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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Swofford, Mark 30 June 2011 (has links)
The formation of multi-hospital systems represents one of the largest structural changes in the hospital industry. As of 2008, system affiliated hospitals outnumbered stand alone hospitals 2511 to 2167 and the percentage of system affiliated rural hospitals has increased dramatically from 24.8% in 1983 to 42.2% in 2008 (based on AHA data for non-federal acute care general hospitals). The effects of system membership on hospital performance have been of great interest to health care researchers, but the majority of research on multi-hospital systems has either focused exclusively on urban facilities or pooled urban and rural facilities in the same sample, and thus failed to allow for potential differences in membership effects between urban and rural hospitals. The result is that the effect of system membership on rural hospital performance has remained largely unexplored, creating a gap in the body of health services research. The objectives of this study are both theoretical and empirical. Theoretically, this study is intended to be a deliberate empirical application of contingency theory, which is the one major organizational theory that seeks to explain variations in organizational performance as its fundamental purpose. Empirically, this study seeks to explore the relationship between rural hospital system membership and rural hospital performance, taking into account the environment of the rural hospital and the structure of the multi-hospital system to which it belongs. The study sample consists of 1010 non-federal, short-term, acute care general rural hospitals with consistent system membership and critical access hospital (CAH) status from 2004 to 2008. Hospital economic performance is represented by the dependent variables of hospital total margin and a productive efficiency score calculated using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Four contingent pairs containing measures for environmental munificence, system membership, the presence of local system partners, the presence of hierarchical system partners, and CAH status, were used to measure a hospital’s fit between environment and structure. Regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between hospital performance and the fit between a hospital’s environment and its organizational/system structure. Results of the analysis indicate that hospitals with a better fit have significantly higher total margins, but results for productive efficiency were largely insignificant.

Riziková averze v eficienci portfolia / Risk aversion in portfolio efficiency

Puček, Samuel January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with selecting the optimal portfolio for a risk averse investor. Firstly, we present the risk measures, specifically spectral risk me- asures which consider an individual risk aversion of the investor. Then we propose a diversification-consistent data envelopment analysis model. The model is searching for an efficient portfolio with respect to second-order sto- chastic dominance. The crux of the thesis is a model based on the theory of multi-criteria optimization and spectral risk measures. The presented mo- del is searching for an optimal portfolio suitable for the investor with a given risk aversion. In addition, the optimal portfolio is also consistent with second- order stochastic dominance efficiency. The topic of the practical part is a nu- merical study in which both models are implemented in MATLAB. Models are applied to a dataset from real financial markets. Personal contribution lies in comparing the diversification-consistent data envelopment analysis model and model based on multi-criteria optimization, both with respect to second order stochastic dominance efficiency.

Activités et efficicience des établissements de santé dans le contexte de la couverture universelle de santé : études sur données d'enquêtes au Cambodge et en Chine / Activities and efficiency of health care facilities in the context of universal health coverage : study from survey data in Cambodia and China

Pélissier, Aurore 23 November 2012 (has links)
La couverture universelle de santé est aujourd’hui au coeur du financement de la santé. Dans ce contexte, le développement des mécanismes d’assurance et l’amélioration de l’efficience constituent des enjeux majeurs pour garantir l’équité dans l’accès et le financement des services de santé. La transition vers la couverture universelle de santé s’appuie sur la combinaison des fonds d’équité de santé et de l’assurance santé communautaire au Cambodge et sur le développement de l’assurance santé communautaire en Chine avec le Nouveau Système de Coopératives Médicales Rurales. Alors que les modalités du financement de la santé changent, l’utilisation des ressources devient un enjeu central et on doit alors s’interroger sur leur efficience dans le contexte de la couverture universelle de santé. C’est l’objet de cette thèse qui s’articule autour de quatre chapitres. Le chapitre I analyse les enjeux du financement de la santé dans les pays en développement dans le contexte de la couverture universelle de santé, montrant pourquoi la problématique de l’efficience en constitue l’une des interrogations centrales. La thèse se concentre alors sur l’étude de l’efficience des établissements de santé au travers de trois chapitres. Le chapitre II porte sur la mesure de l’efficience technique via l’analyse d’enveloppement des données. Les chapitres III et IV présentent des études de cas portant respectivement sur l’activité et l’efficience des centres de santé de la province de Takéo au Cambodge et des hôpitaux municipaux de la préfecture de Weifang en Chine dans le contexte des réformes orientées vers la couverture universelle de santé. / Universal health coverage is at the heart of health financing. In such context, the development of insurance mechanisms and the improvement of efficiency are major stakes to insure equity in access and financing of health care services. In Cambodia, the transition to universal health coverage relies on a combination of health equity funds and community-based health insurance while in China it relies on the development of community-based health insurance with the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme. The composition of health financing evolves and thus, the utilization of resources becomes a central issue. So, as it proposed in this thesis, we have to examine the efficiency in the context of universal health coverage. The chapter I analyses the issues of health financing in developing countries in the context of universal health coverage and underlines why the efficiency is the central issue. The thesis then concentrates on the study of efficiency through three chapters. Chapter II details the data envelopment analysis to estimate technical efficiency. Chapters III and IV respectively study the activity and efficiency of health centers of Takeo province in Cambodia and townships hospitals of Weifang prefecture in China, in the context of reforms oriented to universal health coverage.

