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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biological control of the invasive Ailanthus altissima (tree-of-heaven) in Virginia using naturally occurring Verticillium wilt fungi

Brooks, Rachel Keys 08 June 2020 (has links)
The invasive tree-of-heaven, Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle, is widespread and damaging throughout North America. Verticillium wilt disease is emerging as a potentially exciting biological control option for this difficult to control tree. In Virginia, Verticillium nonalfalfae has been confirmed causing significant mortality to A. altissima, while V. dahliae is suspected to be present and causing lower levels of disease. Little else is known regarding these two fungal species in this state. The purpose of this research was to gain a better understanding of how Verticillium wilt impacts A. altissima and its potential as a biological control agent. We first confirmed V. dahliae's presence in Virginia and its pathogenicity to A. altissima using Koch's postulates. We then completed a regional field-inoculation experiment to show that V. nonalfalfae effectively kills and spreads to adjacent A. altissima, regardless of V. dahliae presence or other climate and stand variables. Additionally, we showed that V. dahliae causes lower levels of disease than V. nonalfalfae, and does not spread rapidly. Next, we surveyed all Virginia A. altissima stands known to be naturally infected with V. nonalfalfae to determine whether V. nonalfalfae persists long-term, that it considerably reduces A. altissima numbers, and that its local prevalence may be higher than initially suspected. However, we were unable to infect A. altissima seedlings using soil collected at these infested sites, suggesting that V. nonalfalfae's survival within field soil may be limited. Lastly, using paired A. altissima invaded-uninvaded sites, we found that A. altissima presence is associated with a decreased proportion of native plants and species in the woody and herbaceous understory, but not the germinable seedbank. Furthermore, we found that this impact on the woody understory appears to increase over time, supporting early management actions and helping us predict post-management restoration needs. We conclude that V. nonalfalfae has a high potential of successfully limiting A. altissima throughout Virginia, supporting its registration as a biopesticide. / Doctor of Philosophy / Commonly called the tree-of-heaven, the nonnative invasive forest-tree Ailanthus altissima, is extensive, damaging, and spreading throughout North America. After finding large areas of declining tree-of-heaven being killed by two different fungal species (Verticillium nonalfalfae and V. dahliae), research has been focused on how to use these fungi to help us manage the tree-of-heaven. In Virginia, V. nonalfalfae has been confirmed killing large numbers of tree-of-heaven, while V. dahliae is suspected to be present in areas with lower levels of decline. The purpose of our research was to gain a better understanding of how these pathogens impact tree-of-heaven and their potential as biological control agents in Virginia. We first confirmed that V. dahliae is present in Virginia and can cause disease on tree-of-heaven. We then inoculated tree-of-heaven stands throughout the state to confirm that V. nonalfalfae effectively kills and spreads to adjacent tree-of-heaven regardless of V. dahliae presence or other climate or site variables. In contrast, we found that V. dahliae only causes low levels of disease and does not spread effectively. Next, we surveyed all known naturally infected V. nonalfalfae sites in Virginia and demonstrated that V. nonalfalfae persists long term within these stands, considerably reducing but not eradicating the tree-of-heaven, and that V. nonalfalfae's local prevalence may be higher than initially suspected. However, when tree-of-heaven seedlings were planted into soil collected from these infested sites, no disease developed, suggesting that V. nonalfalfae's survival within the soil may be limited. Lastly, by looking at tree-of-heaven stands, we found that the tree-of-heaven's presence is associated with a lower percentage of native plants and species in the understory, but not in the seeds present in the soil. In addition, we found that this impact on the woody plants in the understory appears to become more severe over time, supporting managing the tree-of-heaven as soon as possible. We conclude that V. nonalfalfae used as a biological control has a good potential of successfully limiting the tree-of-heaven in Virginia and support its registration as a biopesticide.

