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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réplication de l'ADN mitochondrial : identification d’une seconde activité ADN polymérase dans la mitochondrie de S.cerevisiae et Contribution à l’étude du réplisome mitochondrial

Velours, Christophe 21 December 2009 (has links)
Au cours de la croissance des levures, la cellule doit dupliquer sont génome nucléaire et mitochondrial, le processus de réplication est bien moins étudié dans les mitochondries. Néanmoins, si de multiples ADN polymérases sont impliquées dans les processus de réplication et de réparation dans le noyau, il est considéré jusqu’à aujourd’hui qu’une seule ADN polymérase est impliquée dans ces processus dans la mitochondrie. Des résultats récents mettent en exergue le fait que la situation est bien plus compliquée qu’il n’y apparait au départ. Pour élucider le processus de réplication dans la mitochondrie de levure, j’ai focalisé mon intérêt à tenter de purifier et de caractériser le complexe de réplication. Ce travail était important à développer étant donné la découverte au laboratoire d’une seconde ADN polymérase supplémentaire à la polymérase gamma, dans les mitochondries de levure. Une première partie de ma thèse a été de m’investir afin d’obtenir suffisamment de protéines dans le but d’une identification par spectrométrie de masse, compte tenu de la faible proportion des ADN polymérases dans la cellule et en particulier dans la mitochondrie. Nous avons démontré que cette polymérase est codée par le gène unique POL1. Par des techniques d’ultracentrifugation et d’analyse biochimiques, j’ai réussi à isoler et caractériser un complexe de réplication mitochondrial. Des techniques d’exclusion chromatographiques ont permis d’attribuer une masse native à ce complexe. Sa composition a été étudiée grâce à des colonnes ioniques et hydrophobes, une autre méthode d’analyse repose sur l’utilisation de colonnes d’affinité afin de reconstituer in-vitro les interactions existant entre plusieurs protéines présumées impliquées. Ainsi, un réseau d’interactions impliquant les deux ADN polymérases mitochondriales avec cinq autres protéines a été reconstitué. La masse native de différentes formes stables de ce complexe se situent à 500 kDa ou au-delà de 1 MDa. / During yeast growth, cells must duplicate their nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. The replication process involved is less studied in mitochondria. Nevertheless, if multiple DNA polymerases are implicated in the nuclear replication and repair mechanisms, until now it is believed that only one DNA polymerase is involved in these processes in mitochondria. Recent results pointed out that the situation is more complicated than preliminary believed. To elucidate the replication process in yeast mitochondria I focused my interest in attempts to purify and characterize the replication complexes. This work was important to develop in accord with the discovery in the laboratory of a second DNA polymerase in addition to the polymerase gamma in yeast mitochondria. One first part of my thesis was to hardly purify enough of this enzyme to be allowed to identify it by mass spectrometry as the DNA polymerase alpha, encoded by the unique POL1 gene. By ultracentrifugation and biochemical techniques, I succeeded to purify the complex. Exclusion chromatographies were managed to elucidate the native mass of this complex. In addition ionic and hydrophobic chromatographic columns were carried out to determine its composition. Another way to study the complex was the reconstitution in vitro of the interactions happening with some usual suspect proteins with the help of chromatographic affinity columns. I reconstituted partly an interactions model network, including the two mitochondrial DNA polymerases and 5 others proteins implicated in replication. I determined the mass of different stable forms of the isolated complexes, around 500 kDa and over 1 MDa

Y-family DNA polymerase architecture: three structural features control accurate deoxy CTP insertion opposite N2-deoxy-guanine-benzo-a-pyrene