我國由技職專校改制升格之私立技職院校經營績效分析 / Efficiency evaluation of the private technical colleges in Taiwan

林碧芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以三階段資料包絡分析探討在95到97學年度三年間國內近年升格的私立技職院校的經營績效。研究藉由三階段的調整,期望觀察出各技職院校在摒除環境和產出品質的影響下,真實的學校經營效率表現。結果顯示,當學校屬性為中部學校、南部學校、中型規模學校、科技大學等與各項投入差額之間,具有正向關係,而學校屬性為商科重點或其他科的學校、大型學校等與各項投入差額之間,具有負向關係。而在排除外在因素與統計干擾的影響後,本研究發現各高等技職院校的技術效率、純技術效率與規模效率的差異會減少,多數高等技職院校管理效率仍有改善空間,且亦有部分無效率來自於規模無效率,除部分技職院校處於固定規模報酬階段外,其餘多數技職院校皆處於規模報酬遞增階段。 / This paper uses the three-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) to measure performance efficiency of the private vocational and technological colleges which are elevated recently in Taiwan during the 2006-2008 periods. With the three-stage adjustment, the researcher presented the relationship between the outside environmental factors among the considered colleges and the input slacks. After excluding the impacts from outside environmental factors and statistical noises, the study finds that the differences among the technical efficiency, the pure technical efficiency, and scale efficiency of the considered colleges would be decreased. In addition, it is also found that most considered colleges have opportunity to improve their efficiency and are in the phase of increasing returns to scale.

國民小學經營效率及影響因素之研究 / Efficiency performance and impact factors analyses of elementary schools in Taiwan

