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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measuring the impact of pedestrian flow on vehicle delays for a proposed DLT intersection with two displaced left turns in an urban commercial area

Acuña, B. E., Amaya, L. C., Sanchez, A. M. 01 January 2022 (has links)
This study evaluates the impact of pedestrian flow through vehicular delays in a proposed DLT intersection located in an urban area with a high vehicular and pedestrian traffic volume. In addition, it evaluates the pedestrian–vehicle conflict points, the effect on the other accesses after the implementation of the displaced left turns, and the consequences of reorganizing pedestrian flow. Three scenarios are evaluated through microsimulation; the existing one, which is a conventional cross-shaped intersection; a proposed DLT intersection with two displaced left turns on adjacent accesses; and a third one, similar to the last one, but with the inclusion of a pedestrian underpass. Results indicate that a proposed conventional DLT increases the vehicle delays of the intersection by 6.0% compared to the existing condition, mainly due to the high volume of pedestrians and the conflicts it generates. However, with the inclusion of a pedestrian underpass, vehicle delays are reduced significantly by up to 34.0%.

Ekonomická analýza Bitcoinu / The Principle and Economic Analysis of Bitcoin

Jiang, Jinggang January 2021 (has links)
The development of Internet technology has promoted the progress of all aspects of society. Under the background of Internet finance, the traditional financial model is changing, such as currency payment. With the deepening of Internet technology, the virtualization of money is deepening, and the market entry, trading and payment methods are also subverting the tradition. Bitcoin as a new means of payment began to appear in the public eye. It is a challenge to the traditional way of trading supported by Internet technology. Despite the constant controversy since its inception, Bitcoin still occupies a place with its unique advantages - Asymmetric encryption, decentralization,transparency of transaction records and so on. In the eyes of opponents, Bitcoin is more of a highly speculative asset, and as it becomes progressively more difficult to mine, the cost of mining is increasing. However, in the eyes of supporters, it is a reliable means of payment, not subject to government supervision, nor will it produce a virtual transaction record. From the regulator's point of view, it is more like a shelter for unscrupulous people to evade regulation and commit money laundering and crime. It is undeniable that in just a few years, Bitcoin has developed to a certain scale,has a certain industrial chain...

Diffusion av blockkedjeteknologi i den Svenska finansiella sektorn / Diffusion of Blockchain Technology in the Swedish Financial Sector

