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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vegetative propagation of Pappea capensis Eckl.&Zeyh. (Jacket plum) by means of stem cuttings and air layers

Rafiri, Matumelo Alice 01 September 2011 (has links)
Jacket plum [ Pappea capensis ( Eckl.&Zeyh)] belongs to the Sapindaceae or Litchi family. It is well adapted to different climatic conditions. It has been used for medicinal purposes for both animals and human beings. Due to the richness of seeds in oil, it has great potential to be selected for production of biodiesel in South Africa. Suitable vegetative propagation methods for Pappea capensis trees have not yet been investigated and sexual propagation does not produce true-to-type plants, which take many years to bear fruits. Therefore, research was carried out to identify alternative methods for vegetative propagation of Pappea capensis which could be used for rapid multiplication. Several vegetative propagation experiments were carried out with stem cuttings and air layers. Stem cuttings were collected from two mature Pappea capensis trees grown at the Experimental Farm of the University of Pretoria in the spring and autumn seasons. The cuttings were placed for rooting on the mist bed for rooting with and without Seradix® No. 2 [active ingredient, indolebutyric acid (IBA)] treatment. Other experiments followed in which the branches were girdled before making stem cutting to improve the level of any carbohydrates or available carbohydrates. Trials to investigate the rooting potential of Pappea capensis coppices, using different stem lengths, were also conducted. Rooting of Pappea capensis stem cuttings was unsuccessful. Air layers were made on the same trees where cuttings were collected. The trials were conducted in the spring and autumn seasons from 2006, 2007 and 2008. Some air layers were treated with Seradix® No. 2 and others were not treated with the auxin. High rooting percentages (100% in spring, 60% in autumn) were achieved with untreated air layers of Tree No. 1 and Tree No. 2 (80% in spring, 40% in autumn). Regardless of season, IBA and tree treatments, rooting was successful when the air layering method was used. Due to inconsistency in rooting from both vegetative methods, total phenolic compounds were extracted. The Folin-Ciaocalteau reagents method was used to extract phenolic compounds and the results were detected with Elisa reader instrument. The stem cuttings and air layers were further analysed for carbohydrates (starch and soluble sugars) with ó-toluidine reagent and ethanol and read with Spectrophotometer and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Higher levels of total phenol compounds were observed from callused (27.13 mg/g) and non rooted untreated (26.41 mg/g) stem cuttings from Tree No. 2, compared to IBA treated stem cuttings (19.90 mg/g) of callused and non rooted IBA treated stem cuttings (20.25 mg/g) of Tree No. 2. High total phenols (34.55 mg/g) in untreated air layers were also found in callused air layers of Tree No. 2 and lower amounts (22.85 mg/g) in treated air layers of the same tree. No soluble sugars were detected in stem cuttings or air layers with HPLC. Regarding starch, higher amounts were observed in stem cuttings of Tree No. 1 (18.45 mg/g) of the control and Tree No. 2 (19.82 mg/g) of IBA treated cuttings. Most of the air layers made on Tree No. 1 had higher percentages of starch, with the exception of the callused (7.41 mg/g) air layers of the control. Tree No. 2 air layers had very low amounts of starch when compared with those of Tree No. 1. The variation in rooting potential of stem cuttings and air layers led to the consideration of tree gender as a factor influencing success rates, where inflorescences were collected from the two Pappea capensis trees for two years (2007 and 2008). The microscopic investigations showed that Pappea capensis trees (Tree No. 1 and Tree No. 2) were monoecious, however, Tree No. 2 switched from monoecious to male by producing only male flowers. Based on the results of the above investigations, air layering in the spring season can be used as a (alternative) vegetative propagation method for Pappea capensis tree, but on specifically monoecious tree to obtain higher rooting percentage. However, these are preliminary trials which require further investigation. / Dissertation (MSc(Agric))--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted

Perfil químico de amostras de própolis brasileiras / Chemical Profile of Brazilians Propolis Samples

