foreign institutions by the french legal order. Achieve this, to understand the evolution of the marital institution since the creation of the first Code of the Moroccan family, until the reform of the latter in 2004. Ithighlights the assimilation by the Moroccan legislator of the marriage and its effects in a modern family Code while keeping its religious essence. This indispensable approach leads to understand the scope of the reform of the Moroccan wedding of 2004 and the difficulty that knows its application.Understanding its limits allows to capture the design of the concept of family in the Morocco of today.The second part is devoted to this concept through the Moroccan wedding reception and its effects byfrench private international law. The study of the application of the rules of private international law shows the difficulty that Moroccan law applicable on french territory despite the existence of the Franco-Moroccan agreement of 10 August 1981. Moroccan law is, despite its jurisdiction, either before a difficult qualification of its unknown institutions of the french legal system and in this case, it is denatured. It is against the intervention of the mechanism of the public order exception as its institutions and its rules are considered offensive the fundamental principles of the Forum and consequently, he was waived. By analyzing the methodology of french private international law, a certain relativism arises in the application of its provisions that shipments to wonder about the limits of respect for the fundamental values of the Forum. A relativism that struggles between pursuing the goal of private international law to harmonize two different systems.
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Contribuição para a proposição de parâmetros de efetividade para a BVS DIP BrasilFreyre, Éder de Almeida January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Éder Freyre (ederfreyre@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2011-07-04T13:46:00Z
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil / Este estudo focaliza a Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde em Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias – BVS DIP Brasil, com vistas a propor um conjunto de parâmetros para o alcance de sua efetividade. Os conceitos de biblioteca virtual, biblioteca híbrida e a noção de efetividade, esta formulada no âmbito da Ciência da Informação, foram buscados para sustentar teoricamente a pesquisa. Trata-se de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, na qual foram utilizados os métodos de pesquisa documental – exame de textos do campo da Ciência da Informação de caráter empírico sobre avaliação de serviços de informação na web; exame de documentos fundadores e de avaliação da BVS DIP Brasil, análise do sítio desta biblioteca virtual relativos a conteúdo, forma de apresentação, navegabilidade e aspectos administrativos – e entrevista feitas com representantes de três segmentos: pesquisadores/usuários, gestores e bibliotecários. Os resultados alcançados consistiram num conjunto de parâmetros que, focalizando aspectos informacionais, comunicacionais e gerenciais poderão ser entendidos como uma contribuição para o aprimoramento da biblioteca virtual estudada, com vistas à sua efetividade. / This study focuses on the Health Virtual Library in Infectious and Parasitic Diseases – BVS DIP Brazil, in order to propose a set of parameters to obtain effectiveness. The concepts of virtual library, hybrid library and the notion of effectiveness, the lattrer formulated within the framework of Information Science, were searched to give theoretical support to the research. This is a qualitative research in which methods of documentary research were used - analysis of empirical texts in the field of information science about the evaluation of information services on the web; examination of founding and evaluation documents concerning to the BVS DIP Brazil, and analysis of the virtual library site related to its contents, presentation, navigability and administrative aspects – and also interviews were made with representatives people of three segments: researchers / users, managers and librarians. The work resulted in a set of parameters, that by focusing on informational, communication and management aspects, can be understood as a contribution to the improvement of the analysed virtual library, with a view to its effectiveness.