Interplay of Verticillium signaling genes favoring beneficial or detrimental outcomes in interactions with plant hosts

Starke, Jessica 22 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Beteiligung systemischer Signale an der Symptomauslösung bei Brassica napus nach Infektion mit Verticillium longisporum und V. dahliae / Involvment of systemic signals on symptom development of Brassica napus after infection with Verticillium longisporum and V. dahliae

Riediger, Nadine 14 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Development of Biotechnological Tools for the Genetic Improvement of Pepino (Solanum Muricatum) and Tree Tomato (S.betaceum)

Pacheco Toabanda, Juan Enrique 07 November 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El pepino dulce (Solanum muricatum) y el tomate de árbol (S. betaceum) pertenecen al grupo de cultivos de la familia Solanaceae. Estos dos cultivos son originarios de América del Sur y actualmente se cultivan en varios países con climas tropicales, subtropicales y mediterráneos. Han sido infrautilizados durante mucho tiempo y han cobrado relevancia solo en los últimos años debido a su alta calidad nutricional. El pepino dulce exhibe niveles significativos de potasio, vitamina C y carotenoides y se informa que presenta propiedades antioxidantes, antidiabéticas, antiinflamatorias y antitumorales. Sus frutos se pueden consumir tanto como postre o en ensaladas. El tomate de árbol también destaca por su alto contenido en compuestos bioactivos como carotenoides, antocianinas, flavonoides y vitaminas. Varios productos como jugos, mermeladas, salsas y productos farmacéuticos son elaborados a partir de sus frutos. Debido a que estos cultivos se han introducido en nuevas regiones, donde pueden estar expuestos a estreses bióticos y abióticos que pueden amenazar su producción, y dado que el pepino dulce se ve especialmente afectado por la escasez de agua, fue necesario realizar un estudio para determinar la respuesta de siete cultivares de pepino dulce a parámetros fisiológicos y bioquímicos al estrés por sequía. Este trabajo puede ayudar a desarrollar programas de selección y mejoramiento que permitan generar nuevas variedades más tolerantes a la sequía. Por otro lado, en los países de clima mediterráneo, el pepino dulce se cultiva como cultivo protegido, aplicando las mismas técnicas agrícolas que otras solanáceas como el tomate y el pimiento. Estos sistemas agrícolas también brindan condiciones óptimas para el desarrollo de enfermedades como Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL), Verticillium dahliae (VE), virus del mosaico del pepino (PepMV) y virus del mosaico del tomate (ToMV), que potencialmente podrían causar grandes daños a los cultivos de pepino dulce. Por tal motivo, se realizó un estudio para evaluar la respuesta de una colección de pepino dulce y sus parientes silvestres contra estas cuatro enfermedades, y encontrar fuentes de resistencia/tolerancia a estos patógenos. Aunque el tomate de árbol es un cultivo frutal importante debido a su valor nutricional y efectos beneficiosos para la salud, actualmente no hay información genómica y transcriptómica disponible públicamente. Por lo tanto, fue fundamental secuenciar el transcriptoma de dos cultivares de tomate de árbol con frutos morados (A21) y frutos anaranjados (A23). Estos dos cultivares han sido ampliamente utilizados y cultivados comercialmente en países de la región andina como Ecuador y Colombia. La obtención del primer transcriptoma de tomate de árbol ha permitido realizar un estudio comparativo entre el tomate de árbol y sus especies cercanas, tomate y patata, identificar genes implicados en la ruta de biosíntesis de carotenoides y desarrollar marcadores de polimorfismo de nucleótido único (SNP). En general, esta Tesis Doctoral aporta información relevante sobre la respuesta del pepino a diversos estreses ambientales, que puede ser utilizada para el desarrollo de nuevas variedades de pepino resistentes a múltiples estreses. Mientras que en tomate de árbol, el desarrollo de herramientas genómicas acelerará los programas de mejoramiento. / [CA] El cogombre dolç (Solanum muricatum) i tomata d'arbre (S. betaceum) pertanyen al grup de cultius de la família Solanaceae. Aquests dos cultius són originaris d'Amèrica del Sud i actualment es cultiven en diversos països amb climes tropicals, subtropicals i mediterranis. Han sigut infrautilitzats durant molt de temps i han cobrat rellevància només en els últims anys a causa de la seua alta qualitat nutricional. El cogombre dolç exhibeix nivells significatius de potassi, vitamina C i carotenoides i s'informa que presenta propietats antioxidants, antidiabètiques, antiinflamatòries i antitumorals. Els seus fruits es poden consumir tant com postres o en ensalades. La tomaca d'arbre també destaca pel seu alt contingut en compostos bioactivos com carotenoides, antocianinas, flavonoides i vitamines. Dels seus fruits s'elaboren diversos productes com a sucs, melmelades, salses i productes farmacèutics. Pel fet que aquests cultius s'han introduït en noves regions on poden estar exposats a estressos biòtics i abiòtics que poden amenaçar la seua producció, atés que el cogombre es veu especialment afectat per l'escassetat d'aigua, va ser necessari realitzar un estudi per a determinar la resposta de set cultivars de cogombre dolç a paràmetres fisiològics i bioquímicos a l'estrés per sequera. Aquest treball pot