方芳蘭, Fang, Fang Lan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來政府財政資源逐年緊縮,但社會大眾對教育品質之要求與日遽增,繼之以近年來少子化之情形日趨嚴重,國民小學開始衍生學生不足及規模過小問題,導致教育投資無效率的情形發生,因此著重衡量投入與產出關係的經營效率概念,成為未來學校經營的重點。本研究綜合實務及理論之觀察,在考量投入與產出評估之觀點下,經由投入及產出指標之計算,進行我國國民小學經營效率之評估,並探討影響我國國民小學經營效率之各項因素驗證其影響,提出增進學校經營效率之建議與策略。 本研究評估我國國小經營效率,以台北市75所公立國小為研究樣本,採用97年度國小歲出計畫預算扣除人事費用之預算、教職員人數、校地面積為投入項,國小六年級國語科、數學科基本能力測驗精熟級以上通過人數、各校市級比賽得分、新生報到人數為產出項,並蒐集各校背景及教師素質、家長社經背景及學區因素等變項資料,藉由資料包絡分析法及Tobit迴歸分析,獲得台北市各公立國小之各項效率結果,及影響學校效率之各項因素分析。主要研究發現:(一)台北市國小技術效率表現尚佳。(二)學校普遍出現學生規模不足情形。(三)、學校成本效率表現普遍不佳。(四)效率表現較佳學校具有學生數多、設校時間較短、家長社經背景較佳特徵。(五)學校間學業成就表現差距較小,但各校師生多元表現表現差距較大。(六)在台北市國民小學經營效率調整方面,現有投入水準下產出有不足之情形,在現有產出水準下則有投入有過多之情形。影響學校經營效率之因素方面,學校特性中只有教師性別、學校成員、學校設立時間對學校經營效率有向顯著之影響;學生家長社會經濟背景方面,學校低收入戶及原住民學生比率越高對學校效率有顯著的負面影響,其餘因素影響並不顯著。學區環境部分,學校所處區位都市化程度越高效率越好,位於住宅區之學校效率優於其他各區。針對研究結果,提出下列建議。(一)規模過小學校,宜進行各項資源整合利用。(二)推動教師專業評鑑及落實考核。(三)建立教育績效責任制提升學校效率。(四)國小校務評鑑可同時有量化及質化之評鑑。(五)教育經費編列宜考量學校背景之差異性。(六)建議教育行政機關建立整合電腦資料庫以利未來研究。 / Recent year the budget of government is tightening, but our expectation of the educational quality is never less than before. However, the birth rate of Taiwan decreases sharply during decades. It makes the problem that our elementary schools lacking scale of economies are more serious. By literatures reviewing, we find that most of them emphasize on effectiveness of elementary school but efficiency. If we ignore the viewpoint of efficiency, we will not catch the whole-picture of elementary schools’ performance. In this dissertation, we are not only examining the efficiency performance of elementary schools’ but also testing the impact of exogenous variables to efficiency. On first stage, We select half of elementary school of Taipei city as our empirical samples, and use data envelopment analysis (DEA)to examine their efficiency performance that include cost efficiency, scale efficiency, technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency ,and allocative efficiency. The result suggests that the sample school have a medium-high technical efficiency performance but poor cost efficiency. Technical efficiency performance is better than allocative and scale efficiency performance. We also confirm a problem that we expect our elementary schools lacking scale of economies. On the second stage, we use Tobit regression method to test our three hypotheses, The empirical result show (1)the evidence support our school characteristic hypothesis that school-specific factors (including the female faculty proportion, teaching experience of teachers, and involvement of teachers) have significant effect to efficiency performance of elementary school.(2) the evidence also support our socioeconomic hypothesis that students’ socioeconomic status (including the family situation and family financial condition) have significant effect to efficiency performance.(3) Our location hypothesis that the school district characteristic (including population density of district and location factor) have significant effect to efficiency performance is supported too.

臺北縣政府稅捐稽徵處效率之研究:三階段資料包絡分析法之應用 / A study of efficiency of taipei county revenue service office:the 3-stage dea approach

劉學文, Liu, Hsueh Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以臺北縣政府稅捐稽徵處為對象,採用2001-2008年資料,共有56筆樣本資料進行實證研究。應用三階段DEA作為分析模型,以滿足產出多樣、品質差異及產出環境各異之特殊要求。考量稅捐稽徵處特性下,探討其經營效率,提出改善經營效率之政策性建議,以提升有限資源的效率化利用。 臺北縣政府稅捐稽徵處之經營效率值(三階段純技術效率值)評估之結果為1.0186。研究發現,若未摒除稅捐稽徵處所提供服務的不同產出品質,以及受到環境變數之影響,經營效率值將會低估44.16%。此外,若未考量規模效率,經營效率值也會高估18.23%。 實證結果顯示,利用DEA對於本文地方稅分類方式分析,會產生很好的效果。透過本文提供的分類方法,管理機關可獲得較為有效的管理方式。再者,依據隨機邊界法分析、產出投入比與效率值的相關分析等結果,各地方稅的管理單位應可瞭解其擁有資源的優劣勢,以改善其相對無效率或進步緩慢的窘境。 / This research tries to estimate the operational efficiency of Taipei County Revenue Service Office using empirical data from 2001 to 2008. In order to meet the characteristics including various outputs, different output qualities and specific production environments, 3-stage DEA model is chosen and modified for empirical study. The findings of this research may give policy suggestions to improve the operational efficiency. The estimated operational efficiency, the pure technical efficiency in third stage, is 1.0186. The study shows the operational efficiency will be underestimated by 44.16% if output quality variable and production environment variable are ignored. In addition, if scale efficiency is not taken under consideration, the efficiency will be overestimated by 18.23%. Empirical results indicate that DEA is an effective approach applied to the local tax classification model of this study. Furthermore, according to the findings of SFA analysis, output-input ratio and efficiency index, each management unit of local tax could find out its strength and weakness of resources endowment to improve the relative inefficiency and to make progress in the future.