Tuneld, Carl Otto January 2019 (has links)
Digitaliseringen påverkar alla delar av samhället och inte minst den finansiella sektorn. Enteknologi som förväntas ha stor påverkan på det finansiella systemet är blockkedjeteknologi.I denna undersökning kartläggs hur och i vilken utsträckning aktörer i den svenska finansiellasektorn arbetar med blockkedjeteknologi. Undersökningen görs utifrån Everett. M. Rogersberömda teorier om diffusion av innovation. Framförallt är det teorierna om beslutprocessenom innovation som analyseras men också andra element som kommunikationskanaler,förändringsbyråer och opinionsledare.I undersökningen har representanter från SEB, Bankgirot, Skatteverket och Riksbankenintervjuats kring hur deras organisation arbetar med blockkedjeteknologi och hur arbetet serut utifrån ett perspektiv om diffusion av innovation.Resultatet visar att alla aktörerna har någon form av blockkedjerelaterat projekt igång,antingen i form av egna experiment eller omvärldsbevakning. Den aktör som kommit längstär SEB och detta beror troligen på att de har störst resurser att tillgå. Aktörerna hämtarinformation och kunskap framförallt från de organisationer eller forskningsinitiativ respektiveaktör anses vara opinionsledare. De som anses vara opinionsledare är för de privata aktörernaglobala forskningsinitiativ bedrivna av aktörer med liknande verksamhet som de själva. Förde icke privata aktörerna anses andra aktörer med liknande verksamhet i andra länder varaopinionsledare. De privata aktörerna har i större utsträckning approcherats avförändringsbyråer, då främst med syfte att samarbeta med aktören.Bankgirot och Riksbankens arbete anses befinna sig i övertalningssteget (steg två) ibeslutsprocessen om innovation medans SEB och Skatteverkets arbete anses befinna sig ibeslutssteget (steg tre). Ingen av aktörerna har nått steg fyra och fem.I avsnittet vidare forskning föreslås en studie med ett större antal aktörer inom de undersöktakategorierna samt aktörer från fler kategorier. Utöver detta föreslås att undersökningen görsom inom förslagsvis fem år för att då jämföra resultaten i den studien med den aktuellaundersökningen. / The digitalization impact all parts of society and not least the financial sector. One technologythat is considered to have a large impact on the financial industry is blockchain technology.In this thesis, participants in the financial industry are examined with the purpose to examinetheir progress in implementing blockchain technology in their organization and how there areworking with the technology from a perspective of the Everett. M. Rogers theories ofDiffusion of Innovation. The Decision-Innovation Process and the organizations progresswith blockchain technology is particularly examined as well as concepts as communicationchannels, change agencies and opinion leaders.Representatives from SEB, Bankgirot, Skatteverket and Riksbanken have been interviewedabout their progress in implementing blockchain technology from a diffusion of innovationperspective.The result shows that all participants have some form of blockchain related project active,either in form of internal experiments or market intelligence. SEB has had the most progressin their work, probably because of their large resources. The participants mainly gatherknowledge from organizations or initiatives they consider to be opinion leaders. The opinionsleaders are for the private organizations considered to be research initiatives where theparticipating members businesses are similar to their own. For the public organizations, theopinion leaders seems to be other public organizations similar to their own. The publiccompanies have in larger extent been approached by change agencies, mainly with theintention to find a business partner for a collaboration.The progress of Bankgriot and Riksbanken are considered to be in the “persuasion stage”(stage two) while the progress of SEB and Skatteverket seems to be in the “decision stage”(stage three). None of the examined organizations progress has reached stage four or five.Future studies would include a larger number of participants from different parts of thefinancial sector. This study is proposed to be re-done in approximately five years to comparethe results.

Blockkedjeteknikens diffusion i den finansiella sektorn / Diffusion of Blockchain Technology in the Financial Sector

