Spelling suggestions: "subject:"darcy"" "subject:"marcy""
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Écoulements de fluides à seuil en milieux confinésChevalier, Thibaud 24 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Afin de mieux comprendre les spécificités de l'écoulement des fluides en seuil en géométries confinées, nous avons opté pour une approche multi-échelle expérimentale et/ou numérique dans des milieux poreux complexes et modèles. Nous montrons qu'il est possible d'utiliser la RMN pour visualiser des écoulements de fluides à seuil en géométrie complexe. Dans un milieu poreux, il est également possible de mesurer la distribution statistique des vitesses, ceci sans problème de résolution spatiale, grâce à la méthodologie de réglage d'une expérience d'injection sous IRM que nous avons mise en place. A l'aide de ces techniques, nous montrons que l'écoulement d'un fluide à seuil dans un pore modèle (une expansion-contraction axisymétrique) se localise dans la partie centrale du pore, dans le prolongement du tube d'entrée, tandis que les régions extérieures restent dans le régime solide. Des simulations numériques confirment ces résultats et montrent que la localisation de l'écoulement provient du confinement engendré par la géométrie. A l'inverse, nous montrons que pour un fluide à seuil s'écoulant dans un milieu poreux réel (en trois dimensions), il n'existe pas de zones au repos. De plus, la distribution de vitesse est identique à celle d'un fluide newtonien. Une analyse de ces résultats nous permet de prédire la forme de la loi de Darcy pour les fluides à seuil et de comprendre l'origine physique des paramètres déterminés par des expériences d'injection " macroscopiques " Read more
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Analýza vzájemného vztahu dvou metod terénního měření infiltrace vody do půdy / Analysis of the mutual relationship between two methods of field measurement of water infiltration into the soilLarišová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the theoretical description of the infiltration process and field measurements of infiltration in the cadastral territory of Bohaté Málkovice. The research work carried out in 2011 in an experimental area on Haplic Chernozem/FAO, medium-heavy loam soil. The experimental area was divided into two parts, the topsoil layer on these surfaces was processed by both classic and minimization technologies. The plots were sown by spring barley. The applied measurements of water infiltration into the soil were two-cylinder method and MiniDisc. Within the vicinity of the infiltration experiments with intact soil were collected samples for laboratory determination of saturated hydraulic conductivity. From the field measurements and laboratory experiments were determined values of hydraulic conductivity (saturated and unsaturated), and other infiltration characteristics, the cumulative infiltration and infiltration rate. To evaluate the infiltration of the heats was used three-paramether Philp type equation that provides a good estimate of saturated hydraulic conductivity. For the evaluation of the MiniDisc there was used the Zangova method that provides the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. The laboratory evaluation of the saturated hydraulic conductivity was compared with the estimated values obtained from the field measurements. The values of the saturated hydraulic conductivity from the laboratory measurements are closely comparable with estimates obtained from the steady infiltration rates from the field experiments. The research results also showed that medium-heavy loam soil, when being processed by minimization including modification of the soil surface by digging, have a positive effect on the infiltration of water into the soil. This fact leads to a higher protection plants in the vegetative period and improvement of the retention and storage capacity of soil. Read more
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Influencia de la composición y de la temperatura de secado en la calidad de un producto de naranja liofilizado. Propuesta de un modelo mecanístico para la modelización de la cinética del procesoUscanga Ramos, Mariana Aziyadé 28 February 2022 (has links)
[ES] Existen muchos estudios que relacionan el consumo regular de frutas con importantes beneficios para la salud. Esto es debido a la gran cantidad de fibra, vitaminas y otros compuestos bioactivos presentes en ellas, los cuales pueden ser de gran ayuda en la prevención de algunas enfermedades. En los últimos años, el consumidor se ha decantado por consumir productos con alto valor nutricional y, como consecuencia del estilo de vida actual, existe una alta demanda de productos con fácil manejo para su consumo. Algunos de los principales inconvenientes de las frutas son su estacionalidad y corta vida útil, por lo que resulta interesante ofrecer productos de fruta de alto valor nutritivo y sensorial, estables y fácil manejo. La liofilización es una técnica que permiten obtener productos altamente estables microbiológicamente, debido a su bajo contenido de humedad, y con una máxima calidad sensorial, nutritiva y funcional. Sin embargo, se trata de un proceso largo y energéticamente costoso. Con base a lo anterior, el objetivo de esta tesis ha sido seleccionar las mejores condiciones de liofilización para la obtención de dos productos de naranja, uno la propia torta liofilizada y otro el polvo obtenido por trituración de la misma.
