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p63 and epithelial homeostasis studies of p63 under normal, hyper-proliferative and malignant conditions /Gu, Xiaolian, January 2010 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2010.
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Μελέτη των εναλλακτικών ισομορφών του COUP-TF και οι ιδιότητες πρόσδεσής των στο DNAΠέττα, Ιωάννα 07 October 2011 (has links)
Οι μεταγραφικοί παράγοντες COUP-TF (Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter
Transcription Factor) ανήκουν στην υπεροικογένεια των υποδοχέων
στεροειδών/ θυρεοειδών ορμονών και θεωρούνται “ορφανοί”, αφού μέχρι
στιγμής δεν έχει βρεθεί το υπεύθυνο πρόσδεμα για την ενεργοποίηση τους.
Πειραματικές διαδικασίες στο εργαστήριο μας έχουν δείξει ότι στο πρωτογενές
μετάγραφο των COUP-TFs συμβαίνει εναλλακτικό μάτισμα που έχει ως
αποτέλεσμα την παραγωγή δύο mRNAs που κωδικοποιούν δύο πρωτεΐνες οι
οποίες διαφέρουν ως προς το μέγεθος λόγω της εισαγωγής 21 επίπρόσθετων
αμινοξέων στην καρβοξυτελική περιοχή (Carboxy Terminal Extension) της
περιοχής πρόσδεσης στο DNA (DBD). Πειράματα EMSA με τη χρήση in vitro
μεταφρασμένων πρωτεϊνών, αποκάλυψαν ότι η μεγάλη πρωτεΐνη δεν μπορεί να
προσδεθεί σε κανένα COUP-TF στοιχείο απόκρισης. Επίσης παρατηρήθηκε ότι
παρουσία της μεγάλης πρωτεΐνης, η ικανότητα της μικρής πρωτεΐνης να
προσδένεται στο DNA μειώνεται με ανταγωνιστικό τρόπο, οδηγώντας στο
συμπέρασμα ότι το ετεροδιμερές πρωτεϊνικό σύμπλοκο δεν μπορεί να προσδεθεί
στο DNA. Σκοπός μας είναι να ερευνήσουμε το ρόλο της ένθεσης των 21
αμινοξέων στην μεγάλη πρωτεΐνη, ως προς την ικανότητα πρόσδεσης της στο
DNA. Στον αχινό Paracentrotus lividus, η αμινοξική ένθεση στην καρβοξυτελική
περιοχή (CTE) της μεγάλης πρωτεΐνης περιέχει δύο προλίνες. Η υπόθεση μας
είναι ότι αυτές οι δύο προλίνες παίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην
στερεοδιαμόρφωση της πρωτεΐνης, επηρεάζοντας την ικανότητα πρόσδεσης στο
DNA. Για να ελέγξουμε την υπόθεση αυτή, προκαλέσαμε σημειακές μεταλλάξεις,
μεταλλάσσοντας συγχρόνως τις δύο προλίνες σε αλανίνες αλλά κάθε μία προλίνη
σε αλανίνη μεμονωμένα, καθώς επίσης μελετήσαμε και μια σειρά εσωτερικών
αμινοξικών ελλειμάτων μέσα στην ένθεση των 21 αμινοξέων στην
καρβοξυτελική περιοχή. Το σύνολο των μεταλλάξεων έδειξε ότι οι
μεταλλαγμένες μεγάλες πρωτεΐνες δεν προσδένονται στο DNA καθώς επίσης ότι
οι μεταλλαγμένες μεγάλες πρωτεΐνες ετεροδιμερίζονται πιο αποτελεσματικά με
την μικρή ισομορφή πιθανότατα λόγω επαγόμενης αλλαγής της
στερεοδιαμόρφωσης της μεταλλαγμένης πρωτεΐνης. Επίσης μελετήσαμε την
εξάπλωση του εναλλακτικού ματίσματός στα Δευτεροστόμια, χρησιμοποιώντας
ειδικούς εκφυλισμένους εκκινητές σε πειράματα PCR. Εναλλακτικό μάτισμα των
μεταγράφων COUP-TF παρατηρήθηκε επίσης στους οργανισμούς Sphaerechinus
granularis (Εχινόδερμο) και Saccoglossus kowalevskii (Ημιχορδωτό). / COUP-TFs (Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter- Transcription Factors) belong to the superfamily of steroid/thyroid hormone receptors and they are consider orphans since the proper ligand that activates them is not yet found. Experimental procedures in our laboratory have shown that in Echinoderms the alternative splicing of the COUP-TF primary transcript results in two mRNAs which encode two protein variants that differ by a 21 amino acid insertion in the Carboxy Terminal Extension (CTE) of the DNA Binding Domain (DBD). EMSA experiments with the use of in vitro translated proteins revealed that the large protein variant is incapable of binding any COUP-TF response elements. Furthermore, in the presence of the large variant, the small COUP-TF protein ability to bind DNA is diminished in an antagonistic way, suggesting that the heterodimeric protein is also incapable of DNA binding. Our aim is to investigate the role of the 21aa insertion in the large variant regarding the DNA binding affinity. In sea urchins the CTE insertion in the large variant contains two prolines. Our hypothesis is that these two prolines play an important role in the protein‟s conformation which in turn is responsible for the loss of DNA binding. To check this, we created point mutations by mutating both prolines to alanines simultaneously and then each proline to alanine separately. We also analyzed a series of internal amino acid deletions within the 21aa insertion of the CTE. All the mutations proved that the large mutated proteins are incapable of binding DNA and that they heterodimerize more effectively with the small protein variant possibly because of the changed conformation of the large protein variant. We also studied the alternative splicing among Deuterostomes, by using degenerate primers in PCR experiments. We observed that alternative splicing of COUP-TF transcripts occurs in the sea urchin Sphaerechinus granularis and in the hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalevskii.