Righi, Adne Abbud 24 November 2008 (has links)
A própolis é uma substância resinosa, formada por produtos coletados de plantas e substâncias produzidas pelas abelhas, cuja textura e coloração varia dependendo da fonte de coleta e respectiva fenologia. É utilizada na colméia para diversas finalidades: vedar aberturas, forrar a entrada da colméia e envolver invasores. O interesse por própolis tem crescido muito, devido à comprovação experimental de suas atividades biológicas, tais como citotóxica, anti-herpes, anti-HIV, antitumoral, antimicrobiana e antioxidante. A composição química da própolis é complexa, compreendendo, além de cera de abelha, flavonóides, ácidos fenólicos, terpenóides, substâncias voláteis, entre outros constituintes. A composição depende de vários fatores, principalmente da região onde é produzida. Neste trabalho, estabeleceu-se o perfil químico de amostras de própolis brasileiras, baseando-se nos teores de substâncias fenólicas totais, flavonóides totais e ceras de amostras de distintas regiões do território brasileiro: Ponta Grossa (PR), Bauru e Pariquera-Açu (SP), Lavras e Mira Bela (MG), Pirenópolis (GO), Cabo Verde (BA), Maceió (AL) e Picos (PI). Os teores de fenóis totais foram determinados pelo no método de Folin Ciocalteau, utilizando-se ácido p-cumárico como referência. A dosagem de flavonóides totais baseou-se em dois métodos espectrofotométricos complementares: cloreto de alumínio e dinitrofenil-hidrazina, usando-se quercetina e pinocembrina, respectivamente, como referências. Os teores de ceras foram obtidos por extração com clorofórmio, tratamento com metanol e pesagem do resíduo. Os resultados demonstraram grande diversidade química entre as amostras estudadas, inclusive entre amostras do mesmo estado. Tal é o caso das amostras de Lavras e Mira Bela, e Bauru e Pariquera-Açu. Os teores de fenóis totais variaram de 0,91% a 41,63%, sendo o maior percentual referente à amostra de própolis vermelha (Maceió). Esses resultados são superiores aos obtidos com própolis do Uruguai, Argentina, Paraguai, China e países da Europa, e também de própolis verde brasileira. Os valores obtidos para flavonóides totais variaram entre 0,31% e 4,43%, valores próximos aos encontrados por outros pesquisadores de própolis brasileiras, porém inferiores aos relatados para própolis européia, que variam entre 1,1% e 22,3%. Os teores de ceras determinados, variando entre 5,37% e 45,88%, são superiores aos relatados para outras amostras de própolis brasileiras, sendo comparáveis apenas às própolis chinesas, cujo teor é de aproximadamente 30%. Com base nos teores dosados, foi feita análise de componentes principais (PCA). As amostras de Maceió, Cabo Verde, Pirenópolis e Bauru emergiram isoladamente das demais. Pariquera-Açu e Mira Bela sobressaíram-se no outro extremo do gráfico, devido a baixos teores de compostos fenólicos e altos índices de ceras. As amostras de Picos, Lavras e Ponta Grossa agruparam-se em função de teores de fenóis totais expressivos e de ceras relativamente altos. Foram analisadas as frações clorofórmicas e metanólicas de todas as amostras por HPLC-MS e CG-EM. Essas análises revelaram que as amostras de Bauru, Lavras e Cabo Verde têm composição típica de própolis verde, com muitos fenilpropanóides prenilados e derivados de ácido cafeoilquínico. A composição da própolis de Maceió diferiu muito das demais, incluindo a presença de chalconas. Tais substâncias nunca foram relatadas em própolis anteriormente. As própolis de Pirenópolis e Picos assemelham-se pela presença de muitos flavonóides glicosilados, substâncias nunca reportadas anteriormente para própolis. As amostras de Ponta Grossa, Pariquera-Açu e Mira Bela têm perfil químico intermediário entre a própolis verde e própolis com flavonóides glicosilados. Essas afinidades químicas ficaram bem evidenciadas por meio de análise de agrupamento, usando-se as substâncias identificadas como variáveis e o método de agrupamento UPGMA. Os resultados evidenciam que os tipos de própolis brasileiras não se restringem a doze, como proposto anteriormente. As análises químicas revelaram três tipos adicionais: Maceió, Pirenópolis / Picos e Ponta Grossa / Pariquera-Açu / Mira Bela. A enorme diversidade da composição da própolis produzida no Brasil realça a importância da realização de estudos para a determinação de perfis químicos e fontes botânicas de resinas. Esses conhecimentos são essenciais para o uso adequado de produtos da própolis no mercado nacional e internacional. / Propolis is a resinous substance comprising exsudates collected from plants and substances produced by bees, with texture and colour varying according to the plant source of resin and respective phenology. This product is used in the hive with various purposes: to seal holes and line the hive entrance and to embalm the bodies of killed invaders. The interest in propolis has increased recently, mainly due to experimental evidences of its biological activities, such as cytotoxic, anti-herpes, anti-HIV, antitumoral, anti-microbial and antioxidant. The chemical composition of propolis is complex, including, in addition to beeswax, flavonoids, phenolic acids, terpenoids and volatile substances, among other constituents. The composition depends on many factors, mainly the region, where it was produced. In the present work the chemical profile of the Brazilian propolis was established based on the content of total phenolic substances, total flavonoids and waxes of samples from distinct regions of the Brazilian territory: Ponta Grossa (PR), Bauru and Pariquera-Açu (SP), Lavras and Mira Bela (MG), Pirenópolis (GO), Cabo Verde (BA), Maceio (AL) and Picos (PI). The contents of total phenols were obtained by the Folin-Ciocalteau method, using p-coumaric acid as reference. Determination of total flavonoids was based on two spectrophotometric complementary methods: alluminum chloride and dinitrophenyl-hydrazine, using quercetin and pinocembrin, respectively, as references. Determination of wax contents was carried out by extraction with chloroform, treatment with methanol and weight of the residue. The results revealed a wide chemical variety among the samples, even between samples from the same state, as are the cases of samples from Lavras and Mira Bela and from Bauru and Pariquera-Açu. Total phenol contents varied in the range 0,91%-41,63%, highest figures corresponding to red propolis from Maceio. The contents determined are higher than those obtained with propolis from Uruguai, Argentina, Paraguai, China and Europe, and also with Brazilian green propolis. Regarding values of total flavonoids, they ranged from 0,31% to 4,43%, similar to results reported by other researchers with Brazilian propolis, but lower than contents of European propolis, which has varied in the range 1,1%-22,3%. Wax contents varied from 5,37% to 45,88%, such figures being higher than values of Brazilian propolis reported by other authors, but comparable with Chinese propolis, which content is close to 30%. Based on the results obtained a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was carried out. Samples from Maceio, Cabo Verde, Pirenópolis and Bauru emerged isolated. Pariquera-Açu and Mira Bela standed out as a group in the other end of the graphic, due to low contents of phenolic compounds and high levels of waxes. The samples from Picos, Lavras and Ponta Grossa comprised another group, based on salient contents of total phenols and relatively high contents of waxes. Chloroform and methanolic fractions from each sample were analyzed by HPLC-MS and GC-MS. These analyses showed that samples from Bauru, Lavras and Cabo Verde have composition typical of green propolis, with many prenylated phenylpropanoids and cafeoylquinic acid derivatives. The composition of the Maceio propolis differed very much, standing out by having exclusive constituents, such as chalcones, a class of flavonoids never reported for propolis. Propolis from Pirenopolis and Picos are alike due to many glycosilated flavonoids, substances also never reported for propolis. Samples from Ponta Grossa, Pariquera-Açu and Mira Bela have chemical profiles intermediate between green propolis and those with glycosilated flavonoids. The commented chemical affinities were evident in clustering analysis carried out with the identified substances as variables and UPGMA method. These results constitute evidence that Brazilian propolis cannot be grouped in only twelve types, as has been suggested. The present chemical analyses revealed three additional types: Maceió, Pirenópolis/Picos e Ponta Grossa/Pariquera-Açu/Mira Bela. The huge diversity of the composition of propolis produced in Brazil highlight the importance of studies for determination of chemical profiles and resin botanical sources. Such findings are essential for adequate use of propolis products both in the national and international market.

