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A Novel SMC-Like Protein Modulates C. Elegans Condensin Functions: A DissertationChao, Lucy F. 25 March 2016 (has links)
Chromatin is organized dynamically to accommodate different biological processes. One of the factors required for proper chromatin organization is a group of complexes called condensins. Most eukaryotes have two conserved condensins (I and II) required for chromosome segregation. C. elegans has a third condensin (IDC) that specializes in dosage compensation, a process that down-regulates X gene dosage in XX hermaphrodites to match the dosage in XO males. How the three condensins are regulated is not well understood. Here, I present the discovery and characterization of a novel condensin regulator, SMCL-1.
We identified SMCL-1 through purification of a MAP-tagged condensin subunit. Condensins are comprised of SMC ATPases and regulatory CAP proteins; SMCL-1 interacts most abundantly with condensin SMC subunits and resembles the ATPase domain of SMC proteins. Interestingly, the SMCL-1 protein has residues that differ from SMC consensus and potentially render SMCL-1 incapable of hydrolyzing ATP. Worms harboring smcl-1 deletion are viable and show no detectable phenotype. However, deleting smcl-1 in a condensin hypomorph mildly suppresses condensin I and IDC mutant phenotypes, suggesting that SMCL-1 functions as a negative regulator of condensin I and IDC. Consistent with this, overexpression of SMCL-1 leads to condensin loss-of-function phenotypes such as lethality, segregation defects and disruption of IDC localization on the X chromosomes. Homology searches based on the unique ATPase domain of SMCL-1 reveal that SMCL-1-like proteins are present only in organisms also predicted to have condensin IDC. Taken together, we conclude that SMCL-1 is a negative modulator of condensin functions and we propose a role for SMCL-1 in helping organisms adapt to having a third condensin by maintaining the balance among three condensin complexes.
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Structure-based Targeting of Transcriptional Regulatory Complexes Implicated in Human Disease: A DissertationHilbert, Brendan J. 19 July 2013 (has links)
Transcriptional regulatory complexes control gene expression patterns and permit cellular responses to stimuli. Deregulation of complex components upsets target gene expression and can lead to disease. This dissertation examines proteins involved in two distinct regulatory complexes: C-terminal binding protein (CtBP) 1 and 2, and Interferon Regulatory Factors (IRF) 3 and 5. Although critical in developmental processes and injury response, CtBP transcriptional repression of cell adhesion proteins, pro-apoptotic factors, and tumor suppressors has been linked to the pathogenesis of multiple forms of cancer. IRFs function in the immune system and have been implicated in autoimmune disorders.
Understanding IRF activation is critical to treating pathogens that target IRF function or for future autoimmune disease therapies. We attempted to determine crystal structures that would provide the details of IRF activation, allowing insight into mechanisms of pathogen immune evasion and autoimmune disorders. Although no new structures were solved, we have optimized expression of C-terminal IRF-3 / co-activator complexes, as well as full-length IRF3 and IRF5 constructs. Modifying the constructs coupled with new crystal screening will soon result in structures which detail IRF activation, advancing understanding of the roles of IRF family members in disease.
Through structural and biochemical characterization we sought to identify and develop inhibitors of CtBP transcriptional regulatory functions. High concentrations of CtBP substrate, 4-Methylthio 2-oxobutyric acid (MTOB), have been shown in different cancer models to interfere with CtBP transcriptional regulation. We began the process of structure based drug design by solving crystal structures of both CtBP family members bound to MTOB. The resulting models identified critical ligand contacts and unique active site features, which were utilized in inhibitor design. Potential CtBP inhibitors were identified and co-crystallized with CtBP1. One such compound binds to CtBP more than 1000 times more tightly than does MTOB, as a result of our structure-based inclusion of a phenyl ring and a novel pattern of hydrogen bonding. This molecule provides a starting point for the development of compounds that will both bind more tightly and interfere with transcriptional signaling as we progress towards pharmacologically targeting CtBP as a therapy for specific cancers.
