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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Designing Intranets for Viability : Approaching Organizational Empowerment and Participation

Nyström, Christina Amcoff January 2006 (has links)
Intranets appeared in the mid-1990s and were perceived as the answer to the need for the integration of existing Information Systems into organisations. Despite the fact that there has been extensive research regarding implementation, development processes, policies standardisation vs. creativity and so forth, the potentiality of Intranets has not been fully exploited. Intranets offer many advantages in the form of working networks that support and enable empowered employees to participate in the development of the organisation, to enable the measurement of essential functions and to monitor undesired conditions and find suitable functions that support daily work. The research approach in this thesis has alternated between analysis empirical studies, and design. Current literature, research findings in the form of articles, etc., are analysed, an empirical study of five organisations is conducted and finally a design of possible functions is accomplished. In the analysis of the state-of-the-art, current research can be grouped into four topics partly overlapping each other; questions concerning informatics, organisation theory, knowledge management, and design. Urgent issues for further research are identified as mainly belonging to the topics informatics and organisation theory; management and strategy, empowerment, further development processes, use, and roles. Findings from a study of five Swedish organisations show a need for identifying the philosophy of technology in the organisations in order to make an organisation’s view of technology common throughout the organisation. Furthermore, functions supporting daily work are lacking to a high degree. Further lacks and demands are identified, as well as potential functions and new possibilities. In the next section, the Philosophy of Technology is related to an Intranet. The discussion is based on a model which consists of the concepts Conception, Use, Technology, and Policy. Making the Philosophy of Technology common in organisations is connected to the empowerment of employees and is a guarantor, along with the influence of the VSM on the design, for the impact on and participation in the processes of an organisation. The next part deals with possible advantages of combining the cybernetic model, the Viable System Model, by Stafford Beer, and an Intranet. It is found that the VSM can support the design of Intranets according to essential functions such as Early Warning Systems connected to production units and levels that are to be made aware of undesired conditions in the organisation. Furthermore, functions for amplifying and attenuating information – both between parts of the organisation and between the organisation and the environment – are to be designed. Further examples of functions supporting the organisation, in order to make it viable, are given. The main contribution of the thesis is the identification of core functions in an Intranet as establishing functions for supervision (Early Warning Systems), attenuating and amplifying information between the organisation and the environment and between subparts in the organisation. Furthermore, the interface is to be designed so the underlying technology is “visible:” Where are the different parts of the Intranet located physically? Who delivers information to the different parts? Who uses the functions? Who is responsible? The transparency of the interface makes the philosophy of technology visible throughout the organisation; the concepts are the same, the actual use is the same as the intended use, and policy is active and well known and finally, the possibilities and the limitations with/inherent to an Intranet are known among the users. Finally, examples of further research are given – both as regards the implementation of Intranets based on the VSM design and as regards making the interface transparent.

Massification of the Intangible : An investigation into embodied meaning and information visualization

Lund, Andreas January 2003 (has links)
The thesis addresses two related problems. It is argued that the materiality of physical artifacts serves the purpose of expressing abstract information. In contrast, the intangibility of IT is of such a kind that it poses different conditions for expressing abstract information. The background problem concerns conditions and possibilities of designing information visualization artifacts that retain the experiential qualities typically associated with physical artifacts. Massification design is introduced as a design ideal that aims towards a design of visualization artifacts that cater to the need of intersubjective understanding of abstract and intangible information. Massification design is further articulated as an ideal where the designed artifact as such bears witness of its own meaning. This ideal is put in contrast to design that depends on arbitrary, interpretative conventions for people's understanding of visualization artifacts. It is argued that design striving towards this ideal should be theoretically informed. The main problem of the thesis concerns to what extent the theory of embodied realism can serve as an informing theory for massification design. In order to investigate embodied realism as a candidate for informing massification design, two design projects are presented. Based on the design projects and associated evaluations, it is suggested that an embodied realist foundation for massification has the capacity to constrain and suggest form for expressions of abstract information. Suggestively, embodied realism may also inform design in such a way that it affects the experience of using the artifacts. The evaluations also suggest that design that draws on embodied meaning may come in conflict with conventional ways of expressing information. To further investigate a foundation for massification it is there is a need to investigate foundations that stays sensitive to conventional expressions. Additionally, it is suggested that massification design can be understood as striving towards authentic experiences of IT.