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Defining the Role of CtBP2 in p53-Independent Tumor Suppressor Function of ARF: A DissertationKovi, Ramesh C. 11 June 2009 (has links)
ARF, a potent tumor suppressor, positively regulates p53 by antagonizing MDM2, a negative regulator of p53, which in turn, results in either apoptosis or cell cycle arrest. ARF also suppresses the proliferation of cells lacking p53, and loss of ARF in p53-null mice, compared with ARF-null or p53-null mice, results in a broadened tumor spectrum and decreased tumor latency. This evidence suggests that ARF exerts both p53-dependent and p53-independent tumor suppressor activity. However, the molecular pathway and mechanism of ARF’s p53-independent tumor suppressor activity is not understood.
The antiapoptotic, metabolically regulated, transcriptional corepressor C-terminal binding protein 2 (CtBP2) has been identified as a specific target of ARF’s p53-independent tumor suppression. CtBPs are phosphoproteins with PLDLS-binding motif and NADH-binding central dehydrogenase domains. ARF interacts with CtBP1 and CtBP2 both in vitro and in vivo, and induces their proteasome-mediated degradation, resulting in p53-independent apoptosis in colon cancer cells. ARF’s ability to target CtBP2 for degradation, and its induction of p53-independent apoptosis requires an intact interaction with CtBP2, and phosphorylation at S428 of CtBP2. As targets for inhibition by ARF, CtBPs are candidate oncogenes, and their expression is elevated in a majority of human colorectal adenocarcinomas specimens in comparison to normal adjacent tissue. Relevant to its targeting by ARF, there is an inverse correlation between ARF and CtBP expression, and CtBP2 is completely absent in a subset of colorectal adenocarcinomas that retains high levels of ARF protein.
CtBPs are activated under conditions of metabolic stress, such as hypoxia, and they repress epithelial and proapoptotic genes. BH3-only genes such as Bik, Bim and Bmf have been identified as mediators of ARF-induced, CtBP2-mediated p53-indpendent apoptosis. CtBP2 repressed BH3-only genes in a tissue specific manner through BKLF (Basic kruppel like factor)-binding elements. ARF regulation of BH3-only genes also required intact interaction with CtBP2. ARF antagonism of CtBP repression of Bik and other BH3-only genes may play a critical role in ARF-induced p53-independent apoptosis, and in turn, tumor suppression.
To study the physiologic effect of ARF/CtBP2 interaction at the organismal level, the p19ArfL46D knock-in mice, in which the Arf/CtBP2 interaction was abrogated, was generated. Analysis of the primary cells derived from these mice, revealed that the Arf/CtBP2 interaction contributes to regulation of cell growth and cell migration. Overexpression of CtBP in human tumors, and ARF antagonism of CtBP repression of BH3-only gene expression and CtBP-mediated cell migration may therefore play a critical role in the p53-independent tumor suppressor function/s of ARF.
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PLAGL2 Cooperates in Leukemia Development by Upregulating MPL Expression: A DissertationLandrette, Sean F. 22 June 2006 (has links)
Chromosomal alterations involving the RUNXI or CBFB genes are specifically and recurrently associated with human acute myeloid leukemia (AML). One such chromosomal alteration, a pericentric inversion of chromosome 16, is present in the majority of cases of the AML subtype M4Eo. This inversion joins CBFB with the smooth muscle myosin gene MYH11 creating the fusion CBFB-MYH11. Knock-in studies in the mouse have demonstrated that expression of the protein product of the Cbfb-MYH11fusion, Cbfβ-SMMHC, predisposes mice to AML and that chemical mutagenesis both accelerates and increases the penetrance of the disease (Castilla et al., 1999). However, the mechanism of transformation and the associated collaborating genetic events remain to be resolved.
As detailed in Chapter 2, we used retroviral insertional mutagenesis (RIM) to identify mutations in Cbfb-MYH11 chimeric mice that contribute to AML. The genetic screen identified 54 independent candidate cooperating genes including 6 common insertion sites: Plag1, Plagl2, Runx2, H2T23, Pstpip2, and Dok1. Focusing on the 2 members of the Plag family of transcription factors, Chapter 3 presents experiments demonstrating that Plag1 and Plagl2 independently cooperate with Cbfβ-SMMHC in vivo to efficiently trigger leukemia with short latency in the mouse. In addition, Plag1 and PLAGL2 increased proliferation and in vitro cell renewal in Cbfβ-SMMHC hematopoietic progenitors. Furthemore, PLAG1 and PLAGL2 expression was increased in 20% of human AML samples suggesting that PLAG1 and PLAGL2 may also contribute to human AML. Interestingly, PLAGL2was preferentially increased in samples with chromosome 16 inversion, t(8;21), and t(15;17).
To define the mechanism by which PLAGL2 contributes to leukemogenesis, Chapter 4 presents studies assessing the role of the Mp1 signaling cascade as a Plagl2 downstream pathway in leukemia development. Using microarray analysis we discovered that PLAGL2 induces the expression of Mp1 transcript in primary bone marrow cells that express Cbfβ-SMMHC and that this induction is maintained in leukemogenesis. We have also performed luciferase assays to confirm that the Mp1 proximal promoter can be directly bound and activated by PLAGL2. Furthermore, we demonstrate increased Mp1 expression leads to hypersensitivity to the Mp1 ligand thrombopoietin (TPO) in PLAGL2/Cbfβ-SMMHC leukemic cells. To test the functional relevance in leukemia formation, we performed a bone-marrow transplantation assay and demonstrate that overexpression of Mp1 is indeed sufficient to cooperate with Cbfβ-SMMHC in leukemia induction. This data reveals that PLAGL2 cooperates with Cbfβ-SMMHC at least in part by inducing the expression of the cytokine receptor Mp1. Thus, we have identified the Mp1 signal transduction pathway as a novel target for therapeutic intervention in AML.