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POS-1 Regulation of Endo-mesoderm Identity in C. elegans: A DissertationElewa, Ahmed M. 29 April 2014 (has links)
How do embryos develop with such poise from a single zygote to multiple cells with different identities, and yet survive? At the four-cell stage of the C. elegans embryo, only the blastomere EMS adopts the endo-mesoderm identity. This fate requires SKN-1, the master regulator of endoderm and mesoderm differentiation. However, in the absence of the RNA binding protein POS-1, EMS fails to fulfill its fate despite the presence of SKN-1. pos-1(-) embryos die gutless. Conversely, the RNA binding protein MEX-5 prevents ectoderm blastomeres from adopting the endo-mesoderm identity by repressing SKN-1. mex-5(-) embryos die with excess muscle at the expense of skin and neurons.
Through forward and reverse genetics, I found that genes gld-3/Bicaudal C, cytoplasmic adenylase gld-2, cye-1/Cyclin E, glp-1/Notch and the novel gene neg-1 are suppressors that restore gut development despite the absence of pos-1. Both POS-1 and MEX-5 bind the 3’UTR of neg-1 mRNA and its poly(A) tail requires GLD-3/2 for elongation. Moreover, neg-1 requires MEX-5 for its expression in anterior ectoderm blastomeres and is repressed in EMS by POS-1. Most neg-1(-) embryos die with defects in anterior ectoderm development where the mesoderm transcription factor pha-4 becomes ectopically expressed. This lethality is reduced by the concomitant loss of med- 1, a key mesoderm-promoting transcription factor.
Thus the endo-mesoderm identity of EMS is determined by the presence of SKN- 1 and the POS-1 repression of neg-1, whose expression is promoted by MEX-5. Together they promote the anterior ectoderm identity by repressing mesoderm differentiation. Such checks and balances ensure the vital plurality of cellular identity without the lethal tyranny of a single fate.
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Human Rad51: Regulation of Cellular Localization and Function in Response to DNA Damage: A DissertationBennett, Brian Thomas 07 February 2006 (has links)
Repair of DNA double-strand breaks via homologous recombination is an essential pathway for vertebrate cell development and maintenance of genome integrity throughout the organism’s lifetime. The Rad51 enzyme provides the central catalytic function of homologous recombination while many other proteins are involved in regulation and assistance of Rad51 activity, including a group of five proteins referred to as Rad51 paralogs (Rad51B, Rad51C, Rad51D, Xrcc2, Xrcc3). At the start of my work, cellular studies of human Rad51 (HsRad51) had shown only that it forms distinct nuclear foci in response to DNA damage. Additionally, no information regarding the cellular localization, potential DNA damage-induced redistribution or cellular functions for any of the Rad51 paralog proteins was available. Therefore, the goals of this work were to (1) present a more complete description of the cellular localization and DNA damage-induced redistribution of Rad51 and the two paralog proteins known to specifically associate with Rad51, Rad51C and Xrcc3, and (2) to define specific functional roles for Rad51C and Xrcc3 in mediating Rad51 activity. I focused on the use of cellular, RNAi and immunofluorescence methods to study endogenous Rad51, Rad51C and Xrcc3 in human cells.
In my initial studies we showed for the first time that Xrcc3 forms distinct foci in both the nucleus and cytoplasm independent of DNA damage, that the distribution of these foci did not change significantly throughout the time course of DNA damage and repair, and that Xrcc3 focus formation is independent of Rad51. Additionally, and unlike most previously published images of nuclear Rad51, we found that the majority of DNA damage-induced nuclear Rad51 foci do not colocalize with gamma H2AX, a histone marker used to indicate the occurrence of DNA double strand breaks.
As a consequence of these initial outcomes, a significant amount of effort was devoted to developing and optimizing immunofluorescence methods. Importantly, we developed a purification method for commercially available monoclonal antibodies against Rad51C and Xrcc3 that significantly improved their reactivity and specificity. My next study concentrated on Rad51C. Similar to Xrcc3, we found for the first time that Rad51C forms distinct nuclear and cytoplasmic foci independent of DNA damage and Rad51. An additional and surprising outcome was our discovery that Rad51C plays an important role in regulating the ubiquitination and proteasome-mediated degradation of Rad51. While biochemical functions for Rad51 paralog proteins had been suggested in the literature, this was the first demonstration of a specific biochemical function for Rad51C that contributes directly to the Rad51 activity in the homologous recombination pathway. Our improved immunofluorescence methods allowed us to see the accumulation of Rad51, Rad51C and Xrcc3 at the nuclear periphery early in response to DNA damage, suggesting the existence of a DNA damage-dependent trafficking mechanism that promoted movement of these proteins from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. This led to further studies in which we show distinct co-localization of cytoplasmic Rad51 with actin as well as alpha and beta tubulin. Using both immunofluorescence and sub-cellular fractionation methods our recent results strongly suggest that trafficking of Rad51 to the nucleus in response to DNA damage is regulated at least in part by its association with cytoskeletal proteins, and involves movement of both existing pools of Rad51 and newly synthesized protein.