E-handel i småföretag / E-commerce in small business

Svensson, Marlene January 2005 (has links)
<p>E-commerce is a conception who many are taking about nowadays. E-commerce is associate with computer based business and it’s a new way to do business on. Users and system connect up to each other for effective mediate and transfer information. Within e-commerce there’s a lot of ways to do business on and it can for example be between a business and a another business (B2B) or between business and consumer (B2C).</p><p>In this degree report have I reached if small business will invest on e-commerce and if they will, how. I have used theory testing research and as research method have I used surveys. As data acquisition method have I used interviews. Except the interviews there also is some chapter in the report to get a background and look in ecommerce and Internet.</p> / <p>E-handel är ett begrepp som många pratar om i nuläget. E-handel förknippas med datorstödd handel och det är ett nytt sätt att bedriva affärsverksamhet på. Användare och system kopplas upp mot varandra för att sedan effektivt förmedla och överföra information. Inom e-handel finns det många sätt att göra affärer på och det kan vara till exempel mellan ett företag och ett annat företag (B2B) eller mellan företag och konsument (B2C).</p><p>I denna magisteruppsats har jag undersökt ifall småföretag vill satsa på e-handel och i så fall på vilket sätt. Tillvägagångssättet jag har använt mig av har varit teoritestande. Som undersökningsmetod har jag använt surveys. Datainsamlingsmetoden har varit intervjuer där jag har intervjuat tretton olika företag i södra Småland. Förutom intervjuerna finns det ett antal kapitel i uppsatsen för att få en bakgrund och inblick i e-handel, dess begrepp, Internet med mera.</p>

A unified strategic business and IT alignment model : A study in the public universities of Nicaragua

Vargas Chevez, Norman January 2010 (has links)
<p>A number of attempts have been made to define strategic business and information technology (IT) alignment; several representations of what it is are available in academic and practitioners’ fields. The literature suggests that firms need to achieve strategic business and IT alignment to be competitive. Strategic business and IT alignment impact business performance and IT effectiveness. We propose a unified strategic business and IT alignment model based on four strategic business and IT alignment models: Strategic Alignment Model (SAM), Strategic Alignment Maturity Model (SAMM), information system strategic alignment model and an operational model of strategic alignment. I argue that such a unified model will provide a better understanding of the nature and key aspects of strategic business and IT alignment from different, and sometimes complementary, theories. The unified model represents the concepts and instruments used in these four strategic businesses and IT alignment models. Our principal research goal is to pave the way to develop a common understanding between the different models. The components of the unified strategic business and IT alignment model were ranked with a group of IT experts and business experts from four public universities in Nicaragua. The result can be used as a basis for improving strategic business and IT alignment.</p>

The Network Lens

Yang, Dingjie January 2010 (has links)
<p>A complex network graphics may be composed of hundreds and thousands of objects, such as nodes and edges. Each object may hold a large number of attributes that might be difficult to explore in the network visualization. Therefore, many visualization tools and approaches have been developed to gain more information from the network graphics. In this paper, we introduce the concept of the Network Lens<em>, </em>a new widget that assists the users to deal with a complex network. The Network Lens is an interactive tool that combines data visualization to a magic lens. With the help of the Network Lens, users can display hidden information of the elements in the network graphics based on their interest. Moreover, the Network Lens supports a series of interactive functions that give the users flexible options to define their own lenses.</p>