應用經濟-生態效率分析台灣縣市發展之研究 / A study of the application of eco-efficiency to Taiwan cities and counties development

李哲宇, Li, Che Yu Unknown Date (has links)
都市經濟發展同時卻也造成環境衝擊的影響,在永續發展理念下,經濟和環境議題調和為重要議題,過去評估都市永續性主要透過永續指標建構、生態足跡、能值分析等方法,但缺乏將環境和經濟兩者同時考量,因而有經濟-生態效率(Eco-efficiency)評估方式產生。本文嘗試利用此評估方式於探討台灣在民國85、90及95年經濟與環境變化情形,並分析哪些縣市為發展上具有效率以及影響縣市經濟-生態效率上差異性原因。本研究第一階段利用可處理多投入及多產出之資料包絡分析計算效率,第二階段則將以都市發展程度等為原因探討對於縣市效率值變動影響情形。 研究結果顯示,縣市中以北部縣市效率值較高而南部效率值較低,個別縣市觀察以台北市、新竹縣、新竹市、台中市、嘉義市和台東縣為三個年度中皆具有效率的縣市。而縣市欲提升效率值則需從汽柴油銷售量及用電量著手;此外,總用水量和二、三級產業就業員工數為縣市經濟-生態效率值之優勢因素。更近一步透過Tobit迴歸分析影響縣市效率值差異性原因,都市發展程度及污染性產業比例與效率值呈現負向變動,而每人每年可支配所得高低則呈正向變動。因此,建議政府對產業的汙染管制宜改善,而於都市發展程度較高的縣市提升能源使用效率並降低對環境影響,以提升縣市發展之經濟-生態效率。 關鍵詞:經濟-生態效率、資料包絡分析、Tobit迴歸分析 / Urban development creates economic values and results in environmental impact at the same time. Based on the concept of sustainable development, several methods, such as sustainable indicator frameworks, ecological footprints, urban metabolism, were reported to assess urban sustainability. However, these methods seldom focus on the relation between environment and economy. Therefore, World Business Council proposed Eco-efficiency. This research tried to apply Eco-efficiency to analyze which cities/counties are relatively eco-efficient and find causes bringing about discrepancies among twenty-two cities/counties in Taiwan. In the first stage, this research applies Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) to figure out Eco-efficiency scores and applies Tobit regression method to analyze in the second stage. The results show that efficiency scores of northern cities/counties are higher than other areas and the ones of southern cities/counties are lower above four areas. Further discussion of analyzing from individual county/city perspectives, the efficiency scores of Taipei city, Hsinchu county, Hsinchu city, Taichung city, Chiayi city and Taitung county are relatively better in 1996, 2001 and 2006. Within comparatively inefficient cities/counties, oil consumption and electricity need to reduce. Water consumption and industry employees are superior factors in twenty-two cities/counties. Furthermore, the intensity of urban development and polluting industry ratio of second and third industries have significant positive effects on the eco-efficiency scores. Disposable income per person per year has significant positive effect on the eco-efficiency scores. Thus, this research suggests that government should improve the regulation on industry pollution. In addition, for those counties/cities with high intensity urban development need to ameliorate energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Key words:Eco-efficiency、Data Envelopment Analysis、Tobit regression

Measuring Airport Efficiency with Fixed Asset Utilization to Minimize Airport Delays

Widener, Scott D. 22 October 2010 (has links)
Deregulation of the airlines in the United States spawned a free-for-all system which led to a variety of agents within the aviation system all seeking to optimize their own piece of the aviation system, and the net result was that the aviation system itself was not optimized in aggregate, frequently resulting in delays. Research on the efficiency of the system has likewise focused on the individual agents, primarily focusing on the municipalities in an economic context, and largely ignoring the consumer. This paper develops the case for a systemic efficiency measurement which incorporates the interests of the airlines and the consumers with those of the airport operating municipalities in three different Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models: traditional Charnes-Cooper-Rhodes and Banker-Charnes-Cooper models, and a Directional Output Distance Function model, devised and interpreted using quality management principles. These models were combined to allow the resulting efficiencies of the operating configurations of the given airport to predict the efficiency of the associated airport. Based upon regression models, these efficiency measurements can be used as a diagnostic for improving the efficiency of the entire United States airspace, on a systemic basis, at the individual airport configuration level. An example analysis using this diagnostic is derived in the course of the development and description of the diagnostic and two additional case studies are presented.