Así, la sección uno se centra en evaluar la influencia tanto del contenido de agua como de la composición en solutos de un producto naranja en algunas propiedades de la torta liofilizada y del polvo correspondiente. Las propiedades analizadas se seleccionaron teniendo en cuenta tanto la retención de los compuestos bioactivos, como la porosidad, el color y las propiedades mecánicas de la torta obtenida y del polvo conseguido tras su trituración, además de las propiedades de flujo del polvo y su comportamiento frente a la rehidratación. En base a los resultados obtenidos se ha podido concluir que el puré de naranja es más recomendable a los efectos de obtener un producto tipo snack crujiente y el zumo cuando se desee un polvo para rehidratar, en este caso evitando cualquier tratamiento térmico antes de la liofilización.
En la sección dos, se ha estudiado el impacto de la temperatura del secado, 30 y 50 °C, sobre los compuestos bioactivos del producto obtenido a partir del zumo de naranja formulado con goma Arábiga y fibra de bambú, así como sobre las mismas propiedades antes descritas de la torta liofilizada y de su correspondiente producto en polvo. En este caso, además, se llevó a cabo una evaluación sensorial de los productos rehidratados. Los resultados obtenidos permiten recomendar 50°C para el secado de este producto por liofilización. Esta temperatura acorta el tiempo del proceso en un 64 %, favorece la extracción de la vitamina C sin afectar al contenido total de fenoles y carotenoides, mejora las propiedades mecánicas de las tortas y no afecta a la fluidez ni a la rehidratación del producto en polvo.
Finalmente, en la sección tres, se ha trabajado en la aplicación de una solución analítica basada en la ley de Darcy para modelar la cinética de pérdida de agua durante la liofilización. La solución analítica debe complementarse con una solución numérica de las ecuaciones de Fourier para la transferencia de calor. El modelo se ha ajustado a la dinámica experimental de liofilización de un producto a base de naranja formulado a partir del zumo. La pseudo-permeabilidad de Darcy obtenida fue de 2,0X10-12 con un índice de desviación de la conducta ideal de 0,5. Las ecuaciones propuestas, resueltas con la pseudo-permeabilidad de Darcy ajustada y el índice de desviación ideal, permiten reproducir la dinámica de liofilización experimental del mismo producto a diferentes temperaturas. / [CA] Existeixen molts estudis que relacionen el consum regular de fruites amb importants beneficis per a la salut. Això és degut a la gran quantitat de fibra, vitamines i altres compostos *bioactivos que es troben elles, els quals poden ser de gran ajuda en la prevenció d'algunes malalties. En els últims anys el consumidor s'ha decantat per consumir productes amb alt valor nutricional i, a conseqüència de l'estil de vida actual, existeix una alta demanda de productes amb fàcil maneig per al seu consum. Alguns dels principals inconvenients de les fruites són la seua estacionalitat i curta vida útil, per la qual cosa resulta interessant oferir productes de fruita d'alt valor nutritiu i sensorial, estables i fàcil maneig. La liofilització és una tècnica que permeten obtindre productes altament estables microbiologicament, a causa del seu baix contingut d'humitat, i amb una màxima qualitat sensorial, nutritiva i funcional. No obstant això, es tracta d'un procés llarg i energèticament costós. Amb base a l'anterior, l'objectiu d'aquesta Tesi ha sigut seleccionar les millors condicions de liofilització per a l'obtenció de dos productes de taronja, un la pròpia coca liofilitzada i un altre la pols obtinguda per trituració d'aquesta.
Així, la primera part de la Tesi se centra en avaluar la influència tant del contingut d'aigua com de la composició en soluts d'un producte taronja en algunes propietats de la coca liofilitzada i de la pols corresponent. Les propietats a analitzar es van seleccionar tenint en compte tant la retenció dels compostos bioactius, com la porositat, el color i les propietats mecàniques de la coca obtinguda i de la pols aconseguida després de la seua trituració, a més de les propietats de flux de la pols i el seu comportament enfront de la rehidratació. Sobre la base dels resultats obtinguts s'ha pogut concloure que el puré de taronja és més recomanable a l'efecte d'obtindre un producte tipus snack cruixent i el suc quan es desitge una pols per a rehidratar, en aquest cas evitant qualsevol tractament tèrmic abans de la liofilització.