ajudar a desenvolupar programes de selecció i millorament que permeten generar noves varietats més tolerants a la sequera. D'altra banda, als països de clima mediterrani, el cogombre dolç es cultiva com a cultiu protegit, aplicant les mateixes tècniques agrícoles que unes altres solanáceas com la tomaca i el pimentó. Aquests sistemes agrícoles també brinden condicions òptimes per al desenvolupament de malalties com Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL), Verticillium dahliae (VE), virus del mosaic del cogombre (PepMV) i virus del mosaic de la tomaca (ToMV), que potencialment podrien causar grans danys als cultius de cogombre dolç. Per tal motiu, es va realitzar un estudi per a avaluar la resposta d'una col·lecció de cogombre dolç i els seus parents silvestres contra aquestes quatre malalties, i trobar fonts de resistència/tolerància a aquests patògens. Encara que la tomaca d'arbre és un cultiu fruiter important a causa del seu valor nutricional i efectes beneficiosos per a la salut, actualment no hi ha informació genòmica i transcriptómica disponible públicament. Per tant, va ser fonamental seqüenciar el transcriptoma de dues cultivars de tomaca d'arbre amb fruits morats (A21) i fruits ataronjats (A23). Aquestes dues cultivars han sigut àmpliament utilitzats i cultivats comercialment en països de la regió andina com l'Equador i Colòmbia. L'obtenció del primer transcriptoma de tomaca d'arbre ha permés realitzar un estudi comparatiu entre la tomaca d'arbre i les seues espècies pròximes, tomaca i creïlla, identificar gens implicats en la ruta de biosíntesi de carotenoides i desenvolupar marcadors de polimorfisme de nucleòtid únic (SNP). En general, aquesta Tesi Doctoral aporta informació rellevant sobre la resposta del cogombre a diversos estressos ambientals, que pot ser utilitzada per al desenvolupament de noves varietats de cogombre resistents a múltiples estressos. Mentre que en tomaca d'arbre, el desenvolupament d'eines genòmiques accelerarà els programes de millorament. / [EN] Pepino (Solanum muricatum) and tree tomato (S. betaceum) belong to the group of crops of the Solanaceae family. These two crops are native to South America and currently are grown in various countries with tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean climates. They have been underutilized for a long time and have become relevant only in recent years due to their high nutritional quality. Pepino exhibit significant levels of potassium, vitamin C and carotenoids and it is reported to present antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties. Its fruits can be consumed both as a dessert or in salads. Tree tomato also highlights high content of bioactive compounds such as carotenoids, anthocyanins, flavonoids and vitamins. Severals products such as juices, jams, sauces and pharmaceutical products are made from its fruits. Due to these crops have been introduced into new regions, where they may be exposed to biotic and abiotic stresses that can threaten their production, and since pepino is specially affected by water scarcity, a study was needed to determine the response of seven pepino cultivars to physiological and biochemical parameters to drought stress. This work can help develop selection and improvement programs that allow the generation of new varieties that are more tolerant to drought. On the other hand, in countries with a Mediterranean climate, pepino is grown as a protected crop, applying the same agricultural techniques as other solanaceous plants such as tomato and pepper. These agricultural systems also provide optimal conditions for the development of diseases such as Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL), Verticillium dahliae (VE), pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) and tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), which could potentially cause great damage to pepino crops. For this reason, a study was performed to evaluate the response of a collection of pepino and their wild relatives against these four diseases, and find sources of resistance/tolerance to those pathogens. Although tree tomato is an important fruit crop due to its nutritional value and beneficial health effects, there is currently no publicly available genomic and transcriptomic information. Therefore, it was essential to sequence the transcriptome of two tree tomato cultivars with purple fruits (A21) and orange fruits (A23). These two cultivars have been widely used and cultivated commercially in countries of the Andean region such as Ecuador and Colombia. Obtaining the first tree tomato transcriptome has made it possible to perform a comparative study between tree tomato and its close species, tomato and potato, identify genes involved in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway, and develop single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. In general, this Doctoral Thesis provides relevant information on the response of pepino to various environmental stresses, which can be used for the development of new varieties of pepino resistant to multiple stresses. While in tree tomato, the development of genomic tools will accelerating up breeding programs. / Pacheco Toabanda, JE. (2022). Development of Biotechnological Tools for the Genetic Improvement of Pepino (Solanum Muricatum) and Tree Tomato (S.betaceum) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/189205 / Compendio