In a particularly exciting development, in collaboration with Leica Microsystems and Dr. Joerg Bewersdorf at The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME., I have been able to exploit a new technology, 4Pi microscopy, to provide the first images of endogenous nuclear proteins using this method.
Results presented in this thesis have added significantly to a more complete understanding of cellular localization Rad51, Rad51C and Xrcc3, and have provided important insights into possible mechanisms of cellular trafficking of Rad51 in response to response to DNA damage. Additionally, we have defined a specific function for Rad51C in its regulation of Rad51 ubiquitination. These findings open several new avenues of investigation for furthering our understanding of the cellular and molecular functions of proteins with critical roles in the maintenance of genome integrity in human cells.
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The Identification and Targeting of Partially-Folded Conformations on the Folding Free-Energy Landscapes of ALS-Linked Proteins for Therapeutic Intervention: A DissertationMackness, Brian C 07 April 2016 (has links)
The hallmark feature of many neurodegenerative diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), is the accumulation of cytoplasmic inclusions of key disease-linked proteins. Two of these proteins, TDP-43 and SOD1, represent a significant proportion of sporadic and familial ALS cases, respectively. The population of potentially aggregation-prone partially-folded states on the folding free-energy landscape may serve as a common mechanism for ALS pathogenesis. A detailed biophysical understanding of the folding and misfolding energy landscapes of TDP-43 and SOD1 can provide critical insights into the design of novel therapeutics to delay onset and progression in ALS.
Equilibrium unfolding studies on the RNA recognition motif (RRM) domains of TDP-43 revealed the population of a stable RRM intermediate in RRM2, with residual structure localized to the N-terminal half of the domain. Other RRM domains from FUS/TLS and hnRNP A1 similarly populate RRM intermediates, suggesting a possible connection with disease. Mutations, which enhance the population of the RRM2 intermediate, could serve as tools for deciphering the functional and misfolding roles of this partially-folded state in disease models, leading to the development of new biomarkers to track ALS progression.
ALS mutations in SOD1 have been shown to destabilize the stable homodimer to result in increased populations of the monomeric and unfolded forms of SOD1. Mechanistic insights into the misfolding of SOD1 demonstrated that the unfolded state is a key species in the initiation and propagation of aggregation, suggesting that limiting these populations may provide therapeutic benefit to ALS patients. An in vitro time-resolved Förster Resonance Energy Transfer assay to screen small molecules that stabilize the native state of SOD1 has identified several lead compounds, providing a pathway to new therapeutics to treat ALS.
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DC3, a Calcium-Binding Protein Important for Assembly of the Chlamydomonas Outer Dynein Arm: a DissertationCasey, Diane M. 23 May 2003 (has links)
The outer dynein arm-docking complex (ODA-DC) specifies the outer dynein arm-binding site on the flagellar axoneme. The ODA-DC of Chlamydomonas contains equimolar amounts of three proteins termed DC1, DC2, and DC3 (Takada et al., 2002). DC1 and DC2 are predicted to be coiled-coil proteins, and are encoded by ODA3 and ODA1, respectively (Koutoulis et al., 1997; Takada et al., 2002). Prior to this work, nothing was known about DC3. To fully understand the function(s) of the ODA-DC, a detailed analysis of each of its component parts is necessary. To that end, this dissertation describes the characterization of the smallest subunit, DC3.