Arnqvist, Therese, Roseen, Alexandra January 2024 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks hur aktörer inom den finansiella sektorn arbetar med blockkedjeteknologi samt utsträckningen av teknikens adoption utifrån Rogers teori om innovationsbeslutsprocessen. Genom att studera aktuella användningsområden, implementeringsstrategier och utmaningar syftar uppsatsen till att ge en djupare förståelse för hur denna teknologi påverkar och förändrar finansiella tjänster och affärsmodeller. I undersökningen har respondenter från olika aktörer inom den finansiella sektorn intervjuats kring hur de arbetar med digitalisering och blockkedjeteknologi, de fördelar och nackdelar de har identifierat samt deras syn på den framtida utvecklingen av teknologin.Resultatet visar att alla aktörer har kunskap om teknologin och arbetar mer eller mindre aktivt med den. Samtliga har skapat sig en uppfattning om teknologins för- och nackdelar och har därmed nått övertalningssteget enligt Rogers teori. SEB, HSBC, Mitigram och Respondent 1 har nått beslutssteget genom att fatta ett beslut om huruvida innovationen ska implementeras. Endast SEB och HSBC har kommit till implementeringsstadiet där innovationen tillämpas i praktiken. Ingen av respondenterna anses dock ha nått bekräftelsestadiet.Den initiala hypen kring teknologin har mognat till en mer realistisk syn, med en ökad förståelse för teknologin. Dock kvarstår utmaningar, såsom juridiska anpassningar och säkerhetsrisker. Jämförelsen mellan svenska och utländska banker visar att utländska banker ligger före svenska banker i adoptionsprocessen. Skillnaden kan bero på en djupare förståelse för teknologins fördelar eller en mer innovativ företagskultur bland de utländska bankerna. En annan huvudorsak kan vara skillnader i reglering mellan olika länder och regioner.Studien pekar på en potential för fortsatt tillväxt och utveckling av blockkedjeteknologin inom finanssektorn, motiverad av fördelarna med ökad effektivitet, säkerhet och transparens. Historiskt sett har blockkedjeteknologins tillämpningsområden varit otydliga, vilket har försvårat identifieringen av dess avgörande fördelar jämfört med traditionella metoder. Studien visar på att användningsområden för teknologin har blivit tydligare men att det fortfarande krävs ytterligare arbete och processering för att den skall adopteras och accepteras av hela sektorn. / This study examines how participants within the financial sector are working with blockchain technology and the extent of its adoption based on Rogers' theory of the innovation-decision process. By studying current use cases, implementation strategies, and possibilities and challenges, this thesis aims to provide a deeper understanding of how this technology impacts and transforms financial services and business models. Respondents from various businesses and institutions within the financial sector were interviewed about their work with digitalization and blockchain technology, the advantages and disadvantages they have identified, and their views on the future development of the technology.The results show that all respondents have knowledge of the technology and are working more or less actively with it. They have all formed an opinion on the technology's pros and cons and have thus reached the persuasion stage according to Rogers' theory. SEB, HSBC, Mitigram, and Respondent 1 have reached the decision stage by deciding on whether the innovation should be adopted and implemented or rejected. Only SEB and HSBC have reached the implementation stage where the innovation is applied in practice. None of the respondents are considered to have reached the confirmation stage.The initial hype surrounding the technology has matured into a more realistic view, with an increased understanding of its capabilities. However, challenges such as legal adaptations and security risks remain. A comparison between Swedish and foreign banks shows that foreign banks are ahead of Swedish banks in the adoption process, possibly due to a deeper understanding of the technology's benefits, a more innovative corporate culture, or differing regulations across regions.The study indicates potential for continued growth and development of blockchain technology within the financial sector, motivated by the benefits of increased efficiency, security, and transparency. Although identifying clear use cases where the technology demonstrates significant advantages over traditional methods has been challenging, the study indicates that these use cases are becoming more apparent. However, additional efforts are required for the technology to be fully adopted and accepted across the entire sector.

Caractérisation des ARN régulateurs chez Streptococcus agalactiae / Characterization of regulatory RNAs in Streptococcus agalactiae