Non-Destructive VIS/NIR Reflectance Spectrometry for Red Wine Grape Analysis

Fadock, Michael 04 August 2011 (has links)
A novel non-destructive method of grape berry analysis is presented that uses reflected light to predict berry composition. The reflectance spectrum was collected using a diode array spectrometer (350 to 850 nm) over the 2009 and 2010 growing seasons. Partial least squares regression (PLS) and support vector machine regression (SVMR) generated calibrations between reflected light and composition for five berry components, total soluble solids (°Brix), titratable acidity (TA), pH, total phenols, and anthocyanins. Standard methods of analysis for the components were employed and characterized for error. Decomposition of the reflectance data was performed by principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA). Regression models were constructed using 10x10 fold cross validated PLS and SVM models subject to smoothing, differentiation, and normalization pretreatments. All generated models were validated on the alternate season using two model selection strategies: minimum root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP), and the "oneSE" heuristic. PCA/ICA decomposition demonstrated consistent features in the long VIS wavelengths and NIR region. The features are consistent across seasons. 2009 was generally more variable, possibly due to cold weather affects. RMSEP and R2 statistics of models indicate that PLS °Brix, pH, and TA models are well predicted for 2009 and 2010. SVM was marginally better. The R2 values of the PLS °Brix, pH, and TA models for 2009 and 2010 respectively were: 0.84, 0.58, 0.56 and: 0.89, 0.81, 0.58. 2010 °Brix models were suitable for rough screening. Optimal pretreatments were SG smoothing and relative normalization. Anthocyanins were well predicted in 2009, R2 0.65, but not in 2010, R2 0.15. Phenols were not well predicted in either year, R2 0.15-0.25. Validation demonstrated that °Brix, pH, and TA models from 2009 transferred to 2010 with fair results, R2 0.70, 0.72, 0.31. Models generated using 2010 reflectance data did not generate models that could predict 2009 data. It is hypothesized that weather events present in 2009 and not in 2010 allowed for a forward calibration transfer, and prevented the reverse calibration transfer. Heuristic selection was superior to minimum RMSEP for transfer, indicating some overfitting in the minimum RMSEP models. The results are demonstrative of a reflectance-composition relationship in the VIS-NIR region for °Brix, pH, and TA requiring additional study and development of further calibrations.

Perfil químico de amostras de própolis brasileiras / Chemical Profile of Brazilians Propolis Samples

Adne Abbud Righi 24 November 2008 (has links)
A própolis é uma substância resinosa, formada por produtos coletados de plantas e substâncias produzidas pelas abelhas, cuja textura e coloração varia dependendo da fonte de coleta e respectiva fenologia. É utilizada na colméia para diversas finalidades: vedar aberturas, forrar a entrada da colméia e envolver invasores. O interesse por própolis tem crescido muito, devido à comprovação experimental de suas atividades biológicas, tais como citotóxica, anti-herpes, anti-HIV, antitumoral, antimicrobiana e antioxidante. A composição química da própolis é complexa, compreendendo, além de cera de abelha, flavonóides, ácidos fenólicos, terpenóides, substâncias voláteis, entre outros constituintes. A composição depende de vários fatores, principalmente da região onde é produzida. Neste trabalho, estabeleceu-se o perfil químico de amostras de própolis brasileiras, baseando-se nos teores de substâncias fenólicas totais, flavonóides totais e ceras de amostras de distintas regiões do território brasileiro: Ponta Grossa (PR), Bauru e Pariquera-Açu (SP), Lavras e Mira Bela (MG), Pirenópolis (GO), Cabo Verde (BA), Maceió (AL) e Picos (PI). Os teores de fenóis totais foram determinados pelo no método de Folin Ciocalteau, utilizando-se ácido p-cumárico como referência. A dosagem de flavonóides totais baseou-se em dois métodos espectrofotométricos complementares: cloreto de alumínio e dinitrofenil-hidrazina, usando-se quercetina e pinocembrina, respectivamente, como referências. Os teores de ceras foram obtidos por extração com clorofórmio, tratamento com metanol e pesagem do resíduo. Os resultados demonstraram grande diversidade química entre as amostras estudadas, inclusive entre amostras do mesmo estado. Tal é o caso das amostras de Lavras e Mira Bela, e Bauru e Pariquera-Açu. Os teores de fenóis totais variaram de 0,91% a 41,63%, sendo o maior percentual referente à amostra de própolis vermelha (Maceió). Esses resultados são superiores aos obtidos com própolis do Uruguai, Argentina, Paraguai, China e países da Europa, e também de própolis verde brasileira. Os valores obtidos para flavonóides totais variaram entre 0,31% e 4,43%, valores próximos aos encontrados por outros pesquisadores de própolis brasileiras, porém inferiores aos relatados para própolis européia, que variam entre 1,1% e 22,3%. Os teores de ceras determinados, variando entre 5,37% e 45,88%, são superiores aos relatados para outras amostras de própolis brasileiras, sendo comparáveis apenas às própolis chinesas, cujo teor é de aproximadamente 30%. Com base nos teores dosados, foi feita análise de componentes principais (PCA). As amostras de Maceió, Cabo Verde, Pirenópolis e Bauru emergiram isoladamente das demais. Pariquera-Açu e Mira Bela sobressaíram-se no outro extremo do gráfico, devido a baixos teores de compostos fenólicos e altos índices de ceras. As amostras de Picos, Lavras e Ponta Grossa agruparam-se em função de teores de fenóis totais expressivos e de ceras relativamente altos. Foram analisadas as frações clorofórmicas e metanólicas de todas as amostras por HPLC-MS e CG-EM. Essas análises revelaram que as amostras de Bauru, Lavras e Cabo Verde têm composição típica de própolis verde, com muitos fenilpropanóides prenilados e derivados de ácido cafeoilquínico. A composição da própolis de Maceió diferiu muito das demais, incluindo a presença de chalconas. Tais substâncias nunca foram relatadas em própolis anteriormente. As própolis de Pirenópolis e Picos assemelham-se pela presença de muitos flavonóides glicosilados, substâncias nunca reportadas anteriormente para própolis. As amostras de Ponta Grossa, Pariquera-Açu e Mira Bela têm perfil químico intermediário entre a própolis verde e própolis com flavonóides glicosilados. Essas afinidades químicas ficaram bem evidenciadas por meio de análise de agrupamento, usando-se as substâncias identificadas como variáveis e o método de agrupamento UPGMA. Os resultados evidenciam que os tipos de própolis brasileiras não se restringem a doze, como proposto anteriormente. As análises químicas revelaram três tipos adicionais: Maceió, Pirenópolis / Picos e Ponta Grossa / Pariquera-Açu / Mira Bela. A enorme diversidade da composição da própolis produzida no Brasil realça a importância da realização de estudos para a determinação de perfis químicos e fontes botânicas de resinas. Esses conhecimentos são essenciais para o uso adequado de produtos da própolis no mercado nacional e internacional. / Propolis is a resinous substance comprising exsudates collected from plants and substances produced by bees, with texture and colour varying according to the plant source of resin and respective phenology. This product is used in the hive with various purposes: to seal holes and line the hive entrance and to embalm the bodies of killed invaders. The interest in propolis has increased recently, mainly due to experimental evidences of its biological activities, such as cytotoxic, anti-herpes, anti-HIV, antitumoral, anti-microbial and antioxidant. The chemical composition of propolis is complex, including, in addition to beeswax, flavonoids, phenolic acids, terpenoids and volatile substances, among other constituents. The composition depends on many factors, mainly the region, where it was produced. In the present work the chemical profile of the Brazilian propolis was established based on the content of total phenolic substances, total flavonoids and waxes of samples from distinct regions of the Brazilian territory: Ponta Grossa (PR), Bauru and Pariquera-Açu (SP), Lavras and Mira Bela (MG), Pirenópolis (GO), Cabo Verde (BA), Maceio (AL) and Picos (PI). The contents of total phenols were obtained by the Folin-Ciocalteau method, using p-coumaric acid as reference. Determination of total flavonoids was based on two spectrophotometric complementary methods: alluminum chloride and dinitrophenyl-hydrazine, using quercetin and pinocembrin, respectively, as references. Determination of wax contents was carried out by extraction with chloroform, treatment with methanol and weight of the residue. The results revealed a wide chemical variety among the samples, even between samples from the same state, as are the cases of samples from Lavras and Mira Bela and from Bauru and Pariquera-Açu. Total phenol contents varied in the range 0,91%-41,63%, highest figures corresponding to red propolis from Maceio. The contents determined are higher than those obtained with propolis from Uruguai, Argentina, Paraguai, China and Europe, and also with Brazilian green propolis. Regarding values of total flavonoids, they ranged from 0,31% to 4,43%, similar to results reported by other researchers with Brazilian propolis, but lower than contents of European propolis, which has varied in the range 1,1%-22,3%. Wax contents varied from 5,37% to 45,88%, such figures being higher than values of Brazilian propolis reported by other authors, but comparable with Chinese propolis, which content is close to 30%. Based on the results obtained a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was carried out. Samples from Maceio, Cabo Verde, Pirenópolis and Bauru emerged isolated. Pariquera-Açu and Mira Bela standed out as a group in the other end of the graphic, due to low contents of phenolic compounds and high levels of waxes. The samples from Picos, Lavras and Ponta Grossa comprised another group, based on salient contents of total phenols and relatively high contents of waxes. Chloroform and methanolic fractions from each sample were analyzed by HPLC-MS and GC-MS. These analyses showed that samples from Bauru, Lavras and Cabo Verde have composition typical of green propolis, with many prenylated phenylpropanoids and cafeoylquinic acid derivatives. The composition of the Maceio propolis differed very much, standing out by having exclusive constituents, such as chalcones, a class of flavonoids never reported for propolis. Propolis from Pirenopolis and Picos are alike due to many glycosilated flavonoids, substances also never reported for propolis. Samples from Ponta Grossa, Pariquera-Açu and Mira Bela have chemical profiles intermediate between green propolis and those with glycosilated flavonoids. The commented chemical affinities were evident in clustering analysis carried out with the identified substances as variables and UPGMA method. These results constitute evidence that Brazilian propolis cannot be grouped in only twelve types, as has been suggested. The present chemical analyses revealed three additional types: Maceió, Pirenópolis/Picos e Ponta Grossa/Pariquera-Açu/Mira Bela. The huge diversity of the composition of propolis produced in Brazil highlight the importance of studies for determination of chemical profiles and resin botanical sources. Such findings are essential for adequate use of propolis products both in the national and international market.