Handtmann VF 300 - Utvärdering och utveckling av ett gränssnitt

Holm, David January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport är resultatet av mitt examensarbete i informationsdesign vid Mälardalens Högskola. Rapporten behandlar utvärdering och utveckling av ett gränssnitt som används på charkuterimaskinen Handtmann VF 300. Målgruppen är nyanställda personer på charkuteriföretaget ”Ingemar Johansson i Sverige AB”.</p><p>Rapporten beskriver det tillvägagångssätt som använts för att utveckla gränssnittet och målet har varit att göra det lättare för nyanställda att förstå hur det fungerar. Det nya gränssnittet skulle också minska olycksrisken och göra användarna tryggare. Detta för att uppfylla de krav som ställs på årets tema som är <em>säkerhet</em>.</p><p>Utprovningar har skett på det befintliga och nya gränssnittet i form av kvalitativa intervjuer och användartester. Data som samlats in vid användartester på det befintliga gränssnittet har stått som grund vid utvecklingen av det nya.</p><p>Resultatet visar stora skillnader vid användning av de båda gränssnitten.</p>

Utveckling av webbapplikation för informationshantering i projekt / Development of a web application for managing information in projects

Nygren, Robert January 2007 (has links)
<p>Gain IT Architecture & Solutions AB (refereras till som Gain IT) är ett litet</p><p>Huskvarnabaserat IT-företag. De är verksamma inom de tre affärsområdena</p><p>produkt, konsult och service. Inom produktområdet sker försäljning av</p><p>programvaror och deras egenutvecklade webbapplikationer. På konsultsidan</p><p>erbjuder Gain IT bl.a. utveckling av webbapplikationer. Serviceområdet</p><p>inriktas bl.a. på support- och helpdesk-tjänster för företag men även support</p><p>och utbildning för egna applikationer.</p><p>Gain IT har under en tid planerat att utveckla någon form av webbapplikation</p><p>för att hantera information i projekt. Den ska kunna hantera olika aktiviteter</p><p>som kopplas till ett specifikt projekt. Det finns olika typer av ”kommentarer”</p><p>som kan kopplas till varje aktivitet i ett särskilt projekt. Exempel på</p><p>kommentartyper är generella systembeskrivningar, anteckningar, beslut och</p><p>kontaktuppgifter. Utvecklare, projektledare etc. kan på så sätt koppla viktig</p><p>information till projekt under tiden som ett särskilt projekt bedrivs.</p><p>Författarens frågeställningar var följande:</p><p>· Vad består XML Web Services av?</p><p>· Hur utvecklar man en XML Web Service med Visual Basic 2005 och</p><p>.NET Framework 2.0?</p><p>Författarens mål var att utveckla en webbapplikation för informationshantering</p><p>i projekt. Den skulle kunna hantera olika typer av kommentarer som kopplas</p><p>till projekt och aktiviteter. Webbapplikationen skulle också byggas med tanke</p><p>på “service-oriented architecture”, vilket innebär att information ska kunna</p><p>vara åtkomlig från fler system än bara webbapplikationen.</p><p>Allteftersom författaren utvecklade projekthanteringsystemet fick han bra</p><p>synpunkter och ideèr till förslag till förbättringar, avseende webbapplikationen,</p><p>från personer på utvecklingsavdelningen.</p><p>Examensarbetet har utmynnat i en välfungerande webbapplikation för</p><p>hantering av information i projekt. Både författaren och uppdragsgivaren är</p><p>nöjda med resultatet.</p><p>Författaren anser även att projekthanteringsystemet kan förbättras ännu mer i</p><p>framtiden och att ny funktionalitet kan adderas enklare mycket tack vare</p><p>teknologierna XML, XSD, XSL och Web Service men även pga. god</p><p>programmeringsteknik har använts.</p> / <p>Gain IT Architecture & Solutions (referred to as Gain IT) is a small ITcompany</p><p>based in Huskvarna. Gain IT:s business areas include products,</p><p>consulting and support. Within the product area they are selling software and</p><p>also their own customized web applications. The consulting area offers</p><p>development of custom web applications. The Support area concentrate on</p><p>support and helpdesk services for third party companies and for their own</p><p>custom made web applications.</p><p>Gain IT had plans to begin developing a web application to manage</p><p>information relating to different projects. The web application was supposed to</p><p>manage different activities belonging to a specific project. In a given activity</p><p>there can be different types of information making up that activity.</p><p>These pieces of information, called commenttypes, can for example be general</p><p>system descriptions, notes, decisions and contacts. Developers and project</p><p>managers can then keep track of progress made in different activities when a</p><p>specific project is performing.</p><p>The purpose of the report is to answer two main questions:</p><p>· What does XML Web Services consist of?</p><p>· How to develop an XML Web Service with Visual Basic 2005 and</p><p>.NET Framework 2.0?</p><p>The author’s goal was to develop a web application to manage information in</p><p>projects. It was supposed to manage different types of comments relating to</p><p>projects and activities. The web application was also supposed to be built with</p><p>service oriented architecture in mind. Information is then more easily accessed</p><p>and shared between different systems.</p><p>Ideas and suggestions were made from different people on the development</p><p>team, relating to aspects of the web application, while developing it.</p><p>The author’s work has led to a well working web application to manage</p><p>information relating to projects. Both the author and Gain IT are pleased with</p><p>the result.</p><p>The author’s personal opinion is that the web application can be improved even</p><p>more in the future. New functionality can be added to the system more easily</p><p>much thanks to XML, XSD, XSL and Web Services but also because good</p><p>programming techniques have been used.</p>