Shittu, Hakeem Olalekan 05 October 2010 (has links)
When tomato Craigella is infected with Verticillium dahliae Dvd-E6 (Dvd-E6), a tolerant state is induced with substantial pathogen load, but few symptoms. Unexpectedly, these plants are more robust and taller with Dvd-E6 behaving as an endophyte. Some endophytes can protect plants from virulent pathogens. This research was undertaken to improve understanding of the cellular and molecular nature of Verticillium tolerance in tomato, especially whether infection by Dvd-E6 can protect Craigella from virulent V. dahliae, race 1 (Vd1). To permit mixed infection experiments a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-based assay was developed and used for differentiating Dvd-E6 from Vd1, when present in mixed infections. The results suggested that protection involves molecular interplay between Dvd-E6 and Vd1 in susceptible Craigella (CS) tomatoes, resulting in restricted Vd1 colonization. Further studies showed a dramatic reduction of Vd1 spores and mycelia. To examine genetic changes that account for these biological changes, a customized DNA chip (TVR) was used to analyze defense gene mRNA levels. The defense gene response was categorized into four groups. Group 1 was characterized by strong induction of defense genes followed by suppression. However, Vd1-induced gene suppression was blocked by Dvd-E6 in mixed infections. These genes included some transcription factors and PR proteins such as class IV chitinases and beta glucanases which are known to target fungal spores and mycelia. Experiments also were repeated with a Craigella resistant (CR) isoline containing a fully active Ve locus (Ve1+ and Ve2+). The biological results showed that the presence of the Ve1+ allele resulted in restricted Vd1 colonization and, in a mixed infection with Dvd-E6, Vd1 was completely eliminated from the plant stem. Surprisingly, there was no significant increase in defense gene mRNAs. Rather, elevated basal levels of defense gene products appeared sufficient to combat pathogen attack. To investigate functional effects of the genetic changes observed, an inducible RNAi knockdown vector for a defense gene (TUS15G8) with unknown function (pMW4-TUS15G8) as well as the Ve2 resistance gene (pMW-Ve2) was prepared as a initial step for future transformation analyses. Taken together the results reveal intriguing but complex biological and molecular changes in mixed infections, which remain a basis for future experiments and potential agricultural benefits. / Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan

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