Respostas fisiológicas a dessecação e a re-hidratação em quatro espécies de pteridófitas epifíticas

Schlindwein, Carolina Casco Duarte January 2012 (has links)
As plantas que possuem hábito epifítico estão mais sujeitas as variações ambientais do que as de hábito terrestre, principalmente em relação à disponibilidade hídrica. A água, então, destaca-se como um dos fatores restritivos mais importantes. Entretanto, algumas espécies desenvolveram a capacidade de tolerar a dessecação, apresentando uma significante vantagem adaptativa na ocupação de habitats. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o grau e os mecanismos de tolerância à dessecação de quatro espécies de pteridófitas epifíticas que comumente co-ocorrem sobre mesmo forófito. Frondes expandidas e hidratadas foram coletadas para a quantificação e comparação do conteúdo relativo de água, integridade de membrana, pigmentos fotossintéticos, flavonóides, fenóis, açúcares solúveis e fluorescência da clorofila ao longo dos processos de dessecação e re-hidratação. Estas avaliações fisiológicas nos permitiram inferir que as espécies com características de tolerância à dessecação apresentam mais adaptações fisiológicas durante períodos de dessecação e rehidratação do que àquelas que não apresentam este comportamento. Os resultados obtidos também revelaram a existência de diferentes graus de tolerância nas três espécies consideradas tolerantes à dessecação. Polypodium polypodioides var. minimum foi a mais tolerante, seguida de Pleopletis pleopeltifolia e Polypodium hirsutissimum. Enquanto Microgramma squamulosa demonstrou evitar à dessecação. Assim, concluímos que estas espécies apresentam diferentes estratégias ecofisiológicas em relação ao estresse hídrico, minimizando possíveis danos irreversíveis às membranas celulares. Desta forma, otimizam a captura de luz durante períodos de re-hidratação, diminuem a competição inter-específica e facilitam a co-ocorrência destas quatro espécies. / Epiphytic plants are more sensible to environmental variations than terrestrial plants, especially in relation to water availability. The water then stands out as one of the most important limiting factors. However, some species have evolved the ability to tolerate desiccation, showing a significant adaptive advantage in the occupation of habitats. The aim of this study was to determine the degree and mechanisms of drought tolerance of four species of epiphytic ferns that commonly co-occur on the same host tree. Expanded and hydrated fronds were collected for quantification and comparison the relative water content, membrane integrity, photosynthetic pigments, flavonoids, phenols, soluble sugars and chlorophyll fluorescence over the processes of desiccation and rehydration. The results of the present study allowed us to infer that the tolerant species have more physiological adaptations during periods of desiccation and rehydration. Thus, tolerant species showed distinct degrees of tolerance: Polypodium polypodioides var. minimum was the most tolerant, followed by Pleopletis pleopeltifolia and Polypodium hirsutissimum. While Microgramma squamulosa shown avoidance desiccation. We conclude that these species exhibit different ecophysiological strategies in relation to water stress, minimizing possible irreversible damage to cell membranes. Thus optimize capture of light during periods of rehydration, reduce inter-specific competition and facilitating the co-occurrence of these four species.

