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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

3D Navigation for Real-Time MRI using Six Degree of Freedom Interaction Devices

Gardström, Karin January 2003 (has links)
<p>Real-time MRI scanning is used to visualize tissue and organs in motion. The real-time approach requires new interaction techniques to facilitate interaction with the scanning plane. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the use of input with six degrees of freedom – 6DOF. An overview over existing 6DOF input devices is given. Three devices are chosen for implementation and evaluation, Flock of Birds, SpaceBall and SpaceMouse. </p><p>A simulator application is developed to test the different input devices. The simulator purpose is to imitate the real-time scanning situation. To be able to evaluate speed andaccuracy of the different interaction techniques, methods for measuring time and error are developed. A statistical survey is done on two different tasks to gather data of the interaction. The data is analyzed and the result is that the test subjects find the SpaceMouse superior to the other devices thanks to its kinesthetic feed-back properties and ergonomic benefits. However, the statistical data shows that Flock of Birds is the fastest device and no great difference is showed in accuracy between Flock of Birds and SpaceMouse. SpaceBall was the device that generated the least satisfying data.</p>

Simulation of a CDMA system based on optical orthogonal codes / Simulering av ett CDMA system baserat på optiska ortogonala koder

Karlsson, Andreas January 2004 (has links)
<p>To take advantage of the high speed in an optic fiber, one of the basic concept in fiber optic communication is to allow several users to simultaneously transmit data over the channel. One technique that provides multiple access is it fiber optic-code division multiple access (FO-CDMA). In FO-CDMA each user is assigned one or more signature sequences called codewords, which are subsets of a type of optical orthogonal code (OOC). The channel input/output consists of the superposition of several users codewords and at the receiver end an optical correlator extracts the information. </p><p>In the parallel code constructions, presented in this report, each user j is assigned a subset Cj from a code C. The subsets are disjoint and their union is the whole set C. A new way to map the information bits is to insert up to L zeros before each codeword from Cj and let this represent information aswell. This gives high rates for active users but an investigation is needed to ensure that this does not compromise the systems wanted property of sending information with a small probability of errors for all users. Therefore a simulation environment has been implemented in Matlab. </p><p>The result from these simulations shows that BER for the L parallel codes is acceptable and not much higher than for the traditional constructions. Because of the higher rate these construction should be preferred but an analysis if a hardware implementation is possible.</p>

Visualization of Particle In Cell Simulations / Visualization of Particle In Cell Simulations

Ljung, Patric January 2000 (has links)
<p>A numerical simulation case involving space plasma and the evolution of instabilities that generates very fast electrons, i.e. approximately at half of the speed of light, is used as a test bed for scientific visualisation techniques. A visualisation system was developed to provide interactive real-time animation and visualisation of the simulation results. The work focuses on two themes and the integration of them. The first theme is the storage and management of the large data sets produced. The second theme deals with how the Visualisation System and Visual Objects are tailored to efficiently visualise the data at hand. </p><p>The integration of the themes has resulted in an interactive real-time animation and visualisation system which constitutes a very powerful tool for analysis and understanding of the plasma physics processes. The visualisations contained in this work have spawned many new possible research projects and provided insight into previously not fully understood plasma physics phenomena.</p>

Fluid Simulation for Visual Effects / Fluid Simulation for Visual Effects

Wrenninge, Magnus January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis describes a system for dealing with free surface fluid simulations, and the components needed in order to construct such a system. It builds upon recent research, but in a computer graphics context the amount of available literature is limited and difficult to implement. Because of this, the text aims at providing a solid foundation of the mathematics needed, at explaining in greater detail the steps needed to solve the problem, and lastly at improving some aspects of the animation process as it has been described in earlier works. </p><p>The aim of the system itself is to provide visually plausible renditions of animated fluids in three dimensions in a manner that allows it to be usable in a visual effects production context. </p><p>The novel features described include a generalized interaction layer providing greater control to artists, a new way of dealing with moving objects that interact with the fluid and a method for adding source and drain capabilities.</p>

Distribution av sportevenemang via strömmande medier och webcasting / Distribution of local sporting events using advanced streaming media and webcasting