Advantages and disadvantages regarding usage of wireless systems in a warehouse setting

Brobeck, Stefan, Kalozcy, Erik January 2005 (has links)
<p>Mobile computing and wireless systems are becoming more common as wireless technology evolves. Many authors argue that wireless systems can provide advantages and value to organisations, such as increased efficiency and effectiveness. Literature also shows that wireless systems especially suits companies within the logistics industry. However, some authors also highlight disadvantages regarding these solutions, for example insufficient security.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to present advantages and disadvantages for organisations regarding usage of wireless systems in a warehouse setting, and the factors that have an influence over these advantages and disadvantages.</p><p>This purpose is fulfilled with the aid of a qualitative study at Maersk Logistics in Torsvik, Jönköping where a number of respondents were interviewed. The study began with a literature study covering different aspects of wireless systems. The literature study was used to construct an interview guide, and also as a foundation for the analysis.</p><p>The empirical study shows that the wireless system at Maersk Logistics provides value to the organisation at both the operational and management level. The effectiveness and efficiency in the daily work increases and the system generates accurate information that forms a good foundation for the decision-making process. The study also shows that precautions need to be taken when using a wireless system, since the organisation becomes very dependent on the system.</p> / <p>Mobil datoranvändning och trådlösa system blir mer och mer vanliga i och med utvecklingen av trådlös teknik. Många författare hävdar att trådlösa system bidrar med fördelar och tillför värde till en organisation, exempelvis högre effek-tivitet. Litteraturen visar även att trådlösa system är speciellt lämpade inom logistikindustrin. Vissa författare belyser dock nackdelar relaterade till de här lösningarna, exempelvis bristande säkerhet.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att presentera fördelar och nackdelar för organisa-tioner rörande användande av trådlösa system i lagermiljö, och de faktorer som påverkar dessa fördelar och nackdelar.</p><p>Syftet uppfylls med hjälp av en kvalitativ studie på Maersk Logistics i Torsvik, Jönköping där ett antal respondenter har intervjuats. Studien inleddes med en litteraturstudie som omfattade olika aspekter av trådlösa system. Litteraturstudien låg sedan till grund för konstruktion av intervjuguide och genomförande av intervjuerna, och även som underlag för analysen.</p><p>Den empiriska studien visar att det trådlösa systemet på Maersk Logistics tillför värde i en organisation både på driftsnivå och på managementnivå. Effektiviteten i det dagliga arbetet blir högre och systemet bidrar med korrekt information som bildar ett bättre underlag för beslutsprocessen. Studien visar också att försiktighetsåtgärder måste vidtas vid användandet av ett trådlöst system eftersom organisationen blir väldigt beroende av systemet.</p>

CPM - strategi : Planering, utveckling och implementering utav en övergripande Business intelligence strategi