Respostas fisiológicas a dessecação e a re-hidratação em quatro espécies de pteridófitas epifíticas

Schlindwein, Carolina Casco Duarte January 2012 (has links)
As plantas que possuem hábito epifítico estão mais sujeitas as variações ambientais do que as de hábito terrestre, principalmente em relação à disponibilidade hídrica. A água, então, destaca-se como um dos fatores restritivos mais importantes. Entretanto, algumas espécies desenvolveram a capacidade de tolerar a dessecação, apresentando uma significante vantagem adaptativa na ocupação de habitats. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o grau e os mecanismos de tolerância à dessecação de quatro espécies de pteridófitas epifíticas que comumente co-ocorrem sobre mesmo forófito. Frondes expandidas e hidratadas foram coletadas para a quantificação e comparação do conteúdo relativo de água, integridade de membrana, pigmentos fotossintéticos, flavonóides, fenóis, açúcares solúveis e fluorescência da clorofila ao longo dos processos de dessecação e re-hidratação. Estas avaliações fisiológicas nos permitiram inferir que as espécies com características de tolerância à dessecação apresentam mais adaptações fisiológicas durante períodos de dessecação e rehidratação do que àquelas que não apresentam este comportamento. Os resultados obtidos também revelaram a existência de diferentes graus de tolerância nas três espécies consideradas tolerantes à dessecação. Polypodium polypodioides var. minimum foi a mais tolerante, seguida de Pleopletis pleopeltifolia e Polypodium hirsutissimum. Enquanto Microgramma squamulosa demonstrou evitar à dessecação. Assim, concluímos que estas espécies apresentam diferentes estratégias ecofisiológicas em relação ao estresse hídrico, minimizando possíveis danos irreversíveis às membranas celulares. Desta forma, otimizam a captura de luz durante períodos de re-hidratação, diminuem a competição inter-específica e facilitam a co-ocorrência destas quatro espécies. / Epiphytic plants are more sensible to environmental variations than terrestrial plants, especially in relation to water availability. The water then stands out as one of the most important limiting factors. However, some species have evolved the ability to tolerate desiccation, showing a significant adaptive advantage in the occupation of habitats. The aim of this study was to determine the degree and mechanisms of drought tolerance of four species of epiphytic ferns that commonly co-occur on the same host tree. Expanded and hydrated fronds were collected for quantification and comparison the relative water content, membrane integrity, photosynthetic pigments, flavonoids, phenols, soluble sugars and chlorophyll fluorescence over the processes of desiccation and rehydration. The results of the present study allowed us to infer that the tolerant species have more physiological adaptations during periods of desiccation and rehydration. Thus, tolerant species showed distinct degrees of tolerance: Polypodium polypodioides var. minimum was the most tolerant, followed by Pleopletis pleopeltifolia and Polypodium hirsutissimum. While Microgramma squamulosa shown avoidance desiccation. We conclude that these species exhibit different ecophysiological strategies in relation to water stress, minimizing possible irreversible damage to cell membranes. Thus optimize capture of light during periods of rehydration, reduce inter-specific competition and facilitating the co-occurrence of these four species.

Respostas fisiológicas a dessecação e a re-hidratação em quatro espécies de pteridófitas epifíticas

Schlindwein, Carolina Casco Duarte January 2012 (has links)
As plantas que possuem hábito epifítico estão mais sujeitas as variações ambientais do que as de hábito terrestre, principalmente em relação à disponibilidade hídrica. A água, então, destaca-se como um dos fatores restritivos mais importantes. Entretanto, algumas espécies desenvolveram a capacidade de tolerar a dessecação, apresentando uma significante vantagem adaptativa na ocupação de habitats. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o grau e os mecanismos de tolerância à dessecação de quatro espécies de pteridófitas epifíticas que comumente co-ocorrem sobre mesmo forófito. Frondes expandidas e hidratadas foram coletadas para a quantificação e comparação do conteúdo relativo de água, integridade de membrana, pigmentos fotossintéticos, flavonóides, fenóis, açúcares solúveis e fluorescência da clorofila ao longo dos processos de dessecação e re-hidratação. Estas avaliações fisiológicas nos permitiram inferir que as espécies com características de tolerância à dessecação apresentam mais adaptações fisiológicas durante períodos de dessecação e rehidratação do que àquelas que não apresentam este comportamento. Os resultados obtidos também revelaram a existência de diferentes graus de tolerância nas três espécies consideradas tolerantes à dessecação. Polypodium polypodioides var. minimum foi a mais tolerante, seguida de Pleopletis pleopeltifolia e Polypodium hirsutissimum. Enquanto Microgramma squamulosa demonstrou evitar à dessecação. Assim, concluímos que estas espécies apresentam diferentes estratégias ecofisiológicas em relação ao estresse hídrico, minimizando possíveis danos irreversíveis às membranas celulares. Desta forma, otimizam a captura de luz durante períodos de re-hidratação, diminuem a competição inter-específica e facilitam a co-ocorrência destas quatro espécies. / Epiphytic plants are more sensible to environmental variations than terrestrial plants, especially in relation to water availability. The water then stands out as one of the most important limiting factors. However, some species have evolved the ability to tolerate desiccation, showing a significant adaptive advantage in the occupation of habitats. The aim of this study was to determine the degree and mechanisms of drought tolerance of four species of epiphytic ferns that commonly co-occur on the same host tree. Expanded and hydrated fronds were collected for quantification and comparison the relative water content, membrane integrity, photosynthetic pigments, flavonoids, phenols, soluble sugars and chlorophyll fluorescence over the processes of desiccation and rehydration. The results of the present study allowed us to infer that the tolerant species have more physiological adaptations during periods of desiccation and rehydration. Thus, tolerant species showed distinct degrees of tolerance: Polypodium polypodioides var. minimum was the most tolerant, followed by Pleopletis pleopeltifolia and Polypodium hirsutissimum. While Microgramma squamulosa shown avoidance desiccation. We conclude that these species exhibit different ecophysiological strategies in relation to water stress, minimizing possible irreversible damage to cell membranes. Thus optimize capture of light during periods of rehydration, reduce inter-specific competition and facilitating the co-occurrence of these four species.