En la segona part de la Tesi, s'ha estudiat l'impacte de la temperatura de l'assecat, 30 i 50 °C, sobre els compostos bioactius del producte obtingut a partir del suc de taronja formulat amb goma Aràbiga i fibra de bambú, així com sobre les mateixes propietats abans descrites de la coca liofilitzada i del seu corresponent producte en pols. En aquest cas, a més, es va dur a terme una avaluació sensorial dels productes rehidratats. Els resultats obtinguts permeten recomanar 50 °C per a l'assecat per liofilització d'aquest producte. Aquesta temperatura acurta el temps del procés en un 64%, afavoreix l'extracció de la vitamina C sense afectar el contingut total de fenols i carotenoids, millora les propietats mecàniques de les coques i no afecta a la fluïdesa ni a la rehidratació del producte en pols.
Finalment, en la tercera part de la Tesi, s'ha treballat en l'aplicació d'una solució analítica basada en la llei de Darcy per a modelar la cinètica de pèrdua d'aigua durant la liofilització. La solució analítica ha de complementar-se amb una solució numèrica de les equacions de Fourier per a la transferència de calor. El model s'ha ajustat a la dinàmica experimental de liofilització d'un producte a base de taronja formulat a partir del suc. La pseudo-permeabilitat de Darcy obtinguda va ser de 2,0X10-12 amb un índex de desviació de la conducta ideal de 0,5. Les equacions proposades, resoltes amb la pseudo-permeabilitat de Darcy ajustada i l'índex de desviació ideal, permeten reproduir la dinàmica de liofilització experimental del mateix producte a diferents temperatures. / [EN] There are many studies linking regular fruit consumption with important health benefits. This is due to the large amount of fibre, vitamins and other bioactive compounds found in them, which can be of great help in the prevention of some diseases. In recent years, consumers have become more inclined to consume products with high nutritional value and, as a consequence of today's lifestyle, there is a high demand for products that are easy to handle for consumption. Some of the main disadvantages of fruits are their seasonality and short shelf life, so it is interesting to offer fruit products of high nutritional and sensory value that are stable and easy to handle. Freeze-drying is a technique that makes it possible to obtain highly microbiologically stable products, due to their low moisture content, and with maximum sensory, nutritional and functional quality. However, it is a long and energy-intensive process. Based on the above, the aim of this Doctoral Thesis has been to select the best freeze-drying conditions for obtaining two orange products, one the freeze-dried cake itself and the other the powder obtained by crushing it.
Thus, the first part of the Thesis focuses on evaluating the influence of both the water content and the solute composition of an orange product on some properties of the freeze-dried cake and the corresponding powder. The properties to be analysed were selected taking into account the retention of the bioactive compounds, the porosity, the colour and the mechanical properties of the cake obtained and of the powder obtained after grinding, as well as the flow properties of the powder and its behaviour against rehydration. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that orange puree is more recommendable for obtaining a crunchy snack-type product and juice when a powder for rehydration is desired, in this case avoiding any heat treatment before freeze-drying.
In the second part of the Thesis, the impact of the drying temperature, 30 and 50 °C, on the bioactive compounds of the product obtained from orange juice formulated with gum Arabic and bamboo fibre, as well as on the same properties described above of the freeze-dried cake and its corresponding powdered product, has been studied. In this case, a sensory evaluation of the rehydrated products was also carried out. The results obtained allow to recommend 50°C for the freeze-drying of this product. This temperature shortens the processing time by 64 %, favours the extraction of vitamin C without affecting the total phenol and carotenoid content, improves the mechanical properties of the cakes and does not affect the flowability and rehydration of the powdered product.