Zorgani, Mohamed Amine 07 December 2016 (has links)
Streptococcus agalactiae, appelé aussi Group B Streptococcus (GBS), est une bactérie commensale du tractus digestif et génital de diverses espèces animales dont l’espèce humaine. Elle représente la première cause d’infections néonatales et est aussi un pathogène émergent chez l’adulte immunodéprimé. L’objectif de ma thèse est la caractérisation fonctionnelle et mécanistique des ARNrég. J’ai étudié plus particulièrement l’ARNrég CetR (pour «cell-envelope-targeting RNA»). Il module la résistance au peptide antimicrobiens (PAM) et la virulence à travers la régulation post-transcriptionnelle de l’ARNm dltD codant une protéine de biosynthèse de l'acide D-alanyl-lipotéichoïque. La délétion de cetR induit des changements dans la morphologie cellulaire, une diminution de la formation du biofilm et de la résistance aux PAM. Une zone d’interaction, CetRdltD, de 27 nucléotides a été prédite in silico. Des mutations compensatoires chez GBS montrent que CetR interagit directement avec l’ARNm dltD et que la perturbation de la zone d’appariement est suffisante pour observer les phénotypes associés à CetR. La quantification des niveaux d’ARNm et de la protéine DltD nous a permis de montrer que CetR active la traduction de dltD et que la perturbation du duplex CetR-dltD induit une diminution spectaculaire de la protéine DltD. De plus, en utilisant un modèle murin d’infection et en quantifiant la survie des bactéries dans les macrophages, nous avons montré que CetR et DltD sont cruciaux pour la virulence de GBS. Enfin, une approche protéomique globale nous a permis de montrer que CetR joue un rôle important dans l’expression des protéines dites « moonlighting » et de certains facteurs de virulence potentiels. Cet ARNrég peut jouer un rôle important dans la capacité de S. agalactiae à s'établir dans son biotope et à exprimer ses facteurs de virulence. Enfin, les résultats de ces recherches sont des prérequis au développement de stratégies permettant de réduire le risque des infections néonatales dues à S. agalactiae. / The opportunistic pathogen group B Streptococcus (GBS) is the leading cause of neonatal infections. The aim of this work is the characterization of a 680 nt-long regulatory RNA, CetR (cell-envelope-targeting RNA). It modulates antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) resistance and virulence through posttranscriptional regulation of dltD mRNA which encodes a D-alanyl-lipoteichoic acid biosynthesis protein. Deletion of cetR leads to cell morphology changes, reduced biofilm formation and AMPs resistance. A 27 nt-long CetR-dltD interacting region is predicted in silico. Compensatory base pair exchanges in GBS demonstrate that CetR interacts directly with dltD mRNA and that disruption of this RNA pairing is sufficient to observe the CetR-associated phenotypes. By quantifying both mRNA and protein, we demonstrate that CetR enhances dltD translation and disruption of the CetR/dltD mRNA interaction results in a dramatic decrease in DltD protein. Moreover, using an infection murine model and quantifying bacterial survival in macrophages, we observe that both CetR and DltD are crucial for GBS virulence. Finally, we highlight CetR pleiotropic role in the expression of several moonlighting proteins and potential virulence factors. This regulatory RNA may play an important role in the ability of GBS to settle in its biotope and express its virulence factors.

Impact of the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) IOTA on Smart Cities / Effekten av den distributed ledger technology (DLT) IOTA på smarta städer

This article analyses the impact of the IOTA distributed ledger technology (DLT) on smart cities. The world population is rapidly increasing while at the same time trends such as urbanization shape future demographics. Thus, fast-growing cities face the challenge of increasing demands in resources such as energy, water, transportation, while at the same time aiming to increase life quality by reducing burdens such as pollution and waste. The concept of a “Smart City” emerged with the ambition to solve a city’s issues by creating social and economic advantages while providing efficient resource allocation processes. Nevertheless, current information communication technologies tend to underperform a smartcities systems requirement since the quantity of connected devices increases which slows down the transition of a city becoming smart. The distributed ledger technology IOTA promises to enable automated, feeless transactions and processes with a high level of integrity, which may impact the development of smart cities. In this research the IOTA technology is introduced and investigated. The advantages of IOTA compared to conventional information communication technologies and the blockchain technology are highlighted. Thereafter, the current state of IOTA in smart cities is reviewed by analysing current research and use cases. To investigate the concept of a smart city the smart city initiative framework, including its subcategories is introduced. Additionally, different experts working on IOTA integrations related to smart city initiatives were interviewed giving insights into their field ofexpertise. Finally, an analysis and discussion of the IOTA technology use cases are put into relation with the multi-level perspective framework (Geels, 2006) highlighting the positive impact of IOTA on the development of smart cities. / I den här artikeln analyseras effekterna av IOTA:s teknik för distribuerade huvudböcker (DLT) på smarta städer. Världens befolkning ökar snabbt samtidigt som trender som urbanisering formar framtidens demografi. Snabbt växande städer står därför inför utmaningen att öka kraven på resurser som energi, vatten och transporter, samtidigt som de strävar efter att öka livskvaliteten genom att minska belastningar som föroreningar och avfall. Begreppet smart stad uppstod med ambitionen att lösa stadensproblem genom att skapa sociala och ekonomiska fördelar och samtidigt tillhandahålla effektiva processer för resursfördelning. Den nuvarande informations- och kommunikationstekniken tenderar dock att inte uppfylla kraven på system för smarta städer, eftersom mängden anslutna enheter ökar, vilket gör att övergången till en smart stad blir långsammare. Den distribuerade huvudbokstekniken IOTA lovar att möjliggöra automatiserade, felfria transaktioner och processer med en hög grad av integritet, vilket kan påverka utvecklingen av smarta städer. I den här forskningen introduceras och undersöks IOTA-tekniken. Fördelarna med IOTA jämfört med konventionell informationskommunikationsteknik och blockkedjetekniken lyfts fram. Därefter granskas det nuvarande läget för IOTA i smarta städer genom att analysera aktuell forskning och användningsfall. För att undersöka begreppet smart stad introduceras ramverket för initiativet för smarta städer, inklusive dess underkategorier. Dessutom intervjuades olika experter som arbetar med IOTA-integrationer isamband med initiativ för smarta städer för att ge en inblick i deras expertisområde. Slutligen analyseras och diskuteras IOTA-teknikens användningsområden i förhållande till ramverket för flernivåperspektivet (Geels, 2006), där IOTA:s positiva inverkan på utvecklingen av smarta städer lyfts fram.