Sholder, Gabriel D. 12 March 2016 (has links)
Cells have lesion bypass DNA polymerases (DNAPs), often in the Y-Family, which synthesize passed DNA damage. One class of Y-Family DNAPs includes hDNAP k, EcDNAP IV and SsDbh, which insert accurately opposite N2-dG adducts, including BP-N2-dG formed from benzo[a]pyrene (BP). Another class includes hDNAP h, EcDNAP V and SsDpo4, which insert accurately opposite UV-damage. For correct Watson-Crick pairing between BP-N2-dG and dCTP, the BP moiety must be in the minor groove. On the minor groove side of the active site, k/IV/Dbh-class DNAPs have large openings that accommodate the BP moiety. Primer extension assays with purified proteins show that DNAP IV correctly inserts dCTP opposite BP more than 10-fold faster than it mis-inserts dATP, dGTP, or dTTP. In contrast, h/V/Dpo4-class DNAPs have small active site openings, which cannot accommodate BP and lead to a distorted structure and increased mutagenesis; e.g., Dpo4 has dGTP and dATP insertion rates that are 10-fold greater than those of dCTP. The opening in Dpo4 is plugged and bulky, whereas DNAP IV has a relatively spacious cavity. Consistent with this model, mutants of Dpo4 with a larger opening insert up to 10-fold more accurately opposite BP-N2-dG. Near the active site, Dpo4 has a single non-covalent bridge (NCB) between the little finger domain and the thumb-palm-fingers domain. DNAP IV and Dbh have a second, distal NCB that is 8 angstroms away from the active site towards the 3' end of the template DNA. Dpo4 becomes nearly 5-fold more accurate when mutated to carry a distal NCB, suggesting that NCB's also help control mutagenesis. Lastly, the active site of Dpo4 has a cavity in the major groove side, which may allow base flipping and dGTP insertion opposite -BP, while k/IV/Dbh-type polymerases do not. When this cavity is plugged in Dpo4 by mutagenesis or the introduction of an N-clasp motif, dGTP rates increase by nearly 20-fold. In conclusion, this data suggests that three structural regions contribute to accurate dCTP insertion opposite BP-N2-dG by k/IV/Dbh-class DNAPs: a large opening on the minor groove side near the active site, a cavity on the major groove side, and the number of non-covalent bridges between the little finger domain and the thumb-palm-fingers domain.

Etude des voies de silencing transciptionnel indépendantes de la méthylation ADN chez Arabidopsis thaliana / Study of transcriptional gene silencing pathways independent of DNA methylation