Queji, Mary Dias 05 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T18:53:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mary Dias Queji.pdf: 909281 bytes, checksum: 0364cd27c13b09019850a0944168a898 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-05 / The agro industry of the apple generates, during the processing, the pomace which is considered the main by-product. Studies show that of the total amount of fruit that is processed to obtain the apple juice, 20 to 40 correspond to this by-product, which, is usually destined as a complement in animal feed or delivered onto the soil as organic fertilizer. The chemical composition, in moist base, is constituted by moisture (80), fibers (5) and soluble solids (14) represented, mainly, by fructose, glucose and sucrose, as well as, by organic acids, represented, in the most part by malic acid. The apple pomace also presents phenolic compounds that are target nutrients of great sensory and nutritional importance. Therefore, the quantification of its constituents represents an important source of data in the characterization of apple pomace for biotechnological purposes, seeking to attribute an appropriate use for this by-product. The conventional methodologies used for the quantification of sugars, organic acids and total phenols, although being part of the routine analyses in the quality control laboratories, are onerous, time consuming and generate residues. The aim of this study was to develop a fast, versatile analytical technique, of low cost and no pollutant, using the diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS) allied to methods of multivariate calibration (PLSR). For the construction of the multivariate models, the averages of the concentrations of the simple sugars, malic acid and total phenols were used, obtained by the conventional methodologies, as well as the data in the medium infrared spectroscopy (MID) and near (NIR), obtained in duplicate, and of the 52 spectra obtained for the samples of apple pomace, 47 made part of the set calibration and 5 of the set validation. The regression models for the prediction of the concentration of fructose, sucrose, total phenols and malic acid obtained better results in MID, with averages of relative standard errors of 3.9 (with 5 Latents Variable), 6.6 (with 5 Latents Variable), 6.4 (with 4 Latents Variable) and 5.9 (with 5 Latents Variable), respectively. Already the best capacity prediction for glucose concentration was obtained by NIR, in which the average of relative standard error was 7.4 (with 6 Latents Variable). The obtained results demonstrate the good capacity of prediction of the multivariate models based in infrared spectroscopy and characteristic advantages of the association DRIFTPLSR. / A agroindústria da maçã gera, durante o processamento, o bagaço que é considerado o principal subproduto deste setor. Levantamentos mostram que da quantidade total de fruta que é processada para a obtenção do suco de maçã, 20 a 40 correspondem a este subproduto, que, normalmente, é destinado como complemento na alimentação animal ou dispensado no solo como adubo orgânico. Sua composição química, em base úmida, é constituída por umidade (80), fibras (5) e sólidos solúveis (14), estes últimos representados, principalmente, por frutose, glucose e sacarose, bem como, ácidos orgânicos, representados, majoritariamente pelo ácido málico. O bagaço da maçã também apresenta compostos fenólicos, que são fito-nutrientes de grande importância sensorial e nutricional. Portanto, a quantificação desses constituintes representa uma importante fonte de dados na caracterização do bagaço de maçã para finalidades biotecnológicas, visando atribuir um fim mais nobre a este subproduto. As metodologias convencionais empregadas para a quantificação de açúcares, ácidos orgânicos e fenóis totais, embora façam parte das análises de rotina nos laboratórios de controle de qualidade, são onerosas, demoradas e geram resíduos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma técnica analítica rápida, versátil, de baixo custo e não poluente. Para tal, utilizou-se a espectroscopia no infravermelho por refletância difusa (DRIFTS) aliada a métodos de calibração multivariada (Regressão de Mínimos Quadrados Parciais - PLSR). Para a construção dos modelos multivariados, foram utilizadas as médias das concentrações dos açúcares simples, ácido málico e fenóis totais, obtidas pelas metodologias convencionais, bem como, os dados de espectroscopia no infravermelho médio (MID) e próximo (NIR). Os espectros foram obtidos em duplicata, sendo que dos 52 espectros das amostras de bagaço de maçã, 47 fizeram parte do conjunto de calibração e 5 do conjunto de validação externa. Os modelos de regressão para a previsão da concentração de frutose, sacarose, fenóis totais e ácido málico obtiveram melhores resultados no MID, com médias de erro padrão relativo de 3.9 (com 5 Variáveis Latentes), 6.6 (com 5 Variáveis Latentes), 6.4 (com 4 Variáveis Latentes) e 5.9 (com 5 Variáveis Latentes), respectivamente. Já a melhor capacidade de previsão para a concentração de glucose foi obtida pelo NIR, na qual a média de erro padrão relativo foi de 7.4 (com 6 Variáveis Latentes). Os resultados obtidos demonstram a boa capacidade de previsão dos modelos multivariados fundamentados em espectroscopia no infravermelho e vantagens características da associação DRIFT-PLSR.