In Chapter II, I report the isolation and sequencing of genomic and full-length cDNA clones encoding DC3. The sequence predicts a 21,341 D protein with four EF hands that is a member of the CTER (Calmodulin, Troponin C, Essential and Regulatory myosin light chains) group and is most closely related to a predicted protein from Plasmodium. The DC3 gene, termed ODA14, is intronless. Chlamydomonas mutants that lack DC3 exhibit slow, jerky swimming due to loss of some but not all, outer dynein arms. Some outer doublet microtubules without arms had a "partial" docking complex, indicating that DC1 and DC2 can assemble in the absence of DC3. In contrast, DC3 cannot assemble in the absence of DC1 or DC2. Transformation of a DC3-deletion strain with the wild-type DC3 gene rescued both the motility phenotype and the structural defect, whereas a mutated DC3 gene was incompetent to rescue. The results indicate that DC3 is important for both outer arm and ODA-DC assembly.
As mentioned above, DC3 has four EF-hands: two fit the consensus pattern for calcium binding and one contains two cysteine residues within its binding loop. To determine if the consensus EF-hands are functional, I purified bacterially expressed wild-type DC3 and analyzed its calcium-binding potential in the presence and absence of DTT and Mg2+. As reported in Chapter III, the protein bound one calcium ion with an affinity (Kd) of ~1 x 10-5 M. Calcium binding was observed only in the presence of DTT and thus is redox sensitive. DC3 also bound Mg2+ at physiological concentrations, but with a much lower affinity. Changing the essential glutamate to glutamine in both EF-hands eliminated the calcium-binding activity of the bacterially expressed protein. To investigate the role of the EF hands in vivo, I transformed the modified DC3 gene into a Chlamydomonas insertional mutant lacking DC3. The transformed strain swam normally, assembled a normal number of outer arms, and had a normal photoshock response, indicating that the E to Q mutations did not affect ODA-DC assembly, outer arm assembly, or Ca2+-mediated outer arm activity. Thus, DC3 is a true calcium-binding protein, but the function of this activity remains obscure.
In Chapter IV, I report the initial characterization of a DC3 insertional mutant having a phenotype intermediate between that of the DC3-deletion strain and wild type. Furthermore, I suggest future experiments that may help elucidate the specific role of DC3 in outer arm assembly and ODA-DC function. Lastly, I speculate that the ODA-DC may play a role in flagellar regeneration.
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Functional Analysis of the c-MYC Transactivation Domain: A DissertationSeth, Alpna 01 December 1992 (has links)
Many polypeptide growth factors act by binding to cell surface receptors that have intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. Binding of these growth factors to their cognate receptors results in the initiation of mitogenic signals which then get transduced to the interior of the cell. A critical target for extracellular signals is the nucleus. A plethora of recent evidence indicates that extracellular signals can affect nuclear gene expression by modulating transcription factor activity. In this study, I have determined that the transactivation domain of c-Myc (protein product of the c-myc proto-oncogene) is a direct target of mitogen-activated signaling pathways involving protein kinases. Further, my study demonstrates that transactivation of gene expression by c-Myc is regulated as a function of the cell cycle.
c-Myc is a sequence-specific DNA binding protein that forms leucine zipper complexes and can act as a transcription factor. Although, significant progress has been made in understanding the cellular properties of c-Myc, the precise molecular mechanism of c-Myc function in oncogenesis and in normal cell growth is not known. I have focused my attention on the property of c-Myc to function as a sequence-specific transcription factor. In my studies, I have employed a fusion protein strategy, where the transactivation domain of the transcription factor c-Myc is fused to the DNA binding domain and nuclear localization signal of the yeast transcription factor GAL4. This fusion protein was expressed together with a plasmid consisting of specific GAL4 binding sites cloned upstream of a minimal E1b promoter and a reporter gene. The activity of the c-Myc transactivation domain was measured as reporter gene activity in cell extracts. This experimental approach enabled me to directly monitor the activity of the c-Myc transactivation domain.