Mason, Terry, Thames, Fred 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1999 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / The ultra high capacity disk-based data recorders now entering service offer not just a convenient and inexpensive alternative to conventional tape systems for applications like Telemetry and Flight Test but also a unique opportunity to rethink the classical models for data capture, analysis and storage. Based on ‘open architecture’ interface standards- typically SCSI-this new generation of products represents an entirely new approach to the way data is handled. But the techniques they employ are equally applicable to any SCSI storage device. This Paper discusses a range of practical scenarios illustrating how it is now possible to `mix-and-match’ recording technologies at will-disk-array, DLT, DTF, ExaByte, JAZ, ZIP, DVD, etc.- to produce an almost infinite combination of readily scaleable plug-and-play data capture, analysis and archiving solutions. The cost and reliability benefits arising from the use of standard mass-produced storage sub-systems are also considered


Thames, Fred 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 26-29, 1998 / Town & Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / As the performance of inexpensive commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) data storage devices continues to increase, the temptation to use them as the basis for data capture products for military and industrial applications becomes ever more compelling. For example, the Digital Linear Tape (DLT) format now offers a 270 Gigabits per cassette capacity at a sustained transfer rate of 40 Mbits/s – performance which would have cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars per system just a few years ago. But to transplant such a device from its benign office habitat into a data capture product which will function reliably and consistently in a wide range of field and platform environments is an engineering task fully as difficult and complex as designing an environmentally robust recorder from scratch. This paper discusses the problems which typically have to be overcome; environmental protection, reliability, data integrity, power supplies, software issues, control and data interfacing, etc., citing practical examples of analog and digital DLT-based data recorders which are now entering service for telemetry, intelligence gathering, anti-submarine warfare and related applications

Operational Evaluation of Right Turns Followed by U-turns at Signalized Intersections as an Alternative to Direct Left Turns