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Mechanisms of TAL1 Induced Leukemia in Mice: A DissertationO'Neil, Jennifer Elinor 22 January 2004 (has links)
Activation of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) gene TAL1 is the most common genetic event seen in both childhood and adult T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). Despite recent success in treating T-ALL patients, TAL1 patients do not respond well to current therapies. In hopes of leading the way to better therapies for these patients, we have sought to determine the mechanism(s) of Tal1 induced leukemia in mice. By generating a DNA-binding mutant Tal1 transgenic mouse we have determined that the DNA binding activity of Tal1 is not required to induce leukemia. We have also shown that Tal1 expression in the thymus affects thymocyte development and survival. We demonstrate that Tal1 heterodimerizes with the class I bHLH proteins E47 and HEB in our mouse models of TAL1 induced leukemia. Severe thymocyte differentiation arrest and disease acceleration in Tal1/E2A+/- and Tal1/HEB+/- mice provides genetic evidence that Tal1 causes leukemia by inhibiting the function of the transcriptional activators E47 and HEB which have been previously shown to be important in T cell development. In pre-leukemic Tal1 thymocytes, we find the co-repressor mSin3A/HDAC1 bound to the CD4 enhancer, whereas an E47/HEB/p300 complex is detected in wild type thymocytes. Furthermore, mouse Tal1 tumors are sensitive to pharmacologic inhibition of HDAC and undergo apoptosis. These data demonstrate that Tal1 induces T cell leukemia by repressing the transcriptional activity of E47/HEB and suggests that HDAC inhibitors may prove efficacious in T-ALL patients that express TAL1.
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The Roles of DNA Mismatch Repair and Recombination in Drug Resistance: A DissertationCalmann, Melissa A. 01 December 2004 (has links)
Cells have evolved different pathways in order to tolerate damage produced by different cytotoxic agents. Each agent reacts differently with DNA causing formation of different types of adducts, each eliciting the SOS stress response to induce different cellular repair pathways. One such type of substrate generated by cytotoxic agents is the DNA double strand break (DSB). The main pathway to repair such damage in the cell is through a process of recombination. In this thesis, I specifically examined the anti-cancer therapeutic agent cisplatin, which forms single- and double-strand breaks in DNA, and methylating agents, which are proposed to also be capable of forming such breaks. Neither type of agent can directly form these breaks; however, they leave a signature type of damage lesion which is recognized by different repair processes.
The mismatch repair (MMR) status of a mammalian cell or an Escherichia coli dam mutant relates directly to the sensitivity of the cells to the agents mentioned above. As the dam gene product plays an important role in this pathway and in other processes in the cell, when mutated, dam cells are more sensitive to methylating agents and cisplatin than wildtype. A combination of dam and either mutS or mutL restores resistance to the same agents to wild type levels. Therefore, mismatch repair sensitizes dam bacteria to these agents. The rationale for this comes from examining the viability of dam mutants, as dammutants are only viable because they are highly recombinogenic. The presence of MMR-induced nicks or gaps results in the formation of DSBs that require recombination to restore genomic integrity.
Mismatch repair proteins inhibit recombination between homeologous DNA. Homeologous recombination (recombination between non-identical, but similar, DNA sequences) is only possible when the MMR proteins, MutS and MutL, are absent. It is postulated that this is because MutS recognizes the homeologous DNA and subsequently slows down or aborts recombination completely. The double mutant, dam mutS/L shows wild type levels of sensitivity to cisplatin because mismatch repair is no longer recognizing the adducts and recombinational repair is allowed to continue. Human cells behave in an analogous fashion to the bacterial dam mutant, showing sensitivity to cisplatin and methylating agents. When an additional mutation in a mismatch repair gene is present, the cells become as resistant as wild type. Therefore, the E. coli dammutant is a useful model system to study this mechanism of drug resistance.
DNA containing cisplatin adducts or lesions resulting from methylation are substrates for other types of repair processes such as nucleotide excision repair and base excision repair; however they have also been implicated as substrates for MMR and recombinational repair. The goal of the work in this thesis was two-fold. The first was to identify the gene products and mechanism necessary for repair of cisplatin damage by recombination. The second was to examine the mechanism of cisplatin toxicity, and specifically how MMR proficiency aids in the cytotoxicity of this drug by preventing recombination.
Using the duplicated inactive lac operon recombination assay, we were able to determine the requirements for spontaneous and cisplatin-induced recombination, the RecBCD and RecFOR pathways. We were also able to further postulate that the cisplatin- induced signature damage recognized by recombination was the double strand break, likely formed from fork stalling and regression or a subsequent collapse during DNA synthesis, thus requiring these pathways for repair. This observation led to the experiments involving examination of the mechanism of cisplatin toxicity and where MMR could inhibit specific steps of recombination with DNA containing cisplatin lesions. Low levels of cisplatin lesions slowed the rate of RecA-mediated strand transfer in vitro, likely due to its ability to form a large bend in the DNA. MutS bound to cisplatin lesions in the DNA during heteroduplex formation in the RecA strand exchange step of recombination, inhibiting branch migration, and aborting the reaction. In order for MutS to inhibit recombination with cisplatin lesions, the results in the work in Chapter IV, show that binding to the lesion requires the C-terminus of MutS to be present, possibly due to a requirement for tetramerization of the protein, a domain contained in the C-terminus of MutS. This antirecombination function is different than the mutation avoidance function of MutS, as binding of mismatches requires only dimers. This differential sensitivity for cisplatin versus a mismatch was further exemplified in Chapter V, the experiments with dna mutants, where the greatest difference in sensitivity was observed for a dnaE mutant (catalytic subunit of polIII), which was as sensitive to cisplatin as a dam mutant, but fairly resistant to treatment with MNNG. This is indicative of the potency of a cisplatin adduct to block polymerase progression, versus a mismatch which poses little problem to synthesis. Recombination is invoked to repair DSBs caused by the cisplatin lesions through the RecBCD and FOR pathways after fork regression or collapse. A main conclusion from these studies is that a cisplatin lesion is processed differently than a mismatch. The mechanism of how a cisplatin lesion is processed, forming the DSB which invokes recombinational repair is still unclear and continues to be investigated.