Bourguet, Pierre 07 December 2018 (has links)
Le silencing transcriptionnel limite la transcription des gènes et des éléments transposables dont l’expression pourrait être délétère à la cellule. Il dépend d’une diversité de modifications de la chromatine comme la méthylation ADN ou les marques répressives des histones. De façon à mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires à l’origine du silencing transcriptionnel, nous avons mené une approche de génétique directe à l’aide d’un transgène soumis au silencing dans la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana. Cette stratégie nous a permis d'isoler à la fois des mutants déficients pour le maintien du silencing transcriptionnel et des mutations qui empêchent la réactivation transcriptionnelle des éléments transposables en réponse à un stress thermique. Nous avons caractérisé les défauts provoqués par ces mutations en combinant des approches de biologie moléculaire, de cytologie et de génomique.Nous montrons ainsi que MED14, la sous-unité centrale du complexe Mediator, et UVH6, composant du complexe TFIIH, sont requis pour la transcription de l'hétérochromatine en stress thermique. MED14 stimule aussi la transcription de l'hétérochromatine en l'absence de stress, mais ne semble fonctionner qu'en présence de la méthylation ADN. En plus de cette fonction originale, nous identifions un nouveau rôle de MED14 dans le maintien de la méthylation ADN, possiblement via la voie de méthylation ADN dirigée par les petits ARN.Par ailleurs, nos résultats nous ont permis d’identifier le rôle des protéines MAIN et MAIL1, qui définissent une voie de silencing transcriptionnelle indépendante des voies connues jusqu'alors. De façon intéressante, MAIN et MAIL1 possèdent un domaine protéique partagé avec les éléments transposables, qui aurait successivement été capturé par les éléments transposables et leur hôte au cours de l’histoire évolutive des plantes à fleurs.Enfin, en isolant une nouvelle mutation du gène POL2A, nous confirmons le rôle de l’ADN polymérase epsilon dans le silencing transcriptionnel et caractérisons les propriétés chromatiniennes qui dépendent de POL2A. Nous montrons que les défauts de silencing des mutants pol2a corrèlent avec une désorganisation importante de l’hétérochromatine sans diminution drastique des marques qui y sont associées. Au contraire, nous détectons une hyperméthylation ADN prononcée dans le mutant, et explorons différentes hypothèses pour expliquer ce phénotype particulier. Nos données suggèrent que plusieurs mécanismes moléculaires sont à l’origine des défauts des mutants pol2a. Elles confirment le rôle prépondérant de la chromométhylase CMT3 dans la régulation de la méthylation ADN, et suggèrent qu’un stress réplicatif pourrait causer une hyperméthylation de l’ADN.Dans l’ensemble, ces travaux de thèse proposent des pistes de travail dont l’exploration pourrait permettre d’expliquer les effets des déficiences réplicatives dans le maintien du silencing transcriptionnel et de l’homéostasie de la méthylation ADN. Ils suggèrent en outre que MED14 a une fonction dédiée à la transcription de l’hétérochromatine qui pourrait stimuler le maintien de la méthylation ADN. / Transcriptional gene silencing hinders deleterious transcription of some genes and transposable elements. Silencing is maintained by numerous chromatin modifications such as DNA methylation and repressive histone marks. To better understand the molecular mechanisms of silencing, we conducted a forward genetic screen using a transgene reporter system targeted by transcriptional gene silencing in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. We isolated a first type of mutants with diminished maintenance of silencing and a second category that displayed deficient release of transgene silencing upon heat stress. We then combined molecular, cytological and genomic methods to characterize the defects associated with these mutations.First, we show that the Mediator subunit MED14 and the TFIIH complex subunit UVH6 are required for heat-stress-induced release of silencing. We further show that MED14, but not UVH6, promotes transcriptional activation of transposable elements in mutant contexts where silencing is defective. Importantly, MED14 is only required when DNA methylation is not affected, suggesting that MED14 has a specialized function to promote transcription of heterochromatin. Furthermore, we show that MED14 promote DNA methylation at targets regulated by RNA-directed DNA methylation.Characterizing mutants from the first category, we unveil the contribution of the MAIN and MAIL1 proteins into transcriptional gene silencing, and show that they likely act through a pathway independent of known silencing factors. Interestingly, MAIN and MAIL1 bear a protein domain that is shared with transposable elements, and that has been captured by transposable elements and genes throughout the evolutionary history of flower plants.Additionally, we confirm the involvement of the DNA polymerase epsilon in transcriptional gene silencing by isolating a new mutation of the POL2A gene among mutants of the first category. We characterize the effects of the pol2a mutation on several heterochromatin properties, and show that the pol2a mutant retains high levels of heterochromatin marks despite having highly disorganized heterochromatin. We actually detect a strong elevation of DNA methylation in the pol2a mutant and explore different hypothesis to explain this unusual phenotype. We show that increased expression of the CMT3 chromomethylase is a likely cause, but that additional molecular mechanisms are probably involved. Further exploration suggests that constitutive replicative stress occurring in pol2a mutants could be an additional cause of DNA hypermethylation.To summarize, this work provide putative causes for DNA hypermethylation and silencing defects in a situation of replicative deficiency. Further investigation will be required to identify the molecular components involved in the mechanism. Our data further suggest that MED14 has a function dedicated to heterochromatin transcription that could promote DNA methylation maintenance.