Finally, in the third part of the Thesis, we have studied the application of an analytical solution based on Darcy's law to model the kinetics of water loss during freeze-drying. The analytical solution must be complemented with a numerical solution of the Fourier equations for heat transfer. The model has been fitted to the experimental dynamics of freeze-drying an orange-based product formulated from the juice. The Darcy pseudo-permeability obtained was 2,0X10-12 with an index of deviation from ideal behaviour of 0,5. The proposed equations, solved with the adjusted Darcy pseudo-permeability and the ideal deviation index, allow to reproduce the experimental freeze-drying dynamics of the same product at different temperatures. / Uscanga Ramos, MA. (2022). Influencia de la composición y de la temperatura de secado en la calidad de un producto de naranja liofilizado. Propuesta de un modelo mecanístico para la modelización de la cinética del proceso [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181238 Read more
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'Factum ex scientia': I Canadian Corps Intelligence during the Liri Valley Campaign, May – June 1944Seefeldt, Connor 26 September 2012 (has links)
Studies on Canadian Army military intelligence remain sparse in Canadian military historiography. This study is unique in that it focuses on the development, doctrine, and influence of intelligence within the I Canadian Corps throughout the Liri Valley battles during the Italian Campaign. It will be argued that I Canadian Corps intelligence achieved notable overall success in helping to break the Hitler Line by providing comprehensive and relatively up-to-date information on enemy dispositions and strengths which helped commanders and staff planners properly prepare for the operation. This success was attributable to three main factors: excellent intelligence personnel selection and training; the successful mentorship of I Canadian Corps intelligence by Eighth Army's intelligence cadre; and the overall effectiveness of 1st Canadian Infantry Division's intelligence organization which had been in the Mediterranean theatre since July 1943. Notwithstanding these successes, a number of faults within the Canadian Corps intelligence system must also be explained, including the poor performance of 5th Canadian Armoured Division's intelligence organization during the pursuit up the Liri–Sacco Valleys, and the mediocre execution of Corps counter-battery and counter-mortar operations. This study will demonstrate how an effective intelligence organization must augment existing army doctrine and how it can mitigate, though not completely eliminate, battlefield uncertainty. Further, it will also demonstrate that a comprehensive lessons-learned process must be undertaken to continually refine existing intelligence doctrine and procedures, with frequent training programs inculcating personnel in this doctrine. Taken as a whole, this study is unique as it is one of only several studies devoted solely to developing a greater understanding of a little-understood, and often forgotten, staff function within the Canadian Army during the Second World War. Read more
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'Factum ex scientia': I Canadian Corps Intelligence during the Liri Valley Campaign, May – June 1944Seefeldt, Connor 26 September 2012 (has links)
Studies on Canadian Army military intelligence remain sparse in Canadian military historiography. This study is unique in that it focuses on the development, doctrine, and influence of intelligence within the I Canadian Corps throughout the Liri Valley battles during the Italian Campaign. It will be argued that I Canadian Corps intelligence achieved notable overall success in helping to break the Hitler Line by providing comprehensive and relatively up-to-date information on enemy dispositions and strengths which helped commanders and staff planners properly prepare for the operation. This success was attributable to three main factors: excellent intelligence personnel selection and training; the successful mentorship of I Canadian Corps intelligence by Eighth Army's intelligence cadre; and the overall effectiveness of 1st Canadian Infantry Division's intelligence organization which had been in the Mediterranean theatre since July 1943. Notwithstanding these successes, a number of faults within the Canadian Corps intelligence system must also be explained, including the poor performance of 5th Canadian Armoured Division's intelligence organization during the pursuit up the Liri–Sacco Valleys, and the mediocre execution of Corps counter-battery and counter-mortar operations. This study will demonstrate how an effective intelligence organization must augment existing army doctrine and how it can mitigate, though not completely eliminate, battlefield uncertainty. Further, it will also demonstrate that a comprehensive lessons-learned process must be undertaken to continually refine existing intelligence doctrine and procedures, with frequent training programs inculcating personnel in this doctrine. Taken as a whole, this study is unique as it is one of only several studies devoted solely to developing a greater understanding of a little-understood, and often forgotten, staff function within the Canadian Army during the Second World War. Read more
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'Factum ex scientia': I Canadian Corps Intelligence during the Liri Valley Campaign, May – June 1944Seefeldt, Connor January 2012 (has links)
Studies on Canadian Army military intelligence remain sparse in Canadian military historiography. This study is unique in that it focuses on the development, doctrine, and influence of intelligence within the I Canadian Corps throughout the Liri Valley battles during the Italian Campaign. It will be argued that I Canadian Corps intelligence achieved notable overall success in helping to break the Hitler Line by providing comprehensive and relatively up-to-date information on enemy dispositions and strengths which helped commanders and staff planners properly prepare for the operation. This success was attributable to three main factors: excellent intelligence personnel selection and training; the successful mentorship of I Canadian Corps intelligence by Eighth Army's intelligence cadre; and the overall effectiveness of 1st Canadian Infantry Division's intelligence organization which had been in the Mediterranean theatre since July 1943. Notwithstanding these successes, a number of faults within the Canadian Corps intelligence system must also be explained, including the poor performance of 5th Canadian Armoured Division's intelligence organization during the pursuit up the Liri–Sacco Valleys, and the mediocre execution of Corps counter-battery and counter-mortar operations. This study will demonstrate how an effective intelligence organization must augment existing army doctrine and how it can mitigate, though not completely eliminate, battlefield uncertainty. Further, it will also demonstrate that a comprehensive lessons-learned process must be undertaken to continually refine existing intelligence doctrine and procedures, with frequent training programs inculcating personnel in this doctrine. Taken as a whole, this study is unique as it is one of only several studies devoted solely to developing a greater understanding of a little-understood, and often forgotten, staff function within the Canadian Army during the Second World War. Read more
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