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Structure-Function Relationships of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Meiosis Specific Hop 1 Protein : Implications for Chromosome Condensation, Pairing and Spore FormationKhan, Krishnendu January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Meiosis is a specialized type of cell division essential for the production of four normal haploid gametes. In early prophase I of meiosis, the intimate synapsis between homologous chromosomes, and the formation of chiasmata, is facilitated by a proteinaceous structure known as the synaptonemal complex (SC). Ultrastructural analysis of germ cells of a number of organisms has disclosed that SC is a specialized tripartite structure composed of two lateral elements, one on each homolog, and a central element, which, in turn, are linked by transverse elements. Genetic studies have revealed that defects in meiotic chromosome alignment and/or segregation result in aneuploidy, which is the leading cause of spontaneous miscarriages in humans, hereditary birth defects such as Down syndrome, and are also, associated with the development and progression of certain forms of cancer. The mechanism(s) underlying the alignment/pairing of chromosomes at meiosis I differ among organisms. These can be divided into at least two broad pathways: one is independent of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) and other is mediated by DSBs. In the DSB-dependent pathway, SC plays crucial roles in promoting homolog pairing and disjunction. On the other hand, the DSB-independent pathway involves the participation of telomeres, centromeres and non-coding RNAs in the pre-synaptic alignment, pre-meiotic pairing as well as pairing of homologous chromosomes. Although a large body of literature highlights the central role of SC in meiotic recombination, the possible role of SC components in homolog recognition and alignment is poorly understood.
Genetic screens for Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants defective in meiosis and sporulation lead to the isolation of genes required for interhomolog recombination, including those that encode SC components. In S. cerevisiae, ten meiosis-specific proteins viz., Hop1, Red1, Mek1, Hop2, Pch2, Zip1, Zip2, Zip3, Zip4 and Rec8 have been recognized as bona fide constituents of SC or associated with SC function. Mutations in any of these genes result in defective SC formation, thus leading to reduction in the rate of recombination. HOP1 (Homolog Pairing) encodes a ̴ 70 kDa structural protein, which localizes to the lateral elements of SC. It was found to be essential for the progression of meiotic recombination. In hop1Δ mutants, meiosis specific DSBs are reduced to 10% of that of wild type level and it fails to produce viable spores. It also displays relatively high frequency of inter-sister recombination over inter-homolog recombination. Bioinformatics analysis suggests that Hop1 comprises of an N-terminal HORMA domain (Hop1, Rev7 and Mad2), which is conserved among Hop1 homologs from diverse organisms. This domain is also known to be present in proteins involved in processes like chromosome synapsis, repair and sex chromosome inactivation. Additionally, Hop1 harbors a 36-amino acid long zinc finger
motif (CX2CX19CX2C) which is critical for DNA binding and meiotic progression, and a putative nuclear localization signal corresponding to amino acid residues from 588-594. Previous studies suggested that purified Hop1 protein exists in multiple oligomeric states in solution and displays structure specific DNA binding activity. Importantly, Hop1 exhibited higher binding affinity for the Holliday junction (HJ), over other early recombination intermediates. Binding of Hop1 to the HJ at the core resulted in branch migration of the junction, albeit weakly. Intriguingly, Hop1 showed a high binding affinity for G4 DNA, a non-B DNA structure, implicated in homolog synapsis and promotes robust synapsis between double-stranded DNA molecules.
Hop1 protein used in the foregoing biochemical studies was purified from mitotically dividing S. cerevisiae cells containing the recombinant plasmid over-expressing the protein where the yields were often found to be in the low-microgram quantities. Therefore, one of the major limitations to the application of high resolution biophysical techniques, such as X-crystallography and spectroscopic analyses for structure-function studies of S. cerevisiae Hop1 has been the non-availability of sufficient quantities of functionally active pure protein. In this study, we have performed expression screening in Escherichia coli host strains, capable of high level expression of soluble S. cerevisiae Hop1 protein. A new protocol has been developed +2 for expression and purification of S. cerevisiae Hop1 protein, using Ni-NTA and double-stranded DNA-cellulose chromatography. Recombinant S. cerevisiae Hop1 protein thus obtained was >98% pure and exhibited DNA binding activity with high-affinity for Holliday junction. The availability of the bacterial HOP1 expression vector and functionally active Hop1 protein has enabled us to glean and understand several vital biological insights into the structure-function relationships of Hop1 as well as the generation of appropriate truncated mutant proteins.
Mutational analyses in S. cerevisiae has shown that sister chromatid cohesion is required for proper chromosome condensation, including the formation of axial elements, SC assembly and recombination. Consistent with these findings, homolog alignment is impaired in red1hop1 strains and associations between homologs are less stable. red1 mutants fail to make any discernible axial elements or SC structures but exhibit normal chromosome condensation, while hop1 mutants form long fragments of axial elements but without any SCs, are defective in chromosome condensation, and produce in-viable spores. Using single molecule and ensemble assays, we found that S. cerevisiae Hop1 organizes DNA into at least four major distinct DNA conformations:
(i) a rigid protein filament along DNA that blocks access to nucleases; (ii) bridging of non-contiguous segments of DNA to form stem-loop structures; (iii) intra-and intermolecular long range synapsis between double-stranded DNA molecules; and (iv) folding of DNA into higher order nucleoprotein structures. Consistent with B. McClintock’s proposal that “there is a tendency for chromosomes to associate 2-by-2 in the prophase of meiosis involving long distance recognition of homologs”, these results to our knowledge provide the first evidence that Hop1 mediates the formation of tight DNA-protein-DNA nucleofilaments independent of homology which might help in the synapsis of homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
Although the DNA binding properties of Hop1 are relatively well established, comparable knowledge about the protein is lacking. The purification of Hop1 from E. coli, which was functionally indistinguishable from the protein obtained from mitotically dividing S. cerevisiae cells has enabled us to investigate the structure-function relationships of Hop1, which has provided important insights into its role in meiotic recombination. We present several lines of evidence suggesting that Hop1 is a modular protein, consisting of an intrinsically unstructured N-terminal domain and a core C-terminal domain (Hop1CTD), the latter being functionally equivalent to the full-length Hop1 in terms of its in vitro activities. Importantly, however, Hop1CTD was unable to rescue the meiotic recombination defects of hop1null strain, indicating that synergy between the N-terminal and C-terminal domains of Hop1 protein is essential for meiosis and spore formation. Taken together, our findings provide novel insights into the molecular functions of Hop1, which has profound implications for the assembly of mature SC, homolog synapsis and recombination.