Effektivitet i grundskolan i anslutning till en stadsdelsnämndsreform

Wallén, Ulrika January 2003 (has links)
Grundskolan, som är en obligatorisk och viktig kommunal verksamhet, utgör ett exempel på då det är svårt att uppskatta reella resultatmått för att mäta och jämföra effektivitet, t ex till följd av reformer. Denna avhandling belyser utvecklingen av modeller för effektivitetsmätning inom ramen för en reform inom den offentliga sektorn, den s k stads-delsnämndsreformen (SDN-reformen) i Stockholms stad 1997. En grundläggande fråga för de ekonomiska vetenskaperna gäller utveck-ling av metoder för att bedöma effektivitet i olika verksamheter. I denna avhandling är effektivitetsbegreppet centralt. För att mäta effekter krävs mått som anger värdet av det som presterats i förhållande till värdet av de förbrukade resurserna. Möjligheterna att göra effektivitetsmätningar varierar mellan olika verksamheter. Det är svårt att mäta effektivitet hos många offentliga verksamheter och därmed att göra bra bedömningar av deras utveckling. Främst ligger svårigheten i att få goda och jämförbara mått på resultaten av en viss verksamhet. Mot bakgrund av de senare decenniernas reformering av den offentliga sektorn finns ett stort behov av modeller för att bedöma i vilken utsträckning dessa reformer lett till en ökad effektivitet. I studien undersöks effektivitetsförändringar i Stockholms stads grund-skolor i samband med SDN-reformen genom att mäta och beskriva effektivitet med hjälp av flera olika metoder. Tillvägagångssättet innebär att jämföra resultaten från metoderna och studera i vilken grad de pekar åt samma håll. Motivet är att belysa i vilken utsträckning resultaten ger samstämmighet. Då resultaten inte pekar åt samma håll analyseras tänkbara orsaker. En slutsats gällande den troliga effektivitetsför-ändringen ges. Avslutningsvis görs ett försök att med hjälp av SDN-reformen förklara denna utveckling. / <p>Sammanfattning på engelska med titeln: Effectiveness in compulsory school education following a district council reform. Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2003</p>

我國各縣市整體環保績效之研究 / The Performance Evaluation of Environmental Protection in Taiwan’s Local Governments

游京晶, Yu, Jing Jing Unknown Date (has links)
台灣1970年代以來經濟起飛,人民生活日漸富裕,隨著經濟實力成長,同時也犧牲了環境,為了使人類永續發展,人民開始重視環境保護,要求政府改善以維護生活品質。因此環保投入的效率成為重要的研究課題。 本研究目的以資料包絡分析法建立客觀的「投入-產出」模型,來評估2001年至2010年各縣市環保機關在空氣、噪音、水及廢棄物污染防制的續效表現,再分析各縣市環保機關整體績效,並研究四個環保評估面向影響整體環保績效的比例為何。 實證結果發現,整體績效而言,台北市、高雄市資源雖然多,但技術仍然不足以應付沉重的環境、人口負荷量,使得投入與產出的效率不如其他縣市。並由各環保面向績效的趨勢分析發現,資源回收率的效率進步最多,水污染防制效率最差。 Tobit迴歸模型中,四個環保評估面向對整體環保面向的影響為顯著正相關,而且資源回收率效率值對整體環保效率值的影響最大,符合本研究預期。 / This research aims at assessing environmental protection performance in Taiwan’s local governments about air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution and resource recycling from 2001 to 2010 base on DEA and Tobit regression model to analyze the effect of each part’s CCR on whole Environmental Protection efficiency. The result of DEA are (1)The Taipei city and Kaohsiung are good in input than other cities, but lower than other cities in output, because there are too many population to deal with those pollution. (2)Analyzing the trend of each environmental protection part, the resource recycling make great progress. According to this study, the fore evaluations are significantly positive effect on whole performance evaluation of environmental protection. The most value is resource recycling that meet our expected

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