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Élaboration d’un revêtement dense et protecteur sur polycarbonate / Synthesis of a dense and protective coating on polycarbonateLionti, Krystelle 21 November 2012 (has links)
Ce travail s’intéresse a la synthèse et à la caractérisation de revêtements hybrides O/I à base de silice, préparés par voie sol-gel et déposés sur polycarbonate (PC), pour des applications en milieu chaud et humide dans le domaine culinaire. Le PC étant connu pour sa sensibilité à l’hydrolyse dans ce type de milieux (provoquant sa dépolymérisation progressive et ainsi la libération de bisphénol A, molécule suspectée comme étant toxique), le rôle du revêtement est donc de protéger le PC et d’éviter son vieillissement prématuré, tout en améliorant ses propriétés mécaniques. Dans un premier temps, de nombreux sols ont été synthétisés et optimisés, principalement en termes de nature et quantités de précurseurs, et de pH, dans le but d’obtenir des revêtements homogènes et transparents. Un suivi des réactions d’hydrolyse et de condensation des sols a également été réalisé afin de déterminer le temps minimal de maturation de ces derniers. Apres dépôt des revêtements par dip-coating, les propriétés mécaniques des films ont été étudiées par de nombreuses techniques. D’un point de vue général, les propriétés des échantillons revêtus ont été trouvées supérieures à celles du PC nu. L’influence de nombreux paramètres de synthèse comme le ratio organoalcoxysilane(s)/silice colloïdale, l’ajout d’additifs, le type de traitement de surface du PC pré-dépôt ou encore les conditions de recuit, a également été étudiée. L’ensemble de ce travail a permis d’obtenir, à partir de deux systèmes sol-gel différents, des revêtements performants en termes de transparence, d’adhésion au substrat, de non-toxicité, couplés à des valeurs élevées de dureté, de densité et de module de Young / This work deals with the synthesis and the characterization of hybrid O/I silica coatings prepared by the sol-gel route and deposited on polycarbonate (PC), for applications in hot and humid environment in the alimentary field. PC is well-known for undergoing hydrolysis in such conditions (causing its progressive depolymerization and thus leading to the release of bisphenol A, a molecule suspected to be toxic): the function of the coating would thus consist in preventing PC from this kind of premature ageing, along with the enhancement of its mechanical properties. As a first step, a lot of different sols were synthesized and optimized, mainly in terms of type and quantity of precursors, along with the pH, in order to obtain transparent and homogeneous coatings. The hydrolysis and condensation reactions were monitored in order to determine the minimum ageing time to be waited before any film deposition. After deposition by dip-coating, the mechanical properties of the films were assessed by using many different techniques. Basically, the coated-PC samples display higher properties than the uncoated one. The influence of numerous synthesis parameters such as the organoalkoxysilanes/colloidal silica ratio, the presence of additives, the kind of surface treatment of PC before film deposition, or the annealing conditions was also studied. This whole work led to the synthesis, from two different sol-gel systems, of superior quality coatings in terms of transparency, adherence to the substrate, non-toxicity, along with elevated hardness, density and Young’s modulus values
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Synthèse et caractérisation de nouvelles nanostructures à base d’oxyde et de carbure de Fe / Synthesis and characterization of new nanostructures based on oxide and iron carbideEid, Cynthia Joseph 30 September 2010 (has links)
Comme les propriétés physiques d'un matériau à l’échelle nanométrique sont largement dépendantes de la taille et de la forme des nanostructures, il est inutile de synthétiser de nouvelles compositions et morphologies. L’étude avancée de leur structure par les techniques de caractérisation usuelles (MET, MEB, DRX, Raman…) permettra de collecter toutes les informations nécessaires à la compréhension de leurs propriétés physiques (magnétiques, optiques, électriques). Dans ce manuscrit, nous décrirons plusieurs approches d’élaboration de nanostructures 0D, 1D et 2D multifonctionnelles afin de mieux connaître les paramètres qui contrôlent leur composition chimique et leur structure. De plus, ce travail de recherche a abouti à la synthèse de nouveaux matériaux à base d’oxyde et de carbure de fer. Des nanofibres magnétiques ayant des morphologies originales « Ruban » et « tube » ont été élaborées par la technique d’électrospinning en modifiant plusieurs paramètres expérimentaux : concentration de la solution, atmosphères de traitement thermique, température de recuit… De plus, des couches minces guidantes dopées par des nanostructures magnétiques ont été préparées par la technique dip-coating. Nous avons mené une étude complexe et détaillée sur les propriétés structurales de ces matériaux afin de définir les paramètres expérimentaux qui permettront d’obtenir des nano objets de bonne qualité. Dans un but ultime, nous souhaiterons explorer les possibilités d’application de ces matériaux qui présentent à la fois des caractéristiques électriques et magnétiques. / The physical properties of a nanomaterial strongly depend on the size and the shape of the nanostructure. As a consequence, it is interesting to elaborate new materials with different compositions and morphologies. The advanced study on the structure using common characterization techniques (TEM, MEB, XRD, Raman…) allows us to collect all the important information on their physical properties (magnetic, optical and electrical properties). In this thesis, we describe multiple ways to elaborate multifunctional nanostructures with 0D, 1D and 2D in order to study the parameters that control their chemical composition and structure. Besides, this research lead to the elaboration of new nanomaterials based on the oxide and the carbide forms of iron. Magnetic nanofibers with different morphologies (belts, tubes) were prepared using the electrospinning technique while controlling several experimental parameters : solution concentration, pyrolysis atmosphere, thermal treatment temperature… Moreover, thin layers doped with magnetic nanostructures were deposited on a pyrex substrate using the dip-coating technique. A full and detailed study on their structural properties was performed in order to reach the experimental parameters that allow us to obtain high quality products. Finally, we wish to explore the possible applications of these materials that present interesting electrical and magnetic characteristics.