Results listed in Chapter II demonstrate that the transactivation domain of c-Myc at Ser-62 is a target of regulation by mitogen-stimulated signaling pathways. Furthermore, I have determined that a mitogen activated protein kinase, p41mapk, can phosphorylate the c-Myc transactivation domain at Ser-62. Phosphorylation at this site results in a marked increase in transactivation of gene expression. A point mutation at the MAP kinase phosphorylation site (Ser-62) causes a decrease in transactivation.
c-Myc expression is altered in many types of cancer cells, strongly implicating c-myc as a critical gene in cell growth control. The molecular mechanisms by which c-Myc regulates cellular proliferation are not understood. For instance, it is not clear where in the cell cycle c-Myc functions and what regulates its activity. In exponentially growing cells, the expression levels of c-Myc remain unchanged as the cells progress through the cell cycle. The function of c-Myc may therefore be regulated by a mechanism involving a post-translational modification, such as phosphorylation. Results described in chapter IV demonstrate that the level of c-Myc mediated transactivation oscillates as cells progress through the cell cycle and was greatly increased during the S to G2/M transition. Furthermore, mutation of the phosphorylation site Ser-62 in the c-Myc transactivation domain diminishes this effect, suggesting a functional role for this phosphorylation site in the cell cycle-specific regulation of c-Myc activity.
Taken together, my dissertation study reveals a molecular mechanism for the regulation of nuclear gene expression in response to mitogenic stimuli.
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Regulation of papillomavirus E2 protein by posttranslational modificationCulleton, Sara Poirier 24 April 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Papillomaviruses (PVs) are small, double-stranded DNA viruses. Hundreds of species have evolved to replicate in mammals, birds, and reptiles. Approximately two hundred species are estimated to infect humans alone, and these human papillomaviruses (HPVs) cause diseases ranging from benign warts to anogenital and oropharyngeal cancers. While vaccination is effective at preventing the majority of these infections and their disease outcomes, there are no successful treatments for existing infections; thus, exploration of novel therapeutic targets is warranted.
PVs control expression and function of their gene products through alternative splicing, alternate start codons, and post-translational modification (PTM). The viral E2 protein regulates transcription, replication, and genome maintenance in infected cells, and PTMs have been demonstrated for E2 proteins from multiple papillomavirus types. Serine phosphorylation events were reported to influence E2 stability, and our laboratory was the first to describe in vitro acetylation events with implications for E2 transcription function. Here we report confirmation of these acetylation events in vivo and additional data elucidating the role of these PTMs in viral transcription. Moreover, we present a novel phosphorylation site for bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) E2 at tyrosine 102 (Y102). Using phospho-deficient and phospho-mimetic point mutants, we found that this site influences E2-mediated transcription and replication, and we hypothesize that phosphorylation at Y102 regulates these activities by interrupting the association of E2 with its binding partners. We also report interaction of BPV-1 E2 and HPV-31 E2 with different receptor tyrosine kinases (TKs), most notably members of the fibroblast growth factor receptor family. We hypothesize that Y102 phosphorylation by these receptors occurs early in infection to limit viral replication and gene expression. Further studies will cement the role of RTKs in PV biology and could reveal novel therapeutic strategies.
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Evidence that ARNT plays a role in the regulation of the immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer and identification of a putative ARNT ligandYavrom, Sheena 01 January 1998 (has links)
Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proteins are involved in the regulation of a multitude of developmental processes including cellular differentiation, cellular proliferation and xenobiotic metabolism. Among the members of the bHLH protein family are the products of the Pan gene Pan-1, Pan-2 and ITF -1. Pan proteins have been demonstrated to be required for proper B cell development, suggesting a unique role for Pan proteins during B cell formation. In our study we tested the function of ARNT (Ah receptor nuclear translocator) at the IgH (immunoglobulin heavy chain) enhancer. We were able to determine that ARNT appears to partially down-regulate activation at the IgH enhancer by Pan-1 in transient transfection assays by cotransfection of the multimerized murine form of the IgH enhancer elements 1-1E2, !-LE3 , and 1-1ES upstream of a luciferase reporter gene, a rodent Pan-1 (human homolog E47) expression vector, and an ARNT expression vector. Furthermore, during our investigation we discovered a putative ARNT -binding ligand that increases DNA-binding activity of the ARNT homodimer. This ligand was partially characterized by UV crosslinking studies and a variety of biochemical studies using electrophoretic mobility-shift assays. Preliminary data suggests that it is hydrophilic, heat-stable, small, and non-protein.
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Native mass spectrometry and complementary techniques to characterize biological macromolecular assembliesNorris, Andrew S. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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