Several lines of investigations suggest that HORMA domain containing proteins are involved in chromatin binding and, consequently, have been shown to play key roles in processes such as meiotic cell cycle checkpoint, DNA replication, double-strand break repair and chromosome synapsis. S. cerevisiae encodes three HORMA domain containing proteins: Hop1, Rev7 and Mad2 (HORMA) which interact with chromatin during diverse chromosomal processes. The data presented above suggest that Hop1 is a modular protein containing a distinct N-terminal and C-terminal (Hop1CTD) domains. The N-terminal domain of Hop1, which corresponds to the evolutionarily conserved HORMA domain, although, discovered first in Hop1, its precise biochemical functions remain unknown. In this section, we show that Hop1-HORMA domain expressed in and purified from E. coli exhibits preferential binding to the HJ and G4 DNA, over other early recombination intermediates. Detailed functional analyses of Hop1-HORMA domain, using mobility shift assays, DNase I footprinting and FRET, have revealed that HORMA binds at the core of Holliday junction and induces marked changes in its global conformation. Further experimental evidence also suggested that it causes DNA stiffening and condensation. However, like Hop1CTD, HORMA domain alone failed to rescue the meiotic recombination defects of hop1 null strain, indicating that synergy between the N-and C-terminal domains of Hop1 is essential for meiosis as well as for the formation of haploid gametes. Moreover, these results strongly implicate that Hop1 protein harbours a second DNA binding motif, which resides in the HORMA domain at its N-terminal region. To our knowledge, these findings also provide the first insights into the biochemical mechanism underlying HORMA domain activity. In summary, it appears that the C-terminal (CTD) and N-terminal (HORMA) domains of Hop1 may perform biochemical functions similar (albeit less efficiently) to that of the full-length Hop1. However, further research is required to uncover the functional differences between these domains, their respective interacting partners and modulation of the activity of these domains.
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Frontotemporal lobar degeneration in Finland:molecular genetics and clinical aspectsKaivorinne, A.-L. (Anna-Lotta) 20 November 2012 (has links)
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease leading to early-onset dementia (< 65 years), next to Alzheimer’s disease. FTLD is substantially a genetic disorder with up to 50% of cases having a positive family history. Mutations in the genes microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) and progranulin (PGRN) account for about 10–20% of all cases of FTLD. Hexanucleotide repeat expansion mutation within the gene C9ORF72 has recently been identified as the major cause of FTLD, FTLD with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and pure ALS. During this study, hexanucleotide repeat expansion within the C9ORF72 gene was shown to explain nearly 50% of familial and 30% of all FTLD cases in the Finnish population. Otherwise, the genetic background of Finnish FTLD is largely unknown.
The object of the present work was to disentangle the genetic aetiology of FTLD in the Finnish population. We studied a cohort of patients with a clinical diagnosis of FTLD from the province of Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland. Sequencing analysis of the genes MAPT, charged multi-vesicular body protein 2B (CHMP2B) and TAR DNA binding protein (TARDBP) were performed and the MAPT haplotypes were analysed. Correlations between genotype and phenotype were studied in patients with C9ORF72 repeat expansion mutation.
C9ORF72 expansion mutation explained nearly 30% of cases of FTLD in our cohort. Concomitant ALS and positive family history of the disease increased the possibility of carrying expanded C9ORF72. The clinical phenotype of C9ORF72 expansion carriers varied at presentation: both behavioural and language variants were detected with or without ALS. The behavioural presentations included prominent psychotic features, although psychiatric presentations were not overrepresented in expansion carriers. No pathogenic mutations were identified in the MAPT, CHMP2B and TARDBP genes in our series of FTLD patients. The H2 MAPT haplotype was associated with FTLD in the series.
Our findings emphasise the importance of C9ORF72 expansion mutation in FTLD. While mutations in MAPT and PGRN cause a significant proportion of cases of FTLD worldwide, they seem to be rare causes of FTLD in the Finnish population. Besides being infrequent in other populations, mutations in CHMP2B and TARDBP are rare causes of FTLD in the Finnish population as well. Our findings have clinical implications for recognising phenotypic features characteristic of expanded C9ORF72 as well as for genetic counselling of Finnish patients with FTLD. Even though a considerable proportion of our cases of familial FTLD is caused by the C9ORF72 expansion, over 50 % of our familial cases are without a molecular genetic diagnosis, suggesting that there are other unidentified causal genes to be found. / Tiivistelmä
Otsa-ohimolohkorappeumat on toiseksi yleisin työikäisten dementiaa aiheuttava etenevä aivojen rappeumasairaus. Toisinaan otsa-ohimolohkorappeumat esiintyvät yhdessä liikehermorappeuman, amyotrofisen lateraaliskleroosin (ALS), kanssa. Perinnöllisillä tekijöillä on todennäköisesti keskeinen merkitys taudin taustalla. Mutaatiot microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT)- ja progranulin (PGRN) geeneissä aiheuttavat yhteensä 10–20 % otsa-ohimolohkorappeumista maailmalla. C9ORF72-geenissä sijaitsevan toistojaksomonistuman on vastikään todettu olevan yleisin otsa-ohimolohkorappeumia ja ALS:a aiheuttava mutaatio. Mutaatio on erityisen yleinen suomalaisessa väestössä selittäen lähes 50 % suvuittaisista ja 30 % kaikista otsa-ohimolohkorappeumista. Oireyhtymän perinnöllisyys on muutoin huonosti tunnettu suomalaisessa väestössä.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää otsa-ohimolohkorappeumien geneettisiä syitä aineistossa, joka koostui vuosina 1999–2010 Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa tutkituista potilaista. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin MAPT-, charged multi-vesicular body protein 2B (CHMP2B)- ja TAR DNA-binding protein (TARDBP) geenien mutaatioiden esiintyvyyttä ja määritettiin MAPT-geenin haplotyypit. Lisäksi tutkittiin taudin kliinisiä erityispiirteitä C9ORF72-mutaation kantajilla.