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Viability of nanoporous films for nanofluidic applications / Couches minces nanoporeuses comme plateforme pour applications nanofluidiquesCeratti, Davide Raffaele 30 September 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse ont eu deux objectifs: i) le développent de systèmes nanofluidique en utilisant une méthode non-lithographique, peu chère et facilement transposable à l'échelle industrielle ii) la compréhension des phénomènes nanofluidiques au travers des études expérimentales et de modélisation. Des couches minces mesoporeuses, en particulier des structures planaires avec des nanopiliers, ont été utilisé pour des études sur l'infiltration capillaire des liquides dans espaces confiné au niveau nanométrique. En plus des premiers tests pour des applications plus complexes comme des séparations et réactions nanoconfiné. Des structures mesoporeuses non-organisés ont aussi été étudiées pour déterminer la relation entre la nanostructure et la vitesse de remplissage capillaire. A été aussi démontré que pour des porosités avec des forts rétrécissements le remplissage capillaire se produit par l'intermédiaire d'une phase vapeur. Les échantillons ont été préparés par dip-coating. Une méthode de préparation basé sur une substitution de la plus grande parte de la solution à déposer par un fluide inerte a été développé. La méthode permet de réduire fortement le cout de procédé et, par conséquence, de faire des dépôts sur plus grande surface. Un effort dans la modélisation des phénomènes nanofluidiques a aussi été fait pendant cette thèse. Une méthode de simulation qui permet de décrire adéquatement les interactions hydrodynamiques dans un système nano a été utilisée pour simuler un flux électro-osmotique. La méthode, Stochastic Rotational Dynamics, a été valide par confrontation avec des résultats connus et l'influence des certains paramètres de simulation évaluée dans le détail. / This thesis had a dual purpose: i) the development of nanofluidic devices through not lithographic, cheap and scalable bottom-up approach ii) the understanding of nanofluidic phenomena both through experiments and simulations. Mesoporous thin films, in particular Pillared Planar Nanochannels (PPNs), were prepared and utilized to study the capillary infiltration of liquids in nanostructures and have been tested for future nanofluidic applications like separations and nanoconfined reactions. Non organized mesoporous films have also been studied to determine the relationship between nanostructure characteristics and infiltration speed. It has been also demonstrated that in the case of porosities with reduced bottle-necks capillary penetration is performed through a vapor mediated mechanism The samples were prepared by dip-coating. A novel method of preparation based on the substitution of a large part of the deposing solution in dip-coating with an inert fluid has been developed in order to strongly reduce the fabrication costs and allow the preparation of larger samples. Moreover advancement in control of the dip-coating technique in “acceleration-mode” to produce thickness gradients has been developed and some potential application linked to fluidics shown. Finally a part of the effort of this thesis has been placed in the modeling of the electro-osmotic phenomenon in nanostructures through a rather novel simulation method, Stochastic Rotational Dynamics, which takes into account the hydrodynamics and the other interactions inside a nanofluidic system. Validations of the method and further investigations in particular nanofluidic conditions have been performed.
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