Recombinant Enzymes in Pyrosequencing Technology

Nourizad, Nader January 2004 (has links)
Pyrosequencing is a DNA sequencing method based on thedetection of released pyrophosphate (PPi) during DNA synthesis.In a cascade of enzymatic reactions, visible light isgenerated, which is proportional to the number of nucleotidesincorporated into the DNA template. When dNTP(s) areincorporated into the DNA template, inorganic PPi is released.The released PPi is converted to ATP by ATP sulfurylase, whichprovides the energy to luciferase to oxidize luciferin andgenerate light. The excess of dNTP(s) and the ATP produced areremoved by the nucleotide degrading enzyme apyrase. The commercially available enzymes, isolated from nativesources, show batch-tobatch variations in activity and quality,which decrease the efficiency of the Pyrosequencing reaction.Therefore, the aim of the research presented in this thesis wasto develop methods to recombinantly produce the enzymes used inthe Pyrosequencing method. Production of the nucleotidedegrading enzyme apyrase by Pichia pastoris expression system,both in small-scale and in an optimized large-scale bioreactor,is described. ATP sulfurylase, the second enzyme in thePyrosequencing reaction, was produced inEscherichia coli. The protein was purified and utilizedin the Pyrosequencing method. Problems associated with enzymecontamination (NDP kinase) and batch-to-batch variations wereeliminated by the use of the recombinant ATP sulfurylase. As a first step towards sequencing on chip-format,SSB-(single-strand DNA binding protein)-luciferase and KlenowDNA polymerase-luciferase fusion proteins were generated inorder to immobilize the luciferase onto the DNA template. The application field for the Pyrosequencing technology wasexpanded by introduction of a new method for clone checking anda new method for template preparation prior the Pyrosequencingreaction. Keywords:apyrase, Pyrosequencing technology, Zbasictag fusion, luciferase, ATP sulfurylase, dsDNAsequencing, clone checking, Klenow-luciferase, SSB-luciferase,Pichia pastoris, Echerichia coli.


Sliwa, Mariam January 2009 (has links)
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) is a worldwide tick-borne disease that originally belongs to the Bunyaviridae family, the genus Nairovirus. In addition to infection from ticks, humans become infected if any contact with infected blood or tissue material occurs. To study the disease, several methods such as real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Immunofluorescence assay are used for detection of the virus. All viruses in Bunyaviridae consists of three single stranded RNA sequences, the small, the medium and the large segment, that encode for the nucleocapsid protein, the glycoproteins, GN and GC, and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, respectively. The main purpose of this study was to express the M RNA segment´s glycoproteins, GN and GC. By using the reverse transcription reaction, the cDNA was synthesized from vRNA and the M RNA sequence was amplified using Phusion DNA-polymerase. In the storage vector, pcDNA3.1/V5-His-TOPO, the insert was ligatured followed by transformation into Escherichia coli. Restriction digestion was made with specific enzymes that cut out the insert. In the second ligation and transformation two different expression vectors (pTM1/pI.18) was used. After observation of the gel analysis from the test-PCR, an insert in the expression vector was shown.