Berntsson, Alexander January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta fram en Corporate Performance Management strategi som man kan nyttja för att ändra organisationsstrukturen till att uppnå en mer holistisk struktur med hjälp utav Business intelligence verktyg. Helt enkelt hur man skapar en helhet inom organisationen med en Business intelligence strategi. Den forskningsfråga som författaren har fokuserat mest på involverar hur man utvecklar och implementerar en CPM-strategi. De andra frågorna utreder vilka fördelar som finns med att införskaffa en CPM strategi och vilka Business intelligence verktyg som används i en CPM-strategi. I denna uppsats utförs en studie om begreppet Corporate Performance Management och kunskapsbidraget är en strategi för hur man utvecklar och implementerar CPM. Manuella sökningar efter litteratur ifrån olika bibliotek har granskats och både böcker och artiklar har hittats. Internet har självklart använts till att söka efter datorbaserad information och författaren har hittat relevanta artiklar. Forskningsfrågorna har också besvarats genom att utföra intervjuer med leverantörer och en forskare inom CPM. En kognitiv forskningsprocess har bedrivits där en inledande diskussion har inspirerat fram forskningsfrågor som har lett vidare till att en förstudie har genomförts. Informationen ifrån denna har i sin tur lett fram till en problemdiskussion, nya forskningsfrågor och ett nytt syfte.</p><p>Fördelarna med en CPM-strategi är att man kan organisera, automatisera och analysera processer och system, detta förenar organisationens olika enheter för att kunna fatta beslut som är det bästa för organisationen som helhet och gör så att användaren kan effektivisera sin arbetsdag och få mer tid för andra viktiga arbetsuppgifter med mera. En CPM-strategi består först utav att man gör en första övergripande analys av verksamheten för att kunna ta fram en strategi. Man jobbar effektivt med taktiska och operativa frågor. Därefter utvecklas en kravspecifikation vilken inkluderar en omfattande kravanalys. Viktiga moment är intervjuer med anställda samt öppna diskussioner med personalen. Nästa moment är att CPM-strategin designas genom att verksamheten modelleras upp och arkitekturen bestäms. I nästa steg utvecklar man systemet, det finns olika lösningar att ta till sig. En lösning är att använda sig utav en lokal leverantör som erbjuder en färdig standardlösning, en annan lösning är att utveckla systemet inhouse eller outsourca till ett låglöneland. Därefter så sker själva implementationen och testningen utav strategin och då finns det ett antal steg som man följer, implementationen bygger dock mycket på erfarenheter ifrån tidigare projekt och det finns inga riktiga mallar för hur detta ska ske. Personalen utbildas därefter på nya lösningar som har utarbetats, utan denna kunskap så kommer de kanske inte att kunna använda den. Då den egna verksamheten och omvärlden förändras hela tiden så måste man hela tiden ha en grupp som stödjer underhållet utav CPM-strategin. Det mest kända Business intelligence verktyget inom CPM är Excel och det vanligaste användandet är olika rapporter.</p>

External Data Incorporation into Data Warehouses

Strand, Mattias January 2005 (has links)
<p>Most organizations are exposed to increasing competition and must be able to orient themselves in their environment. Therefore, they need comprehensive systems that are able to present a holistic view of the organization and its business. A data warehouse (DW) may support such tasks, due to its abilities to integrate and aggregate data from organizationally internal, as well as external sources and present the data in formats that support strategic and tactical decision-makers.</p><p>Traditionally, DW development projects have focused on data originating from internal systems, whereas the benefits of data acquired external to the organization, i.e. external data, have been neglected. However, as it has become increasingly important to keep track of the competitive forces influencing an organization, external data is gaining more attention. Still, organizations are experiencing problems when incorporating external data and these hinder the organizations from exploiting the potential of external data and prevent them to achieving return on their investments. In addition, current literature fails to assist organizations in avoiding or solving common problems.</p><p>Therefore, in order to support organizations in their external data incorporation initiatives, a set of guidelines have been developed and contextualized. The guidelines are also complemented with a state of practice description, as a means of taking one step towards a cohesive body of knowledge regarding external data incorporation into DWs. The development of the guidelines, as well as the establishment of a state of practice description, was based upon the material from two literature reviews and four interview studies. The interview studies were conducted with the most important stakeholders when incorporating external data, i.e. the user organizations (2 studies), the DW consultants, and the suppliers of the external data. Additionally, in order to further ground the guidelines, interviews with a second set of DW consultants were conducted.</p>

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