Josefsson, Samuel January 2004 (has links)
<p>Användandet av strömmande medier har ökat explosionsartat under de senaste åren. Oavsett om det sker märkbart för användaren eller inte använder sig gemene man i princip dagligen av någon form av tjänst som distribueras via strömmande medier över Internet. Det kan röra sig om allt från att lyssna på webbradio till att titta på videoklipp från nyhetsportaler eller sportsidor på Internet. </p><p>I denna rapports första del görs en kartläggning över strömmande medier rent generellt. Den läsekrets som inte är särskilt insatt i ämnet får reda på vad strömmande medier är, vilka aktörer som finns på marknaden, möjliga distributionssätt, historik med mera. </p><p>Fortsättningsvis kommer rapporten att behandla hur införandet av strömmande medier går till i teorin: hur distributionskedjan ser ut, vilka krav som konsument och producent ställer och hur man försöker att lösa problem som uppstår. Det senare leder vidare till en genomgång av bland annat streamingprotokoll, bredbandstekniker och komprimeringsstandarder för ljud och bild. </p><p>I rapportens senare del ges exempel på hur strömmande medier införs i praktiken. Här läggs speciellt fokus på användningsområdet sport och direktsändningar av sportevenemang. Konkreta exempel beskrivs och vi får även reda på hur det går till att genomföra en direktsänd sportsändning via strömmande medier. Som avslutning diskuteras tänkbara framtidscenarion och en utredning av en unikInternetsändning av en elitishockeymatch görs.</p>

Designing a user interface for web based project managment in film production. / Design av användargränssnitt för webbaserad projekthantering inom filmproduktion.

Sundström, Sofia, Thelander, Elinor January 2004 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis project is to create a user interface for a web based film production project management portal. This implies creating a site map and a functionality specification based on the needs of the people working in the film production industry. The project was made on account of The Chimney Pot, a post production company in Stockholm. For the scope of this project, the research was concentrated on the part of film production that concerns The Chimney Pot, i.e. the procedures that take place after a film has been recorded. The research also focused on people working in the area of Stockholm, even if their clients and customers in other areas of Sweden and abroad were indirectly included in order for the project portal to be a usable tool in projects where these people are involved. </p><p>Before any visible results can be seen in a web production project, a range of preparation steps needs to be taken. Planning is essential if the final product shall work properly. Extensive research has to be done into the industry. In order to make the product usable, the intended users, their requirements, work procedures and environment need to be examined. Only when there are substantial results and enough knowledge about the industry, the actual implementation can start. The first step is to make a functionality specification, next a site map should be produced and the technical architecture should be specified. These are the areas that are covered in this project, but there are also recommendations about how the further development should be made. Important aspects in the next phase are to create a budget, to put together a development team and to create a graphic user interface. In the whole process the issues of usability need to be considered, i.e. efficiency, flexibility, learnability and satisfaction. </p><p>The key requirements for the project portal turned out to be speed and effectiveness. The user interface was designed to be intuitive and to be shallow, which means that the user should be able to perform any task with the least amount of mouse clicks possible. Another intention with the produced user interface is for it to be clearly divided into the four main areas that could be extracted from the user requirements. They are planning, project details, communication and file sharing. Directly after logging on to the project portal, the user should get an overview of all these areas. Other important considerations were security, version control and seamlessness. These issues demand a thorough planning of the technical architecture and this thesis provides some useful tips for the further development of the technical specification.</p>

Digitizing the Parthenon using 3D Scanning : Managing Huge Datasets

Lundgren, Therese January 2004 (has links)
<p>Digitizing objects and environments from real world has become an important part of creating realistic computer graphics. Through the use of structured lighting and laser time-of-flight measurements the capturing of geometric models is now a common process. The result are visualizations where viewers gain new possibilities for both visual and intellectual experiences. </p><p>This thesis presents the reconstruction of the Parthenon temple and its environment in Athens, Greece by using a 3D laser-scanning technique. </p><p>In order to reconstruct a realistic model using 3D scanning techniques there are various phases in which the acquired datasets have to be processed. The data has to be organized, registered and integrated in addition to pre and post processing. This thesis describes the development of a suitable and efficient data processing pipeline for the given data. </p><p>The approach differs from previous scanning projects considering digitizing this large scale object at very high resolution. In particular the issue managing and processing huge datasets is described. </p><p>Finally, the processing of the datasets in the different phases and the resulting 3D model of the Parthenon is presented and evaluated.</p>

Analys av teknik för implementering av 3D-ljud i Gizmo3D / Analysis of 3D sound technology for implementation in Gizmo3D

Kästel, David January 2005 (has links)
<p>I takt med att datorindustrin lyckas simulera både verklighetstrogna grafikvärldar och fysika-liska modeller i realtid ställs allt större krav på ljudupplevelsen. Gizmo3D är ett verktyg för att visualisera grafik som kan integreras i VR-applikationer. Att återskapa tredimensionell datorgrafik är vardagsmat, inte minst i en gigantisk spelindustri. Men vad är tredimensionellt ljud, 3D-ljud och hur kan man involveradet i Gizmo3D som inte har stöd för det? </p><p>Rapporten försöker svara på den frågan men även belysa 3D-ljudforskningens hela be-greppsvärld, då den utgör grund för att kunna implementera ett 3D- ljudsystem. Arbetet innebär främst studier av befintliga verktyg och teknologier. Dessa mynnar ut i rekommen-dationer och egna förslag till lösningar, på viss problematik, för implementering i ett scen-grafdrivet grafiksystem, som Gizmo3D utgör.</p>