Role of yeast DNA polymerase epsilon during DNA replication

Isoz, Isabelle January 2008 (has links)
Each cell division, the nuclear DNA must be replicated efficiently and with high accuracy to avoid mutations which can have an effect on cell function. There are three replicative DNA polymerases essential for the synthesis of DNA during replication in eukaryotic cells. DNA polymerase α (Pol α) synthesize short primers required for DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ) and DNA polymerase ε (Pol ε) to carry out the bulk synthesis. The role of Pol δ and Pol ε at the replication fork has been unclear. The aim of this thesis was to examine what role Pol ε has at the replication fork, compare the biochemical properties of Pol δ and Pol ε, and to study the function of the second largest and essential subunit of Pol ε, Dpb2. To identify where Pol ε replicates DNA in vivo, a strategy was taken where the active site of Pol ε was altered to create a mutator polymerase leaving a unique error-signature. A series of mutant pol ε proteins were purified and analyzed for enzyme activity and fidelity of DNA synthesis. Two mutants, M644F and M644G, exhibited an increased mutation rate and close to normal polymerase activity. One of these, the M644G gave rise to a specific increase of mismatch mutations resulting from T-dTMP mis-pairing during DNA synthesis in vitro. The M644G mutant was introduced in yeast strains carrying a reporter gene, URA3, on either side of an origin in different orientations. Mutations which inactivated the URA3 gene in the M644G mutant strains were analyzed. A strand specific signature was found demonstrating that Pol ε participates in the synthesis of the leading strand. Pol δ and Pol ε are both stimulated by the processivity clamp, PCNA, in in vitro replication assays. To clarify any differences they were challenged side by side in biochemical assays. Pol ε was found to require that single-stranded template (ssDNA) was entirely coated with RPA, whereas Pol δ was much less sensitive to uncoated ssDNA. The processivity of Pol δ was stimulated to a much higher degree by PCNA than of Pol ε. In presence of PCNA the processivity of Pol δ and Pol ε was comparable. In contrast, Pol ε was approximately four times slower than Pol δ when replicating a single-primed circular template in the presence of all accessory proteins and an excess of polymerase. The biochemical characterization of the system suggests that Pol ε and Pol δ are loaded onto the PCNA-primer-ternary complex by separate mechanisms. A model is proposed where the loading of Pol ε onto the leading strand is independent of the PCNA interaction motif which is required by enzymes acting on the lagging strand. The essential gene DPB2 encodes for the second largest subunit of Pol ε. We carried out a genetic screen in S.cerevisiae and isolated a lethal mutant allele of dpb2 (dpb2-200). When over-expressed together with the remaining three subunits of Polε, Pol2, Dpb3 and Dpb4, the dpb2-201 did not copurify. The biochemical property of Pol2/Dpb3/Dpb4 complex was compared with wild-type four-subunit Pol ε (Pol2/Dpb2/Dpb3/Dpb4) and a Pol2/Dpb2 complex in replication assays. The absence of Dpb2 in the complex did not significantly affect the specific activity or the processivity, but gave a slightly reduced efficiency in holoenzyme assays when compared to wild-type four-subunit Pol ε. We propose that Dpb2 is not essential for the enzyme activity of Pol ε.

Functional and structural properties of eukaryotic DNA polymerase epsilon

Chilkova, Olga January 2006 (has links)
In eukaryotes there are three DNA polymerases which are essential for the replication of chromosomal DNA: DNA polymerase alpha (Pol alpha), DNA polymerase delta (Pol delta) and DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon). In vitro studies of viral DNA replication showed that Pol alpha and Pol delta are sufficient for DNA replication on both leading and lagging DNA strands, thus leaving the function of Pol epsilon unknown. The low abundance and the reported protease sensitivity of Pol epsilon were holding back biochemical studies of the enzyme. The aim of this study was to characterize the structural and functional properties of eukaryotic Pol epsilon. We first developed a protocol for over-expression and purification of Pol epsilon from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Pol epsilon consists of four subunits: Pol2 (catalytic subunit), Dpb2, Dpb3 and Dpb4. This four-subunit complex was purified to homogeneity by conventional chromatography and the subunit stoichiometry of purified Pol epsilon was estimated from colloidal coomassie-stained gels to be 1:1:1:1. The quaternary structure was determined by sedimentation velocity and gel filtration experiments. Molecular mass (371 kDa) was calculated from the experimentally determined Stokes radius (74.5 Å) and sedimentation coefficient (11.9 S) and was in good agreement with a theoretical molecular mass calculated for a heterotetramer (379 kDa). Analytical sedimentation equilibrium ultracentrifugation experiments supported the proposed heterotetrameric structure of Pol epsilon. By cryo-electron microscopy and single-particle image analysis we determined the structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pol epsilon to 20-Å resolution. The four-subunit complex was found to consist of a globular domain, comprising the Pol2 subunit, flexibly connected to an elongated domain, including Dpb2, Dpb3 and Dpb4 subunits. We found that Pol epsilon requires a minimal length of 40 base pairs of primer-template duplex to be processive. This length corresponds to the dimensions of the elongated domain. To characterize the fidelity by which Pol epsilon synthesizes DNA, we purified wild type and exonuclease-deficient Pol epsilon. Wild type Pol epsilon synthesizes DNA with a very high accuracy. Analysis of the exonuclease-deficient Pol epsilon showed that Pol epsilon proofreads more than 90% of the errors made by its polymerase activity. Exonuclease-deficient Pol epsilon was shown to have a specific spectrum of errors not seen in other DNA polymerases: a high proportion of transversions resulting from T-dTTP, T-dCTP and C-dTTP mispairs. This unique error specificity and amino acid sequence alignment suggest that the structure of the polymerase active site of Pol epsilon differs from those of other members of B family DNA polymerases. With recombinant proteins and circular single-stranded DNA templates, we partially reconstituted DNA replication in vitro, in which we challenged Pol epsilon and Pol delta in side-by-side comparisons regarding functional assays for polymerase activity and processivity, as well as physical interactions with nucleic acids and PCNA. We found that Pol epsilon activity and “on-DNA” PCNA interactions are dependent on RPA-coated template DNA. By the surface plasmon resonance technique, we showed that Pol epsilon has a high affinity for DNA and low affinity for immobilized PCNA. By contrast, Pol delta was found to have low affinity for DNA and high affinity for PCNA. We suggest that a possible function of RPA is to regulate down the DNA synthesis through Pol epsilon, and that the mechanism by which Pol epsilon and Pol delta load onto the template is different due to different properties of the interaction with DNA and PCNA.