Etude comparative des procédés de séchage couplés à la texturation par Détente Instantanée Contrôlée DIC, en termes de cinétique et de qualité nutritionnelle. Applications à la valorisation des déchets agro-industriels / Comparative study of drying process coupled by texturing by instant controlled pressure drop DIC, in terms of kinetics and nutritional quality. Applications to agro-industrial wastes

Albitar, Nsren 08 November 2010 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la présente thèse, a été étudié l’impact de la texturation par traitement thermo-mécanique DIC (Détente Instantanée Contrôlée) sur le séchage de divers produits alimentaires. Ce prétraitement a induit une amélioration de la cinétique de l’opération de séchage quand elle est limitée par le transfert interne de la matière couplé au rétrécissement du produit. Ainsi, la diminution du temps de séchage a atteint 67% dans le cas de l’oignon et 77% dans le cas du cassis. Quant à la diffusivité effective Deff, elle a augmenté par rapport à la matière première jusqu’à 246% pour les pépins et 795% pour les déchets de canneberge, 336% pour l’oignon et 1223% pour le cassis. Dans le cas des produits étudiés, la pression de vapeur de traitement DIC a généralement un effet significatif positif sur la cinétique de séchage et d’extraction des différentes molécules. Concernant les caractérisatiques des produits, nous constatons l’impact positif du traitement par DIC quant aux principales caractéristiques de la matière. Ainsi, les composés phénoliques apparaissent plus disponibles à la suite du traitement adéquat par DIC. Le contenu en composés phénoliques et la capacité antioxydante étant supérieurs dans les produits traités par DIC, la qualité nutritionnelle s’est ainsi également trouvée améliorée. Avec une dégradation thermique négligeable, le traitement DIC implique un effet mécanique dû à la détente instantanée, ce qui permet la rupture de certaines structures cellulaires de la matière et l’augmentation de la quantité maximale extractible. Les caractéristiques physiques diverses (masse volumique apparente et taux relatif d’expansion), les caractéristiques microstructurelles (mesurées par microscopie électronique à balayage) et fonctionnelles d’interaction avec l’eau (réhydratation, teneur en eau, isotherme de sorption, microbiologie et contenu nutritionnel...) peuvent être optimisées en fonction des conditions opératoires DIC, selon les besoins du consommateur. / The present PhD work concerns the effect of thermo-mechanical texturing by DIC (Instantaneous Controlled Pressure-Drop) on fruit and vegetable drying. This pretreatment dramatically improves drying kinetics when the internal mass transfer coupled to the shrinkage of the product, is the limiting process. Indeed, the drying time decreased by 67% in the case of onion and 77% for blackcurrants, while the effective diffusivity Deff increased up to 246%, 795%, 336%, and 1223% for cranberry seed and waste, onion and blackcurrants, respectively. With these products, the saturated steam pressure generally has a significant positive effect on the drying kinetics.DIC treatment significantly improves the main nutritional and functional characteristics of the fruits and vegetables, with more available phenols and higher antioxidant activity. As thermal degradation is negligible, the DIC treatment involves micromechanical effect linked to the instant pressure drop, which allows cell to break and structure to be more porous such increasing the maximum extractable amount. Various physical, microstructural and functional characteristics of new textured material allow water interaction to be completely modified in terms of rehydration kinetics and capacity, sorption isotherm, microbiological and nutritional content... depending on operating DIC conditions, which can be optimized according to the consumer needs.

Influencia de la composición y de la temperatura de secado en la calidad de un producto de naranja liofilizado. Propuesta de un modelo mecanístico para la modelización de la cinética del proceso