C9ORF72-mutaatio selitti lähes 30 % otsa-ohimolohkorappeumista aineistossamme. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että suvuittain esiintyvä tautimuoto ja ALS yhdistyneenä otsa-ohimolohkorappeumaan liittyivät merkittävästi C9ORF72-mutaatioon. Monistuman kantajien fenotyyppi oli moninainen – ensioireina oli sekä käytösongelmia että kielellisiä vaikeuksia. Vaikka C9ORF72-mutaation kantajilla on kuvattu runsaasti psykoottisia oireita, psykoottiset oireet eivät olleet selvästi yliedustettuna mutaation kantajilla aineistossamme. Tutkimuksessa ei löydetty tautia aiheuttavia mutaatioita MAPT-, CHMP2B- tai TARDBP-geeneistä. Havaitsimme kuitenkin tilastollisesti merkittävän yhteyden MAPT-geenin H2-haplotyypin ja otsa-ohimolohkorappeumien välillä.
Tuloksemme antavat uutta tietoa C9ORF72-mutaation kantajien kliinisistä erityispiirteistä. MAPT-geenin mutaatioiden merkitys otsa-ohimolohkorappeumien synnyssä ei näyttäisi olevan suomalaisessa väestössä niin merkittävä kuin muissa väestöissä. CHMP2B- ja TARDBP-mutaatiot ovat harvinainen oireyhtymän syy myös suomalaisessa väestössä. Tuloksiamme voidaan hyödyntää suomalaisten otsa-ohimolohkorappeumapotilaiden perinnöllisessä neuvonnassa. Huomattavista edistysaskelista huolimatta yli puolet suvuittain esiintyvistä tautitapauksistamme on vailla geneettistä diagnoosia, mikä antaa aihetta jatkotutkimuksille.
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Structural and Biochemical Analysis of DNA Processing Protein A (DprA) from Helicobacter PyloriDwivedi, Gajendradhar R January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
H. pylori has a panmictic population structure due to high genetic diversity. The homoplasy
index for H. pylori is 0.85 (where 0 represents a completely clonal organism and 1.0 indicates
a freely recombining organism) which is much higher than homoplasy index for E. coli (0.26) or naturally competent Neisseria meningitides (0.34). It undergoes both inter as well as intra strain transformation. Intergenomic recombination is subject to strain specific restriction in H. pylori. Hence, a high homoplasy index means that competence predominates over restriction in H. pylori. Annotation of the genomes of H. pylori strains 26695 and J99 show
the presence of nearly two dozen R-M systems out of which 16 were postulated to be Type II
for J99.
H. pylori has been described to be an ideal model system for understanding the equilibrium between competing tension of genomic integrity and diversity (42). R-M systems allow some degree of sexual isolation in a population of competent cells by acting as a barrier to transformation. The mixed colonizing population of H. pylori has a polyploidy nature where each H. pylori strain adds to ‘ploidy’ of the colonizing population. Maintenance of polyploidy nature of mixed colonizing population in a selective niche of stomach needs a barrier to free gene flow. Restriction barrier maintains a polyploidy nature of H. pylori population which is considered as yet another form of genetic diversity helping in persistence
of infection. Thus, according to the model proposed by Kang and Blaser, where H. pylori are considered as perfect gases like bacterial population, transformation and restriction both add to genetic diversity of the organism. Again, restriction barriers are not completely effective, which could be due to cellular regulation of restriction system. Thus, a perfect balance between restriction and transformation in turn regulates the gene flow to equilibrate competition and cooperation between various H. pylori strains in a mixed population.
RecA, DprA and DprB have been shown to be involved in the presynaptic pathway for
recombination substrates brought in through the Com system. Biochemical characterization
of HpDprA, during this study revealed its ability to bind to ssDNA and dsDNA. Binding of HpDprA to both ssDNA as well as dsDNA results in large nucleoprotein complex that does not enter the native PAGE. However, DNA trapped in the wells could be released by the
addition of excess of competitor DNA, illustrating that the complex are formed reversibly and do not represent dead-end reaction products. Transmission electron microscopy for SpDprA interaction with ssDNA established that a large nucleoprotein complex consisting of a network of several DNA molecules bridged by DprA is formed which is retained in the well.
A large DNA-protein complex that sits in the well has also been observed with other DNA
binding proteins like RecA. It has been observed for ssDNA binding protein (SSB) that they bind non-specifically to dsDNA under low salt condition (20 mM NaCl) in the absence of
Mg2+. The non specific binding of SSB to dsDNA was prevented under high salt conditions (200 mM NaCl) or in the presence of Mg2+. HpDprA interaction with both ssDNA and dsDNA was stable under high salt condition (200 mM NaCl) and in the presence of Mg2+ indicating that these interactions are specific. The interaction of HpDprA with dsDNA is significant since dsDNA plays an important role in natural transformation of H. pylori. The pathway of transformation by dsDNA is highly facilitated (nearly 1000 fold) as compared to ssDNA. However, dsDNA is a preferred substrate for REases which are a barrier to horizontal gene transfer. This implies that the decision of ‘restriction’ or ‘facilitation for recombination’ of incoming DNA might be taken before the conversion of dsDNA into ssDNA. The incoming DNA has been shown to be in the double-stranded form in periplasm and in single-stranded form in cytoplasm. Hence, the temporal and spatial events surrounding endonuclease cleavage remain to be understood. Taken together, these results suggest a very important role of dsDNA in natural transformation in H. pylori. Hence, binding and protection of dsDNA by HpDprA is possibly of crucial importance in the success of natural
transformation process of the organism.
DprA is characterized by presence of a conserved DNA binding domain. The DNA binding
domain adopts a Rossman fold like topology spanning most region of the protein. Rossman
fold consists of alternating alpha helix and beta strands in the topological order of β-α-β-α-β.
It generally binds to a dinucleotide in a pair as a single Rossman fold can bind to a
mononucleotide only. All homologous DprA proteins characterized till date show that in
addition of the prominent Rossman fold domain they consist one or more smaller domains.