Structure of eukaryotic DNA polymerase epsilon and lesion bypass capability

Sabouri, Nasim January 2008 (has links)
To transfer the information in the genome from mother cell to daughter cell, the DNA replication must be carried out only once and with very high fidelity prior to every cell division. In yeast there are several different DNA polymerases involved in DNA replication and/or DNA repair. The two replicative DNA polymerases, DNA polymerase delta (Pol delta) and DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon), which both include a proofreading 3´→5´exonuclease activity, can replicate and proofread the genome with a very high degree of accuracy. The aim of this thesis was to gain a better understanding of how the enigmatic DNA polymerase epsilon participates in DNA transactions. To investigate whether Pol epsilon or Pol delta is responsible for the synthesis of DNA on the lagging strand, the processing and assembly of Okazaki fragments was studied. Pol delta was found to have a unique property called “idling” which, together with the flap-endonuclease (FEN1), maintained a ligatable nick for DNA ligase I. In contrast, Pol epsilon was found to lack the ability to “idle” and interact functionally with FEN-1, indicating that Pol epsilon is not involved in processing Okazaki fragments. Together with previous genetic studies, it was concluded that Pol delta is the preferred lagging strand polymerase, leaving Pol epsilon to carry out some other function. The structure of Pol epsilon was determined by cryo-electron microscopy, to a resolution of ~20 Å. Pol epsilon is composed of a globular “head” domain consisting of the large catalytic subunit Pol2p, and a “tail” domain, consisting of the small subunits Dpb2p, Dpb3p, and Dpb4p. The two separable domains were found to be connected by a flexible hinge. Interestingly, the high intrinsic processivity of Pol epsilon depends on the interaction between the tail domain and double-stranded DNA. As a replicative DNA polymerase, Pol epsilon encounters different lesions in DNA. It was shown that Pol epsilon can perform translesion synthesis (TLS) through a model abasic site in the absence of external processivity clamps under single-hit conditions. The lesion bypass was dependent of the sequence on the template and also on a proper interaction of the “tail”domain with the primer-template. Yeast cells treated with a DNA damaging agent and devoid of all TLS polymerases showed improved survival rates in the presence of elevated levels of dNTPs. These genetic results suggested that replicative polymerases may be engaged in the bypass of some DNA lesions. In vitro, Pol epsilon was found to bypass 8-OxoG at elevated dNTP levels. Together, the in vitro and in vivo results suggest that the replicative polymerases may be engaged in bypass of less bulky DNA lesions at elevated dNTP levels. In conclusion, the low-resolution structure presented represents the first structural characterization of a eukaryotic multi-subunit DNA polymerase. The replicative DNA polymerase Pol epsilon can perform translesion synthesis due to an interaction between the tail domain and double-stranded DNA. Pol epsilon may also bypass less bulky DNA lesions when there are elevated dNTP concentrations in vivo.

Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions in Nuclease and Polymerases

rob, abdur 05 May 2011 (has links)
DNA polymerase binds to the double stranded DNA and extends the primer strand by adding deoxyribonucletide to the 3’-end. Several reactions in the polymerase active site have been reported by Kornberg in addition to the polymerization. We observed DNA polymerase I can act as a pyrophosphatase and hydrolyze deoxyribonucletide. In performing the pyrophosphatase activity, DNA polymerase I requires to interact with RNA. RNA in general, was found to activate the DNA polymerase I as pyrophosphatase. This hydrolysis causes depletion of dNTP and inhibits DNA polymeration synthesis in vitro. In this RNA-dependent catalysis, DNA polymerase I catalyzes only dNTP but not rNTP. We have also observed that many other DNA polymerases have this type of the RNA-dependent pyrophosphatase activity. Our experimental data suggest that the exonuclease active sites most likely play the critical role in this RNA-dependent dNTP hydrolysis, which might have a broader impact on biological systems. On the basis of the crystal structure of a ternary complex of RNase H (Bacillus halodurans), DNA, and RNA, we have introduced the selenium modification at the 6-position of guanine (G) by replacing the oxygen (SeG). The SeG has been incorporated into DNA (6 nt. - 6 nucleotides) by solid phase synthesis. The crystal structure and biochemical studies with the modified SeG-DNA indicate that the SeDNA can base-pair with the RNA substrate and serve as a template for the RNA hydrolysis. In the crystal structure, it has been observed that the selenium introduction causes shifting (or unwinding) of the G-C base pair by 0.3 Å. Furthermore, the Se-modification can significately enhance the phosphate backbone cleavage (over 1000 fold) of the RNA substrate, although the modifications are remotely located on the DNA bases. This enhancement in the catalytic step is probably attributed to the unwinding of the local duplex, which shifts scissile phosphate bond towards the enzyme active site. Our structural, kinetic and thermodynamic investigations suggest a novel mechanism of RNase H catalysis, which was revealed by the atom-specific selenium modification.

Isolation And Characterization Of Taq Dna Polymerase And Optimization And Validation Of Newly Designed Thermal Cyclers

Yildiz, Lutfiye 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Amplification of target DNA in vitro via polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a widely used scientific technique in molecular biology. This method relies on repeated heating and cooling cycles of the DNA and enzyme mixture, resulting with the enzymatic replication of the DNA. A heat stable Taq DNA polymerase and a thermal cycler that enables repeated heating/cooling cycles are the two key components of the PCR. In this study we have produced a high activity Taq DNA polymerase and used this enzyme to validate and optimize two newly developed thermal cyclers- a conventional and a capillary thermal cycler. Taq DNA polymerase gene was amplified from Thermus aquaticus DNA, was cloned and overexpressed using Gateway&reg / recombination cloning technology. Highly active Taq DNA polymerase enzyme was purified from E.coli and its activity was tested by PCR, using different sources of DNA. Our results showed that the enzyme activity of the produced Taq DNA polymerase was not significantly different from the commercial available Taq DNA polymerase. To further characterize the purified enzyme, endonuclease and nicking activities were also tested to be absent. The fidelity of the purified Taq DNA polymerase was also tested and found to be the same as the commercially available Taq polymerases. In this study, in addition to the production of a Taq polymerase, optimization studies for two new thermal cyclers, a conventional and a capillary, was also carried out. The conventional thermal cycler was found to be as efficient as the commercially available thermal cyclers in the 95% confidence interval. The capillary thermal cycler was tested as a proof of concept and our results showed that it works less efficiently due to the insufficient insulation and capillary tubes being longer than the capillary tube holder.

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