Uscanga Ramos, Mariana Aziyadé 28 February 2022 (has links)
[ES] Existen muchos estudios que relacionan el consumo regular de frutas con importantes beneficios para la salud. Esto es debido a la gran cantidad de fibra, vitaminas y otros compuestos bioactivos presentes en ellas, los cuales pueden ser de gran ayuda en la prevención de algunas enfermedades. En los últimos años, el consumidor se ha decantado por consumir productos con alto valor nutricional y, como consecuencia del estilo de vida actual, existe una alta demanda de productos con fácil manejo para su consumo. Algunos de los principales inconvenientes de las frutas son su estacionalidad y corta vida útil, por lo que resulta interesante ofrecer productos de fruta de alto valor nutritivo y sensorial, estables y fácil manejo. La liofilización es una técnica que permiten obtener productos altamente estables microbiológicamente, debido a su bajo contenido de humedad, y con una máxima calidad sensorial, nutritiva y funcional. Sin embargo, se trata de un proceso largo y energéticamente costoso. Con base a lo anterior, el objetivo de esta tesis ha sido seleccionar las mejores condiciones de liofilización para la obtención de dos productos de naranja, uno la propia torta liofilizada y otro el polvo obtenido por trituración de la misma. Así, la sección uno se centra en evaluar la influencia tanto del contenido de agua como de la composición en solutos de un producto naranja en algunas propiedades de la torta liofilizada y del polvo correspondiente. Las propiedades analizadas se seleccionaron teniendo en cuenta tanto la retención de los compuestos bioactivos, como la porosidad, el color y las propiedades mecánicas de la torta obtenida y del polvo conseguido tras su trituración, además de las propiedades de flujo del polvo y su comportamiento frente a la rehidratación. En base a los resultados obtenidos se ha podido concluir que el puré de naranja es más recomendable a los efectos de obtener un producto tipo snack crujiente y el zumo cuando se desee un polvo para rehidratar, en este caso evitando cualquier tratamiento térmico antes de la liofilización. En la sección dos, se ha estudiado el impacto de la temperatura del secado, 30 y 50 °C, sobre los compuestos bioactivos del producto obtenido a partir del zumo de naranja formulado con goma Arábiga y fibra de bambú, así como sobre las mismas propiedades antes descritas de la torta liofilizada y de su correspondiente producto en polvo. En este caso, además, se llevó a cabo una evaluación sensorial de los productos rehidratados. Los resultados obtenidos permiten recomendar 50°C para el secado de este producto por liofilización. Esta temperatura acorta el tiempo del proceso en un 64 %, favorece la extracción de la vitamina C sin afectar al contenido total de fenoles y carotenoides, mejora las propiedades mecánicas de las tortas y no afecta a la fluidez ni a la rehidratación del producto en polvo. Finalmente, en la sección tres, se ha trabajado en la aplicación de una solución analítica basada en la ley de Darcy para modelar la cinética de pérdida de agua durante la liofilización. La solución analítica debe complementarse con una solución numérica de las ecuaciones de Fourier para la transferencia de calor. El modelo se ha ajustado a la dinámica experimental de liofilización de un producto a base de naranja formulado a partir del zumo. La pseudo-permeabilidad de Darcy obtenida fue de 2,0X10-12 con un índice de desviación de la conducta ideal de 0,5. Las ecuaciones propuestas, resueltas con la pseudo-permeabilidad de Darcy ajustada y el índice de desviación ideal, permiten reproducir la dinámica de liofilización experimental del mismo producto a diferentes temperaturas. / [CA] Existeixen molts estudis que relacionen el consum regular de fruites amb importants beneficis per a la salut. Això és degut a la gran quantitat de fibra, vitamines i altres compostos *bioactivos que es troben elles, els quals poden ser de gran ajuda en la prevenció d'algunes malalties. En els últims anys el consumidor s'ha decantat per consumir productes amb alt valor nutricional i, a conseqüència de l'estil de vida actual, existeix una alta demanda de productes amb fàcil maneig per al seu consum. Alguns dels principals inconvenients de les fruites són la seua estacionalitat i curta vida útil, per la qual cosa resulta interessant oferir productes de fruita d'alt valor nutritiu i sensorial, estables i fàcil maneig. La liofilització és una tècnica que permeten obtindre productes altament estables microbiologicament, a causa del seu baix contingut d'humitat, i amb una màxima qualitat sensorial, nutritiva i funcional. No obstant això, es tracta d'un procés llarg i energèticament costós. Amb base a l'anterior, l'objectiu d'aquesta Tesi ha sigut seleccionar les millors condicions de liofilització per a l'obtenció de dos productes de taronja, un la pròpia coca liofilitzada i un altre la pols obtinguda per trituració d'aquesta. Així, la primera part de la Tesi se centra en avaluar la influència tant del contingut d'aigua com de la composició en soluts d'un producte taronja en algunes propietats de la coca liofilitzada i de la pols corresponent. Les propietats a analitzar es van seleccionar tenint en compte tant la retenció dels compostos bioactius, com la porositat, el color i les propietats mecàniques de la coca obtinguda i de la pols aconseguida després de la seua trituració, a més de les propietats de flux de la pols i el seu comportament enfront de la rehidratació. Sobre la base dels resultats obtinguts s'ha pogut concloure que el puré de taronja és més recomanable a l'efecte d'obtindre un producte tipus snack cruixent i el suc quan es desitge una pols per a rehidratar, en aquest cas evitant qualsevol tractament tèrmic abans de la liofilització. En la segona part de la Tesi, s'ha estudiat l'impacte de la temperatura de l'assecat, 30 i 50 °C, sobre els compostos bioactius del producte obtingut a partir del suc de taronja formulat amb goma Aràbiga i fibra de bambú, així com sobre les mateixes propietats abans descrites de la coca liofilitzada i del seu corresponent producte en pols. En aquest cas, a més, es va dur a terme una avaluació sensorial dels productes rehidratats. Els resultats obtinguts permeten recomanar 50 °C per a l'assecat per liofilització d'aquest producte. Aquesta temperatura acurta el temps del procés en un 64%, afavoreix l'extracció de la vitamina C sense afectar el contingut total de fenols i carotenoids, millora les propietats mecàniques de les coques i no afecta a la fluïdesa ni a la rehidratació del producte en pols. Finalment, en la tercera part de la Tesi, s'ha treballat en l'aplicació d'una solució analítica basada en la llei de Darcy per a modelar la cinètica de pèrdua d'aigua durant la liofilització. La solució analítica ha de complementar-se amb una solució numèrica de les equacions de Fourier per a la transferència de calor. El model s'ha ajustat a la dinàmica experimental de liofilització d'un producte a base de taronja formulat a partir del suc. La pseudo-permeabilitat de Darcy obtinguda va ser de 2,0X10-12 amb un índex de desviació de la conducta ideal de 0,5. Les equacions proposades, resoltes amb la pseudo-permeabilitat de Darcy ajustada i l'índex de desviació ideal, permeten reproduir la dinàmica de liofilització experimental del mateix producte a diferents temperatures. / [EN] There are many studies linking regular fruit consumption with important health benefits. This is due to the large amount of fibre, vitamins and other bioactive compounds found in them, which can be of great help in the prevention of some diseases. In recent years, consumers have become more inclined to consume products with high nutritional value and, as a consequence of today's lifestyle, there is a high demand for products that are easy to handle for consumption. Some of the main disadvantages of fruits are their seasonality and short shelf life, so it is interesting to offer fruit products of high nutritional and sensory value that are stable and easy to handle. Freeze-drying is a technique that makes it possible to obtain highly microbiologically stable products, due to their low moisture content, and with maximum sensory, nutritional and functional quality. However, it is a long and energy-intensive process. Based on the above, the aim of this Doctoral Thesis has been to select the best freeze-drying conditions for obtaining two orange products, one the freeze-dried cake itself and the other the powder obtained by crushing it. Thus, the first part of the Thesis focuses on evaluating the influence of both the water content and the solute composition of an orange product on some properties of the freeze-dried cake and the corresponding powder. The properties to be analysed were selected taking into account the retention of the bioactive compounds, the porosity, the colour and the mechanical properties of the cake obtained and of the powder obtained after grinding, as well as the flow properties of the powder and its behaviour against rehydration. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that orange puree is more recommendable for obtaining a crunchy snack-type product and juice when a powder for rehydration is desired, in this case avoiding any heat treatment before freeze-drying. In the second part of the Thesis, the impact of the drying temperature, 30 and 50 °C, on the bioactive compounds of the product obtained from orange juice formulated with gum Arabic and bamboo fibre, as well as on the same properties described above of the freeze-dried cake and its corresponding powdered product, has been studied. In this case, a sensory evaluation of the rehydrated products was also carried out. The results obtained allow to recommend 50°C for the freeze-drying of this product. This temperature shortens the processing time by 64 %, favours the extraction of vitamin C without affecting the total phenol and carotenoid content, improves the mechanical properties of the cakes and does not affect the flowability and rehydration of the powdered product. Finally, in the third part of the Thesis, we have studied the application of an analytical solution based on Darcy's law to model the kinetics of water loss during freeze-drying. The analytical solution must be complemented with a numerical solution of the Fourier equations for heat transfer. The model has been fitted to the experimental dynamics of freeze-drying an orange-based product formulated from the juice. The Darcy pseudo-permeability obtained was 2,0X10-12 with an index of deviation from ideal behaviour of 0,5. The proposed equations, solved with the adjusted Darcy pseudo-permeability and the ideal deviation index, allow to reproduce the experimental freeze-drying dynamics of the same product at different temperatures. / Uscanga Ramos, MA. (2022). Influencia de la composición y de la temperatura de secado en la calidad de un producto de naranja liofilizado. Propuesta de un modelo mecanístico para la modelización de la cinética del proceso [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181238

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