RpDprA consists two more domains other than the Rossman fold domain i.e., N- terminal
SAM (sterile alpha motif) domain and a C-terminal DML-1 like domain. SpDprA consist of an N-terminal SAM domain other than Rossman fold domain. While the main function of Rossman fold is to bind DNA, the supplementary domains are highly variable in sequences and functions. For example, the SAM domain in S. pneumoniae plays a key role in shut-off of competence by directly interacting with ComE~P. HpDprA consist of an N-terminal Rossman fold domain and a C-terminal DML-1 like domain. Both these domains are found to be prominently α-helical in nature. Amino acid sequence analysis of the protein suggests that NTD is basic and CTD is acidic in nature. NTD is sufficient for binding with ssDNA and dsDNA, while CTD plays an important role in formation of higher order polymeric complex with DNA.
For HpDprA and SpDprA, dimerization site was mapped in Rossman fold domain. Gel filtration data revealed an important observation that HpDprA can exist as a monomer (dominant species at lower concentration) as well as a dimer (dominant species at higher concentration) in solution. However, the exchange between these two forms is very fast
resulting in a single peak of elution. Since, HpDprA binds to DNA in dimeric form, the dimer species will be favoured in presence of DNA. Hence, even at lower concentrations HpDprA will be mainly a dimer in presence of DNA. Interestingly, both domains of HpDprA i.e., NTD and CTD were able to form dimers but no higher oligomeric form. On the other hand, HpDprA was seen to form oligomeric forms higher than dimer in gluteraldehyde cross linking assay. The strength of CTD dimer was much lower that NTD dimer, therefore it could be proposed that there are two sites of interaction present in HpDprA - a primary interaction site (N-N interaction) and a secondary interaction site (C-C interaction). The N-N interaction is responsible for dimer formation but further oligomerization of HpDprA necessitates the
interaction of two dimers using C-C interaction site.
It was shown that NTD binds to ssDNA but forms lower molecular weight complex. SPR
analysis of DprA and NTD – DNA interaction pointed out that deletion of CTD leads to
faster dissociation of the protein from DNA. Concomitantly, reduction in binding affinity was observed for both ss and ds DNA upon deletion of CTD from full length protein. These results suggest that CTD does play an important role in interaction of full length HpDprA with DNA. Two possible roles of CTD were proposed by Wang et al (2014) group to explain their observation of formation of lower molecular weight complex in absence of CTD. (i) CTD possesses a second DNA binding site but much weaker than site present in NTD. (ii) CTD is not involved in DNA binding but mediates nucleoprotein complex formation through protein – protein interaction. EMSA and SPR analysis with purified CTD protein confirmed that there is no secondary DNA binding site present in CTD. As discussed above, it was observed that CTD can mediate interaction between two HpDprA through C-C interaction.
Since the interaction is weaker it is lesser likely to be responsible for dimer formation but in trimer or higher oligomeric form of HpDprA, the presence of N-N interaction will facilitate and stabilize C-C interaction. These observations together bring forward an interesting model for HpDprA – DNA interaction. HpDprA forms dimer through N-N interaction (favourably in presence of DNA) and many HpDprA dimers bind to DNA owing to their high affinity and sequence independent nature of binding. These dimers interact with each other through C-C interaction resulting in higher molecular weight nucleoprotein complex. HpDprA - DNA complex formation is slower than NTD – DNA complex but the former one is more stable (Fig. 2). According to the above proposed model there are two binding events (DNA – protein and protein – protein) in case of HpDprA – DNA complex formation and hence it would take longer time than NTD-DNA complex formation which involves only one binding event. But the resulting higher order complex with HpDprA – DNA would be much more
NTD is able to offer equally efficient protection from nuclease to ssDNA and dsDNA (Fig.
7). This shows that NTD alone is sufficient to completely coat single molecule DNA. AFM
images confirm the difference in binding pattern of HpDprA full length protein and NTD. As can be seen in Fig. 8F, NTD binds a DNA molecule by entirely occupying all the available space but forms nucleoprotein filaments isolated from each other. In contrast to full length HpDprA, which forms tightly packed, condensed, extensively cross linked polynucleoprotein complexes, NTD forms much thinner complexes with DNA. In the electron micrographs of SpDprA – DNA complex, extensive cross filament interaction was observed resulting in a dense molecular aggregate. Similar kinds of complexes with DNA were also observed for Bacillus subtilis DprA in atomic force microscope images. Thus, it could be proposed that HpDprA binds to a single DNA molecule (single strand or double strand) mainly as a dimer formed through N-N interaction. Such multiple individual nucleoprotein filaments come together and interact with each other through C- C interaction resulting in dense and intricate poly – nucleoprotein complex.
HpDprA is proposed to undergo conformational changes from closed state to open state in
presence of ssDNA. In agreement with this, structural transition (resulting in reduction of α-helicity of the protein) was observed in presence of ssDNA. Similar structural transitions were observed for dsDNA indicating possibly a common mode of interaction for both forms of DNA. Further, mutation of the residues shown to be involved in binding ssDNA from crystallographic data, resulted in decrease of binding affinity with dsDNA as well. The fold reduction in binding affinity of dsDNA was lower than that for ssDNA despite that it is obvious that the same positively charged pocket which is primarily involved in ssDNA interaction is also responsible (atleast partially) for binding with dsDNA. However, the residues crucial for interaction with these two forms of DNA may be different.
Both DprA and R-M systems have been shown to have presynaptic role in natural transformation process. While DprA has a protective role, R-M systems have an inhibitory role for incoming DNA suggesting a functional interaction between them. Results of this study show that HpDprA interacts with dsDNA, inhibits Type II restriction enzymes from acting on it and at the same time stimulates the activity of MTases resulting in increased methylation of bound DNA. This observation is of significance from the view of genetic diversity as the only way a bacterial cell discriminates between self and nonself DNA is through the pattern of methylation. Binding of HpDprA to incoming DNA inhibits its access to restriction endonucleases but not to methyltransferases. As a result DNA will be methylated with the same pattern as that of the host cell. Hence, it no longer remains a substrate for restriction enzymes. HpDprA thus, effectively alleviates the restriction barrier.