Fan, Jingjing 30 April 2004 (has links)
Direct left turn (DLT) movements have a lot safety and operation problems. They increase conflicts, delay and reduce capacity of the roadway. Increasing, many states and transportation agencies are considering using right-turns followed by u-turns as an alternative to direct left turns. Recently, Florida state are planning to close median openings in order to reduce the safety and operational problems caused by DLT. The left-turn egress movement would then to be made by turning right to the arterial road and then making a u-turn at an available downstream median opening or a signalized intersection. FDOT sponsored a project in 2001 (Methodology to quantify the Effects of Access Management Treatments on Roadway Operations and Safety) which has provided useful information on operational effect of right-turn followed by u-turn at median opening as an alternative to the direct left turn from driveways. However, the impact of the treatment---right-turn followed by u-turn at signalized intersection as an alternative to direct left turn is still not clear. A operational comparison of this treatment would be valuable. Field data collection was conducted to quantify the operational effects of right turn followed by u-turn at signalized intersection versus direct left turns. Totally eight sites around the Tampa Bay area were selected and more than 300 hours field data including delay, travel time, traffic volume, traffic control, headway, signal timing and geometric data were collected. Data reduction was conducted after that and several statistic models were developed evaluating total travel time, travel delay of these two movements and the ratio of drivers choice of RTUT versus DLT. As the conclusion, the study found that RTUT followed by U-turn at signalized intersection has longer delay and longer travel time as compared to DLT and the existence of long cycle downstream signal will discourage driver's selection of RTUT. There conclusions are very important in that they provided decision makers with useful information regarding the selection of the suitable U-turn location.

Ortorretificação de imagens CCD CBERS 2 atravás da transformação DLT

Debiasi, Paula January 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia a potencialidade da geração de ortoimagens advindas do sensor CCD do CBERS 2 produzidas através de um modelo matemático generalizado, a Transformação Linear Direta (DLT). O modelo de transformação foi implementado na linguagem Delphi 4.0 por alunos de pós-graduação da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), sendo gerado um utilitário para adaptar a leitura do Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE) do SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) no programa. A área utilizada como teste é uma região de relevo variando de plano a acidentado com variação de até 700m de altura, localizada no Centro Oriental Paranaense e abrangendo o cânion do Guartelá. Para a geração das ortoimagens utilizou-se de duas fontes de informação altimétrica, um MDE gerado pela missão SRTM e outro MDE gerado por curvas de nível e pontos contados de cartas topográficas na escala 1:50.000. Foi realizado o processo de ortorretificação de um recorte da cena CBERS utilizando os diferentes MDE’s, sendo as ortoimagens analisadas por testes estatísticos, e classificadas pelo Padrão de Exatidão Cartográfica (PEC) com o uso de pontos de verificação. Para a avaliação da necessidade de ortorretificação da cena CCD CBERS 2 o mesmo recorte foi também corrigido geometricamente por um polinômio de 2°. Os resíduos planimétricos gerados pela simples correção através do polinômio de 2° demonstram que há necessidade do processo de ortorretificação, ou seja, correção de erros devido à topografia do relevo nesta cena. E a comparação entre as ortoimagens geradas pelos diferentes MDE’s demonstra que é satisfatória a utilização do MDE do SRTM na ortorretificação de imagens advindas do sensor CCD do CBERS 2. / This work evaluates the orthoimages generation potentiality of the CCD sensor from the CBERS 2, by using a generalized mathematical model, say, the “Direct Linear Transformation (DLT)”. The transformation model was implemented by the pos graduated students from the Federal University of Paraná using the Delphi 4.0 language, and in this task an utilitarian software to adapt the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) function, on the program was produced. The land area surface used for trial is localized at the Paraná Oriental Centre and comprising the Guartelá canyon, varies in shape from an irregular to a plane embossment where variations up to 700m in height are found.Two DEM sources of altimetry information data for the orthoimages generations were used: The first generated from SRTM mission and the another one developed from contour lines and topographic points counted in a 1:50.000 scale. A orthorretification process, of a cutting out scene from the CBERS, was realized utilizing both MDE´s. The images were analyzed by statistics inferences and classified according to the Padrão de Exatidão Cartográfica (PEC) using check points. To evaluate the CCD CBERS 2 scene orthorefications necessity, the same cutting out was also object of geometric corrections having a second degree polynomial as a tool. The planimetrics residues generated by the second degree polynomial simplified corrections were just enough to demonstrate the necessity of the orthoretification process, it is, corrections of errors due to the embossment topography at the considered scene. The comparison of the images produced by the differents DEM´s demonstrate that the utilization of the DEM from the SRTM is a satisfactory tool for images orthoretifications of the CBERS 2.

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