Teknisk och visuell kvalitetsutvärdering av fyrfärgsprintrar och offset / Technical and visual evaluation of print quality in four colour digital printers and offset

Beijer-Olsen, Anna, Björsund, Emma January 2005 (has links)
<p>Stora Enso är ett integrerat pappers-, paketerings- och skogsföretag som producerar finpapper, kartong samt träprodukter. Denna studie har genomförts på uppdrag av Stora Enso och utvärderar samt utreder existerande korrelationer mellan olika kvalitetsparametrar samt upplevd bildkvalitet. Det är oklart vad som påverkar den upplevda bildkvaliteten i störst utsträckning och Stora Enso ville därmed få ökad kunskap angående vilka kvalitetsparametrar som resulterar i ett gott tryckresultat. I och med digitalpressarnas utveckling introduceras papperskvaliteter med varierande egenskaper på marknaden och Stora Enso vill erhålla kunskap angående olika papperskvaliteters prestationer kvalitetsmässigt vid tryckning i olika tryckpressar. </p><p>I denna studie baserades mätningarna och analyserna, tryck- och papperstekniska samt subjektiva, på elva olika papperskvaliteter tryckta i tre tryckpressar, DC2060, iGen3 samt offset. Rapporten redovisar resultat för respektive press- och papperskombinations prestationer och eventuella korrelationer med upplevd bildkvalitet kartläggs. </p><p>Studien har visat att tryckresultatet på obestrukna papperskvaliteter påverkas av ett flertal parametrar. Mätvärden för densitet, tryckglans, färgomfångsvolym samt färgkvalitet i fulltonsytor korrelerar väl med den upplevda bildkvaliteten. Vid tryckning av obestrukna papperskvaliteter är det viktigt att välja en papperskvalitet med önskade egenskaper för tryckningen i fråga. Studien påvisar att flammighet, jämnhet i tryck samt glansvariationer inte påverkar utvärderingen av tryckresultatet vid en visuell bedömning. För bestrukna papperskvaliteter korrelerar inte några mättekniska parametrar med det upplevda bildkvalitetsresultatet på ett tydligt sätt. Detta tyder på att oavsett vilken bestruken papperskvalitet som används vid tryckning i DC2060, iGen3 eller offset så erhålls liknande tryckresultat. Detta är anmärkningsvärt då priserna på bestrukna papperskvaliteter varierar kraftigt. </p><p>De papperstekniska parametrar som verkar påverka det upplevda tryckresultatet på både obestrukna och bestrukna papperskvaliteter är först och främst papprets ytråhet samt vithet. Dessa parametrar påverkar tillsammans färgomfånget, som i sin tur påverkar färgkvaliteten i tryck. Densiteten och tryckglansen påverkas av papperets ytråhet och det var därmed inte oväntat att ytråheten och vitheten också skulle påverka den upplevda bildkvaliteten. </p><p>När det gäller pressarnas prestationer blev resultatet att iGen3 gav ett tryckresultat, oavsett papperskvalitet, som var mycket jämnt. Det kunde därmed konstateras att tryckpressen är mycket okänslig för val av papperskvalitet. DC2060 erhöll mycket höga värden för exempelvis densitet, tryckglans och färgomfångsvolym. Det förekom dock små variationer i tryckresultat. Tryckningar utförda i offset erhöll mycket låga flammighetsstörningar och låg ojämnhet i tryck. På bestrukna papperskvaliteter gav DC2060 och offset färre variationer i tryckresultat än på obestrukna papperskvaliteter.</p>

Avoiding cracks between terrain segments in a visual terrain database

Holst, Hanna January 2004 (has links)
<p>To be able to run a flight simulator a large area of terrain needs to be visualized. The simulator must update the screen in real-time to make the simulation work well. One way of managing large terrains is to tile the area into quadratic tiles to be able to work with different detailed representations of the terrain at different distances from the user. The tiles need to match with the adjacent tiles in the edge points to avoid cracks. When every tile can have a number of different levels of detail this means that the different levels of detail need to match too. This was previously done by having the same edge points in all levels of detail, giving an unnicessarily large polygon count in the less detailed levels. the method developed in this report uses different versions of borders with their own level of detail, adapting to different detail levels at the adjacent tile, reducing hte number of polygons.</p>

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