However, it remains to be understood as to how DNA in complex with HpDprA, while not
accessible to REases or other cellular nucleases, is accessible to a MTase? A possible explanation could be that HpDprA interacts with MTase and recruits it on DNA. It has been shown that there is a overlap between DprA dimerization and RecA interaction interfaces and in presence of RecA, DprA-DprA homodimer is replaced with DprA-RecA heterodimer allowing RecA nucleation and polymerization on DNA followed by homology search and synapsis with the chromosome. A similar scenario can be thought for interaction of HpDprA with the MTase.
R-M systems play an important role in protection of genomic DNA from bacteriophage
DNA. Hence, downregulation of restriction barrier by HpDprA may not be desirable by host during the entire life cycle. Therefore, the expression of HpDprA, which is ComK dependent and that which takes place only when competence is achieved is noteworthy. In H. pylori,
DNA damage induces genetic exchange via natural competence. Direct DNA damage leads
to significant increase in intergenomic recombination. Taken together it can be proposed that when genetic competence is induced, R-M systems are down regulated to allow increased genetic exchange and thus, increasing adaptive capacity in a selective environment of stomach.
There is an evolutionary arms race between bacterial genomes and invading DNA molecules.
R-M systems and anti-restriction systems have co-evolved to maintain an evolutionary
balance between prey and predator. Phages and plasmids employ anti-restriction strategies to avoid restriction barrier by a) DNA sequence alteration, b) transient occlusion of restriction sites and c) subversion of restriction-modification activities. DNA binding proteins have been shown to bind and occlude restriction sites. On the other hand, λ Ral protein alleviates restriction by stimulating the activity of Type IA MTases. The observations of MTase stimulation and site occlusion of restriction sites by HpDprA appears to be analogous to anti restriction strategies, otherwise employed by bacteriophages. Thus, DprA could be a unique
bacterial anti-restriction protein used by H. pylori for downregulating its own R-M systems to maintain the balance between fidelity and diversity.
In conclusion, HpDprA has unique ability to bind to dsDNA in addition ssDNA but displays
higher affinity towards ssDNA. Binding of HpDprA to DNA results in a compact complex
that is inert to the activity of nucleases. A novel site of oligomerization for HpDprA was
observed which suggests the role of C-C interaction in inter-nucleoprotein filament
interaction. It would be interesting to further study the effects of CTD deletion on the transformation efficiency of H. pylori, to understand these mechanisms better. It has been well demonstrated that R-M systems offer a barrier to incoming DNA, but our understanding of the regulation of R-M systems has been poor. While other factors like regulation of cellular concentration of restriction enzymes and conversion of dsDNA into ssDNA might play crucial roles in striking the perfect balance between genome diversity and integrity, one of the factors that regulate R-M systems could be DprA.
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Aspects Of The Chemistry Of Oxovanadiulm(IV) Complexes Showing Photo-Induced Cytotoxicity And DNA Cleavage ActivitySasmal, Pijus Kumar 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The present thesis deals with different aspects of the chemistry of oxovanadium(IV) complexes, their interaction with DNA and protein and photo-induced DNA and protein cleavage activity and photocytotoxicity.
Chapter I presents a general introduction on various modes of interactions of organic compounds and transition metal complexes capable of targeting DNA leading to DNA strand scission, emphasizing particularly the photo-induced DNA cleavage activities for their potential application in PDT. The mechanistic pathways associated with the DNA cleavage are discussed. A comparison has been made on the advantages of photoactive metal complexes over organic conjugates. Objective of the present investigation is also dealt in this Chapter.
Chapter II of the thesis deals with the synthesis, characterization, DNA binding and photo-induced DNA cleavage activity of ternary oxovanadium(IV) complexes of N-salicylidene-S-methyldithiocarbazate (salmdtc) and phenanthroline bases to explore the photo-induced DNA cleavage activity in UV-A light of 365 nm.
Chapter III presents the synthesis, characterization, DNA binding and photo-induced DNA cleavage activity of ternary oxovanadium(IV) complexes containing N-salicylidene-L-methionate (salmet) and N-salicylidene-L-tryptophanate (saltrp) Schiff bases and phenanthroline bases. The objective of this work is to investigate the photo-induced DNA cleavage activity in near-IR light and to see the effect of pendant thiomethyl and indole moieties in the DNA cleavage reactions.
Chapter IV deals with the synthesis, characterization, DNA binding, red-light induced DNA cleavage activity and photocytotoxicity of ternary oxovanadium(IV) complexes having N-salicylidene-L-arginine (sal-argH) and N-salicylidene-L-lysine (sal-lysH) Schiff bases and phenanthroline bases. The important results include the visible light-induced DNA cleavage activity and photocytotoxicity of the complexes in human cervical HeLa cancer cells.
Chapter V describes the synthesis, characterization, DNA binding and photo-induced DNA and protein cleavage activity and photocytotoxicity of oxovanadium(IV) complexes containing bis(2-benzimidazolylmethyl)amine and phenanthroline bases. The significant results include DNA cleavage activity in near-IR light and photocytotoxicity of the dppz complex in non-small cell lung carcinoma/human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells in visible light. Further, we have studied the protein cleavage activity of the complexes in UV-A light of 365 nm by using bovine serum albumin (BSA) and lysozyme.
Finally, Chapter VI presents the binary oxovanadium(IV) complexes of phenanthroline bases. We have studied their synthesis, characterization, DNA binding and photo-induced DNA and protein cleavage activity and photocytotoxicity. Photocytotoxicity of dppz complex has been studied in human cervical HeLa cancer cells in visible light. Photo-induced protein cleavage activity of the complexes has been studied in UV-A light of 365 nm by using BSA and lysozyme.
The references have been compiled at the end of each chapter and indicated as superscript numbers in the text. The complexes presented in this thesis are represented by bold-faced numbers. Crystallographic data of the complexes, characterized structurally by single crystal X-ray crystallography, are given in CIF format in the enclosed CD (Appendix-I). Due acknowledgements have been made wherever the work described is based on the findings of other investigators. Any omission that might have happened due to oversight or mistake is regretted.
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